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tv   News  RT  August 17, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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recognition of the crimes of white australians against aborigines has not been resolved so far. the most good ones you premium preparation for an attack on the cost me philip, how pond the on the way off the reports and large t f. a timing of the team from publication normal requests the minute tray to ukraine. that's the new position of prices from the atlanta pointing to job . and media also has the voice of the global self summit is a platform where we're giving voice to the needs and pest duration. so those have really good notes to note. over $100.00 states take faults in the voice of the global south, solomon hosted by new daddy, which is buttons to global challenges and ways of building a sustainable future. also to come this is where it all came through for
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indonesia. on august 17th, 1945 freedom from the dodge, calling your rule and independence for the nation, and it needs uh, mazda 17. on years of independence in santa monica momentous occasion, it's brand new capital city is officially and old. here races the low renews towards others. might not the saki international as always, it is great too happy with us. we appreciate that welcome starting a self direct. so the international atomic energy agency has cautioned the situation of this approach. and you can, a power plant is deteriorating outs and reactions, reports that are ukrainian, dr. dropped an explosive on the facilities territory aria on saturday. yes, again, we see an escalation of the nucleus saved and secured it dentures facing visit
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portal as your nuclear power plant. i remain extremely concerned and rich, right to my cold, for maximum restrained from all sides. and for strict observance of the 5 concrete principles established for the protection of the plant. stop at the facility claims that the ukrainian explosive was designated to on a road that runs along the ponds. powerful says that what no injuries. the incident followed reports the key of pounds. these dots bones in attacks on this approach and tusk. new to the stations, russia has issued warnings about the potential dangers to be in tomorrow. european continent. the key of regime has begun preparations for an attack on the course can nuclear power plant. the entire international community must understand the danger . the neo nazi key of regime poses to the european continent. attempts of intimidation and terror against an entire region in the international community as a whole must be resolutely stopped through joint efforts and incredibly strong
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statement coming out for russia's foreign ministry underlying the severity of what could be taking place here, potentially. and also the call on the international community to stand in to be aware of because, you know, if there is an attack on a nuclear power station, we all know the ramifications of well thought could mean that some, not just in the area. but as we saw with to know back in the 1980s, this is something that can change and impact whether patton's, as a re do activities spreads around the globe. so i'm moving not, it could provoke a trigger, happy respond smells way before already had from the russian, and would be talking about the fact that they would be a severe response. if in fact, he does trick up such a global dissolve, let's just have a listen to that statement. the purpose of this publication is to accuse the
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russian federation of self shooting the station in order to create grounds for attacks and nuclear power facilities in ukraine. if the key present begins to implement its criminal plans aimed at creating the men made disaster with red reactive contamination of bost or towards any group being part of the continent harsh military and military technical measures will be taken immediately on a task like that get essentially opened upon doors volks, and really that's something where we don't want to go at this stage a couple of development. so on this, we know that the international atomic energy agency has been invited to task to be able to assess what's happening on the ground. new confirmation that they will attend, but we have heard from rafael grossi. this is the head of the i, a e. a who said that they are open to assessing situation. what that means exactly . we don't know, because obviously the situation curse is incredibly difficult at present. what do we know at this point about these reports have, does the bones well,
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this has come from russian intelligence services. they say that key f has the capability and it's looking at targeting a nuclear storage waste storage site. this is a site that has radioactive head, so you can only imagine this of the damage that could be result of this if they was some sort of an attack. and the suggestion is from the russian intelligence services that they, we want to blame based on brochure itself. now ukraine is flatly outright denying these claims. the information is coming from the russian intelligence service and says that russia is making it full up. but nickie, this is not the 1st time we have had accusations, but she has is no only able, has already created some sort of dirty form. an earlier we know that ukraine was also accused by russia old pitching the pond this week and causing a fight and one of the cooling towers, ukraine, again denying that they did that and saying the russian individual started the 5
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themselves. so the i a e, a actually did produce a statement about the incident in the last week saying that they visited the site and they could find no evidence that the fire had started at the base of the cooling problems. i think that knocks out ukraine's accusations that russia stopped at the fire itself deliberately. but the statement also then goes on to say that they couldn't find any foreign objects as in the results of say, miss silas flanks or shelling vine ukrainians. so the i a really sitting on the fence here and i think different, in fact we're talking about clear power plants and i'm not just one, but 2. i think it's time the international bodies, like they stand up doing the job and make a comprehensive statement about exactly what is going on here. because the reality is, if there is any kind of nuclear fallout that you know, we need to know where the blame needs to be pointed out. when we started to
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independent political research, quite cosigned and choose to all of the view that this naturalist that really reveals how desperate ukraine has become. or of course, if there was political backlash which the inevitably bleed, they give them. if it's late day off a little something, the emotion, the my might be more of a lot of the following it up because actions have consequences. and i mean, if we look at this nuclear, a disaster which the bulk of, i mean this is a very different, but some, i'm just desperate by of to somehow some way to create what by chemical of victory, unless for norton makes a water main site as far as whatever might have a, a solid l street of denying things. and all of a sudden it mets,
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to the moment we looked at the coach bridge, for example, elaine, they divide back to the get what mamma goes is it was pretty button sorry, but i put a history of lying and the same thing. so i mean, this is something that definitely cannot be taken for granted because of some of the history of the same shipment unless for germany is reassessing its support for kids balance 2025 draft budget is proposing to cut funds to its ally in hoff plus the job and media reports that the finance minister has one, but the country lacks the money to keep office aid room is that ukraine has dismissed as false or new. recently that same minister tried to shift the blame for as honest and caustic saying that one's job and weapons lounge and ukraine is up to kids on cuba. learn to decide how they used the shop con spot for the dust might have no doubt. but the weapons we used in the interest of ukraine in the defense struggle,
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however, they had not jim and weapons, they now ukrainian weapons. the weapons have been transferred to the responsibility of you praying sick, which exercises its internationally recognized right to self defense. so they'll send job and i'm being retired. that falls. connell told us that both in europe, on the state side, he sensing, according to what ukraine does. this is a homemade crisis. the financial crisis here from, from the traffic side coalition in germany. and they have a huge difference. it still was, they just agreed on the budget for $12025.00. it's due to 12000000000 differences and they don't know how to feel that step. so that is the main reason for, for cutting down on ukraine. it might also have an end to end, so that, that these room on it's about as a participation of ukraine on the attacks on north stream. but this is not the company again noted by the could be one of the reasons that the relations with this
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ukraine uh, cooling down in germany there is uh the presidential election in the united states coming out this came from from was to journal. this is, this is not thinking about you crim participation. just see there is c p a and u. s. and you know, on the, on this issue there is a distant thing from, in, from the old west, from, from ukraine there they own. that'd be with the city lensky. and so that is, you can grab it, i'm quite often in the united states, talk to, to politicians over there, and just see that there's a distance. and so even just crumble arrows, whoever is present in this united states that would be including down and then the, the reaction and then the support jo crane. this is obvious to me in the west suppose that you have doesn't install a weapons, a fond of american muscle rate. it says back on the front lines of viewpoint in
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conflict and posting photos on social media packing that location as far as cost region of despite this pm's his previous appearance on the bottle field saving money and the ranks that all these egos, donald springs as well the full bulbs of ation group, it began as a sort of a military life style brand that was founded by the us military evictions. they quickly established and created this image for themselves as battle hardened veterans and soldiers a fortune. and they did take part in various conflicts around the world. they were among the 1st 4 in most scenary groups to arrive to ukraine, but less than a month into the presence in the country. their base in west and ukraine was headed by a russian long range missile. they lost the dozens of men, the and quickly announced the pull out a wait time from admission the last of several days and saw some very sad news. some of our friends ex teachers and just acquaintances died in this more this
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animals will answer for every live of these people with a 1000 of their lives rest and these brothers. since then, they overrated in the shadows and they limited their presence in the conflict. jones, but they said to go to gaza to fight on the, on the side of israel. and they did proudly announced that on instagram, they faced to be a backlash over this fact. and in fact, they have been facing backlash from other groups and from people who kind of would digging into and do just researching the group. and basically they were faced and confronted with an accusation that well they are really taking part in any of the fighting really. and that they're just posting pictures and content online to pro, to basically just promote that much. now there's a new image which they claim was made in the course region of russia here. but based on that image, it is impossible to verify that claim. and it is impossible to verify and say for
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sure if they were indeed in the crudest region or if it's just been anonymous free line else where. but the fact that an american group in american met scenario group is so proudly affiliating themselves. uh, with this conflict, and this will probably announcing that they are here, it kind of ruins washington's line official line, but a, they were not in the know about the cranes plans here in the course region and that they are restraining that they are showing restraints. when it comes to this boy that encouraging operation, we're certainly not engaging any aspect of the planning or preparation of this operation. but generally speaking, we're gonna continue to support ukraine. now of course, the forward observations group is not an affiliate over the united states army additive. they are not pods of the united states army, but they are made up and please they say they're all made up of mostly the u. s. veterans and the fact that they are now again proudly announcing that is that they
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are back on the front lines of ukrainian conflict. and now on the internationally recognized the russians soil seems to be like a new push on this, on their behalf. and on their side, russians care services have opened a criminal investigation against to italy and john, unless the past found accused or believing in crossing the board into russians. cost region while apparently on to ukrainian escort correspondent on camera and walk for the a. tanya, in state outlet all a i and claims they will parent an exclusive report from the russian town of the search up one of the paces targeted by ukraine. on friday, the russian foreign ministry summoned williams on baset over the incident while it spokeswoman whereas the harvests reacted to the john. the splits of saying it aimed to whitewash. he had scribes to with kids redirecting its troops for its surprising cause and into
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a cause. the front lines and the don't pass on beyond all suffering from an acute manpower shortage to punch the whole ukrainian man or let me been grabbed of the streets by dropped offices. video thought can age on social media shows, man crying for helping fools by recruiters into fans over in west and ukraine, a crowd surrounded vehicles trying to protects the files to be mobilized. arriving at the local subscription office on the about day had protest as demonte seized man be freed from i'm not willing to take the risk, the amount of scrambling to play the country and legally international fast and security on the smoke. super says that the west is trying to have a lifeline with this weapons and less they are not able to hold all of the territory where russia is pressing them all along the contact line. that much is obvious. but, you know,
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isolated places they can hold and they have proven that they are capable of lawn, single, offensive operations. i think it's indicative of increased western involvement itself the times admitted in the last 48 hours. that the, some of the coverage in special forces for the curse defensive were trained for this mission in the united kingdom. of course a lot of this comes with the is impossible without the continuous flow. busy of western arms, western pentagon planning, western money, western quote, unquote mercenaries, uh, you know, the story of defense minister admitted a few months ago that every nato country probably not hungry in slovakia, but every noodle country has troops on the ground in new grain statements like that are just ignored by the western media even when they come from western pilot. there's since, because it goes against the prevailing narrative that they're trying to create.
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new denny is hosting the fudge online voice of the global south summit in his opening remarks, indian prime minister and run promot emphasize the event of support is aimed at building a sustainable huge i'd home today. when mentioned at a time when there was enough mas fee of uncertainty all around the voice of the global self summit is a platform where we're giving voice to the needs and aspirations. so those who have been acknowledged to know, i believe adults, trent's lives, you know, you can see it on the strengths of this unity will move towards a new direction. well, represent steps from over $100.00 countries of tuned into the thoughts and events with top official ministry heads playing an active role because will be highlighting the problems facing develop nations. this one is global challenges from climate change to food and energy security audit. we spoke before man did on the box, it up to it's me, romania, multiple albania, on san marino dots,
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richie dog gra, he says that today's me saying has really helped cover less the global styles, giving it a united voice that it can then use at delta international platforms meeting which feminist or mortgage are these 2 days. it is called the parts from what under countries i was in preparation for the summit for future would you like measures for the new york and the 3rd week of september? so it's a good initiative, set me up a use jointly discuss before dark summer for future. and i think of this in which the robot, so the directors one showed interesting part of that just so there's nothing on us . i mean, what present aspirations for the 2nd time, same session. so what is most easiest? when you click because this is the most important word e,
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the more no more power d h get, especially in view. the dispute is with india, was the 1st going to be sure let's, let's use the go under countries in the world. uh could, for most is the flight of your standards and cars on this, okay. becoming a huge and use enjoy regardless of the financing and rigorous parts of the work is not subject to restrictions by restrictions. i mean for example, is our medical sanctions. i went to central golf and now when we are the hours of the saturday morning, at least 18 people were killed and then is ready to strike on the town of the unblocked a residential home and a nearby warehouse sheltering thousands of displaced people with those targeted one
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from the last 15 of its members, not supporting to the entrees, health ministry since october 7th, the death toll has risen to 40000 feet and farther down in the southern cause and city of han eunice and all seem to understand his coming. finally escaped, death by a separate is really strike. they with a covering a story about displaced palestinians, the power of smoke that you can see on your screen. so right now is actually why all colleagues was minutes before the impact. the meanwhile, as well, has ordered last evacuations of both north and south solve the gauze of stripping feuding errors of previously designated faith. so she monetary and wall cars and magics from engineers is, must organization have travelled over to help those in need. so i'm going to go on the what i've got though, then gone after a very tiring, intense journey interrupted by bomb attacks. then, god, we finally arrived at the indonesian hospital in the north of gaza. hopefully we can immediately work and start helping those in need. you know,
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coordinate with the mandate even to us and in as well. hundreds of people if you had gotten taken to the streets and had a beef to protest the government among the demonstrate dissolved relatives of those hostages still being held by hamas in gaza. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been on the increasing pressure and recent moments to reach a deal on the captives on the release of those captives. but for many is great news . thoughts just not enough, not demanding. he resigned and full snap, and that's from 7 to 9 years ago. today, the engineer job became an independent nation, shedding the shackles of dots. colonialism 50th celebration is all particularly special. as the main event is happening in the countries, new capital city ought to correspond debt. rebecca next few days brings us more on this story of us. this is where it all came. true for indonesia. on august
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17th, 1945. freedom from the dodge, calling your rule and independence for the nation. after 350 years off, be a dodge colony in the shaft. finally said enough, this historic moment was announced by the country's 1st president. suit gotta know this, your celebration, march the special moment in the nation's history. as a country moves to change its capital to some data. the shift symbolizes us. fresh start as jakarta found it back in the 16th century is full of reminders of colonialism. here's how the people in the current capital feel about the change. of course, a get out, that'd be so i don't think history can be forgotten because the dutch are also part of the colonizers who used to colonize indonesia. and maybe that makes an impression, especially for the struggles in the past. and i think noose and tara is a breakthrough model. so i see, in my opinion, the goal is actually good, but maybe not for now because news and tara cost
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a lot of money. yes. and get out about blessing. yeah. history is history. and otherwise, we would not be able to stand at this point, but for us to be able to transform, we need a turning point and the sound thorough as the new capital. just days before the independence, the celebrations, the indonesian leader noted by the presidential palaces in jakarta, reminded him of the colonial rule fence which i could have somebody we, the indonesian presidents have been living there for 79 years. whenever i'm the, i see you have these places 3, g of colonialism every day. feels like i'm being haunted by these colonialism. so we want to show that we possess the ability to construct a capital as we wish. that as he has already started working from the newly build palace in santa barbara, despite the cities still be under construction, all is would it have become reality? but for us to cardinal back in 1927, he found at the major national party. this became a crucial step in uniting innovations from different regions of ethnic groups in
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the fight against colonialism, despite being imprisoned and deported by the dodge, he speak true to his unity in diversity message and achieved his goal. this is the room where the proclamation manuscript was formulated, which used to be the dining room at that time. the owner of the house had set aside a specific room so that the 3 figures could focus on the formulation because the front room was already full of folks to this day. so cardinal is c, as in an e, shes founding father by most of its people so valuable the, the high. so carno, not only did he fight for indonesia, his independence, he also united the regions of indonesia within the sovereignty. i as though, saw yet as far as i know, its economy as role in fighting for independence was the often carried out movements to fight the dutch japanese and other color noises for the bottom. no, no, that's economy's road. and indonesia is very important because he's the leader that
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thinks about progress for indonesia. but the country is independence was not so easily won. the japanese occupation arrived just as a doctor rule was topple and left it until august 1945, plunging indonesia into poverty. and terror after 8 finally gain independence, the netherlands wage war on its former largest colony with help from the west, a totally different approach team from the soviet union that used to influence in the when to back in a nation's but power commission. so i'm not up to date, but people for 4 years from 1945 to 1949. there was a process where indonesia had declared each independence, but international recognition hadn't been obtained. there was only later after left as groups present in indonesia that the western world started to pay attention. so america started to enter because after the reconstruction in europe was over there underway, the finally shifted to the far east. and then to indonesia,
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they saw that potentially indonesia, cassandra distorted or bit. and they didn't one that this lady right behind me, low level and kind of know is a great reminder of the important role, the soviet union slate. and what so gotten stated as nation building with most goals, stepping in to give a fever of a loan for the stadiums construction. and so i think it's engineers to jakarta, helping indonesia achieve its dream. the friendship between the 2 countries grew even stronger. so comma grew closer to so the leader, me get that crucial. regardless of the 2 nations when united by a special brought their love for freedom, a number of mutual visits piece. do we for further cooperation with the u. s. as our supply indonesia, with much needed military equipment. in 1962, we opened it as if it was supposed to lead 0 in the news in so via the us and see somebody in symbols the states. and so you know that no one, no,
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for the so somebody in this could been delivered to him that he didn't have them for us in 19 the 69 for the, for the bustle part the sort of as you, me sort of by a, b, and also carnis presidency put upon us through the fast growing tice, but the 99 piece brought a whole new chapter to the deepening historic partnership. to day in asia is the largest economy in southeast asia, and has an increasingly louder voice on the world stage. through all the years, it's relations with russia has been strong, recently reflected by the words off the president to get like, boys will be and all who called must go a great friend, celebrating it's 17 9th year off independence. any shot is looking to a bright new future, but never forgetting those who stood by it in the past. they got up at the bull reporting from jakarta for our tea. not as i'll run down off the swords besides say,
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so for all the details on those many more uh, front on to the home, take a seat and enjoy the rest of the weekend. the the
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of the, this thing of the continent, devices. oh, send we interact with the rest of the while we're going to relate to the while and in terms of donations or in tons of tray, africa must define what she wants. political africa might define us of cultures. africa must define ourselves critically. the cause of your guys no choice, but to move forward forward. she was going to march 1944,
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a desk and created on hitler's personal odor. for our issues, the typhus became a weapon for mass murder. when the can do to survive in open, this one step is to get through. it says, you know, it was a little reflection. see what was the shallow showing it should feel like a label that's the only the full set of leads me of the goals.


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