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tv   News  RT  August 8, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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of the more than $600.00 ukrainian troops have died in russia's cursed regions since the start of moscow's counter offensive. the russian ministry of defense says he has attempts to push deeper into russian territory, has been supported. despite the stalled assault, king of itself says the cross border operation was intended to strengthen his position in any future peace dogs with moscow. if you negotiate them, rush them, they will still consider that the gentleman that they can be pushed only the understand that the war is not going. according to their scripts, moscow declares the cranes attack was carried out with silent approval from the west. as, as the us and the
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e u. defend kids apparent right to target russian territory. also, it has been looked at hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people have been a number of people out of the parties. correspondent reports from the heart of nairobi where demonstrators collapsed with police and demand of the resignation of the canyon at presidents. the, you're watching archie international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. were covering the top new stories from around the world. we start with breaking news coming in from russia's build a rod which has reportedly been attacked by ukraine according to local authorities, one civilian was killed and, and verified reports say there have been several explosions. we will continue to update you with the latest on this developing new story. and so this comes as keeps
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his last over 600 that trips in the curse bridge, in the sense russian forces began to repel the late as the border attack. that's according to the russian defense ministry. speaking on ukraine's failed attempts to progress further into russian territory during the day ukrainian forces last up to 400 soldiers and 32 armored vehicles since the beginning of hostilities in the cursed region. ukraine has suffered loss is up to $660.00 soldiers and $82.00 armored vehicles, including a tanks, basically personnel wise. it means about 2 thirds of the initial or $8000.00 men. strong. garrison of the cranium proves that cross the russian border. the ukrainian armed forces, they all know we do have reserved on stand by across the board in ukraine. is that not all of them, in fact, off for most of them have you thrown into bottles. so it doesn't mean that the fighting is, is almost over. in fact,
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it's the opposite. it could be just the beginning, and we are waiting hear the response of the, of the ukrainian militants. and they'll be ukranian, come on to the destruction of the majority of their initial guys and by the russian troops. so it seems, the situation is bound to escalate for them. well, interestingly enough, he did not rush to coleman's efforts here in the course region. and uh, i mean, it is a large scale operation. but in a fast public good commentary, by a high profile, the free individual, he has revealed that this opperation has the goal of basically strengthening ukrainian positions in the future. peace negotiations have a lesson. they, they have a war that is gradually moving deeper into russia. will the scale of them? yes. did they react to anything else besides fear? no, it is finally time to realize this. russia perceives any compromises weakness and
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readiness to me before it. and if you negotiate on rush them, they will still consider that they dominate, including indian negotiation process. they can be pushed only they understand that the war is not going according to their script system. but given the, again, the scale of the operation of flu slice, this is the full in move spike t if as they realize that they have lost the ground in the height of the region, they are still rapidly losing the ground in the nest region. and generally, all across the front, the situation is not bright for, for your brain. and these games that they have made in the 1st page and on does that. they are trying to build up on, it seems like they're of only and it could be the finally short of the ukrainian authorities and they'll be ukranian, come on. is a better deal with moscow. both the you and the u. s. claim that they were kept in
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the dark about this military operation by the ukranian come on. but the european union has repeatedly said that it resolves the rights for ukraine to defend itself . however, it means necessary. so they have in general, supported this incursion. the you continues to fully support ukraine's legitimate right to defend itself against the russian aggression and its efforts to restore its sovereignty and territorial integrity. ukraine has a legal right to defend itself, including striking and aggressor on its territory. so united states as well, have said that they will be reaching out to cuba for and the, for an official party for their official position. and just for, for a comment as to what exactly is going on. but again, they did not condemn what has been going on here that you did not to about my civilian casualties. they did not talk about ambulance, at least one ambulance being hit. they did not talk about civilian cause and civilian homes being destroyed and specifically targeted by the ukrainian now
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tillery and ukrainian small on spot. they completely ignore the fact that during the 1st 2 days of incursion, a whole monastery was destroyed while at least 15 people were taking shelter that it's not unusual for the ukrainians, not to notify us of their exact tactics before. um, before they execute them. sometimes we're in communications about them, sometimes we're not and that's, it's appropriate for them to make those decisions. all answered this way. nothing about our policy is change and with the actions that they are taking today, they're not in violation of a policy. so all this nato made and especially american produce, then supplied weapons, used to this to destroy civilian targets, to kill civilians, to a life with the military personnel that did not have time to evaluate any any restrictions . and a red line that washington had previously put in front of the kids. now, as for the russian official diplomatic reaction, well, of these folks women for the russian ministry of 4. and if, as marizza, how do i have said that in fact this ministry in cash and does not really support
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and does not really reinforce kids. uh previous was in previous intentions that they indicated that they wanted peace. all these bloody crimes are taking place against a background of cynical silence on the part of the west, which continues to cover up for its puppets and key of all. this only strengthens the sense of impunity, of the ukrainian neo nazis for confident that they can get away with any atrocity we call on the international community not to stand by and to resolutely condemn the criminal actions of the key of regime a lot is its vague here to phlegmatic late, but again, the russian chief of the general stuff i need to get out of some of on wednesday was very adamant and unequivocal about what russia intends to do here. and that is to throw the ukrainian on forces back to the, to the board. the russia do is it does. so when it does so, then it could be in that case, it is over. but again,
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we can not know what's on the secret maps on come on points. what lines generals on both sides have drawing on them, but we will sadly stand by here to reports on every development. locals from the embattled region are posting videos of their evacuation as they flee the tents. areas, bullet written vehicles and damaged houses to fill the scenes. here's just some of the footage. why do we go dry and picked up some passengers with a dog along the way? the car is full, more people want to come, but there's no room head machine gun noice today. that's why we decided to leave the noise is probably from the drones. not sure they were flying around at night. yeah, definitely. i know that was look windows uh shots, a good car though. they really hit displays hard. look at this. oh my god, what's going on here? oh, the wheels show out windows to see all the costs are damaged. let's get out of here
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quickly. with all the wheels shown out with those to be around about everything here is that much to call. so stand. they still look at this field. yeah . every face hits mines. do you see the mines lying around? yes. yes. customize the so many of them. well you go and man, no preparation whatsoever is and all the damage cost. how much lying around? totally military. this is all done to deal as you vehicle. that's it. hopefully we'll get solid safely locating the windows here broken up. so we live in the ukraine in troop attack on the russian territorial border of the bill. of course the monastery came under fire with several months lucky to escape here. so how monk them and tell us whose companions eventually died that describes the frightening experience. of course the most would that's
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h a i'm the stall to shelly while we were having latency. the shelling was most likely from a tank direct fire. we all in suppose to stop village a g, and they did not stop by the, the strong costs from 8 to 11 in the morning. the goods, all the new church next to us, we continue the service. there was no way to hi is the one they'll probably send us the stopped coming long ago during the shelling it became obvious that there was about a minute between the blows. i said, we must have on this minute off to 11. the drill and the tech started. they realized we were hiding and started to hit the windows. we were in the basement for 24 hours. there was no lights. we were running out of water. we decided to leave all the costs were destroyed. drones were constantly flying the training and all me has the lots of them. we climbed atalla and contacted cause we were told that we bus around that we decided to fight our way out. remember we had elderly people with us, so we couldn't leave on foot. we found the call and rushed off. they realized that
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we were coming and we're already waiting you praying and soul just stopped us. the mom did all the documents. they took away my phone, my laptop, and started looking for anything related to the rocks and all me. there was a man with me in common flaws. they put him face down on the ground and wanted to kill him, but he was disabled. i showed them all, all bags, they took all our equipments money, but there wasn't much let us go india and withdrawal from the subject. there was not to solve that, which we collapse and slowly drove to cost. now we are preparing to bury you. franz was into call with me. she died victoria during the attack on the occurs ranging over now in the russian military correspond that was hit by a ukrainian f tv drone. if guinea pardieu, ne, was taken to the hospital a severe burns and many other serious injuries, he was later transported to moscow by helicopter for further treat. it's
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a foreign ministry spokesman condemns the assault on the journal as saying the cabbage team has effectively declared an armed media personnel as a priority target, which violates geneva conventions. well, and a 1st hospital do nice condition was stabilized and he was able to send a message personally so everything will be fine. excellent doctors. they're doing their job perfectly. thank you for your concern. i always worry about you too . we will definitely we, victor, we will be ours. how does cross live now to thomas pen, former us army non commissioned, the officer thomas king of is claiming this attack was intended to strengthen its negotiating position in a potential peace negotiations. so why now, what is the timing of this attack? a signal to you? why don't think it gives them much leverage. and while i'm in, in 1st and foremost, the most important thing in this con, flexes,
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understanding what it's real about really about it's, it's really a conflict between united states and, and russia. and that's, that's, that, that's what's at the core, the, this conflicts. and that's the united states, really trying to position itself to protect the us dollar, which gives the, the us government wherever, from which it arrives, all its power, you know, the same as a german military, uh, technician, a car phone calls and its he wants to talk you know, war is just a continuation of politics by other means. and in this case, i mean it's really, this is the case. and i don't think key of has much this thing in the matter of the idea that the didn't discuss this previous. so, you know, with washington, that washington, no idea, it's just ridiculous on the face of it. i don't see how strengths and strengths insert position. it's only going to anger,
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rush of the russian public. no russians and all they think, i just don't see. i don't see that happening. i don't, i don't see how gives them the strength just has them better than they were before you get. do you believe that your crime doesn't give us prior notice of his intention to carry out this attack on the curse region? i mean, and, and why? i mean, what would that signifier if, if, in fact they didn't, is care of trying to step out of view as a shadow. now, i mean, i really think, i mean, we're talking about from, from the reports. i've heard some say it's a battalion sized element that moved in in the press region, and the reports were kind of sketchy. at the moment my were talking about that was due to using a u. s. weapons that using german made weapons time the, the idea that the washington was not informed to of the southern incursion into the territory. the russian federation is it's just that laughable search in washington
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knew what was going on here. there's definitely no way they weren't. they weren't informed or weren't aware and didn't approve it. yeah. thomas, thousands of civilians, us as we know, have been displaced and dozens more injured in this border attack. if this is indeed the cabs way of trying to gain leverage and theoretical negotiations have justified, are these tactics? i mean, this is a military conflict after all. so they're going to try to do anything that they they can possibly do to stay. i look at is more of an attempt to create internal paths with inside of the russian federation to aggravate the russian president flooding reporting. and i think they did want to try to force him into responding and some way that could potentially dawn, him more support from all the other nations in the world,
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by the next donations that they really want to throw him off his game and he's played it pretty well, so far he said enough to you guys have a steady hand, he hasn't overreacted the idea, i mean, is really to keep them there to keep these forces. it's more like a war of attrition. at this point there's no i wouldn't expect even a clear winner possibly. and in the traditional military sense that we come to know, you know, i mean, the idea is for let the needle blood i mean, worst has their that's what to ukraine, is just an extension of, of the nato forces. at this point, the extent station of washington and let them extend the resources to their treasure and ukraine. a financial, i think were coming up on a new situation in the united states, especially in and world finance. western finance swear central banks got they got to change their to put your stance on, especially on the interest rates. i think this could lead to inflation or period in
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the, in the western world. and popular support is already waiting for you to train that which is to intensify that further. and i think that, you know, we put in as a potentially i think he has that in his sites. okay. alright, we're gonna leave it there. thomas penn, from a us army non commissioned officer. thomas. thank you. a new wave of protests has gripped the canyon capital with people taking it to the streets, demanding president william re toes resignation. the gunshots could be heard earlier. the fresh riots broke out again in the capital nairobi despite earlier demonstration and a nationwide demonstrations forcing president rita to you turn on propose to tack sites that's the retail,
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withdrew the contested finance bill in june just in day after parliament was briefly stormed. instead of blaze with thousands of people losing their lives in classes with some of these are to correspond that can, that's a monday brings us the latest from the hearts of nairobi. of the study says that being looked at top hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people have been a number of people out of state. and we see that for me, these are living in always not knowing where that kids are. the purpose that we have been witnessing in the country hands on a stem with though from the contribution for non speed of a 2024 diesels we bought in june when the government and the government in parliament, of course, proposed a bill to be sent it into little that had posted a commission that would mean that multiple a shout would be mounted on there already the city then. so we're having tough times even to meet that day. mean that was the dimension of what to a,
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what aimed at is being able to afford more taxes to be able to be the huge amount of loans at that at these countries, owing to the image. now, when these allstate emissions what introduce you to define us to be of frequent before before and got before and got and people took you through the streets because what they was saying is that the government is aiming at increasing the amount of taxes. but in the time what out of the city been seen is there um, is that would it be some of these the, uh, uh, some of these uh for the money that they are paying? absolutely. no, no, that's in got to do people on the a. so people taking you to the street, not only here it will be, but it was all over the country in different parts of the country in different towns in different cities, people to people this treat, saying that they are rejecting different nights with di and of course when the press out was increased, we sold the government,
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the president with the growing the con provider and finance be. and of course, a number of schools have said that these finance b was not drafted in kenya was not drafted by, came down to a certain drafted for canyons. the it is assumed that, of course, it is a legends that these 5 months be that they'll say to most of the one drafted by it may have to be able to, um, to get, to be able to collect the boxes, to be able to pay the huge amount of loans that we are owing to them. so all these properties of these, it purpose add add the only begun from the contribution for nonce below print with the full weight is neglige, allegedly said that these are from the i m if they also have dimensions. what from the i am, if good for all these problems, most of these problems that we have seen our own. i knew this to be from i m s, we have lost faith with that present. he came up when he came into pressure to see we had all 4 point expectations. they caught him and wasn't performing the policy
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form in the past plus, everything wasn't performing, but we've been 2 years so he's had misplaced them. he has missed monday. did they come to me here by the end of the texas, and we don't see in the meaningful infrastructure. but the thing is that got some sales to people have lost faith and that's why we oppose testing the thing that the only solution we have. we have lost what we call social contracts, so they play then she'll get to bucket. i'm the go best for the. that's the way we're about testing how, what up and seeing the evidence of the police show. uh they did say that a bit key or freedom is what type we blocked it is. i'm a and it is the black and the indies that is in the more to visiting us to push to move that he must to go. because we only fighting for those why end up? i'm those websites because if windows push, i'm the chief, the objective, then those old days will update the invading yes. across the u. k.
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thousands of anti racism demonstrators have taken to the streets to counter right wing raleigh's, with a new wave, reportedly planned for thursday nights, communities for preparing to defend at numerous locations, including refugee charities, and visa processing centers that online sources. a ledge are targets for violence. people standing up to the riders say right wing forces simply found a pretext for violence. a st. joseph dodson, kevin silver, them with a no need to 10 people involved in it. the to the for the once broke out and the u. k. last week when protest is flooded, freed supplies thing with police and setting fire to hotels,
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hosting asylum seekers. angry reaction follow that the swift spread of misinformation about the religious police and the birth place of a 17 year old. suspected of sapping and killing 3 young girls in southport, on july 29th of a 400 people had been arrested in the brutal protest. so they've taken hold in the country for commenting on the unfolding crisis. entrepreneur eli moscow suggested the u. k. is facing a civil war and allegation, the u. k. premier's office quickly dismissed must fund even further labeling at time in a secure storm or hash tag to tear tear inferring that police deal with right wing protest more forcefully than those organized by the left. as drummer reacted saying the response by law enforcement depends on the situation's needs. like to take place like there is police thing without fear, little favor, exactly as it should be. exactly what i would expect and require. so that is a known issue. the focus here is no totally
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a power of motivation. of anybody involved in this, this is not protest, receive violence violence. alas, crates being inflicted on targeted on communities. are we not going to tolerate that in this country? all right, let's get more on this story now. from journalist and in my grubby dot org editor, martin j. martin, do you think this is a trends here in, in the u. k, with groups becoming stirred up over crimes that are perceived to be committed by people of migrant or origin? and perhaps muslim the muslim religion, it will show a component of trends, but it's very wondering that it may well become one that they will be something the repeats itself. increasingly because we have a new level of government, 9 in the u. k which it showed quite quite clearly that it has no intention whatsoever of tossing immigration problem head. busy and rather prefers,
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in the case of severe salma to blame, right? when groups on the rights and the mean search and see what across the country girls . and actually, i'm talking the problem on the shoals of, of the south of really let me see folks of us on chic is coming of some friends and trying to gain access to the country. and so well for the system is the response from many of these uh, full white, disenfranchised people. uh right across the new england is, is, has one. yes. from the beginning, we can understand the result that you know, for years and years they have felt sidelines and my phone breaks. it's on the 2016, a message to the government to consider some time to do something about integration . nothing's don't watch sports. so that's a long time to now. so you know, the situation is become some want to out of control of martin these riots broke out
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after the war. it's like attack and murders of those 3 little girls that happened in the end of july. and the suspect originally it was rumored that he was a migrant. he was born in the u. k. of rwandan origin. do you think we would have a similar reaction if the suspects ethnic origin were not rwandan? so i think the issue is about racing is about a very, very strong sensibility in person, which is not necessary towards immigrants per se, most specifically towards mostly there isn't on too much in hatred in many of these communities. and that was the issue with, with the photos that were mothers, they've discovered later on the, as mrs. he also was about to try to go through these. his parents come to u k. um joined plugins and tony, but had this idea of the new multicultural person that went beyond the normal
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premises on world congress. and so that was right. but what happened was that's when the attack. huh. it dismissed reported to be a listen person. i think um, when we looked at it, we put on the default lot, we can see clearly but certainly social media and impacts and certainly social media, this information on social media, which by to very quickly i had a real impact on those. right. so those rights was really a tinderbox waiting to come up. i just need to spot on this particular model of a spot because it is believed to come from missing goods. the other interesting points about this information is that we're kind of know the fact that a little bit was fred, but far right groups who have a specific agenda in the u. k, which is known as i said earlier, entirely against immigration. 9 time he gets an assignment because the general
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seeking seeking new lives in english as for specifically against muslim son. so because of that has also been instigated and there's been a certain catalyst for fun, finding the frames and the racist from this world. because as well supports a number on the far right groups, number of follow rights leaders. so just tell me what was it, for example, who of whose main agenda, his main res i'm veteran, is to instigates and propagate races further based on the hatred and spreading hatred offers. it's. all right, well what they're martin is a journalist and my grubby dot org editor martin. thank you. well, how many units has been officially sworn in as head of the bank? where does she care? take her government after weeks a violent protests forced former prime minister, shake casino to resign, and flee to india. then trim later was living abroad when his appointment was
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announced. units gained global notoriety in 2006 when he won the nobel peace prize for introducing a micro loans and scheme for the poor. into the 2007, he attempted to establish a political party, but it did not gain enough attraction. he has received the us presidential medal of freedom and that congressional gold medal, the highest civilian awards, and united states unit has also been linked to the national endowment for democracy . a us congressman sponsored and g o associated with color revolutions around the globe. well, this comes as the protests in bangladesh continue with a number of debts reaching several 100 since last month. earlier this week, protest her storms, the parliament building and looted the former prime ministers of residence. we spoke to being a secret, a former high commissioner of india or bangladesh. she says the former prime minister was at loggerheads with the west long before the protest started. in my view, we'll just do this activity and then you go with the find the best,
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but it was used going to be very as a cut off for what happened. finally, from the d that she can see now has negative entry on monday, this monday for the example, you know, if you've seen a large number of changes is being announced and we don't know who, because there's no doubt and there's no problem in buying that. the issue, the compete of not key. i'm the changes in the army genes in the previous gigi than the rabbit acting medallion. and come together with this huge amount of unacceptable widens in the countryside. and they've been attacks on many of the, of, on many, many in the dozens they have lost their lives, they've been deleted and they're being very, very shop shop and strong adapts on. uh, the you know, communities in the village who invested getting people i've been getting and i'm from a to b and hung from a bridge. it is really the russ signed or do you mean mama judith has come back to dr.


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