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tv   News  RT  August 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the disturbing images from the coast region as the russian army cuts off the ukrainian offensive, taking west and according to the pro fees. and it may take more than 2300 of the troops will stop them no matter what. the army is exhausted. i think they've already retreated far back. they're running out of supplies and they munition, so we'll push them back for good. we're cutting them off completely. as key of fault is that ex reported attempts to seize the course nuclear power plant. a rush of management report, this didn't capture the crate in troops and facing the flocks, as well as the subject to a wave of condemnation. the ask,
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the un security cancelled this because it disappeared over why more than a 100 civilians were killed in an attack on his golden guys. this is only part of the territories to wear, eliminate those on saturday. more than a 100 people died. many of the victims of old women and children, the civilians and civilian infrastructure should not be a target of major operations. this is a red line is ro should be raised, marlene and says they will keep supplying age good key. and even if it turns out that you create in the korean lab update judgments and made natural gas pipelines, the north street, the now, what could you do the coverage of the latest trends facing the world right now? this is all the international i a michael portrait. now russian troops in the coast
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region have for the 10 spa, ukrainian mobil brigades to break through in 5 areas as multiple the enemy. groups in the pickup, trucks were detected and eliminated. and that's what, according to the russian defense ministry, which has also disclosed new data on key of mounting losses. in the past 24 hours, the crating um forces have last up to 270 puss now. and 16 units of ahmed vehicles, including 2 times a strike, only personnel carrier. so it's even come back on the vehicles. this one is 10 cause and a 122 millimeter, how it's a draw, the fine thing in the cost direction. the enemy has lost up to 2300 by so now. now for us, for 3rd, from the russian military show of its troops destroying key equipment and personnel, a canadian and russell sent it to the army and vehicle was taken off the trophy. although russian forces also seeds are to magic weapons, i'd be
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a nation protective gear and the west and made communication systems. some visuals also show how key of capital t's were left behind by fleeing rags. now some ukrainian sold as escaped death instead were taken prisoner. now this puts, it shows the capture of troops from key of 80th and 8 to 2nd ad, or salt brigade. key of plans to seize the nuclear power plant in the cost region and then use it as a bargaining chip against moscow at any potential peace negotiations before the fox was revealed by the commander of russia's asking lots of special forces. and it was this, obviously ukrainian forces have not achieve their goal. they want it to take control of the course. can nuclear power plant by august. 11th today is august 14th. zalinski is blitzkrieg, which plan to seize the nuclear power plant and then enter the negotiations with an ultimatum. has not succeeded. key of deployed over 11000 soldiers. most of
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ukraine's military equipment that they used in the course region has been destroyed . they have spent all the resources, they had major general up to yellow, dean of the camacho, via smart special forces, who i know personally, he has a reputation of pretty much, never staying away from, from the front line. so he doesn't just rely on intelligence reports, which he of course does get, but he can see what is going on with his very own eyes as it happens from the full mostly most of the time, from the full, with most combined points. so according to him, a probably the initial plan and the initial goal of the ukrainian armed forces he and the coolest region was to rush the course. can nuclear power plant, get control over it? and then present russia with an ultimatum of that, of course, would be a tit for tat move in the eyes of key because russia right now is still, it has been for years now in control of these upper warranty of nuclear power plant
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. so getting control of something of similar caliber would, of course, would have seemed to have enjoyed some very well significant leverage here on when it comes to any negotiations with most schools that plan has failed. the ukrainian forces are right now, dozens of kilometers away from the course nuclear power plant. they have not been able to even start to get close to the facility. and right now it is operating as usual and in terms of fighting continues again, thousands and thousands of kilometers away from the facilities. again, according to make the general alo, dean of the ukrainian on forces are not in the full control of the town. so drunk, most of the resources, most of the manpower and the equipment that they have so far used here in the course region has been destroyed. the fighting continues all across the front line, the ukrainian on forces. they have been trying to reach the border with the
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belgrade region as well, but that their attempts have failed the end, the tracks, they have reserves on the ukrainian territory. and this we region, which they can deploy here or elsewhere. on the, at the same time the russian troops, we keep advancing in the don't pass outside of the town of den, that's uh, that was another hope of the key regime that may be this border. intelligent in the course region would see russia, the ceilings, airlines, and just sending their garrison's on other parts of the front. so that those sections would be stabilized by the ukranian militants. of that sofa hasn't happened to the russian forces continue their advance, their advance outside of the nets, and in general, all across the front line where they were advancing before this border incursion about russian foreign ministry. suppose will embody as a kind of by says that they cool scheme. caution has finally revealed to the well,
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the true nature of the key of authorities, the criminals, and ask you a resume keeps on demonstrating it's true new and not the essence to the whole world. i mean, the disaster restitution for the ukrainian forces and dumbass, the grainy and authorities launched a terrorist attack on the board of territories of the course, screeching did not conceal the fact that the such them of the intended to improve their own negotiating positions in the future. despite oldest barbaric techniques, the landscape resume has not achieved its main goal to discharge the russian forces from dun bus as little as on sionna. currently, the green and militants who broke into the territory, i'm the crisp region are receiving a decisive rebuff from russian forces for a while trying to push deeper into russia. you create in forces and now set to be moving in small groups on our tea, corresponded send this report from the cost region on how the russian volunteer corps helping to account a keeps dr. the, i'm working the cursed region, the beloved during the test. so it keeps beeping,
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constantly signaling. there are usually some this guys how does the situation tell us about it was because it should not be eligible. now it's a bit tense because the army is moving a little. we've taken out the positions that were assigned to us, so they weren't advance any further. we'll stop them no matter what. the army is exhausted. i think they've already retreated far back. they're running out of supplies and they munition. so we'll push them back for the good. we're cutting them off completely, so they're scattered in small pots in the forest. we will eliminate those sabotage teams soon enough. reports say there are even polish in georgia nationals among them. staunch wester nationalists, but they will last here. now is not the time to talk or discuss. we need to get the job done 1st. afterwards, we can figure out the whys and how's these up like right now? we need to unite and push the enemy back. or this is our main task now is to
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establish communication. we've installed the new challenges with their officer, a revisions lowlands, and hide some like our floods. and that's glance when we've overcome this issue. and now we have stable communication. that's the key points was good, communication means victory is near to what fits your holding. this doesn't look like means for communication for the product to go with some of the this has been gathered in dollars for my show for a to use of the war. but it works better than a k for a signal that we climb positions heavily patrol by drones with a u, a v. the tech to the n, a 12 goal should be on, you know, 7 shots solve these problems. that's like a pedestrian, a defense system. this is exactly the main thing is it works. so we've taken positions and a settled team and you've got to know everyone knows where identify the enemy and doing with fire damage and they roam around as they own the places of the home. but now they will be more cautious. they didn't expect
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o u a b 's to get so close the operate somewhere over there. for now, there was just wondering, we can see new searching using u a. b, c or east 100 compared with places like joseph yard, where there are almost no forests here. it's tougher. but we still have some old tricks from up the guy that hell is challenging. but we're managing now football, pentagon and security policy analysts miko model says that ukraine wanted to gain leverage for future negotiations, but has failed ukrainians. realize that they're not gonna be able to bring down the russian government or take to but they, but, but what, but they want to do is try to capture some russian lands and use it as a bargaining chip. frankly, what i'm hearing from various sources is that the russians had the, had a some earlier indications that there was going to be this attack. certainly with
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overhead they could, they could see forces mountie bucket and, and lowered them in lower the ukrainians in. and i think it was an interesting strategic a consideration because it drew forces away from the dom boss region where russian forces now have accelerated and are increasing their, their uh, their areas to, to, uh, to occupies. so it's, it's, it, and lot of the ukrainian forces some of the top not spiders came from that region. so in the last desperate attempt for what it in effect is a p r, stunt on the one hand, but also the gain some leverage in any negotiation. i think it does or concedes to the, to the world that the ukrainians realize that the only way they're going to deal with this now is to negotiate. and so they're trying to grab some leverage to ukraine is teetering towards bankruptcy. has the american credit analysis firm fits
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ratings as downgraded the country to quote, the restrictive default. a kid has failed to pay its obligations for the $750000000.00, lots of euro bonds. that previously you trade and blamed its west and the allies for its own the, you know, make decline out the financial aid for key of was delayed the financial. the finance minister said that the us was directly responsible for a whitening of the grades. $43000000000.00 national debt a, supposedly, because of a postponement of assistance from the washington men, while cab is talking about ramping up taxes and it's already where the citizens, as a permanent lawmaker has admitted the country faces a defacto default. even if it's media ship has yet to admit it, but still the powers that be trying to assure the public that everything is under control with ukraine is continuing to strengthen its financial stability. yesterday the state budget receives $3900000000.00 in
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a grant aid from united states. in general. this year we expect to receive $7800000000.00 in budget support from our american elyse. we're clearly scheduled for all indicators. we are carrying out all reforms. we're approving all necessary changes. ukraine is not really a functioning entity. it is what we call in finance. we pass through the vehicle. in other words, money comes in one and comes out another and nothing happens with it. it's something which is frequently used in bond payments, but the point is that ukraine is now totally own by to west, for as long as they wished, pouring money into, more or less continued to function. but there is no real economy there. there is some very substantial agricultural production still in the west. so it's very hard to explore that. there's really no market for germany is bad. economic trouble
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right now. do you night in states? is it less trouble but they're running is 7 point one percent deficit. and they are not going to be able to keep throwing money abroad, especially if mr. trump comes back that i think whoever wins the election, he's going to want to be cutting their loss. everyone knows that ukraine has no credible path to victory after the un. now why the security council has how the and emergency session following needs really strike on the school and gather safety on site. today, we've left more than 100 people dead, mostly women and children. but he is, will, once again, all he's on the defensive, a claiming that have mass fighters where the target this is only part of the territory, so were eliminated on saturday terrorist exploring thing on the vines school as
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a base for their murderous objectives with the thumb gro was more than the time more than 2000 refugees, well sheltering that more than a 100 people died thousands. what ages many of the victims were raymond children on saturday, august 10th. is there a target that not a school, not a, a, an innocent school. we target the dangerous terrorist operating in the come us command and control central center we've in, in the in school. do you mean sure, sure civilians and civilian infrastructure should not be a target of major operations. this is a red line. israel should be raised. we are today the vanguard of civilization. here, we're good. good morning, easy. i would like to testify here that the 16000 children killed since october 17 guys have not committed suicide. i would also like to testify here system more than
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$10000.00 women massacred there has not committed suicide. every day you see is right, your commit to the general flight every single day. every time they wanted to get older school solve this uh cbm structure is right claims that it's fall on hospital was cool east of necessity because but then assessing me because from us i haven't been using a piece of infrastructures to conduct of operations. so do you always believe there is always come on there? so using comma is actually the big excuse to ensure that they can logic back on the scene as a prospector. as a warning that disturbing images are ahead. now 3 rockets hit this cooling site today as people wake gathering for morning prize the some of those age are still in critical condition with doctors wanting that the death full is expected to rise. now right after the attack, these really military reportedly caught off of what that supplies to the area of
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the idea of claims measures were taken to minimize the number of civilian cosivity and casualties. been while the us has approved the sale of tens of thousands of highly explosive munition to use. well, it's part of the latest package, estimated that more than $20000000000.00, including the flight. the jets nestles tom campbell and more. now washington, also pledged on sack today to send an additional $3500000000.00 a military aid. a portion of that assessment is apparently intended for an idea of a unit that has faced allegations of validating human rights for so many years. now that's such comprehensive backing up as well, but would self condemnation? i'd be un un security council meeting. schools on the us is the largest supplier weapons has enough influence over israel. we hope that the us will take sincere and sponsible actions to push israel to stop its military operations. and gaza is the counsel not to be led by washington,
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which is only concerned with protecting these roles, interest, and profits from the delivery of weapons to was owns from the start of this conflict between a mouse in israel, the united states has work to avoid a situation in which the fighting and gaza spirals into a broader regional conflict. i know people in gaza asoft a not only from constance, shelly, but also from a critical lack of you. many tier in aid, not more than 2000000 people, almost the entire population currently face varying levels of hunger with at least 20 percent expose to stream starvation, not aid organizations say that the risk of death from funding as high as crucial supplies are being stopped from getting through now are these rarely representative at the u. n. has denied all the accusations as quote, terrorist propaganda. perhaps another session will be called because of more
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terrorist propaganda. i would like to leave you with this. i have been immensely, immensely proud to represent my country here, the most moral country in the world, the most more of the country in the world. you listen, but a senior representative. now this contradicts reports from the human rights of monitors operating in guys that they say that since the beginning of the conflict, these really forces have killed more than 17000 policy named children. at least 2100 of them were in funds on the 2 years old, i received instead of ease ready brutality. last tuesday came the lives of 2 day old twins who were killed along with their family in an idea of bombing. now we spoke with ease where the parliament member of cas, if he said that the conflict cannot be resolved with military action, there is no justification. go, there must have been gentle side the 2nd day. the government of these ladies
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responsible for e gaus asleep in those clothes. this is also a sacrifice of these lady austin. ship these any sort of jazz. and let's not forget that this is something that they want to the name for size that the smoke screen of the sort on gaza. those ethnic cleansing going on in the west bank in which settled their joyce to reach for not except to the under the auspices and protection of the occupation forces. and this opponent, encouragement of the government. they've been kidding out, an ethnic lean, seeing both philistines, even the west bank in generally what a, so many more than 20 communities banished because of the dots. let's not forget this either. the only way to stop the blodgett than the software being well for everybody. here is the policy nance is by not only in being these 3 mean out of the war guys, we do all informed. there are leasing bills to j,
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as in the previous the mailbox. the main thing is to invoke you. patients, as the owner of the corporation goes on, as long as the buddies, the people, you know, believe it a tips on this malaysia. so q patient does no stability and no security for anyone . and i just wish that the, the, well, we understand that's to now berlin says it will not because of that it's age to key of a no my tell what the results come from an investigation into the north street and sabotage. now that's after germany's reported to have issued an arrest warrant and connection with a 2022 explosion that to count the critical gas pipeline system. now the subject of the warranty, so you created a national believe to have been living in poland, are to contribute to rate to a mass that picks up the story from here. so we have a subset name now and wait to hear it. so german authorities have this name for a ukrainian suspect, accused of blowing up north stream,
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and the name is lava. mere said, yeah, that should narrow it down. they also say that he worked with 2 accomplices. no word on whether one's name is joe. be rushing vase, that means tanks or troops crossing the, the border of ukraine's again. then there will be we, there will be no longer a nor seem to we, we will figure that. how will you do that? exactly. since the project and control of the project is within germany's control, i promise you will be able to do so. what you for in suspect vladimir is these procession. driving instructor, according to german for us press reports. like one day he just woke up and was like, hey, i know how i can switch things up a bit for variety. when i go down to see the fish today,
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i think i'll just head down there with 500 kilograms of dynamite and do some casual acts of terrorism. yeah, that sounds totally legit. anyway, the north stream attack happened nearly 2 years ago now and took out germany's and europe's industrial lifeline of cheap gas from russia to the ultimate benefit of pricier american liquefied natural gas. so 2 years on germany now says that they finally found the guy who did all of this, and the prosecutor general issues a warrant to arrest him in poland where it supposedly resides. but what he isn't actually in poland anymore. apparently, police prosecutors are saying that he build out of there to ukraine just last month and didn't have much trouble doing so because germany apparently couldn't be bothered to even put the guys personal details into the database that would reflect games with polish border patrol. the german process now saying that he was probably tipped off. cool story, bro. but then,
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how did he know that this information was entered into the system and that he wouldn't have any trouble exiting poland guests. now this site keeps superman is just showing. and ukraine with the ghost of kias and the heroes of snake island probably coming up with a new venture style pitch for hollywood. so it looks like north stream will just remain one big mystery. so hoping possibly ive been responsible to blow up north stream you for sure. i was busy that day. maybe you have to have i just uploaded or uh, you know, you personally may have an alibi but is the c i a has no such alibi didn't. did you have evidence that nate over to see i did it meant to, you know, i won't get into details, but people always say in such cases, look for someone who is interested in this case. we should not only look for someone who is interested,
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but also for someone who has capabilities. because there may be many people interested in, but not all of them are capable of thinking to the bottom of the baltic sea and carrying out this explosion. these 2 components should be connected, who is interested and who is capable of doing it. yeah, the, well, maybe it was a c i a, or maybe it was just vladimir z who borrowed doors hammer and used as awesome and great diving skills. mass ignored stream is not like a pulitzer prize winning american investigative journalist own research hasn't already provided a slightly more plausible explanation for all this. that takes motive and state back capabilities into accounts biden's decision to sabotage the pipelines came after more than 9 months of highly secret back and forth the bait inside washington's national security community about how to best achieve that goal. for much of that time, the issue wasn't whether to do the mission was how to get it done with no over to
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clue as to who was responsible. that when bivens threatened nordstrom openly in front of the press, right at the white house he did right beside german chancellor. oh, i've schultz who just stood there, kind of zoned out. and now they casually dropped the stories suggesting that it took them 2 years to find a suspect and back inconveniently managed to just disappear into crane. the minute they decided that they wanted to arrest him. now the german press has run a photo of the suspect, where in his full diving year, just in case anybody needs a little less subtlety. with all of this, he didn't actually have any explosives within in the photograph though, and reached by phone and the suspect apparently told the jury and trust that he has nothing to do with any of this and is pushing back on germany's accusations who's publicly presented evidence seem to begin and ends with trust me,
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bro. well, not the ukrainian divert who was allegedly, with the suspect you in the north street, blocked is dismissed all the allegations as slender. and then we heard from jim and politician alexander, have on best mock. and he said to us that ukrainian involvement in the attack is undeniable. this on thinkable terrorist attack on north stream 2 years ago was of course the work of the united states. journalist seymour hersh very convincingly explained how they were connected with this. sweden and denmark eventually abandoned the investigation and handed it over to germany. so now we are the fools who have to investigate this. and all the media in germany is being kept in the dark. but the, for an intelligence agency and special services of course, know who it was. we don't need to speculate at all. they know everything. and now
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they are trying to blame the craniums. and it is quite possible that some ukrainian is really involved in this. there is no doubt about that. this is perhaps the us plan this with them, but who is really behind this? we also saw at the press conference of german chancellor schultz and president biden went by and said very clearly that they would find a way to stop the word stream. but this is, i'm think, a bull. this is why our economy is suffering gravely now because we are no longer receiving a russian guess. well apparently all western countries, including the u. c s are not interested in that at all. they won't actively disclose it further, which is simply on think about to me. in fact, in 2 years, everything would become clear because only professionals could do this. amateurs can do this. only professionals codes and people will try to keep it
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a secret. unfortunately, there will be no consequences even if you cream is involved. and splitting are, is not items rushes energy giant arrows that tom is powering its way through to the north pole for the 5th time in the company's history. well, this time around, it's an international affair with a hand picked the crew from around the world, taking pots for the 1st time. after hours the fonts corresponding diary of an over takes us on board dies breaker. so we're on board the nuclear icebreaker. 50 years of victory, it is on this most powerful icebreaker in the world that will set off to the top of the planet, the north pole, the ice breakers 160 meters long and 30 meters wide. you can reach speeds of up to 21.4 knots. the ice breakers crew consist of 140 people and his passenger capacity is 128 people. the expedition is organized by the russian company. russ adam,
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which specializes in nuclear energy. and although it is taking place for the 5th time this year, the expedition became international for the 1st time. there are a 125 people on board from 14 countries, including china, hungry turkey, kinda room and others. to do i pay more extra. i was delighted when i was selected . going on this expedition is a dream that i had been trying to realize for most of my life. for me, this is a bright event, because a representative of cameron roon will visit the top of the world. when i returned from sochi and told my colleagues and family that i was going to the north pole, they were very happy. we are glad that the level of education and camera room allows us to apply our knowledge and skills abroad. i sincerely think ross adam for the opportunity to gain such an exceptionally wonderful experience. look back to sleep on the car, show that the 4 and participants of the expeditions were selected during the world


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