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tv   News  RT  August 14, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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yes, to move the cam gloucester 10 days or what else made it drastically defense from other camps of the 3rd rice watch on t the across the headlines or whatnot. see i'm facing the flak this real, here's a wave of condemnation. if the un security council dismisses its excuses, otherwise more than a 100 civilians were killed in an attack on a schooling, god. this is only part of the territories to wear illuminated on saturday. more than a 100 people died. many of the victims of all re, men and children, civilians and civilian infrastructure should not be a target of major operations. this is a red line is really should be raised as ukrainian forces are set to of last up to 2000 and the soldiers and its incursion into russia. it's quarter region must go lashes out west and the support for t as in tensional targeting ups
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a bit pull through the program and pulling the strings. ukraine claims most goes hands are behind molly. i need to set, bring that diplomatic ties with tea, have, despite of abundant evidence of ukraine support for the terrorists and the west african nation, the just off the mid day here at most go, we all live on loud from the russian federation. straight to the top stories right now, we're not t. so the un security council held in emergency session following israel stripe on a school in gaza city on south today, which left more than a 100 people that most of the women and children. but israel was once again on the defensive training, how must fighters, with talking to this is only part of the territory. so we're eliminate that on saturday, terrorist exploring thing on the buy in school as a base for their murderous objectives. with the, so i'm a gro,
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was more of the time, more than 2000 refugees. well sheltering that more than a 100 people died thousands. what inches for many of the victims of all agreement and children on saturday, august 10th, is around the target that notice school a, a, an innocent school. we target the dangerous terrorist operating in the come us command and control central center. we've aim and somebody in school, do you mean? sure, sure. somebody and some sort of an infrastructure should not be a target of major operations. this is a red line, is ro shouldn't be praised. we are today the vanguard of civilization. your will do more than i would like to testify here that the 16000 children killed since october 17 guys have not committed suicide. i would also like to testify here system more than $10000.00 women massacred there and have not committed suicide.
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every day we see it's right to commit to the general flight every single day, every time they wanted to get out of school solve this uh, civilian this press structure is right. claims that it's fall on hospital was cool, east of necessity because but then effectively because from us has been using these infrastructure as the conductor of authoration. so do you always believe there is always come on there? so using come us is actually the big excuse to ensure that they can launch okay on the sleepiness infrastructure. quick wanting to. so i think image is coming your way as it was 3 broadcasts of hit the school on saturday. people were gathering simply from morning prayers. now some of those injured are still in a critical condition. so i talked to the saying the desktop is expected to rise right off of the attack. these really minutes recently cut off was up to that area . and the idea of claims that measures were taken to minimize the number of civilian casualties. but meanwhile,
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but us has approved the sale of tens of thousands of highly explosive munitions through israel. it is a part of just the latest package. we're talking about $20000000000.00, including jets, miss, i'll time camos, i much more. washington also however, puts an extra 3 and a half $1000000000.00. some of that is going to be going to, i should say, help an id f unit that's been facing allegations of the violation of human rights. now such as comprehensive backing of israel. hood was a condemnation almost in a chorus of the un security council meeting in new york to move on to the us is the largest supplier weapons has enough influence over israel. we hope that the us will take sincere and sponsible actions to push israel to stop its military operations. and gaza is the counsel not to be led by washington, which is only concerned with protecting these roles, interest, and profits from the delivery of weapons to was owns from the start of this conflict between a mouse in israel, the united states has work to avoid
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a situation in which the fighting and guys of spirals into a broader regional conflict. while the people in gauze are suffering not only from the constant shutting but also a critical lack of humanitarian aid. well, the $2000000.00 people that's almost the whole population is facing varying levels of hunger with at least 20 percent exposed to extreme salvation. 8 organizations say the risk of deaths from famine as high as supplies are actually being blocked from getting through to the young slave. and the palestinian representative to the un who's accused israel of using hunger as a weapon. they explained that started ration is a legitimate to up and over. they justify gun great spend tortured against defenceless prisoners as eric, quite out of the tub. and this is not if he already took an exercise, this is what is the end is imposing against millions of palestinians. no man,
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woman or child spit. i think he's really using stuff vision as a sort of people leaving square was leaving in just desperate was angry, so it's easy for his royal to, to, to do the operation to take the land. so this is the may major issue. a smaller us is having a good way to write the security council. this is why district, the concept is bias using a wrong right of history to defend somebody there are there are all saying every time that we see uh, whatever key to whatever we've been sense to is right. us only say that they are committed to the security of these rail and is applied to why so to us national interest, to ensure that israel is always hurting the rate, is it the wishes to develop and maintain your self defense capability?
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so we all, we know these, so no matter what you have to always be there. so is right. ukraine's a soles on russia. it's quarter scrooge and not disclose kids commitment to escalation, that the aggressive minutes reaction while the world looks away. that's all according to russia's deputy ambassador to the united nations. we are the only states most of supports. there's an insecurities him from united states and his allies, claiming that this military adventure fits into the cranium efforts to disrupt attacks into it. so to see what territory the co intentionally targeting civilians serves the goals of disrupting attacks on your grading and territory. given the fact that there were no military objects for infrastructure in the area. just over a week into it's incursion into the curtis region most go sides kia f as last up to 2000 soldiers. their russian fighting jets, talkative, kia, have stopped files while dozens of ukrainian drones. and a number of missiles were shut down overnight in the neighboring boulder of region,
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a state of emergency was declared over the risk of drone attacks. and this by the head, the casualties b. e use foreign policy chief has praised new cranes move. well, the us president says he's in regular contact with key f over the soft spoken with my staff on a regular basis, probably every 4 or 5 hours and well, sadly, they support this incursion into curse. i mean, the bind administration has been very explicit about that for they believe that is a operation. a curse is a proper use of western weapons by ukraine. again, what this underscores is, this is not uh, you know, from the western point of view, this was not about ukrainian sovereignty or, and dependence. it's about undermining russia when the atrocities somehow advance
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western interest. the wes doesn't care. a lot of civilians flee the fighting to their homes in the quarter screeching. one local had to rush from his work in another city to save his wife and 5 children who are huddled in the hiding of a shelter in a basement. the band recalls as johnny, as he said, as ukrainian soldiers was shooting at anything that moved. i'm not sure a subsidy is showing began and my wife victoria climbs into the cellar off to that i didn't hear from her for a day. then i found out what was going on the on the had to leave immediately. they will also just the ones mean not to go the, because the cranium support shelving the town. indeed, as i approached, i heard machine gun boost. i still don't get it. that's how they picked the targets because they were striking every, all the cars they were firing at costs along the highway and see what the and wants to late ukrainian sold just sold me and started firing at me. i was driven by fee
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for the children that something will happen to them without me. they wouldn't have cost through that 5, any point that ukrainian flights i wouldn't have allowed them to. i took the family all the same way, but you cranium started firing the task. although they sold that the children. i didn't leave the basement until my husband knocked on the door. it was very scary . we managed to go out only once to get some water. as we were sitting down in the basement, we heard everything that was going on there. it was scary, very scary. and while tried to penetrate deeper into russia, ukraine, in forces and all set to moving in small groups and onto correspondence and bits report from the coldest regions on how the russian volunteer coal and i was helping the counter keeps dr. the, i'm working the chris creatures, the beloved during the tax, or keeps beeping, constantly signaling. they're usually some this guy's house. the situation
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tell us about it was because the church was not billable. now, it's a bit tense because the army is moving a little. we've taken up positions that were assigned to us, so they weren't advance any further. we'll stop them no matter what. the army is exhausted. i think they've already retreated far back. they're running out of supplies and they munition. so we'll push them back for the good. we're cutting them off completely, so they're scattered in small groups in the forest. we will eliminate those sabotage teams soon enough. reports say there are even polish in georgia nationals among them. staunch wester nationalists, but they will last here. now is not the time to talk or discuss, we need to get the job done 1st. afterwards, we can figure out the wise and house is up like right now. we need to unite and push the enemy back. or does this, our main task now is to establish communication. we've installed
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a new challenges with their officer, a ravine slowly runs and hides some like our flood. then that's glance when we've overcome this issue. and now we have stable communication. that's the key points which good communication means victory is near to what fits your holding. this doesn't look like means for communication, for the product to go with some of the this has been gathered and us for my show for a to use of the war. but it works better than a k for a signal that we climb positions heavily patrol by drones. with a you a v, the tech to the and a 12 goal should be on, you know, 7 shots solve these problems that they're going to, that's like a pedestrian. a defense system for exactly the main thing is it works. so we've taken positions and a settled team and you've got to know everyone knows where identify the enemy and do it with fire damage and they roam around as they own the places of the home. but now they will be more cautious. they didn't expect o u a b 's to get the so close to the operate somewhere over there. for now. there
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was just one group we can see researching using u a b, c or east 100 compared with places like joseph yard, where there are almost no forests here it stopped for, but we still have some old tricks from up. they have got to help out is challenging for the we're managing. so is that a route to further escalation or perhaps a path to peace? these are the questions being asked about the training and culture, and you can read a really interesting right top and honestly don't call them with a lot of expert analysis waiting for you. while the west may be hailing cabins and coaching into russia, it's, i'm likely to be quite so happy about what is done for european energy security. fuel prices have sold and it concerns over supplies being interrupted. and while the russian energy john gas problem site is committed to its agreements, kia seems determined to throw a spiner in the works. gas problem is supplying voss and gas for transit through
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ukraine in volume consumed by the crating inside through the sewage, a gas metering station, 42400000 cubic meters. as of august, the 13th the application for this a her on the gas metering station was rejected. when you find, decide to head over to a restaurant, take in some doors on the board or they just happen to pick the one place that creates a pretty big headache for their pals in europe. of all the places they could have chosen for their cross border incursion, they just had to make it right where the sewage in gas pipelines station is located in the curse region which carries russian gas across ukraine and into europe. the results. energy traders are now freaking out so much. overall, this unrest, the train has sparked around this gas plant that you're now taking the hit for it. what else is new when it comes to you frames, actions and the impact on europeans? so now europe in yes, prices have gone up by 4.3 percent from just one single day to the next, reaching
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a high that hasn't been seen since last december. so you might be asking, why is this even happening when it's being caused by you frames own military incursion and they are supposed to be your little body? well, it turns out that apparently energy traders and officials don't have the same kind of confidence that you officials express when it comes to ukraine's military actions. they just don't seem too confident that ukraine is not going to royally screw up at some point, even though the gas is still currently flowing. and they're already factoring their lack of confidence into the price of all of your teen gas. and all of this is happening right in the middle of summer, when everyone's supposed to be outside enjoying the sun and see and not yet worrying about how much of a loan they're going to have to take out to pay for winter heating to stick to fruits. in again and this year. so russell's energy giant gas from the owner of this egypt plan says that is only part of the picture. the events seem to suit
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every outlet to shop twice and natural gas and allergy prices. the annual peak of exchange prices was recorded on august the 9th, and it is still only selma. the question advises who benefits from this? the plans preventive maintenance works at the facility. so the vision gas industry may also become a significant fact to, according to analysts. it is not excluded that this works may be d, like as happened last year. analysts also believe that the upward strand in gas prices will continue to so just say shouldn't handles 5 percent of europe's total gas pains and 40 percent of all the russian pipeline gas that still supplies europe, notably via serbia and north macedonia. now there's a lot of talk here in europe about how the continent has nice to diversify its data sources and that russia supply is no longer really big of
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a deal. we're talking here about 5 percent here of all of your gas needs with this particular sewage gas supply station. yeah. which is why traders jacked up the price of all european gas when they got jittery about this one supposedly insignificant source being friends. and serbia's deputy prime minister has been saying pretty much the same thing. all talks about europe's energy diversification are possible on the condition. the gas comes from russia and other countries get supplies from russia stop. there are not enough volumes from other sources. it is not a question of goodwill, and it doesn't sound like austria is too confident either about this whole idea of europe being energy independent from russia. as long as there is a dependency on russian gas supplies. there's a massive risk of the corresponding supply failure with far reaching consequences. it turns out that australia has gained uh what could end up happening worst case scenario if russian gas supplies, which currently cover most of austria is fuel demand. just suddenly stopped in
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austria, came to the conclusion that they basically be dependent on getting gas from italy and feeling that their storage would just drop to 15 percent by 2026. yeah, a nice diversification there to be so heavily dependent on one country. but hey, at least it isn't russia right. it's a believe that or send them a christmas card every year. so that's yeah, although the also depend on that russian gas through subject. if something happens where the entire volume of gas, which is about 40000000 cubic meters a day, could be stopped, which would create a deficit in the european region. we have no other contract for the trans in east or region except the contract with gas problem. so if you, for a messes up your ups rushing gas supply by tearing around sewage in western armored vehicles like a toddler who's mom and dad just gave him a big we'll try simple um and a bunch of heavy metal artillery to boot. it's not like there's a backup option for europe. well, meanwhile,
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the ukraine's claims malia need ya are under the influence of russia, which explains why they cut ties with tia is not because you created was supporting terrorist groups in the saw. how have i listen to this, a kind of a solo, super easy to ukraine, has expressed its position on these decisions by molly in the chair, we decided to cancel all of his actions against the supporters of international terrorism. this is a part of the russian narrative russian propaganda creating this image as if you crane is involved in some kind of terrorism. these 2 countries have made their decisions in a haste not far sighted manner, and without providing any essential evidence without studying the cause. we all understand perfectly well that these countries, 3rd ties with russia. how much of these countries depends on russia? of course, we understand that these decisions were made not only by these country incidents, well the scandal just keeps getting worse. this is the, it's another statement from ukraine denying any wrong doing in the embassy case.
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somebody forces one was even more disturbing about this statement is that cube is now accusing, must go off. it's influence on the 2 african states that have decided to cut ties with it. it was all fun and games. when under you saw spokesman full it's submitted . so you can say this is was making a public announcement to that. the rebels had been given all the information to conduct the attacks. and when you create an investigator to cynical support to the topic labels on the social media platforms. now ukraine is switching focus from the export is to saying that russia is behind the cutting of ties between cube and the west african states even as new evidence from military experts. so who examined the some told was a slot down by market forces confirmed that they would manufactured in ukraine. i do not have the states as well, primarily assembled in ukraine, from american components, and that they will also use by ukraine in special forces operating in multi model
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in military. it has also said new images and evidence of ukraine's a footprint in the minute. his activities and the read and this dislikes reports reduce the that ukrainian special forces had trained the rebels in the use of attempt drones hits and as a case of ukraine, exploiting the continent as a playing field for its own interest. and all of these developments come off, de monte m e z announced that they were cutting diplomatic relations with ukraine. a move that was highly expected because the whole outdo, expect a nation to react with another country is accused of supporting to was unemployed. but that move did not seem to bother you, create a full job, which is the best that they show. and i want to emphasize that these 2 decisions will not have a significant impact on ukraine's relations with african countries. this is a separate block of countries that acted as a decided to act. so however,
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despite this, ukraine is actively implementing the african strategy. let me say add tomorrow, do you have hold on the international community to become a way of ukraine's a neighbor to got something that the international community itself has claimed to have been fighting on the applicant call to this the tickets. but haven't listened to this, molly has contacted the un security council to this end to get its neighbor new share. it has just the, the issue to the un security council. and those all started in mid july when contractors from the vac accompanied the martin army in watts of the modern or rather the mounted regime called a stabilizing operation in molly's northeastern town. often, sol woodson, near the, i'll give in florida that mission quickly went sideways when fighting broke out between zack with this and, and rebels from the target group in retreat back. now, i'm modern, forces were ambushed by the minutes, is more than
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a t vacaville personnel and over 40 models. soldiers were killed in that fighting. it was in that particular moment. that spokesman for ukraine's military intelligence said the labels had given, had been given volatile over information to conduct. the attacks of ukraine is the same states that scrambles will support from the african continent and the global sol. so well, all of this time supporting tourism and pay no respect to advocacy of anti civil society activists. a threesome, i mean to believe is ukraine is putting up a smoke screen. that's a mosque, the presence of west and the 4th is fighting alongside terrorist and the hell will reach. or if you have a key, i think the ukraine has officially expressed its support to terrorist groups. therefore, molly cannot continue to collaborate with the country that supports their risk groups. ukraine should simply take responsibility for its role international to reason, because it simply means that you grant today is
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a temporary state. so how to maintain relationship with those will destabilize us an a thing that it shouldn't even stop at tamale's echo. i should clearly condemn this as well as all african countries for react in this way. because terrorism today is not just about molly binion was attacked, year has been attacked booking, the fossil has been attacked. ukraine does not have the strength to attack any one you cream does not have weapons to attack any one to date. everything that you create and use. this comes from the west. and even those who are fighting today for you create, come from the west. so if you green says it has a tech someone or funded terrorism somewhere, it only implies that it is the western, this why using, you're going to do this because after the bottle is offensive watson, we understood that the wisdom is where behind it. and there was special forces from the west on site. ukraine believes that can fight the russia elsewhere. ukraine doesn't have the strength to do that. ukraine has made those who finance it uncomfortable. so of course it's going to back track from its statement. honestly,
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it's too late. it's nature has been discovered to i've gotten this done now the ton of bonds mocking the 3rd anniversary of re taking cobble and it's returned to power in the country. the date was mock ceremony and speeches from high ranking thailand, officials and a parade held at the former american military base and background. you can see right the various infantry divisions and a wide range of military vehicles taking part of this either authorities have designated august the 14th a nationwide state called today. well, it may be russia's ami expo 2024, but it's proving a maximum of interest at policies from around the world right here in the most go region to see some of the very latest ministry tech being put through its paces that we bought is ex, army form exhibitions in russia are always very diverse in terms of equipment, weapons, and in the most diverse areas of military tech. the
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russian art of forces consist of by several branches and you can probably see the countries minute 3 minds on the fixture. it's a parade in may, a lot of phone weapons, a lot of really sole and handsome soldiers, but so what you don't see are the scientific units that exist within every single branch of the russian army. our state story is about these people that pushed through innovation for the country. one of the main prerequisites in order to join
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a scientific unit or a scientific company within the russian armed forces is for candidates who have at least a bachelor's degree. so when they do join this scientific unit for a company, they hit the ground running in their experiments and words and the russian defense ministry. as mentioned the bush as i associated myself more with scientific work. but at the same time, i periodically think about doing the military contract. because 1st late in the prospects for development in the army amount, enormous and truly stunning. as far as technical development or what tech systems are developing very actively in our country. and there is an opportunity to grow and develop a like the man in scientific unit. so already have the university degrees that these men are kids. this and they go to minutes or a college. however, they also have a lot to boast about, like this project that they've been working on for a long time. direct workers with the experience of conducting the special military
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operation shows. the issue of interaction between aviation and air defense is relevant to solve this problem, a technical simulator was developed to train joint actions of military air defense . this screen shows the tactical situation in the area of the line of combat, contact the crew. the aircraft is performing a combat mission to destroy and to be ground targets. the aircraft is controlled by a flight school cadet in a combat training aircraft procedural simulator. it trains aircraft control and combat navigation tasks. cover is provided by an anti aircraft missile battery arms with short range aircraft missile systems on the map shows their detection zones in green, and they were attacked zones in red when friendly aircraft fly along the cord or identification and s corps tests take place
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a significant part of the army forum was dedicated to military education in russia and that shipments offer full so called scripts and the scientific units and the cadets estimate is the recall is and the universities and of course of these holes right here became some of the most popular ad the for, for me on call for a marty and most go. yeah, i'm hoping just waiting for you right now and also you don't come from the rushes army, 2024 expo a lot of pictures and will come entry from roman customer. well, thanks for joining us. we'll talk soon with more of your soft worldwide the you know, living down here, i see this guy too. okay. i couldn't get the picture of it. because uh i,
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i didn't pull my my phone out fast enough. time i got my phone, i'll take a picture of this thing i saw in the sky. that's what really tripped me out. this is one of the ships i saw in the sky. that's what it looked like. it grabs, i brought it to his reading. read those. this right here. i saw this and this guy is a useful data pipe line ship. that's what it looked like. this one was coming from the opposite way. are able to select a big risk green container, plug in this guy and a wake towards that mountain right over there. the one that has a door on top of it. yeah, yeah. you can see the door, you can only see the door when the door is open. yes, these are one of the phenomenons that, that i've seen out here. because i had friends, couple of friends that are witnesses. i talked to him about the said they saw the same thing that i saw or so i knew i was seeing things, you know, really that's what makes it real with each other. if you've.


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