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tv   News  RT  August 18, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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bonnet, russia on the black sea, where recently they've got the serious about making some world class one the conflicts it in the cracked down on believe of an archbishop of one of holes at all today the oldest charges, the kansas, the west stove, the factory in the past succession of christians in ukraine, tons of kids to out to the nations, the child must go on. so you premium preparations for an attack on the cost and you should have how applause on the way to find supports. the cube is timing a dot com publication on as in denice, celebrate 79 years old, independent from dodge rule as people pull on to the streets and toners our to with palestine knowledge in the wild to run out forms of coloring. and that's the
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content pam here, and most of the sudden they've joined us for the weekly. i'll run down of the headlines stores last 7 days, plus the latest updates to welcome to the program. well, it's telling us off the uh, west is aging, and a best thing ukraine's unprecedented persecution of is that all the see, that's the message from launch bishop say adults to us of the jerusalem church. he added that the whole world is closing its size to shipped auctions. we are very upset and that the unprecedented persecution against the canonical orthodox church in ukraine continues in full force. they accomplish this am conspirators of these terrible acts against the canonical orthodox church. and ukraine are the western political forces that are making every possible effort to destroy put an end to its existence and find an alternative to it. it is regrettable and said they've given
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to car and persecution. there is destruction and looting of churches, theft of donations, arrests of bishops and priests, their persecution, and that of believers who did not want to change their church affiliation. unfortunately, today, all this is happening before our eyes. the whole world is watching, but no one is doing anything. over the last 2 years, you're quite in the secure too. so this is on police have repeatedly range that the kids can chat a lot of c capitals, oldest salts, christian one, a street accused of cooperating with moscow. it's neat. metropolitan park hill was arrested. i'm subsequently trying dozen members of the cloud to have faced criminal charges while how many sites have been voted on, destroyed raising concerns about the u. s. high commission, the human rights that we spoke with independent john as jason michael. he believes that no amount of condemnation can affect the landscape for as long as he is protected by the one or in the west. there is no real understanding of
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orthodoxy. annuity along the founding of the orthodox church in jerusalem. or indeed it's, you know, it's cultural and see a logical increase the all a crazy logical importance. because in the west of the site you really there is only the west of the catholic church and the protestant churches in many respects then by the architecture can get us little. ready in this which was a very important thing for them to say on something which i do think process will take seriously and hopefully adult into himself. and these are the churches while knowing communion, to have a deep, historical respect and community before them of a. so let's hope this can happen. and that said, we are looking at a situation where the west and political establishment of the media can effectively ignore and not publish what the archbishop in judas level has said on so long
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as the me is a landscape is a useful agent of west of them visions towards russia and eastern europe. then, really, i think it's propaganda machine will defend its full, defend so lensky, quite well as has happened up until this point. as the director of the international atomic energy agency has cool sense that the situation up is approaching. you can a power plant, europe largest is watching us in reactions report for the ukrainian drone dropped and explosive on the facilities territory on saturday. stop at the site, say the device was designated on the road running along the ponds powers forces. no injuries were reported. watches new to the state corporation has pointed out, the thoughts actions by k of would clear the on the line, the i, a state and security. red line. information has emerged about an upcoming
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publication by the armed forces of ukraine in relation to these nuclear power plants. over the past day, the number of messages and signals about the preparation of this publication has been increasing. as noted earlier, such actions not only pose a direct threat to the 2 nuclear power plants, but also undermine the i is postulates on nuclear safety and nuclear security. before the incident intelligence report so much detailing kids, electric pounds to deploy so called the 2 phones with both this up prussia and costs. and he could have house stations in the process it's play, and then the plane blame would be penned on russia. most goose defense ministry, set of storage sites that those power plants while the proposed targets, just to be clear, dodgy bomb is a weapon which mixes conventional explosives with radioactive material. k of was
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quick to respond with its foreign ministry, spokes parsons, facing the country, does not have such munitions and has no plans to apply them. well, joining me now which are black, full of republican state, send us up from virginia. it's always an absolute pleasure to have you on the program. thank you for your time. i'm the thing i do want to ask you, let's talk about this. darcy, bob. um last cuz concern is not just the use of the bottom, but if you crane use, is it it will that and try to pin the blame on most go? does that sound like a plan? was a bowl game plan to you? well, this has been done previously early in the war uh the, the russian armed forces capture design prose, i nuclear plant. and they have held that ever since very early in the war. they occupied the entire plant all of the ground. so they had the nuclear plant with,
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with russian troops with russian arms and so forth. and the, the ukranian armed forces began to fire artillery shells into these opera as lie a nuclear plant. because of all of the confusion with the public about the whole thing, which side was doing what and so for uh, the ukrainians were able to blame the russians for the artillery stretched. while the notion was, was ludicrous, because why would the russians fire artillery of themselves the course to do that? so it was the ukrainians doing good, but for months they managed to get away with climbing that somehow it was a russian operation, not ukrainian. so they have done this before and
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i think what we're seeing now though, is something that's the way beyond the sort of chillers charged because uh, according to the early reports. uh, it appears that special warheads, apparently, nuclear warheads have already been delivered to the bus stop the mining and processing plant in the city of yellow waters in the new provost region from um, uh if, if this is accurate and i, i can't say for sure that it is, but if these, these special warheads have been delivered. the purpose of these is to actually strike the storage sides where there's an enormous amount of,
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of spent nuclear fuel. the way that these nuclear plants operate, they use these uh, these enriched uranium rods. at a certain point, they outlet their usefulness. and because of the danger the radiation danger, they're actually stored one side and carefully constructed the saw it. it appears according to these early reports that the, the warheads, i've been delivered warheads that we're getting age in these, in the storage site for the spent nuclear fuel exploding and boiling to con, chance over a large area. and of course the, the type of of nuclear radiation that would be released
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would be very long last year you would say reporters and major areas. i'm not sure what the dimensions of this would be, but it would still be some number of miles that would be contaminated and it would probably depend on wind conditions and so forth. it could end up being, you know, 100 miles that would be to be destroyed by radiation. and so it's very dangerous and apparently, and this is the, the department of internal affairs for the car care of region. has said that it is apparently the intention of the armed forces of ukraine to attack the nuclear facilities, both that of course, and as far as i and this was, this would really be a great catastrophe, not simply for russia, but for all of mankind. the idea that we begin releasing
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a nuclear radiation over large areas and simply posley parts of the or um, it just shows the enormous desperation of the ukrainian forces at this point. they launch this attack into the course area. and obviously they're not going to be able to see much land for too long. but one of the objectives may be to a, to get at the nuclear power plant in course, and be able to be able to target edge with one of these. one of these warheads these special warheads designed to create this nuclear disaster. and of course,
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whatever happens would then be blamed on russia. so there's always winds on rushing about how absurd it is to do it. so it's interesting that uh the, the company that, uh, that uh, operates the, the power plants cuz invited the international atomic energy agency to send inspectors immediately to the nuclear plants and cost. and uh, and then that way, uh, that would perhaps make it much more difficult for ukraine to target these locations. you mention the cost i do wanna talk to him in the landscape. advice up uh has come out and he's claimed that the holy surprising cause and uh, as a tool to basically press so russia to sign a piece agreement or
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a c spot on kids. tom's, i want to think of that as a strategy and do you think roster itself feels under pressure at the moment? i think the, the, the actual purpose of the operation was to draw russian forces from the don bass where they're launching a very intense drive against patrols and, and it looks as though i think they're within about 12 miles now of the city. and it looks very white way that they will be able to uh, to begin a direct attack on the city. very shortly. i think the purpose of the, of ukraine, they tried to draw forces because they, they have very few reserves. they had to draw forces from the rest of the army to send it off into uh, into an betas area, of course. and uh, uh,
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this is sort of a desperation move or so landscape. because its weekend the already very then we stretch of lines of the ukrainian troops down in the dog bass. i don't think, i mean, yeah, since they had been able to, to actually get into across them. and you know, that's a, that's a significant city. and there's only are, you know, a few 1000 beer craney unsure attacking across the border they sees. but in russian terms is a very, very small piece of russian territory. a very, very rural, rather remote area. and, and already it looks as though they have pretty much gone as far as they're going
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to be able to. they're suffering major losses protection way of, of armor and vehicles and, and they're just reaching the point where, you know, they, they attract a place that has very, very little defenses, mostly police officers. and now they've, they've expended their, their forces and stretching out as far as they could. i don't see them going much further at the idea that they would get all the way to crush them. and see is the power plant is very unlikely that the major thing that they're attempting to do. so when she had hoped that he could cause panic in moscow to where they would take the front line troops from the battle of patrols and they would move them towards dash, has failed. they failed to panic. the moscow
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and bosco, whose 90 day to study have they actually very shortly after the the ukrainian incursion into across the dad of russia double down on the number of attacks towards patrols. i think perhaps signal lines the landscape that you're not going to get away with this we, we have our eye on the ball and we're not going to be diverted by this. by this attack. i do want to get your thoughts on node stream. um, i'm sure you saw the all school earlier in the week. it turns out, but apparently it was a few drunk ukrainian, super divers you decided to blow up one of the most important pieces of energy security infrastructure in the wild m. c. i did try to stop it old, but the lens is a bit rogue and he didn't listen to them. how convincing
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a story is it? and will we have a find out who really did ups? you know, i believe this is the 4th story that has been flooded by nato to explain why nato forces destroy the a north stream pipelines. very early after the pipelines were sabotage. keep in mind that the north stream pipelines are the white blood of europe, the, all of the chemical industries, this vast chemical complex that forms the foundation of the german economy has been cut off from russian national natural gas. the gas is the feedstock, it's the basic, it's like at the top of the pyramid for the entire chemical industry of germany. and then the chemical industry of germany is like the top of the pyramid for the
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entire economy and then attractively for the economy of europe. the decision was made according to pure light, surprised when a journalist, seymour hersh, was very, very reliable. he showed the decision which faded the white house to destroy the north stream pipeline. and because it was such a monumental undermining of europe, there were all sorts of attempts to made, made to cover up what happened. it was a great embarrassment to the united states and to all nato, when seymour hersh roach's expos, a. he's a very famous journalist, is an older man, and he's been doing this going all the way back to the vietnam war. and he is
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probably the foremost investigative journalist in the world today. and he reported in great detail all of the, just all of the menus details exactly who was born, what, what was going on, how the, how the timing devices were set and so forth. and of course, you know, hi ryan, king american officials including president barton, had uh promised that, uh, that uh, we would destroy the north stream pipeline. and, and indeed we did. so all of these, all of these others are cover ups and to meet the fact that even now they're coming up with new stories. the 1st story was that russia had destroyed its own pipeline, that it worked one for years. and everybody just dismissed that as being so absurd
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that no, no, no 3 year old child would believe that explanation. so then they moved on to other things and other things. but i think the problem, the reason that we're seeing this again, is that germans have come to realize that uh it was it, russia that, that destroyed the russian or the german atomic german economy is, is in a recession, and for, for the ordinary working class, germans the recession is very severe. now some of the, some of the wealthier ones, they're doing fine. but uh, but i know 1st that there are germans who are sort of living hand to mouth right now, which has never been the case. germany was a wealthy fine tray. and now because of our desire or just
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maniacal desire to, to defeat russia, we re destroyed that nord strain pipelines. and it's just becoming embarrassed with the germans are gradually beginning to realize that even with all of the censorship that exist and not true true. but it was nato us. great britain, norway, number of other countries all involved in destroying the german economy by sabotaging the nord stream to pipeline. i do also want to get your views on um, will these developments with the orthodox churches in ukraine? i mean, it's not a new story for 2 years. um, a lot of, uh, a charge goes that have been suffering from persecution. they've been hack homes.
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that charges have been rated and looted and destroyed cloud. you members of those have been arrested. i suppose my question to you was, whereas the global christian community, why is the wes which claims to stand up for? well, not just the freedom of speech but the freedom of religion. wow, those is a great claim. but in fact, uh, the freedom of religion is rather tenuous and sometimes non existent in many western countries. a big, you know, that's a wednesday administration has, has attacked the orthodox church in ukraine. just then a slight they've, they've said the secret agents there and, and they have rated churches. they've conducted open range from almost 10 churches
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monasteries, a big arrested priest. they've arrested nuns and uh, and it's all carried out with, with the west just sort of overlooks it. uh and, and they, they, they largest orthodox christian church and ukraine. how does this effectively been outboard, uh and zaleski went so far as to change the date of christmas. and you know, under the orthodox pressed precipices, celebrated at a different time. and for, you know, very real historical reasons. it's different from the, from the roman catholic date and, but such an outrage that, that here's a, here's a man who is not a christian at all so landscape. and he orders them to change the date of christmas
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the, the birth of jesus christ. and you know, i don't know whether the, whether the orthodox church may have celebrated on that day for a 1000 years, but it's a long time whatever it is. and then to suddenly say, well, you know, we don't, we don't like, uh, we don't like the the orthodox tradition. we prefer the we're going to try to western eyes time. so we're going to dust off christianity and change at a level. you don't change your it's, you know, the national leaders have no business messing around with, with religion. and yet, you know, this, i think there's, there's very little, a genuine religious belief among the global laws who really run the world into the decade to us. what
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we will and won't do. these are people who are above the, the level of, of nation states. and so it, it's, it's a great shame because russia has, has a powerful christian tradition. courses has, it has other religions. it has islam and the toes. so the number of buddhist and so forth, but uh, the, the russian orthodox churches, the, is historically the major church in russia. and, and it's interesting how in russia the, the church is protected by various laws that prohibited blasphemous action being taken towards the church. the you know, years ago we had this obscene group called the pushy riot, and they,
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they went into a major orthodox cathedral in moscow. and they did outrages things in the midst of the, of the celebration there. and they were arrested and they were prosecuted. and so rusher takes these things very seriously. in russia, it protects christianity and it would protect it within areas that are, are muslim. it would protect the muslim chapel, salsa or the muslim boss. um it's, there is a very respectful attitude towards religion in russia. and also, you know, a personality care is worth it, a set of discrete moral values. and these are, these are immutable, they are change. but because they're handed down by god. and you can see that
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within the west, many of these, these traditional values about family, about avoiding the exposure of children to homosexual behaviors. and these are just sort of swept away in the west like it doesn't matter. but in, in russia we see the strengthening of moral principles. and i think it has impressed many people across the world and some of them in the united states. certainly in places like africa, we're where people have said, no, we're not going to accept that. we have americans sure, you know, flying the rainbow side of me fly again. uh in various african countries. so it is very important. it has an impact beyond the church itself. but sort of the
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perception of uh, of some of the goings on in the west and some of the things that are happening in for sure. well, as always, we appreciate your opinions, your time, your background, your experience, your insight every soon. uh that was uh, richard black, former republican state center, so from virginia covering a whole array of topics that really dominating the international gender at the moment. thank you very much. thank you. the engineers is celebrating is 79 independence day. this weekend town for the fast time festivities to be held in the island nations, propose new capital. listen tara meanwhile, and the current capital to cost people rallied and to show support for palestine condemning any and all forms of clearness, all changed black enough to peter was up to see the celebrated the,
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to be different mastering the insurance for labor, 79 years throughout the country policy mileage came in to continue to suffer as a result. the ongoing conflict with is around how may be in a nation, the alliance, 855000 population i show up in the front of the border, the gather and this chop house. i'm rally a part of your card on the policy. tidy series prayer are home and also to the nation. as far as the the matter has never changed the ocean which has killed over the age of them. again, this is probably a cost for tenants that have them go on their own as they're required to do that. same thing that makes yeah,
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today's action is indeed an action related to the independence of the republic of indonesia. but we know that palestine is under occupation. we end uneasiness continue to support the independence of palestine. we all know that there has been approximately 40000 victims since the beginning of the war 10 months ago. 70 percent of them, women and children. these rarely barbarism against the palestinian people is horrendous. hopefully the palestinian people will soon achieve their independence. it is in the preamble of our 1945 constitution. to abolish colonialism. there should be no colonialism on the drive in any event. we to help. i mean in the meantime the why not only in the. 6 but also the nature of government. 6 use the international the.


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