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tv   News  RT  August 13, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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as sharp as attacks and trust, it isn't an ex essential thread, officially sanctioned narratives of collapse the russian flight to destroy. you couldn't imitate equipment in the region. that is the key loses mold in 2000 soldiers that found the time to push deeper into russian territories. changing over the u. s. is apparently considering replacing by them. is it? and then it was another politician, but it was the message coming from the russian intelligence store for alpha. we are doing everything to support the palestinian people. we always feel the warmth of our relation with the russian federation, and we believe that with your support, we will achieve our goals. those were the front of the wood exchange between the russian president and the prostate. you need a lot of inputs in welcome bye for the bus to the equipment to invest the home good
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escalation in the middle east of georgia is rooting. plotting the logs in and define actually interference from a broad off the mass of protest. there was a new rule that requires more transparency for and, and via the a very well welcome to you from the entire to international listing. we're going to live from method global the to so is this how we saw. so this how with breaking news from the guns for republic, a passenger ball size being hit by encouraging forces in the city over the st. john's. 2 people being killed, at least so 21 civilians would the head of the public said cross the buttons being used in the attack. you currently have times to push deeper
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into russ, entirely free to full settled motion the closely due to have been floated by russian fit. that's important to the russian defense the seats, which also says keepers losses are mounting in just 24 hours. full 122 for killed. and the 55 ahmed vehicles destroyed. i types my enemy, my ball groups to break through into russian territory using homage. vehicles have been force that up to 15. you crating on forces soldiers to armed combat vehicles and $2.00 costs were destroyed during the clearing of the village of as the key up to the 15 ukranian service men and fort striker. all my personal carriers were eliminated, and sick ukrainian on forces militants were captured. in the past 24 hours, the last result, the crating on forces amounted to up to 420 military personnel and 55 units of homage vehicles says the thoughts of the plains incursion into russia. exactly. a
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week ago, keith said to ross around the 2000 soldiers. the also has also been heavily defeated, including $35.00 tanks, the c one on personnel carriers, 18 infantry flies in vehicles and a $179.00 of the combat machines to the english at all possible of the ukrainian militants. uh they have been trying to head targets into hit just the anything that they can hear in the town, of course, kind in the neighboring towns as well. no, the day goes by here without the whaling of air, raid sirens, and pulps and explosions in the, as russian defense systems that are working relentlessly here. and they have really no rest at the same time to fight and indeed continues closer to the border. the both sides have been trying to attack on the ukrainian minutes and they have been trying to expand the area of control that they do have right now in the course region. the,
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all those attempts have been denied by the russian army. the russian defense ministry has posted videos a line of funding they to equipment and well, just a killed military personnel at the same time when it comes to the board of fighting . this is far from the only hold support on the map when it comes to being to nationally recognized russian territory. the neighboring bell. good region to ukrainian armed forces also have been trying to cross the border to carry on with this border in charge. and then to well gain a foothold on the russian soil. these attempts have been supported as well, but the fighting on the board has been very, very intense. in fact, the local authorities, they have offered temporary evacuation and they have in fact, advised temporary evacuation to the residents of one of the states districts. and in fact, civilians have be temporarily bound from entering that district just for the
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purposes. and for the sake of the safety, at the same time, on monday, almost a week since the beginning of this operation led him or zalinski has for the 1st time commented on the actions of keys here in the course region by from exactly we see how rusher really moves in the time prudence. 24 years ago. there was the curse . disaster was the symbolic beginning of his rule. and now we can see what the end for him is. and it is also curse the disaster of his war. this is the landscape is referencing to a disaster to the tragedy over the course of atomic submarines that happened back in the to india 2000 and it's sure the death of its entire group. so he's kind of making a reference the, the submarine was named course, now he is carrying out a border operation, a good a border in casual operation in the course region. so is being metaphorical here,
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but how he's successful at this operation is going to be and how tragic it's going to be. and more importantly for who, for a lot of my food know for a zalinski. well, it is way too early to tell incessantly, for when it comes to the russian authorities to the russian government, they are adamant that they will re gain control over the entire course region. in fact, lot of my food. and as once again, address the situation on the board to such actions, of course, pursue a military goal to stop the offensive of our troops to completely liberate the territory of the guns. going through net square publics, as well as the territory of november. we'll see. and what are the results? the pace of offensive operations by the russian armed forces has not decreased, but on the contrary, increased increased by one and a half times our forces. i'm moving forward along the entire line of contact. just take us back to what we were seeing on sunday, if you would dramatic pictures of this at all. it's
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a nuclear power plant that came under ukrainian drone attack. we saw one of the cooling towers was on was on fire, on is based kind of foundation area. the worry was it might even collab. so you have any updates on how that investigation is going to close so far. the i a, or the international atomic energy agency, the one that you've just mentioned, they have been throughout the history of this conflict. so they have been very concerned about the situation on this upper wash the nuclear power plant. but so far their involvement that has been limited to just that they have abstained from saying who was responsible for that strike. and for those very dramatic images of a cooling tower being a blaze of a drone attack, they have just pulled for both sides to show restraint. really, i'm so when you have that, and when you have the, when you have the fact that the, the facility is well under the russian control on russian personnel, russian personnel like brushing, what is the us patient there?
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they are. the ones who prefer it's under the russian, it's under the russian management right now. so really, it makes very, very little sense for russia to show itself. so it's hardly, it's hardly a question as to who's responsible for that strike. of course for emotional about the nuclear power plant, we're not just emotional, we're outraged in my uh, my colleagues and i work at the water intake facility. it's constantly being shelled. the shrapnel flies in hitting the windows, which is obviously bad. people gets cad, but we've got to use to we have to work a lot different explosions, error rates, of course, a burden our lives are guys strive to quickly restore electricity and water supplies. that's only natural. but if you had told me 3 or 4 years ago that someone would attack a nuclear power plant, it would have been unimaginable even now during the conflict, such an object should never be targeted with that, that seems that the i a simply have their hands side by some higher ups,
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by some higher powers, as they simply cannot pull to pull publicly on the key regime to stop the attacks. given how close the situation that has historically throughout the history of this conflict, has gotten to a very, very potentially tragic and massive disaster may well rush it. intelligence is reporting that us toll bras as mulling over potentially replacing platinum is valencia made apparent blowing. this taxes fire similarly as policies and corrupt dealings. as soon as he is taking crazy steps, the threatened to escalate fabi on ukraine. the head of the key. every shame has moved to feverish actions because he is primarily concerned with preserving his own positions of power, which has been shaken since the expiration of his presidential time on may the 20th
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of this. yeah. not only republicans, but democrats as well, and they have an issue with the quote targets of spending of billions of dollars. and they, they have no idea where that money is going. and they're also concerned, of course, with his reckless behavior. so they wants to replace them, but with who was the man of the hour seems to be a set of ok of. he's ukraine's our former interior minister and apparently is a good candidate for them. why? because of his close contacts with the cranium nationalist formations, also his good contacts with a european leaders. but how will they make that happen again? according to the process for an entire service of the plan is to launch a powerful this quotation campaign against the lensky to force him to resign. at the same time, this has a probably, the us administration has passed, the affiliated n, g goes to work on coming up with a plan, a scenario of, of bosco's rise to power. and they're talking 2 major opposition. parties in the country ends the likes up with you to remember you let your machine go. petra,
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portions on we all remember how well that ended up last time. so this seems to be the plan, replace them with a bottle and get zaleski to resign because you will have no other option if they launch this powerful disorientation campaign. and they're also for an intelligent service. wraps up the statement by saying that it seems that while americans are looking for a black hat in the dark room, a meaning for a saying, the politician and the post my, that ukraine in the leads that ukraine is itself slowly but surely turning into a black hole of europe and in all the advisor i'm due for the mid 3 hours tunnel. really the questions whether washington could be considered a change of god to me, the concerns about the where all the cash i'm going to to you. i've gotten the way it has this money gone in terms of either creating some kind of defensive system of
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the battery or creating motor forces or even doing auto auto buying. i'm reason from the money what america has done to this proxy ward, which i call it, no man having been to this war and seeing it was before many months now. you can't keep us. so something like a you couldn't unbuttoning for. it was just because you want to have something going on with the, with the and i shouldn't say that i shouldn't, it doesn't happen that way. having seen citizens keep going around and do some of the do so. and as with in talking to lead us, i think he has a lot of funds which has come his way. and there's a lot of put into it as inputs as well in, in, in open media as available to talk about the scale of corruption. we had as money actually has been use or misused and you put in the well so we'll do everything it is pilots is a pull the processing in people while pass. i. 6 fills the little bit for nations with last. now those will defend me would exchange. i'm president pleasant and welcome to pass the in the, the bus to come and a symmetry. this next to it is well known that russia today, unfortunately,
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must defend its interests, defend its people with weapons and hands, but what is happening in the middle east? what is happening in palestine will certainly not be ignored on our part. and of course, we are watching with great pain and anxieties. the humanitarian catastrophe that has unfolded in palestine for our part. we are doing everything to support the palestinian people. the un, due to american behavior, due to pressure from the united states, failed its mission to give one solution, to adopt one resolution that would be implemented to ensure the realization of the right of the posting and people. we always feel the warmth of our relation with the russian federation. russia is one of the dearest friends of the posting and people . we hope that the boasting and people will get their own state. and of course, we count them humanitarian support for the palestinians. and for, and then to the policy of x, patricia, we won't accept it. and we believe that with your support we will achieve our goals
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. may well turn says everybody's are only increasing when washington failing to pressure is main allied to find the a peaceful resolution. and is there any positions continuing to defend that moves the actions in gaza is very far as a, has a with the last styles of the use for imposing to visit. but rather than he is accused of misleading people. you foreign policy chief burrell who doesn't stop misleading the public by claiming that the ideas retaliatory bombing and gaza is worse than that of nazi germany. and who had the audacity to call the idea of operation are not aimed at rescuing the hostages. a quote massacre of the palestinian people has clearly shown what side he's on. his words are clear and dangerous indication that he sighs with terror and let there be no mistake. he could not care less about the palestinian people so that we are the 2nd came off
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that burrell criticize top. it is really the officials including the smoke threats himself. oh, well that remarks about cutting few and a surprise to somebody ends in gaza. but he's talking different, like i said, the blog who's considering sciences with those thoughts, they months, a quote and an assignment to low crimes. live now to find a reform is the public function. so listen, dimitry did the i did to see thanks for taking the time. joining us interesting story coming out of the you as was, is well, as always is the finance minister has now excuse the top diplomat of reading miss information about the idea of not caring about policy is what so how the pool, the kinds of view and the humanitarian aid supplies, which the is there any officials has suggested actually help people in gaza.
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well, to put it simply, if you are not cold is an anti semite and you are not cold at a different ugly words by this genocide. this is randy. government know that you are on the wrong side of is this government has no limits at smearing ever objects to its genocide. whoever showed signs of objection to its genocide. well, it is very late. i liked with his call to both sciences on small dredge, who actually has admitted that he is a fascist. it's all over the internet over a search is he still admitted batches and then you have the victim. there is the minister of security for the state of israel,
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a blast they about. it's morally ok to kill $2000000.00. the people in gods, and these people have dawson, i would say you was so full and us money and yours. whether we, they thought it'd be to actually challenge whoever beers to criticize their what. and i believe that this is not, they do not depend just on their positions in the governments. as lot of media outlets would like to picture. they depend mainly on is really supremacist genocide, the social values that accept and pro modes and to college such statements. if you look back in the history, many of the genocide,
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the regimes try from explicitly talking about genocide, even while there were committed those genocide, some of them were even worse than what the genocide is. really just going to be thinking guys, but it gives a visual. it is ways to show how much as a politician, you oh, are willing to go, how far you are willing to go. do is spelled children's blood. how are you willing to go to bill? joe, that you will be pull, you is jewish is, randy zion has decided if you would accept you. and this is the core of the problem because as well as a society, lives by different standards from the rest of the world. it was the 2nd too long to realize this, but one day, what were your lives this? and do you think that self advocacy appetite was something wrong with the social values? the one why people then?
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well, you have to open this box and see exactly how rocking those social values is run side these are and that's what governor just people like smoke judge ben, you and many others even do nothing. oh, but to do. but let me tell the, forgive me for interrupting you, but you know, yes, we were saying a lot of things going on now with the, i mean, the seems to be relaxing. now. the use of talked about, you know, does have or has said that these considering imposing sanctions on is 1st of all, what do you think those sizes could be? will they be implemented, implemented, or is it just is this is joseph burrell saying the i'm, we're all doing something a lot, believe that this is part of the cumulative effort by people around the world, especially politicians who can no longer even though it's too late. but can no
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longer accept the genocide, the record that uh, promotes the genocide coming out of israel specially among elected politicians that the, according to paul's will be re elected as well. so this is part of cumulative effort. i don't think that there is one single step as long as the united states of america is a driving force behind is where to genocide and go. and it keeps on politically, you put that to it and provided with all the weather we and financial support. i don't think that any other country has the power by itself on its own to reverse the course, but this is part of the cumulative effort that is done what it was by south africa, the i c j. whether it was by countryside recognizes the state of palestine, that by the e. u. a, posing sanctions hopefully by individual states. that should also fall is do i mean boys the sanctions also we're talking about the national association fee,
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but others also most new to impose sanctions on this. it is your for the genocide it's going to think, yeah, this is 10 year, 10 months since the beginning of this genocide. yes, it's been 76 years since the overall genocide and disposition of the 1000 people. but it, it's better late than never in, i believe that a garage it statements on this issue is a step in the right direction. we hope that many others will policy in this, in a, we hope so, and they will have to leave it the side. they, as always, a pleasure to review 5 to reform is not 105 since photos and dmitri did any thanks again for your time. thanks for having the a stop sign that it's still intervals, not a circle from dude is rooting policy. i mean, can, as of yet most of them well could breakouts in the country we call on friendly foreign countries and their representatives to help their financial interference
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with george's domestic affairs. they must know what kind of turbulence they can evoke in the country. this comes off the us a sudden and just sort of a $100000000.00 and aid to the country. the movers seeing as an attempt to push to bc into a, but i'm the thing, it's so cold born and just a little bit for the of the style is enjoyed, is ruining policy. i'm the west and back opposition, but let's just say is it requires media ad and use of this was if they receive moving the 5th of the funding from a box. that size is the power limit and say that it has no idea what this is. but it money washington told me about so for the us embassy has no if explain what somebody is talking about. i know that this amount definitely was not part of the budget. georgia works within its own budget, which is created by the georgia and people. all society is being convinced that someone has stopped funding. and now this has some kind of dissolved stuff. as far
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as i know, there was no such amounts in the budget to prove by the parliament of georgia. had of the globalization issues that i was on the tracks here, but is west the powers, all is in the legislation. lots of so full through age even change, a losing scale. the secure cost of the trojan authorities have realized that americans and europeans, a sense of a threat and punish them for defiance. after they refused to actively participate in the russian ukrainian conflicts, most of the circle 2nd front lines that even support kids on full say is the west started bullying the georgia leadership and preparing to activate the forces. it's been financing, showed the routing policy be winning. they will take to the streets, find the elections were falsified, and the government is legitimate. georgia and authorities understand this. it's whether appeal not to interfere that comes from. but actually the west will do what it's planning to do anyways. the new for an ages law is just them,
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all the copy of the american version of washington already use it as an excuse to interfere in george's domestic affairs. that's how they do it, making up a list of so called on democratic things that can be seen everywhere and noticed that campaign against inconvenient authorities different probably the american government was behind george's steering wheel and adopted exactly the same little that would be no reaction from either the, the us, all the you. however, it currently there is a strong, the west and influence in georgia. they call and let it slide. so they use, it gives us an opportunity for aggressive intrusion into the internal affairs a massive. so i would say in the suitcase i gave the ex powerful one who's like right, the full a little mosque was about to hold a live interview with donald trump. it resulted in a full st. when it did, they never the less last coast and sofa. the interviews received over a 1000000000 views of the event for blows that made his rich. an x already had been
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banned from the site. then go to the off of the 6 of january uprising in washington . must restore trumps account right off the buying the platform in 2022. but the had long as the say the way that the cyber attack was not the only hurdles facing the interview and the commissioner issued a val send the ship's threats. so last saying the block would, because the one thing i mean potentially the assignment of hatred, i'm bothered, i'm so have conceding the truth. during his interview, the republican presidential nominee pulled out the law summat, select arrivals for the white house. he accused koala harris, and of the deed, state, and democrats. of no sending lights on board is withdrawal from the race. what i can tell you is this. if we cannot have a democrat, we cannot have her. she's in confidence. she's as bad as bided in
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a different. yeah, she hasn't done an interview since his home. a scam started and, and say what do you want? this is a cool. this was a cool of a president of the united states. he didn't want to leave and they said we can do it to 98, or we can do it the hard way. if this had been the republicans either. baby trump watched the primaries and they put them at the top. or maybe he now decided he'd want to run and they put someone else at the top. if the and bible was still at the top of the democrat tickets, the media, the democrats, the poppers, and they would be going not to be saying, this is the only goal. it's unconstitutional, it's a cold. but because it's carmella hours. oh, this is wonderful to get one boat to be where she is now. i mean that's, there's something wrong with that is unprecedented. with the e. you want to mask it, actually warned mosque ahead of the interview that it wants to protect us citizens
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from quote, serious home and then issued cyber attack happened against x. i mean, steve, i maybe it's a coincidence perhaps, but just what kind of hom for they? why read about, do you think if their citizens in the you don't want the false information or what could be dean false information, then it shouldn't watch any of the mainstream media all either in this country and let them just let them shut in and then, and let the government feed them what they consider to be the proper information. if that's the route the route they want to go. it's ridiculous. todd bulls are raised by those for a policy, for his head to the presidency of escalating was around the globe, including garza. and of course, ukraine from poll says and came like the manpower to continue my to how many more people have been killed in ukraine than you read about. you don't read about how bloody it is and how does that look? just send the 2 armies. you lost a half a 1000000 people. if you think about it,
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rushes guns, do you know russian defeated germany with us and they defeated depaula and, you know, they've been around a long time. they're a big fighting for you. and ukraine now doesn't have enough men that now using young man and very old man to fight. and it's, it's, we're in a very bad position. a smart president could have stopped that it wouldn't have happened. well, let's take a look at some numbers that the by the administration has spent more than a 175000000000 dollars and 82 k. one holes is providing longwood's missiles, sol, so give an intelligence, pupils as well as another major was a bit of help since the 7 books over tax us, but 12 and a half $1000000000.00 a day. and i lie while i'm providing thousands of bones. i have 2 refills, probably get in a fuse line of putting the glass on the age of world war 3. and i'm no fan of his and he was a horrible president,
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the worst president in history. and one of the reasons it was so bad. first of all, these really attack would have never happened. russia would never have attacked ukraine, and we'd have no inflation. and we wouldn't have had the afghanistan. you take a few of those events away and we have a different world. it was so bad. the words that he was using, the stupid threats coming from a stupid face. without that he was using. i said this guy's good because as a war, he's got a cause. and let me tell you this can lead to world war 3, you know, bite and did something with russia. then vitamin started saying such stupid things, versus he said that, uh, it can be a nato country. now port is russia for, for as long as there's been a though i said we're never going to agree to that. and we go right up front and say that. i think most americans would like to see this stop. they'd like to see the blind check to ukraine. stop. they'd like to see the conflict ended. unfortunately, the binding ministration has just been, you know,
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shipping more and more aide and weapons and continuing and saying basically that their goal is that to be defeated. i think america and my most americans and trump figure, i think that there's no way this has to stop. so you bring both parties together, which i'm sure trump could do any of you for some kind of agreement. and i think he can get it done in one day. i don't know, but i think he can get it done and it beats the alternative, other possible as trump keeps talking about world war 3. the cause of our getting rid of 5 is popular p bride, the about committing will apply within the, the slow conflict. so the 19 ninety's up with trying to narrow towns of the now i that the comments are being used to prosecute best full belinda this of books detailing the experiences in the conference have some.


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