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tv   News  RT  August 9, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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unity within the party when it comes to policies, particularly foreign policy. trump was world once, fluid happen again. the global anti doping agency wida is on the war path, says washington allows accolades hoover cotton doping to compete and exchange for spying on others. the russian army destroys 12 ukrainian militants who were attempting to land on the russian coast in the care san regent. on the border area, of course, to train separate hundreds of casualties as russians forces continued to repel c evans attack. and the idea of denies accusations that is rarely soldiers raping palestinian detainees by washington calls for an independent investigation into the map. the
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live in the russian capital. you're watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble. we start with news just in from brazil where a plane and carrying 58 passengers and 4 crew members has crash. that's according to the airline. local firefighters say the pine cell over the city of video, but have yet to release details about the number of casualties. the brazilian airport, the plane departed from has not confirmed any information about the crash. onlookers have shared footage online at the burning crushed site in the parent plain spiraling out of control as it went down the well, the u. s. has been violating athletic doping rules for years, allowing at least 3 people to compete internationally. despite taking performance enhancing drugs. the catch, they would have to spy on their fellow sportsmen. that's according to
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a writer as investigation which revealed that the us anti doping agency is at loggerheads with water. the. this who saw the scheme threatened the integrity of sporting competition, which the code seeks to protect by operating it who saw that was in clear breach of the rules. contrary to the claims made by of soda water did not sign off on this practice of permitting drug eats to compete for years on the promised that they would try to obtain incriminating evidence against others. us empty doping agency, admitting that it has sanctioned athletes to be able to cheat to, to, to continue to take policy and competitions. as you mentioned on the basis that they may be able to sniff out of the athletes who also don't think it's a really incredible story. it's not just us saying this, the usa d a has admitted this is it's paula. so you have to listen to it statement. it's an
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effective way to get these bigger systemic problems if you've got the engines. so others who are praying and athletes and traffic, and i think it's totally appropriate. so the question is, what do we know? well water, which is the will donte tubing agencies of mesa, is that at least 3 athletes. we're at phone tipping to thing to have had this doping sanctioned body that agency, the u. s. a. d a. and what we know is that these athletes that were able to pursue that korea is the dreams they were able to compete in competitions to potentially win metals, to get sponsorship, to the prize money. and all of this was ok while they were cheating. and this was being sanctioned at the highest level and even high as not because u. s. a d a says one to knew about this. and it essentially giving it the old, clear all the way back in 2011. wow. and, and so it was one of the, the well done today,
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i think agency having to say about it was pretty embarrassing accusation. it's the knowing it of course. and it's also hate tactic and usa da saying, but it is being hypocritical. let's have a listen to what water have to say. it is ironic and hypocritical, but who saw the cries fall when it suspects other anti doping organizations are not following the rules to the letter. while it did not announce doping cases for years and allowed sheets to carry on. competing on the off chance they might help them catch other possible violators of what it says. it's in a really difficult position here because it has not taken any action against these . how sweet so that doesn't seem to be taking any action either again. so usa d a which is really incredible when we look at the history of how water has pursued athletes. so they've been accused of those being in the past indeed, and date and the have any of these athletes be named? no, and there's a reason for this water is saying it is not naming the athletes because it's concerned about the repercussions they could be. so we know that some of us know
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all of the dice plates have retard. and by the way, we know about 3, this could be a much wider issue. and we have been told that one was actually in the least asked me this is and needs to participate in the qualifies for the admin fix competitions . this is somebody who participated in the international events in the usa, so somebody who really could be a big name. despite that they were allowed to continue competing despite the fact the usa da knew that they would do things and they were cheating every race. and what's really interesting and this is the icing on the k k, this all comes as i'm feeling fixed, which is taking place in paris right now. i switch speaker, i skate is from japan and also the usa of just received the metals from the banking winter olympics, why they were receiving. now we might remember when the patient olympics took place 2 and a half years ago, russia told the board with the figure ice skating. it got the gold foot lead to one of its a team players or members. this is was at the time 15 year old camilla valley ava
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was accused of doing thing. she, the noise that she depakote, she said that she had been contaminated by her grandfather's hump meditation while she was at her family home and she pleaded, are innocent, said she's happy to be tested again despite this, she has the book from not to and as a result of that russian was split the bits go, madeline, that's why we've got feats not receiving that metals at the paris olympics. but if we go back to that time, a 15 year old child, she was vilified in the price. that was a frenzy. i'm. if you recall, the u. s. was one of the biggest, coolest for her to be strict depend level for russia to be stripped of its metal. let's just take a look at what happened 2 and a half years ago. as we drew attention to the atmosphere of malevolence, being whipped up in local media and sports, circled over, there was a 4 big decision on the court of arbitration for sport to disqualify our fitness.
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kate, so gimme a leave for 4 years and deprive hell of awards for allegedly using doping. all of these fits into the main stream of the hybrid whole, at least by the west, against the russian federation. what we've got, hey, that is wonderful for russia. one roof the us a, well the u. s. a. d a has been sanctioning its athletes to cheat to cheat other sweets to ship them after they price money, the sponsorship to possibly win metals. all of that was okay, because it was the usa da that said it was doing it and it was using them to find out the 31st when and if there's even a sniff of controversy. well, obligations about russia. the book comes down on the course and the us all for the highest sanctions possible. really. i mean when we talk about hypocrisy, i think this just takes biscuits and the host of capital sports pod cast. alan moore told us us anti doping agency is blatantly hypocritical. america is not
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seen now. the stones, they've been throwing in their glasses are starting to bring the glass students up with them to us. and to don't be as co travis slager. so people call a paper tiger because that's what he is. he's always looking for money because this is for his whole thing. he wants to create to make money from showing russians as a change like america instead are getting the t really surveys use exemption. so basically they can change legally as we saw with the meter or then be chopped is knowing why it was for you has a hasty and so on. so for all the crazy and the system had to get legal, go be for. and yes, when he was wondering last night, the 2 interviews he has or got draws because he has cold was. so this whole mazda, 3 of us that use a data to be sold for us that are swimmers and have you all for skin races which your people or fortunately, i couldn't believe it. of course. and i saw the videos from nbc and bbc,
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i realized something is wrong here. so basically this whole mess watching at the option for the policy of the school us to read. it has basically flushes for $72.00 boys. and i think now for the russian to say this, we're not part of this. we don't want our children to don't compete with these idiots. let us just go and trees for us like we should be under something to keep, to enjoy, to compete against. do your best because you have to try and cheat again. see americans, you're never going to it. but it didn't take long for reaction to come in. the chinese anti doping agency has called for an independent investigation saying the actions of its us counterpart damage the principle of fair play. and also noted the hypocrisy of the situation. the fact that the u. s. has turned a blind eye to its long history of doping problems while trying to cross the border and exercise jurisdiction over other countries has just clearly exposed to the
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international community, its trick of a thief crying stop the see from the double standards behind its logic. or take contributor carl john says the us doesn't need to place other countries, sports programs and should respect international authorities. this whole thing blew up in the u. s. the usa da's phase because they started out by so i, they started to say against the chinese food came in in spring. when you are time to release a report said 23 members of chinese swimmers were tested for t, n. c. that is, before the 2020 told to olympics and that right opposite that the us government immediately got involved us funds were threatened to cut funding to why the us justice department and f b. i opened the case to investigate how we stopped in cases were handled and that they raised a big stink about the extraordinary performance of chinese swimmers. seen this
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occurring paras olympics for a long time. you know, water has tift quiet even knows that usda has allow, is asked least adult. now this is a, a bigger fight because us b u. s. a. d, a old police knowledge, the authority of why the during the paras olympics to why the is putting his foot down and say, look for us to have the right to host future olympics, including the 2034 salt lake city olympics. you have to agree to certain ground rules. number one, usda must not into fear and must not try to police other countries. at least number 2, you must respect that the world here. why to and if you cannot a comply, if you keep fighting with water, then we can take away your right to hose 2034 olympics and give it to another country for this. and they can be the 1st time united states. it is at the risk of
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losing the right to host olympics. i mean, this is the major who announced of the latest from the front line. the russian ministry of defense has released footage, showing a ukrainian recognizance groups being destroyed while attempting to land on the ken burns spit, partially located in russia's car, san region. official site, 12 militants, were trying to land on the coast into bose. well, this comes in mid, ongoing, fighting rushes course, the region which was the target of drone and the missile attacks overnight. according to the defense ministry, ukraine has lost more than $280.00 soldiers in that area. in the past 24 hours. russians to 25 fighter jets are playing an active role in repelling the incursion or 6 that people were wounded in an overnight and wrote an attack on russia's really pets to region. moscow's m o. d 's says air defenses down to a total of 19 ukrainian u. a views which damaged energy infrastructure. when they fell,
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the regions governor has confirmed that no civilian buildings were effected. russia's crime in region was also targeted by ukrainian drones, according to the defense ministry missile defenses, down 5 drones over the peninsula and 8 over the black c r t c goes down off brought us the latest from the course border area. and basically both sides are beating up the guy since right now, they're increasing the amount of boots on the ground. and those fighters on the front line who i personally know and who i'm in touch with. they are telling me that if anything, the fighting is only intensified. so those civilians who thought that this whole thing might be over in a day or 2, they are evacuating now to and some, well they find themselves in a situation when they do so at the very last moment when they come under the ukranian militants. small arms, fire one civilian driver and managed to film, which could be a very deadly encounter. and the very close cool that he's had. here we go,
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picked up some passengers with the dog along the way. the car is full more people want to come, but there's no room with his machine gun noise today. that's why we decided to leave the noise is probably from the drones. not sure. they were flying around at night. yeah, definitely. i know with a look windows uh shots, a good car though they really have displays hard. look at this. oh my god, what's going on here? the wheels now show out windows to see all the costs are damaged mines. do you see the mines lying around? yes, yes, customized the so many of them. judging by this video alone, you can already see the sheer amount of civilian cars left on the side of the road and those people were shot at by the ukranian militants. and as they had to flee under scape on foot, which proves that it is far from an isolated case. and there's more evidence of ukrainian terrace, well basically acts of terrorism against civilians within the very 1st days. one
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pregnant woman was not as lucky as those people who you've just listened to their encounter with you, bringing militants as they opened fire. i took a result of the essentially dying in the arms of her husband as he was trying to take her to hospital in time. unfortunately, he didn't also quite infamously, on the very 1st day, ukrainian militant stock it's, it's an ambulance where the company calls you drone about killing the driver, one of and one of the medics. so again, this is far from the isolated case under those civilians who are right now. safe and sound. in course, having fled from the boarder regence, they have shed very experience to get it for the wonderful we were hiding in the basement. it started at around 3 am. we stayed in the basement until 8 o'clock, then packed up and left. we don't know where to go back to or if we will ever see our place again, i'm not quite sure what to do. it seems like there was just a 2nd between the volleys. there was
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a mass of them was that means when you look at my child and i were sitting in the basement and we didn't even have the opportunity to run because it was too scary to go outside. the walls of the house were shaking, which you, unless seen were you who we were hoping to stay here and whether the storm within our son called and told us to leave the showing, got stronger and stronger the premium troops. they are using intelligence. they are known to use satellites, intelligence provided by nato, because while the print doesn't have to be such a satellite capabilities enough for an incursion of the scale, they do use need to make equipment to the united states. basically saying that they do support the actions of key if we have supported ukraine from the very beginning to defend themselves against attacks that are coming across the border and for the need for cross fires. so they're taking actions to protect themselves from attacks that are coming from a region that are within the us policy of where they can operate. you know,
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our weapons, our systems are capabilities of the same time. the e u has been singing in you nice and really they have been seen to the same tune saying that since the very beginning, they have supported the ukraine, either ukrainian 5 years fully standing behind ukraine's efforts to restore its 30 totaling degree against to that entities and to push them back and find that illegal aggressively russia ukraine using titles to heat the enemy wherever it finds necessary on each territory, but also on the territory of the enemy. so again, we will be standing by here because the fighting, as i've already said, it is intensifying so there will be no shortage of news. 2 reports on we will be providing coverage on all of that footage of wounded russian war correspondents of getting put disney right after his car was hit by you. cranium drone has appeared online. the video 1st published by the russian t v. program. 60 minutes. so significant entries to what do these phase journalist
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was able to step out onto the road and hail a car asking for help. now the war correspond is undergoing treatment, and one of moscow's largest hospitals are to spoke with the man who saves you is getting unplugged to me. i didn't make it to suit you couldn't get through. i was attacked by drone. i turned around and saw your guinea. i got into the car, drove him and headed him over to the military. if denny was on the speed, he kept saying she didn't remember anything. the car in the left wasn't far. you've . danny was covered in black. the men didn't blackout or lose consciousness did not fall asleep. she was always alert. i tried to talk to him asking questions, or if his clothes were covered in blood, his back was burned, his skin was dry. i went to take him to soldiers hospital 1st. i drove up to the hospital, there were no lights, no windows, nothing. they dumped the car in front of the gate. i took your guinea to the farm, collect as hospital demands are building to investigate reports of the sexual abuse of palestinian prisoners in is really detention comes even major ally.
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washington has called for an inspection though they believe in internal is really inquiry is sufficient. a look, there ought to be 0 tolerance for sexual abuse, rape of any detaining period. that's a fundamental, a fundamental belief of the united states. and if there are detainees who've been abused, if they are detainees who have been sexually assaulted or raped, the governor of is around the idea of need to fully investigate those actions and hold anyone responsible accountable to the full extent of the law. well, this comes as a traveling video report, only showing a rape. the air it on is really channel 12 has gone viral warning. these images are disturbing. the footage is believed to show the moments of the sexual abuse according to the broadcast is really soldiers tried to hide the incidents of abuse with shield. the detainee was reportedly bleeding and later moved into
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a hospital. we heard from the head of the palestinian prisoners club. abdulla how's the gallery? he says the heinous act is only part of the long spray of idea of torture and killings committed against palestinians as it has a mission. also, this is yet another example of the criminal acts committed by these radi occupation in various presents to be precise these detainees. and this is not the 1st time has faced such treatments, which was documented by the cameras of these ruddy occupations. soldiers who were fully aware that they were cameras inside the camp, yet they still chose to recall that he knew his crime. why can sit in their faces. these reflect the extent of the depravity reached by the occupations regime through its aggressive and brutal behavior towards police. damien citizens detained, particularly as those from gaza, and even all the prisoners across the batteries presents who have all been subjected to torture. i believe that today,
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more than as long as it was in need to form an international investigative committee to uncover all these crimes and to prosecute those responsible through international costs. washington, the witnesses every day, the genocide that is carried out daily against the police to whom people, especially guess, children, women and on buildings and universities. if this is a genocide the to your system has to pause politically financially. and it's heavily why the claimant that they stick him to stop this war, and this aggression, these gifts, the occupation of green lights to continue carrying all of the genocide to keating and torch, i guess, prisoners in the occupations presents israel has denied any system. it could be this added detention camps. 9 soldiers suspected of raping prisoners, had been detained, and an angry crowd which included parliament members storms. the facility in which they were being held. one soldier or part of life from the same unit, says he's speaking out to protect the ideas. good name i should solve. should i
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know. i think that our army is the healthiest army of the commanders of the fighters, the field personnel. if there is someone in the upper systems who wants to ruin things for us, and while i'm here to protect our good name, any point. well, this is not the 1st case reported of abuse palestinians and is related attention facilities. and you an expert demand that is real, investigate quote, multiple allegations of torture and other in human treatment against the chinese in may. and last month, another you on a report estimated there had been $53.00 depths and is really the attention as well as cases of torture, sexual abuse, food and the sleep deprivation is really rights groups have found the same conclusions while surveying, palestinians who have been detains this good time on detention camp is just the tip of the iceberg. as we speak, thousands of palestinians are being held in, in human conditions and subjected to relentless abuse. some did not know why they were arrested, and many will be released without trial. this is the definition of
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a torture camp. a place that once you enter, no matter who you are or why you were arrested, you will be subjected to severe deliberate, relentless pain and suffering pro palestinian activist you, if i follow it says it's not just the idea, but it's really society as a whole that has 0 tolerance towards the palestinians. it is already 10 months now for the soul and forms assess the days of 0 as far as the vision guides. so for the student, yes and, and those are profession became a massive social machine. and the, i know it personally for many, for defending this, the places i have the phone for systematic social and beating every day the by the gods and outpatient unit units that specialize
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in the homes. as of this research. and the big thing towards the dresser is out of the home and lives. and there is no profit, most of music i'm subbing for free now. i guess that those issues is the doing the and gaza and the senior. and this is the, the thing. so any reason is it immediately as signify this families as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu has made his position on the west bank player . it's part of our homeland. we intend to stay there. we don't rule the land. we don't run drum allow. we don't run janine, but we go in and take action when we have to prevent charities. well that's what is doctors without borders to say unlimited care for physical and psychological damage
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is the day to day reality for palestinians living in west banks. hebron following october 7th is really authorities have imposed wide scale restrictions and closures on towns and cities limiting access for palestinians to vital services like health care. we spoke with the mayor of hebron. it says israel's war on gaza runs parallel to starvation in the west bank in the middle schools had been, was suffering from restrictions before the war. but as a result of the war, these restrictions increased residential areas were on the almost complete curfews during the 1st phase. of the war for several months, residents of the close to areas where prohibited from moving into the windows in the courtyards and then it was reduced to live and then one hour in the morning and one away in the evening. and then it was for us to reduce to 3 period during which they could leave and return to their homes. but through the check points, that's what i then usually established, or where existing check points look,
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titans, it's well known that these check points to obstruct everyone's movement. citizens, professionals, doctors, and health teams. it obstructs movement in general. impeach the provision of services, even obstruct and waste removal, health and environmental services, uh, services provided by the municipality, including woodside electricity and all of this. the check points make it difficult for doctors to reach the centers for what the teams to reach their locations. and for customers to access services, sometimes these slides through a decline in the level of service because when and medical center provide services to 50 patients. now it has to provide services to 200 or 300 patients. this affects the level of service and leads to the inability to meet the needs of the local community. often, you go to the medical center and find some types of medicines available. but most i
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know, especially the medicines the patients need continuously. the situation in gaza is very difficult and unprecedented with no power really in the world. because what is happening, garza is a genocide, recognize biologist and mutual people in the world. in the west bank, there was always a different kind of war and was thought of ation. and what's a limited movement, reducing was the quantities, affect people's health and the environment today. what the supplies were reduced in hebrew and governance by over 40 percent. the water cycle before the reduction was 18 days, meaning water was available to citizens for 24 hours. every 18 days, to date, the cycle has reached 45 days due to the reduction, visits a form of psychological and social pressure, well aimed at pressure and citizens to me, great. this is, i meet the continues and repeated attacks while the army and such as the surplus,
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being under the protection of the army. most families are subjected to dennis tax legion, to psychological problems among children, women and families. these pressures down to migrate and all the info the due date is ation of the area. for example, when the garbage collection vehicle is talk for hours at a check point prevented from entrance to collect garbage from the area. a ones that had taken cruise prevented from clearing the location in line for a week late into the house has it's in the surrounding area. today. there was, it pulls from residents of closed airbus on social media, saying that they are on the verge of living due to the unbearable conditions, the reduced water supply, and in sufficient water origin, then what cannot do. they don't want to buy trucks and tags with forced to deliver it through the pipes, but there is not enough water to reach then. we used today, but was that every week? but today would you leave it every 15 days? they did not have tanks, cannot bring in times to store water for 15 days. they suffer from what the show
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that just these crisis is caused by the occupation reducing the amount of water pumped to the carbonate at to these. the problem is with medicine movement. check points and c to entrances. there is indeed internal migration for one neighborhood to another from one area to another. especially if i'm closed and settlement adjacent areas. and there was my question from the city itself, but it is not yet a phenomenon. the most important gentleman is people's patience and desire to clean the land, but with immense suffering that humans can not bad. imagine families in close to batteries living without water. can anyone leave without water? imagine feminist in the seats of getting a water on it twice to all the entire summer in the full summer months. because today there was a cycling much which 50 days. it is putting pressure on residence, pressure, preventive that access to basic needs. right before we go,
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here's a reminder of the developing news. we're following from brazil where a plane carrying 58 passengers and 4 crew members has crashed according to the airline local firefighters that say the plane fell over the city of video, but have yet to release details about the number of casualties. originally, an airport, the plane departed from has not confirmed any information about the crash onlookers, the shared footage on line of the burning crash side and the plane is spiraling out of control as it went down. the local media has broad cabbage presently and president little of the silver asking a crowd to stand and observe a moment of silence at an event he attended on the south of the country. all right, we'll do stay with our 2 international. i'm next on cross tuxedo levelland, his guest discussed the this unity in the republican party when it comes to foreign policy and what it could mean if trump becomes president bye for now.


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