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tv   News  RT  August 13, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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complex, multifaceted, let's stop without pleases. let's go part of the russian 5 to just destroy you 20 minutes equipment in the course region that says keep news is more than 2000 soldiers. that's fair enough time to push people into russian territories. charging oh the god of the us is apparently considering websites didn't let him is and then eat with another politician. but the message coming from russian intelligence is really affect would have never happened. right? you would never have attacked your brain and we'd have no inflation. and we wouldn't have had the afghanistan view, take a few of those events away and we have a different world. donald trump goes all the posit, accusing president via another, escalating conflicts around the world. you're thinking single mosque in an
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interview that name, it didn't happen. also the ex platform was faced with a mass of cyber attack and a morning by the step of citizenship. the form of getting to the well, this is all to you is good to have your company today. we saw with breaking news this out from the guns republican passenger boss has been hit by him praying in forces in the city over the st. john's. now 2 people are being killed, i'm at least the $21.00 civilians wounded. the head of the republic set across the buttons had been used in the attack before any of that is to push the button into watson tire 3 through full, settled lives in the coast. region i'd be faulted by russians has lots of good into the russian defense ministry, which also says kids losses are mounting and just 24 hours. full 120 inches
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whitfield and 55 and vehicles destroyed. i times my enemy mobile groups to break through into russian territory using homage. vehicles have been forth it up to 15. you crating on forces soldiers to ahmed. combat vehicles and 2 costs were destroyed during the hiring of the village of as the key up to 15, ukrainian service men and 4 striker all my personal carriers were eliminated. and 60 crating on forces militants were captured in the past 24 hours. the last is all the crating on forces amounted to up to $420.00 military bus now and $55.00 units of homage vehicles. so that's off of a crazy incursion into russia. exactly a week ago. didn't say that last night and left a total of around 2030. so this other also has also been heavy defensive, including 35 times. so to one on personnel carriers in seen the infantry fighting
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vehicles and the 179 of the combat machines, all these english on of as well. the ukrainian militants, uh they have been trying to hit targets into hit just to anything that they can hear in the town. of course, camden, the neighboring towns as well. no to day goes by here without the whaling of air, raid sirens, and pulps and explosions in the, as russian defense systems that are working relentlessly here. and they have really no rest at the same time to fight, and indeed continues closer to the border. the both sides have been trying to attack on the ukrainian minutes since they have been trying to expand the area of control that they do have right now in the course region. the, all those attempts have been denied by the russian army. the russian defense ministry has posted the videos a line of funding they to equipment and was just
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a chilled military personnel at the same time when it comes to the board of fighting. this is far from the only odd support on the map when it comes to being to nationally recognized russian territory the neighboring bell. good region. the ukrainian armed forces also have been trying to cross the border to carry on with this border in cash. and then to well gain a foothold on the russian soil. these attempts have been supported as well, but the fighting on the board has been very, very intense. in fact, the local authorities, they have offered temporarily evacuation and they have, in fact, advised temporary evacuation to the residents of one of the states districts. and in fact, civilians have be temporarily banned from entering that district just for the purposes. and for the sake of the safety, at the same time, on monday, almost a week since the beginning of this operation is zalinski has for the 1st time
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commented on the actions of keys here in the course region by from the japanese we see how rusher really moves in the times, impudence. 24 years ago, there was the cursed disaster was the symbolic beginning of his rule. and now we can see what the end for him is. and it is also curse the disaster of his war. this is the lensky that is referencing to a disaster to the tragedy over the course. potomac submarines that happened back in the to india, 2000. and it's sure the death of its entire group. so he's kind of making a reference the, the submarine was named course and now he is carrying out a border operation, a good, a border and casual peroration in the course region. so is being metaphorical here, but how he's successful at this operation is going to be and how tragic it's going to be. and more importantly for who, for a lot of my food know for zalinski. well,
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it is way too early to tell in suddenly, for when it comes to the russian authorities to the russian government, they are adamant that they will re gain control over the entire course region. in fact, a lot of my food and as once again addressed the situation on the board to such actions, of course, pursue a military goal to stop the offensive of our troops to completely liberate the territory of the guns. going to net square publics, as well as the territory of no literacy. and what are the results? the pace of offensive operations by the russian armed forces has not decreased, but on the contrary, increased increased by one and a half times the armed forces. i'm moving forward along the entire line of contact . just take us back to what we were seeing on sunday, if you would dramatic pictures of those that put all the nuclear power plant that came under ukrainian drone attack. we saw one of the cooling towers was on was on fire, on is based kind of foundation area of the wire. it was,
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it might even collapse. you have any updates on how that investigation is going to close so far. the i a, a, or the international atomic energy agency, the one that you've just mentioned. they have been throughout the history of this conflict to they have been very concerned about the situation of this upper wash the nuclear power plant. but so far their involvement that has been limited to just that they have abstained from saying who was responsible for that strike. and for those very dramatic images of a cooling tower being a blaze of a drone attack, they have just pulled for both sides to show restraint. really, i'm so when you have that, and when you have the, when you have the fact that the facility is well under the russian control on russian personnel, russian personnel like brushing, what is the us patient there? they are the ones who are proof of it's under the russian. it's under the russian management right now. so really, it makes very,
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very little sense for russia to show itself. so it's hardly, it's hardly a question as to who's responsible for that strike. it seems that the i a simply have their hands side by some higher ups by some higher powers, as they simply cannot pull to pull publicly on the key regime to stop the attacks. given how close the situation that has historically throughout the history of this conflict. has gotten to a very, very potentially tragic and massive disaster. meanwhile, russia in the us tank brawls is mulling over potentially replacing vitamins and nancy and with a parent role in this. this dissatisfaction with his policies and corrupt dealings . as soon as he is taking crazy steps, the threatened to escalate, fall beyond ukraine. the head of the key. every shame has moved to feverish actions
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because he is primarily concerned with preserving his own positions of power, which has been shaken since the expiration of his presidential time on may the 20th of this. yeah. not only republicans, but democrats as well, and they have an issue with the quote targets. it's spending billions of dollars and they, they have no idea where that money is going. and they're also concerned, of course, with his reckless behavior. so they've wants to replace them. but with who was the man of the hour seems to be a sense of ok of. he's the cranes, our former interior minister, and apparently is a good candidate for them. why? because of his close contacts with ukranian nationalist formations, also his good contact with a european leaders. but how will they make that happen again, according to the process for an enticing service. the plan is to launch a par for this quotation campaign against the landscape to force them to resign. at the same time this past, apparently the us administration has passed affiliated n,
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g goes to work on coming up with a plan, a scenario of, of vascos rise to power. and they're talking 2 major opposition. parties in the country ends and likes up with you to remember. you let too much time copatrick par shank on. we all remember how well that ended up last time. so this seems to be the plan, replace them with a bottle and get zalinski to resign because you will have no other option that they launch this powerful discredit taishan campaign. and the russian for an intelligent service wraps up the statement by saying that it seems that while americans are looking for a black hat in the dark room, a meaning for a saying, a politician in the post, my don ukraine, and the leads that ukraine is itself slowly but surely turning into a black hole of europe the they need all the lead, so not 0, but it will emergency unless cardinal rule, he's dead questions was the washington to be considered a change of god made concerns about just where all the cash handed to q has
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gone where it has this money gone in terms of either clear thing, some kind of defensive system or that, that really or creating motor forces or even doing auto, auto buying items. and in reason, from the money what america has done to this proxy world, which i call it, no man that having been to this war and seeing it was before many months now, you can't keep us. so something like a you could and buttoning for it. well, just because you want to have something going on with the, with the russian federation, it doesn't happen that we're having senior citizens keep going around to the summit of the d 7. as we've been talking to lead us. i think he has a lot of funds which has come his way and does it all those put into it as inputs as well in, in, in open media as available to talk about the scale of corruption where there's money actually has been used or misused. and you can uh, yeah, so now look corruption, this guy who has a wrong key in crane build up with you. and the team is the highest being slacks
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all the it was revealed the he'd taken a haul, a $1000000.00. busy bride the security service, if you trade in national anti corruption bureau with the assistance of the minister of energy if you train exposed to large scale corruption scheme organized by his deputy. the official using his powers promised the heads of states enterprises of villa, both bullen cold bison to freely transform mining equipment from the millions of the front line region of don't basically use. so this is still a sense of the law, the cache in, with photography and what was described as unique as gas money equipment to size the west. so the country forget it belonged to the state of coal company and that the tie was located in the combat zone in a domestic republic. 3 encompasses were also involved in the scheme and now face up to 12 is behind balls. that of this or institute is on the markovich, says the scandal should be wake up cool for the west,
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about the scale of corruption in ukraine to see what 1st of all, it shows the training and soldiers. that's obviously the leadership is not fully committed to the war effort. spots more committed to the effort of pulling their pockets. and therefore, um, also in certain cases um, even sabotaging the front. this is on your scandal. um only shows us um, all corrupt ukraine is and tall actually wants um, the west um project of army ukraine to the tif in order to inflict the defeats on russia. maybe this would be some kind of wake up call for the west in order to finally end its shenanigans, ukraine against russia. and let's therapy piece because if you have the leadership, which is that much core up that it's even though i'm sabotaging its own war efforts, then maybe it's not the right leadership um to wage war adult strange,
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that's all the some cases of corruption all suddenly show up on when the tide is turning against ts and when its troops are losing more and more grounds. so maybe it's also some kind of mess, thoughts, and resorts to actually find escape goats. um for the military site is that the front and the political failures in syria? so that's the last you have some kind of scape goats where you can say ok, it's not me who is corrupt spots. it's dispatcher to minister of energy. so that's a term pushed away um the guilt from himself onto a someone else. a massive cyber attack took place against the ex platform on tuesday, right? we believe the mosque was about to hold a live interview with donald trump. now it resulted in a full 2 minute delay. that's the last, the must have said so far,
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the interview is received. almost a 1000000000 view is ahead of the event sub also by his be 10 to x. he had been banned from the site off of the 6 of january uprising in washington. most this quote restored tom's account right off the blind, the platform in 2022, but it was the say, the way now the cyber attack was no need huddled, facing the interview on the commission to issued a belt sense is a threat to musk saying the block would be closely one of the any potentially the site middle of hatred and violence undertaking and to have consume, to choose during the interview, the republican presidential nominee cooled out the last week. so it's a rival for the white house here who's come all i have is i'm of the deep 2nd democrat as of not shedding lights on by the girl from the rice. what i can
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tell you is this. if we cannot have a democrat, we cannot have her. she's in confident. she's as bad as bided in a different. yeah, she hasn't done an interview since his home. a scam started and, and say what do you want? this is a cool. this was a cool of a president of the united states. he didn't want to leave, and they said we can do it a nice day, or we can do it the hard way. if best have been the republicans either. baby trump watched the primaries and they put them at the top. or maybe he now decided he'd want to run and they put someone else at the top. if the and bible was still at the top of the democrat ticket, the media, the democrats, that the poppers and they would be going not they'd be saying this as we go, it's unconstitutional. it's a call. but because it's carmella hours. oh, this is wonderful to get one vote to be where she is now. i mean that there's something wrong with that is unprecedented with the e u wall. and the boss can actually walk and mosque ahead of the interview that it
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wants to protect us citizens from quote, serious home and then issued cyber attack happened against x. i mean, steve, i maybe it's a coincidence perhaps, but just what kind of hom for they? why read about, do you think if they're citizens in the, you don't want the false information or what could be deemed false information, then it shouldn't watch any of the mainstream media all either in this country and let them just let them shut in and then, and let the government feed them what they consider to be the proper information. if that's the route the route they want to go. it's ridiculous. tom holds the res, violence, foreign policy, the agency it fuse, the process of creating rules around the globe including go the and of course and you play and i travel. so said key black's mom power to continue flight to, and many more people have been killed in ukraine than you read about. you don't read about how bloody it is and how does that look?
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just send the 2 armies. you lost a half a 1000000 people. if you think about it, rushes guns, do you know russian defeated germany with us and they defeated depaul in giving. they've been around a long time. they're a big fighting for you. and ukraine now doesn't have enough men that now using young man and very old man to fight. and it's, it's, we're in a very bad position. a smart president could have stopped that it wouldn't have happened. let us give you some numbers out. the bible administration has spent more than off $175000000000.00 in a few quite a while also providing long realm range. and this house is also given intelligence symbols as well is another major recipient of help. since the set of october times the us spent a 12 when a home $1000000000.00 a day is allied, while providing files are of bones and up to the ratio, they'll try but again,
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a fuse biden of putting the glove on the age of world war 3 and i'm no fan of his and he was a horrible president, the worst president in history. and one of the reasons it was so bad. first of all, these really attack would have never happened. russia would never have attacked ukraine, and we'd have no inflation. and we wouldn't have had the afghanistan, you take a few of those events away and we have a different world. it was so bad the words that he was using, the stupid threats coming from his stupid face. without that he was using. i said this guy is good because as a war is going to cause and let me tell you that can lead to world war 3, you know, bite and did something with russia. then vitamin started saying such stupid things, versus he said that uh, it can be, and nato country. now port is russia for, for as long as there's been a though i said we're never going to agree to that. and we go right up front and say that i think most americans would like to see this stop. they like to see the
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blind check to ukraine. stop. they'd like to see the conflict ended. unfortunately, the binding ministration has just been, you know, shipping more and more aide and weapons and continuing and saying basically that their goal is that to be defeated. i think america and most americans and trump figure that there's no way this has to stop. so you bring both parties together, which i'm sure trump could do any of you for some kind of agreement. and i think he can get it done in one day. i don't know, but i think he can get it done and it beats the alternative on possible as trump keeps talking about world war free. well sir, we'll do everything in as fast as a full policy and people won't pass on itself. feels like visualizations with well, so those were the front of the woods exchange with the prism funds and welcome posting anita with a boss to the from the
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a symmetry this time if it is well known that russia today unfortunately, must defend its interest defendants. people with weapons in hands, but what is happening in the middle east? what is happening in palestine will certainly not be ignored on our thoughts. and of course we are watching with great pain and anxieties. the humanitarian catastrophe that has unfolded in palestine. for our part. we are doing everything to support the palestinian people. the un, due to american behavior, due to pressure from the united states, failed its mission to the one solution to adopt one resolution that would be implemented to ensure the realization of the right of the boasting and people. we always feel the warmth of our relation with the russian federation. russia is one of the dearest friends of the posting and people. we hope that the boasting and people who get their own state. and of course, we count them humanitarian support for the police, dns, and for, and then to the policy of expectation. we won't accept it. and we believe that with
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your support, we will achieve our goals with the failing to press a ton of even to finding a peaceful resolution is already part of the citizens continued to defend the country, the actions and gossip. is there any finances as, as less out of the use for imposing too visible out here to the misleading people? to you foreign policy, chief burrell who doesn't stop misleading the public? by claiming that the ideas retaliatory bombing and gaza is worse than that of nazi germany. and who had the audacity to call the idea of operation are not aimed at rescuing the hostages. a quote massacre of the palestinian people has clearly shown what side he's on. his words are clear and dangerous indication that he sighs with terror and let there be no mistake. he could not care less about the palestinian people by rhianna certain k last. the bureau, criticized talk is ready. officials,
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including the smoke faced himself over the remarks about cutting fuel and 8 supplies as of indians in gaza. the top there whom i said the block is considering center shows me the set statements on quote and then a slightly. so we'll times associate professor of political science and guys's out of the university must come and i will set a said, doesn't believe is the will be at all concerned about international pressure now. well, uh the, the european union. ringback wouldn't be in a position to put searches. again, this is one, i think it wouldn't be seen, but i think uh um you has failed miserably on this. uh uh, cuz my lawyers were in for the past 2 months or to go with without any accountability except for condemnations and speeches. that is asking this room to
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put them in to genocide against the palestinians as one of them has in no way past . uh, i mean, any pressure or any, uh, uh, condemnation from the international community. it seems to me that they have course so many of those lines over the past 3 months that they're doing. they don't care anymore about any into motion and motion and pressure. and at the end of the day, what is important to them if any, all depend is right when school, when they shouldn't government on to stay as a fragment, as the investor to visit stylings, i can gather in the say. so, but the us and he's a rough and as the been e cause, i mean is of meant to discuss further corporate 100. the 2 countries on the highlighted, the brother me relationship between that people. the good news is the concise of elizabeth williams have missed as she doesn't have anybody. if we agree to hold a joint meeting in november in russia, this will be the 20th anniversary meeting of the committee. and we have a substantial list of projects in collaboration with serbia,
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the concerned mutual corporation, trade development and investment project, so to speak. today we discussed the entire busy agenda including ongoing projects and those that are coming to an end in the next projects in the queue. no one should be surprised by the constructive partnership with our serbian colleagues because they are based on the historic and centuries long friendship on the brotherly relations of the 2 on the mutual deep respect of the leaders of our countries. and the last 2 years helped us understand how tough it is for our serbian friends to withstand the pressure from the european union regarding sanctions and so on. with we appreciate such a pragmatic approach from the serbian government that is truly in the interest of the serbian economy in the serbian peoples. and we see a very great potential in such a mutual approach. we can see that we really have a very significant effect on the economies of both countries, from a good relations and great potential from the implementation of the project. we currently have some assuming, let's say this is also a total of how the economy is,
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has been surviving. this slide outside price that from the west, the benefits of the highlighted, how the prices continue, pays for russian gas helps drive growth. he also mentioned the process of sub incorporation with china and international organizations such as brooks movie structures, owners, presidents, which as president bush has said, all governments was elected by the citizens of serbia. i was elected by the citizens of serbia and we have support from the people. this is the main thing for us. we'll see. so it'd be up to see a silver and an independent policy. that's freedom and independence have always been historically more important than any of them out to. and by all add to to tell us the boston preservation. we demonstrate that serbia is pursuing an independent policy. said that we are the only country in the role that has nothing post sanctions on the ross inside the ration just by the normal stay reprice from old western countries. so that has molded in post sanctions and will never and post
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them. and they'll also ministers and the governments, what elected by the people of serbia, if the american, some post sanctions, what can we do? is the business whether we know a job, they are doing this. people in america who constantly promote freedom of speech. when individuals have different opinions, they immediately post sanctions on them. 90 percent of the people in. so it'd be getting sanctions on the boston preservation. we know what the sanctions are in the ninety's. so the itself was on the west and sanctions and sanctions are very foolish. the home people and we would never want to haul 91, especially all of us involved as an old president and governments made the decision back in 2022. the sanctions will not be post on the boston preservation, and i am sure that survey, i will never you post them because it will be on natural for all people. we all have free people will have owned all freedom, either by ourselves altogether with russia. and that's why we come take such steps
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against our closest friends because regarding brakes and all the associations like this on high corporation organization naturally. so that should corporate with them . we have prosperous relations today with china. they've also says ration and the recently i was enough, freaking myself in south africa. and the african market is in all, most with 200000000 people in africa for truly need economic development. i think it's a great opportunity would naturally have the desire to work with all these unions. we already have great economic relations with individual countries, and we try to develop a strong often economic foundation as possible was breaks their ceo and the raising economic union. the recent visit of chinese president seizing, paying to europe, was undoubtedly t for sylvia assumed that it became all of the 3 countries he visited from hungry. and so it'd be the shows that china highly respects president bruce each respects
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all independent and free policy, which we assume every day. china is a friendly country to us and it supports all territorial integrity. it is also all the 2nd biggest economic partner today with all expos to china and with the full costs. and we have, we have every opportunity to double the volume of expos through the chinese market in the next 5 to 7 years. the law on free trade will allow the easily expos of sodium products and almost everything, but so that produces would be 20 to 30 percent cheaper than products from the west . and i would say this is one of the main elements that will help develop all economic relations don't fly that into into affairs. that's the whole from georgia's routing of human concerns getting more so more could break out in the country. we call on friendly foreign countries and their representatives to
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hold their financial interference with george's domestic affairs. they must know what kind of turbulence they can a vote in the country. this comes off so the us to send a just sort of a $100000000.00 an agent to the country. the move is seen as an attempt to push to b. c. and i'm filing a so called form a just a little, but to get a stand off between villages, routing policy and the west soon back. a position let's just say is that requires media and, and use of this was if they receive mold of the 5th, all the funding from abroad, but not as high as the problem. it says it has no idea of what the suspended money washington's talking about. so for the u. s embassy has not explained what somebody is talking about. i know that this amount definitely was not part of the budget. georgia works within its own budget, which is created by the georgian people, also sides. he's being convinced that someone has stopped funding and now this is some kind of disaster. as far as i know.


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