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tv   News  RT  August 12, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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us and became a true best yes, of the ideas of man african is of the what kind of negotiations can we talk about with people who indiscriminately of tech civilians and public infrastructure or attempt to threaten nuclear power facilities. as you claim to tack on rushes, 2 or 3, the ceiling of civilians in harvey and the gates. i mean both of us even negotiations to end the comp nuclear terrorism about how rush i have condemned the putting gun attack on you. big news, the power problems do is up a really good region knows in the was pretty say the roll. is it off? it was quoted machine is the file for a living far into last month for the like. good thing. nobody will be able to
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lawrence and appeal again on too much, but the thing is just going to 5 pm here, the russian capital. welcome wherever you catching the news from today. this is all we saw was right. he needs 5 inputs. it is holding and meeting on the situation in the close border region which has been resisting ukrainian time for the 2nd week. the key advantage. so i'm lucky to improve its negotiating position to to be yes ma'am. there's no clear way to keep raising very few though proposals to be done to a peaceful settlement plan as well as proposals from interested. and you told mediators, it appears that the in, in, with the help or if it's wasted investors, is seeking to improve its future negotiating position. but what kind of
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negotiations can we talk about with people who indiscriminately attack civilians and public infrastructure or attempt to threaten nuclear power facilities. so i'll take our thoughts as you pay the joins me now in the senior for more details on the me too fast. good, good to see. so, so if you this, this incursion, these 5 thing has been going on for more than a week. now, it seems that the doesn't seem to be an end to decide what most the latest uh, on the situation. one of the things ukrainian troops throwing stuff, surprising caution into the cost region. the washing present has been holding regular meetings with the head sold, various security agencies, as well as local governors. this monday we have to know the gathering whether you discussed the latest developments on the ground that there is no denying it. the situation is incredibly 10. it is difficult, fighting is ongoing, and the cold hauled reality of what's playing out was made out. and really then on
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the speak for themselves, it was listed on the 128 settlements are currently in the zone or about 2000 the residence whose fate is on the drone. and miss hall attacks have increased significantly during this time. 194 drawing attacks were conducted in the regions. $147.00 of those projectiles for shut down will subtract on the parking building. 13 people were injured in the as a day. 121000 people coming back to it again. 59000 in the world are expecting that work is ongoing. as the 12 civilians have been killed and 121 wounded including 10 children that you don't see all those numbers a devastating, you know, mean really i'm shopping for so many, but was there anything said about what was motivating keys? what we need to look at the why the political context automates it and says that kids i am an attempt to destabilize russia has failed. because we have seen that the events and costs could actually push people to follow the co a less whether that is opening up that open coast. we'd like to weave whether that
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is gathering hundreds of tons of humanitarian aid all across this false nation. he did also know some more and more volunteers are signing up to join the military in the face of this increasing hostility from the neighbor, what tilting one and a half 1000 daily. i'm sorry we know that the russian president has made numerous offices to return to the negotiating table. the false attempt all the way back in the spring of 2022. he of itself is missing. that was torpedoed. find the wes. we definitely got a sense from the short speech today that the kremlin seals, but any discussion when it goes, jason with the current ukrainian leadership would be entirely futile. just remind you of course, most coach considered salons due to me, it just much, ever since has taught expired. back in may, i teach seemingly has no pads to hold new elections. this is all through allows boots and says the same leadership, which at the behest of the west is selling civilians. it is threatening and
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targeting new to the infrastructure and it is a big organization coming out of today's meeting to point chemical weapons. you know, the day before yesterday it was not possible to restore the power supply in the velocity district, and some of utility workers came under fire, an immunization contained chemical weapons. everyone managed to take cover. everyone is alive, but there were points new and well that would of course be a will prime. we have reached out for comment to the p. c. w dot is the international party responsible for fronting the illegal use of chemical weapons? well, the permanence view is that the primary goal as of this attack is to deflect attention from the defeat off the defeat, which ukraine is the standing on the battlefield. and the don't pass on beyond. we know from my own correspondence at the pace that which rushes on force is all moving forward long and i have frontline has really significantly up picked up. but
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the russian need actually putting a number to it apparently uh, troops would fall into one of the halls times fall stats and they had previously it does, of course not to say that it's still not a slow grind. and actually, this is a very important point, a moment, because despite the initial triumph of the course attack soon, skepticism started swelling about ukraine's game plan here because it is why do you recognize that it is inevitably going to end and failure? it is just a question of time. so how could she of sacrifice such a valuable fighting power, which of course is in such short supply for it at the moment on this i'm facing a p all stunt. yeah, trudy is uh, interesting indeed, but we really care that update the tease associates and it was a pleasure to lose your life again. the 1st name is olga detained by a rush. no thought is having me is that according to his come on to the close. girlfriends,
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it was meant to be a last hope for you, please. just a minute g, of our commander said, we are now waiting for the main forces to prepare for an attack on russia, and each brigade will enter in turn. the commander also said that all men should be shot in the legs and thrown into the basements. if they're with weapons, then they should be shot dead when we were entering the houses. of course, there was looting. we were taking out everything that we saw as they explained to me. the purpose of the operation was that we have to enter the course region and then we had to reach build colorado in order to capture more russian territories. so that later during peace negotiations there would be an opportunity to exchange our territories for yours. the one who loved this operation said that in general, this mission is the last hope of your current. when we cross the border with russia, i heard a lot of foreign speaking on the radio. they spoke english, polish, and even french. when we had already taken up positions, i heard people talking on the radio about houses and immediately heard shooting and
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screams that going. by less, dell into this for the domain now is independent political research to greg 0 is greg, thanks so much for taking the time. interesting news cut me out of the problem inputs in has cross out any possibility for these tools with key of off of this you create a sold on civilian areas in the course of the do it. do you think that was like, reaction from him? so it's a, literally, i mean, this gamble, i mean, it's not going to amount to anything. it has absolutely no military logical value to it. it's a purely political gamble. and the why have a, how you doing? i mean, you don't, you tend to deal with those kind of people and love expose themselves. i mean, if we look historically, you've had the powers which i'm losing, of what have these dispersed gambles. i mean,
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you had nazi germany and the dance fries more authorized in the spring of white thing to free board of the past. busy the red army and circle month and failed, as this one will fight low as well ultimately. and if we remember not so long ago because of interesting, for instance, that zelinski was talking briefly about the possibilities of facebook does she actions? and now all of a sudden a switches are presumably he's been talked to and pushed back on, but correct narratives. going to put this way. yeah. so interesting how things sort of changed there in cave. um, but you know, russell authorities of you may have just as just before we came to you, we list the until you create a folder. they've detained the secret you saw the he said his come on. the said the course commission was the last hope for your game. what do you think about that
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statement? that's exactly what i said. it's a desperate gamble of delusional gamble. i mean, but getting brown down and you're trying bravo. they don't have sufficient troops of material to hold back. was a criminal uh advance and they throw why, supposedly the best troops on this rape was gamble and sort of rush no problem. i mean, they do not have yes appear yardly. they do not have numerical or hot baths. very honestly. and now of course, i mean when it comes to the russian response, i mean, legally, there are a bottomless obstacles for russia to respond to this militarily. then if this happens, all ukrainian theater, tory, because, you know, we hear many people across western countries, i'm able to, inside you craze. a raising questions about this class commission saying he has no
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ability to offend of resistance from russia. what does that say about the public sentiment to the conflicts? so i'm heading off and i have come to terms with the fact that a little differently you, brian, is about to lose this war. of course, again, a lot of this is going to expedite that law, military loss, for the reasons which i just that mind if i may, you know, well of course you've seen a number of civilians being injured, the killed as well, and then hopefully jim russell's even evacuated, i think something like 80000 people. we were revolting today. how does that? how did, how do you see the situations of on folding in the next few days as well? the situation is going to be the, i mean, the biggest problem is that going to live a need to withdrawal the ukrainians. i'm the serious buyer. uh, uh,
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and stuff. a big losses will stay in bytes and all of them died. at the same time. i mean, you're going to have the resolve of the russian public balls to because now that they say what they say, you probably be a military up to the end. but it says no how do yes, rich to the russian site, but to the people as well, especially the manner in which the, by i liked it every role and no one of the roles of warfare which are agreed upon. you do not targets in the tech civilians, but this is something your crime has been doing for well, a good big guy you'd also now indeed indeed like united still about will crime as we know that they're doing a tags on infrastructure. also, we'll probably talking about was that promotion earlier, but you know, we want to see into 5 inputs. in his opening speech in the meeting, he said that
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a number of people were willing to join the russian army. we've also been reporting, but you know, ukraine's full of mobilization has had people fleeing all we at the beginning of the end. do you think i well, i think this is what is moving in. so because these are increasingly desperate motive. so maybe we can look at the uh, the, the re year to take some stuff with russia about loans as well. i mean, this is about most of them trying to create this tired, lie, and narrative. the roster has balling it design a nuclear power blog. i mean, they, they use most on the desperate but the reckless moves. i mean to, it's reminding the very bottom of the beginning of the end, when it came to nazi germany on the eastern problems there was resistance, resistance, resistance. and then all of a sudden you had the morale biking morale of the troops flooding relatively the
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population start to dissipate. yeah, and i mean, but this is when the, the end comes on a very glory above is a increasingly quick uh, and bloody conclusion go, you know, before i let it go, what are the most disturbing news that came out? of course, today was that the governor said that you're quitting forces of use chemical weapons. how do you think this will be reported in the west or what? but i looked at those reported, it'd be reported that russians are doing it. i mean the like the chemical weapons attacks and syria for years as of why wouldn't buy continue lying about this. so by analysis would be either that well from best buy will either ignore it
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completely side the cover of the house and live by emotion or to try and explain is a dispute was in some way. so if i have to bring it up, it truly is the type of the public traces to see the repercussions when this is all over would have to leave it as always, a pleasure, as a great 7th, independent political research, i think is again, thank you. so gambling with nuclear terrorism box little way, like you clean governance act on those. i put those in nuclear power. the font has been described by most of the local authorities. however, i was given a showing, this is that the react sofas is he's would not endanger the form. is he condemned the tak, i'm old. those behind it. well, a raphael grossey, i'm the i a wherever is at least some imitation of this un institutions work on
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such a crucial direction. he has faced terrorist, guided by the collective west, have destroyed the country. more to find you claims, people undermine the world's energy and food security. now they have resulted to nuclear terrorism against the continent for a firearm to the nuclear applied to join the attack. as already said, it was contained within a cooling system and did not affect the react. so facility, the level really didn't need to pump is the largest in your it has been on the control of russian for his little most is the very beginning of the special movie operation was as far as being targeted multiple times by you. plenty of times that i was hoping to get an energy agency which is observed the mission at the facility has condemned the tax but refused to name to use as the perpetrator.
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i a e, a experts with the strong dark smoke coming from this upper origin. nuclear power plants north an area following multiple explosions heard in the evening. the team was told by the z and p p off and a legit drone attack today. on one of the cooling towers located at the site, no impact has been reported for nuclear safety. is equal in as far as ignited phase, all the potential new get this off to in your but while security at the facility has been restored, us about the we have to condemn the bmw euclid and strike the details of the latest up things of this story. i have a little was is our website of the called the but oh the so is that enough is enough. that is who is top court says it's got to do it on the country. just good presidential election will be definitive saying that can be no appeal to is rolling over to one,
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but as well for the opposition has been trying to can past present nicholas madura is victory. quoted say, a still since this is the highest traditional instance in electro matters. its decisions on appealable and must be complied with to the supreme court of justice of the bavarian republic of venezuela reiterates it's commitment to imparting justice to the venezuelan people. therefore, nothing will stop us from fulfilling our sacred mission. my daughter said, killed a 3rd, so i'm off the see thing. his various wildly us box edmondo gonzalez this year. those are his subordinates play. the outcome was riggs with loss isn't even proclaim aim the window. boylen pro with this imposes a rough fit across the country, and co records was a criminal inquiry. who wants to buy into some corrupt quotes in the hey has said it is as of the monitoring the country. meanwhile, the zillow has said,
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the opposition absence from the court proceedings is shameful. to the moon, to gonzalez, absent before the high schools in the country is scandalous, just as his absence on the 20th of june, for the signing of the agreement of recognition of the elections before the national electric on. so she does not recognize the national electric console as an institution does not recognize the supreme court. and who does he recognize the government to the united states? very well, little thing, john is important about washington as offered to drop the drug truck with the claims against my daughter, if he agrees to resign. alright, let us get some thoughts on all this from sorry, if i so is the head of the congress of south african trade union. so thanks so much for taking the time to joining us today. interesting. we say that again sort of
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election. people not happy with these election results and another election that in washington is disputing which has not been resolved in favor of the white house. what was your reaction, initial reaction to this story based on the margin the it is a that's a good thing. it's a good evening and i'm show, imagine was also in the afternoon or evening and we'll do a few less. you are blessed, nice. and everybody is up to the position of the fact that i should to close out of control. do nothing in south africa is that we don't get to too much involved in the face of the country, but we want, we want to say that we respect to derives all the people of it as well. with respect to the full attachment is back to the laws of the people venezuela.
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and we're also asked the past and we'll be happy to see a portal to kinda produce to exercise their rights and exercise. and bucks a month to simply into the to put an adaptive violence that is taking place in venezuela and car. that the people must come down and forward that part of the procedure in relation to that. com all state election. and what is the democratic rights and faculty in the process of the election, but as well as i was one of the people who i was invited, that as i'm upset about that, i want to confirm that we with the visit the model of the for the station at the time when with that we have not seen that in the violence any disruption in relation to the process of uh,
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the people of fitness when the 2 tools or fault or the let the person or the president of the guy twice as high in his, he said that you of the that's great and you said to have quite clearly, but it's something you know, we can see now, but many people have criticized then is what is supreme quotes for a decision. however, edmondo gonzalez, the opposition kind of the credit support have ignored the court summons or what do you think that is going to you, but what is the question? well, the main question was that the supreme court decided made a decision. it's someone edmondo gonzalez, the opposition candidates, but he's ignored to come. why do you think that is?
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well, that's why i would say would not want to get too much into politics, all individual but the diesel individual countries. but as i said, will allow the country to deal with the internal affairs. but as i said, our proposal, the order i was, is that the district has been to the intent of presidents. but the democratic rights of individual people in particular defend as well as porter to the very end point in terms of the election. okay. the policies, but many western trade unions have denounced the governor while the national union of muscle was cuz of south africa and all those in the global south. i've spoken in support of them. why is there a difference here? what is it different? yeah, why? well, some uh kind of something we need to do now is i've gone in support like the national union muscle of as of south africa have spoken and support the dora while
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others national union is have symbol. uh, both it gave it said, why would you say there's a disparity here? the weather window. so what is that? as i said, the, the people have their lives. they've got the right to accessorize data, right? and on a monday we'll do it as board wise. the big difference between the mid term red cousin, ben is rental and data cut to but a med metrowood cousin, south africa, sup boards and the election of both new cross my door. as, as much as because that was supported the process and it was supposed to date election of an come red legal as my daughter as a president of venezuela. as i said with that and there for more side as part of the observed bus in particular myself, we have not seen any disruption we have not seen in the option we have noticing the fraud. we have not seen any vibration being lied with the process and that rides on
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the paper in terms of posts or shift for them to or to that process. so for the lead diem, or for do for their for the people of their own choice. all right, let me the be able to answer that question about what the difference between the metal roof cause newton said that i met? no, no, absolutely, absolutely. but i do think that that there's a shift you doesn't change. do you think people, uh, perhaps uh, are wary of, uh, washington's in fluid sitting that could be something that people are aware of associated venezuela or do you think that they do have that democratic right to vote for whoever they want to let whoever the democratic do i didn't come because you shouldn't have to put the good that i to for the, for the interest. but as i said, we don't want to do too deep in the face of the individual borger purchase for the
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buyer. and i would have the name of that, and certainly if it's, though it had all the congress of south african trading. so thank you so much for joining us here today on, on the international. thank you very much. hi, the new british private as a guest on pause is the biggest threat to free speech in history. that box the message from m p and reform party the nozzle for us. what we are allowed to do on social media or should be allowed to do, is to speculate is to ask questions. yes. is the trump fact south no stomach, by cracking down a lot of those is icing. the biggest threat to free speech. we seem to not history, well really you guys, but i think in both of them, boxed in a free speech is also being called into question for and the government for a small survey, some protests, a mass bar, those flooded the fields of britain last week of the say say it is an immigration
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policies all to solve as he picks up the story. this is how the police in the u. k. have been dealing with protest is the, unless you're willing to 2019 back movement to the home comb wants women. but this, [000:00:00;00]
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the u. k. homes who mcculla knew lucy, it was in sentenced by attempts to bring the riots is under control. it labeled them pro democracy and essentially reading it that right to protest regardless of the violence for years, the authorities not to use last night's events as a pretext for oppression, but to address the deep seated concern by the people of hong kong that their basic freedoms are under attack? no, i'm not going to sugar coated a significant number of people involved in the 2024 u. k. purchased were from the hod right. these rights were initially spoke. find
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those in the u. k who are fed up with the countries immigration system, perhaps i should say a lack of one, but the u. k is crackdown has been moved to oh boy and he wouldn't stand it's over 700 arrests with 100 small suspects being sold. the u. k is newly minted leader, is being accused of gas lighting the intense a case tom is free speech. he's now think of the last 7 days or so. the way he has cooled down the cycled fall. right. and the inference being any party on amongst as protesting because they all concerned about the state to put anybody and everybody on my there's not just as a protest, he's there for deemed as far right despite the u. k. so often claiming it up holds freedom of speech stuff blatantly and true even the new and has a serious concerns about the treatment to protest is including peaceful ones in the u. k. peaceful protest as
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a being prosecuted and convicted under the police crime. sentencing and courts act 2022 for the criminal offense of public nuisance. which is punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment. it'd been almost unheard of since the 1950s for members of the public to be imprisoned for a peaceful protest in the u. k. we might do bulletins o police commission that has a boost threatened to pursue people who are not even in the u. k. think of cable gloria does not make you cite from the little you kind of guilty of offenses of, of incitement, of starting the racial hatred. and we'll come off to those individuals just as we will physically confront on the streets. the commentators from either end of the political spectrum who likes to accusations, as i said, the police. because we stand in the middle, we'll price independently under the law with that federal favor. and if you've got crazy views over there,
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you don't like it. and if you don't try give you some of that, you don't like it,


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