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tv   News  RT  August 13, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the most of the time, the people who have been possible without the 10 most financial and media systems. that message columns as a new list has approved the sale of tens of thousands of highly exclusive munition to ease roll at a total price tab of more than $60000000.00 ross and find the jets destroy ukrainian military equipment in the region. and that's up to you as news is more than 2000. so just and they failed attempts to push the button to
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russian territory. ukraine claims betsy ross or force molly in these jazz cotton. the magic ties with key after this fight more emerging evidence of the 3 and supports which are raised in the west african region. the waters is our team to national reaching you live for my new center in moscow. i am mike, a portion of the us should stop supply unusual with weapons and money and added to ended atrocities in gaza. that is the message from the majority of the un security, the castle outraged by the constant attacks and weaponized starvation inflicted upon the region. the father said that he has been given
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a t t kilogram. how will the fox and the 30th how's the body of his young son? these was my 2nd hope about us and the previous ones who have been possible rebuilt. the generals, financial and military officers for freely provided the 2 days that i, li, i guess, do easily it goes on thunder, which i recently a high ranking is really politician. describe this trust and moral to starve to 1000000 people in golf. king, with such a polling remarks are totally unacceptable. hunger must not be weaponized. cheap. humanitarian issues must not be politicized. civilian lives must not be trivialized and used as bargaining chips. the us, as the largest supplier of weapons, has enough influence over israel. we hope that the us will take sincere and
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responsible actions to push israel to stop its military operations and gaza. the united states has blood on its hands. it's directly responsible for the nearly 200000 civilians that have died in gaza as an indirect consequence of israel's assault on the people of gaza and is directly responsible for the approximately 40000 civilians that have been killed in cold blood by israel using american weapons just yesterday, as i was holding my 2 year old daughter in my hands, i was watching a video of a 2 year old palestinian child totally life list belong to pieces or had the capitated by american bonds. the united states no was, is really, is disproportionately killing what it is, giving israel weapons in violation both of the united states law and international law. it is enabling and funding and supporting this worth of genocide and these crimes against humanity that we are witnessing. and finally, i want to say this, what the united states is doing,
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is it enabling israel to take us down on the path of possible worth 3. now in the meantime, the u. s. has approved the sale of tens of thousands of highly explosive munition to israel. and that's part of the lot latest package of assistance estimated at more than $20000000000.00 in total, including a fight the jets nestle's tank. i mean nations and the technical vehicles spelt washington placed on site today to send an addition to a $3500000000.00 a military aid. a portion of that assistance is apparently intended for an idea of unit has faced allegations of validating human rights. such a comprehensive backing up usual is all righty raising questions for american politicians at home. and the more information is, is there any indication that us weapons were involved in this? i'm there wouldn't speculate on that. i would love the idea of speak to any operations that they may or may not have undertaken. and just maybe they're saying
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the 31 militants for that. right. and then you said that you're, you're seeking information. i'm not the united states as your information from the area. what are, what are you looking for? i mean, are we looking for them to to verify that those $31.00 that the names that you off with before they're targeting? what sean, i'm not going to get into the specifics of the information that we solicit. what i can just say is that we are engaged with our partners and the ideas about this. generally let's not lose sight of the fact that ultimately here is real. does have a we support its ability to defend itself and we support its ability to take out on how much terrorists to continue to hold, to account those that were involved in the october 7th paris attack. if u. s. military assistance really helping use will get closer to accomplishing its goals and guides of the goals that's been up in the thing i will put forth and said that we must achieve. our goals is all of this helping is real to achieve its goals
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. that is, your goals are unachievable because they're genocide and yes, we're helping them committed genocide. they could not commit this genocide without us funding without us weapons. and without us political cover. however, you cannot crush a resistance for every resistance flight or israel kills for assessing needs. not just that, but the majority of 9 out of 10, at least of the people there are killing or just innocent women and children civilians. so every single child that they are making or that child will go up to be a resistance fighter for tomorrow, you know, the reality is the resistance cannot and will not be crushed. what they're actually doing is fronting the resistance by creating global and local support for a continued resistance against the 4th. it is rare is really ballpark type an occupation in genocide that we are witnessing the wrong that has rejected western coals to of retaliation against these are all over the summation of the have mass political leader into iran. iran is for administrator recess of the countries. the
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tub and to defend its national security. as such, requests are devoid of political logic completely contrary to international law principles and represent a demand that encourages and rewards those responsible for international crimes and terrorism in the region. as a one years up to retaliate, the assassination of i'm also the chief as mine. how near the world is holding its breath while many countries are calling for restraint. on monday, the united states are the u. k. friends, germany and italy issued a joint statement. urgent care on to refrain from striking his route was calling for a cease fire in gaza. we called on a run to stand down. it's ongoing threats of a military attack against israel, and discuss the serious consequences for regional security. should such an attack take place? the alarm bells over a regional scale over of the guys a conflict had been now ringing even higher now after honey as assassination,
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i need to run on july 31st is expected to carry out orders from supreme either. i so love comedy to quote, harshly punished as well and has a lot isn't sitting quietly either, or they're vowing revenge for the coming of their senior commander for odd short for him. they wrote in a separate joint statement issued monday, leaders from france, germany and the u. k. called for com on this as a german chest that are aloft, shoals reached out to everyone and president must who possess key on the, on monday to a phone called urgent care for want to do all in its power to prevent further escalation on a potential regional conflagration, but of course specifically on made it crystal clear. he said it was going to be pressured into silence. he also said that it was right to respond to as well in line with international norms as honey has to into place on a warranty. and so he said, now what, what strong leaders seem to tread carefully with their words. there's an
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unmistakable undercurrent of what's on john kirby. the white house national security spokesperson hinted a safe, essential, saw us preparation for attach this week while we're waiting america's commitment to defending israel against any iranians try. quarter one isn't backing down now, and it seems only a matter of time before they retaliate. busy or heavy as assassination are different iranian officials, including no sort 10 audi a said that that they view retaliation as essential to deter from there is re reactions. so here we are both sides of pricing for what could be significant escalation and the world is watching closely as the tensions rise and this increasingly of all the 5 situations and close a home use great in the tends to push deeper into russian territory through for settlements and the cost region had been forwarded by russian troops. and that's according to the russian defense ministry with also says that the key of loss is
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all mounting in just 24 hours. 420 troops way killed in the 55, almost vehicles destroyed. i times my enemy mobile groups to break through into russian territory using homage. vehicles have been forth it up to 15. you crating on forces soldiers to arm and combat vehicles. and 2 costs were destroyed during the hiring of the village of as the key up to 15 ukrainian servicemen and 4 strikeout. all my personal carriers were eliminated. and 6, you crating on forces militants were captured in the past 24 hours. the last is all the crating on forces amounted to up to $420.00 military personnel and $55.00 units of vomited vehicles. a special ed is the start of ukraine's and caution into russia . exactly a week ago, kia has lost around 2000 soldiers according to moscow's assessments. are ukraine's optional in the region has also been heavily depleted with the elimination of 55
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tags, such a one, i'm a bus. no carry is 18 and century are fighting vehicles on the 179. all the combat machines of visuals, disclosed by the russian defense ministry revealed a dramatic offensive aviation unit. lowest strikes on cost as of ukrainian armed forces press now almost vehicles and military trucks. or the assault decimated the problem. re key of forces with the remnants scattering and retreat are to use egos . donald brings us the details on all the latest from the region. are the ukrainian militants, they have been trying to hit targets into hit just the anything that they can hit in the town, of course can't in the neighboring towns as well. no. the day goes by here without the wailing of air, raid sirens, and pulps and explosions in the, as russian defense systems that are working relentlessly here. and they have really no rest at the same time to fight,
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and indeed continues closer to the border. the both sides have been trying to attack on the ukrainian minutes and they have been trying to expand the area of control that they do have right now in the course region. the, all those attempts have been denied by the russian army. the russian defense ministry has posted the videos a line of funding they to equipment and well, just a chilled military personnel at the same time when it comes to the board of fighting. this is far from the only hold support on the map when it comes to the internationally recognized russian territory, the neighboring bell. good region. the ukrainian armed forces also have been trying to cross the border to carry on with this border in charge and then to well gain a foothold on the russian soil. these attempts have been supported as well, but the fighting on the board has been very, very intense. in fact, the local authorities,
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they have offered temporary evacuation and they have in fact, advised temporary evacuation to the residents over one of the states districts. and in fact, civilians have been temporarily bound from entering that district adjusted for the purposes. and for the sake of the safety, at the same time, on monday, almost a week since the beginning of this operation, let him or zalinski has for the 1st time commented on the actions of keys. here in the course region. by from exactly we see how rusher really moves in the time the buddha's 24 years ago. there was the curse disaster who was the symbolic beginning of his rule. and now we can see what the end for him is set up. and it is also curse, the disaster of his war is the landscape is referencing to a disaster to the tragedy over the course of atomic submarines that happened back in the to india,
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2008. so the death of it's the entire group. so he's kind of making a reference to the, the submarine was named course and now he is carrying out a border operation, a good a border in casual operation in the course region. so is being metaphorical here, but how he's successful at this operation is going to be and how tragic it's going to be. and more importantly for who, for a lot of my food know for a zalinski. well, it is way too early to tell in separately for when it comes to the russian authorities to the russian government, they are adamant that they will re gain control over the entire region. in fact, vladimir booth and as once again addressed the situation on the board to do some such actions, of course, pursue a military goal to stop the offensive of our troops to completely liberate the territory of new guns gun. don't ask republics as well as the territory of november . we'll see you. and what are the results? the pace of offensive operations by the russian armed forces has not decreased,
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but on the contrary, increased increased by one and a half times our forces. i'm moving forward along the entire line of contact. take us back to what we're seeing on sunday, if you would dramatic pictures of those that put always a nuclear power plant that came under ukrainian drone attack. we saw one of the cooling towers was on was on fire, on is based kind of foundation area of the wire. it was, it might even collapse. you have any updates on how that investigation is going to close so far. the i a, a, or the international atomic energy agency, the one that you've just mentioned, they have beams throughout the history of this conflict. so they have been very concerned about the situation on this upper wash, the nuclear power plant, but so far their involvement that has been limited to just that they have abstained from saying who was responsible for that strike. and for those very dramatic images of the cooling towers being a blaze of a drone attack, they have just pulled for both sides to show restraint,
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really. and so when you have that, and when you have the, when you have the fact that the facility is well under the russian control on russian person. now, russian personnel like brushing work as the us patient there, they are, the ones who opposite. it's under the russian, it's under the russian management right now. so really, it makes very, very little sense for russia to show itself. so it's hardly, it's hardly a question as to who's responsible for that strike porch for emotional about the nuclear power plant. we're not just emotional, we're outraged in my uh, you know, my colleagues and i work at the water intake facility. it's constantly being child . the shrapnel flies in hitting the windows, which is obviously bad. people gets cad, but we've got to use to we have to work a lot different explosions, error rates, of course, the burden our lives are guys stripe to quickly restore electricity and water
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supplies. that's only natural. but if you had told me 3 or 4 years ago that someone would attack a nuclear power plant, it would have been unimaginable even now during the conflict, such an object should never be targeted with that, that seems that the i a simply have their hands side by some higher ups, by some higher powers, as they simply cannot hold, to hold publicly owned the chief regime to stop the attacks. given how close the situation that has in store at the drought. the history of this conflict has gotten to a very, very potentially tragic and massive disaster. malia news i have caught their ties with keith over ukraine's openly declared support fluid such as in africa, a key of how they insist that the diplomatic spot is all about because of the russian to propaganda and not serve and rights. the super easy to ukraine has
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expressed its position on these decisions by molly a new share. we decided to cancel all accusations against the supporters of international terrorism. this is a part of the russian narrative russian propaganda. creating this image as a few crane is involved in some kind of terrorism. these 2 countries have made their decisions in the haste and not far sighted manner. and without providing any essential evidence without studying the cause. we all understand perfectly well that these countries, their ties with russia, how much these countries depend on russia. of course, we understand that these decisions were made not only by these countries, well, the scandals, this keeps getting worse. this is yet another statement from ukraine denying any wrong doing in the embassy case. somebody forces, but was even more disturbing about this statement is that cube is now accusing,
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must go off. it's influence on the 2 african states that have decided to cut ties with it. it was all fun and games when under you saw spokesman full, it's the military and say this is was making a public announcement to that. the rebels had been given all the information to conduct and the tax admin ukrainian invested or to cynical support to the, to our examples on the social media platforms. now ukraine is switching focus from the export is to saying that russia is behind the cutting of ties between 2 of and the west african states, even as new evidence from military explode. so who examined the some told me to shut down by market forces confirmed that to the woman you factored in ukraine. i do not have the states as well, primarily assembled in ukraine, from american components, and that they will also use by ukraine in special forces operating in body model admitted for you has also, um said new images and it is all so ukraine's
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a footprint in the minutes his activities in the region and this the spots in the pool suggesting that ukrainian special forces had trained the rebels in the use of attempt drones hits and as a case of ukraine, exploiting the continent as a playing field for its own interest. and all of these developments come off the market in the z announced that they were cutting diplomatic relations with ukraine . a move that was highly expected because of how else to expect a nation to react with another country is accused of supporting till was unemployed . but that move did not seem to bother you, create a job which is beneficial. i want to emphasize that these 2 decisions will not have a significant impact on ukraine's relations with the african countries. this is a separate block of countries that acted as a decided to act. however, despite this, ukraine is actively implementing the african strategy,
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the not and it seems lock order for the past and forth was an ad to buy a crate. because they did say that there was no evidence to cut those diplomatic ties. how's the being any international reaction knots at the moment to move on to, but this year and tomorrow, do you have quotes on the international community to become a way of cranes in neighborville? is that something that the international community itself has claimed to have been fighting on the african cartoon as the tickets, but haven't listened to this. molly has contacted the un security council to this end to get what it's need, but this year it has this the, the issue to the un security council. and this all started in late july, when contractors from the back end of the company that the money and all me in watts of the money and or rather the money received, quote, a stabilizing operation in molly's northeastern town of tens. all woodson near the, i'll give in for that that mission quickly with sideways when fighting broke out between zack with this and,
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and rebels from the target group in retreat back now. and martin forces were ambushed by the militants. more than a t back, no personnel, and over 40 model soldiers of what killed in that fighting. it was in that particular moment that spokesman for you, credit is military and changes in said the labels had given, had been given volatile. all the information to conduct the attacks ukraine is the same state that scrambles will support from the african continent and the global sol. so well, all of this time supporting tourism and pay no respect to advocate sovereignty. now we've heard from anti corruption network executive secretary, but these are you talking. he said that you crane is doing the bidding of western powers by supporting insights in africa. the action both of you which the spokes passing of the euclid intelligence. uh,
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you forget to supply induce to address reasonable with information with what we should be loose. those and monday, and costs dues and things of that nature was just an oil that shoot from the excitement did received from this support. did it gain from the west then far was full of physically for knows of most of these federal risk group, we are talking about the either the rightful owner of this category, street and the inpatient is to distribute lies africa. so that big can re partition to africa, continues for the own suffrage game. now you can hunt, he's part of the fields. being with the world of success is rick, are being recorded by russia and ukraine. so you can wound up not being so embodied to want to dive into creating that this condition different yeah. oh,
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i think i've continued that alone, west africa. all of these as collisions, i've been trying to work off the not to connect to the united states and the west come power. that fence that russia is displacing them in molly, in the past. so and the g, b 2 sided, it prints as condition by the way, some power away from the issues on the front line and more than 28000 weapons. and other examples of military tac copying showcased as roches on the 2024th position of the country's top defense farm has drawn masses of domestic and foreign military representatives with many saying that they've been pleased with what they see. we bought this ex army form exhibitions in russia are always very diverse in terms of equipment, weapons, and in the most diverse areas of military tech. every time something new appears.
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and this time, we were able to verify that the special military operation as established by the authorities of the russian federation has been accompanied by an improvement and some technical characteristics of weapons. all this is to preserve, of course, the technology itself, and more importantly, the lives of the people operating this technology in the russian art forces consist of 5,
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several branches. and you can probably see the countries minute, 3 mites on the mixer, a day parade in may a lot of phone weapons, a lot of, uh, really uh, sold and have some soldiers. but so what you don't see are the scientific units that exist within every single branch of the russian army are. so they story is about these people that pushed through innovations for the country. one of the main prerequisites in order to join a scientific unit or a scientific company within the russian armed forces is for candidates who have at least a bachelor's degree. so when they do join the scientific unit or a company, they hit the ground running in their experiments and words in the russian defense industry create the cost of it. i work in the department of experimental medicine. we have developed a new invention. i can present it to you, it's a, it's a complete covering for once. when we treat a soft tissue wound,
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what do we usually do with treat everything with antiseptics. phillips with antibiotic ointment and band digital with the classic methods of treatment, which is what is our development. this membrane is based on the hydrogen. it absorbs moisture very well is attached very well to the surface and we did not need to use additional bandages. as mentioned in the bush as i associated myself more with scientific work, but at the same time, i periodically think about doing the military contract. because 1st late in the prospects for development in the army amount, enormous and truly standing. as far as technical development or what tech systems are developing very actively in our country. and there is an opportunity to grow and develop like the men in scientific unit, so already have a university degrees. these men are cadets and they go to minutes a recall age. however, they also have a lot to boast about like this project that they've been working on for a long time sketchbook i was looking at the experience of conducting the special military operation,
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shows. the issue of interaction between aviation and air defense is relevant. to solve this problem, a technical simulator was developed to train joint actions of military air defense . this screen shows the tactical situation in the area of the line of combat contact. the crew of the aircraft is performing a combat mission to destroy and to be ground targets. dear craft is controlled by a flight school cadet in a combat training aircraft procedural simulator. it trains aircraft control and combat navigation tasks. because a cover is provided by an anti aircraft missile battery arms with short range aircraft missile systems. the map shows their detection zones in green, and they were attacked zones in red when friendly aircraft fly along the cord or
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identification and s corps tests take place. all of this is agreed upon in advance . when your aircraft flys from the front line, various situations may arise, the require immediate decision making, fix for the support center of the as a fellow got. it has said that a very of situations, for example, the actions of and to be monday across on the tell you of an ad across the full size of the russian federation. according to the experience of a special meal drill preparation to proximate this tactical situation. a tactical simulator of the air force and mailed to ad defense is used directly. the complex training system is a multi level training system from knowledge about using an electronic textbook to the ability to box both as part of the crew and about so we as a whole as significant part of the army forum was dedicated to military education in russia. and the treatments all for a full so called scripts in the scientific units, and to get that set submitted to recall the just and the universities. and of
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course, the visa holes right here became some of the most popular at the, for from on call for of archie and moscow. and that's all for now. thanks for watching by now the the altima 2023. a surprise attack the lowest against israel by how much militaries show the world. the no one had expected, the palestinian right. it goes to have so many cutting edge weapons in the aftermath of the tag, militants, openly unlocking


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