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tv   Direct Impact  RT  August 18, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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negative, hard for history, we have to get rid of everything the the, her body. i'm rick sanchez and this is the we can review. there will be no longer nor seem to we, we will figure that this was a cool of a president of the united states. he didn't want to leave and they said we can do it to night. yeah. oh, we can do it the hard way. and i've spoken to the biggest crowds, nobody's spoken to crouch bigger than me. if you look at martin luther king, it's a lot of weird stuff going on this week. first of all, this is big and arrest warrant issued on the north stream pipeline. and the former president's messaging kind of goes off the rails. those are 2 of the stories that have been taking place this week. i'm or sanchez, let's do this the
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right another wild week to say the very least and we're going to be taking you through most of this stuff, but we're going to do it with 2 of the best guess. i know. first, the host of the critical hour on the radio. sputnik dr. wilmer leon. there he is in his you full handsome face and on the other side is from past uh to go on youtube, not a cooking show by the way. uh, credit past due law, who's good enough to take us through some of these conversations as well. thank you gentlemen, for joining us this week. once again, let's start with the steel politics. bank story really brings story. finally, there has been an arrest warrant in the north stream, a pipeline, the sabotage. i'm sure you guys have been catching up on this story. here's the headline. the report says that ukraine was behind the north stream pipeline, sabotage. it says ukrainian military officers and a drunken had
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a drunken celebration on may of 2022. they orchestrated the attack using a small sail boat. german chief prosecutor has ordered the arrest of a man who was now apparently hiding out in ukraine. interestingly enough, though, he was originally living in poland when he allegedly masterminded this attack. now this is an absolutely fascinating story. it seems to me, in reading through most of the addict uh, that has been issued thus far on this warrant that has been issued. there were 23, maybe 4 ukrainians who put this altogether on a sail boat that's about 3040 feet long. the pipeline, remember is about the 300 feet under water. i die, i'm certified, but does it make me a good driver? but i know enough to know what happens down there. you're not just an average person who decides to go diving after having
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a couple of drinks to do something like this. they pulled off what is obviously one of the most incredible and destructive sabotaged is in the history of europe. and they, and they, they did this and the reason i'm standing it this way and, and maybe i'll start with new pasta is the report seems to indicate that they can't determine at this point if the ukrainian government or the us government or any other state, was involved my b. s and tenants are going up. what about yours? i think your b s antennas are working properly, rick? because they also said that it was high ranking military personnel of ukraine, yet water mol zalinski didn't know, even though i think, believe v diver that they are accusing of doing this. he's his name was also more the more something with a z as well. but i really think this is just about damage control at this point, rick, i think so many people in germany are suffering from high energy cost. i mean, remember nor dream to was one of the biggest carriers of natural gas right,
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of into europe, from russia, and now they're paying the price. so i think the, the german government is kind of concocted up the story of sorts to ease the mind of the people to let them know they're doing something about their energy costs. because this was just a random occasion and they're going to make the person who did this pay a price. i mean, this is complete. fabrication. i looked at this is almost equal to the, the inflation goal, yet 3 percent reports conveniently now closer to an election. that's why we're getting this story and i don't buy it whatsoever. might be as intent as are also up and, and being pretty wildly. yeah, it is a different story than some of the original stories we heard, which was that russia did this itself because russia decided one day that they were going to blow up their most important and them, and, and an impressive of, you know, pipeline constructions they've ever done by the way, one of the most significant parts of their economy that they're going to just go up one day and blow it up. because then they wanted to be able to say that somebody else did it, which seems weird enter of itself wilmer. but the fact that germany would
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have somebody or have something happen that affects its populace. it's citizens. it's going to make them perhaps not be able to heat their homes. and instead of looking to attack whatever government did it, they seemed like they're defensive about it. that's weird, it's kind of like a battered white syndrome. no, but governments. well, let's sit right back. you'll hear a tale, a tale of a faithful ship. i mean, they might as well said deal again. and the c panel did this because their story makes absolutely no sense. germany's problem is all off schultz was standing next to joe, but when joe biden said that the united states was not going to allow the north stream to pipeline to be turned up. and it's also important to realize that they are, i think, 3 or 3 or 4 pipelines. one of them is still functional in the united
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states will not allow germany to turn up the functioning yeah. pipeline. you're talking about 300 feet of water. you're talking about those pipelines are encased in some ungodly amount of concrete. and you have to ask yourself, what countries have the capability to do that in the united states? britain, possibly russia and possibly germany. so your, your options here on who could actually pull something like this off. wow. the united states is by the way engaged enabled exercises right in the very space that all of this took place. oh, i'd ask yourself of its weight. i got something to add to your equation, your enzyme is i think spot on, but you're only missing one element, which i think kind of seals this deal. what happens after this happen to, uh,
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the us is ability or how much uh, energy the us sends into germany these of the, how much of it comes from russia. russia was at the time before this happened, sending something like 50, supplying germany with like a 50 to 60 percent. i don't have the exact number in my head of it's natural gas since and rushes down to about 15 percent. and the us is up to about 50 or 60 percent. and where does that gas come from? most of it comes from texas. thank you, ted cruz. and because ted cruz had been ship getting this very mission. and all you have to do is read. sy hersh his work and all the, all of the questions get off. yeah, we're trying to get to him by the way, we're trying to see if we can get them on the show. if not today, we'll probably get them on sometime next week. all right, let's, let's switch topics real quick, but us suddenly got a naval strike. uh, group, uh, complete with a fleet of battleships, carrier, submarines. it's been sent to the area now the area obviously off the coast of
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a ron, present a button that signed off on sending anywhere between $16.00 to $20000000000.00 a tax by tax payers money. yours a mine by the way, to israel. that's on top of the 4000000000 we normally send them even though they're one of the richest countries in the world. number 3, we're telling iran at the same time that they have no right? no right. to consider retaliation against israel. and they should just live with the fact that is real construed missiles into their country and assassinate politicians watch. no one wants to see a wider regional conflict. so, you know, hopefully you don't find ourselves in the situation of having to employ those capabilities. but if we need to, in the defensive israel, we will, you know, he mentioned solid. iran is just out of the blue say, hey, we got nothing to do today. so i think we're going to just the bomb is real. you know? no, no contacts, these not talking about what happened before this, you know, that's disappointing from somebody who represents of my country pasta started us
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off. well, i mean this, i think katelyn johnstone made the best analogy when she came to talking about this . this is like the mother that's at the park with her child, and our childs running around hitting everybody. but as soon as somebody gets back, that's what the mother jumps up, it goes, oh my lord, how could you do this? we need peace. you need to stop that. that's what we're seeing here, but it's the same a playbook, right? i mean, everything when it comes to israel's mind, started on october 7th. nothing else happened before that there was no knocked, blah, there was no bombing, there was no jailing of palestinians before that. this is the same port playbook they're using over and over again, and they're counting on americans being asleep at the wheel. the only problem is we are asleep at the wheel. we need to wake up to the statics and really call it out for what it is. it is this hardening when you hear these general say these things, because at the end of the day, you know, you can only expect iran to be able to count her back and do so. so uh, it's just mind boggling to me because it seems like they're setting the stage to be
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and to enter into this more and israel's doing everything they can in their power, whether be assassinating hamas leader in the pale ron bombing. bay root is healing, or bonding of school with a 100 children. and the other day, right, we hear the story about the, the father who ran out to go get the, the birth certificates for the kids. just to come back to see that, you know, his family wiped out. they're doing everything within their power to drag us into the war and all signs. when you hear a press conference like this, all sides are pointing that we're willing to do so. yeah, yeah, it does seem curious uh, wilmer. uh, do you well, i don't know that we're being dragged into the war because i don't hear joe biden. i don't hear the secretary of state push giving any push back to his real. it is also important is not only the major transgressions such as the bombing in, in, in, in, is in a ron in, in, in, in 11, not,
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but it's the micro aggressions as well. it more vandevere bringing a 100 is really jews to pray at the o. oscar mosque is all of these very, very seemingly small things that add up to very, very big things. all the united states has to do with it is serious about not having a wider conflict is put a stop to is really, you mentioned the, the carrier fleets going in it cost between 4 and 6000000 dollars a day to run the u. s. s. abraham lincoln. yeah, that's one aircraft carrier, $4.00 to $6000000.00 a day of bar tax dollar. yeah. being wasted in this foolishness. that's crazy. and nobody seems to be saying anything about it in the united states, this is where donald trump and j, the bands would have an advantage of. they just decided to stop talking about,
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you know, i don't know, martin luther king and stuff, but we're going to get to that story too. all right, here's another one. it would be absolutely crazy, right? so the united states to allow ukraine to use f sixteens to bomb russians, and it would be even more crazy if they allow the, if they allowed ukraine to bomb inside of russia, the literally bomb russia, the nation. well, it might be crazy to us, certainly not crazy to senator lindsey graham, who wants to hire retired pilots to do just that, to think about 1st. really, really keep it on the bottom line is ministration. i appreciate your support with these big woodlands. they need to wait and they can't afford to lose when it comes to have 6 things. wait. they're near to the
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presence lisky just a few minutes ago. if you reside in $60000.00 and you're looking to buy for freedom do, are you. we are the route nato nations for a willing fighter pilots to retire to come help them until they get their power train. i don't even know what to say. pasta. i mean, what do you make of a man? a man, a man? yeah, i guess a ma'am. um. i've never been married by the way of that never really served. i mean yeah, it was like, it was a jag or something. it was like, it was a lawyer, but, but, but if he is willing to go out there and start world war 3, he wants us to invade russia. he wants us to invade russia. i'm sorry, this is. don't pasta. i, you know, i, this mister lindsey graham,
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how can we miss you if you don't go away? i wish this guy would just go away. i mean, a couple months ago he let the cat out of the bag and it's really, this particular story reminds me or really codes in parallel. what we're doing with this 20000000000 and aid to israel is weapons. this is weapons for the future. they're not going to get these weapons for years. the com, this f 16 program. this is about english continuous more about and this continues agitation against a nuclear power like russia. so when they talk about these things and they say these things, you know, they're never going to, and we're going to have endless words, no matter what he even said. not too long ago that ukraine has some of the most precious trillions of minerals under the ground. that could be one of the best partners, we don't want them let them fall into the hands of china and russia, and that's what this is all about. he's letting the cat out of the bag here. this is about english warren and this expansion of the empire, and we need to push back against that in itself. it's sick, it's sick. the things he just said are sick. if somebody in china or russia or
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a ron or in the or anywhere else in the world, said a 3rd of what he just said, we wouldn't wait. you know, with the fox news in the old cameras wouldn't break and one moment that'd be an explosion over there. not to mention cnn and m as that'd be see, and yet it's like this man says there's like, oh yeah. okay. let's just evade russia. let's bomb the hell out of russia. let's use our wilmer. you a, lindsey graham says crazy things because lindsey graham is out of his mind. he is more than willing to have ukraine spike until the last ukrainian dies. yeah, he's more than happy to do that. he's appealing to retired f. 16 pilots. when he didn't say was, if you have a death wish, if you are suicidal, they will hire you here because these are the top line f sixteens.
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these are antiquated, f, 16. all these planes are, are targets or in fact i'll be surprised. how many of these actually wind up leaving the brown? because it will not surprise me if russia wants to blow in these things up before they even leave, leave the ground. and then there are just some very practical things about f sixteens, the way their engines hang low. the pris team run ways that they need. yeah, there are a number of things that make this whole thing absolutely nonsensical. it's a dog and pony show with no dogs and pony. well, unfortunately, we have given them the f sixteens are not us, but essentially asked cuz it came from other countries. uh they are using um in some capacity. we cannot independently confirm that they're using them in the curse region. and if they do, oh my gosh, i mean, how can russia not retaliate if we're doing something? oh, yeah, it, this is really crazy. and here's what we're going to talk about when we come back
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from the break. why is it donald trump talking about this? why isn't judy vance talking about this? what, why aren't they positioning an alternative to the crazy stuff that the government of biden and harris are doing? instead, he's talking about what martin luther king skim color will be right back. stay right there. the, the the, what is the part of the visit that the employee would post to isn't the defense you of us and that in the word or is it something deeper, more complex might be present good. let's stop without cases. let's go to the product. as
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the, the 1st 3rd of the 19th century, it was marked by the aggressive expansion of the united states. the american sought to seize as much territory for settlement as possible. ignoring the sovereignty of the neighboring states and the interests of the indigenous peoples in 18. 45, washington announce the annexation of mexican texas. and in march, 1846 american troops invaded mexico. however, mexico itself did not have enough means to effectively confront the enemy. besides, it was being torn apart by internal conflicts. the americans manage to turn the tide of the war in their favor. in september 18, 47, the us army captured mexico city. mexico was forced to assign
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a humiliating peace treaty according to wait to get lost 55 percent of its territory. vieques asian of the lands to the united states, elected terrible consequences, bloodshed, genocide was committed against the indians in california. during the 1st half and 3 of the american ruled, the number of the indigenous people in the region decrease from 150216000 people. slavery which had been abolished in mexico long before the united states attack was restored on the occupied territories. this will later become one of the reasons for the civil war in the united states themselves. nations like individuals are punished for their transgressions. we got our punishment. american president ulysses grant wrote about the consequences of aggression against mexico several decades later.
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the. all right, let's go now to the work i'm back. i'm rick sanchez. let's go now to the u. s. presidential race. this is important. i'm gonna tell you about what's going on with donald trump and then his counterpart, couple of harris, the republican candidate donald trump, appears to have uh, i don't know how else to say it. he appears to have lost his way. i mean, this guy, this man, this former president has a decent record that he could run on, especially on things like foreign policy, for example, with the exception of course, a visual which would allow him to differentiate himself to many americans, especially moderate sales people in the middle were going to german, this race, but he's not doing that. i don't know why he's not doing that, but he's not doing that. instead, he seems to be mired and what appears to be bizarre. need to validate himself and his crowd sizes and weird. so instead he's talking about
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a lot of negative stuff, even comparing himself for some reason to martin luther king. what i can tell you is, is it, we cannot have a democrat. we cannot have her. she's in confidence. she's as bad as bided in a different. yeah, she hasn't done an interview since his home. a scam started and, and say what you want. this is a cool. this was a cool of a president of the united states. he didn't want to leave and they said we can do. it's a nice yeah. oh, we can do it the hard way. i've spoken to the biggest crowds. nobody's spoken to crash bigger than me. if you look at martin luther king, when he did his speech, his great speech, and you looked at ours of same real estate, same everything. same number of people, if not, we had more. so on the one hand, he, it gives a speech where he or an interview where he defends bite and says this whole thing about is about why it is a bite and how to cool against them. what does that have to do with why people
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should vote for you? i ask and then he compares his crowd sizes to martin luther king's crowd sizes. i mean, you guys are experts and messaging because it's what you do for a living. so my, the 3 of us basically message, right? we, we know what, how to put words together to create a message that will at least get people thinking. i don't think he's getting the right people to think the right things about him with his messaging. am i wrong, wilmer? we start with you 1st of all, well no, you're not wrong, either megalomaniac and. and it's also important to understand that he is still operating in a primary race mentality. the where in the, in the, in the primaries, you consolidate your base. then in the general election you, are you moderate or modulate your message to expand, to a broader a to,
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to the broader electorate point. he's still, he's, he's still stuck in because that's all he has that's. that's why i think he also believes that people don't pay attention to for a policy. so he's the which is which is and then age all political adage. but i think that is shifting now with what's happening in ukraine and what's happening and in him he a garza, yeah. so he's following that mindset sticking to the domestic message, a work domestic racist message because that's what he sees his base to be. yeah. what a shame, i mean you're, i think you're right in so many ways that he's not stretching his message and it just hurts me to know what new and i, and pasta just talked about before the break. and that's an important conversation that somebody should have with the american people. katie vance could probably do it, but he's not at the top of the ticket. donald trump shouldn't do it, but he's not because he just doesn't. i don't know. maybe he doesn't know it or
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take you leave it. i don't know. let me throw this at you past as we continue this political conversation. let me tell you what the other side's doing. come on, harris for her part just continues to appear can, if nothing else extremely coachable. she's sticking to her script that's not written by her, but by others and by a guy who knows. she's not talking to reporters. she's also generally not talking about her policies or not is showing new policies. she's also wanting away from some of her policies, the liberal ones, like for example, she used to be 4 completely for medicare for all, not anymore. parents, campaign official tells box the if the vice president is elected president, she will not push single pay or, or medicare for all. parents isn't making that case herself. probably yes. so it represents quite never losing on health care. in 2017 parents was the 1st senate democrats, the co sponsor, bernie sanders, medicare for all bill. but here's the most important fact of all this. before she got into the res donald trump was telling that he was going to be the next
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president, the united states winning everywhere by a lot. that's not true anymore. as a matter of fact, you could make the case if you look at enough falls, that he's losing right now. uh at the best time possible you yeah, i don't even think you have to look at poles. you can just get a sense of what's going on. couple months ago, it was a foregone conclusion, that this was his presidency to lose, and he's finding a way to lose it. but i think he's finding a way to lose it is because he's being exposed. right. you know, i'm saying he doesn't have any new original ideas that you on must interview with sylvan though, and so boring. and just so telling that there's no new ideas coming from the donald trump camp. i mean, he is going after the lowest hanging fruit out there. i think dr. wilma put a beautifully what he said, he's still in primary mode. that's what you get your basic consolidate, but then you open on up these yet to open on up because his ideas are this though in the past me, but uh, but why wouldn't they do? i don't mean to revel because we're on
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a time why wouldn't the people handling him not do what the people handling come or are doing or vice president harris, pardon me. uh and uh and, and just say, here's a script. read it, we, we've a, i checked this, these are the points you need to hit to get the, you know, the folks in miami, the folks in florida, the black people, the white people, the best people buy people, whatever you read those, go ahead and don't go outside of it, but it's why can't they do that with him? that is the quagmire because it used to be said that the best thing that donald trump will do being the great negotiator in the business man. he is. he'll put the right people in the right place is beating the people around him, else around himself with the right people. unfortunately, he's doing what a lot of teams do in the nfl when they lose, they play the previous pre that defense and then it gets scored upon. and that's exactly what's happening here. what he's keeping the message small refined. and like we said, the lowest hanging fruit out there, he's not opening up to anybody out there right now. and it's just really a shame. he has no economic plan. his foreign policy plan is to be more of
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a bully and bite. and in a kamala harris is to keep the other leaders in line, he's just being exposed through years. he's not the guy who campaigned a 2016 what we thought there was a chance he was going to get us out of need the but he's gonna stay in the it is weird. well more because this is about the same guy who had bad, fresh appeal. i know he's crazy down and he's crazy still, but he had something then that he's not showing now. 45 seconds. what the hell is it? what happened? he doesn't listen to his advisors because he's donald trump is when you get people with that mindset that think they know everything because they've been somewhat successful. it's very hard to get them to listen to other people that they don't deem to be as smart as them. and going back to color really quickly on the medicare for all. there was another democratic candidate to, to campaign on the same theme. his name was bar rock obama, and as soon as he got into the white house, he a bit of the medicare for all single pair because the insurance companies got ahold
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of his behind and said, we will sink you. like the little loose loose, tavia loosened you. so if you took this to, yeah, they've gotten ahold her just before she got it. oh wow. and that goes to that. she's fake that what she's what, what they're putting out is not really her. it's a good argument, but they need to affect it with proper messaging. and they just haven't been able to do that. yeah. which is what this conversation is about guys. this is, this is a good conversation. you know, it's passionate, it's real and you guys are both really smart. thanks for sharing some of that with me. i really appreciate it. god bless, thanks and see you next time. and that's our shift. remember to always look outside your own box truths. don't live in boxes as we like to say. look for us here, and by the way, every day, more and more of you all over the world are watching our show. and that's really nice. it makes me feel good. it makes us all feel good. thank you. see you next to the
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take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality. distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the russian states never see as tight as on one of the most sense?
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community best ingles, all sense and up the in the system must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you say even closer to the the whole from the fi, you know, just like dozens of other ukrainian um.


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