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tv   News  RT  August 16, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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the the ukraine suffers losses of over 2 and a half 1000 soldiers since the start of its full supporter incursion. that comes as most goes presidential 8 phase pm. what does this have ventured into rushes territories without the okay from washington? to print, support for militants in west africa is evidenced. unacceptable. r t here is directly from the malia an air force chief of stuff up the russian army export. the recent scandal was initiated by a sovereign state that officially announced in the media that it wanted to harm the molly and armed forces. this is unacceptable to multiple casualties are reported and the other is really strong friendship. only a refugee camp is the overall gals in depth total since october 7th, tops,
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$40000.00, according to local officials, the palestinian presidents from the us for supporting the idea of such while the world unites in condemning israel's aggression in gaza. us comfortably wields it's vito of the united nations security council. this is a catastrophe. a continuing american disaster and in memory of the millions left displaced india and marks its independence day by commemorating those who separated from the states division by britain in 1947. as he was a wrong decision by the british to split the country, thousands of people have dined due to the partition during partition, so many people were killed. the difficulties these people had to face during partition cannot be measured the mid day in most welcome to the friday news. our russian forces continued to
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repel ukraine's attempts to move deeper into the car, screeching. a strong country attack against the cross border incursion has been seen over the past number of days. russian artillery unit top target that you printing an armored mobile groups that are trying to push forward in. well, most of those defense ministry reports of 12 to 2600 to create encrypts have lost their lives so far in the 10 day offensive. that's as rushes presidential aid states kia have wouldn't help resorted to such a move without overseas approval. c. ds claims of the non involve months in teams, crimes and the coast region developed correspond to reality. washington regularly says one thing and does another with all of the participation and direct supports, key would not have ventured into boston territory. this criminal action is caused by a premonition of the event and collapse of the neo nazi key for gene fighting is very
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intense, but as time goes by, more details the message about the pine coordination between the key for g minutes . nato allies, mainly the united states, and this coordination was something that the pentagon initially denied. we were not made aware of, of this operation. that doesn't mean that it's an intelligence failures that indicates that there's a lack of trust between the other washington. there's absolutely trust there. as we said, we didn't know about this one operation. that doesn't mean that we're not engaged on other things. we're certainly not engaging. any aspect of the planning or preparation of this operation coming out of washington was that the united states were not in the know all but this truly large scale and arguably, one of the most and for these military operations of ukraine. something that many experts see as an oil in move, but at the advisor to the training president's office had reveal that indeed it was
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not the case. there are certain things that have to be done with the element of surprise and that have to happen on the local level. but there were discussions between public forces, just not on the public level in some woods, a show for me to bo this play of power, the russian ministry of defense shed footage of the sporting tracking down and the destroying a high miles. i high miles alternately, system by the fact that the fighting here is so intense and by the fact that the fighting is very intense elsewhere. ukraine is not running out, but it is. uh it is depleting its resources when it comes to nature as applied vehicles. so washington has announced that a new badge that any trudge of military support is uh, will soon be on its way. but again, uh, according to washington itself. right now ukraine does not have the capabilities of carrying out a large scale operation. the courtney,
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an armed forces continued to suffer heavy attrition rates and lacks sufficient capabilities and munitions, particularly artillery air defense and long ridge strikes of abilities to overcome rushes, air, and ground advantages. you're going to probably remains capable of continuing defensive operations, but not conducting large scale toner, offensive support please the next 6 months, according to the defense intelligence agency. so here's the thing about american military supports, even though they do have every intention to help out t v themselves admit that, for instance, when it comes to when it comes to artillery shells, some of those types that you pray needs and that you print use is simply no longer produced or no longer produced in the numbers that this conflict requires. so on. this is just do a one for full neck when it comes to americans for 10 to 14, can really get and can hope for. and it really shows because by opening this front,
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by going forward with this border in cash and g is stretching the already law. so from the line i'm, it's not like they don't need preserves elsewhere and may is, and keep, keeps. governments keeps appointed. the governors of regions that are close to the fighting inside ukraine. they are ringing the alarm, showing you much consider them. we see that today the enemy has almost approached our city crossing our mason. it is just a little more than 10 kilometers from the vicinity of the city. so please don't be afraid to evacuate, especially with families with children, especially seniors. the situation is only getting worse is it won't get better menu combined is on, on the ground. they have questions as to, as to why these much needed reserves are now being spent here in the course region on the guy's end is being depleted because the losses are already significant up to the massive, the fighting continues and we will stand by here. and course to bring you all the
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latest. but earlier my colleague nikki, are, and you've got to take a former c. i a analyst, laurie johnson, on this for him. that's pennsic on report suggesting that ukraine will be able to launch inoffensive in the near future. isn't based in reality, i says, tries to keep itself behind the scenes. but i guarantee you that this invasion of russia with german tanks and british tanks, was planned and coordinated with nato, with the united states and delete. and for the united states, now there pretend you know that the, they don't, they don't know nothing about any invasion. there's just literally chris talk us through the law j. k. i mean, what could be behind this ukrainian strategy to open the front against russia while at the same time of the key of forces lacking reinforcements and munitions? you're an optimist. you're using the term logic as if the western authorities are
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thinking about this logically, strategically, rationally know across the board, visits and it's all motion in the west, completely divorced from reality. i am a little shocked by the defense intelligence agency. conclusion that the suggest the nor intimating that very well for the next 6 months ukraine camp bound or counter offensive, but by god give him another 6 months and they'll be ready to go know ukraine's a dead, a dead country walk to sorry, johnston. well, i also wanna show, you know, some studies circulating online, which really has caused our bridge. it purports to show you printing soldiers abusing a 74 year old local in his home time in the chris g region. the gun wielding men were captured on camera wearing new nazi like uniforms. cartridges zeros. do you um
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do you use the search? right? yeah. tax. its not jurors heard mimicking german accents on the helmets they are wearing or identical to those of boston s. s. soldiers. we managed to speak to the daughter of the elderly man. she says she couldn't evacuate her father from the region 2 to the intense lighting. it goes to part of the when we ran away and what we were wearing at that moment. we didn't take anything. we wanted to evacuate the children 1st and then go back for our father and our things, but it didn't work out and they didn't let us in anymore. we didn't know if they would kill us or not. we my father left the apartment. i don't know where he went to, although i contacted all the search services at the time he was in good health. the only thing is that he can't see and one eye,
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but his eyesight is generally fine. we told him we would come back to take him, but it didn't work out. we weren't allowed. and on the front line, brushing force it say they've destroyed a you estimate. hi, maurice rocket launcher, located close to the border with the military service because also taken on you can read more than that and get other updates from the ground at r t dot com the well, the billions of dollars continually being sent to ukraine is one factor a contribution to the current state of the us economy. american billionaire, an investor leal cooperman has stated that millstein appears imminent on the markets because of the fast growing national debt. there were a, towards the fiscal disaster in the country. there's nobody focusing on the creation economy in 2017, the national debt of the country, i think was 17 trillion uh, 5 years, 5 years. yeah,
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it's about 5 years later we're knocking on the door. ready 7 years later, so a little slow this morning. so uh, currently the day is about 3435 trillion. its a growth rate in debt for an excess, a grocery economy. i think we're going to move forward and not as political party focused on this. he brings up if he's, if anyone ever watch the fluids, he brings up a lot more about just this kind of what they should spending this way that the us has been on for a while. i mean, if we just look at the numbers, the numbers that the us spends on, on, on, on foreign conflicts, for example, right? since 2022 in the us has given 55.4 $1000000000.00 to ukraine. and israel, a 150000000000 since the ninety's baseband mind. a point when we heard yesterday, but the us is a federal dissolves to budget, has essentially run out of money. it's gotten its disappearance if in that or it's all been spent, it's incredibly wiring. i mean, we're seeing,
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it's not just keep them, but we're also seeing lots us corporations, companies and business been the best thing themselves of ever and economy. but if we look at such a half away, which a lot of people 9, i buy the, the same as the infamous warren buffet. if we look at the numbers that they've moved so much into cash in this law school to they've been selling off costs of their entire apple stuff, but just put whatever you want us to use as high as performing stocks. either the last 20 years, half of that stuff, which is absent and she, you know, that balance sheet by now $289000000000.00 that holding in cash. and that means that that sped money, essentially union. that's money that they just holding. that's not being re invested into the economy and things like government bones and things like us stocks, equity shares or stuff like that. they literally just pulled that money out. and that whole thing basically a wall chest. i think that really tells us exactly where the economy is. i'm probably signs of what's to come. the i a mass of that say is no, no real friends. the ross, it's, i never any of the so called multi poto world, a full costing that the global economy i'm the same but you know,
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the national debt of the global economy, the us being the largest economy in about pretty much unfortunately, every economy in the world is going to fall, i say they'll be a domino effect, a 140 percent g d p per capita to debt ratio, which is absolutely massive. in fact, i think we go to fit in and we can see what the i m. s o actually warning. high deficits and dead create a growing risk for the us and the global economy potentially feeding into higher fiscal financing costs. the ongoing expansion of trade restrictions and insufficient progress in addressing the vulnerabilities, both pose important downside risks. and again, we've seen other countries to keep that advice. say china, a lot of people that have this, but china holds a huge amount of us dollar bones. that's basically us, that's, that china has left the us government in spite of what they said, well that, you know, that propaganda about china, that really in the whole, would china, the china, a lot of money and us bonds. they've sold $50000000000.00 if they us treasury bonds
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this summer, which is, which is probably more than they've sold in a very, very long time. and then we'd go to the other issue of, you know, orders the sang since the us is put on a, put on russia, put on, uh, you know, putting it now looking like you under a trumpet ministration, getting even worse on china. and that's just damaging that the economy. more importantly, you didn't, we talked about a lot in this program. it's damaging the, the green by the us dollar, which is one of the ways in which the us has managed to be to stay as the world's largest economy. at a lot of countries, i'm moving away from the us store and choosing alternative currencies to trade in. so i think it's just a pretty bad news if you live in the west. ukraine's by a king of militants in west africa is playing for all to see. that's the message from the molly. an earth force, chief of staff, speaking to r t. a positive thing for you on 1st. when we fight on the battlefield and see troops in front of us that are incompatible with those that we are used to seeing
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the difference is noticeable. secondly, ukraine openly declares its participation in these hostilities in front of the whole world who needs other evidence than the statements by military officials or to claim responsibility for the attacks. and that's when a country is at war. there are military actions. molly is currently at war a war against international terrorism. molly is fighting a coalition of various arm terrace groups, and these armentaros groups do not live in a vacuum. they receive support not only within molly, but also outside of it. we're talking about financial, logistical, and combat support. the recent scandal was initiated by a sovereign state and that officially announced in the media that it wanted to harm the molly and armed forces. this is unacceptable. it is important to understand that the armed forces of molly have always taken an exclusively defensive position . molly has never threatened anyone and has not posed a danger to any country in the world, and we protect our interest sovereignty, just the territory and people,
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and do not interfere in the internal security affairs of other countries in return, we expect that other countries will also respect our sovereignty, if our right to self defense, to protect our territory and people and will not interfere in our internal affairs . burkina faso molly and need year have been fighting for a very long time against the same arm terrace groups that are trying to destabilize the situation in the country using logistical and financial support from outside. but now the armies of the countries are prepared to counter these threats and pull some background to those comments late last month to reg separatists. along with, i'll call you to link the terrorist attacked molly on pmc. wagner. fighters in northern molly, over 18 buckner soldiers were reported, kills a top. you're creating an official admitted sharing intelligence with its limits. but he is backtracked on its own statement after molly, i'm the sure cut diplomatic ties with ukraine. the official post, by deciding that the rebels received the necessary information that allowed them to
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conduct a successful operation against the wash and war criminals. the whole world has already seen this. in principle, this can be commended on. we certainly will not disclose any details, but let's say there will be a continuation use. i've told the financial times this week that he had made no such statement about ukraine's intelligence directory. being involved in the attack will be owns molly, key us boxing of militants in west africa, has sparked outrage across the region 14 of us. so i'm cynical, were among those slumming t f for it's activities. russia also reacted to the instant stating the confidence of large is aware of what ukraine is doing. the severance of diplomatic relations with ukraine by a 2nd african country clearly demonstrates the growing understanding by the continent states of the terrace nature of the key of regime. moscow has repeatedly drawn the attention of the international community to the relevant fact. kesha of
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however, continues to increase its terrorist activity well as african countries, cut toys with ukraine relations with moscow appeared to be on a very upward trajectory army expo 2024 recently held in russia. so a sizable presence of foreign military officials and experts, including from africa, security issues top the agenda during meetings with the host defense minister on the events sidelines. a little boy d. r. a again. sure, the benefits his country gets from working together with most of the, the strongly to russia and molly, cooperate in the military technical sphere on several levels. russia is one of the world leaders in the field of defense technologies and produces high quality equipment. that is perfectly adapted not only to the geographical and climate of conditions of molly, but also to combat conditions. the equipment is reliable, effective, easy to maintain, and helps to achieve incredible results on the battlefield. then in addition to
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military equipment, training is needed. therefore, when molly purchases weapons from russia to moscow also provides instructors who show our military not only how to use and maintain equipment in technical terms, but also how to use it most effectively in combat conditions. thus, our cooperation is holistic and covers all aspects and principles of use of maintenance, of equipment and infrastructure for its deployment. frankly, at the form we felt like children in a toy store because everything we need in the field of defense and security was presented there. the mastery of the russian defense industry does not need additional demonstrations. what we saw not only prompts, thoughts, but also somewhat causes envy in terms of defense and security, molly seeks to strengthen its autonomy. consequently, molly is getting closer to partners who can support his desire to become autonomy. russia has proven its value by trying to understand its partner, its needs and supporting it on the path to achieving its goals. to them,
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at least an overnight is really a to come in the apartment building and the jet bali, a refugee camp in northern gals that has killed several palestinians while in drink . many more that is according to the intake of civil defense agency. this footage shows the aftermath of the idea of attack. emergency services are seeing putting out a blaze which ignited following the strike. casualties were transported to the indonesian hospital one of the few remaining operational clinics in the north. us of another on wanted milestone has been reached in gaza since october 7. at this i, that is a number of martyrs has reason to over 40000. well, 10 thousands are still missing under the rumble and destroyed buildings during the genocidal war. these really a corporation army killed more than 16000 posting in children, and more than 11000 posting and women. they weren't indiscriminately killed for no reason. to date, we'll repeat our calls and warnings that we have issued since the 1st day. this genocidal war waged by duke patient in the us and ministration against on policing
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and civilians must stop all the idea of hazard lights that boat ramp up its operations in central and southern guns that the ongoing violence has left practically no palestinian in the income of on affected. 6 truly heartbreaking story has emerged. the folder of newborn twins discovered his children's dead bodies being delivered to a hospital while picking up their birth certificates. the babies and their mother were killed on tuesday when their house was head fine is released from the grieving father. have this to say that the headed to the all ox, the hospital, to obtain the birth certificates for my twins also. and i felt well, i was leaving the hospital holding the certificates. i saw an ambulance approaching and i did not expect that my family wasn't sides. late to i got a call. it said mohammed, are you aware that your house was bombed?
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this a moment that was holding the birth certificate goes in my hand to show it to my wife at home. i found out that my family was in the more to have a refrigerator and the lock, the hospital once was a killed for i don't know. what does that fault? my wife is a doctor. what connection does she have to mil to reaction. what tom could, children calls to these valve, the occupation to be killed like this and fall from the 5th floor due to the force of a now to a shell, fired indiscriminately from a tank. the idea of stole my joy with my kids for just 3 days old. they will, born on 10th of august, entailed on the 13th of august, a law post, a new leader. and luckily with a boss has taken a swing at the u. s. law. speaking in the turkish parliament, he condemned to washington for supporting israel as the world looks on. he said in disbelief, the ongoing finance public, an order has been issued for israel to cease these crimes. meanwhile,
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over 2 thirds of gauze that has been reduced to rubble, there are no hospitals, no churches, palestinians, it'd be left homeless and displaced. despite this devastation, the united states has exercises vito power 3 times. while the world unites in condemning israel's aggression in gaza. the us comfortably wields it's vito at the united nations security council. this is a catastrophe, a continuing american disaster. but earlier we spoke to the unicef communications officer for the middle east and north africa. he sees a ceasefire and goes with that's the only way to stabilize the situation. in the reach a 50 percent of the schools that are being used as stroke does have been targeted over 80 percent of schools in general have been damaged or destroyed. it's totally and in hospitals we don't have many hospitals that are running every every couple
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of days. we hear about the hospital that's stuffing because of lack of fuels because of that because of not being able to maintain the sedation. so really do anything month. we've always been seeing a, a tax on civilian interest as chose, including voters such as health and education and, and as i said earlier, suits us. let's look good happened to, to it will be the suffering is simple. it's a ceasefire. that's the only actual solution for the stuffing of the killing naming . and so think of children all that i got left. that's really the only uh, let me do so what's happening now without that, what we need is access for age from outside goes into gaza, but also guarantees that this a is the best of the data to go and unrestricted, to go around, goes up to the to the, to the families that are in dire need for the well away from gas. so the
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westbank is also being hit by more violence. at least one. palestinian was shot dead on thursday, was over a 100 is really settlers went on the wrong page. several injuries were reported as well after the mob, many of them wearing musk porch cars and some homes of local residents, police an idea of service men were brought in to move them from the area. violence in the west bank has search since the start of the gas and more with palestinians facing not only fall into touch by settlers, but also regular rates by abuse. really military as india marked its 78th independence day. this week, new delhi also remembered those who suffered from britain's partition. the 1947 defend which led to the creation of 2 independent nations, india and pakistan. left millions of people displaced of the night.
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when the sleep in the window we when we when men and women, the nation in 1947 to a 100 years of british relief came to an end bringing a dramatic division to one of the was most of a sub confidence into 2 separate nations. he knew majority india and was the majority boxed on this british imposed plan to a good the largest forest migration of the 20th century as millions of hindus seeks and most lens once lived together in harmony. weiland slowly up booted august of 1947 black claim to a line bordering india and focused on the line. also, divide in best way for the job during the ball. will it just families and communities now in those, and 6 or one side of the muslims on the other design that has shown that to the
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tragic law. so for a 1000000 lives knocking one of the roses, death misstating chapters in modern history, leaving sculls for us to come to have it. but we're left out into our life. across the board to our old life no longer existed. we had to start afresh memory. some of these gone by, come back to me, the garden in spring, all the chit chat a. when the partition happened, we were here in the same village, the same district of good westport. i don't remember when the line was drawing, but it still wasn't decided on which side my village would fall. and that's, i'm 75 years ago. there was no tv or radio. only one person to the next to me, which had a radio. and on the 15th of august, thousands of people from different villages gathered at the home of this person with the radio as the fate of our district, whether it will be part of india or practice sense what's to be decided. men from
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own village also went there to hear the decision and he came and told us that we would remain in india. i still remember that day very clearly. there was live amongst us, believed like brothers. the hade was brave by politics and the british. before leaving india, the british made sure to break a united india, people who live together peacefully for generations share common culture, food land. lots on a, bought the radcliffe line up, routed 15000000 people were on either side. one space for land collapsed, but no regrets that i did ask him on the top of their life safety reading more normal that and i want you to draw the life said don't know anything that i'm just saying. i'm going to be sick maps, trees,
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and maps he got in the see says did he started drawing the line and somebody has been a tv show? anything, nothing, nothing. which is the why the strategy left to negative. feel fragmentation never allowing unity to take root as soon as it became known in india that there was an army which was fighting for the countries in different areas. there was a huge oxy, but i'm on the altered almost uh remove mix of law. nobody really, there you smoke, but people rules on their own. and there was a huge people, live up, protest across segments, all sections of the society, the students, the laborers, people who used to work in the post office at they stood up individually and there was a piece of move. but i guess the biggest,
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how does that really know to the british governments as in the things started moving pretty fast? so i imagine the human that's basically it says, i d scott in the minds of the population of both the countries. and i, one can say that it is entirely gone even now because of the city very, very light in the mind of a lot of people, indians across the world's most populous country are commemorating the suffering of those displaced us. the results of british colonial force, london's actions caused one of the largest mass migrations in history with the millions forced to leave their homes with local stores. as he was a wrong decision by the british display of the country, thousands of people have died due to the partition even today we are facing the repercussions. it was a wrong decision. and if it had not happened, united india would have been even stronger in the name would have been different.


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