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tv   News  RT  August 10, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the the most part of the frontier russian forces killed 15 for a messenger using the costs. regions of the moscow starts its largest ever counted to patient and the 3 boarder regence of the end task and belgrade in the response, ukraine's i'm president. as in person, the yet more hot a can guy that has more than 100 people are reportedly killed. and then these really is like on the school or the idea of planes. they had taken measures to
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minimize the so called colacho damage. and the us to protest against japan not invited, easy, inviting user old. so any event blocking the anniversary of the atomic bombing of mega psyche, washington says, no one should be excluded from the peace. there are many, given the option that i really haven't been invited in years, the mobile computing coverage of the latest trends shaping the world right now. this is our team to national i a michael for about 15 for in missionaries, had been killed. and the cost region has ross that launches its largest ever cavity or operation after you create an attack to tear with the territory. according to the russian defense ministry, key of his last a 175 soldiers over the past 24 hours along with 56,
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i'm of v goals. now ross in the air force as have targeted the you crew, 80, and military personnel and hardware loc helicopters launched on got a guided record rockets audio pockets that'd be, while more than 800 people from the crust. region have been evacuated to temporary accommodation facilities. a 100 kilometers away in the russian city of boil, we have been provided that they have been provided with all the necessary necessities, including the personal hygiene products, medicine and clothing, and columns as a cap of terrorism. operation is kind of the other way in across the region of i q, reset a vi did not even know or had time to pack the belongings when we were leaving, we managed to get away. all right, we didn't fall under the showing, but the night was terrible. a shell exploded near our home. the showing started at 3 in the morning. we somehow managed to leave without anything, without our things,
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we left with what we had on us. now the russian s u t and s q 55 jets also hit the trade in possessions of guided bombs we used in the strikes right, so you had mentioned earlier capital, the reason the largest in the russian history has been imposing cost as well as the brianne scanned the bow, garad regents, which all share a border with ukraine, he comes in response to an unprecedented attack on the area by key at which began earlier this week. do you see these, emma? but they keep regime has made an unprecedented attempt to destabilize the situation and a number of regions of all countries. the result of a terrorist attack on the territory of the coast region by units of the crane armed forces, west civilian casualties, the destruction of residential buildings, and all the civilian facilities in order to ensure the safety of citizens. and to prevent the threats of terrace packaged by substitutions, reconnaissance formations of the enemy,
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the chambers of the national onto the terrace committee, the director of the f as b alex on the board, decided to organize counterterrorism alterations in the bag rich bounced and coast regions from the 9th of august 2024. well, this is the largest counter terrorism operation in the history of russia, both territory wise and when it comes to the number of people it is affecting right now. what it does, it drastically expands the powers and the storage of law enforcement and security agents. they can perform id checks, of anyone, any way they can enter homes without a court order or they can pretty much shut down or tap on the internet and phone communications. and well, the list just goes on and on and on. they can restrict movement, they can relocate whole regions and areas, and they don't need too much paperwork to do so. so this is a big development at the same time. the fighting, of course,
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is going on on the premium tillery, they have continued to show and boom, rushing forward to towns. in fact, we have pretty much just returned from one of such towns where we spoke to the people who are evacuating. and basically we have spoken to a lot of skid and frightened people. they are afraid of a tool to us about sleepless nights that they've had how the fee of, of a children for their loved ones and for their own life. they pretty much these for the towns close to the fighting. they, well, they are, they're empty now. they are, they will have almost completely been evacuated and it's not something that the authorities insisted on, but rather they provided the means to do so. this is how the situation is that right now, at the same time that has been somewhat of an information vacuum on the cube side as to when it comes to official commentary about the goals and purposes of this
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operation and this border incursion. so one of one of the former defense ministers of ukraine has said that scam on green is essentially could be very likely one of the key goals of this operation is that they're running. you said the ukranian military was proving its ability to conduct new tactics of combined arms. operation told by western military train is russia has also reached out to the international atomic energy agency, saying that it has discovered parts of nato made me. so i was on the territory of the course nuclear power plant. it's just, it's about an hour long drive from the point where i'm standing right now. this is very concerning for russia, of course, because it doesn't 20 nuclear disaster on its soil. the i a into and it has cooled both sides to restrain when it comes to the fighting, affecting a nuclear facility. now, on the russian side, the mot, special forces, have engaged in combat. it has been
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a couple of days since they've done so i'm doing well as the commander of this special force of yellow, you know, the general, he has spoken to the media about about what is going on over there and about the tactics, the ukrainian armed forces are using essentially he has said, well, they are using a lot of mass scenarios on the that the, you, they're trying to accent to upgrade to these very quick giles on the mobile groups to try and the re, to have it. but he is reassured, everyone's that the much special forces that along with the rest of the russian guys and to repel this attack and well to, to drive them to drive them back to their initial positions on the ukranian soil at least for now to shift. so now we see for mo, directions the, they were a lot of french, a lot of polls. a lot of forward is of course, it must be stated that this operation is led by the headquarters come on to the
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nato blog itself. this is an unambiguous question. because you craniums themselves can hardly formulate such a thing. well, it has been a long known and established fact that ukraine has relied on intelligence provided by nato by its satellites. also, it has been supplied so many nature made weapons and equipment and military vehicles on the nato instructors, native frame is they have been consulting the ukrainian combined as well. so there is no reason to, to believe and to assume that this time here anything is any different that the situation is any different, but they suddenly decided to act in dependency and not rely on all of that. given that they have used extensively, the, the codes machines and weaponry. also, this is the sentiment that, that the fax with the ukrainians have used to be aided in this by made by the nato blog. it's
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a sentiment that has been shed by 12 minutes to 1st, the attack might be an attempt to slowly will kill russian momentum in its offensive switch have lost it for the duration of 20. 20. for a 2nd. strategic objective might be to ship the narrative of the war to one more positive for ukraine. time will tell if it was a sensible gamble or not, but those strikers could have been put to good use in a desperate defense of such don best bachelors as joseph yar and already the ukrainians for losing more men and material. taking the villages against getting light forces taken unaware, is also a great deal. more straightforward than all. the ukrainian troops, however, are pushed back from the russian territory without any tangible results with high losses and of russians continue. moving towards bo croft, the new cranes, top military leadership will be seen as having lost a massive gamble. literally as i speak heading towards the most part of the frontier in the course region,
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which means that again there's fighting and this fight here is far from over. the over in bella, ruse president, alexander lucas shank goes as a his countries air defense is an air force have been put on a high a lot. and he also review the number of targets coming from the trade have been destroyed. adding that he believe that the drones would cost in bella ross and asked base in order to reach ross and targets. and he said, all provocations will be match with appropriate response. a seal approval on friday at around 6 pm. the defense forces of the air force were put on high alert. the point is that we suspect that this is not the 1st time that the armed forces of ukraine have violated all sorts of agreements violated all sorts of rules of behavior and violated the air space of the republic of fellows in the eastern direction. therefore, the air defense forces were put on full alert to intercept targets. there were about a dozen of them,
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airplanes and headed comforters with scrambling and multi launch rockets systems were also put on high alert. we suspect that it was a tech drones that were flying from ukraine over the territory of bella luce, violating the space and by the rules, we have destroyed them. any publications will not go unanswered. therefore the ministry of defense, the general stuff from the roofs, has been ordered to bring the appropriate measures to reliability, ensure the security of our state, the unpleasant thing is that the ukrainians, as i have warn you many, many times show that they are not ready for any peace and continued to escalate attention some, some kind of solution that mold on the 100 palestinians of reportedly been killed. and then these ready strike on the school sheltering displaced people then gather city. a warning that you might find the following for the disturbing. the
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now 3 rockets hit the building as people wake gathering for morning prayers move all these riley and military has reportedly caught water supplies to the area of the idea of planes of the school. as you wasn't used as a mass headquarters and measures were taken to minimize the number of civilian casualties. as more details about the tragedy come to live local journalist, what does the law send this report from the scene? a warning again that there are disturbing images ahead the have committed and i would have been an investigator in the most close, contemporary in the school there with more than a 300 and the board been forming and fidgeting today and 7 different services. since that's more of the month advancing from the people who can get with the the kids are the ones that have used to go and they have this. and i remember that
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hospice at the own. no. but it, it goes without it, which is partially. oh, but i think i thought it was my day for the commission forces so that i'm finds most of the people who are the stuff i've given away. my mother and i can't, we came to the place here which was attacked when we found people torn to pieces and the place was completely closed from no one had entered after the evenings in those attacked were just people who had been displaced probably about the commission for us as habits into, into body defense instead of the schools. but people continual, it shows that it can be submissive because they of homes has been destroyed and effects across the guns. and now to nigeria, where a london based n g o is mobilizing a media campaign against the countries 1st local,
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all the refinery. and that's according to investigative don't list david some day he said that the n g o dialogue of tried to bribe him to write an article, discrediting the facility. now let's now cross live to that john list. david, one, the deputies go to have you join me now. and then geo cold dialogue offered you $500.00 us dollars to write this me a piece against the, the download the refinery to can you tell us more about this? the i'm so it's, it's not uncommon for, for a journalist by myself, i mean, any international space to be contacted by different actors about wanting to commission on a piece for one reason or the other. the reason this one took my attention was that this was coming of the backdrop of a very high profile series of news incidents regarding example,
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the refinery. and this and you that reached out in the, the way they reached out to me kind of made it in places that they didn't miss. they didn't really want this to become public. that, that reaching out to me for that i might open just doing something. i be just struck me as a weird way of contact all of trying to commission that piece that might present surveys because if you're not doing anything sheet, you would simply just call them and say, hey, i'm so i'm so from this organization, once the company signed a piece for blah, blah, blah, or you available. right, so i said shit, show i'm open, send, send the brief on the send. debrief. and i instantly understood why the amount of reaching out to me what associated do, because i'm the screenshots from the brief which i'm sure you've seen chevy, the audience, which i, i should any of this morning. show very clarity that to come, the purpose of these brief was essentially to writes a smear peace against what's to all intents and purposes. is going to be
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a very important piece of economic infrastructure. and not just when they do have well for the entire west african coast. bear in mind that this is a group of about 15 countries, which if i very to local refining capacity on almost entirely dependence for the local fuel needs on the outputs of european refiners. and as a result of that dependence, as i'm sure you remember some of the famous traffic your incidents in 2006 and called the bar. you can find those out for a long time, being able to get a way literally with murder. they've been able to blend toxic waste. they've been able to blend extremely high sulfur fuel contents into these cargoes. i'm headed voice to africa because, you know, who's going to do anything. it's just, it's just about forget, right, this is already finding you guys that is not only going to change that dynamic by making the west africa less input dependence. but that potentially is also going to disrupt the european, the refining industry. because i'm, if you're aware of them,
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is refineries by far the biggest refinery in that you know, that region of the world, the do you really need to be so asked to reach? i mean, so it's more than double the size of the next big is also clearly some people are not going to be happy about that. and it was clear that the purpose of these brief was to use the language of environmental consent to use the language of the sort of activism industry to uh, to a text or e sign every and to lay of the sort of narrative groundwork for the very validity or the very come the economic necessity of this refinery in a governess sense to the question. right? that by putting my name on this piece obviously being that i have quite a high profile the major a lot by putting my name on this piece. i'm essentially going to be endorsing a, you know, a set of astra tuft narratives that could potentially be used to attack the very
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existence of this. you find a very my that's something like things like this i've, i've been in a drought before. um, for those who may not be away, major has or had a long time, the world's largest steel mill. it's almost impossible to industrialize without producing steel. right. so the idea behind the steel mill, which is built staffing in 1979 by soviet contractors. and it please go to a doctor to include these states and injure, wants to get them into a low cost deal, precisely capacity. and because she came to read like this, because of the things that came out of people's pens. um, because of memos that came out of offices to dates that uh that still has not worked to dates. there was nothing wrong with this deal. no technically. um yeah, i think it editing something like 98 percent completion of before the contractor stopped or it was actually there's actually nothing wrong with it. it was purely political. the reason why that still means they didn't get to work, and i could see that something similar potentially is being set up with this
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refinery here. this is the refinery that putting aside whatever concerns that i personally have had about the business practices. all the visual with the company behind its objectively speaking, this is a very important piece of national economic infrastructure and your eyes like menu of that kind of country. so far as from that basic, i think i need some of the problem of exporting role materials cheaply and importing expensive finished goods such that's your car is these hospitality depreciates and because you constantly have a balance of payments and balance of trade deficits constantly by design this refinery, is it, it's a piece of the columbus infrastructure that promises the reverse, that trend. bear in mind that made you as the largest single for an expense is impulse or fuel. right? so it's make sense for then fidelity refinery from endangered economic point of view to work. so why on earth is this british and you a been trying to commission a prominent major envoy as
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a local niger invoice to sort of settle because pain of all, sort of a high level whispers. it gazes, you're fine, you're talking about how know if you've, if you read through the brief, it wasn't left to my discretion to determine how to even write the story to a sort of lead balancing very clear the to. this is how we want you to do this. this is how we want this to be framed. this is who we want you to speak to. this is how we want this to be worded. so essentially they're basically giving me the entire outline of the optical lights, and i'm just just sort of flush it out. i'm putting my name on it's so anyone who reads it then thinks that this is dave between danes high level analysis of the situation. meanwhile, this is something that came out of some desk in london. so i wanted to know who is actually behind the scenes. i started doing some digging and saw that a dialogue has received funding from the who's who all of them. what i referred to as the american c, s o n g o industrial complex. so the likes of climate works,
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which by the we have seen finding india for actually against the indian national interest. the likes of the, the ford foundation, which as many of us me know, is essentially a us instead of just for us. right. and many of those issues like that, these are the funding entities behind this. and you'll notice that i look s. so then it doesn't, it doesn't take much to then connect with dots that is entities links to wealthy americans. and so the american states are funding this institution which is trying to fund me. and by the way, i don't know who else it has funded to push this to get a narrative, i can only see for myself. but i'm going to assume that i'm not the only one. so if you draw the line up and they are in, mary, can states on 5 is institutions which are trying to create a narrative war against this or what's one says the purpose is the only functioning and refinery in the country of 200 young people on the west coast of africa,
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then what really is the goal here. and that's why i put out the sort of the suite that i did earlier this morning just sort of informing people that this is what is happening, right? they are now reach your opinions and americans who we have loan sort of suspected or known colloquially have some kind of an interest in preserving the african american nomics. that's as quote. but here we have hard evidence that these people are actively uh, paying for a campaign to essentially keep africa port. all right, uh uh they, you, you've given us a perspective to all of this. now are the more examples about that, as you wrote it, resistance campaign to get nigeria as fast private, local refinery. oh um. so as i said i, i, i would assume that i'm not the only one who was this reached out to by this specific interview. but even zooming out for a 2nd,
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even the the difficulty that the battery finally res, facing in it. and it's uh, it's sort of altering stages of activity. also appliances, some sorts of high level bank up to prevent these things from working, both locally and internationally. so those, those are those, those are very interesting graphics that i saw on, on the bloomberg article a few weeks ago that sort of outlined the, the share difference in size between the refinery and the next biggest one. i think it's in both of them. i think it's owned by show, right, and the dens refiners almost double the size of the next biggest one in the region . and the trouble with this from your campus back to is that regardless of where the inputs through this done with refinery come from, it's kinda like spots to pretty much any way and every way. and by virtue of always sheer size and scale,
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and these relatives of newness cuz it's much newer than all these other ones. so it's also more efficient because of the technology on a more up to date. that means that it's going to be more competitive and it's going to be able to offer trade as a resign feels as a marginally lower rates. and if you're familiar with how old trading works, those kind of get some legit to make all of the difference. so essentially this niger and refinery has been recognized as something that is potentially going to up . and i mean tie, you can industry, and do you have any advantage to maybe i'm happy about this, those on opec, some reports which emerge yesterday, which you also may have seen way was stated very clearly. that not only is it is, it is done with refinery projected to potentially open video can look at that. it has already started or pending therapy and market that as far back as january of this year when you started up uh, explore things. how goes of like gas oil and jet fuel that sold to see that these have gone almost exclusively to you. and basically it's the look of refiners 0 who
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have lost out so. so clearly there is at least circumstantial evidence to points to the idea that based on the fact that some people's economic interest in your clarity being hurt by the existence of the success of the st. jeremy, find your e send some sort of contracting measures have to be taken. we have sadie seeing discounts or actually measures. we've seen this sort of company in a way spares um from, from the end of people like myself, where, you know, they've reached out to john this. i'm going sizing them anymore on the local funds, and they do have, we seen all of a sudden the drama surrounding kudos apply to the end of the refinery. where all of a sudden the, the, the always an idea who as you may or may not know, i say very much us aligned and some of some of glass spots as described them as us pop it's administration. all of a sudden have made this huge song and dance about, you know,
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whether it's possible to actually supply done with the refinery to be stuck on the day. and by the major as effort goes largest on producer. that's one point i think was, was if largest oil producer and somehow with a date in the states, it also showed the production of anything from 1 point, one to 1800000 barrels per day. somehow cannot supply $650000.00 barrels per day. feedstock required by this refinery to function. right? instead which we've, we've started, we've had written the, the local regulators come out and make very incendiary comments directly attacking the reassignment. we've seen the head of, of, of, of a local regulatory major come out a few weeks ago. i make comments public comments in front of you know, tv cameras and microphones to effect those uh, the software content. and the diesel cut out by that, by the end of the refinery, is a higher than regulate treaty limits. and that done with the refineries trying someone
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applies the countries and they just like to which way that that is true or not. it is incredible that a local regulates, so would come out and mix such a comment about the local business, especially in a space where it's competing against, you know, very well you. it's very old international oil companies. so that just shows the, the extent to which there are several entrenched interest both locally and nationally, which are lined, which seem to believe that the slots in the interest for this refinery to actually function. all right, it's, it's essentially, it puts out this information. what was the, what has been the reaction from your colleagues, or even the general public says now they're aware of how they approached you on, on the details behind what, what you well, all region the commission to do a quote. so the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive about fighting for lead.
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um, a few of my colleagues in the media space have actually reached out. um, to tell me that be proud of me. um, to actually be starting this down. and they've made comments to the fact those similar offers, not necessarily from this particular end. you offer this particular purpose, but similar offers get towards assuming the outcomes of essentially acting against laser as economic interest having made to them in the past. so i have to meet with people they know in the past, i'm just telling everyone that i had this sort of big picture thinking to turn it down. because bear in mind that this is this, the basic issue is not necessarily about money or not money. the basic issue is that most people don't even understand that they're a huge deal political interest and that he basically, you do a political chess game going on in the world. most likely, these parts are sort of very focused on like the day to day career, due to the survival and any sort of opportunity to build some,
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some pipeline of work with soft credit. but it's, you know, some relationship waves and international funding and city. they will jump on it right without thinking about the potential ramifications of what is it that they're doing. so these colleagues have said that they proud the at least i, i was able to see what was being done and a few people i know with in the end you see is a space. i've also reached out of sort of not doing that well. yeah, we, we know that these things happen that we know that we, we operate at the same space and you know, when i was always, why don't they certainly able to, to be as bold as for the rights as you are. because obviously you don't work at this space and you know, you don't, you don't, and a living from this facebook be we respect the fact that you're doing it through respect with the fact that someone actually be needs any future of african enough to actually be able to not just turn it down,
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but more importantly to go public with it. because what that the whole is that by going public, that when the major audience eventually sees this kind of being sort of, i'm going to overdrive the gays to refine it because i'm very sure that it's not going to end with me. as i said after i was the only one that was reached out to you when i just see more people coming up with these narrative. and i just don't understand way of this. like if it's coming from understand that it's not, no, get me cuz i receive understand that it's it's, it's on. so the one i'm, it's a sponsored one from outside. the confidence it's, it's a sponsored narrative by western interest. that category do not want africa to change really. that once i forget exactly where it is, all right, thank you so much. david, one day investigative journalist, thank you for what you do and thank you for your inside to thank you for having by. that's the update. now next is going on the ground to see you again with more


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