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tv   Documentary  RT  August 18, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EDT

5:30 am
assessing this today, i took your time to do that with your dover flores and i've been working there now that had to distort the, to the, to just numerous, much christian to have no goose that, which was the least most of i was doing. i didn't do a temporary put in the, you know, i don't know where they even given me the bible and so they're fairly familiar with the mirror. were name your miracle into a single with chris. so the school coach events, the notes since childhood ego has dreamed of serving as an ami power coupon. yeah, i tend to crudely initiate the usual sort of disrespectful to when your bill advocare presents are stored because the plus sign those and they just movies. yes, the cornerstone. so you can keep us on the road as to where she was full. she treating you with your risk of me in
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the off to the start of the special military operation. can you go join the volunteer group to help the from line efforts to, to get things over to the store for the source for the i'm the by the name. yeah. well enters. the loop was a full day in prison. equipment is for yeah. me ask for your name to present like they want for our customers to get you put a listing of charges for me. yeah. so it gives a bang and the focus to put out for the, for the group plan could be continued on for those people to just talk to you. but why them, you know,
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kind of don't corner store you most of the, to me, it was a good way to go to the store. but the most tiny booster stick lists and use divide . you ego stimulus. cutting says notice e and i to rather to, to start on the, when we and the color know color scheme that's been built on for you see if needed you for don't keep your cook got up to him to ship to visit the racial morning. similar to them got the more for me. yes. dollars of now you to go to a little bit when you start way? sure, nick, i'm gonna do what you need always to showcase boot camp. as soon as the
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lady said was going by the way they looked it now. 2 and that's gonzalez to look at it's ashley or spiritual. unfortunately that american culture is not moving each in medium or from the date of ash to yeah. was new or yeah, but as to us, i think i'm supposed to take that look for me. it was for those despite being in the midst of active hostilities, found time to respond to your goal. you got the good, well 13 with connect to nation, but i'll give it a. she is a decided dominion by started ago, but i sent him shut up. i want you to try it this month, but actually it would seem pretty up my uh, the visa stuff, the bought this listed. right. and that's what i'd say to what you guys have in the brought in with the best deal. most to evaluate him. yes,
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but that's about that. i you, yes, i'm not the scientists. i knew we used to name ugly so much if you're writing a check connection to he gets much it, but that's the phone that's and daniel was so impressed by the elbow into the speech the despite the pain he started using crunches. start to feel the darkest the liquor look or keep them in style. yes maam. oh yeah. those are when you were here. oh jeez news. yeah. no, there's no more. no one could you let me check if there's a miracle happened, which he angel? his mother had been waiting for the entire life previous you're but it's really a plastic on those 3 to actually what i that as soon as it besides the breath, i'm going to be show them. let me do it. if you do it that would support a lot about football bought from cardon auto sales. i suppose it's meant to build up what i really as good as available to childcare sort of company don't to be able
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to do is go to the truck. uh who do you have the piece that's almost up to you, but i bought this or, or something that i bought this. what was there, how much money i went about by the i have the right 3 minutes cuz i've been here. so going to the, for the shock it is, go to a hole in this last night, it a little spilled. i'm was waiting for the customer here for 20 years experience the i'm assuming and he's looking to find you remember the new wireless and your supplier? he has an older home, most of the guys are from with questions on yeah, the visual, the cheap is to store some where do you send us the word for keyless points. you especially, but we'll show you the ocean for the ultimate and get the memory. so uh, typically for people to know which city would ship it out. there's the boat by that
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i get to the show your storms and up on a house based off whatever. and i see that so we've finished our glover to be as to what's the answer? what's difference to that? but she will buy sure. no rush for could be sheep, lester's. html. barry, i dealt with this movie and then you will simulate to us what she, what somebody the power troop is present was the most invaluable and unexpected give you a go on full inspection. we're not to go at each door when you will. what do you mean if there was here by 5th w, decide this quote of james point that on for switching 0. motion for the airborne troops. friendship inspired. yeah. going what's and not just get out of
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his wheelchair, but also to take up professional sports the, [000:00:00;00] the guys that are sort this, the wordpress coordinates and no one wanted sports in the slash curriculum as any myers. and you will not show mcclendon what you go to the doctor back thoughts. brian says la quinta, same for you. and we just learned the subject before she is for to go to
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the group was ready to go to the to the door though. i don't like to be able to go to school for me to go, but now the other day was through. oh yeah. yeah. i mean, oh yeah,
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i'm pretty over the good questions, but also, buddy. yeah, any of you so we thank you thing. she needs the novel. i'm good. yeah. you do. you have good news. new wasn't worth us to be under autonation and as we won't get back for those steps, don't feel good. i used to be a lot more successful. fortunately out the door is a key plan for the ultimately region installation. okay. to the best buy gate at the yeah, i me, yes, sometimes no, i just have to figured,
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i just figured i'd been you know, sounds perfect. yep, i'm just gonna click on. so this semester on this report, a thought to explain to you about, i think i published, i gave it assignment about 2 weeks ago to grad school that came up with compass the the same view on either of you on you guys on the phone. nobody would still the same one and zillow blowing for boys for sports, and with the get them with us. i oh yeah,
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i will go to the teacher. i was just seeing if we close the door so therefore just trust them. and by going to the bus, the yes and there and i need to quit the phone with lose just the but yeah. go to sim card from about the most of the for the the
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the your or does it going to this will. yeah. and you don't have a spiritual flash and we decided to come what hotel and this was a blue rid of gold. they was because all it was showing us why do we want to split aside? doesn't i agree to either, does it yesterday to want to go with one more thing? yeah. lose or i have not seen. yeah. you would because i was still one with them. got do this is dawson us, david castillo,
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this the, the release of hunter, rushing states never as tight as on one of the most sense community investigation ingles, all sense and the speed, the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission,
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the state on russia to day and split the smooth net keeping our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the question, did you see a request which is the, at the end of the 19th century, africa was divided between european empires, which mercilessly, as the indigenous population, modern day tends. and he used to be a german colony. the germans levied heavy taxes on local drives and use them as
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free labor on cotton and plant agents. the pheasants protest turned into an uprising against the colonial list under the banner of the religious movement of the magazine magazine. it was led by a man named t g to the rebels, use guerrilla tactics, because they did not have the power to grasp the german army in head on confrontation. but the germans were not able to suppress the resistance of the guerrillas either. so the invaders decided to starve the population to day one of the commanders of the german troops. captain wagon time wrote only unger and one can lead to final submission. military actions alone will remain more or less a drop in the ocean. the blasphemous plan works. the invaders burned villages and fields. in 2 years, germany deliberately starved up to 300000 people, did that later. the monstrous experience of the 2nd right in tanzania was copy by the 3rd right,
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lead by the nazis in order to extra pay the be both of europe. the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real live indians. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen for you, fractured images, present it is, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the hi, acceptance,
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and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously . why watch something that's so different. whitelisted of opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do, don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you
5:48 am
the silver. this is from cross now screech, and he's an airborne troops veteran. when my realization began, he went straight to and list so a few minutes. i have a new list. i'm going to go to the affordable care act. i'm mostly a comport, i and his level book shut, but usually at the woodson, some say to somebody else, a copy of me is i've simply let them field. so i would say play a role of the team come by training. he was send in the direction that has sunk, come on, they don't have one unit, but what i was putting in the minutes on the video. so basically we're proposing,
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what can you imagine to come across somebody to close to the most popular task? let me go when you put yeah, just a cool place from bluetooth to see what the assume some processes, the wheelchair. zip code in the middle of the middle of may pick up as an appointment. his name is fargo associates for the cobalt, the duncan postal, the human race of the policeman was a split computers keats, the most of these who news wanting to go to the blue guide posts up to to look i'm 2nd was surprised that one was for the one you entered them for one thing
5:50 am
that's nice and useless pretty nice to little so so, so, so, so but easy blazer to get them pretty of i think i'm going to is when the, let's see i'm going to look at the revised the we slow to police personal disposal of steel. i'm always so slow. so still, just because the type of clothes we can control and you can look look, look, look what it is and pursue that issue. first of all, we need to have with the prison, who is the a to this literally showed millions, which usually pretty much go to the institute from an reacted instantly. the 1st is come, read vitale to the ground and she was in with his own body. and then shrapnel his him it was an opportunity of him pushing us cool. in the moment roman. instinctively i did like
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a true hero. you projected his comrades sustaining serious injuries himself medial, occlusal as a cooper. i'm going as soon as may i ask him, why it's the desired solution, ansible, which has the new coverage in place, and was quite nice with a couple of months, particularly when it went to go see some field template one or 2 of the exam. the menu only table have to log in and you'll be able to go to the flow question when we post. i wish to come up with you, but should i have what you need more clarification on most local up with data from douglas, or continually through those portal or go with them. what do you mean needs to be reviewed or any of that? what you saw on a proposal and of course the dealer for sure there's a somebody shuttle to get them to school going to provide at least worth a whole lot of course glitch fidelity focusing on because i'm really not when he is
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home because planning to go along with the style, no tools when you push the downloads, when you come on the, the, or the took up the voice, but she's, as i'm going to, i'm today so that the start until you have the tool to when you call and they told me to call start. the police officer interested, i will know something is nicholas or someone wanting to get some of the somebody told me it was on the when he put an increase in the beautiful capital comple. go see, please look up the kitchen cooking and we'll do state community of interest person . welcome to central retail, play my connection, guys, postcode, building the dentist. and we're gonna put a short introduced village into the, into the hospital roma and
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started preparing to return and active combat the tooth. and i was going to like, usually go on the scroll down to the, to stick to around what to do. so they did little of the a thought so, so what kind of process control come to me super, can you change the plan? the monthly and the guy coming in, his doctor said no, they deemed sergeant subarus understood for service. and granted him disability status decided to do that as one of them went to the else and you know, to install a soldier grant, usually go to a custom to civilian life. but one day, something completely unexpected happened. mike made indicated that they didn't go to football, he was just sort of issue. i also middle friday, she took it off the bus and put the point i was wondering, angela might still have to that, what is wrong? so mine, so my child's dunc between the rocks and the river,
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a 6 year old girl lying face down in the water, she was showing no signs of life and of value, and i noticed the scene, you have trouble over, please remind quickly, assess the situation. you flip the girl over his knee and began pressing on her long to expound water. yeah, the level of wind chairs, but people the while it doesn't work because i need to implement you going school. nobody else while you're already with control in order to keep your local channel and the problem. and let's say, can't you georgia of the 1st s m o here of who died and those are over a father was a machine gunner in a recon squad. the girl with some of that called romano, her daughter's guardian angel the even though it's been a year since his injury,
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romani is still recovering the very 1st click list of things in which lives. and it was split, which one with less than that region which are compatible. but where did it go? so let's just look on both of those goods. hold on, you need to coordinate the booklet campbell, the tools sort, sorting of shift. you know, all of those are still sort of the final expense to be able to joke with a new, just and it'd be a function of the most thoughtful color was to move always move messages from somebody's not primroses, vocal. so or you have the most,
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we don't lose ceiling because every now and then we go to the status of it, but i need to waste. let me see if it's possible. any of them will solution for elizabeth gets out of the she'll have a problem with a solution to update you. but if i need to, for most of the other than looking to the total, the total amount is now no. generally the guardian angels of the don't have a phone and comrades, but also for all those who return from the front window trying to adjust a peaceful life of me with a start. i always mean sport. i'm stopping them. i hope you closest one is nice to see you cuz i was running a little while and place your little part inputting into way to move to come and where they so they give them credit to you feel that we get done with them, but i'm familiar meeting with them, cuz anyway, if you have someone come to you perfect. don't go sure. there's
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a lot of what it is to put them to nights. please change to the use of 20 till the when you close to the little bit for us before the place where there's probably 2 weeks of today's room, which can i please see the village is still going to get the bus and the youngest, we're going to do to speak with them purposefully which appears to be at the most to store to be able to send you to the store. so we are told you coming, moving the lead for that to, to, to the able to use because i can be listening to it of the really good to you with the, with the really knew it the,
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the the,
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the a crime never transitioned out of the 90s, the kind of county politics are not discontinued or the old away for the articles to go see the crime that i never had a breach of trust you come and some stability is the power off site. the beautiful sun soaked vineyards nestled among some rest, picking the rolling hills as a gentle breeze comes off of the surrounding sea comic the imagery of french one
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country. but this is not france. we are in a coupon at russia on the black sea where recently they've got a serious about making some world class one the most co, warren's not ukrainian preparations for an attack on the curse getting you to the power plant for underway. all the trouble for expect key of is planning a dirty bomb complication. also a head in the program, ukraine blames russia for a number of african countries coming ties. while molly in new jersey themselves say it's key of support of militant groups. not most schools have been friends, which is the actual reason we have prompt to carry the blood of 400000000 people to eradicate to colonial rule in india within the of this week, marking it's 78 the independence day after 200 years of british colonial rule to


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