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tv   News  RT  August 17, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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going underground can the move with potentially catastrophic repercussions. reports emerge that plans to use bones filled with a video act of warheads for the test, the 1st and southboro junior power plants, also a head on the program, a former german spiked chief police. you pray, opponent were in cahoots with a terror attack on the north stream to pipelines, standing in operation of that steel of sophistication cutting up with, with ice. they told support plus this is where it all came. true for indonesia. on august 17th, 1945, freedom from the dodge colony of rule and independence for the nation. in an easy at mark 79 years of independence from dutch colonial rule. officially in order
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rating it's new capital city, the one minute past mid day in moscow. welcome to the latest middle august use round up . okay, we started off with some alarming developments. ukraine is preparing a neutral or pro vacation using a so called dirty bomb with storage sites. the power plants being the target's done is, according to a russian state. media outlets, citing national law enforcement officials, what kid was quick to respond with its foreign ministry spokes person sticking that to print those knots of dirty bones on his no plans to acquire them. ortiz, he goes to dallas can tell us more. the various reports in various media outlets have emerged, sites anonymous sources within the russian security blog. the poor thing that's indeed key of could be planning a t boned attack against nuclear waste facilities of these the powers. yet i'm the
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coolest nuclear power plants. indeed, some very concerning developments and some very concerning concerning and indeed, alarming news. promptly, according to these reports, the russian security block even knows the direct location of the special warheads, the chief has prepared for this attack, and they do provide this location in the probes region of ukraine. this is not the 1st time that russia is warning and is ringing the alarm about the possibility of sex nuclear poor vocation. here's what the head of russia's radiological chemical and biological protection forces had previously said. must quoted good. yeah. how realistic is the scenario of new cranes military, political leadership creating a dirty bomb as me to good afternoon? well, we want to reveal any secrets, but in fact it's not that difficult to to, i believe they already have want to do that. there have been instances of toxic substances being used that could only have been synthesized in the us if because no
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other industry is equipped to produce the criminal law concerns have been formally submitted to the organization for the pro, addition of chemical weapons. so far, there has been no reaction. now again, a very, very concerning on the this comes with these reports come, as of the coordinates of for the pro russian on the ground inside ukraine has stepped forward with a, basically, with a statement of his own. he says that plenty of west and john list have arrived to be sweet region and the southern region that is currently the part that is currently out of the control of the cube forces. he claims that that could be 2 well to just to cover this provocation. again, these are his words, and this is something that the head of the pro russian, or rather the coordinator for the pro russian on the ground in ukraine is saying. also, a claim is being made that this is, this operation is being planned out by for and by nature instructors mainly from
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the great breaks. and again, these reports, we can not them independently, sorry, 5. but again, this is the russian foreign ministry has already responded to that time has hold on the cube authorities and on the west and will to take this information very serious . can anyone guarantee that key will not use a dirty bomb for yet another prob, occasion, or terrorist act? in my opinion, all the patrons of the key regime should take the warning about the impending provocation very seriously. u. s. foreign policy, especially as trying to me cause more of towards us when it comes to possible false flag operations. the west is well versed in the dark arts. there's a long history of these kind of blog flag operations. you know, nato is expert in this going back to the early cold war periods, and there's an excellent book by switzer, either daniel, ganz or about this how they had graded stay behind armies and they plotted new
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blood flag operation where they would carry out publication or terrorist activity and blame it on their adversaries. in that case, you know, the soviet union or communist in countries like italy. so they, they've been doing this for many, many years. and you know, you have to look at in the context that they're losing the war. and you mean ukraine is losing the war and they're increasingly desperate. so they may try and stage something spectacular and blamed the russians to justify uh, you know, and trying to retake the offensive or, or continuing these risk reckless attacks inside russia. the west is behind this, and i think they also see the writing on the wall that this is illusion cause so they have to do something dramatic and they would be the ones helping ukraine to plot this. and they're going to, you know, perhaps the west wants it escalations. i mean, you know, we, seeing for increasingly, you know, me,
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years in washington who you have to question their mental saturday. they seem to be doing everything in their power to provoke russia and provoke a world war were russian and also in the middle east, and also a china at the same time, you know that they use the technique to demonize rusher and the public guy. that's the only way they can get public support for further escalations of war to well in the cursed region, rushes armed forces continue to repel the premium incursions just to give you some of the latest updates. the russian, m. o. d saves its artillery units, have destroyed a german supplied or defense missed. so i launcher on the air force has also been active. su, 34 a fight or a bummer is targeted new crane's mom pa. busy around the equipment with high precision strikes. what country offensive operations are not the only priority for russian forces in the border area? de mining that's also in full swing serviceman and from the ministry of emergency situations up disposed of more than 70 explores of objects in the car screech and
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some of them are remnants of cluster munitions launched from western supplied rocket artillery as well as touched k, u in the silence for more images are continuing to emerge from cubes incursion into russian territory. disturbing video evidence has put the printing on forces personnel in the small flights and under abuse toward civilians. you can find more and thoughts and get the full of dates from the ground at our t dot com. the know the former ahead of germany federal intelligent service has made a bold statement to live on t. v august. cumming said he believes ukraine component were directly involved in the terror attack on the north stream to pipelines, berlin's ex, spite chief audit that the current narrative of half a dozen ukrainian divers, independently blowing up the infrastructure with the barking of nato, just as not often on the way it seems is that it was a korean see that an esper,
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the findings. so the investigation operate the this was of course only possible with support from the law. and when we look at the map, the police agencies, but engage here pretty evidently. and i think not all the agencies, i think that this was an arrangement between people on the top level in ukraine and in poland. visa decisions have been made at the highest political level. and i think that there was an arrangement between volume is lensky and police president andre due to, to carry out this attack. well, this guy should be writing spine novels like a lot of former top intelligence officers in the west actually have. yeah, sure. why not? poland, did it with ukraine, smashed cookie jar on the ground, and 2 siblings both standing around. so no one really knows exactly who did it. how convenient you can take that information straight to the back door because by master's, always tell the absolute truth. they're known for being paradigms of virtue as
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every spying movies ever taught us. what's actually interesting though, about this former german spy master. and what i'm saying though, is the admission that at least the north stream attack involved or had to involve some kind of state support, which is different from what we've been hearing over these past few days about, for instance, a certain vladimir z, ukrainian diving in structure extraordinaire and suspect, and the wall street journal saying that the whole idea was ginned up by a bunch of drunken ukraine officers like college frat boys, except instead of saying, hey, let's go jump off the roof into the pool. when they were drunk, they instead went, hey, let's go pull up some pipelines with all of this talk of poland and ukraine. washington is seizing the very convenient opportunity to slowly back out of the room on the whole issue. can you comment on this report in the wall street journal saying that senior ukrainian officials approve the sabotage operation against the north stream pipeline. i'm not going to comments on the will street journal reporting on this
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officials refusing to speak college on the rest of them. topic is quite indicative . the democratic team was trying to take a favorable position as an outside observer. the once every want to forget the inconvenient quotes from the u. s. leadership of all the importance of destroying gas pipelines. the trying to shift all responsibility to the ukranian puppets. one member of german parliament with the alternative for germany parties said that the german government has blown off more than 300 questions about your stream. adding that it seems that there is more of an interest here in misleading dining, clarifying. also, why would zelinski spend so much time running around begging for the wes permission to hit russia? if already a couple of years ago, his top general was just going around flagrantly blowing up the west own infrastructure doesn't really sound like everyone's buying the story most stream sabotage. since yesterday, the media has been selling us
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a story that will put you to sleep with as always a bit of truth and a lot of false with to confuse everything and hide the really instigators. they want us to believe that everything was done by 6 ukrainian idiots who rented the boat to do it, and that is the landscape field with the remorse calls them at the last minute to cancel everything. but he's told it's too late. we're at. see, we have lunch, the operation in this version zaleski seems like a bit of a dork, but remains nice in the end natal ball and the u. k. and especially the united states are exaggerated. they're just bit stupid for not having been able to see the blow coming, but they remain very nice in the and who actually believes that you might be wondering where exactly does the c r c i a come into this whole spied trailer. well, just so you know, they were the voice of reason, of course, the ones who talked for lansky down from letting vladimir z, the ghost of the north sea and his drinking bodies from trying to blow up 1.6 inch steel pipe. it's wrapped in another 4.3 inches of concrete,
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and maybe just instead stick to up naked head 1st diving on the slip and slide into the walls of the bar. so did the c, i a talk some sense into this guy as well. if i'm rushing vase, that means tanks are troops crossing the the border of ukraine. again, then there will be we, there will be no longer on our steam to we, we will figure that. how will you do that? exactly. since the project and control of the project, this was in germany's control, i promise you will be able to pull our whole quick reminder that according to the sea ice on website, it quote conducts covert actions at the direction of the president, who in this case was just openly telegraphing the way a mob boss dies. nice pipeline, there would be too bad if something were to happen to it. and that's
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a really nice line actually makes you wonder why it's conveniently and constantly left out of the latest rewrites for the spied roller. that's a big day and in the news. yeah, this summer they marks it's 17 9th independent stay from the colonial rule. and this year celebrations are extra special. as the main commemoration is happening in the countries, new capital city are to correspond. and rebecca, nothing to pull. it brings us more now and the historic anniversary. this is where it all came. true for indonesia. on august 17th, 1945. freedom from the dodge colony of rule and independence for the nation. after 350 years of being a dodge colony in the shaft finally said enough, this historic moment was announced by the country's 1st president. suit gotta know this, your celebration, march the special moment in the nation's history. as the country moves to change
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its capital to some data, this shift symbolizes a fresh start as jakarta. so i'll get back in the 16th century is full of reminders of dodge colonialism. here's how the people in the current capital feel about they change color, but of course a get out. that'd be so i don't think history can be forgotten because the dutch are also part of the colonizers who used to colonize indonesia. and maybe that makes an impression, especially for the struggles in the past. and i think newton tara is a breakthrough model. so i see, in my opinion, the gold is actually good, but maybe not for now because new some tower costs a lot of money. yes, i got out about profit. yeah, histories history. otherwise we would not be able to stand at this point. but for us to be able to transform, we need a turning point in the santa as the new capital, just days before the independence. the celebrations, the indonesian leader noted the presidential palaces in jakarta reminded him of the colonial rule. and so talk about them. but they, we,
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the indonesian presidents have been living there for 79 years. we never, i'm the, i feel how these places 3 g of colonialism every day. feels like i'm being haunted by these colonialism. we want to show that if we possess the ability to construct that capital as we wish, that as he has already started working from the newly build palace in santa barbara, despite the city is still be under construction. all the is what it has become reality. but for us to car no. back in 1927, he found that the indonesian national party, this became a crucial step in uniting innovations from different regions of ethnic groups in the fight against colonialism, despite being imprisoned and deported by the judge, he state true to his unity in diversity message and achieved his goal. this is the room where the proclamation manuscript was formulated, which used to be the dining room at that time. the owner of the house had set aside
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a specific room so that the 3 figures could focus on the formulation. because the front room was already full of faults to this day. so cardinal is c s given me shes founding father by most of its people so valuable the that high. so carno, not only do the fight for indonesia is independence. the also united the regions of indonesia within the sovereignty. i as though saw yeah, as far as i know, economy's role in fighting for independence was the often carried out movements to fight the dog japanese. another call the noise is for the above number. another economy thrown in indonesia is very important because he's the leader that thinks about progress for indonesia. but the country's independence was not so easily won . the japanese occupation arrived just as the dodge rule was topple and left it until august 1945, plunging into naija into poverty and terror. after it finally gained independence, the netherlands wage war on its former largest colony with help from the west,
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a totally different approach team from the soviet union that used to influence in the when to back in an issues but power recognition. so i'm up to date my payment for 4 years from 1945 to 1949. it was a process where indonesia had declared each independence, but international recognition hadn't been obtained. there was only ways or after left as groups trends and in indonesia that the western world starts to pay attention. so americans started to enter because after the reconstruction in europe was over the underway, it's finally shifted to the far east. and then to indonesia, they saw that potentially indonesia could enter the service orbit and they didn't one that the stadium right behind me go low level and kind of know is a great reminder of the important role, the soviet union slate. and what so gotten stated as nation building with most goals, stepping in to give a fever of a loan for the stadiums construction. and so i think it's engineers to jakarta,
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housing in an asia achievement stream. the friendship between the 2 countries agree even stronger as a partner who closer to so the leader, me get that flu shift regardless of the 2 nations when united by a special on their loved for freedom. a number of mutual visits piece. do we for further cooperation with the u. s. s. our supply and in asia with much needed military equipment. in 1962, we opened the zip code for solid 0 in the news in the us and see somebody in symbols the states and so that you know that no one, no for the so somebody in this group didn't deliberate it to him that he's in the interim forces in 19 the 69 for the old, the bustle part, the sort of as you me sort of my a, b, and also carnis presidency put upon us through the fast growing tice. but the $99.00 piece brought a whole new chapter to the deepening historic partnerships. today in an asia is the
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largest economy in southeast asia and has an increasingly louder voice on the world stage. throughout the years, its relations with russia has been strong, recently reflected by the words off the president elect, but i'll boil so bmw all who called moscow a great friend, celebrating it's 17 9th year of independence. any shot is looking to a bright new future, but never forgetting those who stood by yet in the past. they got up at the bull reporting from jakarta for r t the. the palestinian red crescent society has again call for the protection of civilians both in gaza and the west bank. the humanitarian grouping said that they made rising violence. medical teams need to be able to move freely through all palestinian surgeries. the latest appeal comes as attacks on civilians rock the west bank this week. at least one palestinian was shot dead on thursday is
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over a 100 is really settlers went on a rampage for the local village. several people were also reported injured off to the mob. many of them wearing masks porch cars and some homes a residence to, according to an investigation by israel itself. the violence took place in front of idea of soldiers failed to stop the attacks. reactions of as really settlers have caused a backlash from their own citizens in the country. a number of protesters have gathered out a squatter. i post in the west bank demanding an end to what the you ends top court called a legal occupation parliament's member of our cast. it was one of those present. he told us whose personal warnings of brutality in the west bank helping completely ignored by the netanyahu government. that's the gun was a surprise to anyone who is disabled immediately to watch the grades going on in the occupied by the scene in westbank for many years. and especially in the last year or 18 months, i personally submit to the police,
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then let us do the defense minister, and i will on him since march 2023. that the ongoing gave features. my other is a violence by saturday is under the auspices of the base of both is a can not the continue, unfortunately up to you know, 18 months late that i haven't got any substantially bl. 2 right, so long that means the defense sim, about the thermally generated a to cool my sense. if you're at there is a guy, think it watts up gold with a jewish fascist who celebrate the actually call for the always the docs against but it's daniels in the occupied westbank and they haven't got any substantial on set up. it's even though even though when data is really citizens are not the only ones condemning the west bank violence, high profile politicians also joined the course of those the not seeing the
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rampaging settlers the stress. but those responsible for the scenes do not represent the values of the nation. at a time when our troops are fighting on the front lines defending the state of israel, a group of radical individuals have launched a riot and attacked innocent people. they do not represent the values of the communities living in some area. violent radical riots are the opposite of every code and value upheld by the state of israel. i take a serious view of the riots that took place this evening in the village of gte, which included injury to life and property by israelis, to enter the village. those who fight terrorism of the id f and the security forces, and no one else. i strongly condemn the evening disturbances in some area. this is an extreme minority that harms the law abiding settler population. and the settlement as a whole and, and the name and position of israel in the world during
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a particularly sensitive and difficult period will offer costs. if again, say you felt the attacks on palestinians in the west bank are strongly intertwined with the ongoing war and gas. i cannot see. and unfortunately, those a cream in those times aren't going to stop because we'll keep a fancy occupation full since it allowed them to do so when a by the village of kicks, the but his team of image of genes that was assaulted. so i'm a, it is a be sort of deals with that, and they were present on the scene, but didn't leave the fingers of the me to do anything to stop the so, so this program and i cannot, i do not see any different future. the only way to still be distributed to patient know much can but unfortunately does not be not question on the the image of the community a. busy way we continue, i was but i get it, which is the very difficult one, but we, we shall never give up the government of easily. i was interested in stuff tracking
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violent. and so because not the violence that i code on the october seven's. but in general, and in order to pursue the sole good subjugation plan of small peaches and the boys done 2 different strategies. one these, the genocide domestic and gaza and the other is the ethnic cleansing and the assault on me. but his deals in the west bank, so it goes out a very strongly into the twined well, on the related theme from that to as politician, nancy pelosi recently took a trip down memory lane during an interview reminiscing about her father's role in the creation of the jewish state, the democrats admit that the nation, well some just created others that are when he was quite remarkable, he became a real champion for the establishment of the state of israel. it and then what was palestine then? and also to criticize the book, the book, those adult administration for not doing more to help the jews jewish people and
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you'll have worshipped at the shrine to franklin. those don't. one is one of the earlier telling americans to serve and congress very got say, i think you've maybe that's part of your, the legacy that's been passed on in fearless lock. westbank is home to 3000000 palestinians with flushes in the sector going on for many years. in west punks being controlled by israel since the 196760 war after the tober 7th attacks. the idea of begun restricting movement in the area, blocking entrances to many cities and villages altogether. i said, stepped up rates. i'll send you an american journalist rumsey borrowed, so he's that us officials are simply ignoring what he calls the genocide in counseling that that's going to be going down in this. the books this nancy pelosi has admitted that the state of israel was established on a land that was called palestine for us fellow simians, by the way. it is still called pa this time. but what's interesting is that kind of
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the room, the warm reception of the, the who's when m. s, and b c. you know, the kind of the, who's going to be motive respirators to how that c n n. you know that, that particular option was it as it, as it f, bold hello c and the who are living in a completely different dimension. completely unaware, or oblivious to the, to the side and gaza. that many people are willing to hold the cost of the palestinians. and what the international come up with is nobody said it was the extermination of dependents to me is, i mean, if this interview took place before october 7, one can understand to some degree that many are still living in this kind of imaginary then space and which is, will, is the greatest democracy on earth and gods, you know, a gift to humanity,
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but now now to speak about the establishment that is, will, that very is, will that is exterminating dependents, didn't you tell us the news too much pride in the legacy of her father and admitting again that the land was indeed for pa, this time we are going underground once more after the break check in with option um his guest. today colin powell is former chief of stuff, retired us colonel lawrence wilkerson and i'll catch you again at the top. this is our teacher and the the,
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the release of russian states. never as one of the most sense community best ingles, all sense and up the in the 6595 and speed. what else holes? question about this? even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media machine for states on rochester day s r t, sports net, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube. the
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services for the question, did you say even closer to the the, [000:00:00;00] the, to match sooner than say welcome back to going underground ball casting all around the world from the u. a where president check with him and been zaya, and was with chinese president agent being and badging this week,
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both like the international community condemn. israel is invasion of roughly enabled by the usa, u. k. and the you, nations, today, voters and fellow bricks member and biggest democracy in the world. india will decide who they want as prime minister in the final stage. i mean, it's 18 general election. i know pac plus median vienna to defy us cools, to increase energy output. it's also the anniversary, the 1982 signing of a landmark. i n f nuclear weapons treaty between the us and russia, towing up by the old trump catalyzing a world today where israel, nato and russia. now named check the foreseeable use of nuclear weapons, whether it be in gaza or ukraine. joining me from falls church in virginia, in the usa is a former us army officer, if that is kind of lawrence wilkinson the cheapest off as a state department, would you like hands and the blankets up? he adds an unconditional supporter of israel. thank you so much kind of air coming back on bunting and beheaded babies in rough or multiple erosion is worth of t and t equivalent on garza and today the animals here,


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