tv News RT August 18, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT
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to the complex, the crack down on the leave was an archbishop of want to bolster all these oldest charges. and she was in the west of factoring the persecution of christians in your brain as, as kia, has no sense to out to the nation. but all shots as it is, you need to set a break 7 to 9 years of independence from dodge world. if people pull onto the streets in front of the archie with a ton of time, it takes a while to run out and you comp soon, disney, if you'll subscribed to it, streaming platform on the altima, the company's noise, i'm making the wrongful death case of a visitor to the cell to have to pay on the
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loan of i will walk and talk to international. why on sundays we talk through the big stories of the week plus any all developments or say, well for us out, russian president vladimir page and has arrived for a state visit to as a by john, straight off the plane. he was breeches by top officials and on the god the the while the visit came tall for them in full dinner, the residence of b,
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as in by johnny president. and how earlier of the agenda of the next 2 days in print, strengthening the biological strategic partnerships and all the pressing, regional and international issues. the on sunday, the oil which cool occasion nation to clad it's bizarre to join the brakes alliance . the west is aging and a best thing. ukraine's unprecedented persecution of salt c. have some message from archbishop filters to solve the jerusalem charge. he added that the whole world is closing its eyes to kids, actions. we are very upset and the then president and persecution against the canonical orthodox church and ukraine continues in full force. they accomplish this . and conspirators of these terrible acts against the canonical orthodox church and ukraine are the western political forces that are making every possible effort to destroy put an end to its existence and find an alternative to it. it is
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regrettable and said that given the car and persecution, there is destruction and looting of churches, theft of donations, arrests of bishops and priests, their persecution, and that of believers who did not want to change their church affiliation. unfortunately today, all of this is happening before our eyes. the whole world is watching, but no one is doing anything. for the last 2 years, you craving security services and police have repeatedly rated the care of pitch us, not for us. the capitals, oldest prox christian montessori, accused of cooperating with most go, if need to and much part of some profit was arrested and subsequently tried thousands more members of the plans you have faced criminal chancia as well. how many sites and being new to and destroyed raising concerns that the u. s. high commission, the human rights that we spoke with independent journalist jason, michael. he believes that no allowed to come to the nation kind of fight. and so
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let us give for as long as he is protected by the west in the west, there is no real understanding of orthodoxy. annuity along the founding of the orthodox church in jerusalem. or indeed it's, you know, it's cultural and see a logical, any crazy. all a crazy, logical importance because in the west of side to really there is only the west of the catholic church and the protestant churches in many respects then by the occupational can get a sort of saying this, which was a very important thing for them to say on something which i do think process will take seriously and hopefully add on to himself and these off churches while not in communion, to have a deep, historical respect and community before them of a. so let's hope this can happen. that said, we are looking at a situation where the western political establishment and the media can effectively
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ignore and not publish what the archbishop in judas level has said on so long as the me is a landscape is a useful agent of west of them. visions towards russia and eastern europe. then really i think it's propaganda. machine will defend this. ready defense the landscape quite well as has happened up until this point. and to me is, is celebration is 17. i've independence day this weekend. on the 1st time, passivity is all being held in the island nations propose new capital newsome, tara meanwhile, and the current capital jakarta. people riley didn't a show of support for palestine condemning any and all forms of colonialism. unties rebec enough to peru was up c the celebrated the
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different measurements, the insurance for labor, 79 years to the time to call me and to continue to suffer. as a result, we ongoing conflict with as or ally how may be in a nation people's alliance on relo, 5000 television shows up in the funds, the wire, the gather, and the straw, palestine rally at the heart of your card on your physical tab, you know how i go through it, power, tidy series, prayer on home and also the nation as far as. 0 the matter has never changed the engine which has killed over the visa. and again, this is tasha tennis. at half and half a mile service class. today. i think i miss your plays. action is indeed an
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action related to the independence of the republic of indonesia. but we know that palestine is under occupation. we end uneasiness continue to support the independence of palestine. we all know that there has been approximately 40000 victims since the beginning of the war 10 months ago. 70 percent of them, women and children. these rarely barbarism against the palestinian people is horrendous. hopefully the palestinian people will soon achieve their independence. it is in the preamble of our 1945 constitution. to abolish colonialism. there should be no colonialism on earth. the dry, clean help. in any name has the reason why not only in the. 6 i mean the government. 6 knew the international,
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the overall nation. colonialism, the world is not in conformity with vanity and trying to do this. this is why even asia is felicia remark as we, as human beings and muslims in particular. a move today excited to commemorate in denise is 17, 9th independence day. but there was a deep concern from muslims and the great in the news in nation that the brothers and sisters have not yet enjoyed independence. colonialism must be eliminated from the face of the us. nearly 40000 lives have been victimized by the violence of please. roland zion is a, this is proof that we indonesians must fight for the rights of the palestinian people. this is the reason for me to be here at this rally. it is clear that is real, must stop the atrocities committed by israel and his proxies. we want to show
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a concern for palestine. what will celebrate and denise just independence, one for all this time also to be independent. we want to government to be concerned and participate in fighting for the independence of 1st time. uh, yeah, our from policy needs the colonized victims of genocide and the world community seems to not be doing anything about it. we hope to motivate the people of indonesia that must continue to defend, to post to nails because we do support independence in this era. there should be no more colonization on this earth. the people on the power fi slowly. these lights are going to be once every 3 weeks. for the read them all the time and doing that the patient has come in mind to world peace here is more than just a statement. it is
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a responsibility the cartridge carries forward in their actions. they make on the 14th from chicago for our full time, briefly, to tennessee now where one person has been killed down and now the injured and an explosion secured. sabbath says, have arrived out the scene investigation is on the way. you're looking. not nice pictures from that right now. that report suggests that a truck standing in the middle of the road ignited in flames, killing the driver almost immediately. please say the last was caused by an explosive device the victim was carrying, but whether it was a criminal or terror attack, well, that's still on the, the, the director of the international atomic energy agency has bruce and the situation opposite prussia and he, to the power plant,
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your largest is watson and i'll send reactions, reports that are ukranian, drove and dropped and explosive on the facilities territory on saturday. stop out the site said the device was designated on the road running along the ponds. house sources. no injuries were reported. process new to the state preparation has pointed out that such actions by cave would clearly onto mine the i a state of secure. busy the red lines information has emerged about an upcoming publication by the armed forces of ukraine in relation to these nuclear power plants. over the past day, the number of messages and signals about the preparation of this publication has been increasing. as noted earlier, such actions not only pose a direct threat to the 2 nuclear power plants, but also undermine the i is postulates on nuclear safety and nuclear security. before the incident, intelligence reports in large detailing cubes,
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the largest plans to deploy, so called the teen phones with both this approach and costs commit to the power stations, and the cost has its claim. but then the blame would be penned on russia. most goes defense ministries of storage sites of those pipelines. well, the propose targets, well just to be clear, so dodgy bomb is a west puddle, which mixes conventional explosives with radioactive material. it was quick to respond with its foreign ministry, spokes pots, and spacing. the country does not have such munitions and has no plans to acquire them. we have some former republican states that it's a rich and black. his take is that if you create house to resort to a testing, you should have facilities. then it finds itself in a desperate situation. this has been done previously, but early in the war, uh, the russian armed forces captures is oper rosario nuclear plant.
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and they have held that ever since very early in the war. and the, the ukrainian armed forces began to fire artillery shells and to nuclear plants. because of all the confusion with the public about which side was doing what and so forth, the ukrainians were able to blame the russians for the artillery structure, for the notion was, was ludicrous because why would the russians fire artillery as themselves the course they wouldn't do? that so it was the ukrainians doing good, but for months they managed to get away with climbing that somehow it was a russian operation, not ukrainian. so they have done this before. what we're seeing now though, is something that's the way beyond the sort of chores charge. because
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according to the early reports, it appears that special warheads, apparently, nuclear warheads have already been delivered. the purpose of these is to actually strike the storage slides for there's an enormous amount of, of spent nuclear fuel. this would really be a great catastrophe, not simply for russia, but for all of mankind. the idea that we begin releasing a nuclear radiation over large areas and simply partially parts of the or it just shows the enormous desperation of the ukrainian forces at this court. and of course, whatever happens would then be blamed on russia. there's always blamed on russian
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about how absurd it is to do it. so it's interesting that uh the, the company that, uh, that operates the, the power plants has invited the international atomic energy agency to send inspectors immediately to the nuclear plants and cost. and uh, and then that way, that would you perhaps make it much more difficult for ukraine to target these locations? well, they was 3 say ran before presents v won't. and disney company is trying to have a window was wrong, full task, and we'll see dismissed all to end up the mines. disney plus trial subscription, prevent some from taking the case to quote so. so this whole notion stipulation came to light off. his wife died from a severe allergic reaction at one of dismiss box. when the waiter returned with
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anxious food, some of the items did not have eligible for you flags and them. and thanks one and pacola once again, question to wait or once again guaranteed the food being delivered thanks. one was eloquent, free, and medical examiners investigations. determined that thanks to us cause of death was the result of an if alexis due to elevated levels, will vary and not in her system. piccolo ignores that he previously created a disney account and agreed to arbitrate all disputes against the will. disney company or its affiliates arising and contract towards warranty, statute, regulation or all of that legal, equitable basis to come. pay lawyers also came. the piccolo accepted these times again when using his disney account to buy tickets for the same puck in 2023. the end statement, john has also tried to dodge any responsibility saying it doesn't hurt, operate the restaurant, unlike calling me karen, discuss the case with legal and media unless no, i know. besides that could do
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a serious blow to business, and that every single time you use an application, what if somebody were to say you for ever wave from now until the trinity, your errors and assigns your survivors any and all claims against anything that you've used an application for an app up to and including, let's say something intentionally, let's say somebody actually does, will be intentionally to harm you. have you waived this every body is just their jaws are dropping because let me ask you something. have you ever signed you agree to just something without reading every one of the 27 pages. oh yeah. i know constantly and that's that's what it highlights, doesn't it? is it a lot of it has to blindly click on the green button without reading it, cuz we don't have the time or which is done cat. and i'm just wondering how many
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other companies have similar policies and how come and all such practices? well, there's also something remember called duty to read, and in that i promise you in that a disclaimer. you've said i have read this carefully, i was advised to seek, tell them. so you're thinking all i wanted to do was run a, i want to get a sandwich still there, but what are your talking about your so this is something which is the repercussions of this. are going to be self for a long time. the next time you're at a restaurant in the disney property, and you have somebody in your family with a peanut allergy or some type of fear of animal act, a shot by virtue of some kind of dietary, a contamination, you know, and i know nicki, somebody's going to be say, um, you know, on the 2nd side, maybe maybe this isn't for us. how do you multiply that in terms of millions of perhaps billions was, again, why are they doing this?
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because of this case, the disney case, everybody right now, the next time the next time you you signed this, you're going to remember the did it is a oh no, no, no, no, not so fast. call your local solicitor, a bare register, and have them go over an application to order a pizza state. but that's what is coming to this week. and the celebrated 7 p a. s, as an independent nation, locking the end of its century long struggle against british colonial room. this, the theme of this is, celebrations was developed india and went to symbolize the vision of a prosperous. i'm fully developed nation by 2047 as the 100 and the boss feels new dentist split from his colonizers. prime minister movie said the place, nice populous country is on stuff football. if it's people want to go, in the words we have prompt to carry the blood of 400000000 people to eradicate to
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colonial rule. in india. today, we are 1400000000. and if we move together in the same direction by 2047, we can become fix it, pallet overcoming all the obstacles in the way it really oh, but you also have been started as yourself. it's from politician. the independence act of 1947 ended with 200 years of london's rule and split the country into 2 independent nation of india and pakistan. but that event left around 15000000 people displaced on an estimated 1000000 dead. indian citizens spoke to us about the historical balance that change that homeland. so i've, it, had been cleared up says law that it was a wrong decision by the british display of the country. thousands of people have died due to the partition even today we are facing the repercussions. it was a wrong decision. and if it had not happened, united india would have been even stronger and the name would have been different as well. because i've been during partition so many people were killed,
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the difficulties these people had to face during partition cannot be measured with them. it is a very sad and shameful incident. i don't think splitting the splitting and even if it is good and bad would not be any different in charles flipping to button 3. is that one? that would be less the number of board? vegas. uh, that would be no great, great in my of people many chose to gather other countries, famous salon montage my how sad they pay tribute to those who suffered from one of the largest mass migrations in history. mixing the thousands of people who visits the i point it sites stain packs on course. that's also the way to celebrate 70 years old footprint. t o t correspondence on and keep on ski. looks back now with that post from periods when british actions that millions of people up rooted on
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dead. i meant the chaos of into ethnic strife. 6 weeks before india was coughed up, creating pocket stone. these men met with the partition voice roy, mood month button to agree upon all it was announced, my button was almost d for see any mass transfer of population is response. post me, i don't. it was a remark. the came back to whole tim, on communities across the sub continent. the politician rushed plan, implemented by colonial power that simply could no longer afford to administer the country, unleashed one of the worst calamities of the 20th century, up to 15000000 flags across new frontiers. up to 2000000 were killed donated from
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disease. tens of thousands of women raked abducted will dissipate as the region became embroiled and the bloody sick tiring cleansing against those who had once been the nape is millions of people and the and as many as the good just because. busy the mismanage manage all the fish. just good. yeah. it was all happen just because of but the best possible off the villages as that the member does. it. jan . yeah the, the golf is going to the, on the faucet. the what actually come into fact is done with uh with good uh, actually share date from a bold deal to the same about the condition. uh. busy and the 10 definitely actually tell me uh that's what i feel good for 5, that's on site. bring it inside as well. i think this is the right time for the
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business of, for business i'm by to to apologize. the fact is on. so where did it all go wrong? this is serial radcliffe, a british virus, the who's brought in to drew a line on a map, creating a new country of pockets. done a mine who until then haven't ever even been to india as it was. and virtually no knowledge of the subcontinent. yet the lives of hundreds of millions of people. what in his hands, one journalist who spoke to several said he had admitted how and for patch he was for the task. i did ask him. on the top of the do girls or life threatening mar normally i want you to draw the life said don't know anything that i'm just a match trees and that's uh you
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got because you're in yeah, man. so you said it did. he started drawing the line later by his own admission cisneros and his plan was show the on the books politician should have taken the news to plan. instead, the british russ through the process as they planning to make a hasty exit and doing some 200 years of colonial rule. did that or had a, does going through this, this part of the body part. i would it because they were here to load the defense, all these uh, this park up the line and they do, and off to the uh, you know, the low to the and it is also the 5th funky this part of the was definitely the, i had that part of the decided for new budget. now the road is boundary. they were just that. yeah, no, the route. and the store, it says all this uh,
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fox of the biggest bush had long used religion as a way to devise people and not see exactly what they did in 1947 focused on was created from the areas where there was a most sleet muslim population but listening to the fact that there was significant muslim population, scott said throughout the subcontinent, take, putting job. didn't sleep populated agricultural region with muslims, hindus and 6, live together cultivating that lines. the generations do a single day thing. it was so preposterous that fee would never contemplated it, but that's exactly what happened. the
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planning to actually carry that this was a new normal and it's cast a long shadow over the subcontinent with pockets don an india, essentially in a put trusted cold war with nuclear missiles pointed at one another after 25 patients and the people there before bed in the indian docusign they were, they, they, they want to deal with the same in the country and everything was same. and the sure to hear the word like they, they did, did that, like, or give us the freedom. they actually gave us so many problems, obstacles here which we are facing now or this even after 79 years. the odd um they are facing all the problem is the bridges are responsible for all this. if the british had property with distributed our national treasures at the time, then we wouldn't have faced so many problems. if it's for them, for those problems, we would have been able to leave our lives today. once
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a thriving into is mac welted stood before the partition faded and colonized within 2 centuries, the partition dismantled it all and then in a final act smashed what was left with partition last spring night mat largely whitewashed white 14 but not for gold. find those who lived through it, know why that defendants while the as well, some of the stores are put on the last 7 days. more details will story is why don't take a look at all to, to come and enjoy the rest of your weekend. the the
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for everybody, welcome back to the most going use. i'm shape bows and country to the rumors. ukrainians didn't get me and he didn't wipe me out. they didn't adopt me and take me to a massage parlor and key if they stuck me on their old killed list a mere tongue board. at least we just kind of a list where they put the people that they think are very helpful. and outlining their vision of the new yukos on world at all. so even worse, news arrow fred, all the organic, our director and the editor and basically all around kind of guy makes the t, he decided not to go for the gender reassignment surgery. so we gave him another 6 months here on the show, and this is what happened while i was away, its only been a month, nothing much happened and he just tried to kill the next president,
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the ukrainians tried to evade russia and all sorts of crazy. it's happened at the olympics, but let's start with good old on. when someone tried to put a sunroof in the back of his head and it all went to sitting in the states. and after all, it was a lone wolf attack. they created the pur, dude, who did the shooting, got the wrong guy on the video that you know, the f b i, they're investigating this and they've never had a problem with the don or any other presenter, right? member, mr. hoover, j of k. okay, let's have a look and room the video and remind ourselves of just what went down. take a look, what happened, the zip. so it all went down pretty quickly, right? but you know, coming back to do the show this week, we were kind of going, this didn't happen at all because if this of, in a democratic president or anybody else that was the darling of the us client media, this would still be phone page news. right. but pearl gone, they tried.
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