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tv   News  RT  August 8, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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the discovery of the world, or other, such as the more than $600.00 ukrainian troops have died in russia's 1st regions since the start of moscow's counter offensive. the russian ministry of defense says he has attempted to push deeper into russian territory, has been in florida. despite the stalled assault tm, says the cross border operation was intended to strengthen its position in any future peace talk with moscow. if you negotiate them, rush to they will still consider that they dominate. they can be pushed only they understand the worst, not going according to their script. moscow condemn is key of is to attack on the cursed creeds insane it's comparable to state sponsored terrorism. we are currently witnessing the terrorist methods firsthand during the attacks by ukrainian
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militants on the course region carried out with weapons supplied by the west. any size that being looked at 500 on hundreds and hundreds of people have been a number of people. part of the receipt and our case correspond, it reports from the heart of nairobi were demonstrators clash with police and the man to the resignation of the canyon. presidents news coming to you from our headquarters in moscow. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching archie international. we start with breaking news and rushes belgrade, which has were part of they've been attacked by ukraine, according to local authorities, one civilian was killed and 2 more injured and verified reports say there have been several explosions. do stay was r t, as we continue to update you with the latest on this developing new story. so this
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comes as cap as last over $600.00 troops in the cursed region since russian forces began to repel the latest border attack. that's according to the russian defense ministry. speaking on ukraine's failed attempts to progress further into russian territory during the day ukrainian forces last up to 400 soldiers and 32 armored vehicles since the beginning of hostilities and the cursed region. ukraine has suffered loss is up to 660 soldiers and 82 armored vehicles, including a tanks, basically personnel wise, that means about 2 thirds of the initial uh, 8000 mense from garrison of the ukrainian proves that cross the russian border. the ukrainian on forces, they all know we do have reserves on stand by across the board in ukraine and that not all of them are packed off for most of them have being thrown into bottles. so it doesn't mean that the fighting is almost over. in fact, it's the opposite. it could be just the beginning,
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and we are waiting hear the response of the, of the ukrainian militants. and they'll be ukranian, come on to the destruction of the majority of their initial guys and by the russian troops. so it seems the situation is bound to escalate for them. well interestingly enough, he did not rush to coleman the efforts here in the course region on the, i mean it is a large scale operation. but in a fast public good commentary, by a high profile, the for you and official, he has revealed that this opperation has the goal of basically strengthening ukrainian positions in the future. peace negotiations have a lesson. they, they have a war that is gradually moving deeper into russia. will this scale them? yes. did they react to anything else besides fear? no, it is finally time to realize this rush up is these any compromises weakness and readiness to me before 8. and if you negotiate on rush them,
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they will still consider that they dominates, including the end of negotiation process. they can be pushed only they understand that the war is not going according to their script. given the again, the scale of the operation of flu. it's like this is the full in move spike t if as they realize that they have lost ground in the height of the region, they are still rapidly losing the ground in the nest region. and generally all across the front. the situation is not bright for, for your brain. and these games that they have made in the 1st page and on to that they are trying to build up on. it seems like they're of only, and it could be the finally short of the ukrainian authorities and they'll be ukranian some on this back to deal with moscow. both the you and the u. s. claim that they were kept in the dark about this milledgeville operation by the ukranian come on. but the european union has repeatedly said that it resolves
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the rights for ukraine to defend itself. however, it means necessary. so they have, in general, supported this intelligence. the you continues to fully support ukraine's legitimate right to defend itself against the russian aggression and its efforts to restore its sovereignty and territorial integrity. ukraine has a legal right to defend itself, including striking an aggressor on its territory. so united states as well have said that they will be reaching out to cube for and the, for an official party for their official position i just for, for a comment as to what exactly is going on. but again, they did not condemn what has been going on here that you did not to about my civilian casualties. they didn't know to about ambulance or at least one ambulance being hit. they did not talk about civilian cause and civilian homes being destroyed and specifically targeted by the ukrainian artillery and ukrainian small arms fire. they completely ignore the fact that during the 1st 2 days of incursion,
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a whole monastery was destroyed while at least 15 people were taking shelter that it's not unusual for the ukrainians, not to notify us of their exact tactics before. um, before they execute them. sometimes we're in communications about them, sometimes we're not nets, it's appropriate for them to make those decisions. i'll answer it this way. nothing about our policy is change and with the actions that they are taking today, they're not in violation of a policy. so all this nato made and especially american, produced and supplied weapons used to this to destroy civilians, august, to kill civilians, to a life was military personnel that did not apparently violate any any restrictions and anti red lines that washington had previously put in front of cuba. now, as for the russian official diplomatic reaction, well, of these folks women for the russian ministry of foreign affairs marie has a heart about has said that in fact this military intelligence does not really
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support and does not really reinforce kids. uh previous was in previous intentions . that they indicated that they wanted peace. all these bloody crimes are taking place against a background of cynical silence on the part of the west, which continues to cover up for its puppets. in key of all this only strengthens the sense of impunity, of the ukrainian neo nazis for confident that they can get away with any atrocity we call on the international community not to stand by and to resolutely condemn the criminal actions of the key of regime a lot is its vague here to phlegmatic late, but again, the russian chief of the general stuff i need to get out of some of on wednesday was very adamant and unequivocal about what russia intends to do here. and that is to throw the ukrainian on forces back to the, to the board and the russia do is it does. so when it does so, then it could be in that case, it is over. but again, we cannot know what's on the secret maps on come on points. what lines generals on
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both sides have drawing on them, but we will certainly stand by here to reports on every development. locals from the embattled region are posting videos of their evacuation as they flee the tents area as a bullet rid in vehicles and damaged houses. fill the scenes. here's just some of the footage or do we go dry and picked up some passengers with a dog along the way? because most people won't call them there, but there's no room head machine gun noise today. that's why we decided to leave the noises probably from the drones. not sure. they were flying around at night. yeah, definitely. i know with that, look windows shot to good car though. they really hate this place hod looked at this. oh my god, what's going on here? oh, the wheels showed all the windows to see all the cost of damage. let's get out of here quickly. with all the wheels not shown out. we'll still be around about
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everything here. is that much to cause us stand? they still look at this field. yeah. everything is hits mines. do you see the mines lying around? yes. yes, customized us so many of them. well you go in man no preparation whatsoever. here's another demo scars thomas line, the wrong color of the military. this is all done deal as you vehicle. that's it. hopefully you will get solid, safely locating the windows here, broken up, i beat them in the ukrainian trip attack on the russian territorial border of the battle. gorski monastery come out, came under fire with several monks lucky to escape. here's the monkey my, let us whose colleague eventually died describes the frightening experience. of course, the next the m, they started showing, well, we were having the surgery,
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the showing was most likely from a tank direct fire. we aren't supposed to stop the laser gee and they did not stop either. they struck us from 8 to 11 in the morning to burn down the new church next to us. we continue the service. there was nowhere to hide. there were no person nurse stopped coming long ago during the showing, it became obvious that there was about a minute between the blows. i said we must run this minutes. after 11, the drone attack started the realize through a hiding and started to hit the windows. we were in the basement for 24 hours. there was no light. you were running out of water. we decided to leave. all the cars were destroyed. drones were constantly flying. ukrainian army has a lot of them, so we climbed the tower and contacted course. we were told that we were surrounded, we decided to find the way out. we had elderly people with us, so we couldn't even foot. we found a car and rushed off. they realized that we were coming and roll ready, waiting. ukrainian soldiers stopped us, demanded
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o documents. they took away my phone, my laptop, and started looking for anything related to the russian army. there was a man with me and come a flash. they put him face down the ground and wanted to kill them. but he was disabled, i showed them all our bags. they took all our equipment money, but there wasn't much. that is going the end, were drawing to sujata. there was not a soul there. you took the left and slowly drove the course closer. now we are preparing to bury a friend who is into call with me. he died, a farmer, us reserve officer, scott bennett, says the ukrainian attack on the curse region is a severe misjudgment of russia and what it is capable of this represents again, as you know, well, a massive miscalculation in a distortion of the ukrainian mind. that is, that has been brewed by the u. s. c. i a brain washing them into believing this nonsense that somehow the russian mind and the russian military and the russian
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political establishment is some sort of not the full drag or 2 dimensional being where quite the opposite is true. russia is one of the most sophisticated, intelligent unified countries on the face of the planet and more countries i would say. so you cranes, massive miscalculation and thinking that it can accelerate that kinetic action into cursed into territory of russia, which is a declaration of war, mind you and they are very fortunate there. russia is not reacting in a way, recognizing this is a declaration of war. for l. c. crane may be on the map tomorrow. but i understand rushes slow, strategic, long game and it's long agenda. but the timing of this, of course is because ukraine and ki, evan is the landscape of completely falling apart. they're desperate. they're being branded as terrorist. they're killing civilians. and it's only a matter of time before they're thrown into the dock. and we see a replay of the norm for trials for every last one of them,
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including hopefully some of their minions in finance, years in washington, dc. during the latest un security council session, russia condemned do crane's recent attack on the curse region. and it's military's use of western supplied weapons. moscow emphasized these actions are tantamount to state sponsored terrorism. we are thursdays we are currently witnessing the terrorist methods 1st hand during the attacks by ukrainian militants on the course region. carried out with weapons supplied by the west. there was ample evidence online showing nationalists, deliberately targeting on arm civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure. in short, they are acting just like their nazi predecessors from 80 years ago whom they now idolized and they will meet the same inglorious. and meanwhile, the western supporters of the zalinski soon to not only refrain from criticizing its terrorist actions, but effectively justify them. this is a true terrorist coalition. information has repeatedly been voiced by us,
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corroborated by representatives from african states and european law enforcement agencies. like you are a poll regarding western supplied weapons to ukraine, ending up in the hands of criminal and terrorist groups in various regions around the world. the deputy ambassador dmitri poll janski's, spoke before the un security council, and condemned the attacks on cursed region showing that this was terrorism. russia also criticized western countries for their ties to terrorism networks around the world. their financing and training of various and terrorists throughout the world in particular, france was singled out for its ties to terrorism on the african cotton net. it was pointed out that the french government officials are, they have ties to terrorist networks throughout the african continents. and that in addition to having these relationships with terrors, arming them, training them, financing them. this terrorism is then used as
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a pretext to justify military interventions by the very same western countries in particular rushing called out to ukraine for supporting terrorist groups in africa . i'm citing recent incidence related to the country molly, where it appears that there were forces that were attacked in molly and ukraine, admitted that they had provided the intelligence in order to do so. they later took back this confession. among those targeted in mali were members the pmc wagner, group of fighters. here's what we heard was of the there are blatantly agree just instances where certain states openly flaunt their support for international terrorist organizations. in africa. noteworthy are the direct statements by the official spokesman for the main intelligence director of the ukrainian ministry of defense. andre use of and ukraine's ambassador to senegal. east erie people far off about their country support for those who attacked molly and armed forces at the
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molly, algeria. board or near the town of tens our team from july 25th to 27th. we emphasized that this attack was also carried out by a group affiliated without kind of the reaction from the health states with swiftness, with an african and state strongly condemned ukraine support for international terrorism on the continent and its blayton interference in their internal affairs destabilizing the situation, but this is molly and the share as known, have sever diplomatic relations with ukraine because even western media are now publishing materials indicating that terrorist groups operating and molly, or trained and drone piloting and handling explosives under the guidance of ukrainian special services, both within ukraine and in terrorist controlled areas of molly, now it's also important to note that we heard from the us representative. and when he spoke, he defended the alliances of the united states. he condemned to terrorism in broad terms. and from there, he took a swing at russia. once again,
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he tried to politicize the global effort to eradicate terrorism. the growing threat of terrorism, especially in the middle east, is something we can only tackle effectively as a united global community. so in that vein, i call on russia to use its real and growing influence with terrace groups such as some us as buller and the fifty's. and with around the world leading state, sponsor of terrorism to en there terrorist attacks which threatened to ignite a greater war in the region. there was a universal condemnation of terrorism from all the parties that spoke, but a very different understanding of what terrorism is and who is perpetrating terrorism around the world. a new wave of protest has gripped the can in capital with people taking to the streets, demanding, and president william or rita's resignation.
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the gunshots could be heard earlier. the 1st riots broke out again in the capital nairobi despite earlier a nationwide demonstrations forcing president rito to you turn on to post tax hikes as a retail withdrew the contested finance bill in june. just a day after protesters and briefly storms apartment instead of the blaze with thousands of people dying and cautious with police, are to correspond that kind of somebody has the latest from the heart of nairobi or the any size that being looked at us. hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people have been a number of people out of the missing. but that for me, these i living in always not knowing where that kids are. the purpose that we have been witnessing in the country hands on a stand with though from the contribution for non speed of a 2024 diesels we bought in june when the government and the government in
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parliament, of course, proposed a bill to be sent it into law that had posted the mission of that would mean that more but a shout would, the mounted on they already the citizens who are having tough times even to meet that they means that they will say that the mission of what to a what aimed at is being able to afford more taxes to be able to pay the huge amount of loans at that at these countries. owing to the eye, it may have now when diesel stated too much as what introduce people to find must be no frequent before before and got before and got. and people took you through the streets because what we will see is that the government is aiming at increasing the amount of taxes, but in return, what out of the city then see if there is there? what did you solve these the uh, uh, sublease. uh for the money, the being absolutely no, no, that ain't got to do people on the it's so people taking you to this street,
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not only here it will be, but it was all over the country in different parts of the country in different towns in different cities, people to people this street, the thing that they are rejecting different nights with diabetes. and of course when the press out was increased, we sold the government, the president with the growing the con provider in finance be. and of course, a number of schools have said that these finance b was not drafted in kenya was not drafted by canyon square foot and drafted for canyons. and assume that of course, it is. imagine that these 5 months being that they will say that you may size one drafted by i may have to be able to, um, to get uh, to be able to connect the boxes to be able to pay um the huge amount of loans that we are owing to them, so all these probates are the zip purpose, add add the only begun from the contribution for a non to be the printer and the full weight is i need lid allegedly said that is
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from the i am if they also have dimensions. what from the i am, if the, for all these problems, most of these problems that we're seeing on, on, i knew this to be from i image. we have lost faith with our present. he came up when he came into pressure to see we had a lot of open the expectations, they called them and wasn't performing the post platform thing. the best selection ever thing wasn't performing, but we've been to. yeah. so if he's on his position, he has missed monday. do they come to me? he has been does a lot of texas and we don't see and the meaningful influx. yeah, i would think is that that's what i'm saying to people have rules for it and that's why we oppose testing. and the thing that the only solution we have, we have the most what we call social contracts. so they play then should death to bucket. i'm to go peacefully. that's why we're protesting how, what up and seeing the evidence of the police are. uh, they said that the victory of freedom is what that we blocked. it is on the end. it is the black and the indies. that is in the more to visiting us to push to move
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that he must to go. because we are only fighting for those. why end up? i'm those what died? because if we don't push and back she the objective, then those old days will update the invading yes. across the u. k. thousands of anti racism demonstrators had taken to the streets to counter a new wave of far right raleigh's that have reportedly been planned. communities were preparing to defend numerous locations, including refugee charities, and visa processing centers, and online sources. a ledger targets for violence. people standing up to the rider se nationalist groups and simply found a pretext to insight. but the st. joseph dodson. kevin silver, them with a no need to 10 people involved in it. the
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to the the violence erupt. it in the u. k. last week when protestors flooded. 3 flossing with police and setting fire to hotels. hosting asylum seekers. angry reaction followed the swift spread of misinformation about the religious belief send a birth place of a 17 year old, suspected of sapping and killing 3 young girls in south florida. on july 29th, over 400 people have interested in the vicious protests that have taken hold in the country. commenting on the crisis tech under ben, newer ellen mc suggested the u. k is facing a civil war and allegation new k, premier's office quickly dismissed. most of the went even further labeling prime minister to your storm or a hash tag it to, to your care insinuating that place still wasn't far right, protests more forcefully than those organized by the left us down our reactive st. law enforcement response depends on the situations needs. there's no to to police
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like, there is police thing without fear. it will favor exactly as it should be exactly what i would expect and require. so that these are the only issue. the focus here is no totally a power of motivation of able to be involved in this. this is not protest. this is violence is valid. so last crates being inflicted on targeted on communities. are we not going to tolerate that in this country? journalist in my grubby dot org editor martin j says the unfolding and ben showed the failure of multicultural policy and the u. k. there is a $22.00 out of i will see a police. i gave him the sweets, you know, that you, you apply a different set of values rooms, depending on the community, which a lot of people think is my wrong. and she never been applied in the 1st place. and there is a very good example of, unfortunately multiculturalism and but, and say,
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you know, so we have a different set of rules for the mission. continue to have a set of rules for some light, whereas the problems associated rules. everybody else in the middle or not, it's not working. we have a new labor government 9 and you k, which it shows quite quite clearly that it has no intention whatsoever of taxing integration problem at all. and rather, besides in the case of severe salma to claim what mean groups on the rights and the, and the insurgency run across the country. girls them naturally and talk from the, from on the shows of, of, and south of helium folks. so i'm seek is coming from france. i'm trying to gain access to country and so well for the system. the mohammed unice has been officially sworn in as head of the banquet that she care take her government after weeks of violent protest, forest, former prime minister, shake has seen
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a to resign honestly to india. the in term later was living abroad when his appointment was announced. with una scanned the global notoriety in 2006 when he won the nobel peace prize for introducing a micro loan bank system for the for in 2007, he attempted to establish a political party, but it did not gain enough attraction. he has received to the us presidential medal of freedom and the congressional gold medal, the highest civilian awards in the united states. unice has also been linked to the national endowment for democracy or us congress sponsored and g o associated with color revolutions around the globe. so this comes as a protest and bangladesh continue with a number of deaths reaching several 100 since july. earlier this week, protesters storms, the parliament building, included the former prime ministers residence. we spoke to being a secret, you former high commissioner of india to bangladesh, and she says, the scene wasn't longer heads with the west long before the protest started. in my
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view, the students with this actually had been with the find the best, but it was you going to be ready as a time off for what happened. finally, from the day that she goes, he now has left the country on monday, this monday for the example, you know, we've seen a large number of changes is being announced and we don't know who because there is little doubt and there's no problem in buying that the issue, the compete of not key and the changes in the army genius into these changes in the rapid action battalion and come together with this a huge amount of unacceptable widens in the countryside. and they've been a tax on members of the of, i'm really many that in the dozens they have lost their lives, they've been deleted, and they have been very, very shop shop and strong adapt on the humidity in the village of w. o. investigating people i been given and hung from a b, i hung from a bridge. it is really the reverse kind of getting
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a moment do this has come back to knock on that. he'd be swearing in for him. i need a moment, do you? it seems to be the fee, but it also has to be but it because in 2007 and 8, when again, there wasn't all me back at the government. the 1st choice we're making the making the shouldn't be and get him to meet with mama jonas and he, he was invited to do that and even did i do for me, don't want to put her to the body. and um, but for 3 months he tried it and looked, it says a dollar. and then he gave up. you said i'm not going to be in the board if any more he left. but this time again, mamma, jesus had been by the back of the policies, a very close to southern government and the best i, we do move with the c definitely. why is this, you know, what do we do? because the reason why this is, i don't this vision change operation. i guess i'm, this is, he says, you know, as long as we do know that there was this great pressure during the elections. you know, a majority really repeatedly know all of us and media on this,
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on how our government conducting the eviction. and they wanted to have a different kind of a game. they what was supporting the boys more in depth than government to obviously there might be something to it because of the, you know, when they see that they don't feel that they would be like they could be on the same page with the she does, he not so those are the top new stories we're following here on our t, as always be sure to visit our website or to com for the very latest breaking news and updates by the clearly the republican party has rallied around there. now, many in former president donald trump, but that does not mean there is unity within the party when it comes to policy, particularly for them policy. trump was world once, fluid happen again despite everything
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very free. so go to the from lines with the eagerly awaited they pray in the trenches and bunkers and hospitals destroyed churches. they pray for peace. so i think out of work there and ask almost the 1st for what kind of stuff, but sitting your lot for your students. so mutual, 2nd i am the symbol of sleep. and the last, i bet you from watch the discharge or just try to bristol shape or gotcha. so i've only been here. it's called the best interest of the rest of this winter. so if there's a hold on all the sharon fishes besides this new to this joy the.


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