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tv   Documentary  RT  August 18, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EDT

1:30 am
prime minister ascends over the head of the most utter head. this about the city of our ne, i move in bar to trying to go shapes the, the hostages. there are a lot of people that do not believe that the prime ministers, because they know that once the us is a release and the idea of withdrawal is that means the end of the war. and that's when the people will have to start taking accountability. the treasury that happened on october 7th is rodney berman reporting from w. okay, that is where we lead the recap all of the week. that was, and some of these main developments to but to stay close because next we hear how i missed the forms. it's the beats giving true hopes at many and the worst had parts of done boss culture. a short don't. chronically resistance rockers. friday the ukraine never transitioned out of the ninety's because kyle took politics of the
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not just continued all the way all the way for the and of course to go see the crime that i never had a breach of choice. you come and take some stability is the power all sites the the, the, the the one with the for wonderful. those little stuff with us? no. so let me put in what is on. so the grass card amount on this like little do you much or what's the deal with the which isn't it is a, it's a nice one of the windshield. a liberal stock. you sent him the function was told, bucking nimble. and you're going to push the issue of the study guide
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me. uh so i need to ensure that good the more books they might, unable for i need to store, not the use of we nearby. we have so i don't know little but now i, if it's that i am a slice that i know the number is the model move up is to move 0 human mysterious. and when, when you go out in front of the deal is like a convicted of bell, i don't yeah. post the by the other was so by you. so yeah, i was thinking and then use wise, but i mean, we'll see a good i mean because of where you can go ahead and always communicate that. and you may think of what i'm not sure if my employees are still the other. you have such alters mojitos. daniel, what was the deal with his face? but i don't think he will definitely. that's a little too much of the spectrum because they're the ones you spell is putting you particularly service in is up with them. you guys throw,
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let me just do one and then the other would be nice to be done. see some list of worst of movies it is. so in a smart old, on the side of me is one of them is up and down for the the women who are doing sort of palazzo and potentially on this plan. you'll uh for us to do one is annual buy 0 is not set up pretty well. i see them one disappeared with a wish at all this the one who set up a year earlier. so when you move concepts and yeah, percent comes out of the same stuff on that was as of when they 1st cuz it ended up last night. didn't get the pricing and go out into that on. yeah, the called the bad. she was initially, it was down on fun,
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the global you know. yeah, it was buyers before i knew if peter must, yes, i did it on as a concept that the zillow so forgot. yeah. so they'll get open. mean faith, us for liberty that live with me to help them go to the most likely have to look at a student relations the bringing them 1st thing to be live, the phone call for you that them was on the site could be live. there's a whole, there's a little chip that group i gave them the us, my little buckley, that, that's the problem is the, if you will be limited, you know, if that's a student association. so
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the of the what else for example, the most comfortable to build them with the dunbar remodeled? look at that. possibly some way to them. would you comfortable something to me? yeah. as of, we'll assume you're still surprised. and so once you've been the guy you have the most out, you want to push them up, you look at you always get the business deal with even the buy it. they tell me what the account the lift cuz as opposed to some stuff that i was so sure combined . yeah, i'm not nice. not the
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. yeah. a typical solution live now. so no good. i yeah. and your book that means you need to spell it glowered. they should not lot, but the people nicely to the, at the, even if the complete yes the, what i knew, i guess what we, she'll be to them we will be able to just have the face of that when you can check with me for nimble originally and issue a symbol of the actual weight of 50 presidents opinions based it was a is the good news that those are the so we're just the, the, the deal with the russell to see when you get a little bounced here was i've thrown up then you've got a little problem with us before by phone. go to solve that by phone with him, you could, i'd like 0.0.0. i so,
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but yeah, just love to do a just move with you. look at the, the, or the like what we should wish to when you will just simply ask other levels to sort of get the middle solution done, which is just to be this of the one that you have something here where you can literally do what they will take you with those 2 them, you could actually be us and you called for the motion that i did so, but that's the realize show me other as a substitute, even use news use to make it through the haze of the the
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notion, photos, process funding goes good by you to look my yeah, that sounds good for you to like a. yeah, because the plugin or was low by useful. yeah, we think of and then use face, but i mean, talk to you a good. i mean, it does come up with, i'm good and i'll just communicate that. you may think couple of measuring a claim for the distance we have the the source, the cost is almost something you put it in a bit of a lease. nobody wants to label which can do this because he knows what to do and on the input. look at that. it's just this way. somebody will pick you up, but i wrote them suicide ideas as well because they live at the beginning of the security of practice. because they have them that uses. so the me, so yes, let's go to you have a good rest opinion last with and what does it and you go to the nimble guidance of virginia. those can, you present go to the, wasn't, it was go, what are those still that the fuel could i, you know, the year it was bill which and each now it's almost of no, you have to pretty much the thing you thought? yes i was you? yes. i'm rules the as nice with them, of those keywords, you shut the cost to you was this was the level and you mean
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should in the initial good, which will cost less money as well. but also what that goes to, to purchase this is you tell you what, the shipment, that the dependent, that equipment, that's not a load you have any threat because it's only to buy, which has a pre owned what this may mean cost you mean through is because i moved me what the us will was there was, you know, is this those on, if i just the sure was there was still capital, but just to do, i did this thing for the bus we were state and if the is just not pushing us to ensure that the schedule is pretty cool. let me just so many little shades that going. the other one of the think you will do a solution. so it's a little image of the, of the evidence torsion was ok. those are used to live with fishes. i wanted a couple days from food for the publish them and i don't doing it to show them just let the videos of any what that shuttle. yep. so there's no way to
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see how you were moving to deal with this place. but i believe that those lights from any of my on one of those to look up the push the funniest yeah, was just reading, but i got all the music you just have to goes to the gospel of literally put off what brings to boys for us the one of the used to do more complex, pretty much the companies and forces those new people splitting the splitting on the solution. i still nothing a solution i missed. i of see examples to contact information for the parties. cook standards in design a, you know, some of you know, the issue over there was new blanket and deal with i just want to know i loss of diesel. the people who are getting expensive always really of the room to get up was a matter most of us know what thank you with no shift immunization to deal with bush decides are still go to the bus hilton horse or something. you would free up
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the game that's decided to do it as long as community killable solutions name a little thought i was kick. i know. so some of the things you will just the flag then. yes. good. it's probably good. i see it feels good. it's really funny for video news was through us through the world world, the world for as great slow moving forward, but skype from moving video to the are you on the phone? people for nowhere? no longer most of them in their pool. so this think of a more suggestive setting that were in the office just left them a little the little give us the us, give us the the grass car man on this like little do you show up still words or sleep with you or your old daughter? the
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legislative says related or what's ridiculous lawyer, but you're like, someone still doesn't know. she did a new lodge, so that was not easily exploring. you. i was, i try it. there's still 3 of them. how about your did you enjoy to push on the amount of the physically as though you made of the simulator and you'll sort of see a level of choices 2 plus one of the ones that are on the face. can you see a sectional than yours? when you didn't want of them, don't come to learn your sort of thing and you do ask is throwing a couple of. so if you disagree with me for an actual aluminum or just a nice a, but also the, or the little bone with a 310 at this point, but also in your school with your, the explanation one green is i think, is a good all sorry about the which the of course the most likely to do all the water,
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the gonna scroll down to point to am yes, then sure. sure. september plus through in the course on the side of the console and there was a little bit of fun going on with you. and you know you was the sooner you knew the which this to me it was any more. i'm so sufficient fund. but others when it me for us the budget for the whole. but i'd say from the starting point, somebody put a thought on us when you issues don't full square vision. the company itself, us get the one glad visionaire of those. keep the one where the coolant so it's normal and stuff like that. it's not something that he made his own on. so
1:44 am
yeah, we have to pay for something new pursuing with us and shifting have sort of a push because it doing most of the smaller. what's the zip code we're calling you from this digital stylus? most certainly sprinklers in your, in your building, which isn't it, is a solo was i say it's a video and obviously it's also a way to put in for the store on was through. this is the, there is so replacing value. so split, there is no cooking with options, so many in here pretty much use of a need as well. one of the windshield a liberal storm voicemail is i need to know if you received them a thumbs here in a football game for them to come out of place. it was actually to the issue couple of us assuming it though it is a little bit of so we have for the, for more processing. remember we need to complete the phone when you problem with more than just watching the
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there was a time when i started to was abused to obtain flowers divided the continental langford amongst themselves. it was divided as a hunting ground. if we do not do not the corner knives as we come out again, we know that they are those who want the mazda continent to stop and 8, but the mazda clinton, and never be stopped, because the mazda continent must be great. she will only be great on the shore, does all of us sons and daughters on by the sun all day. so now click on the goodwill time full on let us confess about underground east the mazda, upon the,
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the study guides, even with, on able to check to us just to get us be the the, yeah, go to, i be a good i was doing the with the new get cut on the other way and stuff. we've done . buskie, wiley lanier, charlotte booker. i need was a little thing of some bowers before built that way. for me to deal with guns you or to machine of was a particular see on how much is not industry standards to use. i meant to do for them, but i sure thing is good. i bought that. i'm with the police. that's the mean. yeah . so i a pretty, she only is a leech and a show, the good, the more personally my, the more probably good a store nor does a yes and we nimble is,
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i don't know little, but now your face that i knew on the face that i to use the dots to avoid the link to the used in time with no buzzing. so it was the point of the time when i was reading the ease of my due feeling the sort of the issue, but it was in a blue a by years. so it is d as kimball, and doris came to out there. i'm looking at them daniels get his food when it gets no, i wouldn't even speak talk to him. and that's what i was i knew sooner than we brought in here of all show any claims on the board of these updates and that one, it was really me yet. gabrielle says, i don't. but on some of the business, i keep that. thank you. you can sort of nice before i be fine, you taking payments even a mortgage gate needed. here's the best. otherwise it is not, but i'm going to be using visa, good. bigger. asked me out of these. i mean,
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it could be, it's on you, hilton drawn. now with this little i see it on the be, so let me check with me b as in a little bitty cold. but i was told to get a patient that will because of some of the issue i looked at the board, it was, will grab a little, you know, 0 with abuse them. i guess i'll see the text. and so i came over the age of the vps to ensure i've done my business will actually with of speak the, the that i get those. yeah. when you beautiful what, but it wasn't that he is done. you have to go to look, you do you buy some of the s and when he went, but a little remember that he forgot the bicycle of dunbar, but it wasn't that that was still because like in cuba with the reading it, i knew that was nice to meet, so come out of mind me shift to be late this evening. the
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the, which of these deals night and we'll get you a new one. yeah. that's a way of difficult. it is done boss. i suggest with requesting that you change it was i can download it, but it, that's the by doing this because i already showed things on said this type seamless it did to
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so it's completely booked for me here. conflicts, the details that are on the cover from beast and the day, but i do need you to give me a wash and b as in when you project or something. if i feel as, as i'd say, the wilton lives on the battle. uh, passcode that will uh, almost look around you and you talk about, let me know when things fit you in the annual, the demise them. boom. go that'll get both of the case. then you have to deal with different me on the godaddy. i don't, i don't i'm way more them to go to the the junior now the, the web us must vehicle at that with god. the modeling the block, the is on us of fuck when the slowing your thumb
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is what shows worthless was get and they can blaming and the shooting of the concept see just give so you don't really know i just but machine you get personally different. they will usually different is a way show right here, cause i left to store the keep the was that i see is a is i know the book and i need to have both michelle, them do i need know me by themselves here. so when you have a lot of what to show somebody else, and so it's not i think if at this the small but the key is that to live as the pain. yeah. no fish comes on visits. usually those are you most crow supposed to install it? so a lot must be at a look at the somewhere watching the story. yeah. and you can set the new streaming service for the
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to give you access to a now, cuz it sounds like a good time was okay. sounds families are now no real deal with this dog as a sign in, i'm actually in the move up is to move soon. you have missed this and we me, thing you go, i don't seem the deal with my gums and give them go. i know it's and if there's new when years old, a new i've got them now because i feel great and they used to, but i knew the not of my locals can with my solution. you know, cuz it is more than one grand. you and you cook, we waiting the lecture being shall be nimble. the
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mean to joe looks like name was mike's left foremost. that's what isn't good at all this, but i think i put a visual so, but at least even with the condition of the his issue was resolved on this because all i look i what's going to do is which i just, i'm not very good. i have stuff for me because it cool you for sure with this it just will keep approaching again. once we show it as a solution for those to grab it, it goes, come over to be set to go get it blue and then it goes to multiple. you just have to go get it ready to go school for a little. could you just shut the door to do that? yes, definitely. be sure to do. just don't think of it then you may take up. let me know . she needs somebody me only when he can just get by you send me to go school, go. what's the customer's name? i'm going with a post. the
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on the on the loan, below he's put is skills and they're sick, but he is of course i'm with them from that group of most key and wasting or something or someone else come out and there's people come off with us today. so with of, so this was to be able to accomplish those as well as the meaning we have to put them in years ago. anyway, james has little work on. so can you put him in there, but there's still a lot of interest to you and you'll be getting your music. somebody wants to move.
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i'm going to go to the meeting that's in the when you get off the, the last big lesson, let's see what, what were the dimensions for the, with the leading of the what's the quality? is it and wanna keep it? it almost looks good with what's going on with them or what's the problem? so wouldn't it just must have thought she had all the room for those was the
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last just suggestive in that goes to do it on the website. almost a physical novel. the news that you have to deal with by it, but i seem to get the full chest, the
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or the uh business name was covered by forces due to the fit. it goes down cause cause issue for the cd to see if i could find out where it is. and if the sample side was confessed, i got someone on the phone for the the
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yeah. was who was it the most? yeah, we wouldn't mind some of those or not by using with the press so it might say was a guy with new cars and salina, to deal with that. they usually called on the young lady recently on the phone or not altogether. it's gordon in years. i've lost my seems to print for the most difficult are supposed to use like a group or i. so you got the both things with nothing and the one that's belong much i option that i'll have to solve. could you predict the ribbon?
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it's almost like with the, you mean they use those you? yes, there's just the bushes of them a little be made. it is like that is a you may have portions of the name of shows do you not only thing in you, and i want to see with your simple as a need deal, which to because the more wish like a cause anything of the one that's used option east coast, the last, i mean, yeah. you just nice to look into all the oh, when i went to the wrong just don't you have to see power to come and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look so common ground
2:00 am
the the law school board is not ukrainian preparations for an attack on the curse. nuclear power plants are underway, colors reports that the plumbing is dirty volt, qualification ukraine, blaine's russia for african countries cutting ties. while molly, i'm the euro themselves say tm, support of militant groups, notes most schools influence has their calls on august of 1947 last claim to align modeling female and focused on the line or to divide. in this way, fall to swing jobs during the bottom willing to families and communities with india this week, marking it's 78 independence.


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