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tv   News  RT  August 15, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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the the key of it makes it has private consultations with west and toughness on the cost and caution contradicting washington's narrative, which really it denied any involvement you for any and 4th is on the 14th and the don't pass a sound. think of the of the rushes, the gone to the region is clear, redirects reinforcements, and on the to the cost region. us media claims ukraine's full commander in chief, a valid reason. lucian, a was the last in line behind the screen pipeline explosion for the evidence. now at the point 60, i involve also added to this day in the a continues to of the world when it comes to standing against exploitation. a precedent over to you. as a matter of fact, it is not only apricots,
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the india continues to stand for the entire global saw. the india mock 78 years of independence from ford has colonial road. south africa celebrates freedom, flies and mahatma gandhi is wisdom found as soon as the advocates for the 2020 india games independents banks and 48 inches by a people around the world. we're still under to believe that it's possible to change dr. great colonial power. the very well welcome to us just and 6 pm here in most go in. this is all to international with the latest world news updates is great to have you with us. russian defense ministry advisor andre canal netscape saves ukraine's operation, and the cost region is being co ordinated by the west. that's, as russian forces were still control over 2 villages in the coast region close to
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the ukrainian folder and another update from russian students on the ground to say a group of ukrainian power treat this as being false to which ways that the village of bulky rushes defense ministry reports that ukraine has lost up to $340.00 soldiers and the cost region over the past 24 hours or so. as this keeps total losses throughout the incursion have reached $2609.00. o. c corresponds with eagles, donald springs as well, of russia has been able to contain the initial advance of the ukrainian forces, and now it is slowly getting on the offensive itself. so previously major general on the come on the of the model, special force, a general up to the low gene of reveal to what he believes was the initial plan of ukrainian militancy apache. the blitzkrieg was meant to lead the ukrainian force to the course. can you please power station on the bike,
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say things that it would've allowed to keep regime and would have provided the key regime with enough leverage to basically confront russia with an ultimatum. now the pricing of course is still, it does still continue, the ukrainians are leaving by themselves the onto showing any intent to leave. so it seems that the russian on forces will have to do well do to do a hard work to bite just to take them out of the internationally recognized brushing touchy this would have been much holiday for the rushing jets went or pricing 247 here the hitting both of the front lines on the ukrainian reserves in the back at the same time or the ukrainians. they have revealed that apparently they have been consulting with our nato allies before this border intelligence. something that both the united states and europe had previously denied. there are certain things that have to be done with the element of surprise and that have to
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happen on the local level. but there were discussions between partner forces, just not on the public level. now this statement is a bit of a stab in the back for the american president, joe biden, who spokes person just a day earlier. just the day before that had claimed that the american leader did not get a heads up. can i ask what you create as well, it's one of the, one of the us is the us support see frames incursion into the coast regions. i don't have anything else to share. i, i don't. what i will say a is that a, we're certainly not engaging any aspect of the planning or preparation of this operation. but generally speaking, we're going to continue to support ukraine as a, as a defend themselves against russia's aggression. russia's attacks don't have anything else to, to share beyond that. we're not going to speak to ukrainians a military operation. that's something that they should do for themselves. the russian uh for a spokeswoman for the, for administrative money as
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a how do i have said that basically this operation has shown to the world who exactly and what exactly the key regime is the criminals and ask you a resume keeps on demonstrating it's true new and not the essence to the whole world. i mean, the disaster situation for the ukrainian forces and dumbass, the ukranian authorities launch the terrorist attack on the board of territories of the course region did not conceal the fact that the such them of the intended to improve their own negotiating positions in the future. despite oldest barbaric techniques this landscape resume has not achieved its main goal to destroy the russian forces from dun boss as little ascension. currently the green and militants who broke into the tears or of the crisp regions or receiving a decisive reba from russian forces. so there you have it, but the fact that the ukrainians have just reveal that a policy everyone was in the know when it comes to their allies. when it comes to the united states to be you, that they were in the know of their plans to, to, to try this border incursion into russia. it doesn't really change much because
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even when this operation kick started in the 1st place off for a few hours of silence, both the united states and europe, they did come out and said that they do fully support the ukrainian, this ukraine operation. and that they support the right to defend themselves, however, they see fit and this quiet of support to ukraine and to the new escalation of this war. it doesn't, uh, it doesn't die down. the ukraine has the right to self defense and it's clear that they can do their operation and cursed. we fully support ukraine and it's different operations. and personally, i wish them luck. things are very, very difficult for ukraine on other parts of the front outside of the nets kind of elsewhere. so this seems to be a major full in move by, keep on the fighting here on the ground in the course region could define the outcome of this war altogether. ukrainian army has 5 plus the munitions that the
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town of the gulf in the coast region defend system, successfully repelled via tax. no close, dorothy se full civilians were wounded and 20 kilometers from the russian bowed. a ukrainian drone hesitates an elderly couple, trying to slay the area by and call the pad with less with shrapnel wounds all over that bodies were found by russian troops who provided 1st aid and for them to say thank you printed units and the don't by so solving the alarm off the kids incursion into the cost region as munition and reserves are redirected, the physician on the front is for the sprained. meanwhile, one of the key of impose mass and the don't box is telling civilians to slay showing you must consider them. we see that today the enemy has almost approached our cd, crossing to our mason. it is just a little more than 10 kilometers from the vicinity of the city. so please don't be
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afraid to evacuate, especially with families with children, especially senior. so the situation is only getting worse, it won't get better and cable if i'm not sure why the music depends the go on, has also echo space concern saying the ukraine unami lock fields to launch offensive operations, olsa and head. they'll be french and g o west, east nicholas markovich. say's key of the biggest allies are afraid of being held responsible in the case that the cross border results font size they allowed 0 ask you to do this, but they're all turning a blind eye because they know that this is something which could could really backfire so they definitely don't want to condone it. they don't, they don't want to say anything specific about this because they hurt their need deep involved in what has happened. but they don't want to seem to be responsible for what's going on. so they're not pushing so landscape, they're not saying much because they are responsible. and also if ever this does backfire, they will be the 1st to say, this was the key f initiative. we've got nothing to do this with this. of course, we're a guessing all along and that's just these double standards that the west has been
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playing around in ukraine and all around the world is new. so it's, it wouldn't be anything you the whole street journal has released. what is quoting an exclusive, but just of which essentially that's washington's lot demand zalinski off the hook for the 2022 north stream attack or directly implicate. so you got another top ukrainians they got. they also could also claim to c. i a tried to prevent it from going ahead, but ukraine ignore it. was the warnings. within days the lensky approved the plan. according to the 4 people familiar with the plot, all arrangements were made verbally leaving no paper trail. the ca warrens, the lensky is office to stop the operation. us officials said ukrainian president then ordered zillow's need to hold it. but the general ignored the order in his team modified the original plan. it seems that again, the western names for media has gone from, let's not forget, blaming originally of russia for sabotage in itself to now blaming kids and some
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would argue of throwing it under the bus. now what the wall street journal claim is that this was a ukrainian operation, that costs around $300000.00, and they want us to believe that it was just, it was concocted on a busy night, buzzing out i on may 2022. so if you want to talk to the special military operation, the guys that was senior, ukrainian military officials and a couple of business men. and they came up with this plan. so they ran to the jolts, apparently, and that was so that they created the illusion that they're just 6 people gone on. a pleasure. doesn't cover as a cover and exactly. and then apparently somehow they place the bombs which led to the series of explosions. and as we know this happened and of september 2022. so this is what they claim, and they claim that the main mastermind a little was the landscapes commander in chief at the time. but there is a loose knee and apparently. so let me ask, he said some don't do it after all,
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after the c i a supposedly once to saves the day and the savior say, listen to reason you shouldn't do it. and apparently he listened to no one, then listened to his boss. he then listened to the c i, and just forge the head. he now is a nice little screen juniors the allusion, the now ukraine's ambassador to the united kingdom said in a text exchange that he knows nothing of any such operation. and that any suggestion to the contrary is a mere provocation. ukraine's armed forces he added, weren't authorized to conduct overseas missions, and he therefore wouldn't have been involved earlier this year. so lensky actually out that's illusion, a because he wanted a shakeup. psalms saw that move as particularly him trying to get rid of a potentially political arrival in the future. but the point is that he was appointed as you christ. i'm faster, so the united kingdom. so if you the 5, the c i is all orders. if the fives the last skis orders, then you are points them as ukraine's ambassador to the united kingdom. again,
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something that doesn't, doesn't at all, and it's a crushing gig, just aligned with fish. germany reportedly issued an arrest warrant in connection with the north stream explosions. how does that fit into this pro? exactly. there were a lot of investigations that were launched after this happened. the denmark, sweden, for example, also launched investigations not let know where the couldn't pinpoint the suspect they set up a time. it was so difficult to analyze the data there. they're driven investigation which took almost 2 years to complete. and they looked at everything, email, mobile, satellite, phone communications, dna samples from the, uh, a large sabotage team. and it resulted in, in the rush towards fort ukrainian national, who had been living in poland at the time. and he apparently was the culprit, the main diver that place the bones. he somehow, even though they identified the man, he somehow managed to flee and is now apparently in the united kingdom. all of this is very bizarre again, because if you take it back,
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you must read them and they'll allow this about sabotage and then harming damage in these pipelines. it was washington, all let's say to bad if russian beach that means tanks and troops crossing the the border of ukraine again, then there will be we, there will be no longer a north steam to we, we will figure it out. how will you do that? so exactly, since the project and control of the project is within germany's control, i promise you will be able to joe biden, there himself, his own words. and this was just a few months before may they act. so when they planned this and then september, when the explosions took place fast forward a few years later, when vladimir putin has been interviewed by tucker carlson and he wants to get in the states the office and even talk a call center is on the same opinion at this point, as are many, many other people because this doesn't at all who blow up north stream
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you for sure. i was busy that day. maybe you have to have uh, i just uploaded or straight. uh, it takes, you know, what you personally may have an alibi, but what? the c i a has no such alibi. do you have evidence that need or to see i did it? and i to, you know, i won't get into details, but people always say in such cases, look for someone who is interested in this case, we should not only look for someone who is interested, but also for someone who has capabilities. because there may be many people interested, but not all of them are capable of thinking to the bottom of the baltic sea and carrying out this explosion. these 2 components should be connected. who is interested and who is capable of doing it? well, you may want to ignore a lot of my posts, and of course on what he has to say when they ignore talk a call send. you want to ignore joe biden himself, but there was another investigation by us award winning journalist seymour hersh.
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and now his stuff has always been credible. he uncovered a disruption and the my lai massacre before. and they, us simplicity in that and will he have to say it was washington was behind the sabotage on the north stream gas pipelines by this decision to sabotage the pipelines came after more than 9 months of highly secret back and forth. the bade, inside washington's national security community about how to best achieve that goal . for much of that time, the issue wasn't whether to do the mission was how to get it done with no or would clue as to who was responsible. once again, it's up to the viewers to decide what seems more reasonable, more logical, and what makes sense at the end of the day, and based on what we're seeing and how many investigations point the finger towards washington. and how we're seeing all these attempts, especially in mainstream media, in the west winds, and now do
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a user and not blame and rush out, but throwing their old pals under the bus. that should say some china on south korea have seriously for just saw it's none of us revisit by japanese ministers to a clunk with the actual world war 2 shrine. the actions of some japanese dignitaries regarding the security strong once again reflect the wrong attitude of the japanese side. for the issue of history, our government expresses deep regret over the anachronistic active japan's defence administered minority kara. we make it clear that such action can never gain the understanding of neighboring countries that have been during the painful history of, for an invasion. a japan last down of the 3 of us to phase in world war 2, with the visits by at least 3 cabinet ministers at the securities shrine. which commemorates those who died in service to the country. south korea, japanese colony for 35 years in china, which was invaded by japan state as
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a symbol of the countries war time. aggression which wind on is $2500000.00 volt that including 14 prominent convicted will criminals, japanese, that chief cabinet secretary says that is natural for a nation to pay tribute to those who died for that country. i understand that all of them visited the shrine in their private capacity and that it is not a matter for the government to comment on. it is natural for any nation to pay respect to those who have given their lives for their country. let's discuss this with us. they contribute to it, cause you all call good to see today. so just tell us more about the world war 2 on of us to become a ration in japan. well, it's a particular issue is we've got so quine shrine, which was built to come memory $2500000.00 award that in japan since $1869.00. now most people have no issue with japanese worship. remember, commemorating their work dead in the war to over throw the shogun, the shogun,
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that in 1869. for example. what the problem is, the strain posted 14 slash a work criminal score user accuse or has been found guilty by the told killed tribunal after work too. that this was done in a secret ceremony. 1978. and this plaque was actually displeased the japanese improve. what's it japanese seem for doing? well, we're to show the emperor refused to go to yes, of course, right after 1975 plus the decision by is that the that the tri mass? true to host these periods of 14 class, a war criminals. and 1985 i. there was a time japan actually had a honeymoon period with china immediately after nixon's to visit you. 1972. i remember just because i grew up in china, so from 19 seventies to early eighty's, china and japan enjoy an excellent relationship until 812-1985. when the
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japanese prime minister yasu 0 knock of sony decide to pay his respects. and yeah, so cool. nice, right, that became a huge issue. that's the turning point in that speech. china, japan, relationship that was the relationship and solve an ever since many japanese prime minister and japanese minister have refrained from visiting each right because of the controversy. but starting from 1990 a japanese pioneer. so we are karl last. you molto started to visiting, trying again back to the increase of tension between japan, south korea, which had being a japanese call me and china because both nation have suffered through by uh through the actual japan during war 2. yeah. so without china and software for the slides that visit the japanese chief cabinet, secretaries define it and he said it's just a tribute to the dead or any other countries. they react in any other way as
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well. i don't, i don't know if many other country you've been aware of the issue of job security strongly like yes. what can you try is not the fact that the host 14 class a work criminal. it's also the has a museum attach call. you should con, which is a museum dedicated to japanese exit exhibit to the japanese will work 2 days. and it actually is exhibit set the war 2 by japan was not aware of aggression. but the great eastern ation were to liberate the people of use asia. i mean, you can see how you, how well it can be received by countries like china and south korea, which suffered great fleet at the hands of imperial japanese army during world war 2. can we wait until this call um to us, to the states of the relations between japan and south korea and china are a total and then and so how does this affect the future development of the relationships as well?
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uh, one of the big store in the latter relationship between china, japan or south korea and japan is the attitude of the japanese government, 2 words, one more time of war to history. i mean 1970 during the time when the west german chancellor willie brad neil, down in front of the monument to warsaw ghetto, authorizing the war was the famous kneeling of watch, the 1970. that was the same time that the people at ja. so cool news, ryan decided they're going to start to petition to her. ready so 14 class, a work criminals wiping convicted fires, which we talk your what should be, you know, i many of them and for it to holes are spirit in the ask you please try. i need to be to be worshiped together with the other $2500000.00 word that this is a huge issue in the, in the height of our relationship between china, japan and also korea and japan. just because people in china and create
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a dispute with the japanese government have never really come clean about their passes and never show proper. repentance the way the west, german, the german government or jap lab showed to where, how low cost is. this is the, this is the issue that continue to affect the bilateral relationship today. in fact, you know, when united states is pushing south korea to, for a trilateral military alliance between south korea, japan, dieted state, very strong resistance. domestically due south school. yeah. besides this bad history between yeah and japan. yeah. what are you? thanks for speaking to today is it is great to talk to you cause allstate contribute to protest system on doing the char just be dropped. so guys, 3 members of pro applicant political groups, the holding of raleigh in new york city. the suspects of being charged with pro russian propaganda and interference, and us elections, accusations that they deny, i'll say corresponding taylors moltin brings us more. a proud gather,
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support free american citizen molly, i should tell of penny has and jesse mabel who been invited alleging that their activism in the black community in saint petersburg, florida, as well as in st. louis missouri constitute the thing is i think this has multiple, multiple discharges. i think many people here in the united states disagree with the ukraine. the narrative of by ukraine and russia. and chairman of the party was upfront shore. same. put it in context, that this was part of the colonial colonial powers trying to destroy russia because russia, as we know, russia was a multiple, our world rushes against us hedge a morning and west and hedge a morning, which is a threat on which we as people are fighting against colonialism are in, in all in solidarity with this major newspaper
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has not started the interview. media outlets discussed with the new york times. about this case in many states has very simple liberties implications found guilty. that means they can come out any want. that means the freedom of speech in terms of being on paper, being written as a loss is gone. they are being charged for not they're not being charged with, as you know, they're not being charged with them. they're not being charged with the legal arms or anything like that. it is all about what they said. that means what you're doing right now. not port is always, you know,
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we have always been in the cross hairs or this is an escalating and even more convicted. they could face the 15 years and say, look, archie today, most indeed is it 78 independence day from british colonial rule, with celebrations in full swing, and the world's most populous country. new delia. now, since you seem as develop cynthia, it symbolizes the vision of a post for us and slowly develops nation by 2047. that dates will mock the $100.00 son of us. 3 of india is a separation from its colonial overflow. it's probably just a mode. this is the country on this. people can either come all of the codes along the way to achieve thank. it's called the month we have prompt to carry the blood of 400000000 people to eradicate to colonial rule in india. today, we are 1400000000. and if we move together in the same direction, by 2047, we can become fix it product,
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overcoming all the obstacles in the way it really okay. well, that's in the celebrate 78. see is of independence from british colonial will one freedom, 5 systems above the rest. mahatma gandhi is close to the sovereignty and indian self determination spread to the african continents, where his influence and wisdom found him seriously. austic follow his offseason. olivia con guy takes a look at the connection down the shed with south africa, disposed presidents, nelson, montana on the slides being born in india, mahatma garden only said that she was made is the logic of india as links with a struggle for freedom and justice in south africa states back to the period during which candy started, he's such a pro hawk full of shoes, movement in the country can be arrived in south africa at the end of the 19th century. and in between visits, india. he stayed in the country for 21 years before i gave the whites so priest of treatment of native africans and indian immigrants. that was his idea of such
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a gra ha, lift a very deep impact on nelson mandela during his struggle gays, to pottage. perhaps the greatest difference between monday law and kindly concerned the idea of non violent swell can be believed that couldn't be any violent protest from monday. law non violent efforts, which, which non violent passive resistance is effective, as long as your opposition adheres to the same rules as you do. but if peaceful, protest is met with violence, its advocacy is as an end, for many non violence was not a moral principle. but of strategy violence and non violence are not mutually exclusive. it is the predominance of the one or the other that labels of struggle. these views ultimate to lead to nelson mandela's arrest in line 262. but it did not mean that he stood as the opposite of peace, loving gundy. in fact, a bond between india and the african national congress was forged, and this was evidenced by now submitted a visit to india in the immediate optim. also of he's released from prison. he
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chose the latter gundy his role model as, as far as dissipation abroad. of the spending 27 years behind bozza and estates off hatred, nelson mandela was calling for reconciliation. in fact, some monday, late to hold candy issues products that optic has lucas. the mahatma is an integral part about history because it is here that he 1st experimented with truth here that he demonstrated his characteristic firmness in pursuit of justice tier that he develop santiago ha, is a philosophy. and a method of struggle was exactly a game that struggles out to the indian people in the nation. start to be a move meant some all forums of to get to independence. india was 1st to pose political and economic sanctions. a gaze of africa and mobilized countries. to boy caught the parties we, she acting single handedly at a time would applicant her presentation was neil in the u. n. and of the international farms guntee and india also signals support for african majority who
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reflecting developments inside. so that's because we do congress of india. i lie to themselves, which is see that african officials now saying, well mass than monday lives the father of alaska. mahatma gandhi is the grandfather even to this day. india continues to walk the world when it comes to standing. a gazed exploitation, a precedent over t. as a matter of fact, it is not only apricots, but india continues to stand full, but the entire global self. when we use the term global south, it is not just a diplomatic term. in our shared history, we have together a post colonialism and apartheid. it was on the soil of africa that mahatma gandhi used powerful methods of non violence and peaceful resistance. it is on the strong foundation of history that we are re shaping our modern relations. facts in india help keep the world's focus on south africa fighting for justice. and today, india's contribution to the global soft is about much more than just trade nations
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and economies contributes to the making of a hold of aquatic world. i'm a colleague, mike, i called you i spoke with the son of julia as new red ray had tons in his 1st president to ask which was towed was among those would be full friends of the science, the african independence from british rule. but a rocca, new reverie says, and g as f as in spite the confidence at large to fight for its freedom. or even those a 1000000 some faces may have changed. so there's colonialism. the dry flex location is still a very strong and maybe even stronger than that. i believe that it was 50 years ago . what is the difference between the indian and tens on in or maybe in general, african ways of fighting for freedom from colonial powers. what's the backup pass in your opinion if we come back. ready sides i mean it has a strong connection the if you're looking in history between the independent struggles.


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