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tv   Documentary  RT  August 14, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, you know, leaving out here i see. so this guy to ok. i couldn't get the picture of it. because uh i, i didn't pull my my phone out fast enough. time i got my phone. i'll take a picture of this thing i saw on this guy that's we're really tripped me out. this is one of the ships i saw in the sky. and that's what it looked like. it kept saying brother to his brother, read those. this right here. i saw this and this guy is a you, a quote indemnified blind ship. that's what it looked like. this one was coming from the opposite way. are able to select a big risk green container, plug in this guy, and
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a wake towards that mountain right over there. the one that has a door on top of it. yeah. yeah. you can see the door, you only see the door when the door is open. yes. these are one of the phenomenons that a, that i've seen out here. because i had friends, couple of friends that are witnesses. i talked to him about the said they saw the same thing that i saw before. so i knew i was seeing things, you know what i mean? that's what makes you real with each other. people see the same thing that i saw. remember, you're all champions here. you're all special. god, not you very much. he's never forgotten you. he's right there even when the missed in her mess. these right there waiting for you. well, here and i've lived here since i was 5 years old, so sorry, 5 years old man. i grew up here. and you, what i learned live here. the bad you learn to love to people, you know? because i'd be like a lot 0 going all the way. let me give me the day because as they
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have, i apologize to of what happens in everything else while it's being real about myself and being really got to because you have to be real. a real with you in 1st, you know, have to little over 32 years ago. i find myself in a really, really dark place in my life. uh, you know, no home, nothing. i was just my wife and i uh, you know, she's like the lord now, but we just had nothing and someone reached out to us. so someone operators help. and we just want to get back to these beautiful people out here. i'm telling you it's such a blessing. we come out once a month in order just that you don't speak to them about the lord. pray for them, offer them clothes. we do raffles that make it exciting the books for the children . and that's what we're doing out here. religious people say they go back thing and tangled up in their bags, their own ways, an interpretation of the word. but if you break it you on and you just take the word as it is the word strictly that nothing else. that's how you make your word.
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she because it shows change in near the people of the religious check. don't understand. i've never heard of like all things for our enjoyment. they don't understand that and just show but you know, rules and regulations kind of, it's just guidelines you have up to how to do that right. and do it wrong. so you're just right way and wrong way. of doing stuff so but you try to use by the words like, oh yeah, i try my utmost to, to, to buy a word and people sometimes will say, oh, but do you what you're doing here, what you're doing there, but what you do is not worry about it, that's between me and the creator the, you know, just to be honest, uh, i'm a drug addict and i had been for 25 years. uh i quit shooting dope probably about
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10 months ago because even though i work every day and tony's my weird and i work every day and you know, and very a few bags broken year truce laboratory. don't caution on the brand new to me. i'll fix it all the kids around here. if they need advice, they come over to hopefully they don't pick as a real expensive on that. they say i like a bikes. i give it to. so i, it, i get buys and flows, you know, mean not all the time, but regularly enough. and um, when they come in and i try to get through them right away, i try not to leave anything in the bags. and then i, so i pulled the t shirts out, i pulled dresses and hang them up nice clothes. i won't like to see them less than the bags. people know you already and they the night holders and you can spread isn't exactly people typically where they're close until they've flipping fall apart or and i got tires with the tires for days. i felt like when i'm not aware of the time now. i feel like i feel like i'm naked,
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you know? like mike tammy, where's my time when you, when people are even people, when i sit there like uh uh there are like, uh, aren't you the guy with the guy? oh sir. yep. i got to tell you. all right. now look at this one regard. weight. yeah. that's right, that's not true. the trunk, the trash? why should we go? look said barbara. this is the best deal in this lapse. oh no, sometimes this is like, like a dream to me almost. you know, like, this is what my yard would look like. if i had a yard, you know, all these rocks and all these tires and trees dumped all these rocks. i brought all this up here, but by myself, without a car i'm doing by myself. so, i mean it's
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a lot of work shift. this is heavy if you know, uh so well, i'm gonna put it in the ground. and then once i get it in the ground, i'm gonna put a fence around it. and then it's gonna be the, the toiletry is gonna have toys all around it. so this is how i make it off move like, uh, so uh, carver, got with the shovel. and then let's go to this one over here because this one has less rocks. well, a lot. so i uh, take out all the rugs so uh it doesn't mess up the tools, but i just wanna just as for the 5, plan it out and make it look like that for my whole yard fit state size. uh, maybe 2 days to get it all done. how often do i do? uh well, uh, once a week. yeah. it's
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a lot of work for sure. like i'm making it look nice for everyone to see, you know, number off telling you about those for us 1st impressions. what like single part of the reason why we're a tie. you know, like, uh so i look nice. so when people 1st see me, well, that's one way or 2 up to people come here for the are to look at our i think the my, my places i one of the newest places what the newest are you know what i mean? like for people to tennessee, you know it's been a while, but this is all i have a little can't walk here to go back stage and getting the lighting and stuff. yeah . we had it for go ahead and say, i think it was about 8 months. it was rolling. so kitchen. yeah, yeah. and it was uh, faded and several couches there and,
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and bar adult. mm hm. and there was a stage there. we didn't really actually use it that much for a stage. oh really? now no one makes any money out here. we really do try to share with each other as much as possible. i think most of us are pretty well convinced the economy so in, in the toilet you think so? probably isn't it, it's built to fluctuate, but at the same time it makes it extremely volatile and it's, it's, it makes it so it's like a bunch of plate spinning. and i was going to take is that once freaking plate that damage and they're all going to go down. so when it happens, i don't know, but we do look an awful lot like a country that is losing its balance. and that's economy. yeah, i ran, i worked with large corporations that their data analysis needs, which is really just forecasting information that's low, but the reason the not
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a lot say yeah, i signed non disclosures often with most of the companies that i worked with and. and i just always kept it that way since i've been here. i have, uh i or was that i will also, you know, so i was, i'm a ranger on and arrange runner as someone that runs the bombing ridge. you get deeper into it. is it anything so far this guy, the me, a bomb or missile from a jack or from anything? obviously that's where all the grasses were in the impact area. and do i go to the impact area? yeah, i go there quite a bit like miscarriage. sometimes i'm scared of. you're scared why they keep going back? i keep going back because that's what i know how to do. you do collect the shells? yeah, i collect the shelves, brussels, nebraska shelves. i don't touch,
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nothing is not the black shells. like a good good rule of thumb is if you don't know what it is, don't touch it. and i know guys that got blown about the 50 calf the these are all banks. this is the head from this sewing of boom. there's your fine dish to go through a tank. and blue is it's a blue tracer, and we use it. so every, when they're shooting, it's like a 1000 bullets a minute, right? so you want you to see it in the nighttime, the bullets. so every 5th one is a tracer. and what a tracer means is you can see the which way the bush line in the dark time is or so i train the military. so see which way they're shooting. if you make a home, then you're more likely to become more
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a part of the community and in be a part of it and not like a leech on it, you know, to provide something, you know, even if it's just support, right. a lot of people need a lot of originals for people need to run or they need people to care about them. and some people, that's their only job out here is just to be a caring individual. and they have other people like me that have a lot more means if you will. and so i, you know, i'm, i can easily talk to people. some of the people here can't talk to people they, they're shy or they have whatever elements they have and make it difficult for them to be able to talk to every person who comes into town. so because i can talk to all those people that come into town, i can let them know the stuff that we want, the stuff that we liked, the stuff that we need. and then those things come here and there via people. and they don't always come here, sometimes it goes to the races or the soup kitchen or the range. but that's all letting people know that everybody here does something. and then the ones that can
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talk to people, talk to people and share the message. oh, hello fanny. hello laura, how are you? this is a for of sean batch for you ladies. right. uh yeah. yeah. oh you do. oh, perfect. you and the people here, would you like? no, thank you. no to go. yeah. so right on some ladies from overseas, you're now in your folder. i didn't mention that many people are visiting from outside of the us. you know, before you cross the world, i mean everywhere, anywhere and everywhere i really think will continue just the stories. yeah. yeah. there's a tourist here and a lot of the times the tourists don't even make it up past salvation mountain. so they only get to see the range, the oasis. so if you get up above the hill, you get to explore what's out here. and i know there's a bad rap and all that for what does happen and go on here. but i guess if you
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don't dabble in that lifestyle or whatnot, it doesn't really exist. so i know it's hard one to explain. you just have to experience labs and by doing that you have to live here though. hey luke, this was a tanner. i was in the probably this is karen sound. yeah, a little bit at a time and i get it cleaned up. i get all the big dumped into there and believe it or not, a lot of that stuff get, even though it's burned up here to get utilize, you know, and i want to try to find somebody clean. i'll just step out and have this car payment. you know, like do graffiti on it and some people are very good and yeah, this was
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a good car. it was white headed convertible type. married. and then somebody ran in there one day. so it was on fire. by the time i came out the door, it was too much on power. plus, i didn't know if there's gas and i just wanted to blow blow me up. yeah. joe biden's catastrophic debate performance. and the attempted assassination of donald trump. i shuddered. many narrow escapes about american politics binding isn't sharp is attacks. and trump isn't an ex essential. brent officially sanctioned narrative of class the one with the political, so normal and so forth. us national, move the images on stuff squared amount from that's why little do you plus really watch the words the which isn't going to do with me as well. when i go and still unable to stop you just dealing with dumpster and was told by you while i'm in here, when you push up the issue of
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the unbox remodeled move up just to move 0 easy lives, mysterious agreements, and you go ahead and finish the deal is look up the bell. i don't yeah. post the by the other was like if i use the obvious thing and then use wasted on me 58 and i maybe cause it please go ahead and i'll just communicate that. maybe we can go up national minds, but it just those we have the we have such all push mojitos to eulu. what was the deal in this space, but i don't think he will definitely stay. it's for little each of the but you move because they want to spend these nice, pretty big news. the understanding is that, but then you've got thrown and this is the one and then the other will be missing. the guns thing is, um, unless of course the movies is throwing in my hands, not old on the side of me, things like that. but now i'm sort of the,
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the reason why you have a fire, you know, so we had a fire that there was stated, the people who lived here, of about 10 years, 20 yards from it. it is massive me and like a can me here. yeah. we woke up and then i woke up in the morning because my feet were hot because my baby is on fire. so that was a huge loss because bad like, uh, uh, $20.00 to $30000.00 worth of equipment in there. which i'm starting to like collect i comes in here, but i'm going to repeat i, besides like my own words, like a little bindix in programming of art, digital art and stuff. uh, 6 telephones out here. uh, i take all the phones that people don't need me or that we find that i discarded
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and i get a phone working and i give it to the next person. so i have a list of who less of the people to the phones the are you see how long a frame is it and it only took 25 minutes for to burn to, to grow just big. oh pub of good flags. smoke crazy. you all, you gotta know the whole story and a girl lived there. she had a bad, you know, or she had a bad when she lived up there. so traded it for this house. and then, you know, the other person you, people just hate, you know, and, and because the band they got to bang, you know, they ended up towing it out here to the cops cuz they're riding and some they weren't supposed to. so now they're mad and know, come over here and burn down your,
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your freaking house now. you know stupid. no. just stupid or it's yeah, yeah. make it absolutely. they burned down because they're like, right stuff that we burned down and the people have no, we're staying and i'll have to leave where he got people around or do some down. i don't even get around this for sure. one of the basic rules you think the don't be a and if you around you'll find out which we also got rid of the bars. we have like 3 or 4 bars that have popped up and hard liquor and people being able to hang out all night long with no repercussions, no responsibility, no accountability, things kind of got crazy. so all the bars burned down one summer a few years back and they haven't really popped back up. so now we don't really
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have that all night drinking arina anymore. the hardcore drugs often accompanied the bars, right? so you had the same people that were selling alcohol were the ones that were selling the hard core drugs as well. i don't see, i don't know. that's not true. i try to be an honest person as much as possible. i still lightest in hearts, but either one. i'm sure there's a dollar 50 or well go down and we'll see you guys later today. yeah. you to say hello to your daughter. oh yeah. so i see loves to get a sense. we've got this place called slab mart, where i got a bunch of joke over there that i'm not taking it to the jobs. i'll take it to slide more and dump it there. and my friends will be grateful because they walk through and they pick up, you know, like anything like this, we go to flat mart, i'm not throwing that away as a perfectly good all sorts of thing. so is
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what i do when i come here, bro, this for so i look for a move. when i come, i'm looking for trash bags, the art ripped open, you know, the air will be like, oh man, you're bringing into people's houses or something. and you're, there is no way people are drawing all their stuff away. but you know, check them out here for all the time. you know, like i live right there so i can see a flood trailer with trash close on is i'm done by shelby the 1st one over here in the slabs. we like using a recycling or trash and making it into something some kind of are, you know, see how this all started right here. the skate party is beautiful. good says and be swimming pool. i'm running across from here. and i don't flashlight. well, i'm ready. now looking back with, i'm seeing i didn't see the ground in front of me. i went based 1st in here, but i got up and brushed me up off a little bit, got distracted, and said,
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by the way, this is escaped part. i mean a swimming pool and but it had dirty in it. we cleaned it all out. right there concrete, pre born grants. we used to do just rock backfill, but there is no rock around here. so i was like, i found the rebar source around here. concrete work in general like a city escape park. like you check out the they'll be like, not even half this big, and it'll cost them many millions. most of that probably insurance property and they've got around 10 minutes. be. yeah, they, there's a kickbacks, a bunch of perhaps, and goes along with building things to the government. but you know, this is pretty say cord, a, d i y project, like it's not cheap to do this stuff. yeah. so it really didn't have too many people show me what to do. i've got a little glimpse of it, but i've never really been on any other d i. y scenes was kind of just figure everything out. just researching it a stray sweet
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the costs and we realize it will never be done. but it will always keep going. getting a better better. yeah. the more it gets built, the more people come, the more. you know, you get this straightened, hang out, have a great time the image jam. so that's coming up later this month. which will be super awesome. usually a lot of people come out. i know there's going to be some people vending stuff like that. and so hopefully we can get some more of the stuff for it before everything starts. i mean, the frameworks already set up and everything. it's just going to be a matter of whether our bodies hold out on it and moving around. a lot of a heavy concrete. we'll definitely get you back. and carlos already has a fractured wrist. this year. i won't say anything that's going to terminate or make this place like bad feel way i can do this is my place. you know? i live here. i love people. you know what?
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i will, i want more people to come get swapped me ro go in here, get to vendors, and start making the money the right way. you know, we're not to do it. the only stream of money that comes in here is doris. the artwork. well, i've got a couple of people starting to get the idea on their artwork. come and make displays by the roadside, you know, but we need to kind of grow that. i imagine us being a place where a late a lady moves into a new apartment in palm springs and says, a flat wall really needs a painting. let's go to slab city and see what they got. so there's a thing is called slab dust is sub justices us like the slab or is kicking out whoever needs to be kicked out or, you know, run and you know, i don't like doing the, you know, if you,
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i don't want extra money or i've been through a lot of my life, bro, men, through a lot of the drive by and 96, my best friend oscar who rather got shot in the head right in front of me or 60 years old. so i've been to a lot of, you know, cuz the trying to do the alcohol, it dropped early society at the time. it was split up very. you can always rely on the if you got a problem that needs to be solved, then i can solve it. if you've got a revolver that needs to be resolved, that can resolve this. and it's got a little light of the nice of you find the next deal that item for you, for you to draw a model that needs to be called a problem, the model to look how many bodies ages condo down here, it is way more to his data, and they didn't put on a news to let you know what the police say that it is. let me say another, this library don't manage people die, it will still be murdered here all the time. and on the downward facing out of nobody, you know,
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they have is yours. they and be able to disappear like one minute. they're there and then i was with all yeah, they loved it, but they left the whole camp right. to do with the day they trailer data, all the all the for the state is mailed out in the mail and i end up didn't tell. nobody does not right. but there is no investigation here. i believe i believe this for a long time that we, we've had a serial killer. i'm i like that was laid out here every day. so i'm afraid he died . so it has happened. i hear it is always the same thing. the it should ask the people, since you bring your heavy malls chase and the kids be for everyone else. but for myself, you know, i would say my morals have changed you know,
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and how do i think that they changed is, you know, before i came here where, you know, i was, someone died and i'd be like, no, man, i got your take their stuff. well, now i'm like, man, i'm gonna be over there and i'll get that stuff in or when their dad is, they're not gonna use it. and someone to use my get when i'm there. they have their, you know, of ours. and you've got that on video for proof. john is everybody, if you decide to come out here besides the keep your morals, there was an because they're supposed to up real bad. are committed by too much freedom and too much for like too much freedom for anybody is too much freedom. there can be too much to say i liked and spared a little bit and then see what kind of colors coming out of them off. and i can let you know how you're set and see what they've done. i assume it takes
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a little bit. i'm not trying to get to boise taste it. if it's good enough for you, it's good enough for the crew here. i say your caterpillar's coming down, but once you get here, you become a butterfly and if you need to leave this place, at least you have just experienced. and so people out there that, you know, the, there is a place where you become what you want to become. and that's here. and you know, there's a whole community that will support any idea that anybody has the marquez or you know, i don't, i don't have them right now. so much opiates, a jury tongue. i lost the ceiling. i can see my kids. so there, i mean it is very self sellers. and lo, whenever i, whenever i see my kids again, you know, when they ask me and asked, what were you doing this whole time?
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no, that's what i've been doing all the time. i'm is, i'm 11. i'm actually happier, you know, i, i can be who i am and i get judged by that for me. you know, uh, i don't seem to the hell here, you know, a why would i leave and put myself in a spot where i'm going to be homeless here. right now. i'm not homeless. i have a room for my food in the cabinets. you know, i have stuff that you drink, i have friends. good dinner, we're based here. i'll give you may, i'll make you laugh. feel a laugh and bring me man, you're something wrong with you. there's something wrong with you. i have a good sense of humor. but i love you the way you are when i say welcome home. like this gentleman right here, holding this camera to kill him. welcome home. because you know what you choose me with the best respect. he didn't just know when he sees his feelings. everybody
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that are good people, that's been through a lot out here so we don't lie about it. you know, most of my life i took been, i been say this. now i want to, i want to do is be happy, is asked, is that too hard to be happy? but you know, happy new starts, you know what happened and start it starts right now. if you want to be happy, be happy. you know, is it? if you want to be happy, you know, the easiest way to be happy if we wake up in the morning. thank god. that's a you know, that's and that's a good way to be happy to be able to grow. it's dark. pay, you know, you're pretty right. think so. i'm pretty, you're pretty and i'm cute, together referred to you
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the the take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants


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