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tv   News  RT  August 18, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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this is not frank, we are in a coupon at russia on the black sea where recently they've got the serious about making some world class wants. the law school wardens not ukrainian preparations for an that's a gun. the cursed nuclear power plants are underway. it follows reports that this funding a starting from from vacation also ahead ukraine blamed russia for african countries coming ties. while molly, on these are themselves a key of support of militant groups, no small schools influence is the recalls. and the we have prompt to carry the blood to 400000000 people to eradicate to colonial rule in india. today, we are 1000000000 full 100000000. and if we move together in the same direction with india this week marketing it's 78 independence day after 200 years of british
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colonial rule. let me take a look back and see events that find that the country and to, to nations, and left millions displaced the life for moscow. this is our teacher now still, let's get into this sunday in the weeks tops, new stories, the director of the international atomic energy agency. how's caution of this situation up as i thought it was, you and you killer power plant is worsening. it's in reaction to reports, a ukrainian drone dropped an explosive on the facilities territory on saturday. stuff at the site said that device was that's dated on the road, running alongside the plants power sources. there were no injuries reported in the atlantic, rushes new clear state corporation points thought that such actions by key it would clearly undermine the i a e a's red lines. the information has emerged about
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an upcoming provocation by the armed forces of ukraine in relation to these nuclear power plants. over the past day, the number of messages and signals about the preparation of this publication has been increasing. as noted earlier, such actions not only pose a direct threat to the 2 nuclear power plants, but also undermine the i is postulates on nuclear safety and nuclear security fully and then follow the emergence of intelligence reports on t as a legit plans to use so called dirty bottoms and attacks on both the operator would you uncursed nuclear power stations brushes? defense ministry said it was concerned about ukraine's preparations for just not a new killer prop vacation which storage sites power plants being targets. just to make clear, a dirty bomb is a weapon which mixes conventional explosives with radioactive material. a key it was quick to respond with its foreign ministry, spokes person, stating the country does not top such munitions and has no plans to acquire them.
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we already are my eyesight done. in fact, with former us army officers found this love for picnic to talking through the story. the ukraine's position has been in flux from day one. so what they actually one is very hard to figure out. they've even come on said we're not going to do any more talks than they want to do talks, then they're aiming to capture russian land to negotiate for what really is of the russian land, which is ridiculous. so their position shifts constantly and is getting more desperate. as the pros confronts of was being ground down, any advances are, are coming down to half a kilometer hundreds of meters and they're, uh, they're reconnaissance and force groups are being wiped out. so they're getting more and more desperate, and their positions are changing constantly, or the positions of their owners. anyways, you have russia also stating that it will use all weapons of its disposal if it
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deems that threat to the nation to be sufficiently high. that's a constant done the yours code key of the trying to provoke, must go into the pulling it's nuclear weapons to most drop more support from it from its western backers. is, is that something that we're starting to increasingly see here? oh, for zalinski. uh, the only way he gets out of this alive is to keep the world going and the only way he can keep this or going is to have nato involved directly. uh, as in uh, not nato contractors, not mercenaries, but actually nato units car crossing the border and being engaged in a full hi close is about to actually happen. uh, depending on who you ask. some of course say no, never others will say, absolutely. let's go uh, we want to do it now. i would say by if, if nothing changes by mid september, nato is gonna have to make a decision of writing off project ukraine or getting fully involved. why that data?
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uh because of the uh, the rate that the western front for the ukrainians is collapsing. they're gonna lose most everything. uh, west of the net. i'm sorry. yeah, eastern and after an eastern front of march you said that pro is going to be gone. one way or the other, or they're going to be in full retreat. and the course offensive is just throwing away troops that they didn't have enough of to begin with. so that's going to be getting more likely or within the next $3.00 to $4.00 weeks. going to get very, very constrained and will be getting destroyed because they, they would, they do this, they put themselves in a culture, or they put their head in a new. so they brought in reserves that were, they were keeping in the deep rear. and that could have been used to plug the holes on the eastern front, and they put them in to this offensive, and they got themselves in the back there, the colder. and the colder is being close up. sure. there's some areas where they're still advancing a little bit, but they're big advances of ground down to half of kilometers or less than
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a day. and they're losing troops and equipment, a sounding rate that they can't really replace without actual nato coming in and full units. a day, the 2nd airborne, or on, or 1st airborne of divisions. now ukraine is claiming the african nations of molly miniature cut ties with key of jew to russian influence on not because of its support for anti government militants. and this will help a little super easy to ukraine, has expressed its position on these decisions by molly. in the chair, we decided to cancel all organizations against the supporters of international terrorism. this is a part of the russian narrative russian propaganda creating this image as a few crane is involved in some kind of terrorism. these 2 countries have made their decisions in a haste not far sighted manner and without providing any essential evidence without studying the cause. we all understand perfectly well that these countries, 3rd ties with russia. how much of these countries depends on russia? of course, we understand that these decisions were made not only by these contracts incident,
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well the scandal just keeps getting worse. this is yet another statement from ukraine denying any wrong doing in the embassy case. somebody forces, but was even more disturbing about this statement is that cube is now accusing moscow. office influence on the 2 african states that have decided to cut ties with it. it was all fun and games away and you saw spokesman full, it's submitted for you and say this is was making a public announcement to that. the rebels had been given all the information to conduct new tax. and when you created and invested are to cynical support to the topic labels on the social media platforms. now ukraine is switching focus from the export is to saying that russia is behind the costume of times between 2 of the west african states, even as new evidence from military experts. so who examined the some drugs, the shut down by market forces confirmed that to the woman you factored in ukraine
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. i do not have the states as well, primarily assembled in ukraine, from american components. and that they will also use by ukraine in special forces operating in body model in military. it has also said new images and evidence of ukraine is a footprint in the minutes his activities and the read. and this, despite the reports address, the that ukrainian special forces acts right in the ripples in the use of attempt rows of hits and as a case of ukraine, exploiting the continent as a playing field for its own interest. and all of these developers come off de monte m e z announced that they were cutting diplomatic relations with ukraine. a move that was highly expected because of how else do expect a nation to react when another country is accused of supporting 2 of us on the soil . but that move did not seem to bother you. create a full job,
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which is the best that they show. and i want to emphasize that these 2 decisions will not have a significant impact on ukraine's relations with african countries. this is a separate block of countries that acted as a decided to act. however, despite this, ukraine is actively implementing the african strategy. so let me say add tomorrow, do you have hold on the international community to become a way of cravings in naperville? is that something that the international community itself has claimed to have been fighting on the african continent? the tickets, but haven't listened to this. molly has contacted the un security council to this end to get its neighbor new share. it has just the, the street of the un security council, and this all started in late july when contractors from the back and looking for a company that the margin on me in watts, it'd be monday and me, or rather it'd be monitored, receive cold, a stabilizing operation in molly's northeastern town of tens all what's in near the i'll give in for that, that mission quickly went sideways when fighting broke out between zack with this
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and, and rebels from the target group in victory to back. now, marty and forces were ambushed by the militants. more than a t back, no personnel and over 40 model soldiers were killed in that fighting. it was in that particular moment that spokesman for you, credit is military intelligence, said the labels had given, had been given volatile. all the information to conduct the attacks. ukraine is the same states that scrambles will support from the african continent and the global sol. so well, all of this time supporting tourism and pay no respect to advocate sovereignty. what are to discuss the ukrainian link with molly's or force chief of stuff we say kids fucking up in search and found its limits in west africa explained for all the c. i didn't invite you on 1st when we fight on the battlefield and see troops in front of us that are incompatible with those that we are used to seeing the
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difference is noticeable. secondly, ukraine openly declares its participation in these hostilities in front of the whole world who needs other evidence than the statements by military officials who claim responsibility for the attacks. and that's when a country is at war. there are military actions. molly is currently at war a war against international terrorism. molly is fighting a coalition of various arm terrace groups, and these armentaros groups do not live in a vacuum. they receive support not only within molly, but also outside of it. we're talking about financial, logistical, and combat support. the recent scandal was initiated by a sovereign state and that officially announced in the media that it wanted to harm the molly and armed forces. this is unacceptable. it is important to understand that the armed forces of molly have always taken an exclusively defensive position . molly has never threatened anyone and has not posed a danger to any country in the world, and we protect our interest sovereignty, just the territory and people, and do not interfere in the internal security affairs of other countries in return,
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we expect that other countries will also respect our sovereignty, our right to self defense, to protect our territory and people, and will not interfere in our internal affairs. burkina faso molly and need year have been fighting for a very long time against the same arm terrace groups that are trying to destabilize the situation in the country using logistical and financial support from outside. but now the armies of the countries are prepared to counter these threats. india mark it's 78 independent state this week. commemorating the country's liberation from british colonial rule. this year a celebrated res seem was labeled developed india. it symbolizes the vision of a prosperous and fully developed nation by 2047. the 100-0048 stray of india split from its former colonial power. prime minister, moody said the country um its people can overcome all obstacles along the way to
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achieving its goals. and the we have prompt to carry the blood to 400000000 people to eradicate to colonial rule in india. today we have 1000000000 full 100000000, and if we move together in the same direction by 2047, we can become fix it pallet overcoming all the obstacles in the way. well, apart from those plans, marketing the most significant defense in the history. and you deli, remembered those who suffer from british partition the independence. active 1947 ended almost 200 years of london. drew on split the country into 2 independent nations, india and pakistan. but the offense laughter on 15000000 people displaced on an estimated 1000000 dead indian citizen share their thoughts with us on the event that changed their homeland forever. he was a wrong decision by the british display of the country. thousands of people have died due to the partition even today we are facing the repercussions and it was a wrong decision. and if it had not happened,
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united india would have been even stronger and the name would have been different as well. well then they would be it, guess i didn't have during partition, so many people were killed. the difficulties these people had to face during partition cannot be measured with them. it is a very sad and shameful incident. i don't think splitting the splitting and even if it is good and bad would not be a need to put into a lot of those flipping of soup on 3 is that one? that would be less and i'm going to board vegas. uh, that would be no great, great in my of people. so many people this week chose to gather of the country's most famous simple the taj mahal to pay tribute to those who suffered from one of the largest most migrations in history. as well as in the pockets done, celebrated its independence day this week as well. following the partition 78 years ago of the sub continent into those 2 nation states. r t corresponding charlotte to
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ban sky looks back now to that post war period. when british actions left millions operated on more dead, i made the chaos of and traffic strife. 6 weeks before india was coughed up, creating pockets, dawn, these men met with the partition voice roy, mood month button to agree upon all it was announced moment fountain was aust d for see any mass transfer of population is response. post me. i don't. it was a remark that came back to whole tim, on communities across the sub continent. the politician rushed plan, implemented by a colonial power that simply could no longer afford to administer the country,
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unleashed one of the worst calamities of the 20th century. up to 15000000 fled across new frontiers. up to 2000000 were killed donated from disease. tens of thousands of women raked abducted will dissipate as the region became embroiled and the bloody sick tiring cleansing against those who had once been the nape is millions of people and the and as many as the good just because. busy the mismanage manage all the fish. just good. yeah. it was all happen just because of but the best possible off the villages as that the member does. it. jan. yeah the, the golf is go to the, on the faucet. the what actually come into fact is done with, with good actually sure. date from a boat deal to the same. it was the condition of. busy the 10 definitely the
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actually tell me. uh that's what i feel the voice from 5, it's on site, bring it inside it. but i think this is the right time for the booty so far because i'm by to apologize. the fact is on. so where did it all go wrong? this is so serial. radcliffe, a british virus, the who's bolting to drew a line on a map, creating a new country of pockets. dawn, a mine who in tube and haven't ever even been to india as it was. and it virtually no knowledge of the subcontinent, yet the lives of hundreds of millions of people. what in his hands, one journalist who spoke to several said he had admitted how and prepared he was for the task. i did ask him on the top of the do girls or life threatening mar, normally i want to draw the life said don't know
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anything that i'm just the 1st time i'm going to match trees and maps you got because you're in. yeah, matt. so you said that he started drawing the line later by his own admission cisneros and his plan was shoddy. and the books politician should have taken the news to plan. instead, the british russ through the process as they planning to make a hasty exit and doing some 200 years of colonial rule. did that or had a does going through this, this part of the about or would it be thought they were, he had to know what to do. status all this, this park up to 9, and they do after that uh, you know, they located the bed and it is also is all, it's a funky this part of the was definitely next the,
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i had that part of the decided belief, but it never wanted to grow this boundary, they were just that. yeah, no, there's route and data sources. all this, the father of the, of, of this is bill bush had long used religion as a way to devise people and not see exactly what they did in 1947 focused on was created from the areas where there was a moose, sleep muslim population. but listening to the fact that there was significant listening populations, scott said throughout the subcontinent, take, putting job, didn't sleep populated agricultural region with muslims, hindus and 6, live together cultivating that lines. the generations do a single day thing. it was so preposterous that fee with that to contemplate to that. but that's exactly what happened. the
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planning to actually carry that this was a new normal and it's cast a long shadow with the subcontinent, with pockets don an india, essentially in a put trusted cold war with nuclear missiles pointed at one another after 25 patients and the people there before bed in the indian docusign they were, they, they, they want to deal with the same in the country and everything goes in and the sure to hear they were like they, they did, did that, like give us the freedom. they actually gave us so many problems, obstacles here, retreat, fishing now or this even after 79 years. the odd. um, we are facing all the problems. the bridges are responsible for all this is the british had property with distributed our national treasures at the time. then we
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wouldn't have faced so many problems if it wasn't for those problems who would have been able to leave our lives today? once a thriving into is mac welted stood before the partition faded and colonized within 2 centuries, the partition dismantled it all. and then in a final act, smashed what was left with partition last spring night mat largely whitewashed white britain, but not forgot find those who lived through it. know why that defendants. meanwhile, amy for the top 3, the indian prime minister has said india side. so big coming a leading global economic powerhouse focusing on advanced technologies to achieve that target. well, let's take a look at the numbers and the, the history of how the indian economy has evolved done. the sentries in the pre colonial era indeed was one of the world's economic super partners accounting for a full quarter of the world g, d, p,
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in the 16th century. for example. while british g d. p, as we can see, wasn't any, were close to indian economic capacity in the same period. while the strength of the indian system was mainly built on the export of manufactured goods, let's just show you here artistic. hum, the cross including jewelry, and last for a tech style industries, all sorts of spices and other products will be accounted for a large proportion of pre colonial indian exports. however, under london rule, india was turned into an exporter of rule materials with a full half of its foreign trade allocated for british rewards. only while the crime control india as trade on tax system and made it on profitable for the side of the asian country to export manufactured goods while flooding the sub continent with made in britain products. so money ended up going back to him and over and
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over again. indian historian handles thing good to say is that britain, his wealth was built on the 5th of indies. it was colonialism all about it was about teaching boots at an extra sauces and all the big things that he had on siphoning them off a message to the ways to england. you know, statements going back to the became aware of the country by the india being the british plus the right. the india shore britain was a pull country. even bill was far more. richard and richard the became aware of the country by stealing from india. and there will be many used to my external softball estimate, so this, there will be trillion dollars worth in, you know, into these assessment. if you look at what the rates all go to, the goods was stolen on wealth was stolen from india or extracted from india and transferred to the west by the, by the colonial rulers. of course, the indian though you know minds and they've, germans and jewelry indian diamonds,
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all kinds of things. what extract it from india, i shifted. so this is a tragedy. and this is the story of colonialism any will ever ration from the british empire. a lot of india to regain that economic power. the country knows stands in the top 5 economies of the world above, by the way, its former colonial ruler in order to become one of the fastest growing markets across the globe. india has embarked on the long pops and scanning its independence make in india, that's a program aimed at establishing the countries a leading manufacturer and investment destination it's bearing for it's on expanding. i t at sector encompassing artificial intelligence data science and other areas has added to india and both while the medical sphere and renewable energy as well as the forget that that's among the key priorities for development in don't send it to again. so use the economic tied. well,
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it's turned in favor of you, debbie in getting started as be the only right. i mean, in the least agree gaming all the flowers are tired of the boss. you know, you look at our information technology system, which has been agreed saw so well in the last to introduce at the indian id companies and digit validation and technology solve. the biggest and most successful companies in india are in, that's be also in the factory to use beginning to lead games to india, crossman shipping. the of, you know, fmc d product. so in every sector, you'll see lots of larger companies and, you know, entrepreneurial efforts in every direction, especially in things like technology. we are really superseding england. you will see you what i've read in the news that one of the biggest static on companies is now investing in british telecom. so it's a blog and getting companies now that have beginning to buy up the british companies, you know, the, the, you know, the diet has done and as it were entities,
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india, which is probably in the, in, in the seat of power and others where we live and use up for not but to sit close because next we hear how i made the bones. it's the beats giving true hope to many in the worst hit parts of dunbar culture. short, dark chronicling resistance. rockers right ahead. the cold march. 19. 44, a desk created on headless, personal odor support. for our issues, it wasn't completely in between. typhus became a weapon for mass murder. when the police dunes to survive in an openness,
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one step is to get through. it says, you know, it was that the lives of what you see, what was the shallow show a feel like you feel a that's the only the most of the, of the and the go from 1944. this photo was taken 75 years ago on the day the as other t desk up was liberated. this is very clear on just about 5 in this picture. the exact date of birth is and she was born in 1959 or 1940 because the documents were destroyed. the rage was estimated by her appearance in their best style. let's go
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to k alia, that's patch, chip theater, batch extras. with duck on, you shows up on different yesterday i learned that a shadow spread coming today. there is a gaff that goes by her husband's last name, southern nova, and she lives in bubbles. she only knows who took the photo and hell from around. story is the wall correspondence who was mistaken at 1st for a gentleman in disguise. people didn't believe him and we're afraid that he'd kill him off every pools. a lack of that because of all those little of a or it was at the camp with him of the grandfather, older brother and sister, as well as the around with her 2 children. they stuck together and tried their best to save their his mother. but her youngest sister was only a few weeks old and too small to be saved to baby go perished. as
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a mom on the 1st on the look for you know, i do you have to get this joke list and i surely that goes out of the shift in there . but it's joke list the almost 2000 kilometers from us. other cheese in german most in the best place of a man who would be directly involved in creating the desktop. you're going to have the father of to lost his parental compass in the forest swamps of battles today. his grandson peter asks for forgiveness on his grandfather's buff shelby. he has lost them. what yes i'm yes it is showing there's plenty to do was to play somebody . i just will stay of those and put up i use it to sign is for the delivery to to log it in. yes, i chose to do to the decision maker 3 supposedly. yes. i to proceed to a new question. yeah. this is pete as fast tv. i'm parents. he never gave
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interviews or spoke publicly about his grandfather's crimes before he already learned of them. about 5 years ago himself, all he knew was that his grandfather had been of american soldier fighting on the east in front. there was also a picture of him at home 1st in his grandmother's living room and later peter took it as a family, heirloom. it was after all, all that remained of his grandfather died at home in february 1946 decades late. his grandson wanted to know more about his ancestors war time heroism. but the archives revealed a very different vendor and who really history is filled up and due to strategic, easiest don't come because you have to deal with the way. and that's always christian from month to month, only to jim's and you most pretty think that they do these yet. if they came over them, you know what's on the leg. it was that the trip a little bit different to a whole lot. it's called brilinta. 75th infantry division of the $109.00 regiments . you're going to was drafted in 1979. the fault in czechoslovakia,
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belgium and federal.


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