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tv   News  RT  August 18, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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as we are in the combined russia on the black sea, where recently they've got a serious about making some world class one the most co, warren's not ukrainian preparations for an attack on the curse. getting you to the power plant for underway follows up boards. that key of is planning a dirty palm fault vacation. also a heading, the program ukraine blames russia for a number of african countries coming ties. while molly and new hear themselves say it's key of support of militant groups, not most schools have been friends, which is the actual reason that we have prompt to carry the blood of 400000000 people to eradicate to colonial rule in india. with any of this week, marking it's 78 the independence day after 200 years of british colonial rule. to take a look at the events that defined in the country and to,
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to nation some millions this the fly from us go. this is your, our teacher national. let's get into this sunday. and then the, the week's top news stories and review the director of the international atomic energy agency has cautioned about this situation of your ups largest nuclear power plant. is that the russia and p p is worsening. it's in reaction to report, so you create the and drone drop sound like slows of all the facilities territory on some of the stuff at the side. say the device was designated on the road running along the plants. power source is no injuries were reported. india to russia is nuclear state corporation point. so i thought such actions by kid would clearly undermine the i. e, a stated security red lines. that information has emerged about an upcoming
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provocation by the armed forces of ukraine in relation to these nuclear power plants. over the past day, the number of messages and signals about the preparation of this prop occasion has been increasing. as noted earlier, such actions not only pose a direct threat to the to nuclear power plants, but also undermine the i is postulates on nuclear safety and nuclear security. well the incident followed, the emergence of intelligence reports on keeps the legit plans to target spoke this operator was you uncursed nuclear power stations with so called dirty bottoms and then pin the blame and russia must go said stored sites power plants where the proposed targets just to make clear a dirty bomb is a weapon which mixes conventional explosives with radioactive material cables quick to respond with. it's for an administrative spokesperson sitting the country does not have such munitions and has no plans to acquire them. when we heard the view of
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marx, the boat of whose interest, the 1st, the security analyst, and also got a background in nuclear power plants. let's take a listen to what he said about at t, i've stated, aim here, a dirty bomb itself. and this, the, a successful direct hit might just cause that, uh, creating an effective dirty bomb. in fact, if it is not it's, the danger is not, uh, a huge spread of radioactive contamination like a is a, a nuclear meltdown like, like turnover or, or, and, you know, focusing him or something of the like there's actually, there wouldn't be high levels of contamination that would spread over a wide area. i think the real danger with a dirty bomb made it the idea that it is a dirt dirty nuclear bomb and it's radioactive, is that it would create political and social panic. both that
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a domestic and add an international level. and this could be used by the key every game for a whole host of a political provocation, such as the presenting demands to the international community to force a freezing of the conflict or a cease fire. or it could be used for something much more and it would create this type of political crisis moment. meanwhile, fighting and rushes curse region continues. after you create a launch that's across border attack, no, some 12 days ago civilians, how being forced to flee their homes due to the ongoing violence. many stories have been emerging, one local hunter rushed from his work in another city to save his wife and 5 children who were hiding in a basement and recalled his journey, saying ukrainian soldiers were shooting at anything that moved
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a subsidy of the shelling began and my wife's victoria climbs into the cellar off to that i didn't hear from her for a day. then i found out what was going on the on the had to leave immediately. they will also just, they want me not to go the because the craniums were showing the town. indeed, as i approached, i heard machine gun boost. i still don't get it. how they pick the targets, because they were striking every, all the cars they were firing at costs along the highway and see the ones too late . ukrainian soldiers sold me and started firing at me. i was driven by fee for the children that something will happen to them without me. they wouldn't have paused through the firing point that ukrainian flies as wouldn't have allowed them to. i took the family all the same way, but you create new and started firing the task. although they saw that the children
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didn't leave the basement until my husband knocked on the door. it was very scary. we managed to go out only once to get some water. as we were sitting down in the basement, we heard everything that was going on there. it was scary, very scary. you cranes bonkers, have failed to condemn kids. attacks on civilians in the curse region and its actions have nothing to do with self defense. dots condemnation came from russia's permanent mission to the united nations. we haven't filled the void of combination of these sections from western sponsor, some of the key for you who continued to cover up the importance crimes of their profits in the same manner as the north. it's a trust citizens on boss for more than 8 years as they go on repeating that ukraine has the right legal right to defend itself while referencing the attacks on civilians in the course collision. despite its all these evidence were held only statements of support for visiting scheme from united states and this allies,
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claiming that these military adventure fits into the cranium efforts to disrupt attacks into the silver to see the territory. i would be grateful for the explanation of how internationally targets it co, intentionally targeting civilians, serves the goals of disrupting attacks on your grading and territory. given the fact that there were no military objects for infrastructure in the area, you're creating and forces helping, using nato, supplied weapons and vehicles in that cross border incursion. will archie spoke to a former of 3 and 4 in the district card and can i saw about that? the situation of large, she believes the escalation lies in european leaders. forgetting their own country's history of every x for to ever sell off bombs. using the stipulates into contract a southern controller. as a seller, you want to make sure that your weapon free, which is of course, always those the question about the high tech state secrets, etc. that's not the end up in the arms officer. the false file to state
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as the german official stools saying, oh well, we don't mind whatever take your brain and so want to do, is it that kind of go ahead? is something i cannot share because of course, the germans don't want to enter into a full fledged open conflict with russia. and this is what has exactly happened over the last few days from a russian perspective during central 9 this ballot. it's more than a symbolic it's, it's something that kept to wait minds and the perception of to create a picture of the core which is called only if i may say world war 2 in german is not at all towards the same way in the, in german schools and when we look at the current political generation in power, i would say it's not only about little knowledge about history. it's totally off
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historical. and it's also a certain amount of, of, of germans who this play is very deeply rooted, despise for russia. and i've been upsetting down to the last 4 or 5 years and i was astonished to which extent that is stare. and we are now far beyond the marshal, rest of rick that we have been listening to over the last 2 and a half years. we are into a physical confrontation ukraine is claiming the african nations of molly in nature, cut toys with key to, to russian influence. not because of its support for anti government militants in this, a health, a little super easy to ukraine, has expressed its position on these decisions by molly. in the chair, we decided to cancel all exemptions against the supporters of international
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terrorism. this is the part of the russian narrative russian propaganda creating this image as if you crane is involved in some kind of terrorism. these 2 countries have made their decisions in a haste not far sighted manner, and without providing any essential evidence without studying the cause. we all understand perfectly well that these countries, 3rd ties with russia. how much of these countries depends on russia. of course, we understand that these decisions were made not only by these country incident, well the scandals this cliff stating was this is yet another statement from ukraine denying any wrong doing in the amber suitcase. somebody forces, but was even more disturbing about the state, which is that cube is now accusing moscow. office influence on the 2 african states that have decided to cut ties with it. it was all fun and games. when under you saw spokesman, full it's ministry and say this is was making a public announcement to that. the rebels had been given all the information to
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contact me, the tax admin, ukrainian, and best suited to cynical support to the topic labels on the social media platforms. now ukraine is switching focus from the export is to saying that russia is behind the costume of times between 2 and the west african states even as a new evidence from military experts. so who examined the samples of shut down by market forces confirmed that they would manufactured in ukraine and the united states as well, primarily assembled in ukraine from american components. and that they will also use by ukraine in special forces operating in body model admitted for you has also said new images and evidence of ukraine's a footprint and admitted his activities in the read. and this, despite some report suggesting that ukrainian special forces the x ray in the ripples in the use of attempt drones hit another case off ukraine. exploiting the
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continent as a playing field for its own interest. and all of these developers come off de monte m e z announced that they were cutting diplomatic relations with ukraine. a move that was highly expected because of how else do expect a nation to react with another country is accused of supporting 2 of us on the soil . but that move did not seem to bother you creating a job, which is the best that they show. and i want to emphasize that these 2 decisions will not have a significant impact on ukraine's relations with african countries. this is a separate block of countries that acted as it decided to act. so however, despite this, ukraine is actively implementing the african strategy with so to me, say ad tomatti have hold on the international community to become aware of the craze. a navy. because something that the international community itself has claimed to have been fighting on the african continents. the date is but haven't listened to this. molly has contacted the un security council to this end to get
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what it's need. but in the share it has this the, the issue to the un security council and this all started in late july when contractors from the vac. no. can you put a company to the margin on me in watts of the volume, or rather the money to receive cold, a stabilizing operation in molly's northeastern town of 10 solid. send me a the, i'll give in florida that mission quickly with sideways when fighting broke out between zack with this and, and rebels from the target group in retreat back. now i'm logged in forces where ambushed by the minutes is more than a t exactly, a personnel and over 40 motto, soldiers were killed in that fighting. it was in that particular moment that spokesman for you, credit is military intelligence, said the labels had given, had been given volatile. all the information to conduct the attacks. ukraine is the same state that scrambles for support to form the african continent and the global sol. so well,
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all of this time supporting terrorism and pay no respect to advocate sovereignty india markets, 78th independent say this, we commemorating the countries liberation from british rule. this year is celebrated, re fame, was labeled, developed indians. it symbolizes the vision of a prosperous and fully developed nation by 2047 and 100 anniversary of india split from its former colonial power. prime minister, moody said the globe as most populous country is almost comfortable if it's people work together. and then i'm out of what we have prompt to carry the blood of 400000000 people to eradicate, to collect you really didn't do. yeah, i come today. we are 1000000000 full 100000000. and if we move together in the same direction by 2047, we can become fix it, power at overcoming all the obstacles in the way countries need are also remember those who separate from printers partition the independence act of 1947 ended
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almost 200 years of london through split the country into 2 independent nation to india and pakistan. but the event left around 15000000 people displaced on an estimated 1000000 dead. indian citizens spoke to us about the historic event that changed their homeland forever. he was a wrong decision by the british to split the country. thousands of people have died due to the partition even today we're facing the repercussions. it was a wrong decision. and if it had not happened, united india would have been even stronger. and the name would have been different as well. be it guess i didn't have during partition, so many people were killed. the difficulties these people had to face during partition cannot be measured with them. it is a very sad and shameful incident. i don't think splitting the splitting and even if it is good and bad would not be any different charles flipping. also button 3 is that one. that would be less and i'm going to board vegas. uh,
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that would be no great, great. in my of people. well, many people to mark the day to was to gather of the country's most famous symbols, the taj mahal to pay tribute to those who suffered from one of the largest most migrations in history. mixing with a 1000 to visit the iconic mark daley as well as india pockets the markets independence day this week to the following, the partition 78 years ago of the subcontinent into 2 nation states. r t correspondent charlotte davinsky looks back now off the post war period. when british actions left millions of people uprooted. i'm did admit the chaos of inter ethics, dr. 6 weeks before india was coughed up creating pocket stones. these men met with the partition voice roy, mood month button to agree upon. all that it was a night smoke button was almost d for see any mass transfer of population is response posts. me. i don't,
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it was a remark that came back to whole team and communities across the sub continent. the politician, i rushed plan, implemented by colonial power, but simply could no longer afford to administer the country. unleashed one of the worst calamities of the 20th century, up to 15000000 fled across new frontiers. up to 2000000 were killable donated from disease. tens of thousands of women raped abducted will dissipate as the region became embroiled in a loving, sic tiring, cleansing against those who had once been the nape is millions of people in
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the and as many as the good just because. busy of the missed now a bench all the fish. just good. yeah. it was all happen just because all but the best possible off the beauty just as the the member does. it did. yeah. the, the golf is, go to the, all, the faucet, the, what actually come into fact is done with, with the actually surely from a boat deal to the same as long as the condition of a board. the chan definitely actually made a desk, but i feel a voice from finance, on site 1000000000 side as well. i think this is as i started for the business of for business, i'm by to apologize. the boxes are. so where did it all go wrong? this is so serial. radcliffe, a british virus, the who's brought in to drew a line on a map, creating a new country of pakistan on
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a mine who until then haven't ever even been to india as it was. and virtually no knowledge of the subcontinent. yet the lives of hundreds of millions of people. what in his hands, one journalist who spoke this with several said he had admitted how under patch he was for the task. i did ask him on the top of the duty of their life. right in mar, normal the door. i want you to draw the life said don't know anything that i'm just saying. i'm going to be sick, match trees, and that's uh you got because you're in yeah, man. so you said he did his doctor drawn by later by his own admission cisneros and his plan was shoddy,
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and the books politician should have taken the news to plan. instead, the british russ through the process as they planned to make a hasty exit and being some 200 years of colonial rule. they never had a dentist going through this the, this part of the boat. or would it be thought they were, he had to know the defense all these uh, this bought off the line and they do and off to the uh. busy the low to the bell and there is also talk to the party this part of the but definitely the, i had that part of the decided for loop budget never wanted to roll this boundary. they were just that. yeah. so no, this route, and the saw it says, all these, the bottom of the biggest bush had long used religion as a way to devise people. i'm not exactly what they did in 1947 focused on was created from the areas where there was a move sleet,
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muslim population. but mr. know the fact that there was significant listening population scott said throughout the subcontinent, take, putting job, didn't sleep populated agricultural region with muslims, hindus and 6, live together cultivating the land for generations. do a single day thing. it was so preposterous that fee with that but contemplated it. but that's exactly what happened. the planning to actually carry that this was the new normal next cast, a long shadow over the subcontinent with practiced on an india, essentially in a put trusted cold war. would new play on me. so i was pointed out one of us offered to for our patients, and the people that prepaid bed in the indian docusign they would, they, they,
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they would be with the same in the country. and everything was fam, and the sure who here and they were like they, they did, did that like to give us freedom. they actually gave us so many problems, obstacles here between od facing now or this, even after 79 years. the odd. um, it'd be facing all the problems the bridges are responsible for all this. if the british had properly distributed our national treasures at the time that we wouldn't have faced so many problems. if it wasn't for those problems, who would have been able to leave our lives today? was a striving into is mac welted stood before the partition faded and colonized within 2 centuries. the partition dismantled it all and then in a final act smashed what was left with partition. last spring nightmare largely
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whitewashed white 14 but not for gold. find those who lived through it. know why that defendants. meanwhile, aiming for the top 3, the indian prime minister has said india sites on becoming a leading global economic powerhouse, focusing on advanced technologies to achieve that target. well, let's take a look at how the indian economy has evolved over the centuries in the pre colonial era, india of us, one of the world economic super powers accounting for a full portion of the world g, d, p, in the 16th century. for example. while british g d p, as we'll pull up here on the map, important anywhere close to where india was in terms of economic capacity in the same euro. well, the strength of the indian system was mainly built on the export of manufactured goods. artistic comes across including jewelry and last worth textile industries, all sorts of spices and other products have funded for
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a large proportion of pre colonial indian export. however, under london rule, india was turned into an export of rule materials with a full half of its foreign trade allocated for british shores. only the crime controlled india is trade and text system and made it unprofitable for the size. the asian country cubic sport manufactured boot 12 loving the sub continent with made in britain products, meaning money ended up falling back to england over and over again. indian history and hen dolson good to say is the britain's wealth was built on the 5th of india's . i was colonialism all about it was about teaching boots, an extra sauces and all the great things that he had on siphoning them off a message to the ways to england. you know, england's going back to the became aware of the country by the india being and when the british plus the right to the india shore, britain was a pull country. even bill was far more richer than good. and richard became aware
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of the country by stealing from india, and there will be many used to much single softball estimates. so this time off to with all the trillion dollars worth in, you know, into these i start submitted to be what kind of, what the reads all good to go to a story on whether it was stolen from india or extracted from india and transferred to the west by the, by the colonial rulers, of course, the indian uh, you know, minds and the germans and jewelry indian diamonds. all kinds of things. what extract it from india, i shifted. this is a tragedy. and this is the story of colonialism. indeed liberation from the british empire allied india to regain its economic power. the country now stands in the top 5 economies of the world, that is the head down here of its former colonial ruler. well, in order to become one of the fastest growing markets across the globe in these embark on a long path since the beginning it's independence make in india, it is
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a program. and today spelled to see what country really is a leading manufacturer. i'm investment destination, it's bearing fruits, and expanding i t sector, encompassing artificial intelligence data science, other areas has added to indian broad well the medical spear and also renewable energy. that remains among the key priorities for development and all sudden good tech and safety. i know mc tied has turned in favor of me delhi, as you can get started as the not least, right. i mean, in the least agree gaming on the bowers, the tired of the boss, you know, you look at that information technology system, which has to be that greed saw so well in the last to introduce our, the indian id companies and digitize nation and technology solve the biggest and most successful companies in india audit and actually also in the factory is beginning to lead games to india. crossman shipping. the of, you know, fmc d product. so in every sector, you'll see lots of larger companies and, you know,
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entrepreneurial efforts in every direction, especially in things like technology. we are really superseding england. you will see you when i read in the news that you want to bring. the biggest take home companies is now investing in british telecom. so it's the log in getting companies now that have beginning to buy up the british companies, you know, the, the, you know, the diet has done and as it were entities, india, which is probably in the, in, in the seat of power. that finally this, these are, is really forces targeted to come us fighters and get us overnight. the attacks follow the militant groups claims of killing multiple id of soldiers and in a much size of districts. largest city over 40 targets were hit by israel's military and central canada. as the idea of steps off of offensive operations, many civilians continue to suffer the consequences of the violence often and
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incredibly heartbreaking ways. one example, a father of the newborn twins this week discovered his children's dead bodies being delivered to a hospital just as he was picking up their birth certificates. his 3 day old babies were killed buying this really strike on con eunice refugee camp, which had been previously designated a safe. so their grieving father had this just to one of the i had to do the all ox, the hospital to obtain the birth certificates for my twins. ah sir. and i. so what i was leaving the hospital holding the certificates, i saw an ambulance approaching and i did not expect that my family wasn't sides. late to i got a call. it said mohammed, are you aware that your house was bombed? this a moment that was holding the boat certificate goes in my hand to show it to my wife at home. i found out that my family was in the march of a refrigerator at the outbox to hospital. once more they killed for i don't know.
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what is the fault? my wife is a doctor. what connection does she have to mil to reaction. what tom could, children calls to these valley occupation to be killed like this and fall from the 5th floor due to the force of an now to re shelves fired indiscriminately from a tank. the idea of stole my joy with my kids for just 3 days old. they will born on 10th of august and killed on the 13th of august. the spring said a last thing supplement of the ukraine conflict would require different concessions from each of the parties. but is there a will or even allowance for that to happen? that's done for discussion next, in some of these parts of the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the welcome to enter part treyjen, entire tree, total security or additions for peace. a last thing, settlement of the premium conflict with require different given takes from each of the parties, but 1st they would probably have to part spend on sense of righteousness does the historical moment or the nature of this conflict allow for this or to discuss that . i'm now joined by geoffrey roberts emeritus professor of history of the university college park. professor roberts is always a great pleasure, personal, a pleasure to talk to you. but on top of that, i'm far to in the some academic exchanges between weston and russian scores. contin


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