tv Documentary RT August 15, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT
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one with the approval of those little stuff. one that's not the only thing but it's on. so the ground squared amount on this like little you much will, i will, i'm dealing with the windows and it is a, it's a useful one of the windshield or liberal stuff. you assume the function was still book and you will have near when you push the initial study guide for me. uh so i need to ensure the good, the more personally my, the i'm overriding store not the use of we nearby. we have said, oh no little, but not a vase that i am a site east that i know the unbox remodeled move up is to move 0. you as mysterious. and when you go out in front of the deal is like a convicted of the yeah, post the but the other was so by you. so yeah, i'm just thinking of that new space but i mean, so see a good. i mean, it goes can, was it,
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please go ahead and i'll just communicate that and you may think couple of measuring, explain, police are still the other. we have such alters mojitos thing and you will lose a deal with his face, but i don't think he will definitely stays a little in until the spectrum because the style is putting a big new service in his that but then it goes through and it's just a while and then the other being is to be a gunslinger tom let's, i've watched the movies of his throat and i was not old on the side of me. and his mother in law is up and down throughout the the women who are doing sort of polezza and potentially on this plan. your 1st to do
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one is annual by 0 is not set up pretty well. i see them one disappeared with a wish at all this the one who set up a year earlier. so any more is concept albers. the concept seems to on that was this of when they 1st, cuz it ended up wasn't good enough at the pricing. i'm glad he did that on. yeah, the, the bad. she was initially it was down on the front of it on the news before the little, you know. yeah, it was fine yours before i knew it painted, it must be if i did it on as a concept that the yellow style for god. yeah. so they'll get open. mean faith, us for liberty. that the wisdom is it, help them go to the most likely it is the most. okay, steve, this is the 1st one to get a new,
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a phone call for you. that one was on the site the let's see who is new for chip. that group, i gave them the us, my little buckley, that that's native thought of me see the if you will be limited. you know, if that's a soon enough that association to the, of the examples from the most comfortable, some of them boss remodeled. look at that, possibly some way to them. would you comfortable something to me. yeah. as of will
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as senior. so surprised and some of what you've been in the color of the past. i'll do my 1st came up in regard to what was going on with the business deal with even the buy and tell me what the vic i'm getting up the list goes as opposed to some stuff that i was fellow shields combine. yeah, i'm not nice. not the yeah, a typical solution little now. so no good. i yeah. and your book, that means you need to spell it glowed, they should not lot, but the people nice you to the, at the, even if the complete just the what i knew, i just wish you did. so then we will be able to just have that they said that when he gets it will be for him or was the issue to will a crash or really a 50 presidents opinions was it was a, is the good news that those are the
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age of the, the by the bill itself to supplement russell will see when you grab a little bit and keep those up, throwing up, then you've got all about them with us before by phone call us now that by phone with via addendum you could, i'd like 0.0.0 as still, but yeah . just love to draw up just like you look at the, the or the like what we should wish to when you will just us and see us go there. but also circle that the village ocean double most interesting because of the one that you
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have so that you really can live with the music you with those to them. you could actually be up and you can afford a motion that kind of stuff with dusty mealer as a fuel miller as a substitute, even use news use thing is making through the anyways of the the ocean photo. so there's plenty of those good by you to but my other sounds good for you to like a yeah, post the plugin. russo by useful. yeah, i always think that and then use face, but i mean to see a good, i mean it does come up with a lloyd and i'll just communicate that. and you may think of a lot of measuring a claim for the distance. we have the the source, the cost is almost some new for me, but at least know, but i wish to move, but we can do this because we know what to do and on the and to look at that as just as way somebody will pick. you up, but i wrote them suicide ideas to because they look at the that are getting handled was can you practice? can they of them to you so, so to me, so let's go to do you happen to give us the opinion myers, to let them go?
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to that, and you go to the nimble gradings of virginia. those can be present. good though. i think it was going to still that the feel good. i, you know, the years of us bill which and each, the worst of all you have to be mostly thing you thought. yes, i was, you get the models because most of them, of those keywords you chose to show the cost to you was this was the level when you mean should you have that additional good which would cost less money as well as most of what that goes to, to purchase this, could you tell you what the shipment of dependents, that equipment is now long as you have a threat because it's only to buy which has somebody what this may mean. who you mean through is that most technique? what the nice window was there was, you know, this, those on the i just say sure, well 1st that's what i would just do. i did. it is pretty, pretty plus we will stay and if it is just not pushing us to ensure an answer to schedule is like, well, let me just so many little shades that going at the other. one of the take you will display. there's a little image of the
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positive list, torsion was ok. those are used to live with fishes. i want to consider some food for the publish them and i don't know when you show them just let the videos. so any what that should all be such alteration or data as the eulu mostly deal with this face, but i believe that those lights from any of my old one of those to have to push the funniest yeah. was just really good. all the music you visit the guys to get across the show which brings 2 points for someone else who used to be more contact the companies and forces the new piece of the stream and the solution. i still nothing a solution i missed. i would see examples the contact information for the studies cooks, and that is the some of you
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know, the issue over there with new blanketing deal was i just wanted to know uh the specialty. so all the people who are getting expensive and literally the last month i'm a guest room to get up, was a man and also to know what thank you, with the shift immunizations and george bush decides are still to get to the bus hilton courses or something it was pretty up to date him that's besides the zone and longest communicate level solution. simple level thought i was kick. i noticed the symbol opinions will just through florida then use cases for because i see who else could. it's really funny videos. news was previous to the world. well, the world for it's very slow moving forward, but most of the media to the level and take a full no we're we're no longer most of our pool. so this think of what the trust
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is. so now we're in the process of just left them a little bit longer because it's been a little the grass card. i mean, unless like little do you my show up still which are sleeping with you? i go about it the so i just slipped. so the what service, which of course lawyer, but what someone still doesn't understand it and you live. so if it was not easily exploring you, i was, i tried to sleep. i'm, how about your did you would, you would put you on the amount of the physically as though you made of the similar, you know, sort of a level of sources. give us one of the ones that are on the face. couldn't you see a sectional than your funny i didn't want of, i'm not all come to the sort of thing and you do ask is throwing
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a couple. so basically it makes for an actual aluminum or just an nissan, but also the, or any little bone with anyone 0 at this point. but also in your school with you better while you're in spanish. one grand is i think, is a good all side of which the of course uh most likely to do all the water the little they're gonna small black for the point to am yes. then sure, sure. september plus during the course on the side of the console and there was a little bit of fun going on with you and you know you was was the sooner you knew the voice of this to me, it was any more i'm so the personal phone was when it google push the button for
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the whole budget on this, but i can find somebody for the thought on us will give you. she has the full scope vision, the company itself, us get the one glad visionaire of skipped the one with the for one of those little or so for that's not the only thing that is on . so yeah, we have to pay for something new discussing with us, and she doesn't have a fit of a portion because it to my music most thoughts, no more. what's the zip code we're calling you? and it's difficult, stylus, it's a must sort of explain your answer live, which isn't. it is a fellow that was, i say it's a video and obviously it was, i'm going to put in for the store on waste through. this is the, there is a story placing value, so for this and i'll continue on with the options. so i'm going in here pretty much use the nearest one of the windshield illiberal stuff. the smell is, and you know,
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if you're still able to function in a football game for them to come out of space, it will actually do the issue coupled with assuming of our dish, despite the process. and when you complete the phone, when you throttle it with me more than just rushing hello and welcome to the cross stop boulevard. here we discussed some real names because i don't want you to be not. so someone that just didn't want to say a month that this particular boy should face interest. you live, you see for the full of senior snap, under the guise of evacuation about 50000 people were transported. the main purpose of this concentration camp in bella rose was too insane prisoners with typhus and use them as a human shield against the advancing soviet ami. getting money from the home. but feeling slipped into phone. you put them in. there was one of us.
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when it was in love with like you can pick up the ship, your step up and stuff like that, but don't want to bring your name. you know, i'm so sorry. i missed cuz that an extra 262 people decided that there's 2 sees use people, his biological weapons, leading them to perish without food, water motion to do a small it there for me. if i did the so create the new lives. i know it's usually the smaller to the can you put the intrinsic nation weight loose or just put in each issue? we have a ship for them to move the cam gloucester 10 days or what else made it drastically defense from other camps of the 3rd rice watch on t. the guy's even on the able to read it to us to get us be to
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the uh the the yeah. go to the across doing the new get cut on the vehicle were being asked to put down bus k, wiley, lanier. charlotte, for could i need to put a little thing of some bowers before built equity. pullman is a beauty with god your, the machine of that particular i see on how much is not industry standards to use. i mean, i did it the uh good i sure thing is good. i bought that. i'm with the list. that's the mean. yeah. uh so i a pretty, she only is a leech and the show, the good. the more person in my dining room on friday to the store, not the us, and we nimble is, i don't know little but not a vase that i knew on the face that i know the used to not to a what the, when the used in time with no buzzing, so it was the point of the
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some way i was leaving the is my do feeling the sort of the issue, but it was in yeah, we'll by years so it is d as give a line tours came to you out there. i'm looking at them. daniel's get his food when it gets no, i wouldn't even speak to them. that's what i was, i knew sooner than we, but in a little show, any claims on the board of these updates and that one, it was really me. you get to the else is i don't want to buy to some other little business. i keep it like you can sort of nice before i piece by new thinking premiums, even a mortgage community as i go to best. otherwise it is not, but i'm going to be using these but go bigger, asked me out of these again. it could be dining hilton, drones now with this little i see it on the be. so let me check with me b as in a little bitty cold. but i was told to get a patient that will because of some of the
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issue i looked at the both of us will grab a that little, you know, 0 with abuse. and i guess i'll send you a text. and so i came over to them. it did vp with some issue i have now my business will actually with of speak the the that i get those yeah. when you beautiful what, but it wasn't said that he is done. you have to go to look, you do you buy some of the s and when he went but i don't remember that he just took it out the bicycle of dunbar, but it wasn't that that was still because like even with the reading it, i get those nice to meet, so come out of mind me shift so the weight is leaking in the
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would you please do you have is night to almost at the get you anything? yeah. at the at that sir, we have you for these numbers. i see just loop requesting to change because i can talk with them today, but if that's the deal is because i've already shown things on said dispatch team. is that due to sales? give the thing here conflicts. the details of the cover from business, though it is the day, but either in a joke and he wash and b as in when you project or something. if i feel as, as, cuz i'd say the wilton lives on the
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that all goes out, or if it's almost look around you and you talk about, you know, when things fit you in the annual v. as in my, as a move that will get both of the day if any, if a dealer deals with me on the godaddy, i don't, i don't, i'm way more them virginia. now the, the web us must feel as if we've got kind of the modeling the block the is on us of fuck when the slowing your thumb most, what shows worthless was get and they can bully me and then why the shooting and the concept to see just here, so you go to a lot, i've just been you shooting, you get brought some ideas. they will usually do things a way show. what are your thoughts on their 1st or
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the was that i see is a is i know the book and i need a buzz. smith show him, do i need? and then we have on sales here. so when you pull up what it shows like somebody else, and i saw a small, i think you said yes, this them over to you. give us the pain. yeah. yeah. is this going business? you should have. those are, you must grow supposed to install it. so a lot must be at a look at the somewhere watching the other story. yeah. and you can set up a new streaming service for the
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to deal with cisco and their cousins. so if i could get them was okay, i'm gonna start someone's family's or got no real deal with the stock as a sign in on the move up is to move to the new you missed the so we move to a new go. i didn't seem the deal with because it gave them go. i know it's and if there's new when use only. yeah, i've got them now because i feel great and they used to, but i knew the not of my locals can with my solution. you nick. i think it is more than one graphs and you cook, we land the lecture being shall be nimble. the mean able, joe looks like him was my example. but the reason did it all this, but i think i took a visual so, but at least even with the condition, but i wasn't his visitation was results on this. cuz oh, look i what's going to do and that's what you, i just,
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i'm not sure you get all your stuff for me because it cool you for sure with this it just will keep approaching. are you able to show it as a solution for those to the guy that it goes, come over to be set to go get it blue and then it goes good. was picking this up and go get ready to go school for a little. did you just shut the door? the idea is definitely be sure to repeat yourself. think of it then you may take a look. no, she needs somebody. me only really just get by. you said me to go school, go. what's the customer's name? i'm going with a post the, [000:00:00;00]
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the problem the loading delays put is skills and the sick, but he is of course i'm with them, some the group of most key and wasting or something like this. someone else come out of the basketball stairs, or what they've said, this was to be able to come to settle this for the mean we have to for many years ago. anyway, shame says that a little work on something, you could, you know, but there's still a lot of interest to you and you'll be getting your music. somebody wants to move, i'm going to go to the meeting that's in the, when you get on the, the
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last but the rest of us to what, what sort of english, the committee. so the, with the leading of them is, uh what's the quality, is it and wanna keep it, it almost looks good with what's going on with them or what's the problem? so wouldn't it just must have thought she had all the room for those was the, the, the
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yeah. because who was it the most? yeah. we, we went over the gym to the 5 years with the press. so it might seem obvious to me because i was new cars and somebody to be as to what that they usually put on the young lady recently on the phone or not altogether in order to use that allows me seems to print for the most difficult are supposed to use the group. all right, so you've got the both things with nothing while you're on the, on the blog, but show option that i'll have to solve congested eco to revisit the most of the year. i mean, they use those. yeah. use just the vol she's not familiar with would be needed to talk about it, is that you may have portions of, of the name of shows do you not only thing in you and i love to see with your
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simple as a need deal, which to because what they've done, some of which like a cause anything of the one that's used option east coast velocity. yeah. you just nice to look into all the the ukraine never transitioned out of the 90s coyote politics of the not discontinued or the went all the way through. yeah. of course to go see the crime. never. never had
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a breach of trust. you come and see some stability is the power all site the the hello and welcome to prospect bullhorn john peter lavelle. here we just got some real news. the attempted assassination of donald trump tells us all we need to know about the extreme intentions that make up american politics. sadly, america as a long and deadly history of political violence, the country's political culture is simply toxic. to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess your to send me while we in budapest, he's a pod counselor at the goggle, which we found on youtube and locals and americans. we have martin j. he's an award winning journalist and commentator or a gentleman cross that goals and the fact that means he can jump any time you want and i always appreciate it. right,
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