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tv   News  RT  August 12, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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the the, what kind of negotiations can we talk about with people who indiscriminately tech civilians and public infrastructure for attempts to threaten nuclear power facilities. a lot of the thing says, ukraine's attack on rochester course, rita and then it's killing of civilians entirely in the gates. amy, the possibility of when they go stations to end the conflict. this is one of the main squares in brisk. everything is closed, everything is shut down. people are fleeing because they have seen what the ukrainian militants do to civilians who are trying to flip. so many ends evacuated from russia and florida towns hearing intensifying, strikes from you create and out there. we'd seen cars as well as well as pop.
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courtney said to issue a final ruling on the dispute. it residential. the election washington says to be looking for ways to put a password on the congress need and the collect my d. the was involved international reaching you live from our new center in moscow. i a my question of lot of putting has held the top level meeting on the situation, not in the coast border region. we've just been resisting you trade in the tax for the 2nd week of the russian leader said kids actions were unlikely to improve its negotiating position. the distribution. yes. the, there's no clear way the keyboard. he refused the proposals to return to a peaceful settlement plan as well as proposals from interested in you told me, mediators. it appears that the internet with the help of its western masters is
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seeking to improve its future negotiating position. but what kind of negotiations can we talk about with people who indiscriminately attack civilians and public infrastructure or attempt to threaten nuclear power facilities? so one other fitness or crate in trips or what's the surprising caution into the cost region? the washing present has been holding regular meetings with the head sold, various security agencies, as well as local governors. this monday we had another gathering whether you discussed the latest developments on the ground. i know there is no denying it the situation is incredibly 10. it is difficult, fighting is ongoing, and the cold hauled reality of what's playing out was laid out. and really the numbers speak for themselves was, was in this room. 128 settlements are currently in the zone. there are about 2000 residents whose state is unknown. drone and miss hollow techs have increased significantly during this time. 194 drawing attacks were conducted in the region. 147 of those project house were shut down. there was this track on the apartment
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building. 13 people were injured as a day, 121000 people have evacuated and 59000 more are expected to their work is ongoing. 12 civilians have been killed and $121.00 wounded including 10 children. what was there anything said about what was motivating keys? well, we need to look at the why the political context, not a meant to, to says the kids i am an attempt to destabilize. russia has failed. because we have seen that the evidence in costs could actually push people to fall, the color less, whether that is opening up that open host. we'd like to weave whether that is gathering hundreds of tons of humanitarian aid all across this false nation. he did also notice that more and more on and chairs are signing up to join the military in the face of this increasing hostility from the neighbor, what twitching one and a half 1000 daily. i don't think we know that the russian president has made numerous offices to return to the negotiating table. the fast attempt all the way
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back in the spring of 2022. he of itself had mentioned that was torpedo. to find the west, we definitely got a sense from the short speech today that the criminal feels that any discussion when it goes chasing with the current ukrainian leadership would be entirely futile . just remind you of course most go consider salons due to me in a just not ever since his time expired. back in may and he's seemingly has no pods to hold new elections that says off the role as boots and says the same leadership, which at the behest of the west is selling civilians. it is threatening and targeting new infrastructure on it is a big organization coming out of today's meeting, deploying chemical weapons. below to the day before yesterday, it was not possible to restore the power supply in the velocity district, and some of utility workers came under fire. an immunization content, chemical weapons, everyone managed to take cover. everyone is alive,
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but there were points into the pull that would of course be a will prime. we have reached out. so come up to the p. c. w dot is the international party responsible for fronting the illegal use of chemical weapons. well, department of view is that the primary goal list of this attack is to deflect attention from. the defeat often defeats which ukraine is sustaining on the battlefield. and the don't boss on beyond we know from my own correspondence at the pace at which rushes on, forces all moving forward long and i have frontline, has really significantly picked up the washing it out. she puts in a number twitter, pardon me, a trip sort fonts one and a half times faster than they had previously. it does, of course not say that it's still not a slow grind. not to this is a very important point a moment. because despite the initial triumph of the course attack soon, skepticism started swelling about ukraine's game plan here because it has warranty,
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recognize that it is inevitably going to end and failure. it is just a question of time. so how could she of sacrifice? sonya samuel flight sing power, which of course is in such short supply for it. at the moment. on this, i'm facing a p, austin, according to a local officials more than a 1000 people have chosen to leave the board of territories of their own accord. a locals have abandoned the towns of so generals trying to find safety and shalt as across the region. all the things that goes down of reports on how civilians had been forced to feed the cathedral bells ring as the remainder of the town residence await buses that will take them to safety. they will not hate us here. god will protect us, says one woman in the queue. another has slumped down exhausted on the bench in the
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churchyard, cradling a small dog in her hands. the elderly mother is next to the past couple of days. they've been surviving a nightmare. and the good they will multiple incoming attacks a couple of days ago to yesterday's attack was even stronger. there were also some explosions today. i wanted to go to my street while our grandmother was being looked off to. we didn't have time to take everything we needed. we took only the most necessary things. my home is about half a block away. i heard some explosions in that direction and i just run away from the, the other i just ran by comp. stop thinking about last night. and 1st thing, it's impossible. i'm with a sick mother with my daughter. we would line on the floor and we had some shots, how they were hitting the fence and i have a gas pipe in the hallway and i was afraid something would hit the. but we could have exploded. as we film, she gets a cool. her sick uncle has come back home. the home,
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she's just fled. the very idea of going back to get him strikes tara in a. so we do it. don't cry, everything will be fine. don't worry. thank you. come on, let's get on the bus. because the so what you have here is 2 clothing stores, a beauty paul and a pharmacy, a supermarket. this is one of the main square as in risk. everything is closed, everything is shut down. people are fleeing because they have seen what the ukrainian militants do to civilians who are trying to flee. and that have been speculations that this town could be on the radar. and in the cross has of the ukrainian army. so the on taking any chances, and all of this here is now
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a ghost town. people in the bus cue, some of the loss residents of risk, and they are fleeing to the show not so hold on, we're leaving because the border is nearby. it goes to our gardens. it's scary when the siren is sounding like this. there are drones with helicopters and airplanes flying overhead. kitchen. we don't want to leave. we believe in those soldiers. we believe everything will be fine. yes, it can be scary, hopefully scary. we have hopes, what o guys we believe in them. we are sending all baby to our eldest son in. could they organize these buses to evacuate the children? you know how the situation is. it's scary to go by yourself. familiar to every once in a while. volunteer vans, pull over to the cab, and to pick up those who are most vulnerable families with children and the elderly . everything is fine with us. we're going, they're taking us. we're lucky that the car is good. the driver is good. it's for
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free. everything is fine, they gave us some water. thanks a lot to the drivers. thank you. what was the store? because of this situation. we have evacuated, people that's on civilians, relatives loved ones, and returned back here to help bring food and water and help others go to the course to safe places. it's obvious, this is a huge tragedy which is affecting not only us, but all of society. just like our forefathers, we need to help one another. first and foremost, the town of rails, there's only about 10 percent left of its population of no one is panicking. everyone understands one another. they're supporting one another. saving lives by attacking ambulances, showing monasteries, shooting up civilians escaping in the cause. ukrainian troops made their intentions very clear. so people in the course region take no chances. how many gets done of
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reporting from the course creech in the town of risk o t. while us republican senator lindsey graham has praised the grains incarcerated into roches coolest region, he made those comments during a visit to key a what i think about pers really, really keep it on the bottom line is it is ministration. i appreciate your support with these being they need to wait and they can't afford to lose. when it comes to have 6 things, wait, there near the less training. you're training to the present zalinski just a few minutes ago. if you reside at $65.00, you're looking to buy for freedom. do, are you? we're throughout nato nations. are willing fighter
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pilots to retire to come help them until they get their power train would fall them independent us and it's candidate to dance. uh, who should have thoughts about the situation? i remember this is the senator who talked about how wonderful it was uh, the war in ukraine against russia because it was very cheap for americans, not monetary to leave, but apparently in the cost of human lives. now he seems to be wanting american lives to be spend all, so the us state department said on monday that to washington would continue to supply key with weapons to a so, so he could protect itself. let's, let's take a listen to this. generally speaking, we have supported ukrainian forces being able to defend themselves against attacks by russians forces that are coming from across the border to take actions to protect themselves from these attacks. that as president biden says,
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would be common sense. we're continuing to stay focused on making sure that our partners in ukraine, how would they need to defend themselves from russian aggression? and ultimately, the decisions about how you claim conducts its military operations or decisions for ukraine to make uh, nothing has changed about the united states policy with respects to strikes across the border. how could i didn't crashing into russian territory really be a supposedly defensive option bike here. what do you interpret? well, obviously it's not. and as i said, there's a certain, i think they're doing this for propaganda purposes to say, oh, if you just keep sending more weapons, ukraine will. when there's fear that after the election, the policy could change, the american population is becoming more and more opposed to continuing to fund to this war. in fact, most americans really would rather that we not be involved in all these wars,
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they feel responsible. it's their tax payer money being used for purposes that they don't endorse. so i think there's a kind of desperation also, i think the collapse of the trans atlantic financial system is a driving force causing us to, into going to kind of a flight forward on military adventures. the while the credit union troops are losing grounds on the battlefield. key of officials, s t been corruption, either ukrainian government has reported the facts of the deputy energy administer, who according to the national security service, was arrested for accepting a bribe of half a $1000000.00. the security service of you craven, national, empty corruption bureau with the assistance of the minister of energy of ukraine. expose the large scale corruption scheme organized by his deputy. the official using his powers promised the heads of state enterprises available while in cold
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bison to freely transform mining equipment from the mines of the front line region of don't basically use. the other issue relates to the mining equipment of a state own cold company located in the combat zone and different cross key direction. while lawson troops are successfully advancing, although they be arrested officials duties are all included the preservation of the missionary for money. he allowed it to be transported and then used in west, in the ukrainian mines, according to the national security service. the deputy administer involved the 3 accomplices in the incident that we've heard from the head of the silver, all the institute alexander markovich. and he said, visit this news candles to be a wake up call for the west, about the 10th corruption in the 3. first of all, it shows subterranean soldiers. that's obviously the leadership is not fully committed to the war efforts, but more committed to the effort of pulling their pockets and stuff will. um
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also in certain cases um, even sabotaging the front. this is on your scandal. um only shows us um, fall corrupts ukraine is until actually june's um, the western project of army ukraine to the chief in order to inflict the defeat on russia. maybe this would be some kind of wake up call for the west in order to finally end its shenanigans and ukraine against russia. and let's therapy piece because if you have the leadership, which is that much core up that it's even though i'm sabotaging its own war efforts, then maybe it's not the right leadership um to wage war at all. strange, that's all the some cases of corruption all suddenly show up on when the tide is turning against. yes. and why am it's troops losing lauren's more grounds? so maybe it's also some kind off of my thoughts,
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resorts to actually find escape codes and for the and it's every sales at the front and the political failures ended syria. so that's the last you have some kind of scape goats where you can say ok, it's not me who is corrupt spots, it's um, dispatcher to minister of energy. so no, that's a term pushed away. um the guilt brought himself on to someone else. now let's heck to the americans. now, washington is looking for ways to put pressure on vin as well. and the president equals my doodle, and that's according to the us state department. it issued that's about coming to after the south african, the south american countries, top court said he was preparing to make a definitive final ruling about the dispute presidential election of the state department's also at this press conference that we just saw, refuted, a pretty big claim made by the wall street journal saying that the us it offered
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amnesty to venezuela and president nicholas madura if you were to surrender political power there. and this apparently fake news about an amnesty offer comes that made us back to violence in venezuela being carried out by the political opposition there. and that's because the door recently won a narrow re election victory there, which is opponents are saying was fraudulent even though there's lots of evidence to suggest that actually the political opposition, there was much more determined to sabotage the democratic process. well, the top court is right now, and it's last stage of analyzing the election materials. so we're still waiting for an ultimate decision on that. but the court has said that once that decision is out, it will not be possible to appeal. it will say a still since this is the highest traditional instance in an actual matters, it's decisions, unavailable, and must be complied with. the supreme court of justice of the bully, very and republic of venezuela, reiterates its commitment to imparting justice to defend his weight and people.
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therefore nothing will stop us from fulfilling. i'll say quick mission. the, as of now it doesn't look like the outcome is going to be very positive for the political opposition. since it's so far failed to provide any evidence to the top court. proving that missouri was united socialist party had meddled with the elections on top of that. the opposition leader himself didn't even show up to court. this was something that meant doro called a scandalous lack of respect for governments authority. i see the wounded gonzales absent before the high schools in the country is scandalous, just as his absence on the 20th of june, for the signing of the agreement of recognition of the elections before the national electorate con. so she does not recognize the national electorate concert as an institution does not recognize the supreme court. and who does he recognized the government to the united states with the opposition, rubbing shoulders with the us. it should come as no surprise that it's not what going to work with a legitimate electrical framework. now, after all, washington supported a full scale regina change operation in the country when it through its support
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behind one. why go back in 2019 something that ultimately failed. and as far back as 2002, then venezuelan president hugo chavez, accused us of backing you 2 dates off in nearly took them out of power. so that meant as well and government has a lot of experience when it comes to dealing with us like russian. the, not the key is hosting peace talks between the c o p i hadn't somalia. becky stopped diplomats has met with a representative of those african nations individually. as we seek to resolve the tensions through negotiations and on kind of a dispute erupted when, if you'll be struck a lucrative deal with a break away region of somebody land which the official government of somalia says was not authorized. are the corresponding you actually make. and has the details on this. the days before the meeting in the truck is capital e, c o p. and and some, all the delegations reached out to the turkish president, red chip type or the one expressing their sincerity and willingness to cooperate.
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so by way of unco, and this is a significant mediation effort by the church of state, we understand that the churches for administer met with the delegation separately, not at the same time, not in the same room, but at separate moments in time to ensure that the conflicting sides, have their voices heard and their concerns express for the most part. but we understand that this given point is a small, the, as in a position suggesting that if you will be assigned a memorandum of understanding with some, all the land that it was a breach of international law. it wasn't installed, but also disrespectfully said that it was disregarding the territorial integrity and sovereignty of some all the on this as a matter in and of itself. however, ethiopia as concerns are essentially taking into consideration that it is a landlord country that it does not have access to the red sea or any international waters for that matter. and this is where the contact or the tensions arose for the most part. but what we also understand is the u. n also has a convention that protects land lock country,
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suggesting that they have the right to and from the city without extra terrace, uh, by way of transit states. and this is something that you feel if he's going to have it the forefront of these negotiations. we understood that the negotiations initially started on july of 2020 for the 2nd meeting, which was held on monday. of course it was expected to happen much later throughout the year, but the 2 sides, by way of bunker, they moved up that schedule. they moved up the agenda to have that meeting done right here and right now. and this is significant for a number of different reasons because we understand the 2 sides, the 2 delegations that are currently partaking of these negotiations have come to terms with the territory integrity. and that of the sovereignty of the state of somalia and somalia has by one way, another problem is that if you will get that c access in one form or another, we understand that africa is currently hosted to the most number of con trees that are land locked, and then there comes to europe, but europe and nations for one way or another have trade deals and agreements in place to protect those land lock countries. whereas those in africa are also land
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lock developing countries. we understand that 9 out of 12 of the most un, under developed nations, according to you in index, are land lock nations within africa. so this is going to be a significant push for ethiopia. it's also going to be important because it's the opium was not always landlocked once it retreat. essentially what's the seated in 1991 it prevented as the access for the therapy and state. so there's a lot on the line. we understand that the tensions on nothing you, we understand ethiopia and some of you have gone to war, time and time again over. it's over the course of history. but this meeting, this negotiation process here, we don't cut. it is significant for a number of different reasons. that, of course, putting an end to this conflict intentions between these 2 states providing a win win solution as opposed to a solution of a scenario which is shows the loss of any one party if not both. but one more thing that is significant is this is also on cars attempt to play as a regional actor. it is also crucial understanding. that's a v is real cause conflict is the number of conflicts that turkey has been involved
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with the ukraine conflict. there's another international crisis that has been involved with. so there's a great deal of rhetoric and a great deal of understanding on the side of the church, but taking into consideration the matters of africa. this were turkey says that we need to understand that these 2 nations need to essentially bury the hatchet and come to terms with a solution that would of, of course, benefit, not just them all the need to go up here, but much of eastern northeastern africa. if you'll be on foreign ministry spokesperson, maybe you would peddlers, spoke to us about how his country views these thoughts and this will take you as far as education before the ministers altogether pencil. my dear had time to cool down in for looking exchanges concerning our differences. we also explore the perspectives towards addressing doesn't mean it mutually acceptable from what we believe it will be conducted, reassessed by this time around. their thoughts are ongoing and your best persons of
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gaining access to the seasonal collaboration and negotiation alliance was. it's subjective all for this for the stable and cost 1st origin. and it just spent the solar energy and try to try and get your every, every country. and we ever had doubts in this principle. are you doing this formulation? hospitalized over a 123 media and making the country a 2nd most for the leasing office, the most populous, none of the stage in the world. so being learn a lot of times the profile and implication both only for the trade, competitiveness and uh, national development. but for the wizard of all citizens. we see these costs, sofa important routes and reflect fishing of services. and as i said, us one of the fastest growing economies, it was a country more than a $123.00 medium for pollution. each of them was find ways to be the
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nice to meet the demand. so keeps going population of in your british bron minister cast alma poses the biggest threat to free speech in history. that's the message from m p and reform pots. you need an idea for us. what we are allowed to do on social media or should be allowed to do, is to speculate is to ask questions. yeah. is the trump fact south no stomach, by cracking down on that is, is icing the biggest threat to free speech we see in the history of a you a k is repeated both of being a boss to and a free speech of also being called into question following the got bins response to reason for test purpose. now mass valens flooded the streets of britain last week over perceived failures and immigration policies are the seller dimansky picks up the story from their this is how the police in the u. k. have been dealing with protest is
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the unless you're willing to 2019 back and movement to the home comb wants. remember this the
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u. k. holmes holmes, full mcculla knew lucy, it was in sentenced by attempts to bring the rises under control. it labeled them pro democracy and essentially breeding that, that right to protest regardless of the violence, feared the authorities not to use last night's events as a pretext for oppression. but to address the deep seated concern by the people of hong kong that their basic freedoms are under attack. no, i'm not going to sugar coated a significant number of people involved in the 2024 u. k. purchased were from the hod right. these rights were initially spoke by those in the u. k, who are fed up with the countries immigration system. perhaps i should say lack of one, but the u. k. is crackdown has been moved to oh boy, anyone's done that over $700.00 arrests with hundreds,
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most suspects being sold. the u. k is newly minted leader is being accused of gas lighting the intense a case tom is free speech. he's now think of the last 7 days or so way he has cooled down the cycled fall, right. and the inference being any party on a mall, just as protesting because they all concerned about the state to put anybody and everybody on my there's not just as a protest of each day for deemed as fall right, despite the u. k. so often claim it up, whole freedom of speech, stuff blatantly and true. even the new and has a serious concerns about the treatment to protest is including peaceful ones in the u. k. peaceful protest as being prosecuted and convicted under the police crime. sentencing and courts act 2022 for the criminal offense of public nuisance. which is punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment. it had been almost unheard of since
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the 1950s for members of the public to be imprisoned for a peaceful protest in the u. k. who might do bulletins o police commission that has a boost threatened to pursue people who are not even in the u. k. big cable, gloria does not make you safe from the law. you can be guilty of offences of, of incitement as starting at racial hatred. and we will come off to those individuals just as we will physically confront on the streets. the commentators from either end of the political spectrum who likes to accusations of bias of the police. because we stand in the middle, we'll price independently under the law with that federal favor. and if you've got crazy views over there, you don't like it. and if you don't try give you some of that. you don't like it. we will continue to do this. can you imagine the full riff, i don't know, russia or china suggested it was gunning for. so for war is.


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