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tv   News  RT  August 19, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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on the th, this drone detective doesn't shut up here. he chose both a surveillance, the drone, and they come because you see the drone, so we have to go under the trees to hide so that it doesn't support us. russia is cursed, could region seas intense, come by, 1000 more civilians are to evacuated from danger. following ukraine's colts bordering persian while ignoring the elephant in the room. if we speak t v t shuttle pairs, an interview with the trillion soldier in the very same region publicly wearing nothing irritated. yeah. the west system place it in the persecution of the premium orthodox church. that's according to her nod archbishop and the quick patriarch gates all the curious love. the statement comes that's key of years up to palm. the
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dean organization the this is our team for now. still, my name's you know, the length, 13 minutes of news and views starts. now. we begin in rushes, crushed region where the country's armed forces continued to repel ukraine's incursions the infantry units, as well as the or force of army group north of being active in the area of targeting ukrainian manpower in arguments, paying off their ability to push deeper interruption footage provided by most schools, defense ministry shows kids armored vehicles. miss launch is being struck from the officials officer report that are defense units helping successfully intercepting room attacks in the region as well,
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with baffles along the border. intensifying local authorities have warned of a 10 situation in the village of cory, nearby close to the buffalo. so officials have urged residents to abandon the attempts to return home, at least for know ortiz english at the 5. this report about this situation on the broad, the sole goal was routes much of the course, the front to see everything up close we had to woods of town. cube has had, in its course, has since day one cash and the call with us special forces. spent way to move, we pulled the cranes back as far as possible using the force of the salt team. in recent days, the enemy has been pushing less. evasion works well the cover then with the bombs and rockets, the boys fly in on the helicopters and cos simply bomb them. the heat started on the 9th of august to sell production reconnaissance groups about 7 people winning. they were thrown back there till we arrived in the morning to finish them off. now
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artillery is working more or less calmly. sometimes they're shuttling but not as often as before. a drone detect, say, you know, a guy is going out for lunch, listening, allowing us to the possibility we could be raised against. so so this is the town of quoting you, and it has been on the raiders of the ukrainian soldiers since day one of the board when cash. and this drone detective doesn't shut up here. it shows both a surveillance drone and they come because you see the drone, so we have to go under the trees to hide so that it doesn't supports us again, the ukrainians had been trying to enter this down for a while. so far they have failed. we are here with a very units that has been here since the very beginning of the board incursion. the scanner gives us just enough of an early warning. if you doesn't, seconds later, we hear the already familiar buzz above the towns main square. we
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wait for the skies to become briefly safe again and the head to another support that valencia emetics are setting up camp to help to see to the wounded. why give me one more box come on to the group. i am the commander of a medical group. we came here as volunteers, family. this is one of the main priority goals of the medical group. when the signal from course arrived, we didn't have to think, and 100 percent of the personnel came here to provide all possible assistance. yes, it's dangerous. they kill and main people, but we need to help with a lot. we know how to do it. we know our jobs, who else but us will help those who do not know how to do it. one of the main priority focuses of the medical group are slow moving crowds of people during evacuations on foot or transport. when ukrainian troops failed to storm this down
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had on began to squeeze it from the flanks, the russian guys and repelling these attacks is grateful for every bit of help. it gets you have up to a full size of what i need to climb. actually paramedic rescue, a former fly slide to i had been teaching civilian 1st aid for more than 10 years. i teach practical medicine and now i came here initially to help move civilians out deliver humanitarian aid. but it turns out that i was in the mall and had precisely for my main skills. i wanted this in the 1st place. in fact, i had a medical device with me. i initially hype to work in this area because i believe the my skills are probably moving useful, unnecessary here. then in civilian life, what an extreme situation happens, all my energy is focused. my brain works out a 100 percent capacity. i'm completely calm, then i'll cry. i'll sit down later, i'll try, i'll smash the dishes screen, but that's who going to happen later. so we are leaving the town. according to my
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1st impressions, this guy, i've never seen the skies warming this much with you. waves with kamikaze drones of every type and kind the ukrainians. they have taken a pause and they're sold just in the past couple of days. but it doesn't mean that they will stop here. they are surveilling, the area it is inside of now they're surveilling the area preparing for the next move. but the boys here, the boys here who have just paid for well, they are telling me that they are very ready for many kids incursion into the critic region. of triggered through box to the 2nd world war. when then soviets soldiers forth against the nazis in the same surgery. that's particularly acute talk through a video emerged showing you printing and troops and up to the helmets progressing a local pensioner footage filmed by the in feeding force itself. you can find more
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and more painted at r t dot com. well, i'm not very themes to interview with a trinity. and fighter, openly displaying and nazi symbol has been broadcasting to tell the and state tv. take a look. the reports was filmed, the russia ukraine border near the crushed region, clearly visible on the surface. prince cap is the symbol of an elite enough to us as division call. they leave some door to the group was most new and for serving his personal party cards to a fewer himself the post world war. 2 nuremberg trial officially declared that the entire ss organization had committed crimes against humanity. russia's foreign ministry spokesman has accused a tele media of white washing keeps fascist lakes. now hey, correspondence allow your panel riley has reached a new level overall the dive to to a new depth taking a video interview with the ukranian soldier and a cap with a badge of the subdivision. large town door to ad will peddler,
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west and media continue to focus on the targeted rehabilitation of ukrainian neo nazis and the revision of the decisions of the near about tribune. no waiting for the reaction of the official room. while the head of the russian security services launched a criminal investigation against 2 other journalists from the same a town in right news trouble, they were accused of illegally crossing the border into the critic region with a what appears to be a ukrainian export. a tell you in work correspondent on 3 of the gdc is western media have willfully turned a blind eye to the issue of neo nazi, isn't in you create for me, it's impossible that she doesn't see this same model and why she doesn't base can. so this man, why she was, we are such symbols so that we see the bottom teeth to the west are me. yeah. to hide this problem in
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u. k. so we have speaking in the sense here symbolically the problem now and as, as mean ukraine and the state television has no problem for the fan base. can you create bottles, they for it, then to be biased as those and see the problem? nobody in the west and the association for journalist of the state that any john or other media groups or media association, your book as done. they are funny. that was because we were in the must on that are from side when the same things happen. so i knew will be on jordan, at least that's are working the way and i can, i can set it for you. ok, now this case, the beach condos. and here we can see that the most on the, on the west, also in the media. the world is spending by allowing cubes,
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unprecedented persecution of russian orthodox christianity. that's the message from archbishop the dfcs of the greek jerusalem church who spoke of ongoing looting on the rest of the 13 men in ukraine with more and how the oppression has escalated. here's our t correspondent, shambles. a fuzzy announcer, billions more, an aide for to yes. brussels of washington are conveniently turning a blind eye to one of the most disturbing elements of the key. every genes ongoing erosion of basic human rights, the right to practice your chosen religion. and when's the lensky seems fine acting as a defacto dictator? he's also energetically supporting the oppression on the body of ukrainian orthodox church. and of course, this could not to notice by older christian churches, even in the holy land itself. we are very upset and that the president of
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persecution against the canonical orthodox church in ukraine continues in full force. they accomplish this. m conspirators of these terrible acts against the canonical orthodox church in ukraine or the western political forces that are making every possible effort to destroy put an end to its existence and find an alternative to it. it is regrettable and said that given to car and persecution, there is destruction and looting of churches, theft of donations, arrests of bishops and priests, their persecution, and that of believers who did not want to change their church affiliation. unfortunately, today, all of this is happening before our eyes. the whole world is watching, but no one is doing anything so well. one of the most respected voices and orthodox christianity in jerusalem condemns disproved election boys. the landscape government, the so called ukrainian council of religious organizations, which consist of priests, rabbis, and mom's under his control as fully supported the bond. meanwhile, on the ground and ukraine,
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the persecution of count on the go. you planning an orthodox church continues fuel by based us allegations of links to the russian states. the s b u is arresting, priest and orthodox journalist on false charges, detaining them without a fair trial. we have witnessed statements confirming that the s b, u is at risk of committing more crimes by offering some detain. priest says barter in exchange for prisoners of war, held by the russian federation. now on top of dot zelinski uses the oppression of the ukrainian orthodox church to take control over the most historic and holy sites in ukraine. according to media reports, another tempo on the territory of the key of patches, glove route was sealed off and taken away from the monastic, found a ship. this is where i pray us with given and funeral and all the who the services were held. ukraine is doing everything possible governmentally in order to outlaw the ukrainian orthodox church to bind and simply eliminate it eventually. now this
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pressure on the picture as glover is nothing new. it's been building for years, reaching its peak with the rest of the rector of the monastery metropolitan pabo. he was placed on a house arrest with neo nazi activists arriving at the monastery attacking services and harassing worshippers at the monastery. the, well, it seems the abuse dose and stuff, they're even popular ukrainian figures in the world of entertainment. a jumping on the bandwagon calling for orthodox priest to be attacked. full impunity. the vision
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which are really controlled. and if you think zalinski is backers in washington, i'm not aware of what you praise doing to the christian population. they claim to care so much about, let's think again, according to a ukrainian security service report, the government's open, 70 criminal investigations involving ukrainian also adults judge clergy. as of november, the colts convicted 19 of these, you see clerics and strict them of this citizenship. the governments also banned $177.00 russian orthodox church clerics, including the bond on always the patriarch carol from entering the country since 2014. so as you cranes financial and military sponsors preach about liberty and freedom, it seems that liberty and freedom doesn't extend to the rights of ukrainians to practice the religion of their choice. on a ski of attempts to legalize the brutal oppression of the canonical ukrainian orthodox church and replace it with
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a client called out eager to peddle its rooster phobic views. many ukrainians will be asking, what will they take from us next? and is ukraine slides into collapse? the answer is anyone's guess. shape always what? earlier we spoke with writer, an independent journalist, jason michael. he believes that no amount of condemnation will affect the mirrors. lensky, as long as the western powers continue to box his actions on questions in the west, there is no legal understanding of orthodoxy. annuity, along the founding of the orthodox church in jerusalem. or indeed, it's, you know, it's cultural and see a logical increase. the all a pleasing logical importance because in the west of the site you really there is only the west of the catholic church and the protestant churches in many respects then by the architecture conger this little. ready and this, which was a very important thing for him to say on something which i do think process will
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take seriously and hopefully add onto himself. and these are the churches while knowing communion, to have a deep, historical respect and community before them of a. so let's hope this can happen. and that said, we are looking at a situation where the western political establishment and the media can effectively ignore and not publish what the author of the shipping just little has said on so long as there's a load of news. the landscape is a useful agent of west of them visions towards russia and eastern europe. then really, i think it's propaganda. machine will defend its full defense of landscape quite well as has happened up until this point. right. something else to tell you about today. russia's filed a complaint with germany focusing on berlin's willingness or lock they're off to
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properly investigate the attack on the north string pipelines. it comes after prosecutors issued just one arrest warrant after a 2 year approved for a ukrainian mon suspect of being directly involved in the bloss. judging by this type of deceased, as has been methodically promoted in the german media for a long time, that these individuals are not connected with any state. the german investigation will also be closed without identifying the true conspirators of the north stream blast. that is, in fact germany will let it go. we have raised the issue of germany and other affected countries fulfilling their obligations under the u. an anti terrorism conventions. rovan claims have been officially submitted to this effect by laterally including timberland. western media outlets have initially cited us officials, a confusing rush of blowing off his own pipelines in 2022. they're not changing their truth, or the wall street journal published an article, saving half a dozen ukrainian divers blew off the infrastructure without any help from nato.
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berlin's former intelligence chief says that's rubbish that ukraine and poland are directly involved in that act of terrorism are t corresponding to making the issue or how's the background? the western politicians and media are having trouble taking a story and sticking to it. initially they said, well, shaw was the main culprit behind the destruction of the northeastern pipeline. russia is most likely behind as i'm 99 percent certain of and i think it's pretty clear someone did this and the only people in that region who are both the motive and the capability to have done it are russian or russian forces who sabotaged ignored stream to pipeline the russians, but it is likely that this is an act by russia. the assessment is that russia was behind it brush. it does have an undersea capability to that would easily lay explosive devices of why those pipelines and those were m. c. words lacking any proof to back up the accusations. in fact, if anything be, was,
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was the one making public statements about his plans to play with the pipeline as they see fit. there will be no longer nor seem to we, we will bring it into. if russia engaged to chrome one way or another nord stream to will not move forward. i'm literally talking about rolling back to the pipeline. you know, get loosely to find that. but i mean of taking action that will prevent it from ever becoming operational. i think if president moves on ukraine, our expectation is that the pipeline will be suspended. these pipelines that is more streamlined or 3 to we're not pumping gas into your at this time, works for you to never became operation who dev offers tremendous strategic opportunity for um, for the years to come. so one of the pipeline did blow up. there seems to be
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a little doubt who did it, even the former college minister expressed his deep gratitude to the us after the sabotage. thank you, usa. i think reduce wants to course key for the information about who is behind this terrorist attack, targeting civilian infrastructure. oh, and let's not forget when a nato explosive device was found near the pipeline, back in 2015, makes it hard to believe that washington did not play a role in the operation. but all of this in mind, it's not surprising that the us found, it's so difficult to investigate the matter, especially when the pipelines destruction came in the midst of a serious energy prices in the u. america's greatest ally. and who do you think was responsible for the non stream type on explosion? well, whether it was, you know, whether it was the u. s. instigating it or whether it was ukraine and the u. s. gave the psalms up, you know, the, so it's definitely in on this. so, you know,
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why is this not been investigated? you know, i mean, you and that has had many opportunities to investigate and us keep slapping it down right now. is there something fishy there, you know, the fact that we keep suppressing an investigation that's, that's kind of, you know, very implicating in the night. and so we, i think we know all we need to know here is the disaster. no only course has been to blame russia, but somehow all the narrative has no change to pointing the finger at ukraine. the story now goes 6 drunk ukrainians run to the yacht sale to the ball, succeed somehow without nato's knowledge and blew up one of the world's most political energy supply infrastructures. after all, why would you make something like this up? they want everyone to forget the inconvenient statements. usually this made about the importance of destroying the pipelines. they aimed to shift the blame entirely on to the u. credit and puppets. although they asked who they are,
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where the keys will not take a single step without the go ahead for washington. when you look at the timeline, the change of narrative seems calculated. your selection is coming up and americans are tired of ukraine as for a new pulse. it seems that the patients so few claims western allies is where and then i want to show you another voice on this from former virginia state senator richard black. the republican party member believes the u. s. was involved in the attack on late critical energy infrastructure versus recently to the north stream pipelines or the white blood of europe. the, all of the chemical industries, this vast chemical complex that forms the foundation of the german economy has been cut off from russian national natural gas. the gas is that feedstock is the basic,
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is like at the top of the pyramid for the entire chemical industry of germany. and then the chemical industry of germany is like the top of the pyramid for the entire economy and then attractively for the economy. a bureau because it was such a monumental undermining of europe. there were all sorts of attempts to made, made to cover up what happened. there was a great embarrassment to the united states and to all know you tell me the fact that even now they're coming up with new stories. the 1st story was that russia had destroyed its own pipeline that had worked for one for years. and everybody just dismissed that as being so absurd that no, no, no, no 3 year old child would believe that explanation. so then they moved on to other things and other things. but i think the problem,
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the reason that we're seeing this again, is that the germans have come to realize that there wasn't russia that, that destroyed the german, a comic. and now, because of our desire or just maniacal desire to, to defeat russia, we re destroyed that uh, north strain pipeline. and it should be coming in paris with the germans are gradually beginning to realize that even with all of the censorship that exist and not tod tray. but there was no, you tell us, great britain, nor why a number of other countries all involved in destroying the german economy by sabotaging the north stream to pipeline america has arrived in as
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a body shop for a state visit straight off the plane. the russian lady was greeted by top officials under on our guard. the trip kicked off with some informal dinner of the residence of us originally president l. hum elliot. the agenda for the 2 leaders official meeting includes brent's name, the by law for a strategic partnership. and other key regional international issues of the weekend, the oil rich corpus is nation declared its desire to join the brakes alliance will bring you the updates, the amount of from back to the state of birch as something else have no today, a run has begun. court proceedings against the us for its involvement in
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a 1953 could that over through the democratically elected government of prime minister mohammed, most of this m t wrong claims the expectation of the states natural resources. the court to will hear a law street signed by more than 400000 or radians against the number of american individuals and legal entities breaking down what's known, here's our teams use of july 71 years after the notorious 1953. cool. the top of it was 1st democratic government, the country is now officially, so in the us and u. k. for their role in orchestrating being sit with this all yet. and the us and u. k. lead to of 1953 inflicted significant losses on the iranian nation, including the removal of mazda of f, legitimate government, and the exploitation of our oil wealth. the 1953 cool, not only extinguished a brief period of democracy under 5 minutes or how much most odessa,
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what paved the way for a pro western mon or t under short mohammed resolve either be experts here believe this events significantly hindered the country's progress for 2 and a half decades, i mean it be surprising qu resulted in 25 years of bullet to dictate to ship and the exploitation of around the resources it delayed, to runs, progress and development for a quarter of a century. additionally, each played a role in the division of southern regions of iran in the 1950. 3 cool kicked off after most of the naturalized. it was or the industry which had previously been under british control. this bold move made him immensely popular among giovanni as what's ruffled feathers in the west, which was not 40 to easily let go of its lucrative interest. anyone's oil resources by the author. the nationalization of iran squall and the termination of bridge dominants in the oil industry the on type read your sentiments, searched in the wrong, subsequently following the could get the americans to replace the you case, foothold and iran taking the help of it to face. the 1953 who is remembered as
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a significant blemish on this young age record a for an intervention. it took me united states a long 6 decades to finally come clean about his involvement to the code. in 2013 the us national security archive at george washington university, produced a series of the classified c r. a. documents should lights on the whole affair. for the most part. in order to implement this kuta top and trans for oil dominance from the u. k. to the us, the united states spin around $5000000.00, we have all the documents verifying this fact on it for the cool wasn't solely about oil. it's more of the beginning of the us extending, gets influence over nearly all aspects of the warranty and even regional affairs, according to experts here that you asked, transformed it's embassy into one into a formidable espionage shop. and on a jo, susan, former us embassy, the den of espionage sip, as a center for rodney runs domestic affairs decision states in the country stages and
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crucial choices for various ministers. as well as directives for the show himself. well orchestrated at the us embassy before being relate to the shock for implementation, positioning him as an exit cuter of you, as decisions to protect their favorite ally. the shots that us collaborated with the british to create the powerful state organization for intelligence and security, better known as of this agency, was charged with calling descent, employing brutal tactics. the steel sent chills down the spines that their warranty is at the mere mention of its name, the bill to establish the box, sailed for the senate and was approved by ross parliament in 195075. so work. so as the subject was, the secuity organization established in the 1950s with the americans and the shock faced and popular movement in the country in order to suppress them. they adopted tactics used by the us and zine is included torture canons, entertainment of anyone who express even might not position a criticism of the governance system on this is the 1st time here. one is taking
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legal action against the last over the 1950 for a code. the court says it has informed washington about the proceedings. experts here say this case is about more than just the damage is being solved by the plaintiffs. they say it serves as a reminder that those sheets house themselves as champions of democracy, have often built their power on the ruins of democracies. the 1953 qu, they argue, is just one glaring example of that type. of course, the use of data on a r t to one. all right, it is news, but perhaps not quite as we know what next, sit tight and stop in because a fresh episode of moscow. muse, how's the chase and the driving seats and luminous stick with the pillow and.


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