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tv   News  RT  August 19, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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when so many find themselves worlds of parts, we choose to look for the common ground. the. the new queen loses over 300 men in the task ranging over the last 24 hours along with the 2000 soldiers on the other front lines. i think russia, ukraine conflicts, european media outlets covering ukraine's invasion, attempting to rush to off base the pill bottle, as they struggled to ignore footage of key of soldiers dressed and not seen regalia on the e u. energy commission that is calling on 5 eclipse assistance due to pull to craig and the upcoming winter months. fastest spot in europe, some grim energy prospects during the cold season. a mass claims responsibility
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for an explosion. intel of the, with one person left in just as radio authority, the court, and get a terrorist attack the a very warm welcome assistant, 4 pm here in most go enjoy watching on see international with the very latest wells news updates. we start this hour with the latest from the coast region versus defense ministry reports that ukraine has lost more than $300.00 soldiers in just 24 hours. his troops continued to push capes for his office of russian territory. well, that's as k, i lose any 2000 soldiers across the conflicts front lines in the same day. let's get more details, more correspondence between a cause or a virtual and you mean a studio marina thinks become again. so what else do we know about the situation on the grounds currently? well, what we're seeing right now is that russia is making gains on the battlefield, literally liberating village by the village. and in particular, when we're talking about the region of the don't boss. so they're really cementing
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other hold there and in particular that don't, that's people's republic. now the russian defense minister issued a very lengthy state. that's where they did sell their dams. their advances as well as they said that the russian forces are improving their positions on the front line. and as we see, ukraine's loss is a really staggering boat. bring up some figures now on the screen, but we're talking about uh, 570 ukranian soldiers that in one area of a 170 elsewhere, 907-5495. yet you can see there right now, but for some odd reason, the key of things that is, it's all going great and that is the message that they keep pushing to the west. so that is what the west police, when in fact the reality is, is quite different. and of course we had zalinski who was very proud of his man after the crisis invasion. and of course, this really did work to boost the morale of the training and soldiers, but it didn't last long, of course. and not the same time, the bigger picture,
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nothing's really changed. and now we're also hearing from ukraine and fighters themselves. so i say that the situation got worse after course, and actually there seems to be a problem of a lack of communication. and the organization battalion commanders do not disclose the actual situation even to adjacent units in order to further absolve themselves of responsibility. some baffled formations are disoriented. there are no well coordinated work plans between brigades. in some places, even battalions. the commander in chief reports to zelinski that the situation is under control to serious key they report that the situation is under control. the commanders of some brigades or battalions ignore everything, and report in valid information. so that's the food, the picture of what has happened and on the ground from the people who are there
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known to lensky who's thinking the praises of his forces, who are dying by the numbers as we can see there. and everyone seems in the mainstream media is focusing on curse. can we heads the landscape, of course, saying that he wants to inflict maximum pain on russia militarily, economically speaking. and that the incursion and course would allow them to create a buffer zone, which is really a joke, because even what the managed to create is minuscule compared to the entirety of, of the border there. so it really, it doesn't make sense, but let's listen, spend, it says that as a soon as i was dying in natural o'bonham indeed is now our primary task in defensive operations. overall, he's going to destroy as much russian and war potential as possible and conduct the maximum counter offensive actions. this includes creating a buffer zone on the aggressors territory in our operation in the coolest region. the idea of everything that inflicts loss is on the russian army, not russian states, either military industrial complex and they were economy helps prevent the war from
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expanding fear and brings us closer to adjust in to this aggression. i mean, adjust the piece for ukraine. there wasn't the, wasn't king shift to you like an alternate reality isn't even close to alaska here, boasting of boston, fixing maximum damage on russia, but all is kids position really as rosy as a claims? exactly. it's not as rosy as the claims. and actually, we just heard from for the lab, bravo, russia's foreign affairs minister. and he said, that's lensky would never have gone for the curse incursion without a green light from washington. so again, and because fighters are saying that the curse things actually became worse, we had and political, they spoke to a spokesperson for one of ukraine's brigades. and he said after chris incursion, they've been getting the last time you mission and not the russians are really pushing. and this brigade is actually input false. and they're saying that this is where now key of is basically put on its forces because it's a strategic place. and if russians force has managed to liberate that,
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then it will really limits key of what is defensive abilities and supply routes. so that's what they're focusing on now, and the situation is not looking good. we're seeing the losses and a new credit that they themselves are saying that they've been getting less ammunition. so it's not looking good at all. and just before i go, leave you with some not very good stats and the figures for ukraine, but this is the latest that we got from russia's defense ministry. so since the beginning of the special military operation of russian forces have destroyed around $600.00 aircraft, almost a $300.00 helicopters around $30000.00 drones, $600.00 air defense system, $17000.00 tanks and other armored vehicles. uh, 1400 multiple rocket launchers. you can see some of it on the screen that 13000 field artillery and mortars 25000 special military vehicles. and among them, of course, all western weapons, french, british americans. so that's where they end up,
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but they can continue sending more. of course, let me know thanks for coming in with the details as long as he's moving a cause or if i think he's large numbers that he can you and troops have been captured by russian forces in the region. 2, well, one invading soldiers, both the time captured people being loaded into a truck by kids forces. now this video shows onto pregnant and soldiers schools in russian men from a residential house. some of those taken hostage on blindfolded with the hands tied behind the box that lost to a truck and supposedly shocked inside the space is currently unknown. wanted me to change that ukrainian service. when can you spell that 3 civilians wherever among those taken hostage what you mean? so here's the question for which why is it that into john a video from your action camera? it shows you loading civilians into a car today. what were you doing? tell me it was the east century that took them
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through. so it's gone scripts and there were 3 people there civilians. as i understand they were visiting someone. our task was to turn up, collect them and transfer them to the military police. the honors postponing told us a calf will most likely use the captive civilians to blackmail russia as engaging for the prisoner exchanges. i am afraid that is what we have seen now and what game public accidentally is just the deep of the iceberg. what has been happening, unicorn seems the gradient up that started on that region. um what, what comes 1st to my mind is uh, again, to double standards. uh, when uh, the homeless did their military operation in the, in the southern israel. they, they really use these tactics of taking hostages and
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in order to improve their negotiation of possibilities in future. and, and i'm afraid that these regions are heavily under the same kind of tactics that the syrians are taking from their homes. relate to claim that they are some kind of a meeting funds for some kind of a military present nurse. and then in order to exchange them for blackmail russia with these hostages, i think that to these as a backup plan, they are trying to overcome huge problems. loveday william's face like being that they already know that. and we have seen lots of grainy and soldiers taken prisoners in 4th grade, john so, so i think the principal way to try to make a deals and of and don't really succeed. we don't know,
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the russian side is constantly saying that there are no negotiations and you cannot go she with the terrorist want targeting cereal population. there are not forces we have seen lots of every day is from, from nazi's of making you not the solution. and showing up is uniform screen good region. so russia is dealing with the real criminals and these taking hostages, these part of the waterfront, with bottles along the board, intensifying local authorities and won't have a 10 situation in the village of coding. nasa ok, just close to the bottles, though, officials a village residents to a bond and attempts to return home at least for now, all these equally strong of his being following developments directly. this photo was rouse much over the course of the front to see everything up close. we had 2 woods. the town has had its course has since day one call with us special forces stand this way.
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we pulled the cranes back as far as possible using the force of the salt team. in recent days, the enemy has been pushing less issue works well. the cover them with a few be bombs and rockets. the boys flight, you know, the helicopters and cost simply bomb. the heat started on the 9th of august to sell production reconnaissance groups about 7 people when they were thrown back there till we arrived in the morning to finish them off. now, artillery is working more or less calmly. sometimes they're shuttling but not as often as before. a drone to tech. so, you know, a guy is going off for lunch, this me, unless he goes to the possibility we could be raised that so so this is the town of quoting you, and it has been on the raiders of the ukrainian soldiers since day one of the border incursion, this drone detective doesn't shut up here. it shows both a surveillance drone and they come because he has to be the drone. so we have to go
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under the trees to hide so that it doesn't supports us. again, the ukrainians had been trying to enter this down for a while sofa. they have failed. we are here with a very units that has been here since the very beginning of the border incursion. the scanner gives us just enough of an early warning. if you doesn't, seconds later, we hear the already familiar buzz above the towns main square. we wait for the skies to become briefly safe again and the head to another support. the avalon t emetics are setting up the account to help see to the wounded. why give me one more box? yeah, come ones even have a group where i am the commander of a medical group. we came here as volunteers and family. this is one of the main priority goals of the medical group. when the signal from course arrived,
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we didn't have to think, and 100 percent of the personnel came here to provide all possible assistance. yes, it's dangerous. they kill and main people, but we need to help with a lot. we know how to do it. we know our jobs, who else but us will help those who do not know how to do it. one of the main priority focuses of the medical group are slow moving crowds of people during evacuations on foot or transport. when ukrainian troops failed to store them, this town had on. they began to squeeze it from the flanks rushing guys and repelling these attacks is grateful for every bit of help. it gets you have up to a full size and but i needed to climb. actually paramedic rescue, a former fly slide to i have been teaching civilian 1st aid for more than 10 years . i teach practical medicine and now i came here initially to help move civilians out deliver humanitarian aid. but it turns out that i was in the mall and had precisely for my main skills. i wanted this in the 1st place. in fact, i had
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a medical device with me. i initially hype to work in this area because i believe the my skills are probably moving useful, unnecessary here. then in civilian life, what an extreme situation happens, all my energy is focused. my brain works out a 100 percent capacity. i'm completely calm, then i'll cry. i'll sit down later, i'll try, i'll smash the dishes screen, but that's who going to happen later. so we are leaving the town. according to my 1st impressions, this guy, i've never seen the skies warming this much with you. avi's with coming kazi, drones of every type in kind, the ukrainians. they have taken a pause in their souls just for the past couple of days. but it doesn't mean that they will stop here. they are surveilling, the area grid is silent. now there surveilling the area, preparing for the next move, but the voice here,
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the boys here who have just paid for, well, they are telling me that they are very ready. what's the media? how does the junk get the chose to panes ukraine's costing cause? and as they have low ex success, but the fax on the ground on helping them spin, knew by story fresh tv presents and a part of the invited guests were recently left. scrambling to explain footage of ukrainian soldier displaying an assess insignia on his helmet. can you suggest i would look at the helmet? maybe this helmet is a little bit curious. i have the impression that there was an ss insignia on a key. so maybe it's a sign that as of has modified. so it's a bit curious this elements and that's not very pleasant. if it's ukranian soldier who wonders in russian, i forget it was sad at the beginning of the war that these are not sees horn that you can, you know, me. so yes, it would be nice if you to call this helmets, and that's how we break off communication strategy. well, me, well footage for me to be with a difference you credit in fights of wearing
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a nazi symbol is being pulled cost on a tale and state tv. the report was found to be rushing ukraine. bolden at a cost region, clearly visible on the surface moons. camp is the symbol of an elite nazi s as division code the lips done thoughts. the group was most known for 7 years, personally, or the gods to the fear at himself. the post world war 2 near him, but the trial officially takes that, that the entire ss organization had committed war crimes against humanity. after this footage, ad rushes for a ministry spokeswoman accused the tale of media of white washing keeps fascist links. now he correspondents elario panel rally has reached a new level overall the dive to to a new depths, taking a video interview with the ukrainian soldier and a cap with a badge of the subdivision. launched on delta dental peddler, west and media continue to focus on the targeted rehabilitation of ukrainian neo
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nazis. and there was vision of the decisions of the new room that tribute no, well waiting for the reaction of the official room had about rushes, security services lost a criminal investigation against 2 other journalists from the same attorney and ryan news channel. they were accused of illegally crossing the board into because region with a ukrainian military of schools. the stations were harsh, criticism back home as well, with a tally and activists finding a process, found that in front of b, y, and use agency. in general, a big group says ip, so the acceptable to support the crimes of the landscape, neo nazi regime. we cannot cross live to one, all the is how to connect to this. that's what parts and the action in general, what they're not the same. they golly, i'm many thanks for joining us on the program. as soon as they could, it's please. that's how that is what we're trying to achieve with the found the as we said, thank you very much for inviting me. yeah, we think that the to do is a really unacceptable and the we
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a together with the many other people in utah the are asking is that the right must to a 5 just be for the 5 to store how these to that the i think as a basic idea as the agents and also to kia versus e man spreading it with the public funding. it's instead of visual media receiving it. the that asked is pro, by god. so basically we want to, we want to those people to move that from a form from that you work position. we want the information that these a neutral and we talk about. yes. and that we don't want any more, any more propaganda network. could it be just, are you optimistic that you get any reaction from the autonomy in video or the government's the russian for administrators also cool for response as well. it is, there is no really the, very much to florida from the southern government or from florida from the right. because the, the right, the state division and the state to use the basically under the control. i'm the
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the implant itself, the united states of america and european union. so the, it's not their job but to act according to our we should do our wheeler. it said their job to, to act according to the wheels of the masters, the washington and the move so, so they say that we may, we, a mazda latino, to support the, the key evidence she met. we must continue to support nato's war against russia. so it'd be something of each other must be to the we thought it was the fake new was it and did the deputy based on that also the not also the, not just what was your 1st reaction when you learned that these nazi symbols had been broad cost on that, i mean, and how do you think they made on the program in the 1st place? do you think it, i mean, the very clear that they, these them but these are not the symbols do think it's just the lack of knowledge. old people just don't cat? no, i don't think it's a, it's the knowledge. it's not even the 1st time it seems to the start of the special
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needs that information on him because he every day, every user airport from ukraine that we to meet at the best scenario. bozza, we could see in that scene seeing out or the sag of the, the broad jeremiah level, right. there's doing that, what you so it's not the 1st time and it's not lack of knowledge. it says something a day of the window board person and they are doing a decent to and to try to normalize this thing because they start to this thing that the, the reading on how do you think? then they stated that there are a few, not just about the pieces under control, then that they take another step of saying that the nazis. but the does not decide who's not do say we must have support. so it was the books. so basically just trying to normalize the people that you so normal that according to the bank where the assessing, seeing as well as boss, because and not, they're not disabled as well. my i the name texas. so sorry,
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i was given it to these own complicated pos, with boxes and you think it's into my, it's me is that media might be most sensitive to the issue wouldn't here. yeah, so it's a, it's something the one from think about the i'm a senior said that i'm past, but the reality is that the have for a big chunk of our reading class to the best use mays, not something is to be a shame to also something good, and to be seen a as the 3 to remove men to the 2nd people about the rate the as the blue i scale the state of the ruling class power against the or the holy settings. so basically, when the day i'm not really sconce or ethan as a symbol it's, it's a, it's something they can, they can try to see and then what's the monthly. but there's also significantly
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though, is it a friendship tv program also says images of you for any of the fights is wearing nazi symbols to present to talk to somehow explain or even justify it. i mean, is this the situation across the board? now what do you think the situation is being handled best way? because it's under this way because the is not the, not the much they can do about it. the think they can just try to justify and to, to, to downgrade their what is happening is saying that, for example, i remember many journalists and trying to say that the want those symbols that was log on. so are just like getting side joke stuff or do you bring an army and the spicy, getting nothing in the next page about the, the realities that the, the new cranial meeting tell you the keyboard team and munitions at philadelphia. and you know, they are out by you many, a international united people. do you see them from the 30 and a our media?
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yeah, yeah. i think as the d, nato's media mazda defend that they saw us the odds of solid years old, giving you analogies. there are keeping civilians that, you know, don't mislead you on it. and other adoption that the just out of need to solve just as you go to. and now what the media master through tech, to defend the and the a it download the data. so those, so just bear in mind that those are not even though it's about the year and they can get the, the pump disease, they are cleaning us. they are saturdays. thank you so much for speaking to us today. i really appreciate your time and tony and activist leonardo as an economy. i thank you. thank you very much. but to the middle east, the warehouse is on the wing. the cassandra gates have claimed responsibility for an explosion near a synagogue and tell a v, but left one pass an image it we can close to a live, to onto contributes a while the bottom and for more on this now will be good to see it could just take us through the latest details, please. and so what we know is right now we are in style colored. yvonne left the
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streets and last night about 8 pm and individual about 50 years old from the west bank from nob loose, was walking by this uh, construction shop which is actually closed. when a bomb that he was carrying went off injury one person. it seems that went off prematurely because he was most likely headed towards his stomach bug, which was packed with worshippers for evening prayers. it seems to be a destruction that was done to the building that the explosives wore um. uh, standard explosives, these were not uh, uh, improvised explosive, which is are you can disconcerting. so it's really defense forces as well as the fact that it's, it's the kind of applies. there was some planning and recognizance going on and he would go on a place on a street in the boulevard in the evening, which is pretty much deserted by the one spot where it's packed at a certain specific time in the evening with prayer worshippers that he was here right of every moment in the bomb seems to have gone off prematurely. now, auto bonds have gone off in september, there was one in york on par who went off and no one got hurt or went off
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prematurely. another one went off in the ghetto junction last year. no one got hurt . but the waiting for a miracle in the land of miracles is not really a plan. and this will have to do more to defend it citizens and we are concerned give them the threats coming from come off, that it will be ongoing efforts, the plan farms and have suicide bombers be blowing up in the streets of television, jerusalem in the near future and this is very disconcerting for everyone else. you can expect absolutely many thanks for bringing us the updates as long as they contribute to it will be them. thank you. in washington, is that the is to secure a safe spot in the us web page with hey, it's a stumbling block. once again, just bought us state secretary onto the blanket, arriving in the as well to push for a deal most openly blamed washington for the failure, accused and get of aligning with benjamin netanyahu. his government's most has opposed to the already rejected the us proposed agreement, stating that any progress made on a sci fi is an illusion of just by us present in findings. proclamations that hazel
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mistake about washington. busy magic efforts, according to him, off those moves, but just a distraction by the is where the government, which previously announced his tons to keep control knows also a potential deal between us and this while increase. not only is these 5 and garza but also the return of his ready hostages, captain, how must cut seriously? well, that's as the number of palestinians killed in the gauze of all has the pulse. 40000, with 16000 of them. children, according to local health, both ortiz, on the day of on sleep, lincoln's arrival, and as well. id strikes the close gauzy report to be killed. $29.00 people, including a mazda on to 6 children, among them. 10 year old queens helpless with little sign of the violence debating despite the diplomatic efforts. one of the countries pushing for an immediate stop to the conflict. his columbia, it's president, announced bogota. we'll stop cold expos to as well. cool in the next. and you all
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who cabinet quote your, to somebody those last the columbia in coal amounted to over 60 percent of old coal supplies to the middle east nation wanted may. columbia also announced that would cuts diplomatic ties with west juice. and then what we discussed, these developments with the leader of the palestinian national initiative party, built in most develop a gucci according to him. washington. this diplomacy was pushing us in yahoo into accepting a cx 5 deal. those functions just might, the sanctions is the only instrument that many companies in the national community can use against those that are in the old pression and visit, or the warfare on ballasting and people's, is it or it is committing genocide and does it does actually implementing 3 or the connections in front of genocide, collective punishment that ethnic cleansing, it's not listening to any diplomatic pressure in our opinion, that sanctions, as the one that's the columbia declared, we'll have to ethics. actually. one is
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a direct economic effect on the is there any economy and 2nd model important difficult to, and i think that repeats the same expedients that was used and now that i've negotiations about, she's fired and nothing here is obstructing them again. but the ones that then put out is to say it and to continue the students at this level that drastic the criminal behavior. the diplomacy alone is not going to have what we need this pressure on this. and many countries are joining the now the act. so we've got the bisman sections. the big question of course, is why the company like the 9th of states of america, is continues to supply is an end with woodlands. why it's committing these world crimes. also, many people in the states know very well that one says there is a consent as accused of genocide. united states itself would be also because there would be considered as participant in the crime of genocide since they are
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someplace, isn't in the woodlands that are used against brothers thinking they liked it. states has provided visitors since october 7th, with $45000000000.00. and that's a huge number, $45000000000.00. it's like united states is giving, visiting $1000000.00 will flip all his whatever the understanding and cause in does the european union might be in for a tough windsor as its hates and power associates grow in cost on the phone and access. but the folks and that the commissioner is quoting on people to donate to kids the head of the harsh winter months. with a slump in economic activity, fisco revenues will go down widening ukraine's budget deficit and diminishing its ability to sustain the national fight for freedom. the risk of a humanitarian catastrophe is high. i a g everyone who has the ability to help you crane before the cold season arrives to do so. an unprecedented efforts of
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solidarity and generosity is needed today. ukraine must not be left alone. is it per pass for its most difficult winter yet? that's across the live to economist on, publish it like a homeless, a mall on this, get to see many thanks for joining it is joining about the program. i'd love to get your reaction to this. got the you commission is cooling for you members to solve your cranes energy issues ahead of the winter months when the blog. so the position is a ready so delicate. what do you think about that? well, this is exactly what we all righty. always criticizing at the europe being bureaucrats that they are not. busy being the you're being the both interest, they are solving other people's interest, especially their international networks. having demands that the people who themselves are at risk of the stable electricity, we have the most and disruptions in electricity ever in german history. we have the biggest threats.


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