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tv   Direct Impact  RT  August 8, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EDT

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here from the united states, and i know that my friends in hiroshima, especially the a box show, the atomic bombs, survivors are very disappointed. they are much series decision to invite israel when he, thanks for joining us this the say we've got the latest episode of direct impacts. good. rick sanchez coming up next and thought about with more news in just on the 30 minutes. the the. hi everybody. i'm rick sanchez, and this is what we're going to be talking about on direct impact live in the do this with me, let's, let's do this together. would you be my roommate? and let's give this down the road. a staging a phone call. not a good look for
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a woman who wants to be the president of the united states. we're going to show it to you. this is direct impact on merch sanchez. let's do this the . all right, so let's start with the economy. there is a new crisis. this is a world crisis that brewing and it has everything to do with the us. i don't know if you've heard, but it's reached. are you ready for this number? because it's an outstanding number. $34.00 trillion dollars. $34.00 trillion dollars. that's the us step, looking what just happened by the way, in the japanese stock market and some developing news this morning and all eyes will be on wall street this morning. here's the deal. japan stock market is taking a hard fall right now. experiencing it's worst a slump in nearly 40 years dropping by nearly 12 percent. so let me tell you about
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how we got to this point. all right, the, the us that has been compounding due to the fact that we spend way more that we take in simple, right? so how do we make up the difference? we borrow money by giving people essentially bonds. and that is why there is a real concern that this us debt bubble is about the 1st. and what it does is going to have a huge global implication. why? because if we can't pay down our debt, the countries who lent us this money by buying these bonds will also go under. and we're talking about a lot of money, add a lot of countries, the most of the money, by the way. and this is interesting. most of the money comes from our top allies around the world. so now i think in terms of, you know, the position of the different countries in the world who are these top allies, right? i mean, think about this are barrier. we're here in the united states now stands at
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a 130 percent of our g d p. imagine if you ran your household budget that way within 20 years, it's expected to be to 150 percent of our g d p. imagine owing to 150 percent of what your house broke or going broke. now why is that global thrive? right? what's, what's the worst of the world have to do with us? not being able to perhaps pay its bills or being in debt? well, what do you think we owe most of that money to that we may at some point here, maybe even so not be able to pay back our allies who have bought $7.00 trillion dollars of our debt. $7.00 trillion dollars of our debt. let me, let me show you what we're talking about here. the one we owe is the most to, oh, what a coincidence? japan. one trillion dollars. now you know why their stock market is
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crashing and part the u. k. they on $716000000000.00 of our dat locks in burg accounts for $371000000000.00. canada who catches our cold. when we sneeze, they own $321000000000.00 of our debt. see, they all saw the us was a good investment, but now they're having 2nd thoughts and they're all crucial allies. by the way, look at japan, japan is the us proxy and asia, the u. k. canada that's made. all right, so get me back on camera. if you can, but, and how did the us get into this predicament? right? short answer, defense spending for endless wars that we did not win, which we may now have to rethink. i pulled together the, i look for this and found and for you,
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cuz i want to share this with you. i pulled 2023 numbers around the defense numbers, right. let me show it to you. last year, the us about $916000000000.00 on national defense. that's almost a trillion dollar defense. that is more than the next 9 countries combine. that is about one 6th of the federal budget. and it accounts for 40 percent of all global military spending. and where did we spend it? we spent it in the rock, we submitted it. i've got a stand alone, just those 2 places. accounts for 8 trillion dollars. got almost nothing and returned except, well, hate chaos. and repudiation maybe. and then we spend another to try and dollars on the fake war on terror against the, i guess, a faceless enemy, right? the interest alone that we're going to be paying as a result of that, which i just shared with you. but just paying down the debt on that alone. it's gonna be about $6.00 trillion dollars in 2056 point 5 trillion dollars in interest
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payments. if you're a us tax payer, which i am by the way, this is my pocket that they're reaching into right here. i mean, that's coming out of us and it's just not sustainable. it truly is about the blow you don't mind at all. i can say that as i think through this situation that you've not been talking about for a couple of days is about this uh, the next time that either trump or biden, or harris or president asked whoever the hell is going to be in the future set says to us, as you know, american citizens and tax payers, we need another $100000000000.00 for i don't know ukraine, south, china, sea, israel, whatever. i mean, maybe it's time. we start saying, wait a minute, we can't afford it. right? yeah, rick, i don't think we've had any president in the united states in the better part of the 20th, the last half of the 20th century. and now in the 21st century,
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that has been able to say anything like that. we've been on a runaway spending spree ever since the ninety's, you know, the hate of good old ninety's. right. but i think what's part of what's triggering this massive meltdown around the world and people are freaking out, especially if our finance airs over in japan. is that just last week? there's something called the psalm rule. yeah, so probably a psalm is, is that an obama era economist who only in 2019 figured out that there was the pattern that goes back to the 19 fifties and sixties and has been true ever since. it doesn't necessarily mean it's guaranteed to be true. but she states that she says, if it says that the, the initial phase of a recession starts when the 3 month moving average of us unemployment rate is at least half a percentage point higher than the 12 month low. so this is kind of this rolling
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movement and we've triggered that as of last week after the jobs reports. so as we enter into, you know, the, the final less than a 100 days out ahead of the selection. it boils down to the bread and butter kitchen table conversations, rec, and people all these see they don't care about what's happening in the new k. they don't really care about what's happening in the tao. what they care about is that literally their eggs are costing a gazillion dollars. their gas is costing them a gazillion dollars. yeah. heating and cooling, costing them a gazillion dollars. where's all their tax money going? there's no relief. that's what they care about. but then when you look at reception on top of it, oh boy, that's going to be a huge problem. come november. well, yeah, and a lot of the other countries who are not our allies. we don't owe us this money with the possible exception of maybe china are kind of looking their lips and going. okay. yeah. i'm talking by the bricks. countries, for example horse i, you guys are getting yourself into one hell of a whole. we told you not to do this, but you keep doing it. so let's see what happens after that. let's go to the next
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place that you should see here that your tax payer dollars, maybe going to next, right? you're going to say, well, where the, how is that? right? but i'm going to tell you in a minute why i'm saying that. but 1st, here's the situation. we're talking about bangladesh, the countries liter shake. i've seen a step down. i'm it writing that's now won't be increased still happening. we're watching it. the countries rudderless right now off in our state department sees a situation like that as a me, an opportunity to strike and take over. i fear. so look at this. i mean this, this has just been ongoing. there 300 people have so far been killed and the writing has muslims attacking in dues and then some injuries, attacking back india, which is next door, is concerned enough to recall that citizens stop all slides to and from the country . india, as a majority can do nation bangladesh as a majority. muslim nation, why am i concerned that our government is going to get involved in this situation? well, let me show you somebody as well had put them up that look at this guy right here.
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his name is mohammed unit, so we gotta wait to see mohammed units. he has all the characteristics of a state department plant in the form of a one. why don't we install that as well? petro portion code, for example, who we installed in the ukraine. he, this guy is us educated us connected to about the state department. even the white house product at the top university is a professor in the tennessee look aside from the future leader with ties to washington. what else is the recipe for? echo in places like venezuela and ukraine. why, of course, an uprising? civil unrest here june is talking about the job. you got to the street and read your boy's children by kill. you still continue with young people came for what is the police against the but i'm going back to the is the army, was treating them, giving them every day. even the yesterday there was
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a kidding of somebody. so when people, until yesterday, it's going to be forwarded. as you find that he's decided to step down because that's the one the whole country was waiting for and demanding that you speak from a steve to complete the because he has tortured us because it made this country unbelievable for people and all the corrections you has done, and all that terrible thing to have done to people denying the rights to people the right to vote. we didn't have any election for the last week that does have electric to any of the sheets. and these young people, these are the 2, turned off the top of additional $170000000.00 people. does it to young people to try to fix it? never bought it. it needs to go. there's a yes, a has a how many cars i look to him, does any? well, what, what do you think of this vanilla? i mean, look, i'm not saying anything i'm doing. i don't think anything has happened relation related to the state department, yet. it just,
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i'm so used to seeing this recipe. you know what i mean? well rick, i'm going to quote you from earlier this week. you said what it was like a duck and quacks like a dock. it's a duck. probably probably a dock. but we don't know, right, i mean, this is, i think the 1st that many people are learning about this man who was born in bangladesh and spent much of his younger formative years here in the united states of if, mr. eunice, or maybe we call him dr. us and if we looked at his resume in a vacuum, it sounds quite impressive. he received a full break scholarship to study economics at vanderbilt. he got his ph. d. there sounds like a really smart guy. he kind of, in many ways you could look at him as sort of the band, golly bernie sanders. right. and you have some 80 something year old man that for whatever reason seems to just the use the you voters or would be voters, are excited about this, this old guy that's all tied into the west,
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specifically the united states. but if you zoom out and you look at this from a geo political perspective, right, that lands on, right, got to look at the us and going well. this is interesting for the united states because then this helps them kind of counter the both india and china in that region of the world where the us has been losing a lot of grip in that area. so this gives them a great opportunity if you, if you look at it that way, course, but you know who, who he really is. we don't know. we do know that he is this nobel prize guy for giving out these micro loans that are tied to the i m f and tied to with, with, with your know sounds kinda low shortly to me, which has also come with the question. okay. finally, i want to tell you about interesting how people we know or think we know, and maybe don't. now the presidential election in the us lately. as you know, i've been very critical, a former president trump. and his campaign really seems to be taking the baby way
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too often and his doing and saying things that he probably is not helping him self by saying, well, not to be outdone, his opponent now seems to be saying, i can top that in, in this video. that i'm about to show you that was released yesterday when she picked her vice president, couple of harris comes across horribly bad and even take my dare. i say when she's at the stage, the moment when she called stage the moment. yeah, that's what i just said. when she calls are running, made and offers him the job watch live, and i want you to do this with me. let's, let's do this to. yeah. would you be my roommate and let's get this thing on the road. i would be honored vice president, the joy that you're bringing back to the country, the of these. he has a miss out there. he'll be a privilege to date this with you across the country. we're going to do this. we'll go in and we're gonna unifier and remind everyone that we are fighting for the future for everyone to look it up and get this done. okay. i'm sorry,
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but i see that i see stage. i see fake. i see somebody coming to her. and so i got an idea, i know you already told them it was the bank, but why don't you pretend to call them back and we'll record it. and i, and most people with ethics would have said no, we don't stage things that would be a lie, but she kind of swallowed it, hook, line, and sinker. and i'm sorry, maybe it's me. maybe it's because i'm a journalist and i was trained and thought differently. but or maybe was the fact my parents out on me. that's b. s. you don't do stuff like that. and if, and if she's wanting to lie about that, what else is you want to lie about? i don't know, i'm a no, am i going overboard here? well rick, i, i agree with you and, and i, i, i think all those points are valid, however. yeah. however, let me play devil's advocate here. i have been in washington for quite some time, and i would argue that that this is just par for the course that all the politicians do stuff like that. everything is kind of stage every,
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any time they give an interview, everything's kind of already, you know, primed for them. so this is no different. but on top of that, you add that in 2024. the world lives on tick tock and social media. and you have to get that message out in this 32nd little video. and this is what this the thing we just saw with with cala harris and waltzes made for that is made to, to circulate on social media. so they kind of have to do it and the sad thing is the young people that are on tick tock or instagram or whatever, they know it's b. s. but they, it still resonates with them. and this is where the harris campaign wants to go is grab that, you vote that that biden had last call me crazy. but i will say this, i've now been in this business for something like 30 years graduated from the university of minnesota. eric summarized school of journalism. how 1980 or something like that. i have never in my life allowed anyone to know what i was
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gonna ask them before i sat down and interviewed them. i have never set my questions to anyone before i did an interview. it's out of seem it to me it's, it's an estimate of me. it's not what i stand for. it's not what journal is do. i don't stage, i don't state things and you know what? i like. oh, i see. when i look in the mirror, i don't like what i just saw in that video. so i stand behind, i just love the middle. i will talk again tomorrow. breakfast that hey, this is why they're in dc and not hollywood. they're terrible actors or, or, or maybe because they're not real and they're not journalists, so we'll see you tomorrow. thanks kim. so we're, we're going to take a quick break, but you know what? when we come back i, i want to talk to somebody who i'm always interested in talking to about some of the same issues that we were just talking about with manila. cuz he's got a very well this is what he does. he's an analyst idea of political analyst uh we're gonna be talking to marshall bowden. he is standing by golly and he and i are going to go after this in just a little bit lot to talk about including israel and iran, which we didn't touch on. so stay right there. we're going to be right back on
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the magenta itself. the gaining independence and from the form of the ivory coast, remained under the strong influence of its foam and metropolitan pro friendship president. felix, who said one year, ruled the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest to from the dead, the gun on deed isn't in the trunk. then there's also including his foster ladies, chestnut goods was douglas, who saw him a lot more appropriate after the death of move a one year, a new lead to long come back. bo came to power and i'm ready to double for example
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. yeah, curious to know if we're picking up from or they're gonna use it isn't good enough for me to one is the one the problems immediately deemed good luck. boeing, enemy, a deep political crisis is huge. walk a, the country 2nd largest city, turned into us theater of law. we dies from 130 to the other 2 point the little song about this. how did the dramatic events unfold? and how is block a recovering from? he is a bloody conflict. watch on. odd. see the alright, let's get to it. my next guest is a uh, international relations expert security expert political analyst, the mark toyota is good enough to join us now to talk about some of the things that
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are going on in the way make. maybe we start with the election here in the united states. i know you're not in the united states, but i'm wondering how you're viewing this thing right now. obviously a lot of mistakes. i think maybe you would disagree with me on the part of uh, a former president trump and that he's been taking the bait and talking about things that i don't think are helping him. and then we have this incident today with comma harris. essentially, just, i think staging something that is way beneath somebody who wants to hold that high office. your thoughts. i'm eminently amused, and a little bit sad, and that this is what the choice that the american people are presented with to choose as, as their leadership for the next 4 years. donald trump, or kamala harrison, is that really all that the american political system, you know, the $300.00 plus 1000000 people and, and that's what it comes down to. it's, it's, it's
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a little disappointing. and i think right now that the power vacuum that exists in the white house with the corpse of uncle bernie. i mean, uncle biden propped up by jake sullivan and anthony blanking is just not convincing . and a lot of countries around the world sense this power vacuum, this lamest of lame dock us presidencies. and it's, it's clear that kamala harris is not in charge and doesn't seem capable of taking charge. yeah, for the remainder of the bite in, nor biden's handlers administration of a lot of countries you're looking to take advantage of that. you know, i gotta give her this though. she takes direct stage directions. well, in not in that interview that i showed today, that was horrible. but but, but generally speaking, i think she's gaining in the polls because she's listening to these producer slash
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advisors or tell her where to stand, where to sit, where the law could have call on. and she was holding around doing that. unfortunately, none of that is real and when she gets into the real job, it's got to be real. no one stages for you how to have a conversation with a she or put me or mowdy or any of those guys. so, you know, it's, you're right. it's a little troubling at this point, and i'll tell you who is a lot more likely to eat the bind administration or what's left of it and her alive . she doesn't need to worry about me or mowdy or asian thing. she needs to worry about benjamin netanyahu because he's the one right now that senses the weakness and feels that he has the rains right now to, to just drive us here there, wherever he wants it. what, what do you think is going on there?
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yeah, i've been reading a lot lately and i know you do too about the internal situation inside of the inside of israel and there's a lot of in finding there. and it does seem like the met the yahoo, or the betting gets faction these hard line. more guys are winning, and they're taking the country to a place that i think will hurt both of them in the end and the united states. what are your thoughts? well unfortunately i, i think the majority of his railey politics in one form or another, whether they backing that yahoo personally or gant's or their of a very, shall we say right wing, re your guess fro uh, you know, hospitality a political spectrum right now. so it almost doesn't make a difference whether it's that yahoo or ganz or someone else. but if you take
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a look at it, israel in the past 2, roughly 2 weeks has attacked young man who has attacked lab a non has attacked syria. and now they've attacked in an extremely embarrassing provocation. e. ron assassinating the lead diplomat, who was negotiating supposedly pushed by the united states with israel. uh, north of a hostage. is she? yes, yes. i mean, we're told support and ministration said we're serious about as these fire we're pushing it and then what israel, the sides of the us backs just the fascinated the chief diplomat negotiating a ceasefire supposedly on the other side. yeah. does. does anyone take the us seriously with, with their reaction to this? any rod, i mean, muslim culture guest right is sacred. he was,
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i guess the state just for the inaugural nation of their new president, my sued, possess key and we're told is supposed to be a reformer who wanted to employee relations with the west. well, there's no, there's not going to be any ceasefire and gods, and now there's not going to be any peace, whether you're on an israel seems to be trying to just start in a range all conflict gratian packing all of their neighbors. and the primary target of all of these prob occasions and attacks it is not a ron, and it's not home us. it's you. yeah. well, do you remember the people, the pin, the u. s. government but the but the prayer trying to draw all the us into a direct war with the rom that has always been there. a sab, that's sadly there's this close to it by the way, just to put a period on your point. i mean,
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the israelis and prime minister that would say that they insist then he came here instead of all we want is those hostages back we want those hostages back. let me just ask if he really wanted those hostages back, why would he assassinate the guy who's negotiating with the get the hostages back? think about that as crazy. then you don't really want the hostages back. i would imagine, right? i mean, yeah, it's not a priority, it's not, it's definitely not a priority for you though they make it just the polls all say that as soon as the conflict is over, the israeli people would like to see him gone. well, he's got every political motivation to continue the conflict. far into the future, he senses a complete power vacuum in the white house. the us congress just granted his genocide with 58 blood shilling ovation. he feels newly empowered and he sees a golden sun rise in the distance. that is
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a trump vance presidency. trump 2 point oh that will support him even more than the by the administration to speaking of support. we're down to a minute, but i'm wondering what your thoughts are on ukraine. i know the way things are moving there right now. it looks just like a slaughter for russia, but there's talks of a deal. uh people talking. do you think we're close to that? no. no, no, no, we're, no, we're even close to really oh, no one's talking seriously about it. it's all just noise. so background data, so you don't think so. lensky is in such a week in the state that he has, he, he will eventually capitulate to something even just allowing a conversation to happen with russians. because up to now he just talked to himself . no, i don't believe there's any possibility of peace anywhere. and in the near future if he tried to, if he wanted to. and i don't believe he does. but if he tried, you would be killed by his own band to ride fascists and ultra nationalists. and
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they've threatened him again in the last month that if he engages in negotiations, but i think he's internalized at all at this point. and he's, he's absorbed every thing the west coast and pumped him up to be and uh he has, he has no intention. no, he's not even safer. beloved conceiving of an exit ramp. yeah, i guess it's good to be the king. even if you weren't chosen. um, but you're always a pleasure to talk to my friend we're out of time. we'll see you on the next time. thanks for having me. that's our shop. remember to always be looking outside your own box truths. they don't live in boxes. we like to say i'm rick sanchez, will be looking for you next to the the, the do the to at that point. but at the extra a month,
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i thought she sat there for the show and then it will be a job to loss mitigation of all of it is intended for the defense. i see for several of the setup button and not to mention the 2 months. did you lose it asked for that? if i see the media, i love people, there's only 2 reason to do say, when you see the video camera in tempe, most of us are going to be present the day before the monday. i'm going to work it on stimulus the industry on is it? what's money will process the left? so should william farmer shots might give us who we have called glass door to door or decision they might not be able to was that man was the ones that ridiculous funds. i put it in the midst of them one today and but you know, so that's what it is that something that i mean shows those are pretty sharp journals on page to refresh the screen. those are the best do what i mean. there's a push out
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the, the headlines, hundreds of ukrainian truth have lost the lines of the cost region in the pulse 24 hours. the russian ministry of defense those, those days clear. the tendency for steve is the russian territory has been withheld by the soul. the soul of itself saves the clothes for the operation, was intended to strengthen its position in any future. peace told with most that if you negotiate them, rush them, they will still consider that they dominate. they can be pushed only the understand the war is not going according to their script. and most go to class. ukraine's attack was conducted with garlands approvals from the west. that's just the us on the you defend key as a parent wide target.


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