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tv   News  RT  August 15, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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russia on the black sea where recently they've got a serious about making some world class one the key of admit that have private consultations with western partners all because encouraged contradicting abortion things. narrative which are you denied any info he was mediate, came to crayton school, not come on the in chief valerie solution that you would be most in line behind the notes, stream timeline explosions. but evidence, however, points to c. i a involvement and also has the we have prompt to carry the blood of 400000000 people to eradicate the colonial rule in india. as india celebrates its independence day from gorgeous colonial rule, we look at how new delays drives the software and see like others across the globe to rise up against imperialism enough. but when india games independence makes
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it inspired, people around the world was due on the colonial believes that it's possible to change thought to break free from colonial power. the a very welcome. this is all to international with a very late as well news update, as always is great to have you with us. our top story, this hour and evacuation has to be noted in yet another district of the cost region close to the ukranian folder. it follows the defense system shooting down a drone in the note neighboring belgrade region, well, thirty's, early to class, a federal emergency troops all continuing to push back efforts. bye key of support is to move the part into russian territory. the now the update from russian unit is on the ground to state a group of ukrainian power troopers has been forced to retreat new, the village of bulky versus defense ministry reports. ukraine lost $270.00 soldiers
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in the cost region over the past 24 hours or so. now says total losses in the incursion have reached at $2300.00 men. i'll say correspondence, it goes down of can tell us more of russia has been able to contain the initial advance of the ukrainian forces, and now it is slowly getting on the offensive itself. the village of my tenants. previously that was under the control of the ukrainian armed forces is now back under the russian control. that's according to major general and the command of the month, a special force, a general up to the low gene of so previously up to yellow, dean of reveal to what he believes was the initial plan on the ukranian militants. here, apache, the blitzkrieg was meant to lead the ukrainian force to the court as can you please power station and the fight, say things out, it would have allowed the key human would have provided the key regime with enough
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leverage to basically confront russia with an ultimatum now the pricing of course is still, it does still continue, the ukrainians are leaving by themselves the onto showing any intent to leave. so it seems that the russian armed forces will have to do well to, to do a hard work to, by just to kick them out of the internationally recognized brushing touchy this wouldn't be much holiday for the russian jets. what operating 247 here they are. hitting both the front lines on the ukrainian reserves in the back at the same time or the ukrainians. they have revealed that apparently they have been consulting with our nato allies before this board winters and something that both the united states and europe had previously denied. there are certain things that have to be done with the element of surprise and that have to happen on the local level. but there were discussions between partner forces,
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just not on the public level. now this statement is a bit of a stab in the back. so the american president joe biden, who spokes person just a day earlier, just the day before that had claimed that the american leader did not to get a heads up. can i ask what you create as large whats the, what are the us is the us support see frames incursion into the coast regions? i don't have anything else to share. i, i don't. what i will say is that of, we're certainly not engaging any aspect of the planning or preparation of this operation. but generally speaking, we're going to continue to support ukraine as a, as a defend themselves against russia's aggression. russia's attacks don't have anything else to, to share beyond that. we're not going to speak to ukrainians a military operation. that's something that they should do for themselves. the russian uh for a spokeswoman for the, for administrative money as a how do i have said that basically this operation has shown to the world who
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exactly and what exactly the key regime is the criminals and ask your resume keeps on demonstrating it's true new and not the essence to the whole world. i mean, the disaster situation for the ukrainian forces in dumbass, the ukrainian authorities launch the terrorist attack on the board of territories of the course. screeching game did not conceal the fact that the such them of the intended to improve their own negotiating positions in the future. despite oldest barbaric techniques, the landscape resume has not achieved its main goal to discharge the russian forces from dunbar as little as i mentioned. currently the green and militants who broke into the chairs are of the crisp region are receiving a decisive rebuff from russian forces. so there you have it, but the fact that the ukrainians have just reveal that apparently everyone was in the know when it comes to their allies. when it comes to the united states to be you, that they were in the know of their plans to, to, to try this border incursion into russia. it doesn't really change much because
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even when this operation kick started in the 1st place, after a few hours of silence, both the united states and europe, they did come out and said that they do fully support the ukrainian, this ukraine operation. and that they support the right to defend themselves, however, they see fit and this quiet of support to ukraine and to the new escalation of this war. it doesn't, it doesn't die down. the ukraine has the right to self defense and it's clear that they can do their operation and cursed. we fully support ukraine and it's different operations. and personally, i wish them luck. things are very, very difficult for ukraine on other parts of the front, outside of the nets and elsewhere. so this seems to be a major, full in move by keys on the fighting here on the ground in the course region could define the outcome of this war altogether. also had the french and g,
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a west to east to make an america which these western states have chosen that was casually, as they were afraid of being held responsible in case the close for the assault that 5 they allowed 0 ask you to do this, but they're all turning a blind eye because they know that this is something which could, could really bad fire. so they definitely don't want to condone it. they don't, they don't want to to say anything specific about this because that her, there need deep involved in what has happened. but they don't want to seem to be responsible for what's going on. so they're not pushing so landscape. they're not saying much because they are responsible and also if ever this does backfire, they will be the 1st to say, this was a kiff initiative. we've got nothing to do this with this. of course, we're a guessing all along and that's just these double standards that the west has been playing around in ukraine and all around the world this minute. and so it's, it wouldn't be anything new. the wall street journal has what is, what is quoting and exclusive, but just of which essentially let's washington ends on some of the landscape of the hook for the 2022 node stream,
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a top well directly implicating another talk ukranian spigot. they also also claims the c. i a tried to prevent it from going ahead, but ukraine ignore the warnings. and within days the lensky approve the plan. according to the 4 people familiar with the plot, all arrangements were made verbally leaving no paper trail. the ca, warrens the landscapes office to stop the operation. us officials said ukrainian president then ordered the loose need to hold it. but the general ignored the order in his t modified the original plan. saying is that again, the western names for media has gone from, let's not forget, blaming originally of russia for sabotage in itself. so now, blaming kids and some would argue of throwing it under the bus. now what the wall street journal claim is that this was a crazy, an operation that costs around $300000.00. and they want us to believe that it was just, it was concocted on a busy night,
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buzzing out i on may 2022. so if you want to talk to the special military operation, the guys that was senior, ukrainian military officials and a couple of business men. and they came up with this plan. so they ran to the jolts apparently, and that was so that they created the illusion that they're just 6 people going on . a pleasure cross cover as well. cover exactly. and then apparently somehow they place the bomb is which led to the series of explosions. and as we know this happened and of september 2022. so this is what they claim, and they claim that the main mastermind a little was the landscape commander in chief at the time. but there is illusion. and apparently, so lensky said some don't do it after all, after the c i a supposedly once to save the day and the savior say, listen to reason you shouldn't do it. and apparently he listened to no one and then listened to his boss. he then listened to the c i, and just forge the head. he now denies those screen dinners the illusion. the now ukraine's ambassador to the united kingdom said in
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a text exchange that he knows nothing of any such operation. and that any suggestion to the contrary is a mere provocation. the ukraine's armed forces he added, weren't authorized to conduct overseas missions, and he therefore wouldn't have been involved earlier this year. so lensky actually out that's illusion, a because he wanted to shake up some saw that move as a particularly him trying to get rid of, but potentially political arrival in the future. but the point is that he was appointed as ukraine's ambassador to the united kingdom. so if you define the c, i is all orders. if you the fives a lot of skis orders, then you appoint them as ukraine's ambassador to the united kingdom. again, something that doesn't, doesn't at all, and it's a crushing gig just aligned with fish. germany reportedly issued on arrest warrant in connection with the north stream explosions. how does that fit into this pro exactly. there were a lot of investigations that were launched after this happened. the denmark,
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sweden, for example, also launched investigations not let know where the couldn't pinpoint the suspect they set up a time. it wasn't so difficult to analyze the data there. they're driven investigation which took almost 2 years to complete them. they looked at everything, e mail, mobile satellite, phone communications, dna samples from the elect, sabotage team. and it resulted in, in the rough sword for ukrainian national, who had been living in poland at the time. and he apparently was the culprit, the main diver that place the bones. he somehow, even though they identified the man, he somehow managed to flee and is now apparently in the united kingdom. all of this is very bizarre again, because if you take it back, you boss william and they'll allow this about sabotage and then harming damage in the these pipelines. it was washington. all, let's say to bad if russian bates that means tanks and troops crossing the the border of ukraine again, then there will be we,
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there will be no longer on our steam to we, we will figure that, how will you do that? so exactly, since the project and control of the project is worth in germany's control, i promise you will be able to joe biden, there himself, his own words. and this was just a few months before may the actual, when they planned this and then september, when the explosions took place. fast forward a few years later, when vladimir putin has been interviewed by tucker carlson. and he wants to get in states the office and even talk a call center is on the same opinion at this point as are many, many other people because this doesn't at all who blow up north stream you for sure. i was busy that day. i need it and you have to have uh, i just uploaded or through. uh, you know, you personally may have an alibi,
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but the c. i a has no such alibi. do you, do you have evidence that nato, or did it make sense? you know, i won't get into details, but people always say in such cases, look for someone who is interested in this case, we should not only look for someone who is interested, but also for someone who has capabilities. because there may be many people interested, but not all of them are capable of thinking to the bottom of the baltic sea and carrying out this explosion. these 2 components should be connected. who is interested and who is capable of doing it? well, you may want to ignore of lot of my posts, and of course on what he has to say when they ignore talk a call soon. you want to ignore joe biden himself, but there was another investigation by us award winning journalist seymour hersh. and now his stuff has always been credible. he uncovered a disruption in the my lai massacre before. and the us simplicity in that. and what he had to say was, washington was behind the sabotage on the north stream gas pipelines by the
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decision to sabotage the pipelines came after more than 9 months of highly secret back and forth. the bade, inside washington's national security community about how to best achieve that goal . for much of that time, the issue wasn't whether to do the mission was how to get it done with no over to clue as to who was responsible. once again, it's up to the viewers to decide what seems more reasonable, more logical, and what makes sense at the end of the day, and based on what we're seeing and how many investigations point the finger towards washington. and how we're seeing all these attempts, especially in mainstream media, in the west. fine. so now do any use or not blame and rush up up throwing their old pals under the bus that should say some we spoke with sweden based independent political research, a greg simon's about the bombshell article. and he says the claims in the report was made little sense in terms of he watch when he gave the go ahead for the attack
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a, it's a, it's another one of these, a teams that flows of old deniability. that is why nice women facts, but anything above that of the this attempt to shovel it on to someone else and try to come out. but mostly because it's like a very, very big movie spread, which i mean is probably the best of lee and raises and raisins. logic wise, possibly challenge that stuff and doesn't like, saves that and does a very, very people look to bring some but a, you might this show a policy out of the cycle speaking with one voice. so washington, this is something more people they say will confirm what they have in washington. see, america have ridiculous and the, the also that does the site does a mock. cindy is 78 the independence day from british colonial rule,
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with celebrations in full swing to the well, it's most populous country. new delhi announcements use, same as developed to india, symbolizes to vision of a process for us, and really develops nation by 247. that tech will not be $100.00 on a vast array of india. separation from its colonial envelope apartment is the mode . this is the country. and as people can, i become all obstacles and the way to achieving his goals. and then we have prompt to carry the blood to 400000000 people to eradicate the colonial rule in india. today, we are 1000000000 full 100000000. and if we move together in the same direction by 2047, we can become vixen pallet overcoming all the obstacles. and the way to these when india got independence from a long and bloody british rule, and the readings are movie today, gave a speech which last and for last 98 minutes making of the longest speech hour given
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by him from the read forth on the in the day to day was 11th, consecutive speech sickness, team of the independent, the celebrations to be in and yet has also been witness in part of the woodson part that essentially translates to would develop during the region of the rings movie to meet in the developed by 2047, prominence, and there is a movie also called on the citizens to take a moment and reflect on the sacrifices that the freedom fighter has made. in fact, to carry on the legacy to build the country for award into a stronger and realm of nations department assessing that india will forever being debt to the freedom fighters. but just to be the prime minister sees that india needs a secular civil code. he also, in the long speeds, spoke about as the need for protecting the minorities across the board or in bongo
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these. he also spoke about building a was tough education system within the country so that a students don't have to leave the country and go outside of want to study to some of the pry, municipal speech of blue for and for gold to reforms is what he's indicating that he spoke about making india and developed in the out one nation, one election. we mean, agricultural or no, don't we need a need for the uniform civil code but a 2nd to our civil court. so very, very resolutely, with speech, by the prime minister. his was independence, a speech also coming to power recently as a coordination government in movie 3.2 is a figure above all of the synonymous with indian independence mahatma guntee. and while pushing for self determination and software and see in his home country, the past of this was and a id already spread much further than south asia. a month came to find in the
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struggle for freedom, and his influence had a profound impact. not only on india, but also across the globe, mahatma gandhi style of non violent protest and intelligent opposition to colonialism, found a particularly infuse, yes to the audience in africa, where his influence on emerging independence campaigns was immense. complete independence through truth and non violence means the independence of every unit be at the humblest of the nation. without distinction of race, color, or creed. telling, lee gandhi had experienced the brutality of colonial apartheid during his time. working as a lawyer in south africa gundy was forcibly removed from the whites only carriage on a train in peter mart's book for novel being, laws that segregated each carriage according to race. it would be cowardice to run back to india without fulfilling my obligation. the hardship to which i was
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subjected was superficial. only a symptom of the deep disease of color prejudice. i should try if possible, to root out the disease and suffer hardships in the process of his treatment as a 2nd class citizen in colonial africa. during his time working, there was a turning point in his life and to find the moment he dedicated that life to the fight against colonialism, whoever. it's also important to remember that in reality, gandhi's influence was essentially global giants of african nationalism of liberty such as nelson mandela kwan may, new coma and judy. as nearly all embrace the teachings of this legendary indian leader from south america to asia, gandhi's month of non violent resistance became a central part of many freedom. movements from cuba to northern ireland. because influence and wisdom found, infuse the caustic advocates at the struggle for independence spread like wildfire across the globe. the impact of india's fight for freedom was particularly profound
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in countries like gonna lead us like quantum, a new chrome i saw the potential of gun these methods of teachings inspired by india success cru. my adopted similar strategies in guns fight in britain's colonial rule. telling me, diana became the 1st african nation to probably gain its independence in 1957. at 1st, i could not understand how gone these philosophy of non violence could possibly be effective. it seemed to be utterly feeble and without hope of success. the solution to the colonial problem, as i saw it at that time, lay in armed rebellion after months of studying gandhi's policy and watching the effect it had. i began to see that when backed by a strong political organization, it could be the solution to the colonial problem. as democratic, india celebrates its national day. it represents
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a beacon of hope for many countries still struggling to achieve true independence in the post colonial period. india's modern day role and the brakes alliance is testament to its commitment to a fair, multi point, a world for partnership and cooperation, replaced dominance and coersion. so today is indians, proudly remember, gandhi is the architect of indian independence. many others around the world will also be thinking india for leading the way for their own struggles for liberty. in particular, they were a member of the gentle lawyer from portland to, despite his small physical stature lead not only india, but dozens of other countries onto their pa, for independence, and freedom. and my colleague mike, a college i spoke with the son of julia as newberry, so tons and the, as far as presidents who us are just heard, was among those at the forefront of the sites that african independence from british will not iraq new reverie phase. india's efforts, in spite of the confidence at launch to fight for its freedom in the name some
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faces may have changed. so there's colonialism. the dr flex location is still a very strong and maybe even stronger than that. i believe that it was 50 years ago . what is the difference between the indian and tons on in, or maybe in general, african ways of fighting for freedom from colonial powers? what's the backup pass in your opinion? if we come back both sides, i do. this is a strong connection. the issue looking in history between the independent struggles in india and those in terms of the end of a office and countries when, when india gained independence in 1948, it conspired people around the world was still under colonial. right, to believe that it's possible to change, to break free from colonial powers of the independence tons and here also supported of african countries fight for freedom. it became a key player in the struggle in many locations. it also came on the tech from the
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portuguese colonial forces. india also led by naval health start the minor lined movement, which also included in many african countries. the movement gave newly independent countries the way to work together and resist the new phones of colonialism. doesn't. yeah, also joined the movement of states independence in 1961. so when india for treatment dependents through 9 and violent means tons of new, it took a different approach, especially when it came to a support for the liberation struggle installed in african my father. i believe that all the peaceful efforts should come 1st. uh, he believes that if they didn't quote, if it was not a positive response for the colonizers, then it, it became necessary to use force. and so when peaceful methods they thought of seed, he became a strong support of regression, struggling in something of
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a being sold. the top 3, the indian prime minister has said india signs of becoming a lead, a global economic powerhouse with a strong focus on advanced technologies. to achieve that target, let's take a look at the numbers. so we, on the history of how the indian economy has evolved over the centuries. and it plays colonial era. india was one of the, well, the economic superpower, as a housing for a quarter of the world's g. d, p, in the 16th century, for example. and at the same time, british ged peebles and anyway, close to india, an economic capacity in the same period. the strength of the indian system was mainly built on the exports of manufactured goods, artistic hands across including jewelry and bloss, with textile industries. all sorts of spine sees and other products accounted for a large proportion of pre colonial indian exports. however, on the london road, india was turned into an explosive roll materials with
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a full half of its foreign trade, restricted to boards, and the crown controlled into his trade and tack system, and made it on for the tables for the south asian country to expos manufactured goods well, fledging this up confidence with made in britain products. so money ended up flowing back to europe over and over again. indian historian handles and goods to assess the bushes. wealth was built on the 5th of india as well. it was colonialism all about it was about teaching books, an extra sauces and all the big things that he had on siphoning them off, in essence to the waste to england. you know, england's going back to the became aware of the country by the india being the british plus the right that india shore. britain was a pull country. india was far more richard and good. and richard became aware of the country by stealing from india. and there will be many used to make single
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softball estimates. so this started off to with all the trillion dollars worth in, you know, into these assessment. if you look at what the rates all good to the goods was stolen on, well, it was stolen from india or extracted from india and transferred to the west by the, by the colonial rulers. of course, the indian though, you know, minds and the germans in jewelry, indian diamonds, all kinds of things. what extract it from india, i shifted. so this is a tragedy. and this is the story of colonialism in india. and so the liberation from the british empire allowed india to regain its economic power. the country now stands at the top 5 economies of the world ahead of its former colonial ruler in order to become one of the fastest growing markets across the globe. the government also established the made in china program, so it's ultimate goal is to become a leading manufacturer and investment destination. and the strategy is bearing fruits and expanding i to say to encompassing artificial intelligence,
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data science and other space has added to indian growth, and will the medical sex and renewable energy remain among the key priorities for development and goal set good to again. so he's the economic tide has turned in the favor of new dining, or you can get started as the long each, the right. that means in your lease agree gaming, all the flowers are tired of the boss. you know, you look at our information technology system, which has to be that greed saw so well in the last to introduce id of indian id companies and digitize nation and technology saw the biggest and most successful companies in india are in. that's be also in the factory to use beginning to lead games to india, crossman shipping. the of, you know, fmc d product. so in every sector you'll see lots of larger companies and, you know, entrepreneurial efforts in every direction, especially in things like technology. we are really superseding england. you will
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see you what i've read in the news that you want to bring, the biggest static on companies is now investing in british telecom pseudo estate companies. now that have beginning to buy up the british companies, you know, the, the, you know, the diet has done and as it were entities, india, which is probably in the, in, in the seat of power. so i can use a gauze and now west on so same paperwork, hills and douglas the he wouldn't get an idea strikes on residential buildings and con eunice on wednesday, that's according to local authorities that says, the total, dest, tulsa policy is 40000, the ambulances rush, casualties to the already overwhelmed um no sir hospital residence. well since they waited for the bodies at their relatives to be released to them, a medical facility has long been lasting, sealed on humanitarian supplies,
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to treat the growing flows of wounded us. meanwhile, 5 people have been killed and the latest is really race on the west bank houses was severely damaged as a result of the operation. as well as the military has been conducting regular rates across the palestinian territory, which is only escalated since the gongs the conflicts erupt. it, people are also facing violent attacks by illegal is really stuff lives we spoke with a member of the is what it is very congested as a can see if and he's one of the view of ethnic cleansing is being carried out in the west. but there's no justification, go, there must have been general side the 2nd day, the government, the feasibility response to before, even gaza, sleep in those clothes. this is also a sacrifice of these lady austin, ship these any sort of jazz. and let's not forget that this is something that they want to name for size, the smoke screen of the sort of guns that.


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