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tv   News  RT  August 12, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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the the, what kind of negotiations can we talk about with people who indiscriminately affect civilians and public infrastructure or attempt to threaten nuclear power facilities . lot of of 40 and says ukraine's attack on the process because the region that it's kelly, no civilians entirely in the gates. a possibility for negotiations to as a company. this is one of the main squares in brisk everything is everything is shut down. people are fleeing because they have seen what the ukranian militants do to civilians who are trying to flip civilians. if i q range from russian border towns hearing intensifying, strikes from boston from ukraine,
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author rates encouraged as been as well as the top corte set to issue a final ruling, all the dispute, etc. back. so the election washington says it is looking for ways to put pressure on the countries need to think about the others as all the international reaching you live from our new center in moscow. i have my golf course. now we start with the breaking news. this our lot them and putting has held the top level meeting on the situation in the coast. busy region of which has been resisting it, you create in a tax for the 2nd week of the russian leader said the key of actions where i'm likely to improve it and they get negotiating position a. yes ma'am. it is no clear way. the key version refused though. proposals to return to a peaceful settlement plan as well as proposals from interested and you told
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mediators, it appears that the enemy, with the help of its western masters, is seeking to improve its future negotiating position. but what kind of negotiations can we talk about with people who indiscriminately attack civilians and public infrastructure or attempt to threaten nuclear power facilities? so what are the fitness for crania, and trips, or what's the surprising caution into the cost region? the washing present has been holding regular meetings with the head sold, various security agencies, as well as local governors. this monday we had another gathering whether you discussed the latest developments on the ground, but i know there is no denying it the situation is incredibly 10th. it is difficult, fighting is ongoing, and the cold hauled reality of what's playing out was laid out. and really the numbers speak for themselves was, was the 128 settlements are currently in the zone there about 2000 residents whose
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fate is unknown. joining me solid techs have increased significantly during this time. 194 drawing attacks were conducted in the region. 147 of those project owls were shutting down. it was the strike on the apartment building. 13 people were injured as a day 121000 people have evacuated and 59000 more are expected to their work is ongoing. 12 civilians have been killed and $121.00 wounded including 10 children. what was there anything said about what was motivating keys? well, we need to look at the why the political context settlements. it says that kids i am an attempt to destabilize russia has failed. because we have seen that the venison cause could actually push people to follow the co a less whether that is opening up that open host. we'd like to meet whether that is gathering hundreds of tons of humanitarian aid all across this false nation. he did also notice that moore and mulholland chairs are signing up to join the military in the face of this increasing hostility from the neighbor, what tilting one and
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a half 1000 daily. i don't think we know that the russian president has made numerous offers to return to the negotiating table. the fast attempt all the way back in the spring of 2022. he of itself had mentioned that was torpedoed farther west. we definitely got a sense from the short speech today that the kremlin seals, but any discussion when it goes chasing with the current ukrainian leadership would be entirely futile. just remind you of course most go consider salons due to me, it just much, ever since his time expired. back in may and he's seemingly has no pods to hold new elections. this is off the role as boots and says the same leadership, which at the behest of the west is selling civilians. it is threatening and targeting new to the infrastructure on it is a big optimization coming out of today's meeting. the point chemical weapons below to the day before yesterday, it was not possible to restore the power supply in the velocity district,
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and some of utility workers came under fire and ammunition content, chemical weapons. everyone managed to take cover. everyone is alive, but there were points into the pull that would of course be a will prime. we have reached out for comment to the p. c. w dot is the international party responsible for fronting the illegal use of chemical weapons? well, the permanence view is that the, the primary goal as of this attack is to deflect attention from the defeat, often defeats which ukraine is sustaining on the battlefield. and the don't boss on beyond we know for my own correspondence at the pace, at which ross's on false is all moving forward long and i have frontline, has really significantly up picked up the rushing it out. she puts in a number twit, apparently a trip sort fonts and one and a half times faster than they had previously 1000 say that it's still not a slow grind. and actually this is a very important point a moment. because despite the initial trial of the course
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attack soon, skepticism started swaddling about ukraine's game plan here because it has warranty, recognize that it is inevitably going to end and failure. it is just a question of time. so how could she of sacrifice suddenly valuable flight sing power, which of course is in such short supply for it. at the moment on this, i'm facing a p, austin, according to a local officials more than a 1000 people have chosen to leave the board of territories of their own accord. locals have abandoned towns of subjects and risk trying to find safety and shouts as across the region. our days he goes down, the reports of the house of indians had been forced to flee. the cathedral bells ring as the remainder of the town residents wait buses that will take them to safety.
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they'll not hate us here. good will protect us says one woman. the que another has slumped down exhausted on the bench in the churchyard, cradling a small dog in her hands. the elderly mother is next to the past couple of days. they've been surviving a nightmare. and the good they will multiple incoming attacks a couple of days ago to yesterday's attack was even stronger. we didn't know yet. there were also some explosions today. i wanted to go to my street while our grandmother was being looked off to. we didn't have time to take everything we need as we took only the most necessary things. my home is about half a block away from slipped. i heard some explosions in that direction. suddenly i just run away from the, the other i just ran by comp. stop thinking about last night and 1st thing it's impossible. well, i'm with a sick mother with my daughter. we would line on the floor and we had some show them how they were hitting the fence and i have
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a gas pipe in the hallway. she knew i was afraid something would hit that. but we could have exploded as we film. she gets a cool. her sick uncle has come back home. the home, she's just fled. the very idea of going back to get him strikes tara in a. so we do it. in cross everything will be fine. don't worry. thank you. come on, let's get on the bus. yeah . so what you have here is 2 clothing stores, a beauty paul and a pharmacy, a supermarket. this is one of the main square as in risk. everything is closed, everything is shut down. people are fleeing because they have seen what the ukrainian militants do to civilians who are trying to flee. and that have been
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speculations that this town could be on the radar. and in the cross has of the ukrainian army. so the on taking any chances, and all of this here is now a ghost town. people in the bus cue, some of the loss residents released and they are fleeing to the stolen lot. so hold on, we're leaving because the border is nearby. it goes to our gardens. it's scary when the siren is sounding like this. there are drones with helicopters and airplanes flying overhead. and when he said to me, we don't want to leave, we believe, and also just, we believe everything will be fine. yes, it can be scary though for the scary. we have hopes. what o guys, we believe in them. we are sending all baby to our eldest son in cuz they organize these buses to evacuate the children and you know how the situation is? it's scary to go by yourself, asked me every once in a while volunteer vans, pull over to the cab and pick up those who are most vulnerable families with
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children and the elderly. everything is fine with us. we're going, they're taking us. we're lucky that the car is good. the driver is good. it's for free. everything is fine. they gave us some water. thanks a lot to the drivers. thank you. what was the store because of the situation. we have evacuated, people that's on civilians, relatives loved ones, and returned back here to help bring food and water and help others go to course to safe places. it's obvious, this is a huge tragedy which is affecting not only us, but all of society. just like our forefathers, we need to help one another. first and foremost, the town of rails, there's only about 10 percent left of its population. no one is panic, a quantity everyone understands one another, or supporting one another. saving lives by attacking ambulances, showing monasteries, shooting up civilians escaping in the cause. ukrainian troops made their intentions
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very clear. so people in the course region take no chances. i guess done of reporting from the quick region, the town of risk out of a todd german general has insisted that the west to remove its restrictions. and how keith could use the weapons that is provided to fight against russia. and he said that the college limitations on the work and moscow's favor united to store it guys, me out the worst vision all across the historian. i am aware of the rules of course, played in the 2nd world war. it is precisely there that this current humiliation of the russian leadership is taking place. i can say quite clearly that the restrictions we impose on ukraine for the use of weapons supplied by the west. are absurd, honey. those restrictions help proofing or in the end of the chancellor says, these are mutually agreed arrangements with ukraine. then i can only say that this
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is completely wrong. these are restrictions imposed starting ukraine. and if the chancellor says they works, then i can say they work only for russia. this fear of escalation and the consideration for poodle must finally stop. oh, good swimming. the german politician, the academy, gun lawyer, good. not back. says the lifting restrictions on key of use of weapons, a weaponry could lead to a further escalation, not the conflict. i think listing any restrictions on the uh, on the ons or release to slide it to be supplied. is there any likely to. ready escalate and for long a conflict which i cannot see craig winning. well, i think once you have a whole lot of conflict, it's very difficult to contain it. but let me remind you that initially the german government was insisting that janet supplies to ukraine
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would only be used for defensive purposes and on ukrainian saw they perform be a slave, departed from this initial restriction. that in itself is a kind of escalation of the west. a position is an investment which i'm a government, that the credit union offenses myself to objectives. one is to leave a, you're creating the a to, to reduce the pressure on your credit. the troops in the east of ukraine, and secondly, to boost morale, to they do not mention that there is a said the purpose, mainly. it's a p r, exercise, some of the benefits of ukraine's western solutions. while the canadian troops, i losing grounds of the battlefield, key of officials steep and corruption of the co ukrainian government has reported
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the facts. the deputy energy administer, who, according to the national security service, was arrested for accepting a bribe of half a $1000000.00. the security service of ukraine and national empty corruption bureau with the assistance of the minister of energy of ukraine. expose the launch scale corruption scheme organized by his deputy. the official using his powers promised the heads of state enterprises available while in cold bison to freely transform mining equipment from the millions of the front line region of don't basically use of the issue relates to the mining equipment office state of the coal company located in the complex so and it will cross key direction. flat russian troops are successfully advancing. although they are arrested, the officials duties included the preservation of a missionary of money. he allowed it to be transported and then used in western ukrainian mines, according to the national security service. the deputy administer involved 3
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accomplices in the instance are less cost live now to handle the silver. all these to do to alexander michael biggs. alexander is good to have you join me now. now the deputy energy administer of ukraine is accused of taking a large broadband exchange for permission to remove buying equipment from the complex go. now, what is your opinion of this incident? well i think it's um shows again and again that's unfortunately for the everette you create is ukrainians on site doing um at the front against russia on behalf of the west that even their own government is not that much interested in actually winning the war. but it's more interesting that actually making a profit out of fits and even the deputy minister seems to have made it scott's. i'm in the past 3. i'd even reports about um,
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military officials um selling equip equipment um slipped from the west to ukraine. um, so the, me least the and other countries and i think um, this is on your scandal. um only shows us um, ball corrupt ukraine is and tall. actually june's um, the west um project of army ukraine to the chief in order to inflict the defeats on russia. is that to wary moments and maybe this should be some kind of wake up call for the west in order to finally end it's shenanigans and ukraine against russia. and let's therapy piece because if you have leadership, which is that not scar up, that it's even though i'm sabotaging its own war efforts, then maybe it's not the right leadership um to wage war at all. all right, if 1 may ask this question, why is it crucial for key of to keep such an equipment in the calm but area?
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is it in the interest of the states to remove it and keep it away from advancing russian troops? well, that's a good question, but it seems that i'm the official of intuitive have seen it otherwise and especially with rather interesting isn't um im ukrainian media itself even imagine the security media you always have does accusations against wherever he goes to officials that they are in secrecy um russia made sense um, russian spies and are actively sabotaging toward effort. so maybe we sort of guess if they are either really rushed from assets or if they are in reality assembly to corrupt, to fulfill the do this. for example, the wind rush to advance in the costco region and also in ukraine. you also have 3 parts of policy, training officials. i'm not testing put into place on the defense mechanisms. they
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should have bots. they simply, um, late around um, somewhere in the wilderness and um they didn't organize them $0.40. so i think it's not really surprising that this mining equipment is now captured by russian troops . but maybe it's just a consequence of your training corruption. oh, i know this is the 1st time that such new treatment look forward. these have been implicated in corruption. how would you interpret this repeated incidents of corruption? well, i think that's the ukrainian leadership itself. must at least have known about this corruption in advance because it's um, yeah, strange. that's all the, some cases of corruption all suddenly show up on when the tide is turning against. yes. and when its troops are losing more and more grounds. so maybe it's also some
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kind off of my thoughts on you thoughts to actually find escape goats um for the military sales at the front and the political failures and in syria. so that's the last you have some kind of scape goats where you can say ok, it's not me who is corrupt spots. it's dispatcher to minister of energy. so that's a time push away. um, the guilt brother himself onto a someone else. i guess this must be a strategy, otherwise you should have simply tapped. so selection promises. so there's a goal and actually um cleans the ukranian corruption, swamp. but obviously he was either not willing to do it or he didn't have the power at all to do it. now, according to a recent pentagon report that the level of corruption in key ever means one of the highest in europe. now who does the conflict create favorable condition for
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corruption just arrive in your opinion? well, i guess a war efforts trying to either create the conditions for finally ending corruption because with an emergency measures in a waltz on timeframe. of course, you can also fights corruption or you could if you want to. but on the other hand, it also cronsa opportunities for mol, corruption, always defense contracts with energy contracts, with special building contracts for the army, et cetera. the depths of course as utah opportunities for corrupt politicians to really 5. and i think this is what unfortunately for the jeffrey scheme, this is happening in ukraine. we follow the reports about the west, some equipment sold to fresh bodies. and yeah, the younger scandal, i think there can clearly say that's jeff didn't use. it's john's to fight
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corruption, thoughts more or less to 5 minutes. all right. example michael, big head. all the silver, all these to do. thank you so much for your insight here. thank you for this. great ukraine has lost out the russia accusing it of destroying an ancient monument of global significance in columbia. and that's after ross have built a museum complex around the site in order to preserve it r t correspondent, enough to have all the data reports from the seed. a unique ancient this on time. so say low k says only black see show it called us over 20 had because of lines including 3 spaces syndicated to christianity and sacred safe designs. him as well as crime man and the world. the museum and temple complex of new her son is located in the very heart of rochester, of a staple was built in less than 2 years on the side of a former high security area. it is also located in the south and stop up of the
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tour a terraced and asked museum because of the full all can logical excavations were carried out before construction work began. during the most expensive archaeological excavations in russian history was 6000000 findings. why discovered 350000 of them became exhibits with just a little boy of follow through. this is more than 1500 people participated in this unique are kind of logical expedition from various institutions in our country. we encountered various monuments in our way dollar structures with her own shrines, cool and bargains and potter accounts. we are very demanding people and considering that the cultural heritage sites will be located in this building, of course, a special regime, a special security system and so on are required. so if you go into this building one, it is rather you will see some monuments built into the structure of the building. the building has been designed in such a way as to preserve the unique objects of the archaeology right inside the museum
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. i don't recall something along this previously on the territory of chromium peninsula toward kirsten s. museum reserve is one of the oldest cities in russia with st. fly, damascus. diedro edits very hot. the site is an ancient cultural landscape consisting of a greek palace and this agricultural him to land construction, lots of things he, her son asked for, carried out near the tour a curse and asked me to say it was a and eunice go, well, it's hard to side, the result of features the remains of a city founded by dorian greece in the 5th century b. c. as well as public building complex as residential neighborhoods and early christian monuments. it is the least that it was hit. the prince vladimir converted to christianity in the 10th century. he later went on to baptize russia. but despite russia's aim of preserving this treasure trove of a bygone era, while building the new her son s museum on temple complex, ukraine was quick to condemn the construction taking place near there was uh,
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with the international council of museums, accusing herself destroying me onto a logical last, in the fall sense mode area, i'm suggesting the russia museums into an instrumental full fat box. the full cry may have voters to become part of russia. no one look to explore the area, but will that change of the referendum look up, boys instead of me? well, what is to a warfare when they walk through the parking lot adjustment and you hear songs and i see license plates and cars from a lot of different regions. i'm coming to us in the caribbean and peninsula including guests from ukraine. we are a lot of loop and this complex is perhaps, and that's the instrument to work. there has to be to perhaps an element of conformation of peace, not in conformation, that russia was. yeah, is and will be a country the buffer i is this navy large the entire world. those but it's just, it was a stocks but usually pretty good. historically the sell, the suburb of charger semester was controlled by viruses. heritage of tax to the
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latest explanation which began in february time to, to bounty. so i'm just finally got access to the standard tutoring. and then of course, many hard to take advantage of this opportunity to explore the produce and it explores quarter. so the ashen seating conservationist has been busy restoring all the discovered for our next i know tony those found on the territory of the tory car semester. but from the new here semester as well was done in the this is a find from one of the graves in the southern suburb of coast. so nice with the new cars. so nice park is now located. i've been working with this subject for probably 4 months now, and i have just about that amount of time ahead for it. the idea to create this distinctive historic place mean 1st and this was 1st proposed by russian president vladimir putin. some of the most important tasks at hand, why the construction of the name is the temple complex and the preservation of priceless ancient heritage. you believe all go through
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a couple of places in an incredibly short time. the construction of this completely unique museum can pull cluster was carried out if we could not even imagine that the more less than 2 years it would open $23.00 hector's in the territories this, this has been under military control for many decades. dozens of discoveries and dozens of volumes of some difficulty ports who emerged from these studies have opened the southern suburb of harrison. this is where the new harrison's bark is now located. we have open new pages in the history of this agency to this side can accommodate up to 50000 people at a time and with the crime in holiday season in full swing this us guess already it's the exploring memory to use fitness. we haven't seen everything yet, but the 1st impression is it's certainly cool just, it's very beautifully done. everything is still attached to the smallest detail, the atmosphere of then sick with these can really be felt really a plan for us that great to simply incredible architecture in energy. it's very cool. it's magical place, raso specialist, one not only able to carry out all key
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a logical digs along. so i knew construction was, but it's, i present the ancient legacy for generations to come and you have so nashville fees the past and present along and some of the different architecture on the stage of what a gina from staples for all see the and to the americans now washington is looking for ways to put pressure of and venezuela and president nicholas madura and that's according to the us state department. it issue that i that, that commentary out to the south american country top court. sadie was preparing to make a definitive final ruling on the disputed presidential election. the us is considering a range of options to pressure mccarrow to return venezuela to a democratic passed by. let's cross now live to our, to correspondent, don't know court. joining me right now, donna is good to have you to, i'd be now the us is planning to somehow put the pressure on and then as well as
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president, what's exactly going on there? well, the state department's also at this press conference that we just saw, refuted, a pretty big claim made by the wall street journal saying that the us it offered amnesty to venezuela and president nicholas madura, if you were to surrender political power there. and this apparently fake news about an amnesty offer comes and made us back to violence in venezuela being carried out by the political opposition there. and that's because madura recently won a narrow re election victory there, which is opponents are saying was fraudulent, even though there's lots of evidence to suggest that actually the political opposition, there was much more determined to sabotage the democratic process. now, when, as well as stop court, he said to make you find the ruling about the presidential election, what do we know about those legal proceedings so far? well, the top court is right now, and it's last stage of analyzing the election materials. so we're still waiting for
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an ultimate decision on that, but the court has said that once that decision is out, it will be final and it will be, it will not be possible to appeal, it will say a sale since this is the highest judicial instance in the not true matters, it's decisions on appealable and must be complied with. the supreme court of justice of the bullet area and republic of venezuela reiterates its commitment to imparting justice to defend his weight and people. therefore nothing will stop us from fulfilling our sacred mission. as of now, it doesn't look like the outcome is going to be very positive for the political opposition. since it's so far failed to provide any evidence to the top court. approving that missouri was united socialist party had meddled with the election on top of that, the opposition leader himself didn't even show up the court. this is something that my doro called a scandalous, lack of respect for government authority. i see living here in oakland at moon to
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gonzales absent before the high schools in the country is scandalous just as his absence on the 20th of june, for the signing of the agreement of recognition of the elections before the national actual con. so she does not recognize the national electorate concert as an institution does not recognize the supreme court. and who does he recognize the government to the united states. but with the opposition rubbing shoulders with the united states, the country that has on more than one occasion tried to over throw then as well as socialist government, it should come is really no surprise that the opposition is not willing to work within a legitimate electro framework. all right, don't know, quarter r t per se, but i'm bringing us up to speed right there. well, that's the big. now we'll see you again with more stories at the top of the r bye now the.


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