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tv   Documentary  RT  August 15, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT

2:30 pm
the west hedge ramon has rested in hedge a morning, which is a threat on which we as people are fighting against colonialism, are involved in solidarity with this major newspaper has not interviewed them on the case of the new york times. about this case, many states has very liberties, implications, great box found guilty. that means they can come out any want. that means the freedom of speech in terms of being on paper, being written as a loss is gone. they are being charged. we're not, they're not being charged with as you know, they're not being charged with them. they're not being charged with the legal arms or anything like that. it is all about what they said. that means what you're doing
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right now. that's not part. alexander, always, you know, we have always been an escalating and even more convicted they could face up to 15 years and say, look archie, oh, those are just a few of the stories that we're keeping an eye on this page. so bob sent more of on onto to comes to the play, check it out and have a great day the each one with the approval of those little. so for the asking us, let me put in what is on. so the crown squared amount on this little here much really wants to deal with the thing is uh,
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is the nearest one of the windshield and liberal stock. you sent me the dumpster and was told by you more than you were willing to push of an issue for you guys. for me. uh so i need to make sure to get the most i might done remove driving to the store. no. the used to be nearby, i said, oh no little but not a vase that i am a site that i know the unbox remodeled and move up just to move it over to the new mysterious. and when you, when you go out in front of the deal is like a convicted of the yeah. post the by the other was so by you. so yeah, i'm just thinking of that new space, but i mean, so see, and i mean it goes can, was it, please go ahead and i'll just communicate that. and you may think couple of, i'm not sure that my employees are still the other. you have such alters mojitos thing and you will lose the deal with his voice. but i don't think he will definitely stays
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a little in each of the spectrum. cause you spell is, is pretty big news here we're seeing is that, but let me just throw it in. it's just the one and then the other would be nice to be done. see tom list of worst of will be seduce. so in a is not old on the side of me is why that is up and down the the women who are doing sort of boys or any of depends on this plan. your 1st to do one, is there any by 0 is not set up pretty well. i see them one disappeared with a wish at all this the one who said that pretty you're currently seeing your voice concept and yeah, perfect. i'm 70,
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i'm stuck on tech. was this of when they searched cuz it ended up, as i said about the pricing and go out, is that on? yeah, they're kind of a bad. she was initially it was done on the front of it on the news before the global. you know, you use this language before i knew it must be as i did it on as a concept that the yellow stuff will get out. yeah. so they'll get open. mean faith, us fully agree that with me to help them go the most likely it is the most. okay. steve, in relation to you, bringing them 1st thing to a new a phone call for you. that them was on the side of the let's see who is new for chip. that group. i gave them the us, my little buckley,
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that that's native thought of me seeing the view it would be limited to you folks are assuming association. so the last example of some of the most comfortable to build some of the dunbar remodeled . look at that. possibly some way to them. would you comfortable? so let me. yeah. as of will as senior. so surprised and some of what you've been the guy you have the most out. you want to push them up. you look at you always get the business deal with even if i, if they tell me what your company, the risk of phones, the ssl style of shields combined. yeah,
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i'm not nice. not the . yeah. a typical solution little now. so no good. i yeah. and your book, that means you need to spell it glowed, they should not lot, but the people nicely to the, at the, even if the complete just the, what i knew, i guess it was you need to them, we would be able to just out that they said that when you think would be for nimble, it was the issue symbol of the actual oh are you a $50.00 as if, when you say it was a, is the good news that those are the so you just the, the, by the deal with the supplemental russell to see when you grab a little basket was i've thrown up,
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then you've got little about the store by phone cuz it's not that by phone with him . you've got my soul voice if you're open. so i so but yeah, just, well, just move with you look at the, the like what was you wish to when you will just simply ask other levels to circle to the village ocean double most interesting to this other one. does he have so that you are in control of what they will take you with those to them? you could actually be up and you can afford a motion that kind of stuff with dusty mealer as a fuel miller. as a substitute and yes, news use thing. like if there was
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a rise of the well the notion photos closer spending go. that's good for you to look. my other sounds good for you to like a yeah. but most of the yellow so by your stuff. yeah. i always think that and then use very strongly to see a good, i mean it does come up with a lloyd and i'll just communicate that. and you may think of a lot of measuring a claim for the distance, the other the source, the cost is almost on the phone with me, but at least nobody wants to label. i wish they did this because they knew what to do and on the and to look up at his chest as when somebody will pick you up. but i wrote them suicide ideas as well because they live at the beginning of the practice because they have them to do so. so to me, so let's go to you have a good rest opinion. last what, what does it and you go to the nimble guidance of virginia. those can you please and go to that wasn't, it was go, what are those still that the she, what could i, you know, the years of us do, which and each the rest of the company mostly can you talk?
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yes, i was, you get the models because most of those keywords you chose to show the cost to you was this was the level. and you mean, should you have that initial good virtual costs, less money as well, but also what that goes to, to purchase this is you tell you what to shut up in a dependent. that equipment. that's not a load. you have any threat because it's only to buy, which has somebody own what this may mean cost. you mean through is because i moved me. what the nice window was. it was, you know, this was on the if i just say, sure, what's the result? that's what i would just do. i did. it is pretty, pretty plus we will stay and if it is just not pushing us to ensure we know that the schedule is pretty cool. let me just so many little shades that going. the other one of the think you will do a solution, so it's a little detail to the
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positive list, torsion was ok. those are used to live with fishes. i wanted a couple days from food for them to publish them and i don't do any issue with them just lot, but the they also gave me what that should all be a special place. mojitos the eulu mostly deal with his face that i believe that those lights from any of my on one of those to look up the push to be funny. yeah. was close to him, but i got all the music you pacific goes to get across the shuttle would bring us to poison for us, the one of the used to be more complex than most companies and forces the new people splitting the splitting on the solution. i still nothing a solution i missed i of see examples to contact information for the parties. coach standard design a is the some of you know, the issue over there with me a blanket and be able to say, you know, i class of diesel. the people who are getting expensive always for the of the past
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month on cash, we're going to get the most ups. now what, thank you with a shift immunization to george bush, just as soon as you get to the bus filter course or something, you're pretty up to date, and that's besides the longest music you left, the solution single level thought i was kick, i got a symbol opinion. well just the flag then. yes, good. it's probably good. i see. who else could? it's probably. right. and if i knew the video, news was through us to go to load the customer billing world for it's gonna slow moving forward, but start moving. we do have some that are due on level and people to know where we're no longer most of them in their pool. so this think of a might to trust the son that we're in, the us is just less, i'm a little the will give us the us the, the grass card man on this like little do you my sure. what's the deal mostly with
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you? i older the legislative service, which of course a lawyer, but you're like someone still doesn't understand it and you live. so it's like, was not easily exploring. you. i was, i try to sort of, i'm how to do it that you would your question on the amount of the physically as though he made of the simulator of no sort of level choices. q plus one of the ones that are on the face. can you see a sectional than your one anymore and go from the old come to learn your sort of thing and you do ask is throwing a couple. so basically it's a financial aluminum, or is this an isa? but also the, or any little boom with that they went to utilize this plan. so, but also in your school with you the explanation one green is or i think it's a good all sorry about the which
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the because the computer and the water, the gonna smell black point to m. yes. then sure. which are september plus through in the course on the side of the console. and that was a little bit of fun going with you. and you know, you was still a region you the which this to me it was anymore. i'm so the supposed to put you on the phone, but as it was when it was the budget for the whole, but i'd say from the starting point, somebody for the thought on us will use use them from sky vision. the company itself escape the one glad visionaire up or skip the one with it on to one of
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those little and stuff like that. it's not the only thing that is on. so yeah, we have to pay for something new discussing with us and shifting to have sort of a ocean because it humans most of the smaller, most of the levels are $50.00. we're calling you this digital style is very versed only when you pull those in your your billing, which isn't it, is a solo, was i say to them. and obviously it's also a way to put in for the store on waste through. this is the, there is so replacing value so for the day is not clicking with options so many in there. pretty much use of a need as well. when i go into the liberal stuff with smell is i need, you know, issues to live with. i'm seeing, i'm still booking, i'm going to come over to replace them. leslie to the issue, coupled with assuming a bow, a little bit with or somebody else on their own. get some more questions for me to complete the phone when you throttle it with me. more than just rushing
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the beautiful sun soaked vineyards and nestled among some breathtaking, rolling hills. as a gentle breeze comes off of the surrounding sea comic imagery of french one country. but this has not france. we are in a coupon at russia on the black sea where recently they've got a serious about making some world class one the,
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the guys, the with on a brought us to get us be the us. but the yeah. got to be a good i was doing the with then you'll get cut on being away and stuff with done. buskie, wiley, lanier, charlotte booker. i need to push a little thing and some biological source will typically for me to deal with gun your to machine of was a particular see on how much is not industry standards do. what do you use? i mean, i did is sort of a great and i show daniel's get on board at that. i'll be with the police. that's the media. a slight opening, she only, as i mentioned, a show the good,
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the more person in my done the more variety to the store, not the us and we can, you able is i don't know little but now your face that i am a slice that i yes, the used to nods to a what the, when the used in time with no buzzing. so it was the point of the some way i was leaving the is my do fairly sort of yesterday, but it was in a blue a by years. so it is d as give a line tours came to out that i'm looking at them. daniel's get his food when it gets no, i wouldn't even speak to them. that's what i was, i knew sooner than we were in there. i'll shoot me an example of them, a lot of these updates and that was, it was really me yet. gabrielle says, i don't want to put them some of the business. i keep that they can, you can sort of nice because i'd be fine if taking payments. even a mortgage grade need to he has to go to because otherwise it is not. but i'm going
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to be saying, when he's back with bigger, asked me out of these again, it could be, it's our new hilton drawn. now with this, we will see it on the be. so let me check with me b as in a little bitty cold. but i was told to get a patient and that'll resolve some of the issue i'd look at the board, it was will grab a little, you know, deal with abuse. and i guess i'll send you a text. and so i came over the age of the vps to ensure i have done my business and will actually with of speak the, the that i get those. yeah. when you be a bit what, but it wasn't that he is done. you have to go to look, you do you buy some of the apps and when he went but yeah, i don't remember that he still got the by sort of dunbar, but it wasn't that that was still because like in cuba with the reading it, i get those nice to meet, so come out of my it's just the only reason the
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which of these do you have is night to avoid it to get you a new one. yeah. at the at that sir. well, beautiful. it is done, boss. i suggest lip requesting that you change the rest of the month was i think the thoughts, uh the deal is this because i already showed things on sale dispatch team is that due to
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sales completed will do it for me here. conflicts, the details on the cover from business though i do, but i do a joke and the last name is b as in when you purchase or something. if i bill us, as i said, a welcome enjoy the that will uh passcode that will uh almost look around you and you're talking about, let me know when things fit in the annual v. as in my, as a move that will get both of the k. is there any, if a deal are given me on the godaddy? i don't, i don't, i'm way more them. if i'm letting you know now the, the web us must feel as if we've got kind of the modeling a block the is on us of about when the says slowing, your thumb is
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what shows was, was cute and they can bully me. and then why the shooting and the concept a serious give. so you go to a lot, i just position and you get brought some ideas. they will usually do things a way. so what are your thoughts on that 1st or the keep that was that i see is a is i know the book and i need to have both michelle, them do i need. and then we have on sales here. so when you have a lot to show somebody else and i still smell them and keep it this personal look keys that give us the thing. yeah. no fish comes on visits. you should have those or you must grow supposed to install it. so a lot must be at a look at the somewhere watching the storage item, you can set up
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a new streaming service for the tv with us though, right now, cuz it sounds like i get the most okay. sounds families right now. no, you will be able to start as a sign in on the move up just to move soon. you missed this and we move to and you go out into the deal with my documents and get them to go. i know it's unique. there's new when years old a new i've got them now because i feel great and they used to, but i mean, the not of my locals can with nice image and you could use it as multiple graphs and you could quick lane. the lesser being shall be nimble. the
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mean able yellow again was my example because it is beautiful. is that i think i took a visual so, but at least even with the condition of the level that his visitation was resolved on this. cuz oh, i look i what's going to do you have to just on. so did you get all your stuff when the cards come? was a cool you for sure. what does it show us? we'll keep approaching again once we show it as a solution close to the guy that it goes, come over to be set to go get it blue and then it goes good. was picking this up and go get it ready to go. school for a little could you just? yeah, i think that will definitely be sure to give you shout. think of it. then you may take a look. no, she needs somebody. me only when you get by you send me to go school. go. what's the customer's name? i'm going with the post, the
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updated on the on the loan, below he's put is skills and they have 6, but he is of course i'm with them from that group of most key and wasting or something like you spell them else. come out on this political, frustrated with all of this was to be able to come to settle this for the units for many years ago. anyway. if james has a little work on something, you put him, i know that there's still
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a lot of interest to you and you'll be getting your music. somebody wants to move, i'm going to send it over to them and that's and then when they get on the waiting list for the rest of us to work with, all of them are so familiar with the meaning of them. so i'm wondering what's the policy, is it a little bit of trouble? it looks good with what's going on with them with the form. so wasn't it just must have thought she had other room for those with the
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school just suggestive in that. okay. do you by surface almost uh, just from the news that you have to deal with by it. but i seem to get, the poll says the of the,
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the, uh my name was covered by forces due to the filter goes out because he is covered as simple as that, the amount for 480 to see if i could. so i guess the part is pretty much just another simple sign with confidence that got from what i remember from the
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yeah, because when yes it's the most. yeah we, we went over those to not 5 years with the press or not to model basically the car. i was new cars and somebody to be asked the what that they usually put on the young lady recently on the phone or not all the buildings. gordon and you said the last minute seems to place for the most but also still use that as well. but i see you've got the that are both things with
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most of the most beloved, most show option that i'll have to solve. could definitely do you go through, but it's almost like with the you mean to use those? yeah. use just the vol. she's not familiar with would be if i needed to talk about it as a way of washington bundles i'm of shows you or do you not only thing you and you and i love to see with your simple as a new deal, which to because it doesn't work with striking you casually mas couldn't figure the one that's used option east coast and lots of asian. yeah. yeah. just nice to look into all the the hello and welcome to the cost of boulevard. here we discussed some real in the
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tier of admit that held private consultation with west palm as about the comic and touch and striking a blow to the narrative. coming out to washington, which on it denied any hope you're breaking and full says idle forward season. the tone pass off pounds in vietnam is a rush, the default to the ranch and contact kia, redirect reinforcements on. i'm owed to the customer that totals. so it's probably us media equations that new frames for my laundry change scenarios. the nurse, me was them off to mind behind, but no stream of pipeline explosive to the evidence point to see i am the.


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