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tv   News  RT  August 14, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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estimated drastically defense from of accounts of a 3rd rice watch on uh, the the, this, the images for the cooling screen. good. i have the right to maintain so painfully any offensive thing. he wasn't equipment as something limited do more than 2300 cubes. will stop them, no matter what. the army is exhausted, i think they've already retreated, far back. they're running out of supplies and ammunition. so we'll push them back for good for cutting them off completely. the key for the full to and then the report, the 10s of course and use their power to do ripples of stood in cap should be put into place. a left flag is rose, subject to wave, a condemnation of the un security council, dismissive level. why move that up to the killed was
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involved? this is only part of the terrorist to were eliminated on saturday, more than a 100 people besides, many of the victims were women and children. really, as in civilian infrastructure, should not be a target of major operations. this is a red line, is road should be great. the reason i don't use center in most go, this is i'd say, welcome to the global news. i'm so sorry. well, i think it's a little strange and have a full to the times by when the mobile bring gates to break through in 5 as as multiple and any grooves and pick up the trucks were detected and in the american not to put into the russian defense industry, which has also disclosed new data on to mountain losses in the
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past 24 hours. the crating on forces have last up to 270 personnel. and 16 units of ahmed vehicles, including 2 times the striker on the personnel carrier. so it's easy to combat on with vehicles. this one has 10 colors and they $122.00 melodies a how it's up throughout the financing in the cost direction. the enemy has lost up to 2300 us now. 5 days from the russ remote fee, so just to go ahead and keep the equipment i'm but it's now a canadian was sales. so all these little say good as a trophy the russian falls is all the seas or some i think weapons amunition protective gear. i'm less the made communication system. so there's a little show, have kids casualties were left behind by it's sleeping, right? so i mean, when i saw it is escaped death that instead that were taken prisoner. this was, it shows a capital soon from his 18th and 82nd ad assault book guides. he's
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applied to sees of the nuclear power plant in the closely and then then use it as a bargaining chip against moscow. at any potential peace negotiations. the for profit was revealed by the come on, the russians off, much special forces and the obviously ukrainian forces have not achieved their goal . they want it to take control of the course. can nuclear power plant by august. 11th, today is august 14th. zalinski is blitzkrieg, which plan to seize the nuclear power plant and then enter the negotiations with an ultimatum. has not succeeded. t of deployed over 11000 soldiers, most of ukraine's military equipment that they used in the course region has been destroyed. they have spent all the resources they had made to general up to yellow, dean of the commando, the mob special forces, who i know personally, he has a reputation of pretty much, never staying away from, from the front line. so he doesn't just rely on intelligence reports,
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which he of course does get, but he can see what is going on with his very own eyes as it happens from the full mostly most of the time from the full would most combined points. so according to him, a probably the initial plan and the initial goal of the ukrainian armed forces he and the could equation was to rush the course of nuclear power plants get control over it. and then present restaurants with an ultimatum of that, of course, would be a tit for tat, moving the eyes of t if, because russia right now is still, it has been for years now in control of these upper warranty of nuclear power plant . so getting control of something of similar caliber, what of course would have seemed to have enjoyed some very well significant leverage here on when it comes to any negotiations with most schools that plan has failed. the ukrainian forces. uh right now,
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dozens of kilometers away from the course nuclear power plant. they have not been able to even start to get close to the facility on the right. now it is operating as usual and in terms of fighting continues again, thousands and thousands of kilometers away from the facilities. again, according to make the general alo, dean of the ukrainian on forces and not in the full control of the town. so drunk, most of the resources, most of the manpower and the equipment that they have so far used here in the course region has been destroyed. the fighting continues all across the front line, the ukrainian on forces. they have been trying to breach the border with the bell good region as well, but that their attempts have failed the in the tracks. they have reserves on the ukrainian territory and this we region, which they can deploy here or elsewhere. on the, at the same time the russian troops, they keep advancing in the don't pass outside of the town of then that's,
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that was another hope of the key regime that may be this border. intelligent in the course region would see russia not sending their lines and just sending their garrison's on other parts of the front so that those sections would be stabilized by the ukranian militants. of that sofa hasn't happened to the russian forces continue their advance, their advance outside of the nets, and in general, all across the front line where they advancing before this border incursion. russian farm se so. so everybody is i heard of us as the incursion has finally revealed to the world, the true nature of the team authorities in the criminals and ask you a resume keeps on demonstrating it's true and you are not the essence to the whole world. i mean, the disaster situation for the ukrainian forces and dumbass, the grainy and authorities launched a terrorist attack on the board of territories of the course region,
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did not conceal the fact that the such them of the intended to improve their own negotiating positions in the future despite oldest barbaric techniques, the landscape resume has not achieved its main goal to discharge the russian forces from dun bus as little as i mentioned. currently the green and militants who broke into the tears or in the crisp regions or receiving a decisive reba from russian forces. while the bush deeper into russ, any good and full of his on now said to be moving in small groups. and also you cause a lot send us this report from the post region on how the russian board and ted cool are hoping to count to accuse dr of the i'm working in the crust region of the beloved drum, detect, so it keeps beeping, constantly signaling there. are usually some, this guy's house, the situation tell us about it was because the church was not, it was wilma, it's a bit tense because the army is moving a little. we've taken up positions that were assigned to us so they weren't advance
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any further. we'll stop them, no matter what. the army is exhausted. i think they've already retreated far back. they're running out of supplies and they munition. so we'll push them back for the good. we're cutting them off completely, so they're scattered in small groups in the forest. we will eliminate those sabotage teams soon enough. reports say there are even polish in georgia nationals among them. staunch wester nationalists, but they will last here. now is not the time to talk or discuss. we need to get the job done 1st. afterwards we can figure out the wise in house is up like right now we need to unite and push the enemy back. or does this all remain task now is to establish communication. we've installed a new challenges with their officer, a ravine, lowlands, and hide. some like are flooded and that's glance, but we've overcome this issue. and now we have stable communication. that's the key points. good communication means victory is near how much space you're holding.
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this doesn't look like means for communication for the product to go with some of the this has been gathered in dallas for my show for a to use of the war. but it works better than a k for a signal that we climb positions heavily patrol by drones with a u, a v. the tech to the end of 12 goal should be on the 7 shots solve these problems. the, the that's like a pedestrian, a defense system. exactly. the main thing is it works. so we've taken positions and a settled team and you've got to know everyone knows where identify the enemy and do with fire damage and they roam around as they own the places on. but now they will be more cautious. they didn't expect o u a b 's to get the so close to the operate somewhere over there. for now, there was just one group. we continue searching using u a b c or east 100 compared with places like joseph yard, where there are almost no fords. here it stopped. but we still have some old tricks
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from of the guy that the hell is challenging for the we're managing the full of things about security policy. so it's a like michael. well is it is a c thanks for taking the time. and joining us here on audience and as well by who will be in close about, close to him about the goals, the report suggesting that one of his goals and fun to see this nuclear power plant . how likely is that? uh, in the i mean, is it really something that is very likely or not life beautiful? well, from what i can gather from the latest accounts, it's probably a far less likely problem that may have been their intention, the ukranian attention in order to for leveraging in any feature negotiation, i think they realize ukrainians realize that they're not gonna be able to bring down the russian government or take to but they, but, but what,
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but they want to do is try to capture some russian lands and use it as a bargaining chip. frankly, what i'm hearing from various sources is that the russians had the at some earlier indications that that there was going to be this attack. certainly with overhead, they could, they could see forces mountie bucket and, and lowered them in lower the ukrainians in. and i think it was an interesting strategic consideration because it drew forces away from the dom boss region where russian forces now have accelerated and are increasing their, their, uh, their areas to, to, uh, to occupies. so it's, it's, uh, it, and lot of the ukrainian forces, some of the top notch fighters came from that region. so in the last desperate attempt for what it, in effect is a p r, stunt on the one hand, but also to gain some leverage in any negotiation. i think it goes or concedes to
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the, to the world that ukraine is realized, that the only way they're going to deal with this now is to negotiate. and so they're trying to grab some leverage. they did the plants itself, i doubt was in any serious jeopardy, but now i'm hearing that talk you got we got to watch out for the possibility that some of those f sixteens could be employed. that could, that could be a force multiplier for the ukrainians, should they use the aircraft for that purpose, but not who will get into who's i use. i had coughing the 2nd, but i know now that you mentioned it, but you just pointed out quite clearly that there was always use of aerials and uh, the conferences that russia could do. i'm see those forces being mounted. we're talking about lives that are all russia to be taken. i know chris, guess, bobby lost their lives. but the 15th, if it was a good, the idea was this to,
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to take this live, or try and take a snare over russia as well. the area as i understand it is not that well populated . it's mostly for us. there are villages. uh they, they, there aren't any hardcore military facilities around. uh, so it would be an interesting lower uh, it'd be like bathing like fishing and m. m zaleski and company fell for it. and in order to gain in order to gain some territory so they could make a claim for it, for that leveraging for leveraging purposes and any future negotiation strategically. i think it probably was interesting because it did draw some very serious fighters from the da boss region and that weekends, i mean some of these battalions or downs or something like 20 people battalions are
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much larger than that. and, and, and, and, and they move them into the, into the, into the course area. so, um, and, and as a, as a result the russian forces then were able to, to move because they're getting to both multiple areas at the same time. but so before, before i run out of time and before we have here from the director thing memo questions, let me get one thing from the book. i'm really quite curious about this, but we have a number of people that have been ok with in the close region. lee was due for ad in this is indiscriminate including the attacks on civilians especially, but we've not heard any condemnation from the international community. i mean is a, this is a written roster russian line. i mean, you know, this is in the board as a rush of why we not heard from the west or any of the, you know, sensible news outlets condemning this. well,
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there's not gonna admit that that, that the, the, the, that, that they're getting out civilians, primarily they, they'd stipulation on the part of us to even use weapons or even the go in there. i'm sure it had us approval. was you go after military uh, locations and that's not the innocent civilians and that's been breached and, and, but they're not going to admit failure. you the west will not want to admit failure and demoralize the situation any more than it is because the ukrainians are desperate. they were, this is in the 11th hour effort on their part of it. and i'm hoping in, in, in thinking that the russians now will turn around and use this occasion now to really mount a much larger offensive of their own account. are expensive and deal with this effectively and, and take out. and they'll, they'll take care of the problem in the course region. but the,
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using those mobile units is, is problematic that the ukrainians have employed. that is just going to take a little longer to mop them up, but it will be done. and very interesting, and they would have to leave in the side, they as always, a pleasure, mike, hulu, former pentagon security policy, august 20th, then life. thanks again for your time. thank you. but i thought it was out to the middle east of the you or the city council has have an emergency session flowing as well. strike on a school in gaza, city or 5. that was less more than a 100 people that mostly women and children. but it is, uh, what was it again on the defensive, claiming how those fights as well. it's all going to this is only part of the territory. so we're eliminate that on saturday, terrorist exploring thing to buy in school as a base for their murderous objectives. with evidence, i'm a,
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gro was more of the time, more than 2000 refugees, well sheltering that more than a 100 people died thousands. what ages many of the victims of all agreement and children on saturday, august 10th, is well targeted. not a school, not a, a, an innocent school. we target the dangerous terrorist operating in the come us command and control central center. we've in, in the, in school. do you mean so sure civilians and civilian infrastructure should not be a target of major operations. this is a red line, is really shouldn't be praised. we are today the vanguard of civilization. here. we're good. good morning. i would like to testify here that the 16000 children killed since october 17 guys have not committed suicide. i would also like to testify here that the more than $10000.00 women massacred there have not committed
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suicide. every day you see is right, your commit to the general side every single day, every time they wanted to get older school, solve this uh cbm distrust structure is right claims that it's a saw on hospital was cool east of necessity because but then assessing me because from us has been using these infrastructures to conduct the operations. so do you always believe there is always come on there? so using come us is actually the big excuse to ensure that they can logic back on the sleepiness, the prospect. a somewhat disturbing images i had 3 real his hit. so this school on saturday as people gathering for morning press some of those and it still includes the condition with the warning the desktop is expected to revise. what also the attack is where the man reports and the cutoff walters applies to the id
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to the air. and now the idea of claims measures would safe and to minimize the number of civilian casualties. very well. the u. s. has approved the sale of tens of thousands of highly explosive munitions. this is paul the latest package. asked the man who that more than $20000000000.00, including 5 suggest missiles tank. i'm a, i'm much more. washington also plays on sunday. does this it all 3 of a home $1000000000.00 a minute, few days. a portion of that assistance is apparently intended for an idea for a unit that has faced allegations of violating human rights. so it's comprehensive backing of is a heard was a condemnation of the security council meeting. the susan, this is the largest supplier weapons, has enough influence over israel. we hope that the us will take sincere and sponsible actions to push israel to stop its military operations. and gaza is the
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counsel not to be led by washington, which is only concerned with protecting these real estate interest and profits from the delivery of weapons to was owns from the start of this conflict between a mouse in israel, the united states has work to avoid a situation in which the fighting and gaza spirals into a broader regional conflict. first of all, people and dogs are suffering not only from constant shuddering, but also from a clinic who lack of humanitarian aid. more than 2000000 people, almost the entire population currently facing varying levels of hunger with at least 20 percent exposure. so stream salvation 8 organization, se the risk of death from 5 men as high as crucial supplies are being stopped from getting through. there's already representative at the un has denied all the accusations and quote, service propaganda. perhaps another session will be called because of
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more terrorist propaganda. i would like to leave you with this. and i have been immensely, immensely proud to represent my country here. the most moral country in the world, the most more of the country in the world. you listen, but a senior representative based on an example of human rights one it says of writing in the us. and they say that since the beginning of the call and it is the killed mold in 17000 pallets the children that is 2100 of the influence on the 2 years old, arrears, an instance of these very good times. the last tuesday claimed the lives of 2 day old twins who were killed along with the family and i the f bomb. and we spoke with a professor at the national university related us about what see my to my since that is, well, weaponized is every possibility against the people of 1000 i think
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israel and using stop lesion as a we've been sort of people leaving spear was leaving in just desperate, well, angry, so it's easy for his royal to, to, to do the operation to take the land. so this is the may major issue. a smaller us is having a good way to write the security council. this is why district the console is bias using a wrong right of history to defend somebody that a girl. so every time that we see uh, whatever key to whatever we've been sense to is right. us only say that they are committed to the security of these rail and is applied to why so to us national interest, to ensure that israel is always hurting the rate, is it the wishes to develop and maintain your self defense capability? so we all,
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we know these so no matter what you have to always be there. so is right, a parts a jelly. now, when the fee has cause a sky? no, my saying that does is a full the non c offices should be on the historical faces went off. why is that was being done? this black fee is criticism from the public. the most is for this person. and this to say this is in addition to their current degree and traditions which remains and changed the responsible ahead of the department, referring to contemporary discussions about commer threaten us defense capability or suitability for military service. considered the question of how this could be included in the decree on physicians for all soldiers and the boom this where just a bit of confidence on some of the people that were in this the added to the document. eric hard, when i looked for for a who is it, is it was shooting down a total of $350.00 to add cost in his service,
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the nazi regime. some of those i called for american eric tall. you will come on down the rest of the nights crossed by those who would not see jeremy during world war 2 and the, and the high, the visitor most a high ranking, come on to. and also a night's plus recipients of the original document was issued by the government 6 years ago to provide guidelines to that modern gym and on a on what does shoes and people they should on the document is also to regulate the quote culture of remembrance. and legitimate knowledge of a gentle inside, historian reiner brown says, the modern gentleman is trying to remove a stigma associated with those historical noses and then mines, etc. that seeks to steve. if you want to be able to find wage war again, then you need to find your boss. this is exactly what's happening currently, attempts to being made to build
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a line of tradition from these supposedly people right? swear to the bonus, sweat, and the people mention to a plea and committed war crimes of other ones can say that most one of a and bang showcase is completely irresponsible. there's nothing historically justifiable about this. and it also marks another attempt to the notification. the people twice the associated with the nazi regime does not match that way that they were members of the n. s the most simply a did to the audiology, all of the n s d a p. i have tried at various points to rewrite in the past. i'm the history of germany to turn a liberation in 1945 into a 0 out of this new decree. i'm the positioning of the sweat fits into this historical scribbling of the rewriting of german history, and that's also a sympathy with the freshest regime done the tobacco. so all of the nation a celebration is independence. a mom who in 77 is also refrain from breast color
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mil rules. the facilities include a formal survey with practice on the officials, raising the national flag. flo excel and say that midnight illuminating the sky. these were in the major points of corrupt, too many people gathered in the seats waving 5 cheering dollars in the festive atmosphere of celebration. well today is a set up by the the, the, the full, the progress i've even when we look back to the it's really said 1947. the experience at that time was devastating millions of people fred, the home, the many died mid the k also into ethnic strife, o think was, was on the bus. he has the story. in 6 weeks before india was coughed up, creating pocket stone. these men met with the partition voice roy, mood month button to greet upon. all it was a night smoke button was almost d for see any mass transfer of population is response posts. me. i don't,
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it was a remark that came back to whole team and communities across the sub continent. the politician, i rushed plan, implemented by colonial power, but simply could no longer afford to administer the country. unleashed one of the worst calamities of the 20th century, up to 15000000 fled across new frontiers. up to 2000000 were killed donated from disease. tens of thousands of women raked, abducted, or despicable as the region became embroiled in the beloved beach. sick tiring cleansing against those who had once been the nape as big as the people and
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the and as many as the good just because. busy of the mist manage, manage all the fish. just good. yeah. it was all happen just because all but the best possible off the beauty just as the the member does. it is. yeah. the, the golf is, go to the, all, the faucet, the what actually come into fact is done with, with the actually should a, from a be all to the same. they have all of the condition of a board. the jan. definitely actually somebody a that's what i for the voice refund, that's on site, then good side as well. i think this is the right time for the baby so far because i'm by to apologize. the fact is sides. so where did it all go wrong? this is so serial radcliffe, a british virus, the who is brought in to drew a line on a map, creating a new country of pockets, done
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a man who in tube and habit ever even being to india as it was. and virtually no knowledge of the subcontinent. yet the lives of hundreds of millions of people. what in his hands, one journalist who spoke this with several said he had admitted how under patch he was for the task. i didn't ask him to be due to their life. he said, right in mar, loan. i want you to draw the life said, don't know anything that i'm just saying. i'm going to match trees and maps you got because you're in. yeah, man. so you said it did. he started drawing the line later by his own admission cisneros at his plan was show the on the books politician
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should have taken the news to plan. instead, the british rush through the process as they planning to make a hasty exit and doing some 200 years of colonial rule. they never had a dentist going through this, this part of the bar or a because they were, he had to north the defense all these uh, this part of the line. and they do do an off to the uh. busy the little do the bad, and there is also the, the, it's a party, this part of the, but definitely they had that part of the they've decided for new budget. never wanted to roll this boundary. they were just that, you know, there's route and data sources, all the is the part of the and they had long used religion as a way to devise people. i'm not seeing exactly what they did in 1947 focused on was created from the areas where there was a move sleep mostly.


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