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tv   News  RT  August 18, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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the, the, the conflicts it in the price down on the leave of an archbishop of one of openings. his oldest charge is accused as the west of baptism. the past succession of christians in ukraine. past he has not been sent out to the nations of that office. john has the visa, celebrated 79 years of independence and talked to roll. if people pull onto the street on the dark, saying what kind of side jean awhile to renounce forms of color. even if you're gone through disney is you'll subscribe to it streaming platform. the altima of the company is noise. i'm making in the rooms to death case of a visitor to the house. yes. place on the
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buyer will welcome dawkins, national. while on sundays, we talked through the big stories of the week of the pools. i mean, and what about a month was talking with this one russian president vladimir putin has arrived press states because it in azerbaijan. well here you can see him being greta's front, straight off the plane on the agenda is the next 2 days is the biological strategic partnership. as well as pressing regional and international issues. the on sunday, the what, what school case, a nation declared, it's designed to join the bricks. i'm on the west is a thing on the best thing. ukraine's unprecedented persecution of salt seats, and that's the message from archbishop fear. those to solve the jerusalem church. he answered that the whole world is closing his eyes to cubes. ox! we are very upset and that the president of persecution against the canonical
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orthodox church and ukraine continues in full force. they accomplish this em. conspirators of these terrible acts against the canonical orthodox church in ukraine or the western political forces that are making every possible effort to destroy put an end to its existence and find an alternative to it. it is regrettable and said that given the car and persecution, there is destruction and looting of churches, theft of donations, arrests of bishops and priests, their persecution, and that of believers who did not want to change their church affiliation. unfortunately, today, all this is happening before our eyes. the whole world is watching, but no one is doing anything. over the last 2 years, ukraine security services on the police have repeated, he rated the kids to chat is cloud problem about state capitals, oldest strokes. christian ministry accused of collaborating with months ago. it's neat metropolitan patio was arrested on subsequent. a tried dozens more members of
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the cloud. you have faced criminal charges while here the sites have been new tips and destroyed raising concerns with the u. s. high commission. the human rights that we spoke with independent john as jason light cope. he believes that no amount of condemnation can affect the landscape for as long as he is protected by the what the in the west there is no visual understanding of orthodoxy. annuity along the founding of the orthodox church in jerusalem. or indeed, it's, you know, it's cultural and see a logical, in a crazy all a pleasing and logical importance. because in the west of psyche really there is only the west of the catholic church and the protestant churches in many respects then by the archbishop enjoy this little. ready this which was a very important thing for them to say on something which i do think process will take seriously and hopefully add onto himself and these off churches while know who
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communion, who have a deep historical respect and community before them of a. so let's hope this can happen. and that said, we are looking at a situation where the west them politically stop listening and the media can effectively ignore and not publish what the archbishop in just a little has said on so long as the me is a landscape is a useful agent of west of them visions towards russia and eastern europe. then really, i think it's propaganda. machine will defend this whole defends the landscape quite well as has happened up until this point. a ukrainian fight to open a displaying a nazi symbol has been interviewed on full cost is on it, thailand, state t. c. well, the entity was found on the russia ukraine board didn't know the cost region
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clearly visible on the saw. this means cap is the symbol open and eat not c ss division to delay some doctor. the group was most famous for solving his personal budget cards to the floor of himself. the post world whole team here in buff child officially deposit the entire assessment conversation had committed crimes against humanity. moscow that's highlighted how history is repeating itself now, given the nazis barton, this exact symbol has been present in the cost region during a major battle in 1943. while these uh saves, come off the russians gear to solve as soon as the criminal investigation against the 2 of the. it's holly and john this from the same channel, all a i to legally across the board to interrupt his cost region while apparently under ukrainian escort. on friday, the russian foreign ministry summoned rooms. i'm positive of the incident while it spokeswoman, where is the harvest and reaction to the john this footage? accuse the of white washing subscribes?
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well, joining me now and try to change. it's holly and correspondent, i man transfer is the flossing. i have to ask you. um, are you surprised that the images made it to ask me? the biggest surprise is that no one puts it on the on the full bait published it. you know, i'm not surprised, but uh i am uh very uh, very surprised. uh, what because of the state, the young uh i sold the symbols and tried to hide the symbols of doing that. i think phase of the report that you bought in the fact that was impossible. impossible. it's not those, not the symbols of this august. and the main thing is that the journalist ilario can natalie that make this and i bought the tasks from the i'm not sure if this is a foreclosure was make it,
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they knew you bring in 33 or in your page 3030 by you can tube saying who's going to junk box for me? it's impossible that he done. that doesn't seem the same most and why she doesn't face could so this man why she was we are such symbols so that we see that and on the to the west. i mean, yeah, to hide this problem in u. k. so we have speaking of the sense here symbolically the problem now and as, as mean ukraine. and this, the state television as no problem to or defend these ukraine box, they for it then to be buying at those and see the problem. i mean, it's the house that started and troubled pasta with fascism. i would have expected the channel to be a bit more sensitive to symbols like that. um, i mean,
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last guy was said that history is repeating itself particular obviously because like he said, it's not clear whether it's the crating or support a near cost, but it definitely does seem that the same. i do want to see that was that is still in life in present today. unfortunately, yes. and the, you know, you say that to the jeep, that they need to be more sensitive about, they say, the owner to do the history of the factors. many studies, well, in the fact the yes, normally the implications on the policy generally, it's very sensitive to this, or every single so now, bye for us now and as, as many pallets, it's private for both of those. so it and the, when something up on that to, for example, some uh, orientation or a friend who's the best on any, tell a show. these symbols have a lot of problem. item number one episode the somebody
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a single when one actor and where at the sure the, with the symbols that you, my, my so this is one, the reason of the thought, the unfortunate experiment in doing this. so trying to turn out a public and he was fired from the state that any body. now, why did i ask myself, why now this same, it doesn't stay till the reason the same space come funny media, but me such things like this for me, it's incredible. we also saw, we talked about it just before you joined us. there's a ton you and john is from the same channel already. i accused of crossing an equally into cost. what's your view will not, i mean, was it just normal john and mistake practice or? well, so they have to invest us, but it's why do you know this? the journalist has the funding, but the cnn character in the am a,
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i think they have the ministry of credit. there's some by the minister of defense of the full size. and for this reason, the sci fi practically go back to the ukranian troops had the no problem to make these. and the savvy them that's, she talked to was norma off. busy of the ukranian troops also interaction $3030.00, that they are also bites done for right. and the feeling this are 4000. so my point of view, or i sure i had the fluoride to make such investigation likes that you can, although it these many kids in the boston against me and, and against that were a correspondent, polite need that were in the most. but the, the finance and the doubles found that it's here and nobody in the west
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and the association for journalists update the state that any john or other media groups or media association in your book have done there. so any directly to us because we were in the must on that are on the side when the same things happen to a new or be on your list that are working anyways, and i can, i can set it for you. ok. and also because she was award the, the by president landscape that's on the, for a service for ukraine. in this case, there is a big condo, and here we can see that the most on the, on the was also in the media. i'm sonya ones also mean under you said the oldest you've been to the don't boss so i can see you in regards to now i'm positive experience. have you as a see not see symbols in ukrainian rank. so what do locals that tell you about the
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way that they've been treated by ukrainians as me is all of a sudden and now i'm not a little guy is coming better things, my boss. oh opponents. we've got a mistake. not a problem. no problem in the i was looking for to yes. and of course the law codes are very uh, also they are have a fear to be a targets for all of the ukrainian soups. and you can have special service if they ukraine troops can come in. don't boss, i remember at the end of 2 at the end of 2022. when i jane my little guns, a lot of civilians are the you are told me. that's a i at the beginning of the meet that is special, but it's from a lot of them are thinking that you can tubes can call and uh, practically queue or people because they, we know very well that kind of special service that's new. are you currently
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anatomy are considering every single best so that's have are actually on the bus for as a traitor and they want to q or people that they can see those 3 and it's complete. they use less that's, that's a i speak about jordan, at least also the thought of them. but do you see somebody come journalist up working in the bus for uh sure, the situation in the west asked for the special service and security service something ukraine or for in jordan elizabeth are working on that are from side also . they are not working for us from media than they are propagandist floor russian lot was on trial and she did highly and we were correspondence speaking to us from favorites. we hope that you enjoy your rest of your time that thank thank you in as well. so i had on the program is kids flossing, a exact same bone propagation,
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must go as warning, stop me, but that is the case. bouncing up preparations for an attack on the cost, and you get a pop song on the way about story coming on a bit later, the indonesia is celebrating its 7 to 9 independence day this weekend, as the fast time facilities are being held in the island nations proposed new capital and mister tara meanwhile, and the still current capital just called to people. ronnie and a show of support for palestine condemning any new phones of colonialism, alters were backing up. city was up to see the celebrated the different masters, the insurance for labor, 79 years throughout the country. policy mileage premium to continue to suffer as
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a result. the ongoing conflict with as or ally how may be in a nation people's alliance, the 5000 television. i show up in the funds the wire. they gather and destroy palestine. valley a part of your card on the tower there. through it. power time series, prayer are home and also the nation as far as. 0 the matter has never change on the ocean, which has killed over the visa. and again, this is probably a tougher tennis that have them go on their own sale and half a mile service like 2 days, 2 days. action is indeed an action related to the independence of the republic of indonesia. but we know that palestine is under occupation. we end uneasiness continue to support the independence of palestine. we all know that there has been
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approximately 40000 victims since the beginning of the war 10 months ago. 70 percent of them, women and children. these rarely barbarism against the palestinian people is horrendous. hopefully the palestinian people will soon achieve their independence. it is in the preamble of our 1945 constitution. to abolish colonialism. there should be no colonialism on earth. the drive, in any event just being held in any size. the reason why not only in the. 6 but also the. 6 international, the overall nation. colonialism, the world is not in conformity with vanity and trying to do this. this is
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why even asians felicia and see we as human beings and muslims in particular. a move today excited to commemorate in denise is 17, 9th independence day. but there was a deep concern from must haves and the great in the news in nation that the brothers and sisters have not yet enjoyed independence. colonialism must be eliminated from the face of the us. nearly 40000 lives have been victimized by the violence of please ruined zionism. this is proof that we indonesians must fight for the rights of the palestinian people. this is the reason for me to be here at this rally. it is clear that is real, must stop the atrocities committed by israel and his proxies. we want to show our concern for palestine. what will celebrate indonesia independence, one for all this time, also to be independent. we want to government to be concerned and participate in fighting for the independence of palestine. uh,
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yeah. our from policy needs the colonized victims of genocide and the world community seems to not be doing anything about it. we hope to motivate the people of indonesia that must continue to defend to post to nance the course. we do support independence in this era. there should be no more colonization on this earth. the people on the street for power 5 slowly. these lights are going to be once every 3 weeks for the read them all the time to come in mind to world peace here is more than just a statement. it is the responsibility the cartridge carries forward in their actions are big on the 14th from chicago for our well, if you needed another one, i always read this new print. the walt disney company is trying to have a,
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which was wrongful death lawsuit dismissed all during the month. disney plus subscription prevent him from taking the case to quote, or the disciplinary stipulation came to light up to his wife died from a severe logic reaction at one of dismiss pox. when the waiter returned with thanks for us food, some of the items did not have allergy flags and them. and thanks one and pacola once again, questioned the waiter once again, guaranteed the food being delivered to tanks. one was eloquent, free, and medical examiners investigation determined that thanks was the cause of death, was the result of and if alexis, due to elevated levels will vary in not in her system. piccolo ignores that. he previously created a disney account and agreed to arbitrate all disputes against the will. disney company or its affiliates arising and contract tort warranty, statute regulation or all of that legal, equitable basis to come pay. laura is also playing the pick low accepted these times again when using his disney account to buy tickets for the same talk in 2023,
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the entertainment. john was also judged, responsible for death, saying that and i the only operates the restaurant in question. i have my colleague, me care and discuss the topic with the legal and media on this nano. besides this case could deal a serious blow to disney's image every single time you use an application. what if somebody were to say you for ever wave from now until the trinity, your errors and assigns your survivors any and all claims against anything that you've used an application for an app up to and including, let's say something intentionally, let's say somebody actually does, will be intentionally to harm you. have you waived this every body is just their jaws are dropping because let me ask you something. have you ever signed you agree to just something without reading every one of the 27 pages. oh yeah,
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i know constantly and that's, that's what it highlights, doesn't it? is it a lot of it has to blindly click on the green button without reading it, cuz we don't have the time or which is the cat. and i'm just wondering how many other companies have similar policies and how come and all such practices. well, there's also something remember called duty to read. and in that i promise you in that a disclaimer. you've said i have read this carefully. i was advised to seek, tell them, so you're thinking all i wanted to do is run a, i want to get a sandwich still there, but what are your talking about? your so this is something which is the repercussions of this. are going to be self for a long time. the next time you're at a restaurant in the disney property. and you have somebody in your family with a peanut allergy or some type of fear of had a fall like that shot by virtue of some kind of dietary, a contamination, you know, and i know nicky, somebody's going to be say, um, you know, on the 2nd side,
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maybe maybe this isn't for us. how did you multiply that in terms of millions that perhaps billions was again, why are they doing this? because of this case, the disney case, everybody right now, the next time the next time you you signed this, you're going to remember the did it is a oh no, no, no, no, not so fast. call your local solicitor, a bare register, and have them go over an application to order a pizza. this is in state, but that's what is coming to the director of the international atomic energy agency has cautioned that the situation app is approaching here to the power plant in europe. largest is watching us in reaction to reports of the ukrainian and drone dropped and explosive on the facilities territory on site. today. stuff at the site said the device was designated on road running along the punts power. busy sole says, no entries were reported. russia's neat to the states oppression has pointed out.
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the salt jackson's bike have would clearly undermine the i a e, a status security red lines. information has emerged about an upcoming publication by the armed forces of ukraine in relation to these nuclear power plants. over the past day, the number of messages and signals about the preparation of this publication has been increasing. as noted earlier, such actions not only pose a direct threat to the 2 nuclear power plants, but also undermine the i is postulates on nuclear safety and nuclear security. the full of incident into intelligence reports in march, the painting, 2 of selective plans to deploy, so called the team phones with both this approach and costs new to the power stations in the process. it's claimed, but then the blame would depend on russia most cuz defense ministry said storage sites that those power plans while the proposed targets just to be clear does
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people is basically a weapon which mixes conventional explosives with radioactive material. here was quick to respond with its foreign ministry states and the country does not have such munitions and has no plans to acquire them. we add from security on the smoke super. he's also got a background in new to the engineering. he says, the aim of such an attack is to trick a mass panic on political chaos, a dirty bomb itself. and this, the, a successful direct hit might just cause that creating an affective dirty bomb. in fact, it is not, it's, the danger is not, uh, a huge spread of radioactive contamination like a is a, a nuclear meltdown like, like turnover or, or, and, you know, focusing him or something of the like there's actually, there wouldn't be high levels of contamination that would spread over
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a wide area. i think the real danger with a dirty bomb made the idea that it is a dirt dirty nuclear bomb. and it's radioactive, is that it would create political and social panic, both at a domestic and add an international level. and this could be used by the key average him for a whole host of a political provocation, such as the presenting demands to the international community to force a freezing of the conflict or a cease fire. or it could be used for something much more and it would create this type of political crisis moment and find the ukraine is claiming that the african nations of molly and this cup ties with to, of, to, to russian influence a note because of its support for antique government min minutes since and the so
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the payment was the super easy to ukraine, has expressed its position on these decisions by malia and to share. we decided to cancel all organizations against the supporters of international terrorism. this is a part of the russian narrative russian propaganda creating this image as if you crane is involved in some kind of terrorism. such as these 2 countries have made their decisions in a haste not far sighted manner. and without providing any essential evidence, without studying the cause, we all understand perfectly well the discount trees, 3rd ties with the russia. how much of these countries depends on russia? of course, we understand that these decisions were made not only by these country incident. well, the scandals this cliff stating was this is yet another statement from ukraine denying any wrong doing in the embassy case. somebody forces, but was even more disturbing about this statement is that cube is now accusing, must go off its influence on the 2 african states that have decided to cut ties with it. it was all fun and games. when under you saw spokesman,
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full it's ministry and say this is was making a public announcement to that. the rebels had been given all the information to conduct new tax. and when you created and invested or to cynical support to the topic labels on the social media platforms. now ukraine is switching focus from the actual keys to saying that russia is behind the cotton lift times between 2 of the west african states, even as new evidence from village street explode. so who examined the sum total was a slot down by market forces confirmed that so they would manufactured in ukraine and the united states as well, primarily assembled in ukraine from american components. and that they will also use by ukraine in special forces operating in multi model in military. it has also said new images and evidence of ukraine is a footprint in the mid attends activities and the read. and this,
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despite the report suggesting that ukrainian special forces actually in the ripples in the use of attempt drones hit another case off ukraine. exploiting the continent as a playing field for its own interest. and all of these developers come off de monte m e z announced that they were cutting diplomatic relations with ukraine. a move that too is highly expected because of how else do expect a nation to react when another country is accused of supporting to was unemployed. but that move did not seem to bother you, create a full job, which if it fits with the show, i want to emphasize that these 2 decisions will not have a significant impact on ukraine's relations with african countries. this is a separate block of countries that acted as a decided to act. so however, despite this, ukraine is actively implementing the african strategy. let me say add to marty, have hold on the international community to become a way of craze. a navy because something that the international community itself
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has came to have been fighting on the african continents. the date is but haven't listened to this. molly has contacted the un security council to this end to get what its neighbor new share. it has this the, the street of the un security council and those all started in late july when contact is from the vac. no. can you put a company to the mall in all me in what the modern or rather the mounted receiving cold, a stabilizing operation in molly's northeastern town. often solid, soon near the out here in florida. that mission quickly with sideways when fighting, broke out between zack with this and and rebels from the target group in victoria back now. and martin forces were ambushed by the minutes, is more than a t vacaville personnel and over 40 models. so which is what killed in that fighting it was in that particular moment that spokesman for you create is latrene tension said the labels had given,
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had been given volatile old. and for me to conduct the attacks of ukraine is the same states that scrambles will support from the applicant continents and the global sol. so well, all of this time supporting tourism and pay no respect to advocate sovereignty for that as well as some of the stories that quote our i over the last 7 days more details on the stories. why don't take a look dotsie dot com and uh enjoy the rest of your weekend the the .


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