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tv   News  RT  August 11, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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next to his face, the factor in the distance you can see rescue is trying to get to the 2nd floor. if you can see the life of the flashlight just over the nighttime terrace as possible, down ukrainian, crystal outside into an apartment lost in the russian city. of the quote of sleeping. so a team people wounded, a correspondent, one of the very 1st people on the same on the wall across the world and see the other thing agency, wide looking holmes with american officials, potters revealed, washington had allowed actually to what other things to compete. vote in exchange, get this spine on other also in the program. a question of innocence
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is audio. transport is reporting to show the recently released to evan cosca page and poll. we learn quarter red handed and acts of espionage and russia. that's as washington still threatens, must go with even more of sanctions of what it claims is that of the wrongful imprisonment of america. the top story is also a week. i know right now. welcome to the weekly here on, on the international to we start with that breaking news for this, our coming from the russian to the city of quarter skits, where our local authority, se parts of an intercepted ukrainian ms. all came down on a residential block off the key, launched a night's attack on the city. 13 people wounded the 2 in serious condition. the russian defense ministry says for ms. silas and 14 drones are shut down overnight. the incident happened dr. moscow last is largest ever n t, tara operation in the region in that region, and to others. by the way. what of this softer and incursion by you crate uniforms is out here this week. open out 12 correspondence with this report. so right now
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you can see here the 55 is still dealing with the off to most of the photos terrorist attacks by the infringing on forces. you can see the volunteer as energy authority, helping out with the dealing with the optimize over there is a balcony and rest because they're trying to get to that apartment on the 2nd floor . you can see that this whole part of the facade has been very, very badly damaged. windows have been shifted, and again, the attack came very late at night, almost at midnight. so people were quotes of god. we didn't have time to take shelter. it was 12 o'clock at night. we were sleep. mom is 94 years old. i am almost 69 years old. we were already a sleep. when this explosion happened, i picked up my mom and we went to the bathrooms. then there was several explosions . when everything stopped, i went out, everything was scattered in the rims,
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the windows was shafted. i grabbed the things that had been prepared in advance, and we went out. some of the men helped my mother down from the 5th floor because she doesn't look well herself. i called my relatives, my sister came and took my mother cause to go on for the 2nd floor was the place the apartment was on fire, then 55 is in special services, began to arrive, all the residents to run out of the house, opened the basements what were you doing anyway? you were already asleep when? yes, of course was slapped, the sacraments ran and just a couple of minutes later this explosion was heard. the windows and balcony doors shut it on the floor, said boss, i see that the 1st entrances are about the end of the building. did i understand correctly? the 2nd floor is very damaged and it was a blaze that just that the 2nd floor on the 1st on the 2nd entrance was on fire and the 3 cause a building nearby. so this was the most large scale mess all attacks us. the town
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of course, i've had to deal with a sofa. you can see volunteers, locals, who, who are just a all around the. it is quite a hectic right now back there in the distance. you can see rescue is trying to get to the 2nd floor. if you can see in the life of the flashlight, just over that, you can see that the whole that's being tied to the entire facade of this building, at least this middle section of it, has been quite badly damaged. so they're trying to get that trying to get apartment to apartment to apartment basically because they have no way of doing so on the inside. physical evidence of it. i'm feeling as a list of the residents of our house has been affected. we decide whether they will go to the temporary accommodation or they will stay with their relatives and friends. i'm writing this down because the commission, we sets up in the morning. we'll go through the apartments and look at the damage. well, the emergency response has been very,
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very significant. you can see that police, you can see 5 trucks. in fact, there's 2 right here to 5, several ambulances come to the scene. they are right now trying to deal with who the altima the frame unit to gain. so it's very, very residential building. in fact, if i move just slightly to the side here, i am already, well, this is a huge puddle of water that it didn't seem to done from the side for us. but here you can already see the rubble. and if we could get just a little bit closer here, you can see it's really done, but rescue is that doing us a bit of a service. because in the light of the flashlights, you can see the scale of damage delts to, to this apartment building. just pay attention to the lights over that. there's a lot of going to the 2nd tools and as
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a balcony over there. so they are trying to get to that apartment to see if there are any survivors, any casualties, anybody wounded? because the attack came very, very light the tides. most people who were home, who didn't go to the country side for the holidays for the, for the weekend. if they were home, they would, would have been a sleep probably, and if they would have the quotes of god. so this is the main purpose of the rescue services right here. well meanwhile, here's some of the very latest footage released by the russian defense ministry showing the air force attempting to repel the crating and caution into the coldest region. i must get reports, fight, address targeted ukrainian troops and ahmed vehicles across the border area. several missiles will find that ukrainian positions with the m o. d thing old targets were destroyed. meanwhile, russian ad defense is repelled more than a 150 feet drones in 24 hours. destroyed 16 american high mas real fits into
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french made miss. read well, a russian is kind of miss solve is destroyed, a ukrainian come on the control post and it precision strike at least 50 in the ukranian. troops are said to have been killed. the cluster of buildings and the heavily wooded area apparently served as a coordination the center. meanwhile, washington, the you are on the very same page saying ukraine has the right to defend itself by all means necessary. the light is the white house briefing national security spokesperson, john copy, said he has a title dakota region falls in line with the rules around that of using american supply weapons. the personalized goals of inc. coach and apparently not entirely clear to washington. as you know, there's been no changes in our policy approaches they're using in, in, in an area where we had said before, they came to you, you as well as for across the border strikes. the goal here is to have
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a great event itself and we're just going to see what the princess about was talking about earlier in the program with form on us on the reserve is to scott bennett, and he believes that russia has all the reasons to file a legal international case, so the kids walk right and i'm always baffled and infuriated, and at the same time comically, ah, stimulated with laughter when i hear these, these little bottom eyes fools like john kirby basically saying our policy is to do the following. we're doing the following uh is, if you crane is just uh, you know, a wind up toy for them to send into the lawn more. and that's what they're doing. and i think russia is, is it conducting itself in an incredibly compassionate way by demonstrating it? is it no, no desire to kill ukrainians,
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but it will not allow russian civilians to be murdered by terrorist. and i would be happy to, to testify in any international criminal court proceeding that rusher brings against ukraine or any of their allies or supporters. and that's really the next step. you need to find a legal war against these war criminals for terrorist attacks of killing innocent civilians. i saw it when i was in belgrade. i filed the reports about it and that is a very important step is to bring it to the international criminal level to prosecute these people. ready like they were prosecuted, nuremberg allows to cheat to catch other cheeses. so that is the dramatic revelations of a reuters investigation which found the us had committed at least 3 f. the leads to compete internationally despite taking performance enhancing drugs. but in return, they would have to spike on their fellow sportsmen over the past,
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but the us anti doping agency at loggerheads with this global equivalent of water. a, this aside, a scheme threatened the integrity of sporting competition, which the code seeks to protect by operating it who saw that was in clear breach of the rules. contrary to the claims made by of soda water did not sign off on this practice of permitting drug eats to compete for years on the promised that they would try to obtain incriminating evidence against others. us empty doping agency, admitting the bit as sanctioned athletes to be able to cheat to, to, to continue to take policy and competitions. as you mentioned on the basis that they may be able to sniff out of the athletes who also don't think it's a really incredible story. it's not just us saying this, the usa d a has admitted this is paula. so you have to listen to it statement. it's an
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effective way to get these bigger stomach problems if you've got the engines. so others who are praying and that's, that's and traffic and i think it's totally appropriate. so the question is, what do we know? well water, which is the will donte tubing agencies with mesa, is that at least 3 athletes were at phone to being do thing to have had this doping sanctioned body that agency, the u. s. a. d a. and what we know is that these athletes that were able to pursue the careers that dreams are able to compete in competitions to potentially win metals, to get sponsorship, to the prize money on all of this was ok while they were cheating. and this was being sanctioned at the highest level and even higher than that because us a d a says the wanda knew about this and it essentially giving it the old clear all the way back in 2011. wow. and, and so it was one of the, the well done today,
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i think agency having to say about it was pretty embarrassing accusation. it's been knowing it of course, and it's also hate tactic. and usa da saying, but it is being hypocritical. let's have a listen to what water have to say. it is ironic and hypocritical that who saw the cries fall when it suspects other anti doping organizations are not following the rules to the letter. while it did not announce doping cases for years and allowed sheets to carry on competing on the off chance they might help them catch other possible violators of what it says. it's in a really difficult position here because it has not taken any action against these . how sweets and it doesn't seem to be taking any action either again. so usa d a which is really incredible when we look at the history of how water has pursued athletes. so they've been accused of those being in the past. indeed. and dave and the have any of these athletes be named? no, and there's a reason for this. water is saying it is not naming the athletes because it's concerned about the repercussions they could be. so we know that some of us know
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all of the dice plates have were top item by the way we know about 3. this could be a much wider issue. and we have been told that one was actually in the least asked me this is somebody to participate in the qualifies for the admin fix competitions such as somebody who participated in the international events in the usa. so somebody who really could be a big name despite that they were allowed to continue competing despite the fact the usa da knew that they would do things and they would cheating every race. and what's really interesting and this is the icing on the k k, this all comes as the olympics, which is taking place in paris right now. i switched finger ice cases from japan and also the usa just received the metals from the banking winter olympics. why they were receiving them. now we might remember when the patient olympics took place 2 and a half years ago, russia told the board with the figure ice skating. it got the goals for at least
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one of its a team. players were members, this is was off the times 15 year old camilla valley ava was accused of doing thing . she the night that she depakote, she said that she had been contaminated by her from fathers hop meditation while she was at her family home. and she pleaded, are innocent, said she's happy to be tested again despite this, she has the book from not to and as a result of that, russian was split to bits. go madeline, that's why we've got seats not receiving that metals at the paris olympics. but if we go back to that time a 15 year old child, she was vilified in the price. that was a frenzy. i'm. if you recall, the u. s. was one of the biggest, coolest for her to be strict depend metal for russia to be stripped of its metal. let's just take a look at fact what happened 2 and a half years ago. as we drew attention to the atmosphere of malevolence, being whipped up in local media and sports, circled over, there was a 4 big decision on the court of attraction for sport to disqualify our fitness
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gates. so give me a leave for, for years, and deprive hell of awards for allegedly using doping, all of these fits into the mainstream of the hybrid whole, at least by the west, against the russian federation. what we've got, hey, that is wonderful for russia, one roof the us a well, b, u. s. a. d, a has been sanctioning its athletes to cheat, to cheat other sweets to cheat them after they price money, the sponsorship to possibly win metals. all of that was okay, because it was the usa da that said it was doing it and it was using them to find out the 31st. when, if there's even a sniffle controversy, while locations about russia, the book comes down on the course in the us all for the highest sanctions possible . really, i mean when we talk about hypocrisy, i think this just takes biscuits with a host of the capital sports podcasts, alan moore. he,
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he starts the hypocrisy of the us. and the coping agency is so obvious for all of us to see. but you certainly want to hear about the western press token about the america is not c. i now the stolen and they've been throwing in their glasses are starting to bring the glass and what's up with them to us and to, to be as go satisfied are people call a paper tiger because that's what he is. he's always looking for money because this is his whole thing. he wants to create to make money from showing russians at good shape, like americans that are getting the reason the surveys use exemption so wasted, they can change legally, as i saw with the one already meter or then the child is no eliles for you has a hasty, awesome, and so on. so for all the craziness has started to get legal toby for, i guess when he was wondering last night, the 2 interviews he sort of got dropped because he has cold was. so this whole mazda savannah, us and you said that it can be sold and all sort of swimmers and
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a lot of skin races, which you're fortunately, i didn't believe it, of course. and i saw the videos from nbc and bbc every or something is wrong here. so basically, this whole mess watching at the very top, received a school us to read. it has a basic resources for cavities, pointers, and i think now it's like the russian to say, listen, we're not part of this. we don't want to be with easy to use. let us just go and trees for so i can show re, i just wanted to keep this to enjoy, to compete against. i have to do your best because you have to try and see and see americans. you're never going to get well meanwhile, the chinese anti doping agency has to monitor an independent investigation saying the actions of its us counterpart and damaged the simple principle of fair play. the fact that the u. s. has turned a blind eye to its long history of doping problems while trying to cross the border
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and exercise jurisdiction over other countries has just clearly exposed to the international community. it's a trick of a thief, crying stop the see from the double standards behind its logic logic and give it a college questions why washington does seem to assert itself as the global policeman of sport. this whole thing blew up in the us, the usa da's phase because they started out by so i, they started to say against the chinese moving team in, in spring when you are time to release a report said 23 members of the chinese swimmers were tested or t m. c. that is before the 2020 told to olympics. and that right opposite that the us government immediately got involved us congress threatened to cut found into why the us justice department and f b. i opened the case to investigate how we stopped in cases were handled and that
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they raise a big stink about the extraordinary performance of chinese swimmers in this. but current paras olympics for a long time, you know, water has tift quiet even knows that usda has a louse ask least adult. now this is a, a bigger fight because us be a us, a da, old police knowledge the authority of why the during the paras olympics, to why the is putting his foot down and say, look for us to have the right to a host future olympics, including the 2034 salt lake city olympics, you have to agree to certain ground rules. number one, usda must not into fear and must not try to police other countries. at least number 2, you must respect that the world here. why to and if you cannot a comply, if you keep fighting with water, then we can take away your right to hose 2034 olympics and give it to another
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country for this probably can be the 1st time united states. it is at the risk of losing the right to host olympics. i mean, this is the major. so 20 minutes past the hour here in moscow, in the wake of the largest prison, a swap between russia on the west, all the way since the cold war of washington is now struck in moscow with even more sanctions of what the wind, how's the claims are wrongfully imprisoned americans in rush, we have an active sanctions i using the 11th and act we'll do that again. and of course we're, we're trying to make people publicly aware of the risk of travelling to certain countries around the world. but make no apologies. we will make no apologies about bringing in an innocent people home. far better to have those folks home than riding in the russian jail for crimes. they didn't commit pro the 11th and activate your drone club. you mentioned just there was a little that allow sanctions to be imposed in connection with the legal detention
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of americans. the questions remain over the circle of innocent and solve american prisoners for my prisoners. i should say evelyn and coach convention poll whelan. they were part of that recent exchange and they would the fact to it by the way caught red handed, but of course they go to arrows. welcome. when they go home. this are for now watching the course the most high profile president, swapping decades. how does, on surprisingly, become an exemplary exercise in propaganda villains have become key roofs spied as a being re imagined as active as and to dripping with right justice russian authorities rushed, then convicted them to show trials and sends in the long present terms. but absolutely no legitimate reason whatsoever. none which is of course, and that's right. lot 1st, that was evident. gosh, give it a wall street journal patented, who attempted to co was a representative of
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a russian manufacturer in the hands of a classified information stamped secret pertaining to the production of military equipment. decaying. the piece was whole part of his job. as a journalist for 12. what's the best way to do it? do? i did everything you asked? i have it with me. is just the only thing i also please be very careful because this is classified information we. we will not even write that. we have seen these documents, we will only say we have an anonymous source. that is so we are not suspected of obtaining these and no one is suspected of handing them over. we will write that we have anonymous sourcing base, previously unpublished voltage, choose the gasket which absent new thing, new the boat he was doing was illegal, an attempt to obtain and disprove secret defense data. the united states considered
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as these an 8 that'd be seen in his jail didn't maligned countless officials apps if it's in journalist for leaking and publishing classified data, some of them facing jail sentences in the hundreds of years. yes. with a serious face, they say they've missed a gasket, which is a hero, and did nothing wrong, which will follow the pause with these previously unpublished footage, miss the gosh given, tried to hide the evidence, a us be flash drive, even as he was being arrested, the not so innocent officer or just like pay well of a former us marine who once right and security a little more, the multi $1000000000.00 american company, it was called,
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attempting to gain access to the names and identities of russia and the federal security service employees. and as the subscriber, they put, it shows it picks a toilet in the most go hotel to do with the a cold red handed mister. well, and then came that while he was doing was merely exchanging photographs of churches with an old friend in the hotel toilet. it so happened. we visited mister whalen, the officer his conviction. he refused to talk to us or explain why he chose a toilet. and the u. s. b flash drive to trade pictures with his friends, robin, you an e mail or texting trevor. you understand when i say that i can't do an interview
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with trees, i can't answer any question or disappointment sort of interview. i think that's just the class. so if you're asking me questions for the in any way, if you don't know me, i see your questions that could lisp you just don't be final that no, i can't do an interview. instead, mister whalen, evidently not too afraid in the russian prison, cold in washington to fill up american jail selves with russian officials list have way than perhaps subarus the being, quote, red handed and the toilet wanted revenge. they should be decisive action taken. us needs to go out and do some things. so one time of my baby with russian officials, the rest, the russian spies do something that makes the criminals sit up and take notice in sight. okay. yeah, right now it's time that we're going to get evan and pull back, and then we won't back what you go to voss and boot coordinated day. i mean his
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paper, amongst all the foreign spies and, and agents inside of his being causes to lose the spot. what's frankly obvious that they were spies engaged in espionage and cooled. red handed a story as though this todd painted sick with flies and denials. and make believe as washington continues to dispute the results of the recent presidential election in venezuela, protecting me, the opposition candidate, the when i hate to tell you this, but it's a case of history repeating itself because it did exactly the same thing that the last election refusing to recognize nicholas my daughter's wedding back then as well. and that led to a position to get a one. why though declaring himself the people's president. but at an event this week, at the university of portland, he found himself perhaps not having as many friends as he. so he did the
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officer proclaiming himself president done it. with washington's backing. of course, wider with had to control the venezuelan state assets and america and of the u. k, which included but as well as gold reserves, by the way, to $1000000000.00 worth event as well as gold is still being held in london. learn more about the box we don't pull. venezuela was not only interested in joining the bricks, geostrategic family by the way, but president my daughter recently announced that he may transfer to the rich countries the right to develop oil and gas deposits in venezuela. it is
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a move show to anger american energy companies who are jumping up a bit to exploit venezuela's energy resources. thanks have a questionable with us. this is the the welcome to world to prior to long ago mixing culture or sports with politics. what's considered bad taste nowadays when they get into trouble for failing to do
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that as counsel culture and draw several larger gaps between people and in time nations. is there still any medium left to pay homage to an experience or share of humanity? or to discuss that i'm now enjoying bar medical students at a world renowned serbian director an amount of many disagree and both use historical students. it's a great honor and the great pleasure for me to talk to you. thank you very much for giving me the time. thank you. thinking now you're on auto land, one of the most celebrated, but also one of the most outspoken film directors in the world. and i think that perhaps explained by the fact that you've got to your recognition very early, you've got to your 1st prize for your w film. but i still want to ask if being so outspoken today, interferes with your ability to express those same things. your belief through scene in mind for movies, the 2 processes that were going on at the same time and the end of the century.
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the voice of an artist who was uh, having a no anymore the social effect as it used to have in the 1st 5 because you had a 2 blocks. you had a separation in which one, which is the best inside was proving the freedom to the eastern side. and when the collapse of the billing world came. and when the soviet union was collapsing to somehow the world was getting into the bed shave regarding the freedom of speech and freedom of expression. they, the voice of announces, could have a universally uh, uh, it could be heard. but if you go on the, on the local communities, you don't have anymore any, any effect on the, on the, on the community that you knew. why? because the.


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