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tv   News  RT  August 19, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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the, the, the, this drilling detective doesn't shut up yet. it shows both a surveillance drone and they come because the, from the previous drone. so we have to go under the trees to hide. so, but it doesn't supports us. russia is cursed creek in season tents come about, as more civilians are evacuated from danger, following ukraine's 4th order incursion. twilight lowering the elephant in the river. if we states tv trouble or as an interview with the same region between wearing and up to reveal. yeah. the west is conflicted in the persecution of the printing and orthodox church stops. according to renada archbishop, and if we get to the arcade, all the statement comes of key appears off to the
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the you're very welcome to r t international. my name is, you don't know me, let's get into a top stories described. well, we begin in rest his purse region where the country's armed forces continued to repel ukraine's incursion for infantry units as well as the or force of armies north of being active in the area targeting need for the model car hi, officer ability to push deeper into russia, but is provided by most whose defense ministry shows kids armored vehicles and messiah launchers being struck from the are the officials also report that or defense unit subbing successfully intercepting drilling attacks and the region to well with bottles along the border. intensifying local authorities have warned of
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a 10 situation in the village of cory, near of us, located close to the buffalo. so officials have urged residents to abundant attempts to return home at least for know ortiz eager to tell of spring following developments directly. the photo was rouse much over the course of the front to see everything up close we had to woods of town. keith has had its course has since day one of the call with us special forces stand this way. we pulled the cranes back as far as possible using the force of the salt team. in recent days, the enemy has been pushing less issue works well. the cover them with if he'd be bombs and rockets, the boys fly in on the helicopters and cost simply bomb. the heat started on the 9th of august to sabotage and reconnaissance groups, about 7 people when they were thrown back there till we arrived in the morning to finish them off. now our children is working more or less calmly. sometimes they're
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shuttling but not as often as before. a drone detect, so you know, a guy is going off of the lenses to me unless he goes to the possibilities we could be raised against. so so this is the town of quoting you, and it has been on the rate as of the ukrainian soldiers since day one of the border incursion. this drone detective doesn't shut up here. it shows both a surveillance, a drone and they come because the sbc drones. so we have to go under the trees to hide so that it doesn't support us again. the ukrainians have been trying to enter this down for a while sofa. they have failed. we are here with the very units that has been here since the very beginning of the border incursion. the scanner gives us just enough of an early warning. a few dozen seconds later, we hear the already familiar buzz above the towns main square.
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we wait for the skies to become briefly safe again and the head to another support that valencia medics are setting up camp to health see to the wounded. why give me one more box? yeah, come ones even have a group. i am the commander of a medical group of them. we came here as volunteers and family. this is one of the main priority goals of the medical group. when the signal from course arrived, we didn't have to think, and 100 percent of the personnel came here to provide all possible assistance. yes, it's dangerous. they kill and main people, but we need to help with a lot. we know how to do it. we know our jobs, who else but us will help those who do not know how to do it. one of the main priority focuses of the medical group are slow moving crowds of people during evacuations on foot or transport. when ukrainian troops failed to store them, this down had on began to squeeze it from the flanks rushing guys and repelling
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these attacks is grateful for every bit of help. it gets you have up to a full size and but i needed to climb. actually paramedic rescue, a former fly slide to i had been teaching civilian 1st aid for more than 10 years. i teach practical medicine and now i came here initially to help move civilians out deliver humanitarian aid. but it turned out that i was in the mall and had precisely for my main skills. i wanted this in the 1st place. in fact, i had a medical device with me. i initially hype to work in this area because i believe the my skills are probably moving useful, unnecessary here. then in civilian life, what an extreme situation happens, all my energy is focused. my brain works out a 100 percent capacity. i'm completely calm, then i'll cry. i'll sit down later, i'll try, i'll smash the dishes scream, but that's who going to happen later. so we are leaving the town. according to my
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1st impressions, this guy, i've never seen the skies warming this much with you. avi's with coming kazi, drones of every type and kind the ukrainians. they have taken a pause in their souls just the past couple of days, but it doesn't mean that they will stop here. they are surveilling, the area grid is silent. now there surveilling the area, preparing for the next move, but the voice yeah. the boys here who have just paid for, well, they are telling me that they are very ready for many kids incursion into the curse region has triggered tro bucks the 2nd world war. when then, soviets, soldiers full of against the loved season. the same term, us particularly it shoots after video emerge, showing ukrainian troops and nazi helmets for ross and a local pensioner footage filled by the invading force itself in fine more than
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what they did at r t dot com. well not very fema, an interview with a ukraine, and fighter, openly displaying and nazi symbol has been broadcasting to tell you in state t v. the report was filmed up the russia ukraine border near the curse region. clearly visible on the surface, men's cap is the symbol of an elite, not c s. s. the vision called the lips from dorothy. the group was most the one for serving as a personal body guards to the fury himself, the post world war 2 in your, in the file officially declared that the entire ss organization had committed crimes against cuba to russia's foreign ministry, spoke full and has a choose that totally immediate of white washing tabs, fascist links. now he correspondents allow your panel, riley has reached a new level or rather dive to to a new depth taking a video interview with the ukranian soldier and a cap with
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a badge of the subdivision. likes tom, delta, dental, peddler, west and media continue to focus on the targeted rehabilitation of ukrainian neo nazis and the revision of the decisions of the near and above. tribute no, well waiting for the reaction of the official room. the head of the rushes security services launched a criminal investigation against 2 other journalists from the same italian ryan news channel. they were accused of a legally crossing the border into the critic region within your printing and military escort. italian war correspondent, i'm really cheating. say's western media willfully turned a blind eye to the issue of new naziism in ukraine. for me it's impossible that she doesn't see this same model and why she doesn't face could. so this man why she was we are such symbols so that we see the bottom teeth to the west. are me?
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yeah. to hide this problem in u. k. so we are speaking of the sense here, so bother to the problem now. and as, as mean ukraine and the state television has no problem. all of these ukraine bottles, they for them to be biased. as golden see the problem, nobody in the west and the association for journalist of the state of the region or other media groups or media association. your ads done. they are funny that it was because we were in the must on that are from side when the same things happen. so i knew or be and journalist that are working the way and i can, i can set it for ukraine on this case. there is a big scanner, and here we can see that the most on the, on the was also in the media. washington's efforts to secure
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a cease fire in gaza appear to escape the stumbling block once again. despite us state secretary, i'm thinking, arriving in israel to push for a deal. come us opened, we blame to washington for the senior. i choosing it of a lining with benjamin netanyahu. government, while i'm off, has reportedly already rejected, say, us proposed agreement, stating that any progress made all of us see spart is no illusion. us despite us present and find this proclamation that he's optimistic about washington's diplomatic efforts. according to from us, those moves are just the destruction by the it's really government which previously a nice bit sponge to keep control because a potential deal between him off and israel includes not only a ceasefire in gossip, but also the return. all visually hostages kept in captivity by a months of the like. comes of the number of palestinians
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killed in the gathering more how surpassed for the scholarship with 16000 of them children, according to local health authorities. on the day of unfinished lincoln's arrival in israel, idea of strikes across gals, reportedly killed 29 people, including a mother on her 6 children, the modem, 10 year old queen couplets with little signs of the violence of basing despite diplomatic efforts. well, one of the countries pushing for an immediate stop to the balance is columbia. it's president dylan's bug. it will stop cool. exports to israel calling the nothing yahoo cabinet that quote genocidal last year, columbia and kula mounted to over 60 percent of old coal nations at school supplies to the middle east nation while in may at columbia. also a non it would cut diplomatic ties with west jerusalem west to speak to dr. misspelled football, coach, the leader of the palestinian national initiative. joining us live from ramallah,
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you're most welcome sir. so columbia is funding cool. exports to israel, a come, i put a to do sections like that actually work today because people tend to rally around their governments against external pressure. when that happens, there's usually a work around as well. so really what is the point they're the sanctions is the only instrument that many companies in the national community can use against those that are in the old pression and does it or the word fed on palestinian peoples? is it or it is committing genocide than does? it does actually implementing city or the connections in front of genocide, collective punishment, destiny cleansing, it's not listening to any diplomatic pressure. and as you know, both i c. c, and i see here i'm discussing now the war crimes committed by israel in our opinion, that sanctions, as the one that the columbia declared will have to effect conceptually one is
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a direct economic effect on the is there any economy and 2nd model important effect? and i think that repeats the same expedients that was used against the apartheid system in south africa if it wasn't for the system of sanctions. and boy that was use, there is probably the apartheid system would have stayed in south africa. what we want is an enhancement of this boy cut their best and infections contain the forces that are in to accept a total and complete use fire. to stop this war of genocide on the police to be empty. but it's not going to happen because as you know today there's lots of international relations, different kind of links in the world is really is going to have somebody who agrees with it policy and they're going to have others. so when it comes to it is diplomacy not going to be the way through this not by punishment. well,
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how can you use diplomacy when the slow didn't go and people and they're kidding for the students and now that i'm negotiation is about to use for it and nothing you know is obstructing them again. he wants to temporarily cease fire and to continue the students after he has destroyed 80 percent of all homes in kaiser after he had destroyed most of the conservatives after. he has could 50000 palestinians including 10000 to us till under that apple. and he has injured 132000 people, many of whom would die because there is no sufficient the country due to. is there any destruction of me because i sent these this develop i trust that the i'm criminal behavior. the diplomacy alone is not going to have what we need this pressure on israel and many countries are joining the now the act of book a service and then sections. the big question of course, is why the company like their united states of america is,
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continues to supply isn't and with weapons wide, it's committing these world crimes. also, many people in the states know very well that one says there is a consent as accused of genocide. united states itself would be also because there would be considered as participant in the crime of genocide since the oddest complaint isn't in the woodlands that i used against brothers thinking. so that's why you think the us isn't taking more of a firm stance on this. i guess because the united states is totally biased to is no even listed by didn't own made up proposal. who provided a propos unclaiming, it came to them as though that proposal was that's what i see as far as the proposal was accepted by palestinians. and i wonder if any of it was changing that . and then, and, and the, the president of the united states as photo and nothing else allowing him to undermine this, this possible deed to in this, that have been more. and more than that,
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then i have to states has provided visitor and since october 7th, with $45000000000.00, a foot pounds of bombs of apps that i off of planes that i do is put airstrikes. and that is a huge number. $45000000000.00, it's like united states is giving goods and $1000000.00 will flip ones for the city and can in does that as a startling number? yeah, you do have american citizens, though, putting pressure on their government to do something. you've that many riley's protest taking place. is that having an impact on colored indeed be a factor in the upcoming us presidential election? yes, it is having an impact towards the load and that's why i think now coming lattice i'm throwing me to the whole democratic party in the states is very worried about states like michigan where the studios and pro palestinian people have a very strong vote. and they tell me the address,
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good news elections like by then would have if they don't change that position on the city that is protected against the protesting and people, most of them that the, i think 60 percent of the people in the democratic party against the war on guys, and that i guess the policy of the american administration most shocking is that the younger generation of the democratic party and they engage in this, in, in general, in the united states is changing this position and becoming actually more supportive of college students. because they see now they live in the city that is there and is committed against the stadiums. what about the things that you may not? i just, yeah, just on a similar theme in israel and you've got protests there against the nothing yahoo government on the lock of movement on seeing hostages fried the same point to america. but israel is domestic opposition having any influence that it has an
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influence, but not sufficient. the familiars with but isn't those of the realize now that nothing you know, doesn't care about those that are in the prison, those on the doesn't get if they are a kid, if they are old could how do you made the agreement like 5 or 6 months ago many of those who are killed by his bombardment and guys would have been saved. so the families understand that the problem is that the political establishment, and is it a rather it's a big product, isn't the government or the product isn't the position our own in the same basket of one things to continue. this could have been more a fun thing to continue with this database genocide against the palestinian people . and the, and that is, the main problem is though, i think most of the political analyst, most of the, even the, the people in the army and is it and realize that nothing else doesn't want to stop the war. because nothing, you know,
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knows that the end of this war would mean the end of its political period. and all the codes about is how to say if it's some of them. so it's not the one of the, for the, for the cases of corruption that the, against and waiting for him on the courts. but on so from the fact that he wouldn't be accused the failure on the 7th of october in defending those early people. just on the other side, do you think come us also made a fatal mistake and not releasing the civilian hostages. they are holding earlier because at the end of the day it is the civilian people who are feeling the, the brunt of this war on both sides. you know what and how much do, how much is under the bombardment all the time and nothing, you know, has displaced the up to now most of the student population, eh, he kept pushing people auditability on the phone, but meant, and if that likes from one area to another today, and this is another shocking. so go,
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you have 1600000 palestinians displaced from the notes and the sent that under solves all the stuck and have little let them slip. that is no more than 15 square miles or 24 squared kilometers and without fluid, without to a total. without medications, without centers, it's a 100 bucks sink and then the i'm continuously bombarded it even when the declares i say very as a safe zone and pushes people do it, then the taxes are 50. that is the entity. and that's why as you have, as i told you the amount with a $50000.00, but just indians killed is 73 percent i attempted about $17000.00 to but an article by isn't by which slow is it as allowing good sense to boom, bonded or the civilian indians. okay, i think the claim that the how much does the response of it is absolutely inc. i'm to under incorrect. the problem is that it is conducting a 100 but more one main sticking point in ceasefire. negotiations appears the
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center on the idea of seeing that will remain deployed in the sony in philadelphia, cardboard, which runs along the, the gallons of egypt border, ostensibly to prevent from us from smuggling weapons into gas. it how close are otherwise all we to seeing a deal strong to deal could be sucked if it is a need to model if is there an acceptance to the fact 2 things. first of all, that this would be the end of the world, not just another sees fire. that leads to continuing the nothing else says he would continue the war. he wants his prisoners back and when the deal is finished, he wants to be at that goes again. how could any by listing an accept, continue existing reward on the palestinian population of guys who are in a very bad situation. and the other hand is that i cannot keep it's through inside . does that because that means deactivating that is very limited, that it will be patient. and that to me is no peace because this brings in
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consultation and the resistance to that is that a new patient. so in my opinion and nothing else is he wants to keep his thoughts on philadelphia buses and, and verify check point as well as inside guys. and he wants to reactivate his ward on guys. uh once the exchange of prisoners take place. that means he does implant that the and in my opinion, he is the one who is undermining the possibility of deed and do it is only the view of the doctor and the spouse of our group leader of the palestinian national mission. joining us live from ramallah, always good to see you. thank you. thank you. the world is something by allowing kids unprecedented persecution of russian orthodox christianity. that's the message from archbishop the dfcs of the week. jerusalem church. this book of ongoing looting and the rest of coverage, human and ukraine, with more in how that suppression has escalated. here's our t correspond the shape,
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both a fuzzy announcer billions more, an aide for to yes. brussels of washington are conveniently turning a blind eye to one of the most disturbing elements of the key. every genes ongoing erosion of basic human rights, the right to practice your chosen religion. and when's the lensky seems fine? acting as a defacto dictator is also energetically supporting the oppression on the body of ukrainian orthodox church. and of course, this could not to notice by older christian churches, even in the holy land itself. we are very upset and that the president of persecution against the canonical orthodox church in ukraine continues in full force. they accomplish this. m conspirators of these terrible acts against the canonical orthodox church and ukraine are the western political forces that are making every possible effort to destroy put an end to its existence and find an alternative to it. it is regrettable and said that given to con persecution,
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there is destruction and looting of churches, theft of donations, arrests of bishops and priests, their persecution, and that of believers who did not want to change their church affiliation. unfortunately, today, all this is happening before our eyes. the whole world is watching, but no one is doing anything. so one of the most respected the voices and orthodox christianity in jerusalem condemns this brutal action plays the landscape government if the so called ukrainian council of religious organizations, which consist of priests, rabbis, and mom's under his control as fully supported the bon. meanwhile, on the ground and ukraine, the persecution of count on the go, you printing orthodox church continues fuel by based us allegations of links to the russian states. the s b u is arrest, increase and orthodox journalist on false charges, detaining them without a fair trial. we have witnessed statements confirming that the s b, u is at risk of committing more crimes by offering some detain, priest says,
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barter in exchange for prisoners of war, held by the russian federation. now on top of that, savanski uses the oppression of the ukrainian orthodox church to take control of the most historic and holy sites in ukraine. according to media reports of the temple on the territory of the key of patches, glove route was sealed off and taken away from the monastic, found a ship. this is where prayers were given and funeral and other who the services were held. ukraine is doing everything possible governmentally in order to outlaw the ukrainian orthodox church to bind and simply eliminate it eventually. now this pressure on temperature as lever is nothing new, it's been building for years. reaching its peak with the rest of the rector of the monastery metropolitan puddle. he was placed on the house arrest with neo nazi active us, arriving at the monastery attacking services and harassing worshippers at the monastery. the
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well, it seems, the abuse dose and stuff. they're even popular ukrainian figures in the world of entertainment. a jumping on the bandwagon calling for orthodox priest to be attacked full impunity. the police, those really controlled and if you think zalinski bankers in washington, i'm not aware of what you praise doing to the christian population they claim to care so much about. let's think again, according to a ukrainian security service report, the government's open,
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70 criminal investigations involving ukrainian also adults judge clergy as of november, the coats convicted 19 of the c o. c, clerics and stripped them of the citizenship. the governments also banned $177.00 russian orthodox church clerics, including the bond on always the patriarch carol from entering the country since 2014. so as you cranes financial and military sponsors preach about liberty and freedom. it seems that liberty and freedom doesn't extend to the rights of ukrainians to practice the religion of their choice. on a ski of attempts to legalize the brutal oppression of the canonical ukrainian orthodox church and replace it with a client called out, eager to peddle its russo phobic views. many ukrainians will be asking, what will they take from us next? and is ukraine slides into collapse? the answer is anyone's guess, a shambles. now, if elected us president, again, donald trump has said heated in the ukraine conflict in going today. is there
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something significant behind the page, or is it simply a hollow post made in the midst of an election race? course taught, debates vips net the the
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at the end of the 18th century, britain began the illegal opium trade in china. these hard drugs causing addiction and literally destroying the human body became a gold mine, or businessman from the foggy owl beyond. however, the ruling chinese gene dynasty tried to resist and to stop the illegal trade. we provoked the wrath of the london business community. in 1840 without a declaration of war, the english fleet began to seize and plunder chinese coastal boards. the bar, lee, armed and morally drain chinese army, was unable to provide adequate resistance. the jing empire was forced to hand hong, gone over to england, and open its boards for trading. the leads of the in 1856, france and the united states joined in the robbery of china. the anglo french troops defeated the chinese occupied basie and committed an unprecedented robbery.
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destroyed and blundered the wealth of the un menu one palace. the defeat of the jing dynastee and the do opium wars fled to the transformation of the celestial empire into a semi colony of european states and started each age of humiliation. and the sale of opium took on colossal proportions and led to the horrible depths of millions of ordinary chinese, the hello and welcome to cross top boulevard. and john peter live out here, we discussed some real news. we're trying to really be able to bring the conflict in ukraine to it in given the forces.


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