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tv   News  RT  August 13, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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that i have to go to them. i need to pursue this. they don't this month really. can you're saying because i've been out the front of this as a visited into the girlfriend. you're covered on your boat, the 55 to get it destroy. you put any movie equipment in the medium boxes, gave me the enrolled in 2000 soldiers. the fabric type took place deeper into russian territories. i would be grateful for the explanation of how international targets, how intentionally targeting civilians serves the goals of disrupting insects when you bring in territories. given the fact that there were no military objects for infrastructure in to the last 10 damsel, what support you?
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raising the russian thing even deal even pick the devastating so on civilian lives, i relate to me by the mileage of human rights through it's a tax on the lawn like feet tall symmetry. this mr. brown, we are doing everything to support the students. he's always feeling the warmth of relation with the russian federation, and we believe that with your support will achieve our goals. the funding was the change between the russian president and the possibility that the boss to the department exists, the own good escalation in the middle east. and georgia, including body devolves and ends its in finance, and it appears from abroad optimized for me to run to a renewal that requires a policy for an mg is the
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live to log into the new center. in lafayette, this is see welcome to the global news. you turn in attempts to push the button to russian territory to full settlements. in the closer you have been floated by russian spies, according to the russian defense with the fee, which also says teams law says all mountains and in just 24 hours, full $122.00 foot kills and 55, almost vehicles destroyed. i times my enemy mobile groups to break through into russian territory using on. but the vehicles have been force it up to 15, ukrainian on forces soldiers to ahmed, combat vehicles and $2.00 costs were destroyed during the hiring of the village of is the key up to 15 ukrainian servicemen and 4 striker all my personal carriers were eliminated. and 6, you crating on forces militants were captured in the past 24 hours. the last is all the crating armed forces amounted to up to $420.00 military personnel and $55.00
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units of homage vehicles. so sort of you crazy incursion into russia. exactly. a week ago, the sense of loss around the 2000 and so does that also was also being heavily defeated and fitting for defined tanks. so it's one on the snow count is 18 infantry fighting vehicles and a 179 of the combat machines. fresh for visuals, just to inform the russian defensive to reveal a mexican offensive aviation unit as low as striking. so in costs of a clean um, forces personnel and vehicles, asthma, the trucks. yeah, so decimated the primary key falls is where the rubber is gasoline in. retreat english. that opens up some details on the latest from the region. the ukranian militants, they have been trying to hit targets into hit just the anything that they can hear
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in the town of course can do in the neighboring towns as well. no to day goes by here without the wailing of air, raid sirens, and pulps and explosions in the, as russian defense systems that are working relentlessly here. and they have really no rest at the same time to fight and indeed continues closer to the border. the both sides have been trying to attack on the ukrainian minutes and they have been trying to expand the area of control that they do have of rice out in the course region. the, all those attempts have been denied by the russian army, the russian defense ministry has posted videos a line of funding ne to equipment, and was just a chilled military personnel at the same time when it comes to the board of fighting. this is far from the only hotspots on the map when it comes to the internationally recognized russian territory, the neighboring bell. good region. the ukrainian armed forces also have been trying
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to cross the border to carry on with this border in cash and then to well gain a foothold on the russian soil. these attempts have been supported as well, but the fighting on the board has been very, very intense. in fact, the local authorities, they have offered temporary evacuation and they have in fact, advised temporary evacuation to the residents of one of the states districts. and in fact civilians have be temporarily banned from entering that district. jessica, for the purposes and for the sake of the safety at the same time on monday, almost a week since the beginning of this operation is zalinski has for the 1st time commented on the actions of keys here in the course region to buy from a job we see how rusher really moves in the times of food and 24 years ago. there was the curse disaster, the symbolic beginning of his rule. and now we can see what the end for him is. and
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it is also curse the disaster of his war. this is the landscape is referencing to a disaster to the tragedy over the course. potomac submarines that happened back in the to india, 2000 and it's sure the death of its entire group. so he's kind of making a reference to the, the submarine was named course and now he is carrying out a board or operation a good, a border in casual preparation in the course region. so is being metaphorical here, but houses successful as this operation is going to be and how tragic is going to be. and more importantly for who for a lot of my food know for zalinski. well, it is way too early to tell in separately for when it comes to the russian authorities to the russian government, they are adamant that they will re gain control over the entire course region. in fact, lot of my food. and as once again,
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address the situation on the board to such actions, of course, pursue a military goal to stop the offensive of our troops to completely liberate the territory of new guns gun. don't ask republics as well as the territory of no little c. and what are the results? the pace of offensive operations by the russian armed forces has not decreased, but on the contrary, increased increased by one and a half times out on forces. i'm moving forward along the entire line of contact. just take us back to what we were seeing on sunday, if you would dramatic pictures of this at all. it's a nuclear power plant that came under ukrainian drone attack. we saw one of the cooling towers was on was on fire, on is based kind of foundation area. the worry was it might even collab. so you have any updates on how that investigation is going to close so far. the i a, a, or the international atomic energy agency, the one that you've just mentioned. they have been throughout the history of this conflict. so they have been very concerned about the situation of this approach,
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the nuclear power plant, but so far their involvement that has been limited to just that they have abstained from saying who was responsible for that strike. and for those very dramatic images of a cooling tower being a blaze of a drone attack, they have just called for both sides to show restraint. really, i'm so when you have that, and when you have the, when you have the fact that the, the facility is well under the russian control on russian personnel, russian personnel like brushing, what is the us patient there? they are. the ones who prefer it's under the russian, it's under the russian management right now. so really, it makes very, very little sense for russia to show itself. so it's hardly, it's hardly a question as to who's responsible for that strike. of course for emotional about the nuclear power plant, we're not just emotional, we're outraged in my, uh, yeah,
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my colleagues and i work at the water intake facilitate. it's close to being child . the shrapnel flies in hitting the windows, which is obviously bad. people get kids, but we've got to use to it. we have to work on the different explosions, error rates towards the burden our lives. as our guys strive to quickly restore electricity and water supplies, that's only natural. but if you had told me 3 or 4 years ago that someone would attack a nuclear power plant, it would have been unimaginable even now during the conflict, such an object should never be targeted with that, that seems that the i a simply have their hands side by some higher ups, by some higher powers, as they simply cannot pull to hold publicly on the key regime to stop the attacks. given how close the situation that has historically throughout the history of this conflict has gotten to a very, very potentially tragic and massive disaster. the claims assault on ross
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says, please click on the tools keeps commitment to escalate and then aggressive mid atkinson, while the international community and a blind. i know that as a going to was pub in admission to the united nations. we haven't heard the word of combination of these sections from western sponsor, some of the key for you will continue to cover up to the of horton's crimes of their profits in the same manner as the north. it's a trust citizens on boss for more than 8 years. they go on repeating that ukraine has the right legal right to defend itself while referencing the attacks on civilians in the coast collision. despite all these have of those were held only states, most of support. so there's an insecurity seem from united states and this allies, claiming that these military adventure fits into the ukrainian efforts to disrupt a tex into it. so to see your territory, i would be grateful for the explanation of how internationally targets it co,
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intentionally targeting civilians, serves the goals of disrupting attacks on your grading him territory. given the fact that there were no military objects for infrastructure in the area, it was cool. all right, sir, groaned loud. it's urgent. the assess the widespread violations of human rights in the region by accusing many peoples of the you and has express is i've seen access to the region for an on the assessment of the situation. we are requesting that russia grant access to its territory to be able to obtain further information . let us know if i'm out and see human. i'm labor rights lawyer, the i'm quoting, i'm fine. so for joining us here today, what was a pleasure to see now? we just spent the last hour listening to that address to the you and on the russian deputy on behalf of the has dual attention to how the west hopefully supports keys, deliberate targeting of civilians in the place where you do. but then what it
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hasn't been even a single word or condemnation from the west about by the issue. well, sadly they support this incursion into curse. i mean, the bind administration has been very explicit about that. and they believe that this and operation and curse is a proper use of western weapons by ukraine. again, what this underscores is, this is not uh, you know, from the western point of view, this was not about ukrainian sovereignty or an instance about undermining russia in defeating russia somehow. and so this incursion into kurz, uh, actually fulfills that goal, or at least moves towards that goal. who's interested in that was testimonial outside of that hearing where people were talk with it specifically by drugs. i mean, an ambrose, a pregnant lady on the news doesn't get to the west. you know,
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that sort of news is suppressed, of course, because that would undermine the narrative of who the good guys and bad guys are in this. frankly, you know, we're seeing the saving garza where you know, the civilian atrocities, horrible atrocities against civilians are being either ignored or down played by the west. so again, this shouldn't be surprised. you know, when, when it's our, you know, when the atrocities somehow advance western interest, the west doesn't care about the us could be. and i said, because it had that for us, it's designed to gain access to the region for an on the ground assessment. how significant do the initiative is? i mean, i'm glad they're doing it. i think it's important how significant i don't know. i mean, the problem is, of course, that all the power in the u. n is in the security council, and the u. s. has
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a veto power there, so they're not gonna allow any significant action to be done based on any investigation done and curse. but you know, it's positive, it's good that someone cares, you know. and you know, this will set some sort of precedent. how might be the future in the future, the you and be more open to such investigations? perhaps i certainly hope so. um the u. n. has largely been quiet when it comes to atrocities against russians in this conflict in crimes by ukraine, which of course, we have to remember the date back to 2014. this war started way before 2022 and the world has largely forgotten that fact. so look anything to you and does to try to be more fair and even and it, and this is important. all right,
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done before i let you go. the 2nd thing on past events such as you may remember the i a visit to the is i put really didn't nuclear power plant because shell josby full that arrival. well, that sounds is of a similar scenario and fold in clueless and put it in the un mission risk. well, i think that is a big risk and it's one that should not be discounted. look, ukraine's desperate right now the whole move and curse shows their desperation. and so it wouldn't surprise me if they tried to prevent the you went from getting into curse. yeah, it's really is very interesting, but after me with that, i've always places that don't cover that even on labor rights. lawyer. pleasure. again. thanks again. thank you. but let's change gears now. molly, i'm in these. yeah. how confident ties with t mobile ukraine's openly declared support for. and so those in africa came how of
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up and says that they provide a spot is old because of suppose russian propaganda unknowns. so been rights a little super easy to see. crane has expressed disposition on these decisions by molly a new share, we decided to cancel all accusations against the supporters of international terrorism. this is a part of the russian narrative russian propaganda creating this image as if you crane is involved in some kind of terrorism for these 2 countries have made their decisions in the haste and not far sighted manner. and without providing any central evidence, without studying the cause, we all understand perfectly well doctor, these countries give their ties with russia, how much these countries depend on russia. and of course, we understand that these decisions were made not only by these countries. for more on this story, that's for a 5 man,
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so all because we don't know who the to see are all of us on the same month. certainly for all my country. the been a problem samples and the west floor again, because it was mostly related to the end. it's a problem, i think, scandal. well, the scandal just keeps getting worse. this is the, it's another statement from ukraine denying any wrong doing in the embassy case. somebody forces and vic, no missing or res, but was even more disturbing about this statement is that cube is now accusing, must go off. it's influence on the 2 african states that have decided to cut ties with it. it was all fun and games when under use of spokesman full it's submitted. so you can say this is was making a public announcement to that. the rebels had been given all the information to conduct new tax. and when you created and invested or to cynical support to the target cables on the social media platforms. now ukraine is switching focus from the export is to saying that russia is behind the costume of times between 2 of and
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the west african states, even as new evidence from military experts. so who examined the some drugs of shut down by market forces confirmed that to the woman you factored in ukraine and the knotted states as well, primarily assembled in ukraine from american components. and that they will also use by ukraine in special forces operating in multi model in military. it has also said new images and it is of ukraine's a footprint in the minutes his activities and the read. and this, despite the report suggesting that ukrainian special forces had trained the rebels in the use all attempt rows of hits and as a case of ukraine, exploiting the continent as a playing field for its own interest. and all of these developers come off the market in the z announced that they were cutting diplomatic relations with ukraine
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. a move that was highly expected because of how else do expect a nation to react when another country is accused of supporting 2 of us on the soil . but that move did not seem to bother you created to have a listen to this job which is basically showing. i want to emphasize that these 2 decision diseases will not have a significant impact on ukraine's relations with the african countries. this is a separate block of countries that as good as a decided to add for you. however, despite this, ukraine is actively implementing the african strategy. okay? not the most difficult. it seems lock owner for the past and forth was an ad to buy your trade because they did say that there was no evidence to cut those to proactive ties. and that being any international reaction not at the moment to move out to but this year and tomorrow,
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do you have quote on the international community to become a way of cravings in neighborville? is that something that to the international community itself, as claim to have been fighting on the applicant, continents. the tickets but haven't listened to this. molly has contracted the un security council to this end to get what it's need. but in this year, it has the 3rd, the issue to the un security council, a little saw. so then they july, when missing the res from the van. and the group accompanied the amaya and army forces in watts at the mall and resume called a stabilizing operation. embodies north eastern towns, often, sol, what's in the near the old. you have been bored that back to missing quickly with sideways waiting, fighting broke out between zack, with listen and rebels from the twilight group in retreats, hvac. now add a market forces away and boost by the minutes is more than a 2 bathroom personnel and over 40 molly and so which is what killed in the
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fighting. it was at that particular moment. so that sofa said for ukraine, submitted to and citizen said that the rebels had been given all the information to conduct the attacks on the back, the forces and marty soldiers, ukraine, you would remember that is the same states that scrambles for support from the african continent and the global south of well supporting terrorism and to pay, you know, respect to, to ask because of and yeah, very interesting. indeed, we really, really appreciate that. i'm the lead on the for us, i'll see cost $100.00. thanks again. but russia will do everything in his files to support the policy and p, the while power to find itself fills along with all of its relations with lots of the nose was a friend who was exchanged when president pursing welcome the policy. you need them on a bus to look them in a symmetry this time,
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if it is well known that russia today unfortunately, must defend its interest and defend its people with weapons in hand. but what is happening in the middle east? what is happening in palestine will certainly not be ignored on our thoughts. and of course we are watching with great pain and anxieties. the humanitarian catastrophe that has unfolded in palestine for alpha, russian. we are doing everything to support the palestinian people. the un, due to american behavior, due to pressure from the united states, failed its mission to the one solution to it, the one resolution that would be implemented to ensure the realization of the rights of the hosting and people. we always feel the warmth of our relation with the russian federation. russia is one of the dearest friends of the palestinian people. we hope that the boasting and people who get their own state. and of course we count on humanitarian support for the palestinians and for and then to the policy of expectation. we won't accept it. and we believe that with your support we
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will achieve our goals may allow sessions in amenities are only increasing with water things. uh, no saving to pressure, its main outline. so finding a pizza as elusive is ready for the students, continue to defend them of actions in gaza. they do a finance and as it has even less out at ease for impose that you choose a bureau boom. here's a fuse of misleading people. you form policy chief burrell who doesn't stop misleading the public by claiming that the ideas retaliatory bombing and gaza is worse than that of nazi germany. and who had the audacity to call the idea of operation are not aimed at rescuing the hostages. a quote massacre of the palestinian people has clearly shown what side he's on. his words are clear and dangerous indication that he sides with terror and let there be no mistake. he could not care less about the palestinian people. so that v, as in k mazda burrell,
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criticized top is ready officials, including the smart, safe himself over there to monitor the cutting field and, and supplies. if it ends in go to the top there whom i said, the block is considering fun shelves with a certain statements on quote and in a slightly to walgreens. we heard from fat that reform instead of going to fax and sentences and to me to the army, he said they is ready. golden has no constraints about criticizing anyone who opposes its genocide. this government has no limits at smearing who ever objects to its genocide. whoever showed signs of objection to its genocide burrell is very late. i liked with his call to impose sanctions on small dredge. who actually
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has admitted that he is a fascist. you will have be convicted. there is the minister of security for the state of israel, a blast they about. it's morally ok to kill $2000000.00. the people in god. and these people have done with the us support and us money and yours weaponry. they thought it'd be to actually challenge whoever there's to criticize they're what they depend mainly on is really so premises, genocide, the social value that accept and promotes and to college. such statements, still flat and so into it is that simple phone villages, routing, policy and concerns getting more trouble could break out in the country. we
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call on friendly foreign countries and their representatives to help their financial interference with george's domestic affairs. they must know what kind of turbulence they can evoke in the country. there's also the us suspended just sort of a $100000000.00 in aid to the country. the move is seen as the attempt to push to be seen to i'm finding it, it's so cool for an angel. this will not say that the thing don't just really involved the i'm the west bank opposition limit just the isn't requires media and indeed is it is, was if they receive more than a 5th of the funding from abroad. but that's as the problem is, it has no idea what's left suspended money. washington is talking about so far. the u. s. embassy has not explained what somebody is talking about. i know that this amount definitely was not part of the budget. georgia works within its
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own budget, which is created by the georgian people, also sides. he's being convinced that someone has stopped funding and now this is some kind of disaster. as far as i know, there was no such amounts in the budget to prove by the parliament of georgia heard of the site. and so for globalization issues i live is on the tracks here. but even when them pounds a using them and they just ation and then same, so falls, regime change a losing scale. the secure cost of the georgia and authorities have realized that americans and europeans, a sense of the threat and punish them for defiance. after they refused to actively participate in the russian ukrainian conflicts, ne circle 2nd front lines and even support kids on full say is the west started bullying the georgia leadership and preparing to activate the forces. it's been financing, showed the routing policy be winning. they will take to the streets, find the elections were falsified, and the government is illegitimate. georgia and authorities understand this. it's
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where the repeal notes to in to pay a comes from. but actually the west will do one. it's planning to do any ways. new for an agents little, it's just them all the copy of the american version of washington, only use it as an excuse to interfere in george's domestic affairs. that's how they do is making up a list of so called on democratic things that can be seen everywhere. endorsed that campaign against inconvenient authorities, different pro american government was behind george's steering wheel and adopted exactly the same rule. that would be no reaction from either the us or the you. however, it currently there is a strong the west, the name foods in georgia. they call and let it slide. so they use it gives us an opportunity for aggressive intrusion into the internal affects. the intelligence is important to us to process modeling of up in tennessee, but facing like them is the last week i made a parent grow in dissatisfaction with policies and colorado dealings as
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soon as he is taking crazy steps that threaten to escalate fall be on ukraine the head of the key, every shame has moved to feverish actions because he is primarily concerned with preserving his own positions of power, which have been shaken since the expiration of his presidential time on may the 20th of this. yeah. not only republicans, but democrats as well, and they have an issue with the quote targets. it's spending billions of dollars and they, they have no idea where that money is going. and they're also concerned, of course, with his reckless behavior. so they've wants to replace them. but with who was the man of the hour seems to be a sense of voc of he's the cranes, our former interior minister and apparently is a good candidate for them. why? because of his close contacts with the cranium nationalist formations, also his good contacts with european leaders. but how will they make that happen again? according to the office for an entire service, of the plan is a see, a launch, a pa, for this quotation campaign against
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a lensky to force him to resign. at the same time this past, probably the us administration has passed affiliated n, g goes to work on coming up with a plan, a scenario of, of bosco's rise to power. and they're talking to major opposition. parties in the country ends and likes up with you to remember. you let the machine go. petra, portions on we all remember how well that ended up last time. so this seems to be the plan, replace them with a bottle, and get zaleski to resign because he will have no other option if they launch this powerful discredit taishan campaign. and also for an intelligent service. wraps up the statement by saying that it seems that while americans are looking for a black hat in the dark room, a meaning for a saying, a politician in the post, my don ukraine, and the leads that ukraine is itself slowly but surely turning into a black hole of europe indeed all the that so and i and you but it'll move to the.


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