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tv   News  RT  August 18, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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the, the a lot of my parents and arrives as a by john for a 2 days staying visit to discuss the biological partnerships on regional issues. kind of left. the cracks down on believe was an archbishop of wonderful football team. the oldest charges, the kansas, the west stalls backing the positive emotion of christians in ukraine as well as kids look, set out little the nations or federal jobs. as indonesia, as that a brace, 79 years of independence from the dodge is people pull onto the streets and found that there are 2 of palestine lodging the while to run out for the old colonial and you called sir disney is peeled and strive to it streaming platforms stop the
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altima, the companies noise. amazing in the wrongful death case of a visit to, to the total healthcare space on the sunday is our team. so it's a weekly, a look back at the big stores in the last 7 days on the latest updates to for myself, the whole team here very well. right? well, starting us off, russian president vladimir putin has arrived for a state visit and as a by john straight off the play. and he was great as by top officials and an on a golf the
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the visit kicked off with it in full then on the residential v as a by johnny president. and how leads page under the next 2 days and been strengthening the biological strategic partnership. and now by pressing regional and international issues on the, on sunday, the oil which location nation to plaid, it's designed to join the brakes a line but west is aging. and the best thing, new questions on precedent, it persecution of silky thoughts. the message from archbishop there is to solve that. your resume charge. he answered that the whole world is closing his eyes to kids. fox, we are very said into them president and persecution against the canonical orthodox church, and ukraine continues in full force. they accomplish this em. conspirators of these
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terrible acts against the canonical orthodox church in ukraine or the western political forces that are making every possible effort to destroy put an end to its existence and find an alternative to it. it is regrettable and said that given the car and persecution, there is destruction and looting of churches, theft of donations, arrests of bishops and priests, their persecution, and that of believers who did not want to change their church affiliation. unfortunately, today, all of this is happening before our eyes. the whole world is watching, but no one is doing anything. it is that all to you as you point in security services on police, have repeatedly rated the kids to chess club for us. the capitals, oldest folks pushed him on history, accused of collaborating with moscow. it's nieto metropolitan pod hill was arrested and subsequently tried 1000 members of the plans. you have faced criminal charges as well. how many sites have been routed and destroyed,
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raising concerns out the u. s. high commission for human rights, and we spoke with independent john this, chase and michael. he believes that no amount of condemnation, kind of fact and financing for as long as he is protected. by the way to the west. there is no real understanding of orthodoxy. annuity, along the founding of the orthodox church in jerusalem. or indeed it's, you know, it's cultural and see a logical increase the all a pleasing and logical importance. because in the west of psyche really there is only the west of the catholic church and the protestant churches in many respects then by the architecture conger sort of saying this. which was a very important thing for them to say on something which i do think process will take seriously and hopefully add on to himself. and these are the churches while know who communion to have a deep,
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historical respect and community before them of us. so let's hope this can happen. and that said, we are looking at a situation where the west them politically stop listening and the media can effectively ignore and not publish what the archbishop in just a little has said on so long as the me is a landscape is a useful agent of west of them visions towards russia and eastern europe. then really i think it's propaganda. machine will defend. ready defends the landscape quite well as has happened up until this point. been denisia is celebration. it's 17. i've been dependent stay this weekend and for the 1st time facilities are being held in the line of nations, proposed new capital. and the some tara meanwhile, and the car in capital just call to people riley didn't
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a show of support for palestine condemning any and all forms of colonialism. unties rebec enough to purely, it was the, the celebrated uh them to you to be a different measurements. the insurance, 79 years throughout the country recalls you mileage premium to continue to suffer as a result of the ongoing conflict with as or ally. how may be in a nation field alliance 855000 population. i show up in the front of the binder they gather and destroy palestine reality at the heart of your card on your physical tab, you know, tell it, go through it. power time series, prayer on home, and also the nation as far as the battle has never change on the ocean which has killed over the
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visa. and again, this is probably a tougher tennis that have, i'm going to be on there on sale. i'm half a mile service class 2 days. that being said, today's action is indeed an action related to the independence of the republic of indonesia. but we know that palestine is under occupation. we end uneasiness continue to support the independence of palestine. we all know that there has been approximately 40000 victims since the beginning of the war 10 months ago. 70 percent of them, women and children. these rarely barbarism against the palestinian people is horrendous. hopefully the palestinian people will soon achieve their independence. it is in the preamble of our 1945 constitution. to abolish colonialism. there should be no colonialism on earth. the dry, you know, means you couldn't help. i mean, the thing,
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any mean the why not only in the. 6 but also do you mean the government. 6 use the international, the overall nation. my dear colonialism, the world is not in conformity with vanity and trying to do this. this is why even asians believe we as human beings and most students in particular move today excited to commemorate in denise is 17, 9th independence day. but there was a deep concern from must haves and the great in the news in nation that the brothers and sisters have not yet enjoyed independence. colonialism must be eliminated from the face of the us. nearly 40000 lives have been victimized by the violence of please roland zionism. this is proof that we in donations must fight
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for the rights of the palestinian people. this is the reason for me to be here at this rally. it is clear that is real, must stop the atrocities committed by israel and his proxies went to show a concern for palestine. what will celebrate indonesia? his independence, one fell this time also to be independent. we want the government to be concerned and participate in fighting for the independence of palestine. uh, yeah, our policy needs, the colonized victims of genocide and the world's community seems to not be doing anything about it. we have to motivate the people of indonesia that must continue to defend. to post announce the course, we do support independence in this era. there should be no more colonization on this earth. the people on the power fi slowly are going to be once every 2 weeks for the read them
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and do the application to the ideals a research comment mind to world peace here is more than just a statement. it is a responsibility the cartridge carries forward in their actions are big on the 14th floor. i see what's happening to tennessee eve now why one person has been killed and another injured in an explosion. secured substance have arrived at the scene on investigation is underway. so it won't suggest to the truck standing in the middle of the road just ignited in flames, killing the troy, felt almost immediately. please say the gospel squeals, fight an explosive device that the victim was caring. but whether it was a criminal or terrorist attack is still on the, the director of the international atomic energy agency has course it. and but the
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situation of this approach and you can a power plant, europe's largest is, was sending hudson reactions reports that a ukrainian drone dropped and explosive on the facilities territory on saturday. stop at the site, say the device was designated on the road running along the ponds. power sources, no injuries were reported, process meet you the state corporation has pointed out that subtractions by 2 of which clearly undermine the i a is state of security. red lines, information has emerged about an upcoming publication by the armed forces of ukraine in relation to these nuclear power plants. over the past day, the number of messages and signals about the preparation of this publication has been increasing. as noted earlier, such actions not only pose a direct threat to the 2 nuclear power plants, but also undermine the i is postulates on nuclear safety and nuclear security. a.
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while before the incident intelligence reports and much detailing cubes, so let's just plans to deploy so food, the teen phones with both the sup, prussia and cost me to the power stations in the process. it's claim that that and the blame would depend on russia most cuz defense ministry said storage sites out those pounds while the proposed targets. just to be clear, the table is a weapon which mixes conventional explosives with radioactive material. it was quick to respond and it's for a ministry spokes pass and stating the country and does not have such munitions and has no plans to apply them. we have moved from our republican state senator, which is black. his take is that if new crane has to resort to attacking new kiddo facilities, then it really finds itself in a desperate situation. this has been done previously. early in the war,
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the russian armed forces captures is ok, rose i a nuclear plant. and they have held that ever since very early in the war. and the, the ukrainian armed forces began to fire artillery shells and to nuclear plants. because of all the confusion with the public about a vehicle and that which side was doing what and so forth, the ukrainians were able to blame the russians for the artillery structure, for the notion was, was ludicrous because why would the russians fire artillery as themselves and the course they wouldn't do that, so it was the ukrainians doing good, but for months they managed to get away with climbing that somehow it was a russian operation, not ukrainian. so they have done this before. what we're seeing now though,
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is something that's the way beyond those sort shores charged. because according to the early reports, it appears that special warheads, a pair of a nuclear warheads have already been delivered. the purpose of these is to actually strike the storage slides where there's an enormous amount of, of spent nuclear fuel. this would really be a great catastrophe, not some point for russia, but for all of mankind. the idea that we begin releasing a nuclear radiation over large areas and simply partially parts of the or it just shows the enormous desperation of the ukrainian forces at this point. and of course,
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whatever happens would then be blamed on russia. there's always blamed on russian about how absurd it is to do it. it's interesting that uh the, the company that, uh, that operates the they power plants. how's that invite in the international atomic energy agency to send inspectors immediately to the nuclear plant and cost. and uh, and then that way, that would you perhaps make it much more difficult for ukraine to target these locations or, and 3, this whole prints being walt disney company is trying to have a what it was wrong. so that's a little sick dismissed. all doing that, the month, disney plus trial subscription, preventing them from taking the case to quote,
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well, this will no stipulation came to light off to his wife, died from the severe allergic reaction. i want of disney's pumps. when the waiter returned with anxious food, some of the items did not have eligible for your flags and them. and thanks one and pacola once again, question to wait or once again guaranteed the food being delivered to tanks, one was elliot humphrey, and medical examiners investigation. determined that the interest cause of death was the result of and if alexis did elevated levels will vary in not in her system . piccolo ignores that. he previously created a disney account and agreed to arbitrate old disputes against the will. disney company or its affiliates arising and contract towards warranty, statute, regulation or all of the legal, equitable basis. company lawyers also claim the piccolo accepted these times again when using his disney account to buy tickets for the same park in 2023. the ends payment john has also try to go to any responsibility by saying it doesn't own well
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parade. the restaurants in question and, and my colleague nikki, are and discuss the case with legal and media unless not on this as it could deal a serious blow to business image every single time you use an application. what if somebody were to say you for ever wave from now until the trinity, your errors and assigns your survivors any and all claims against anything that you've used an application for an app up to and including, let's say something intentionally, let's say somebody actually does, will be intentionally to harm you. have you waived this every body is just their jaws are dropping because let me ask you something. have you ever signed you agree to just something without reading every one of the 27 pages. oh, i know constantly and that's, that's what it highlights, doesn't it? is it a lot of it has to blindly click on the green button without reading it,
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cuz we don't have the time or which is the task. and i'm just wondering how many other companies have similar policies and how come and all such practices. well, there's also something remember called duty to read. and in that i promise you in that a disclaimer. you've said i have read this carefully. i was advised to seek, tell them, so you're thinking all i wanted to do is run a, i want to get a sandwich still there, but what are your talking about your so this is something which is the repercussions of this. are going to be self for a long time. the next time you're at a restaurant in the disney property. and you have somebody in your family with a peanut allergy or some type of fear of had a whole act shot by virtue of some kind of dietary, a contamination, you know, and i know nicki, somebody's going to be say, um, you know, on the 2nd side maybe maybe this isn't for us. how do you multiply that in terms of
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millions that perhaps billions was again, why are they doing this? because of this case, the disney case, everybody right now, the next time the next time you you signed this, you're going to remember the did it as a oh no, no, no, no, not so fast. call your local solicitor, a bare register, and have them go over an application to order a pizza this state. but that's what it's come to on find me ukraine and power and should come up with the same job and up to 14000000000 years, the sabotage open old stream pipelines. that's the view of buttons full intelligence chief who believes that the 2 players, what directly involved in the 2022 tyra tuck august hunting add to the narrative of 6 ukrainian divers, independently blowing up the infrastructure without the backing of nato just doesn't know on the way it seems is not, it was
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a korean see that as part of the findings. so the investigation operate the this was of course only possible with support from the law. and when we look at the map, the police agencies, but engage here pretty evidently. and i thing, not all the agencies, i think that this was and arrangement between people on the top level in ukraine and in poland. visa decisions have been made at the highest political level. and i think that there was an arrangement between the lensky and police president andre due to, to carry out this attack. well, this guy should be writing spine almost like a lot of former top intelligence officers in the west actually have. yeah, sure. why not? poland did it with you? chris smashed cookie jar on the ground and 2 siblings both standing around. so no one really knows exactly who did it. how convenient you can take that information straight to the bank though, because fine masters always tell the absolute truth. they are known for being paradigms of virtue as every spying movies ever taught us. what's actually
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interesting though, about this former german spy master. and what i'm saying though, is the admission that at least the north stream attack involved or had to involve some kind of state support, which is different from what we've been hearing over these past few days about, for instance, a certain vladimir z, ukrainian diving and structure extraordinaire and suspects. and the wall street journal saying that the whole idea was gender by a bunch of drunken. you agree and officers like college frat boys? accept. instead of saying, hey, let's go jump off the roof into the pool when they were drunk, they instead went, hey, let's go pull up some pipelines with all of this talk of poland and ukraine. washington is seizing the very convenient opportunity to slowly back out of the room on the whole issue. can you comment on this report in the wall street journal saying that senior ukrainian officials approve the sabotaged operation against the north stream pipeline. i'm not going to comments on the walls street journal reporting on this
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officials refusing to speak college on the rest of them. topic is quite executive. the democratic team was trying to take a favorable position as an outside observer. the want everyone to forget the inconvenient quotes from the us of the ship, of all the importance of destroying gas pipelines, the trying to shift all responsibility to the ukranian puppets. one member of german parliament with the alternative for germany parties said that the german government has blown off more than 300 questions about nord stream. adding that it seems that there is more of an interest here in misleading dining, clarifying. also, why would zalinski spend so much time running around begging for the wes permission to hit russia? if already a couple of years ago, his top general was just going around flagrantly blowing up the west own infrastructure doesn't really sound like everyone's buying the story most stream sabotage. since yesterday, the media has been selling us
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a story that will put you to sleep with as always, a bit of truth and a lot of false foot to confuse everything and hide the really instigators. they want us to believe that everything was done by 6 ukrainian idiots who rented the boat to do it, and that is the landscape filled with the remorse calls and at the last minute to cancel everything. but he sold it, sleep, we're etc. we have lunch. the operation in this version zaleski seems like a bit of a dork, but remains nice in the end natal ball and the u. k. and especially being that it states are exaggerated. they're just bit stupid for not having been able to see the blow coming. but they remain very nice indeed, and who actually believes that you might be wondering where exactly does the c r c i a come into this whole spied feller? well, just so you know, they were the voice of reason. of course, the ones who talked zalinski down from letting vladimir z, the ghost of the north sea and his drinking bodies from trying to blow up 1.6 inch steel pipe. it's wrapped in another 4.3 inches of concrete. and maybe just instead
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stick to up naked head 1st diving on the slipping slide into the walls of the bar. so did the c, i a talk some sense into this guy as well. if i'm rushing vase, that means tanks are troops crossing the, the border of ukraine's again, then there will be we, there will be no longer on our steam to we, we will figure that, how will you do that exactly. since the project and control of the project, this was in germany's control, i promise you will be able to do quite a whole quick reminder that according to the c, i is own website. it quote, conducts covert actions at the direction of the president, who in this case was just openly telegraphing the way a mob boss dies. nice pipeline. there would be too bad if something were to happen to it. and that's
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a really nice line actually makes you wonder why it's conveniently and constantly left out of the latest rewrites for the spied roller. and we told her the story was senior research. find out what the global policy institute told somebody. he says this kid was indeed behind the sabotage then berlin has been humiliated. there are deep divisions within the gentleman industrial glass. and because even within the german military security oper uh on the whole of war in ukraine. and i think that he's essentially expressing the views of many within the uh, the german state. but this whole enterprise has been an absolute disaster for germany, whichever way you look at it. because if, if it's almost certainly the case, the united states was behind this destruction of the north spring pipelines, then this is an absolute total humiliation for germany. america supposed to be your great ally and it's destroying your economy. if on the other hand,
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it was ukraine and poland, then these are your closest. how are your continuing to support ukraine? this is sending in. are you sending money to a state that is, is destroyed your energy infrastructure that is responsible for a risk eco site. so whichever way you look at it, it's a total humiliation for joe man, i think he's expressing but discussed among many a not just of among the public but the within the german state itself at this policy, the just pursuing now that is all about that just a few of the stories that we've covered here at all, take this week. as always, excuse me, company i'm for choosing us. we have is the,
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[000:00:00;00] the have goodness and has a drug with conquerors attention from time immemorial. in the 19th century, the british empire decided to subjugate that century. the british view the afghan lands as the northern gateway to india. and wanted to turn them into an obedient province, trying to protect the independence, the mere of a dentist in the us. little homage turned for help the russia waste the rate is considered their deal political adversary. this was the last straw for london. britain declared war on the half gans in august 18,
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39. the invaders occupied couple and brought their hands been to bower. the invaders brutally suppressed any resistance thus, is telly they slaughtered all ask in man who had reached the delta and raped hundreds of women seeking to humiliate the muslims of 18. 41 general uprising against the british yoke began debris. it is under the command of general elton stone left couple and started to retreat. only a few out of the 16000 invaders who had begun their march from google made it to the british position in jello. but the defeat of the royal army caused enormous damage to the prestige of the british empire. throughout the world, the victory of the afghani people became the most important events in the history of the oppressed peoples resistance to the colonialist. it just failed the races. smith of the european invincibility,
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the cold, much 1944, a desk created on headless personal odor. sports for our issues, the typhus became a weapon for mass murder. when the cat dunes to survive in an open, this one step is to get through. it says, you know, it was a little of what you see a little shallow show a feel like you feel like this that i thought. and then the full set of leads me of
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the go from 1944. this photo was taken 75 years ago. on the day the as that a t desk up was liberated, this is very clear on just about 5 in this picture. the exact date of birth is on noon. she was born in 1959 or 1940 because the documents were destroyed. the rage was estimated by her appearance near by style. let's go to the alien that's patch trip theater batch extras with duck on you. showed up on your back yesterday. that a shot by today there is a gas that goes by her husband's last name. so lenovo and she lives in bubbles, she only knows who took the photo and hell from around story is a wall correspondence who was mistaken at 1st for a gentleman in disguise. people didn't believe him and we're afraid that he'd


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