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tv   Documentary  RT  August 11, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EDT

12:30 am
the new one uses us using foster global deposit, adobe revolution, support on the on a, and use boston new movies. so also for you the, the commercial grace cross concept continues to virginia. it was, it was cross concept in blue. wondering, you will approach senior ordering you buying some store, but you know, ordering your brushing. you must go school prepared, hoppel you, but that it's a sizing numerous city the
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. 2 the ccc, this used to be the way you can even increase your witnesses to the atrocities committed by ukrainian militants. a fully aware of what russia was fighting for and done by us for almost 9 years. they have described the ukranian conflict as a holy war. the movie was
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yes, that's what i'm bored, you know what to do and the wisdom of, you know, a so maybe it's a 2 lot. so the whole new, but it will look at the smaller charge in the town at that price. now, after a ukrainian shell directly hit, there was almost nothing left of the century old building. the child wreckage now serves as the owner of assuming nicholas to the rank just continues to have services. ready the the pos that 1st came to dunbar in 2014, when the ukrainian forces had just begun targeting all the adults churches and monasteries. but even then,
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you realize that the was the language and phase had broken out. what actually the most along the way some using it was you just told her use the clothes to because i was going to have let me see the most over 4th more you step last or shift front of the women. ok. someone just and then you most of what to put on his schedule is he is a bush and i'll tell you, i do put the stream to the portal or from bush or bush, the pro
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strained, talk to the service in the destroyed judge. father appeals a heads to the front and the troops to minus having a volunteers and collected for done best as defenders and people living in destroyed towns conventionally facing the car. at those houses, we need to jump with the issue or zillow or the video keep listing that the key is that certainly look good, but the other ones allow me to somebody who is in the, in the me and so forth. well, the one actually it was not the guy you. one was on the deal and likely with a but i'm, i'm like, well, you want to hit it's was interest sol, solved up and look, look at what was the origin was this, i think store pumps and use the phone on some updated image. she will find that you don't, it's the most google list uh with us. it makes me see anything less than what?
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well, what, what do you need to know? as you said, you're gonna notice lavinia, this is file the guy as far as time at the front of the church, what he serves is in the arctic, 3000 kilometers from little guns, but even the country's edge, they realize it's impossible to remain on the sidelines the front is a common in front of battle, a common cause. yes, showed me unless if we were in this new city, there were less than you know, people regular scheduled in them. and that's when it's in, it's going to say, and you'll receive a dealer with the world of it. and with that i need to, oh my goodness of the due for the need soon. low smaller. good. what else? so no. what's that could it's still decided to get ahold of move to next. good. i was there for this. the still supposed to the last for your students. so a mutual,
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so canadian though a symbol of sleep and so for you is that all this to the phrase, most drive all nights bunch of the way the stretch closer to the front will be posted in complete darkness. more and more often ukrainian neo known c drones targets civilian vehicles. the court of appeals has been driving for a few days now. don't pass his front line roads all of much the same. broken and vehicles on the roadside and houses destroyed by ukrainian shells everywhere. ras civilian cause joined past the media to become voice the
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lowest don't before the front, an improvised h. q for military champions among themselves. the priest, joking the coolest place. the clergy, campbell, for the service itself though it was only less and less of an ordinary to room flat, became a transit sides of those going to the front and those returning from combat the were cramped car doors are listed with humanitarian, 8 boxes police brought for soldiers and civilians. 2 rooms occupied by bri
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suv. return from the front. one of them is blind. father alex amy hi, loves the mazda 2nd. so look, see much though. uh typically you, excuse me, i should pull up. the price won't be too much. a front line, pres day begins at sunrise, folks don't see crane in minutes. and so i'm using drones to target civilian vehicles with on tennessee every minute counts. in one day, they need to visit several units to see what don't know, some, especially in the union. so violent velocity about orders told us that the log in as well, and they shouldn't have screening in the pursuit. but this right, but it's also starting as also for the w of so don't blow up until july. the bill
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of all of assuming it was the money's buzz is almost all the the next stop is the hangings the officers set up on on the vehicle, but the worshippers don't mind that at all. the the, the chest that the official search, i don't know if it's a short of this, i think there's another thing. so you might as well go through this, okay. just the speedometer and then your stuff is modem. so the so known fits just like if i was asked the squared. so in this scenario, so and so to erica, when i go to the over level to be difficult movies and look at this uh gloves. uh, sold up because any book that you've heard or especially was put in storage. what for the, you know, what the, that was, and then you pretty much the, the, the,
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so any this weekend there, yes, the the, the a j. k is off the gaining independence and from the
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law firm of the ivory coast remained under the strong influence of his full metropolitan pro french president. felix, who saved one you ruined the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest to from the government dean. isn't it enough from that there's no simple new foster larry share. so that was done. those who saw him and the more appropriate after the death of move a one year, a new lead to bill. i'll go back the ball came to power, and i'm ready to double open, for example. yeah, curious to know if the problem the was it isn't good enough for tiffany to one is for the bronze demetrius the dean. good luck. boeing. enemy, a deep political crisis is huge. walk a, the country 2nd largest city, turned into a theatre of last year from 130 to the
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other. 2 voters saw what did. how did the dramatic events unfold? and how is walk a recovering from? he is a bloody conflict. watch on archie. the russian chaplains here a trial or is it the number one targets, the ukranian militants, to store some of the shinnecock bug, you know, is disposing of the of those in this way as me, after all the things for us on a so i'm doing this but it's not like you brush it, but you must have looked up on you blow out some bug. you might of the differences of lucas layer with a shared chilly if not, say that so. so maybe a slightly shell. it's nice to know. since we should have to pull it up, but if this was enough that this was the original, i mean total for us to look for, for the spiritual warriors of finding those who have been destroying don't buses,
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peaceful towns for almost 9 years, sparing neither prisoners women nor children shooting at the corner store in the dates and we wouldn't even want to anybody have something wrong to start paying anybody else for the leg and file a lot of his love, a woman. he welcomed at the front. they've come to the battalion, commanded by scout, with the co sign nikolai, which regardless, the only sense of what you don't belong to the most door done well, i guess i'll plan on this for my social was functional jalie. so is there any harm? no, no, hold on, let me on a such on what your slow when you do relation. so stuff. but i really do see the see. yeah. so i've got to get this right. when you click on
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that, i'm coming up. i think it will solve, i think it's, i guess on your what pers, keeping up at charleston a copy of i will proceed to include you in class. more things like that gives you the category is the word is the last time you solve. the youngest doesn't have to keep them to use computers for new or aspects of the neighborhood to use a computer in chemistry. plaza that you from watch, but drugs hold or give a try to voice. those rates are correct. yes. that i've only been yeah, it's solve the cars will. it will most useful series of ocean to do it. the portions of upon the bottom of the ocean, i'm going to switch to this on what i do with some of the some block of some of the system below which internal the, you can use to pro us loudly equal new collection of ford. so you just something i could just go to the hotel, what are the items for my box? got them you just a when was
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a lot on the i mean yeah. satellite and also what i need you're using. yeah. that's what the so the nation but just to the national show my submission glenda. so new, it's a new for me like i told them one more than what it is but it just said it them on you know what the book of us. gov do. snap when you, when you can probably get the crushing on you for montgomery village in savannah that you and i guess and i guess the vienna display unicoi. this image will still be able to arrange a different line today, the samples to us, the brace to spend a few hours with them have much work to do it all, much as of done best land are strewn with unexploded minds and shells. finally,
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by burning may view the father bianca abroad, the soldiers a miraculous icon. the streaming image of the mother of god named saw from the evil hearts. then you have to click on the on button on the machine as long sales dance. what's on the terms? i'm gonna put your scripts from globally, it's almost 70 percent doing enough for them to use it for the easily. courtney, both of us, it in just as quickly was 0. the one that the key for me to do, but i mean you made up of choices are much better when you move to columbia, their schedule, and the different thing on the federal government to shut them down. that actually
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went into the chef. does that not even the sports channel? hello. yes, just well. what else? that's what the story is. they did, she has some of you might say, but who just created to little girls? and if they have any thoughts and we have them from, was also from to pay me a bit of free list on a scale to shortcut. or i want you to know that this miraculous icon who stood side by side, the battalion soldiers since the conflicts beginning. but of the slide here before the show actually like it though. mirrors the other one. yeah. of course. note. put on
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yeah, they have some ideas only. no. but i bet they will bring it. we'll see if it's even though it's here, it's the most that's the next best of all over item on us model. but to me though, is about the no, i give so much of it to this the over the easy is and they can live it just a death in the face mode. and once he's convinced he survive, thanks that divine intervention kind of ask if i didn't last year in your senior year nurse. and that's going to show. but also the sample on the
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which the battalions medic co sign. cad deals with the wounded during battle while praying to saint nicholas it so happens amanda and the wonder worker who saved her life many times. she had the same name more to be unless it can go to the products. this one was split and below which introduced america ban. look on yesterday last by political move up among those. but it's the slow weather chick across it started. boom, boom, fiscal are almost able to interest back in the permission item. you think you'll see a and i checked the cap, which it's taking on most of the solo on the collection of thoughts if at the moment that they belong to go to them to my end or the
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today, the miracle working icon is once again heading to the front line. ready ready but i gain weight, but right? yeah, i. so what's the actual book is likely to us sports and you look, you know, it should look at that. the blended though, we're still bone. yeah. so is that you was not just show it on the go with a 0 is here over city, didn't you go lie, it got the richard the little bit as a natural, so national crime, you remove it, but it's you on a buy it then when i do so apologize to the money thing. yes, you got a lie, but the private system national has insurance and will sit on the board with us. somebody medium for reducing we sonya, dom working, journalist alexandria. you're going to have traveled the entire front line with the most streaming icons. the city of william, as long as she has been a woman with a glass,
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it's a special nicholas and you'll get to them. you know them about the place where the pretty would go and what would in a store them, i'm will put a new to us. my me is to suspicion you can well you and then solution. you come a pretty y 0. yeah. what do you will, but what would in and lawyer from that we met at that you equal in a when, if juniors we sort of just done yet, sca at the moon. yes could, could us. but there is a to load and i still remember it, but it said it was missed out on your voice, but the whole ship mean i knew to describe the shape, right? yeah, she got on the line with what a what else? and a little more induce display. fission, you, because by the way, are you waiting us lord, issue. there was a trip balance between life and death. the landscape militants, don't even us very expensive. you as miss ios to eliminate russian chaplains more
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or less new mazda of elk grove you've going forward, you give way easier or more to spectrum? i was good. yes. right. that's what i share. and so done. you have good news that you will go in and do it literally and we what was the biggest night in? yeah, probably, but it's good sheets. the 1st line of trenches, the song squads have waited a long time for the po to was to patient example to use plain i thing is i've a behind the the trenches and dug out so flooded by rain under the open sky. i made puddles in the icy wind, the soldiers line up the phone with the priest as a cute to be baptized. so now let's corporate them to about 6. we're going to see or is there some off of the some of searching for assist you as
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a to explain yourself. it's almost impossible to find a p, a so the front. ready knew the baptized on to pose and will fight tomorrow. not spattering the lives of the comrades. and for the truth, they defend arms in hand, the, the studies, the pro percentages, but the suitcase told us that the the, the villages returning to his village and this da, real full region hasn't been home. but over a month, the end. if somebody else has annual wireless to mobile, to beat it, they can use the sound like gun rachel stobel,
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a button don't get on us so you don't know. so you know, as a bonus book when i blocked his video, but yeah. okay. i still don't like i noticed the light and yeah, a village and some boy, we don't like to come inside and union boulevard via samsung us. there was an incident with them 1st land one go see with the, with the i can use my signal breeze with the so william bush, you were, he had him still has the window now to do there's on the, on the stuff. so those will, for she was a, was a good, there's quite a lot of the piano but them to the but i think what i was before and i get that will or be when he gets out of the list. so they can do it. but his vacation won't last long. very soon, father biondo will once again load his car to the brim with humanitarian aid and head to the front to his soldiers. come down here that the lawyer upsets us, that a good thing is to a young man with the media i knew was most of those are the spoke to cindy me. i
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initial a, you like having a problem that, that, that's the able to work because the way it liberates are so don't know where he bought on. where's the, where, what the data upstairs through to me, both cooked, emitted collect the data and digit that data to store store. i need your advisor and i do understand them get your new build should deal with despite everything draperies go to the front lines with that eagerly awaited they pray in the trenches and bunkers and hospitals and destroyed churches. they pray for peace, which is impossible without victory. the most thrush, my thing is, the business isn't in conducting the dish to being trampled this nearly, cuz most of 3 of them actually spoke one of your carlos,
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most of class stuff done. what for the last race to go to stand up price for that 1st and that will go to the store that most people thought of. she had spoken vehicles of the one you publish. it was a bulk of well, she's in the line and i should be able to get it. you know, the last one, your goal for the most part. oh
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the the with the end of world war one, the movement for indian independence from the british empire flared up with renewed vigor. the british responded to the growth of the national liberation movement with arrest and brutal violence. repression caused active resistance. in march 1919 at the call of mahatma gandhi, a peaceful strike began in the country. but the british responded with
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a new round of violence and far bade the indians to gather more than 4 people. on the day of the sea bass at t festivals. a huge crowd of civilians gathered in the center of the city of i'm gonna start in northern india seeing base as outright defiance. general reginald dyer gave the order to open fire on the on arm people. the barbaric execution claimed the lives of at least 379 indians, including 40 children, the youngest of who was 6 weeks old. the indian national congress considered the official figures to be underestimated and announced the death of more than $1000.00 civilians. the well known greatest newspaper, the morning post called dyer, the man who saved india, gave him a sword and 26000 pounds sterling as
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a token of gratitude for the massacre. the amorous star massacre wind down in history as one of the most brutal crimes of the british invade years, and only escalated the affair. struggle of the indians for liberation from the colonial yoke. the, [000:00:00;00]
1:00 am
the fafsa and the distance you can see rescue as far as trying to get to the 2nd floor . if you can see in the life of the flashlight, just silver. the nighttime tara, as possible down ukrainian rocket slab into an apartment block in the russian city . of course, leaving the team people wounded, a correspondent, one of the very 1st people on the scene on the warpath of the world. and he'd go think agency was looking the whole ones with american officials software which revealed washington had, allows us to lead to a thing to compete in exchange, get this spine on others also in the program, the question of innocence, quality of transport as before and to show the recently released evan goes


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