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tv   News  RT  August 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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the, the, the speak, the most part of the frontier, russian forces killed 15 for investment areas and that cost region at the moscow stands, it's the largest cab counter to oppression in the $3.00 boarder regence of brianna and belgrade in response to the 3 and unprecedented caution. thousands of people gather entailed rage rage against that you broke a deal to do that off. logically, palm fully deal mining and sub yet the get more hot a can gather more than 100. the people are unfortunately killed and he's ready
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strike on his pool, or the idea of planes he had taken measures to admit advice. so cold collateral damage, the fellow, continuing coverage of the latest trends, treating the world right now. this is our international. i have mike up watching is now 15 far in missionaries have been killed in the coolest region as russian launch is its largest ever counted to our operation after you create and attacks the territory. according to the russian defense ministry, key of as last to a 175 soldiers, over the past 24 hours, along with 56 of vehicles that are off in the air force as a targeted ukrainian military personnel. that hardware i thought had a comcast launched on guided rockets of jobs that talk it's been a while and more than 800 people from the course region have been evacuated with
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temporary accommodation facilities, a 100 kilometers away in the russian city of audio. and they have been provided with all the necessities, including personal hygiene, products, medicine and clothing. and that comes as a kind of terrorism operation is currently on the way in the coast region. if i q, we say they did not even have time to pack their belongings. when we were leading, we managed to get away. all right, we didn't fall under the showing, but the night was terrible. a shell exploded near our home. the showing started at 3 in the morning. we somehow managed to leave without anything, without our things we left with what we've had on the rush and so it's 30 and 255, just also a heads ukrainian positions, guided bombs, we used in the strikes as we mentioned earlier, a capital regime, the largest in the russian history has been imposing clues,
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as well as the brown skin belgrade regions which all share a border with ukraine. it comes in response to an unprecedented attack on the, on the area bike. he avoids big on area this week. you seem losing law, but they keep regime has made an unprecedented attempt to destabilize the situation . and a number of regions of our country is the result of a terrorist attack on the territory of the coast region by units of the ukraine on forces. most of the casualties, the destruction of residential buildings and all of us have it in facilities in other to ensure the safety of citizens and to prevent the threats of terrace exit by substitution reconnaissance formations of the enemy. the chambers of the national on the terrace committee, the director of the f, as b alex on the 4th and ecos, decided to organize counterterrorism alterations in the bel grits balance and coast regions from the 9th of august to $1.00 to $24.00. well, this is the largest counter terrorism operation in the history of russia,
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both territory wise and when it comes to the number of people it is affecting right now. what it does, it drastically expands the powers and the storage fee of law enforcement and security agents. they can perform id checks, of anyone, anywhere they can enter homes without a court order or they can pretty much shut down or tap on the internet and phone communications. and well, the list just goes on and on and on. they can restrict movements, they can relocate whole regions and areas and they don't need too much paperwork to do so. so this is a big development at the same time. the fighting, of course is going on on the cranium tillery. they have continued to show on the palm russian board the towns. in fact, we have pretty much just returned from one of such towns where we spoke to the people who are evacuating. and basically we have spoken to a lot of skid and frightened people. they are afraid of
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a talk to us about sleepless nights that they've had how they feel for the children, for their loved ones and for their own life. they pretty much these board the towns close to the fighting. they, well, they are, they're empty now. they are, they will have almost completely been evacuated and it's not something that the authorities insisted on, but rather they provided the means to do so. this is how the situation is that right now, at the same time that has been somewhat of an information vacuum on the cube side as to when it comes to official commentary about the goals and purposes of this operation and this border in cash. and so one of one of the former defense ministers of ukraine has said that scam on green is essentially could be very likely one of the key goals of this operation is that they're running. you said the ukranian military was proving its ability to conduct new tactics of combined arms
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operation told by western military trainers. russia has also reached out to the international atomic energy agency, saying that it has discovered parts of nato made me so i was on the territory of the course nuclear power plant. it's just, it's about an hour long drive from the point where i'm standing right now. this is very concerning for russia, of course, because it doesn't 20 nuclear disaster on its soil. the i a into and it has cooled both sides to restrain when it comes to the fighting, affecting a nuclear facility. now, on the russian side, the mount special forces have engaged in combat. it has been a couple of days since they've done so i'm doing well as the commander of this special force of yellow, you know, the general, he has spoken to the media about about what is going on over there and about the tactics, the ukrainian armed forces are using essentially he has said that, well, they are using a lot of scenarios on the that the, you,
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they're trying to accent to operate these very quick. giles, on the mobile groups to try and the re, to have it. but he is reassured, everyone's that the much special forces that along with the rest of the russian guys and to repel this attack and well to, to drive them to drive them back to their initial positions on the ukranian soil at least for now to just see how we see for mo, directions, the, they were a lot of french, a lot of polls, a lot of foreigners, of course, it must be stated that this operation is led by the headquarters, come on to the nato blog itself. this is an unambiguous question because ukrainian was themselves can hardly formulate such a thing. well, it has been a long known and established fact that ukraine has relied on intelligence provided by nato, by its satellites. also, it has been supplied so many nature made weapons and equipment and military
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vehicles on the nato instructors, native frame is they have been consulting the ukrainian combined as well. so there is no reason to, to believe and to assume that this time here anything is any different that the situation is any different that states suddenly decided to act in dependency and not rely on all of that. given that they have used extensively, the, the codes machines in the weaponry. also, this is the sentiment that there was that the fax with the ukrainians have used to be aided in this, by the, by the nature of blog. it's a sentiment that has been said by 12 minutes to 1st, the attack might be an attempt to slowly will kill russian momentum and it's offensive switch. have lost it. so the duration of 2020 for a 2nd strategic objective might be to shift the narrative of the war to one more positive for ukraine. time will tell if it was a sensible gamble or not,
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but those strikers could have been put to good use in the desperate defense of such don bass, bass, jones as chests of yar and already the ukrainians are losing man and material taking villages against scattered light forces taken unawares is also a great deal more straightforward than holding them. the ukranian troops, however, are pushed back from the russian territory without any tangible results with high losses and of russians continue. moving towards po croft, the new cranes, top military leadership will be seen as having lost a massive gamble literally, as i speak heading towards the most part of the front here in the course region, which means that again this fighting and this fight here is far from over the now thousands of people that have taken to the streets of bell gray calling for the government to bad, environmentally devastating leave you a mining. i met the protests of forward to use in the sub in capital arrested for
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people suspected of plotting to attack police and calls valid and during the demonstration. now he logical aspects of one that they leave you on mining could put nude values, farms, and water resources in the country. chevy as president is pulled for the demonstrators to remain peaceful. he said, to solve it, ease of received information from moscow assessment. people will try to use the protested for to, to launch up against his government. nobody will receive the official information from the russian federation. the information has been transmitted and communicated through official channels. we received that information where what candidates, they commented us over to is the security information agency. people specialized in this and they do the job in the government of sylvia. and in all the places, let me tell you right away as those who dream of achieving something by force and will fight. so that is inexorably moving forward. they cannot stop it and they will not stop edge and nobody will ever stop. it's again. so that's my message to
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everyone. people don't have to worry because have you send me to start with photos companies? the only possible i'm russian foreign ministry spokesman marie is on her own by wanting to for a reason, downgrade the concerns of serbian citizens about lithium mining. could be missed used in the western surfaces could try to organize the state to in belgrade, there is currently a protest which is a continuation of the previous demonstrations against lithium my name by the multinational company, rio tempo in serbia. organizers of the protests and people who are now on the streets are demanding from serbian government to stop all co operation with rio tend to company and to bad any exploration of lithium and bore on there is currently a blockade of the gazelle, a bridge. the organizers say that this blockade will last 48 hours because l a bridge is one of the most important in belgrade. right, let's trust now live to enable use of molly tubs. john listed senior writer r t. joining us live from bell grade boys. i'm glad to have you join me now that
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you'll carly and bell grade. what can you tell us about the ongoing demonstrations that as well. i saw the demonstration assembling earlier this evening and it seemed overwhelmingly peaceful. it seemed very patriotic and it seemed pretty massive, bigger than anything i've ever seen. but obviously there is a persistent here in this country for good reason that any sort of magic bend could be hijacked by a hostile actors ever since the color revolution of 2000. and so that's a very justified fear, a, by the government. and especially if there is credible intelligence coming from us now that something like this might be happening. i also have to say that i'm slightly disappointed as the decision of these protesters to block bridges and, and you know, railway stations after they've made their point because that's not a way to bring anybody all towards. that's literally you wait with how good,
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nice population. you know, how, how exactly do you win over people by preventing them from moving around town really, you're going to work or going to holiday or just just engaging and basic logistics of daily living is beyond me now. they have been, the one is that this, this protests may be used by some to we can all replace the coverage sub income. and you mentioned that earlier, how justifiable is dot clements and how serious should the poverty state that into consideration. but look, if, if russian security service is transmitted something to the serbian government officially, then i'm assuming they know what they're talking about. there's been plenty of speculation ever since 2000 that any sort of large print test could escalate into a color revolution. i'll just simply because this was the test cage or that a technique basically a crew that's been since tried everywhere else. we're western interest towards way
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and once we know other people's elections as they say, um, but again, i don't have any sort of intelligence myself to figure out whether that's true or not. i. i know some of my friends who are very sympathetic towards the approaches to and others are critically like. i don't think anybody is really fond of the idea of blockading bridges and streets. that's that's, that's a step to part. all right, now off of my head of serbian intelligent and said that the president would change would not befall the same fade as deposed. ukrainian, the victo? yeah. the core of it. how do you know comments on this as well? again, once you know what's coming, what you know, a color evolution is being repaired, can you, can you, immunize yourself against it? as i pointed out before, serbia was the test case for the original color revolution in 2000,
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which was the next 40 to georgia in 2003 in the ukraine, 2004 to support orange revolution. and then they did it again in my down, in 2014 and had to be more violent by then things you know, people have sort of figured out how this works. and arguably, the whole format of color revolution is more or less spent by now, because all the tricks have been played and the receiver box, as we've seen a lot of western governments don't, we have a new ideas and they have to recycle new ones. and if is the plan is to go over the door to serve you document because it hasn't sanctioned rush hour, you know, joined even bar go orders, you know, started mass selling weapons to ukraine or any of this stuff. then i wouldn't put it past them to try a color resolution, and those are always based on some kind of genuine possible grievance and make no mistake. this revolt against real control of the large big part of it is a genuine popular grievance. people don't want this company, i don't know if they might be more amenable to a chinese company,
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but they're just not on to the idea of real control, which is victorious in the west. basically excavating in the value of a record, it's essentially key to the water supply more than the serbian bell rate on top of me, which really depends on solve under daniel for water supply. and again, there's legitimate reasons to object to this, and i'm not really sure why and she'll be in government just show hell bent on having reopen, don't have his mind. you're um, i mean, really, you know, there are things to be dealing with. i mean, there's a crisis going on in kosovo right now with the, i think i'll be in a pseudo government persecuting ethnic serve is less than right. and the western world which is enabling this is sort of standing by shrugging and writing empty sharp word of letters that will make the slightest bit of difference a port instead we, we've got this mass protest overlays that will, it should be open for another 3 years at the very least now with this process that
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people are calling for a complete bad on lead via mining, how likely is it that the government will agree on such a step, but what could be a compromise instead going forward? what scenarios are you looking at? well, i'm not sure if they want, they will ever accept a complete ban on what you might need because they see the mining as sort of an economic opportunity. and one of the big things that has characterized is government has economic development from, you know, infrastructure, construction to factories, to be a major, major project. and this is one of the biggest ones. and again, they've been told that they've been telling people that lithium or lithium ion battery is the kind of you know, green energy project. that is, that is going to propel serbian june 21st century to pinpoint the image that again, serbia isn't fair, industrially because it's been bought by the west and sanction back in the ninety's . uh,
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so it doesn't really have the domestic industry strong enough to support with me and battery manufacturing. and there isn't really very much talk about building those factories here. all of which the, all of the talked about this mine is the, oh, well, they're just going to bind to lift the dump, the slag somewhere, and then take the lithium to germany because germany needs as well, with all due respect germany has thrown, we don't own determines anything quite the contrary. i think the german chuckled. ledger of the things that they need to atone for attribute history just over the past 5 years. to write that visual visa mining was brought to the public's attention amid the visit all by german chancello, a lot of shows to the bad grade last to bill get last month's now. what is the use interest in this deal? and how does the mining company real attempt to fit into this? i remember you mentioned the company earlier on, but if that's why mazda be, or your team to our, how does this fit into this whole narrative in serbia?
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right, well the issue is that, you know, because it's in the arctic sanctions on russia is dealing with energy shortage. and they're also at the same time speed running to school. mean you'll, you'll transition to non fossil fuels. and so the sort of got a perfect storm of there are making where, you know, the entire union is facing energy. sure. because aside from the countries that still renew that is in germany shop there's down 20 years ago because they, they felt that you're more cheap. and so even though germany has significant lifting you reserved their choosing, not to mind, they're citing environmental issues and would very much like to mind it in serbia because the environmental issues are all of a sudden not a problem. because again, sir b is not a new member, so they can get away with all sorts of stop here is at least that's what they're thinking. and the auction additional layer of problems is that the area in which the want to doing this explanation, which is really rich with you, is also
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a historical site of several major battles against the dra vincent and the austrians in world war one. and so the serbian population, right, legal world which use this is an attempt by the germans to both profit from serbia and erased some of the more embarrassing history for themselves. and, and i don't understand like this government is very good at public relations very, very slowly. and they just been very well about explaining this list m deal and explaining what serve you would actually gain from it if anything. uh and simply going well, the germans have given us guarantees that every be fine. not understanding perhaps that this is, this is never floated sharpie edge ever since world war one and 2. and especially now with, you know, germany being a key player and collapse of getting sloppy and the drake of, of yugoslavia in the night ninety's as i said, the treatment of a long ledger of debts to serbia that they need to atone for. and this is now a,
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this is not the 1st time that leave your minding has become an issue in sylvia 2 years ago, the country decided to stop the mining project. so the big question now is what has changed as well? yeah, and i think the 2 years ago, germany didn't have as much of an energy problem because they were still, uh, they were still in uh, importing natural gas from russia. and they haven't fully embraced the degree magenta. and now they are. and now they're having these issues, so now they're desperate to get this going. um, there's also quite a bit of pressure from china because it's the manufacturing all of these electric vehicles and you know, all of this green stuff that's the european was never really intended to build themselves. it's just sort of a bit of a racket to get money from the union 4 or these projects if we're never going to work. and so now they're under pressure to do something about it because their
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energy situation is doesn't really have a solution. but again, germans have their own lives in reserves, and i see no reason from where i stand to make this up at serbia's expense. but again, because sir, was not a new member, it's sort of surrounded by you. what nato, the block sees it easy as an easy solution component, serbian, to sort of doing their dirty work. except, you know, judging by all these tens of thousands of people in simple, round grade today, nobody bothered asking them. and i think, i think the, you know, the president should probably sit down with his ministers and, and figure out a way to explain why, how this is a good idea. not just why all right. we have to let me hear now having a voice that mileage just the john list and i'll send you a ride to an arty joining us from bell. great, thank you so much. thank you for having the now to the mid lease. now more than
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$100.00 plus to buy this tv instead, reportedly being killed and then he's rarely strike on a school sheltering displaced people in gather city. a warning you may find the following. for the disturbing, the 3 rockets hit the building as people where gathering for morning prize. meanwhile, to the east, really ministry has reported the cost of water supplies to the area. the idea of planes of the school was used as a mass headquarters and measures were taken to minimize the number of civilian casualties. as more details about the tragedy come to lines local john list and the more tests on delilah, i sent this report from the seen a warning again that there are disturbing images that had the vision for say, i have committed. i would have been investigated in the mall as close as the, in the school there with more than
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a $300.00 the board bid forming and fidgeting today on the civic defensive assistant, that most of them might have been sick for 50 people with the kids are the ones that have used to go and they have no bliss, and i remember that it was within the own. no, but it, it goes with that, which is partially. oh, but i think i've thought it was a tech might the commission forces said that i'm phones, most of the people who are the stuff the way that they can. we came to the place here which was attacked when we found people torn to pieces in the place was completely closed and them from no one had entered after the evenings and those attacked were just people who had been displaced. however, there's a new commission for us as habits into, into the pension of the schools, but people continue. it shows that it can be submissive because they of homes have
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been destroyed and very beat it effects across the us could have to a slice on the school, which was sheltering, displaced people in guys, a city evolved condemnation worldwide. russell, once that's such a tax that the what can move the watering parties farther away from a potential as he's fine. while the u foreign policy chief said that he was horrified by the images of the aftermath. muslim countries such as egypt, jordan and the key said that he's role is in place on the validation of international law. a similar condemnation was a voice by the u. k as well, but, you know, ultimately tried to pin the blame on her mazda instead of it's allies. the id, as opposed by these really military struggling out to be in school and the tragic loss of life from us most up in denver and civilians. israel must comply with international humanitarian law. we need an immediate cease fire to protect civilians free all hostages and restrictions on a now we spoke with bill bar,
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i'll at one editor in chief of be right. all you news outlets. and he said the western countries with the us at the top are allowing civilians to be killed in gaza. they have the, you know, link, set a gus all the time. so the america that was link studied gusta, about the feel my lives values. and about you know, that the, the big secretion talking about something, this is the wisdom that is, well they, you know, why we cannot see these so called values. and when it comes to god's on, when it comes to the scene, and when it comes to the tablet, when it comes to the middle east, is that i can do whatever they want to do. well, i'm the american, i see that i'm kind of getting them when this into the, on the hops and being a dollar. and then the ability to is i and the end of the heat open of the, of the, the, of the middle of these crimes in that box. it means they are not of this month because
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they are actually getting that i any agreeing likes to continue this month. and i've been looking at a kind of condemnation of vehicle and diminishing l or and implementing any of you and security cousin ad is illusion which as actually imposing for i sees fat on quality for immediate feedback and spending, use ro, wherever. again, mass protest of a rump that with local speaking out against the blood shed in gaza. demonstrations off trying to process these role tonight to call for the ease of hostage in gaza and to for decides that nothing yahoo god bends rolled in the conflict. families of captives are expected to make a statement outside these really defends ministry. additional protests are also to be held outside nathan y'all's residents, as well as in all the eas, really cities. what all to the comments where you could get details on
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august. the reason for the following is our, i'll see you again, that's up of the, the, the, what is part of it that the employee would posted isn't the defense you of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present good let's stop without cases. let's go out of as there was a time when i started to was abused to obtain flowers divided the
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continental vine for tom monk's themselves. it was divided as a hunting ground. if we do not unite the corner knives as we come out again, we know that they are those who want the mazda continental to step in 8 foot the mazda clinton, and never be stopped, because the mazda continent must be great. she will only be great on the shoulders of our sons and daughters on by the set of all comes a good time for and let us confess about underground east to mazda upon the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, i'm not sure it has the same. welcome back to going underground rule got single around the world from the u. a. from gaza to ukraine, to china, who creates the obvious the falls narratives pirated by faith joining lifts, bullets, politicians, and absurd geopolitical analyst. if you believe the gaza genocide is excused by october, the 7th that russia are invaded, you craving an unprovoked attack, and the china wants to control all of our minds. you probably thought iraq had w. m d. come on, chief mazda of sergeant dennis fritz was at the heart of us pye. when that light was being forged, one that would kill wound or displace tens of millions of men, women, and children. iraq was to be just the starts along with syria lab and libya. somebody


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