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tv   News  RT  August 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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the, the disturbing images on the clothes really good as the rush at all because of the putting it offensive say he was an appointment of trophies and a limited thing. the mold in 2003 out of the keys. no matter what the army is exhausted, i think they've already retreated far back. they're running out of supplies and ammunition, so we'll push them back. pretty good. we're cutting them off completely as gainful does it, as i reported at 10 business days. of course the appalled lesson moved. doable. besides in time, can you put it in the spring st. left flag hans rail is subject to a wave of condemnation of the un security council. dismissed as an excuse is over
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100 civilians killed in the fact most schools because this is only part of the terrorist to where eliminate those on set it in more than a 100 people died. many of the victims were ramen and children, civilians and civilian infrastructure should not be a target of major operations. this is a red line, is road shoot, leap rate, the guy, the company today with a link to the global news on of i'm more on her mom. a of this is a see international, a top floor, a lot of soon since in the close, really going to have full to the times by you playing move, obligated to bring through is 5 areas as multiple enemies, loops and pickup trucks were detected and then they did not support into the russian defense in the field, which has also to disclose
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a new new data on kids. mounting losses in the past 24 hours. the crating on forces have last up to 270 personnel. and 16 units of ahmed vehicles, including 2 times a strike, a ahmed personnel carrier. so it's easy to combat on with vehicles. this one is 10 cars and a 122 millimeter, how it's up throughout the financing in the course direction. the enemy has lost up to 2300 bus now, for further from the rest of the face of his troops destroying kid's equipment and personnel, a canadian rochelle size on a vehicle of sites. and as a trophy, the russian forces also sees all domestic weapons or i munition protective gear. i'm to estimate communication systems, some of the who whole so show how key is casualties were left behind, bites, fleeing rights. so let me go ahead and so it is escaped death sign instead will take him prisoner this for this shows the capital, the troops from cuba,
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8 chairs and a few 2nd air assault brigades, k vine, to seize the nuclear power paulding that closely. and then use it as a bargaining chip against moscow at any potential peace negotiations before the product was revealed by the commander of russia's off, much special forces. and that was it. obviously, ukrainian forces have not achieve their goal. they want it to take control of the course can nuclear power plant by august. 11th, today is august 14th. zalinski is blitzkrieg, which plan to seize the nuclear power plant and then enter the negotiations with an ultimatum. has not succeeded. key of deployed over 11000 soldiers, most of ukraine's military equipment that they used in the course region has been destroyed. they have spent all the resources, they had major general up to yellow, dean of the come on the via smart, special forces. who i know personally, he has a reputation of pretty much, never staying away from,
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from the front line. so he doesn't just rely on intelligence reports, which he of course does get. but he can see what is going on with his very own eyes, as it happens from the full mostly most of the time, from the full, with most combined points. so according to him, a probably the initial plan and the initial goal of the ukrainian armed forces he and the could equation was to rush to the quarter nuclear power plant, get control over it. and then present russia with an ultimatum of that, of course, would be a tit for tat move in the eyes of kids. because russia right now is still, it has been for years now in control of these upper warranty of nuclear power plant . so getting control of something of similar caliber, what of course would have seemed to have enjoyed some very well significant leverage here on when it comes to any negotiations with moscow that plan has failed
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. the ukrainian forces. uh right now, dozens of kilometers away from the course nuclear power plant. they have not been able to even start to get close to the facility. and right now it is operating as usual and in terms of fighting continues again, thousands and thousands of kilometers away from the facilities. again, according to make the general alo, dean of the ukrainian on forces and not in the full control of the town of so just most of the resources, most of the manpower and the equipment that they have so far used here in the course region has been destroyed the fighting continues, all across the front line, the ukrainian on forces. they have been trying to breach the border with the belgrade region as well, but that their attempts have failed the in the tracks. they have reserves on the ukrainian territory. and this we region, which they can deploy here or elsewhere. on the same time the russian troops,
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the keep advancing in the don't boss outside of the town of den. that's uh, that was another hope of the key regime that may be this border, intelligent in the course region would see russia not sending their lines and just sending their garrison's on other parts of the front so that those sections would be stabilized by the ukranian militants. so that so far hasn't happened to the russian forces continue their advance, their advance outside of the nets, and in general, all across the front line where they were advancing before this border incursion. but here's what i'm, as he says a little or is that hers is a curb incursion, has finally revealed to the world of the same nature cube authorities. the criminals and ask you a resume keeps on demonstrating it's true new and not the essence to the whole world. i mean, the disaster situation for the ukrainian forces and dumbass, the gradient authorities launched the terrorist attack on the board of territories
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of the course region did not conceal the fact that the such them of the intended to improve their own negotiating positions in the future. despite oldest barbaric techniques, the landscape resume has not achieved its main goal to discharge the russian forces from dunbar as little as i mentioned. currently, the green and militants who broke into the chairs are in the crisp region, receiving a decisive rebuffed from russian forces, as well as trying to push the button to the same thing for his are now said to be moving in small groups around. so you called us on this end of this report for me because region or how the russian born 10 cool helping to count to cuba. dr. the, i'm working the cursed creatures, the beloved during the tax or keeps beeping, constantly signaling. there are usually some this guy's house, the situation tell us about it was because the church was not billable. now, it's a bit tense because the army is moving a little. we've taken up positions that were assigned to us so they weren't advance
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any further. we'll stop them, no matter what. the army is exhausted. i think they've already retreated, far back. they're running out of supplies and ammunition, so we'll push them back for the good. we're cutting them off completely, so they're scattered in small groups in the forest. we will eliminate those sabotage teams soon enough. reports say there are even polish in georgia nationals among them. staunch wester nationalists, but they will last here. now is not the time to talk or discuss. we need to get the job done 1st. afterwards we can figure out the wise and how's these up like right now, we need to unite and push the enemy back. or does this our main task now is to establish communication. we've been called the new challenges with their officer. a. reveals lowlands and hide some like are flooded and that's glance, but we've overcome this issue. and now we have stable communication. that's the key points which good communication means victory is near how much space you're holding
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. this doesn't look like means for communication for the product to go with some of the of this has been gathered in dos from my show for a to use of the war. but it works better than a k for a signal that we climb positions heavily patrol by drones. with a you a v, the tech to the end of 12 goal should be on, you know, 7 shots solve these problems. that's the, that's like a pedestrian, a defense system. that's exactly the main thing is it works. so we've taken positions and a settled team and got to know everyone knows where identify the enemy and doing with fire demonstrates and they roll around as if they own the places of the home. but now they will be more cautious. they didn't expect o u a b 's to get the so close to the operate somewhere over there. for now. there was just one we can see researching using u a b c or east 100 compared with places like joseph yard, where there are almost no for us here. it stopped for me,
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but we still have some old tricks from us. they've got that to help out is challenging for the we're managing quite less delve into this a little bit further. that's close to 5 now to nicholas member, which is the also and the president on the front end view west east nicholas. oh, it's a pleasure of seeing you. thank you so much for the yes. so there are these reports that we're hearing. the suggested that one of the keys goals was to seize the nuclear power plant. first of all need to go. how likely is it that this was indeed a go a spot and it has to be some strategic goal so far uh, keeps intrusion interested. what was the surprise? they've guys, they've gained quite a lot of land in for time. all everything is relative compared to the size of russia, of course. but for this to be worthwhile for the ukraine, you know, army and for kit, they have to have something substantial, something strategic so far they've gained settlements. they've gain a lot of forest, but that's not strategic. and the worst case scenario refresher,
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we're to lose this. this wouldn't change anything in our strategy. but there are, this is there, is this a nuclear power got in course, which would be a major price? of course for ukraine is also the railroad, which links subject to belt the road and by which you create in your army, the russian army today. transits, a personnel and military equipment, so far the ukrainian army has not again, a strategic asset. and this means that i think they have not reached their goal because without a switch you to guess it. they've just got out of wood so far. yeah. and the, i mean, lucy, look to show these russian folks who would have some real the contents of little no, no, a coming. but they totally get into that. i mean, we have kids last is now exceeding some, 2300. both of them knew risk vehicles are being destroyed. disney lives in cuz it was really was heavy. it wasn't well the fault out strategy. it seems so crazy. such a brazen move at
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a moment whether ukrainian armies actually losing against other russia or the russian army. i mean, ukraine is having a lot of difficulties defending across which is, which isn't uh, a target for the russian army. a torres is also a target for the russian army. the russian army is advancing. it's been gaining a lot of territory this past month. and at that specific time, ukrainian army decides to weaken its defense and to go it's of course, and all of a sudden we were where we see that in chris, there's no strategy after. after a couple of days, there's no strategic asset there. they don't have a front line. there are, i would say around into words. they've got different settlements, but this seems really like a crazy, crazy situation. why they've kept through this and even western funded, say, was this, this is maybe this is too far. what's the end game behind it is there is something that we haven't seen yet or which has yet to come. this is always possible, but we don't. a lot of people just don't understand why design sky is doing this. and it seems like some sort of a last photo mary's a to, to, to,
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to maybe do some sort of morales for the crate and troops. but this is a short term game on the long term. if ukraine doesn't get anything out of this, this was a, this will really back fire on her, i'll on the military and on and on as asking capacity to be credible within his own population. yeah, and yeah, that's it. so it's a little bit about the west. some pond is, i'm quite concerned or curious, should i say on why we haven't really heard much from the west. and the fact that, you know, ukraine has breached a. so when border has, you know, tried to have the time so many civilians or what the problem. so we know the us is all know we back if you claim whatever they decide with with them. but seriously, they must think that this is not a good idea. for is that i'm ski to this it seems so bizarre again. i don't think it's possible that zalesky color could have pulled this off without the western is
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western allies. knowing about this, anita is all over the place and ukraine has been there perhaps be since the coo data 2014. so they know what's going on. they knew what was happening. washington knew this brussels bears. they all knew this at some level of the government. what was going on? i think that, of course, as you just mentioned, this is an equal reach of the frontier. this is a very brazen attack against russia at a moment where ukraine is losing. i think they be allowed to ask you to do this, but they're all turning a blind eye because they know that this is something which could could really backfire so they definitely don't want to condone it. they don't, they don't want to to say anything specific about this because they hurt their need deep involved in what has happened. but they don't want to seem to be responsible for what's going on. so they're not pushing savanski. they're not saying much because they are responsible and also if ever this does backfire, they will be the 1st to say,
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this was the key initiative. we've got nothing to do this with this. of course, we're a guessing all alarm and that's just these double standards that the west has been playing around in ukraine and all around the world. so it wouldn't be anything you know, either i would even have time to sign a but i wouldn't clearly just add this. i mean this, this could also be used by washington to, to rep from on the scene. say that we didn't tell you to do that, you've done that now. maybe we need to take a different employee. i'm but i'm curious if that could be the next best possible, the worst that i have to do with that. oh, is it pleasure nicholas medical wish of both the am that president of the french india west east. thanks again for your time. i a thank you. hi there. so i'll send this out to the middle east of the un. security council has health and emergency session. following is what it is. so i called a school in garza city or find that it was less more than a 100 people that most the women and children. but a cell was again, on the defensive, claiming how much sizes would solve if it's
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a this is only part of the terrorist where eliminate the on saturday terrorist exploring thing to buy in school as a base for their murderous objectives. with the stomach was more of at the time, more than 2000 refugees. well sheltering that more than a 100 people died thousands. what ages for many of the victims of all, raymond children on saturday, august 10th, is around the target that notice school a, a, an innocent school. we target the dangerous terrorist operating in the come us command and control central center. we've in, in the in school team meeting, so sure civilians and civilian infrastructure should not be a target of major operations. this is a red line. israel should be praised. we are today the vanguard of
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civilization. here, we're good. good morning. i would like to testify here that the 16000 children killed since october 17 guys that have not committed suicide. i would also like to testify here that the more than $10000.00 women massacred there and have not committed suicide. every day you see is right, you're coming to the general flight every single day. every time they wanted to get older school solve this, see this 1st structure is right claims that it's fall on hospital was cool, east of necessity because by then assess the read because from us has been using these infrastructures to conduct a authoration. so do you always believe there is all these promises there? so using come us is actually the big excuse to ensure that they can logic back on the sleepiness infrastructure, the just the images. all right, now 3 real fits hits. this very school on site today is the will gathering for
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morning, pres, some of those in good, a still in critical condition. when done this morning, the desktop isn't sides, it's it. why is life possibly a track the is running movie route pull to the concert? i'll also surprise to the area the idea of claims moses was taken to minimize the number of civilian casualties. meanwhile, the u. s. has approved the sale of tens of thousands of exclusive munitions to as far as the dates of the package estimated at more than $20000000000.00, including flight the jazz miss off tank of a and much more washington also plays on sizes a to send an additional 3 m a haul $1000000000.00, admin fee a, a portion of the assistance, so apparently intended for an idea of the units that have placed allegations of violating human rights. first comprehensive backing all the hood was the condemnation of the security council meeting. the susan,
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this is the largest supplier weapons, has enough influence over israel. the hope that the us will take sincere and responsible actions to push israel to stop ex military operations and gaza. i those become so not to be led by washington, which is only concerned with protecting these roles, interest, and profits from the delivery of weapons to was owns from the start of this conflict between our mazda and israel. the united states has work to avoid a situation in which the fighting and gaza spirals into a broader regional conflict. fireball table and gaza are suffering. not tony from constant shilling, but also from a cliff to cool. lack of humanitarian aid woven to 1000000 people. almost the entire population currently face varying levels of hunger with at least 20 percent explosive streams. starvation and organizations say the risk of death from 5 men,
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it's odd as close to supplies being stopped from get things to and it's very representative of the you and has denied all the accusations. i'm quote, as terrorist propaganda, perhaps another session will be called because of more terrorist propaganda. i would like to leave you with this. i have been immensely, immensely proud to represent my country here, the most moral country in the world, the most more of the country in the world. you're listen, palistine, a representative, and then suddenly think simple. at some human rights model does offer identity laza . they say that since the beginning of the conflict is very positive, killed more than 17000 policy until then that is 2100 of them were in funds under 2 years old. arisen an instance of is a good time in the last tuesday claim to live live is a 2 day year old twins who were killed along with that family and then the idea of
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foaming and exclusive interview, the head of the indonesia, it lemme counsel. so the adults so opposite how came it says the us enables, the idea of the committee will find a better up the western countries are disingenuous in their handling of the palestinian situation. everywhere they talk about democracy, democracy should be strengthened. but in reality, they are authoritarian. they discuss upholding human rights. however, in reality, the us has facilitated the large scale destruction of palestinians. as of now about 40000 people have been killed. not to mention the wounded and the widespread devastation. it has not been demonstrated that the us presence had any effect on using the tensions or stopping the destruction. right now is real, is on the rampage. is israel listening to america?
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no, it is not. how can we trust the us to resolve the palestine issue? it has vetoed so many resolutions. in many cases it vetoes them to give an advantage to israel. palestine has been victimized to this day. there is very strong evidence that israel wants to completely destroy palestine and will build a new state under his riley rule to white palestine. austin, that many subjects i'm interested in science on bowling, say that or not reconsider is a to be of no matter what results come from an investigation to the no 3. 7th of that as well to germany is reported the issue and the rest florida in connection with the 2022 and supposedly took out the critical gas 5 by system. the substance of the want is the claim. the national building, so been living in poland, but also you're going to be the laws and now joins us live. i'm from a power s. this is an interesting story, rachel,
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we need the old sake on this appraisal. could you explain to please how i knew create in the iowa to load up this pipeline at the bottom of the bowl 6. c? o, we have a sauce that name now and wait till you hear it. so german authorities have this name for a ukrainian suspect, accused of blowing up north stream, and the name is lot of me or dead. yeah, that should narrow it down. they also say that he worked with 2 accomplices. no word on whether one's name is joe. be rushing vase, that means tanks or troops crossing the the border of ukraine. again, then there will be we, there will be no longer a nor seem to we, we will figure that. how will you do that exactly. since the project and
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control of the project, this was in germany's control, i promise you will be able to so what's this you for and suspect vladimir is these procession diving instructor according to german for us press reports. like one day he just woke up and was like, hey, i know how i can switch things up a bit for variety. when i go down to see the fish today, i think i'll just head down there with 500 kilograms of dynamite and do some casual acts of terrorism. yeah, that sounds totally legit. anyway, the north stream attack happened nearly 2 years ago now and took out germany's and europe's industrial lifeline of cheap gas from russia to the ultimate benefit of price. here, american liquefied natural gas. so 2 years on germany now says that they finally found the guy who did all of this, and the prosecutor general issues a warrant to arrest him in poland where he supposedly resides. but what he isn't
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actually in poland anymore. apparently homeless prosecutors are saying that he build out of there to ukraine just last month and didn't have much trouble doing so because germany apparently couldn't be bothered to even put the guys personal details into the database that would have flagged him with polish border patrol. the german process now saying that he was probably tipped off the whole story, bro. but then, how did he know that this information wasn't entered into the system and that he wouldn't have any trouble exiting poland guest now this psychic superman is just showing and ukraine with the ghost of kias and the heroes of snake island probably coming up with a new venture style pitch for hollywood, so it looks like north stream will just remain one big mystery. so who could possibly have been responsible to blow up north stream?
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lucille for sure. i was busy that day. i need it and you have to have i just uploaded or uh, it takes, you know, you personally may have an alibi, but the c. i a has no such alibi. do you have evidence that nato or to see i didn't mention, you know, i won't get into details, but people always say in such cases, looking for someone who is interested in this case, we should not only look for someone who is interested, but also for someone who has capabilities because there may be many people interested, but not all of them are capable of thinking to the bottom of the baltic sea and carrying out this explosion. these 2 components should be connected. who is interested and who is capable of doing it? yeah, look, well maybe it was a c i a or maybe it was just vladimir z who borrowed doors hammer and used as awesome, angry diving skills to smash up north stream. it's not like
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a pulitzer prize winning american investigative journalist own research hasn't already provided a slightly more plausible explanation for all this. that takes motive and state back capabilities into account biden's decision to sabotage the pipelines came after more than 9 months of highly secret back and forth. the bait inside washington's national security community about how to best achieve that goal. for much of that time, the issue wasn't whether to do the mission was how to get it done with no over to clue as to who was responsible. the backline bivens threatened north stream openly in front of the press, right at the white house he did right beside german, chancellor or life schultz who just stood there, kind of zoned out. and now they casually dropped the stories suggesting that it took them 2 years to find a suspect and back inconveniently managed to just disappear into creating the
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minute they decided that they wanted to arrest him. now the german press has run a photo of the suspect, where in his full diving here, just in case anybody needs a little less subtlety. with all of this, he didn't actually have any explosives within in the photograph, so, and reached by phone. the suspect apparently told the german press that he has nothing to do with any of this and is pushing back on germany's accusations who's publicly presented evidence seem to begin and ends with trust me, bro. yeah. is really interest inside kind of just looking to take a box that right, so, or looking for a full that i wouldn't have to do, even though it's good those into right. so, mazda now and so you contribute. so thanks again. well last, so for me, for that i as always is very, to have your company, my colleague mark who of course, will be with you at the top of the hour. so i have to do
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a very good day the we will have regulations, but from now on the rules will be written by people who love your industry, not hate your industry. the republican presidential nominate donald j. trump has promised to make the united states the crypto capital of the planet. he will even create a bitcoin strategic reserve with the currency already held at the us government. this, along with replacing several current government officials known for their bullish treatment of a crypto work makes donald trump a very popular with fans of the digital currency. what are these promises even realistic, or will they, like most words on the campaign trail?
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the short lived once the candidate is elected, i'm scared now hughes and this is perspective, the broad scale bankruptcy, money laundering. these are all adjectives used by the department of justice and the security exchange commission under president joe biden. and reference to the crypto currency industry. now, as expected, the democratic run it financial wing of the government is strongly opposed to crypto, as it gives them very little power control. was until lately, wall street top regulators had begun a sweeping enforcement crusade to charge a foreign and domestic investors, of like with anti money laundering violations of the car body registration has said most crypto talk is being sold. our b.


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