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tv   News  RT  August 17, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the couldn't move that could break catastrophic destruction report to merge. that key of plan was to use bolton's fills with review active morehead to attract the curse and suffer rosie a nuclear power plants live reaction on the coming right up. plus the large shopping center in done yet is set the blazing the ukrainian missiles, frank leaving 2 dead on another 11 people. when the 5th is where it all came. true for indonesia. on august 17th, 1945 freedom from the dodge,
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calling your rule and independence for the nation in an easy and mark 79 years of independence from the dutch colonial rule. by officially, in order a thing, it's capital city, the life from must go to the world. this is your r t international grip of your company for the weekend global use right up. what we start with some alarming developments. ukraine is preparing a neutral or pro vacation using a so called dirty bomb with storage sites of power plants being the target. now that is according to a russian stake, media outlets, citing national law enforcement officials. he was quick to respond with its foreign ministry, spokes person stating that you crane does not have dirty bones, but there's no plans to acquire them. ortiz eager to sit down off,
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can tell us more. the various reports in various media outlets have emerged sightseeing, anonymous sources within the russian security blog. the poor thing that's indeed key of could be planning a t boned attack against nuclear waste facilities of these the powers. yet i'm the coolest nuclear power plants. indeed, some very concerning developments and some very concerning concerning and indeed, alarming news. promptly. according to these reports, the russian security block even knows the direct location of the special warheads that cube has prepared for this attack. and they do provide this location in the probes region of ukraine. this is not the 1st time that russia is warning and is ringing the alarm about the possibility of sex. new publication is what the head of russia's radiological chemical and biological protection forces had previously said. must quoted good at how realistic is the scenario of new cranes, military,
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political leadership creating a dirty bomb could easily the government, well, we won't reveal any secrets, but in fact, it's not that difficult. i believe they already have want to do that. they have been instances of toxic substances being used that could only have been synthesized in the us because no other industry is equipped to produce the criminal law concerns have been formally submitted to the organization for the probation of chemical weapons. so far, there's been no reaction. now again, a very, very concerning on the, this comes this, these reports come as of the coordinates of for the pro russian on the ground inside ukraine has stepped forward with a, basically, with a statement of his own. he says that plenty of west and john list have arrived to be sweet region and the southern region that is currently the part that is currently under the control of the cube forces. he claims that that could be 2 well
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to just to cover this provocation. again, these are his words, and this is something that the head of the pro russian or rather the coordinator for the pro russian on the ground in ukraine is saying. also, a claim is being made that this is, this operation is being planned out by for and by nature instructors mainly from the great breaks. and again, these reports we can not them independently, sorry, 5. but again, this is the rushing for administrator has already responded to that the time has called on the cube authorities and on the west and will to take this information. very serious. can anyone guarantee that key will not use a dirty bomb for yet another provocation or terrorist act? in my opinion, all the patrons of the key regime should take the warning about the impending provocation very seriously. with joining me now in the studio is for us army officers found this love trump,
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if nick slough. thank you for your time today. thank you for invitation. ukraine claims it's actions over the past days. are intended to force russia to negotiating to moscow as said, it's always willing to talk. it's open to that and it's key of which isn't willing to engage. know if these reports of a dirty bomb are accurate. how does that tale with bringing it by such negotiation? well, 1st of all, ukraine's position has been in flux from day one. so what they actually one is very hard to figure out. dave even come on said we're not going to do any more talks and then they want to do talks, then they're aiming to capture russian land to negotiate for, but really is of the russian land, which is ridiculous. so their position shifts constantly and it's getting more desperate as the cross confronts of is being ground down, any advances are, are coming down to half a kilometer hundreds of meters. and they're, uh, they're reconnaissance and force groups are being wiped out. so they're getting
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more and more desperate, and their positions are changing constantly, or the positions of their owners. anyways. you have russia also stating that it will use all weapons of its disposal if it deems that threat to the nation to be sufficiently high. that's a constant done the yours code p of be trying to provoke, must go into the pulling its nuclear weapons. the most drop more support from it, from its western backers. is, is that something that we're starting to increasingly see here? well, for zalinski, uh, the only way he gets out of this alive is to keep the work going. and the only way he can keep this or going uh, is to have nato involved directly. uh, as in uh, not natal contractor's not mercenaries, but actually natal units, uh, car crossing the border and being engaged in a full hi rose is about to actually happen. uh, depending on who you ask. uh, some will of course say no, never others will say, absolutely, let's go,
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we want to do it. now. i would say, as by if and if nothing changes by mid september, nato is gonna have to make a decision of writing off project, a grain or getting fully involved. why that date? because of the, the rate that the western front for the ukrainians is collapsing. they're gonna lose most everything uh west with enough. i'm sorry. yeah, east of an eastern front and mark like you said that pro is going to be gone one way or the other or they're going to be in full retreat. and the course defensive was just throwing away troops that they didn't have enough of to begin with. so that's going to be getting more likely or within the next $3.00 to $4.00 weeks. going to get very, very constrained and will be getting destroyed because they, they would, they do this, they put themselves in a culture, or they put their head in a new so they brought in reserves, different arrow, keeping in the deep rear. and that could have been used to plug the holes on the eastern front, and they put them in to this offensive,
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and they got themselves in the back. they're the colder and the colder it's being close up. sure. there's some areas where they're still advancing a little bit, but they're big advances of ground down to half of kilometers or less than a day. know, and they're losing troops and equipment that's found in great that they can't really replace without actual nato coming in and full units. ok. the 2nd airborne or under 1st airborne of divisions in terms of this, an accusation of a nuclear provocation. the you and, and also the i a, a, they have reportedly not commented on the reports. it's so sounds like what does that silence indicate? well, did you want leadership? uh, 1st of all, placing the un in the united states, it was a historical blunder of, of, of the global proportions. you should have in place somewhere in a neutral country like switzerland, for example, when switzerland was neutral uh, of the people in the you,
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when the app or leadership of the year and are in the us pocket. they've been bought and they've been paid for it. and they don't see anything unless they're told to see something or they, they noticed that were nazis in ukraine of yesterday because of the video that came out where a couple guys with nazi helmets, with ss and markings on them, were abusing and pension of using abusing an elderly man that later came out and they also killed us. so then they will suddenly notice they didn't notice that for 10 years for the product in your or the movements prior to that. so again, that you, when you and isn't in the pocket of us and the corruption rate in the you and i've been on to you and missions. one was part of the unit. the other part i was a foreign affairs officer in georgia military advisor. and the corruption i saw in the union was astounding, just on that level. so the union is corrupt, it's, it's absolutely corrupt. it sees what it's paid to see when the leadership uh sees what speed. so of course, you don't see any of the threats. there won't be any threats one to if something
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happens, there won't be any threats just like the you one has played almost a 0 role in north stream. the biggest industrial terrorist attack in the world in world history, and one of the biggest ecological disaster. it's also talking of possible disasters if this attack that was to go ahead just to go away from the analysis of it, like schuman level. what could that mean for, for the people in the border area? and of course, it's not just on the russian side of, of the board or that would be, i would imagine considerable blow back as well. it depends what the chief they've been, the bombing those approaches are planned for quite a while. uh, course guy x plans hasn't been shot at until now. if you took direct hits, what happens? again, it depends as are part of your plan is basically shut down. so it's pretty hard to do anything other than uh, maybe blow up the containment area. yeah. where you spend use the rods are
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that material? if it explode, you get the dirty bum with it. for people don't understand. a dirty bomb, as opposed to a nuclear bomb and nuclear bomb has a nuclear chain reaction. so neutrons are fired off from the nuclear material, and enough neutrons are hitting other adams the material cause a chain reaction. give a mass of release of heat and you have a nuclear explosion. a dirty bomb doesn't have the critical mass or doesn't have that in rich material. it just explodes and nuclear grade radioactive material, just slides out in all directions and so contaminates a large area. there's no nuclear written nuclear explosion, but there's large scale contamination. depends what you have, you know, you can take a nuclear waste from a medical nuclear waste into a small bama blow it up and contaminate maybe a block. or you can take out a large containment area for spent fuel rods. and that for contaminate an area that's thousands of kilometers around depending how big of explosion. yeah. on the other hand, uh, depending what they hit, for example,
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a coolant system. as opposed to this approach, it would just shut down curse cuz not shut down and fix it because the cooling system, they could cause a nuclear meltdown. and then you have something like another for, for her she might or where you have another turnover. and that would be something by the way, that most of europe is going to go get to suffer through. because at this time a year the winds are blowing north west for the most part. and could the threat of about forest rush it into a pre in the auction? i, i think uh i, i can't speak for the government. they don't invite me to the planning meetings. but i think if there is enough of a evidence that it could force a reaction to quit. fortunately, it's a very large reaction, because if there's a cooling, a cooling problem and there's a meltdown in the 1st plan, that's gonna leave most of course cold list uninhabitable. and then the fall out, but where it's going to go straight northwest into europe. it's going to hit the
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saying, the polls is going to hit the germans, the danes, the scandinavian countries, and right into the u. k. and scotland. but apparently, the, the, the leadership of those nations really doesn't give them. just the final thoughts on is something that we've been hearing a number of weeks ago at arthur and says a possible negotiations coming together. all sorts are thinking about in the future way. and then this happens. it also happens with joe biden, essentially being sidelined on new democratic leadership, new leadership in the white house. how do you see november's election impacting this? well, one of the things that they've mentioned to us because the trumpet said, oh, put an end to this for 3 days because of the ukrainians, they'll come to negotiations will cut off all the aid, or if the russians they'll come will just for all the aid we can a different which the us has already doing is it is so there's just not that much more a that us can do. but that's inside the points. one of the uh,
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what seems that came up uh early on was oh, we're going to grab this land. and then when the trump uh administration comes in, then we'll have, we will use as leverage for negotiations. for us. there's no way they're going to be able to hold this still january, january 20th of fact. they won't be able to hold it to the, to the elections in november and it's, it's ridiculous. but the truck, i'd say more of the power grabbing to us that, that this, the whole elections going through. i mean, let's face it, that there is no present in the us. even the figurehead, present a bite and was before he's basically been removed, right? the power is in the hands of on elected officials. absolute powers in the hands of, of elected officials. don't the answer to anybody? well, they, they get once in a while, they are called up on the, on the hill. but that changes nothing. so who is making which decisions in the us isn't possible right now to really gauge that is the big question. well, thank you so much for feeling so many of mine at this morning from a u. s. army officer spends the trip his neck,
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much appreciated. now i want to show you what happened in dolton boss on friday about was where a shopping center in done. yes, city went up in flames after ukrainian forces targeted the building within this. so police 2 people were killed and 11 more wounded. the fire spread across dozens of square meters, with thick smoke rising across this to the sky line. before emergency services were able to contain the place of video capture the initial chaos with people in a state of hysteria, as they feared, the worst about their loved ones prompts in the the internet. the people
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the, the, the, the i'm currently at the patrol school districts here in the net square. a shopping center. a supermarket was started by ukrainian military and fire brigades are fighting plays out, but you can see this blaze from all over the city owns. and that's now spoke to
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some people on the scene here that they told me that after the year, but on my way to the supermarket, i saw at least 3 different capitalist rushing for the city right now. there is uh i can hear a firefly nearby and i patrol school district is very close to the front line here in the next 10 that this particular area where we are is completely civilian. you can see residential buildings behind me. now i want to, there's, well, there's a lot of the shattered glass. once again, i'm not sure about the casual things, but i'm sure who finds out for us as a right now there is nobody here had the shopping center except for emergency services as to what times of weapons.
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the wire that area admitted size before it have made at least 3 to 4 different stories from this area alone when the city and buildings have been targeted for an end of the 3 are using our thursday using most the launch georgia systems of course whole supply to them by nasal countries, also this area is full of full unmanned aerial vehicles or simply puts full of foot drones, so to speak to europe. prince video however, of this supermarket is the very popular among the local, the doing monthly. i only found out when people from the mall rushed over to us with all the vendors fling and panic to one man had been injured. i helped him by giving him bandages for his arm and leg to go. he had been in a car at the time. the vendors were screaming and crying saying they couldn't open
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the doors and had to break them down. there were other injuries to one woman was hit in her leg in athletics and was trying to bandage herself here. thank god, she's still alive, at least one of the rocket steps. so for you to supermarket steered off its way and this apartment building it started with the strikes on t t 1st. the last strike was right in our apartment. then we went to our neighbors . everything was already flying out the 26 explosions, 6 explosions in quick succession, one after another. i looked out and i thought about the square on that side. when i stepped outside, the window was dark with smoke. i shut the windows and hurried out only to find everything destroyed. our building took a direct hit right now specialists are working on the scene, trying to determine what kind of weapons work use. but for this apartment, almost completely destroy this room is intact. so let's take a look at this for right here. pat,
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thankfully there was no one inside the apartment. inside while north of there, in the crisp region rushes armed forces continue to repel the ukrainian incursions among the latest updates the russian m. o. d, say it's artillery units have destroyed a german supplied or defend smith, i launch, or the or force. it's been active to su, $34.00 fighter bombers targeted ukraine's month power and equipment with high precision stripe will culture or offensive operations are not the only priority for russian forces in the border area. the mining that's also in full swing serviceman and from the ministry of emergency situations have disposed of more than 70 exclusive objects in the curse region. some of them are remnants of cluster munitions launched from western supplied rocket artillery. as well as touch cut you missed silence. the morning the chaise are continuing to emerge from
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t as incursion into russian territory. disturbing video evidence has put the printing and armed forces personnel in the spotlight on their abuse towards significance and find we're in that, get the full updates from the ground at r t dot com. today, self today marks indian easiest, 17 9th independence day from dutch colonial rule is to your celebrations are particularly specialized. the main commemoration is happening in the countries new capital city r t corresponded rebecca. nothing to pooler brings us more now. on the historic anniversary. this is where it all came through for indonesia, on august 17th, 1945. freedom from the dodge call on your rule and independence for the nation. after 350 years of being a dodge colony in the shaft finally said enough,
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this historic moment was announced by the country's 1st president suit gotta know this here, celebration march. the special moment emissions history as a country moves to change its capital to some data. the shift symbolizes a fresh start. as jakarta found it back in the 16th century is full of reminders of colonialism. here's how the people in the current capital feel about the change. i'm gonna put together. that'd be said, i don't think history can be forgotten because the dutch are also part of the colonizers who used to colonize indonesia. and maybe that makes an impression, especially for the struggles in the past. and i think moose and tara is a breakthrough model. so i see, in my opinion, the goal is actually good, but maybe not for now because new some tar. it costs a lot of money. yes, i get out about the lesson. yeah. history is history, the otherwise we would not be able to stand at this point. but for us to be able to transform, we need a turning point in the fonts or as the new capital. just these before the independence, the celebrations,
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the indonesian we are noted at the presidential palaces in jakarta, reminded him of the colonial rule sense. we'll talk about them, but they, we, the indonesian presidents have been living there for 79 years. we never, i'm the, i feel how these places, 3 of colonialism every day, feels like i'm being haunted by these colonialism. we want to show that if we possess the ability to construct a capital as we wish, that as he has already started working from the newly built house in santa barbara, despite the cities still be under construction, all this would, it have become reality. but for us to car no. back in 1927, he found that the indonesian national party, this became a crucial step in uniting innovations from different regions of ethnic groups in the fight against colonialism. despite being imprisoned and reported by the judge, he state true to his unity in diversity message and achieved his goal.
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this is the room where the proclamation manuscript was formulated, which used to be the dining room. at that time, the owner of the house had set aside a specific room so that the 3 figures could focus on the formulation because the front room was already full of folks to this day. so cardinal is c. s given me shes founding father by most of its people so valuable the that high. so carno, not only did the fight for indonesia is independence. the also united the regions of indonesia within the sovereignty. i as though saw yeah. as far as i know, it's economy's role in fighting for independence was the often carried out movements to fight the dog, japanese and all the color noises for the economy thrown in indonesia is very important because he's the leader that thinks about progress for indonesia. but the country's independence was not so easily won. the japanese occupation arrived just as the dodge rule was, topple and left it until august 1945,
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plunging into nature into poverty and terror. after it finally gained independence, the netherlands wage war on its former largest colony with help from the west, a totally different approach team from the soviet union that used to influence in the when to back in an issues but power commission. so i'm not up to date, but pretty much for 4 years from 1945 to 1949. it was a process where indonesia had declared each independence, but international recognition hadn't been obtained. there was only later after left as groups present in indonesia that the western world started to pay attention. so americans started to enter because after the reconstruction in europe was over the underway, it's finally shifted to the far east and then to indonesia, the so that potential indonesia could standard the service orbit and they didn't one that the stadium right behind me go low level and kind of know is a great reminder of the important role, the soviet union slate. and what so gotten stated as nation building with most
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goals, stepping in to give a fever of a loan for the stadiums construction. and so i think it's engineers to jakarta, helping indonesia achieve its dream, the friendship between the 2 countries who even stronger route, closer to. so the leader, me get that crucial to go to set the 2 nations from united by a special thought and love for freedom. a number of mutual visits piece. do we for further cooperation with the u. s. s. our supply and in asia with much needed military equipment. in 1962, we opened this as if it was supposed to lead 0 in the news in sort of via the us and see somebody in symbols, states and so that you know that no one, no, for the so somebody in this could have been deliberate assuming that he didn't have them forces in 19 the 69 4th to fold the muscle part, the sort of as humans,
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sort of by at the end of the car and his presidency put upon us through the fast growing ties. but the $99.00 piece brought a whole new chapter to the deepening historic partnership. today in an asia is the largest economy in southeast asia and has an increasingly louder voice on the world stage. throughout the years, its relations with russia has been strong, recently reflected by the words off the president to get like, bravo, a. so dm's all who called moscow a great friend celebrating it's 17 9th year of independence. any shot is looking to a bright new future. but never forgetting those who stood by yet in the past. they got up at the bull reporting from jakarta for r t could just finally opposition parties from molto. but that recently merged into one block named victory have gathered here in moscow to choose their presidential candidate for the upcoming election stops. as the group leader accused,
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the government inc cushion of putting washington's interests above those of its own people. that's the one you see today, your brands, any opposition as an agent of the kremlin? you can, i say your current mold open government is an agent of washington for people. it is not just an agent. it is washington's hired manager who does exactly what washington wants in moldova mobile. you mean they are not interested in moldova, they are not interested in moldova citizens. they are not interested in our problems separately, and they are invested in their own interest. it's about what they are interested in turning moldova into a platform for military operations. but it is interesting for them to place all spheres of influence under their control as much as possible. i to keep this will be a pivotal year from old over as the country prepares for presidential elections and e referendum and parliamentary elections after the arabs. moldova is largely split into
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a remaining and speaking population. and those who are afore easy and to gratian as well as those who are russian speakers until closer to most schools of world vision well with the cloth. second, there's been a significant increase in pro you advertising all the false, moldova, and likewise, the country's opposition parties are not wasting any time, despite what they say are times to silence them. especially knew the current authorities are doing everything possible to prevent us from organizing any events that we hold. if they find out the location of where we are going to hold a meeting, it will surely be presented by the special services. the police. today are people in the republic of moldova, live in poverty. almost all russian tv channels and opposition. tv channels have been close to you, but i see it can be closed the next day over an uncomfortable question to the president of the republic of moldova, the countries pro western governments,
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as ottomans on selling the european dream and moscow as a thrice and many are seen power allows between the persecution of pro russian mode opens and pro russian ukrainians, leaving many to wander war as next or the legislators that we spoke. see here today, claim that the majority of the country actually for, we're closer to russia rather than europe. and they warn that most of us current political landscape is not a true representation of the people's wishes, a subscription to that's what the russian federation has always helped in odessa, not that, but it has done so without shouting about it at every corner. and if the european union builds even a piece of road, it will immediately put up signs that it was done by the european union. at the same time, the russian federation provided us with gas at very low and say verbal price is what it does, making life easier for our people of all categories. because the prices for energy resources are very high. we please when we come to russia, we come to our friends. when we come here, we feel at home among our friends,


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