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tv   News  RT  August 19, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the, the landscape would never have derek to do this if the united states of america had not entrusted him with the small. cuz top diplomats as washington is the high and the ukrainian attack on ross's cost tire tree size key. i believe the $300.00 mat in the range and in the last 24 hours blocks and now the 2000 across the complex front. nice pair of hand media outlets covering ukraine's in cars and into rocks to find themselves in us as a struggle to include potential kia, soul to trust in nazi virginia. india and prime minister in rancho motivates that to visit power lives on ukraine in the coming days, as new daddy looks to bring peace to the rancher. and as
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the wind sutton is the you out of the commission, i is pushing to prove to support the ukraine stocks, despite the grim energy prospect here, fans themselves to face when the cold weather the thailand. very well. welcome to our international, just going to 8 pm here in the russian capital. it's great to have you with us. when i 1st story this all is, the lensky would never have struck out on his own thoughts, the russian foreign ministers taken ukraine's and cousin. and to ross's cost region, so okay, now prof emphasized. but kim's political and neat would only have given this whole to, with washington's, with wise ation. it seems to cause us to find yes, it is perfectly clear to everyone that zalesky would never have dare to do this. and this of course, is the landscape decision as can now boast. he has created a buffer zone. it's causing the damage to the russian stage. he would never have
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there to do this if the united states of america had not entrusted him with a full ven ukrainian army was so happy as to the cross concurs and thinking that this would be a game changer. this is how they sold it to the masses as well. one in 5, there's nothing really changed and it was slightly, a much ado about nothing. and the situation actually for the frame is only getting worse. but as we heard from sort of the lab roll does now, is that this was on the orders of washington. so, it's not really a surprise to lensky and by then behind something didn't turn out to be. it was a recipe for disaster, really because we're hearing from fight a crate and fighters themselves, that the choice and actually became worse before we hear from the fighters themselves. let's hear to what the, the plan, the master plan was behind it opens the landscape was so proud after he managed to answer of course, because as soon as i was dying, i'm not sure what it is now, or primary task in defensive operations overall. try to destroy as much russian war
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potential as possible and conduct the maximum counter offensive actions. this includes creating a buffer zone on the aggressors territory for our operation in the course region as well. but every thing that inflicts loss is on the russian army of russian state, their military industrial complex and their economy helps prevent the war from expanding and brings us closer to adjust in to this aggression adjust piece for ukraine is or close to 10 and perhaps, but not the way zalesky sees that, of course, because once they've done since the incursion, we've heard from ukranian fighters themselves to set up a situation on the ground has become worse. political spoke to this folks person for one of the brigades. and he said that they've been getting less on munition since that and that the russians are really, really pushing. then we've heard from another fighter who says that there seem to be a lack of organization that they're all sort of last confused and disoriented. battalion commanders do not disclose the actual situation, even 2 adjacent units in order to further absolve themselves of responsibility.
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some battled formations are disoriented. there are no well coordinated work plans between brigades, in some places, even battalions. the commander in chief reports to zalinski that the situation is under control to serious key. they report that the situation is under control, the commanders of some brigades or battalions ignore everything, and report in valid information. so what about these mixed messages coming out of ukraine was the russian slide say yes for the russian ministry of defense issue, the very lengthy statement, the tell him the gains, the advances i really seem to be some menacing there. hold on the don't boss. in particular the don't, that's people's republic. liberates in the village by village. they're saying that russian forces are improving their positions and really ukraine's losses are staggering. where you see a number such as from, from one area of 570 ukrainian soldiers that a l squared, 530, a 179, the 75495. so it's not looking
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a really good. and then the ministry also issued against the to 6. the look at the whole special operation in total. and since then we have russian forces have destroyed over $600.00 aircraft, almost $300.00. the helicopter is around $30000.00 drones and we can see some on the screen there right now. almost 600 the air defense system. 17000 times some other armored vehicles around 1400 multiple rockets system. $13000.00 field artillery and mortars almost $25000.00 special military vehicles. and of course, among them, or west or weapons of the french, british american. so, as russians will say, keep them sending because this is where they end up. meanwhile, video allegedly depicting people being local to as on to a truck by tips on forces. and the cost region hasn't launched on social media and the foot to it shows on to you quite new soldiers. this quoting russian man from a residential house,
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some of the hostages are blowing folded with the hands tied behind that box. that marched over to a truck and full screen shopped inside the fate is currently on. detained ukrainian saw this one has confirmed the 3 civilians war long. those take what you me. so here's a question for which why is it that into john a video from your action camera? it shows you loading civilians into a car. what were you doing? tell me it was the instant treated to come to con scripts and there were 3 people there civilians. as i understand they were visiting someone. our task was to turn up, collect them and transfer them to the military police. we started to tell, i'm going to turn in america as an old professor at the university of south africa andre to his house. he says that humanitarian violations may the ground for solve
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the escalation. we do still have low, low and the conduct of war. and the mondays we call a new any terry and lo and there is a geneva convention that deals with a treatment with a protection of civilian persons in times of will. and on the no circumstances may civilians be made the targets of military force. they may not suffer violence to life a person. they may not be taken hostages. and this, this week your seems to show either the taking off costs the just all simply the use of on brute force or violence, and you mediation all civilians. now these 2 men entertain law principles, they're very important because they, they reside on reciprocity. if, if the one side treats prisoners of war civilians partially badly in human leave, then there may be a retaliation for counseling. they will train and government has to run on up to 10
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dependent on, on the financial and military support by the west, by the you, by nature and by the us and canada. so, so it will be easy for them to, to exercise some control and impose the, or at least some basic you may tell in law rules, he's very bad for, for the 9 to aligns. if you credit and units come out of control, stop the stop conducting this type of warfare which can only reminders of the, the invasion of rush up my, my, the van, i'm off by the german army when it was also a complete absence of any rules at the time he had dictated the human italian law should not be applied during the so called oppression model. also, that would be absolutely terrible because it would escalate to this conflict into something truly savage. with vassals along the bow tie, intensifying,
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local authorities have owned of a tense situation, the village of car, and you have the faintest close to the passions. so officials have uh just residents to advance in attendance to a townhome at least for now. i'll see if it goes donald has been following development stuff. the photo was routes much over the course of the front. to see everything up close we had to woods of town has had and its course has since day one of the call with us special forces fights. and that way we pulled the creams back as far as possible using the forces of the salt team. in recent days, the enemy has been pushing less. evasion works well. they cover them with the bombs and rockets. the boys flight, you know, the helicopters and constantly bum. the heat started on the 9th of august to sabotage and reconnaissance groups. about 7 people went in. there were thrown back
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there till we arrived in the morning to finish them off. now, artillery is working more or less calmly. sometimes they're shuttling but not as often as before. a drone to tech. so you know, a guy is going off relentlessly, allowing us to the possibility we could be raised against that. so so this is the town of quoting you, and it has been on the raiders of the ukrainian soldiers since day one of the border incursions this drone detective doesn't shut up here. it shows both a surveillance drone and they come because he has to be the drone. so we have to go under the trees to hide so that it doesn't supports us again, the ukrainians had been trying to enter this down for a while sofa. they have failed. we are here with a very units that has been here since the very beginning of the board, the incursion. the scanner gives us just enough of an early warning. a few dozen seconds later, we hear the already familiar buzz above the towns main square. we
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wait for the skies to become briefly safe again and to head to another support that valencia medics are setting up camp to help the st. the wounded. gives me one more box. yeah. come one day when you have a group, i am the commander of a medical group. we came here as volunteers, family. this is one of the main priority goals of the medical group. when the signal from course arrived, we didn't have to think, and 100 percent of the personnel came here to provide all possible assistance. yes, it's dangerous. they kill in main people, but we need to help. we know how to do it. we know our jobs, who else but us will help those who do not know how to do it. one of the main priority focuses of the medical group are slow moving crowds of people during evacuations on foot or transport. when ukrainian troops failed to storm this down
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had on, they began to squeeze it from the flanks, the russian garrison repelling these attacks is grateful for every bits of help. it gets you have up to a full size and but i need to climb. actually paramedic rescue a, a former fly slide to i have been teaching civilian 1st aid for more than 10 years . i teach practical medicine and now i came here initially to help move civilians out to live a humanitarian aid. but it turns out that i was in the mall and had precisely for my main skills. i wanted this in the 1st place. in fact, i had a medical device with me. i initially hope to work in this area because i believe the my skills are probably more useful, unnecessary here than in civilian life. what an extreme situation happens. all my energy is focus. my brain works out a 100 percent capacity. i am completely calm, then i'll cry. i'll sit down later, i'll try. i'll smash the dishes screen, but that's who going to happen later. so we are leaving the town. according to the
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1st impressions of this guy, i've never seen the skies warming this much with you. avi's with coming kazi, drones of every type and kind the ukrainians. if they have taken a pause and they're sold just in the past couple of days. but it doesn't mean that they will stop here. they are surveilling the area it is inside of now they're surveilling the area preparing for their next move. but the boys. yeah. the boys here who have just bid for, well, they are telling me that they are very ready while west and media outlets are eager to paint a few questions cause can cause some is a her row x success. the facts on the ground on helping them spend the right story . a french tv presented to hosting a panel of guests. well, the recent left scrambling to explain footage of the ukrainian soldier displaying
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an assess insignia on his helmet. because i would look at the helmet, maybe this helmet is a little bit curious. i have the impression that there was an ss insignia on it. so maybe it's assigned it as of has modified. so you see it's a bit curious this helmet and that's not very pleasant if it's the ukrainian soldier who wanders in russia, who joshua eat or sat at the beginning of the war that these are nazis who are in that you currently know me. so yes, it would be nice if you to call these helmets, and that's how we break all communication strategy. meanwhile, so it has froman into bear with a different ukranian fight to wire, and the nazi symbol has been full cost on it. tanya, in state tv, their vote was filmed at the rushing you quite and what's the name of the cost region paintings is a boy. you can see down the saw business calf is a symbol of an elite nazi assess division. so been licensed and delta, the group was most famous for solving as possible bodyguards to the fewer himself, the post world war 2. and your about trying to fishing to class have been taught ss
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organization had committed crimes against humanity of to the footage addresses for a ministry spokeswoman accused atanya media of white washing kids. fastest links. now. hey correspondence, allow your panel riley has reached a new level overall the dive to to a new depth taking a video interview with the ukranian soldier and a cap with a badge of the subdivision. likes tom del to add, well peddler, west and media continue to focus on the targeted rehabilitation of ukrainian neo nazis and the revision of the decisions of the new. i'm the tribute no waiting for the reaction of the official room. hardly a rush of security. so this isn't want to stay criminal investigation games to all the john, that's when the se, metalli and channel argues there are 2 stalls illegally crossing the board into the cost region where the ukranian military ass quote. the station drew hoss criticism,
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in fact, put them as well with atanya knoxville hanging a protest bounder in front of the news agency building in genoa. the group says that it's unacceptable to support the crime as of the landscape is near nazi regime . we spoke with an artist synagogue, who said his motivation for taking part in the extra or we think that the to do is a really unacceptable and the we a together with the many other people in utah. the are asking, is that the right must to a 5? does people have 5 to store now the stuff that the, i think as a basic idea as the agents that offer the q versus e man spreading it with the public funding. it's is that a visual needs, the receiving, it needs that is provided on the so basically we want to, we want to those people remove the from a form from that using what position we want the information that use a neutral and we thought by yes sir, and though we don't want any more any more for background number 30 is not really
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a very much to florida phone from the southern government or from florida from the right. because the, the right, the state division and the state to use the basically under the control i'm the, the implant itself, the united states of america and european union. so the, it's not their job, but to act according to our research law or wheeler. it said their job is to act according to the wheels of the masters in washington. and so it's not the 1st time and it's not lack of knowledge. it says something a day of the wing on board versus and they are doing a decent to add to try to normalize this thing. because the, they started the saying that the drug, no, not using ukraine. then they stated that there are a few, not just about the under control. that's a big good, another step. so saying that the, not these, but the analogies on who's not this,
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i must have support to those people. and yet in 5 minutes to run from ideas set to visit poland and ukraine in the coming days, as according to the countries for an assessment, a stream which says neutrality workshop, new delhi, from actively participating in for a queen piece. this also is a landmark in historic visit. since this will be the 1st time that an indian 5 minutes to really be visiting you can in more than 30 years. since the diplomatic relations were established between our countries on our part in the continues to engage with all the stakeholders and some of the as i had uh, conversations with leaders of both trash out and u. k. as in know, in time this started also visited our shop recently is willing to provide all possible support and contribution required to help find peaceful solutions to this complex issue. trying to send the movies with it has been confirmed by the indian
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ministry, or if it's on the 5th, he will be traveling on the 21st and 20 seconds to portland. and then he's going to be unimportant dot stones that will be ukraine. now it is interesting given the fact that only a month ago in june for i'm in this scenario and moody had, was it, it was full. he visited his friend, present to the and now he is with the team ukraine. also in the back to off that when that into more the head met mr. pain medicine and see who decides that with this he basically has said that now you're moving meetings automatic. susan is a huge disappointment. let me explain the context, tell because of the scene the when i'm in this scenario movie was standing shoulder to shoulder all with with the president to stay in. that was metos couldn't meaning in washington dc west. indeed. all so that was not the measurements key inside
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the one messaging that the leaders that were trying to give out, which is basically that russia is isolated and they're going to move these wizards to moscow. had one show us that narrow service costs that are built at the west as well as ukraine and knowledge would be interesting to see how, how as an scheme sites is going to be policing in didn't. so i'm in this scenario is more deep, although i wouldn't be surprised if you suddenly ask, who is he? because we seen the kind of watching for treatment that's ukraine has given to india and the last few years. india to have maintains that a solution to this conflict of the lead to dialogue and diplomacy. let me on the lines of this was going to be indian. so i'm going to send the range of all these 1st. was it to new queen since the war had started inside tense, india has maintained that nothing can be gained from the battlefield. in fact, 5 minutes scenario will be when he was in the last 4 months ago. he got a part of the receipt on the conflict from president fulton, where he in fact,
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also stressed on the need for peace. i was happy that we both could share our opinions on ukraine with an open mind and in detail. we respectfully listen to each other. india is ready to provide support for the restoration of peace. i was very happy to listen to your opinions on it. i assure you and the global community that india favors piece. after listening to my friend, president putin, i am hopeful for peace. so all i, this is each portland also will be interesting itself because because this is going to be for the 1st sign in for the, for decades that an indian prime minister will be visiting the country. but of course, geopolitically ukraine is where all eyes will be on exports. now, in india, elsewhere in the world are looking at this particular wizard trying to analyze why the indian so i'm in is so is going to ukraine. however,
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it is understood that india has maintained a neutral stand before this one. slate in india has been very, very particular. how india has not taken any sides in this conflict with any on the line. you are, for example, when there was a be somewhere in the, in switzerland the so called be somewhere where is that? gosh, yeah. when one of the countries who was the positive on think wasn't invited, email was invited to get, did not send them in this theater level delegation to add with it, but even deal with the differentials signing that the joints excavation that came out of that particular somebody didn't just see that we on india said said, well, russia should have been there on the negotiating table. otherwise, what is the point of that time? and so in this and by the good when it comes to the conflict in india has, like i said, it's continued is engage amended, continued, it's done. it's been this is usually with moscow. in fact, of the bill for the 3, the defense feed has also gone many for this is going to be prime ministers. the
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reason why these 1st was a to ukraine, since the water in fact had started. and it's of course, would be very, very interesting to watch out. the b or opinion looks to be in for a tough winter has its heat and power. sol says grow in cost of food and access, but that hasn't stopped the blogs then as you commission of from calling on people to donate took care of ahead of the harsh winter months. with this lump in economic activity, fiscal revenues will go down widening ukraine's budget deficit and diminishing its ability to sustain the national fight for freedom. the risk of a humanitarian catastrophe is high. i a g everyone who has the ability to help you crane before the cold season arrives to do so. an unprecedented efforts of solidarity and generosity is needed today. ukraine must not be left alone. is it prepared for its most difficult winter yet?
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i'm going to call them a sound progress. so like a hollow says, these political establishment often sacrifices the interests of its own citizens at kids, ulta, to say exactly what we all righty. always criticizing at the europe being thorough crowds that they are not. busy being the, you're being the both interest, they are solving of, of people's interest, especially their international networks. having demands that the people who themselves are at risk of the stable electricity. we have the most and disruptions in electricity ever in german history. we have the biggest threats that germany is not the energy sufficient in all german history. also, the 2nd one was so in this situation to call for and giving the protection systems a way to your brain is, is mind blowing. this just shows that these people have no faith in the european
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pmi, ukrainian war is getting a huge problem. it is said that the worst thing that this government ever did in post war history, because we need peace on the raise and continent. we need to work together peacefully on the rage and continent and what these people's doing is that they disturbing this in favor of some hostile interest from abroad, not interest of europe. garza is already done a humanitarian price of smart people and even though not as high as the palestine red crescent society boons that it's on the brink in the p. o. c. s. services face the risk of being hold it in the goals are in north gauze. the governor, it's due to a severe shortage of fuel needed to operate ambulances, emergency medical clinics and relief services. the pay all c s teams already experiencing fuel shortages and the cards. the operating at minimum capacity with
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only 2 out of 8 ambulances functioning, the both of which are at risk of stopping entirely today. this situation severely hinges the teams ability to provide services and lessons. the health crisis in these governor, it's huge shortages, and the price was, especially in the area of the city and the north. it's not a new where these go from there. it's almost completely denied access to human nature in a it's any including the human, which is actually the needed to a power ambulances and also power generators in hospital and medical center for the past 10 months. the p or c. as a team members have been working tirelessly, unsuccessfully trying to save people's life despite working on the venue, noticed that conditions despite being themselves hold so in as severely in boxing by this a continuous for us. they have low family members and they are in turn that it is
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these, many of them are connected to anything and a tense and all of them for sure every single day. they have the data 10 inch board that will be found to send in every single day when they leave to work. they truly need to know as they are going to go back alive because they have already lost and many team members up to this moment. safety for p or c. s members have been killed today, more of the world and humanitarian day. and this day we emphasize the importance of acting for humanity. we should ask for the humanities and be sure to protect the humidity on the project, aids workers and to billions. gusto was turned into the most w, please for 8 workers. the meanwhile, with the intake of on the costs of a mass of outbreak of polio d u. n. is pushing for an urgency as far as the infectious disease has really lodged in golf the 1st time in 25 years. they've had to sign red crescent spokes
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passed and told us that is fox the nation's own, provided the consequences are we down imaginable. current health situation is extremely beyond contractual. think um, lately, um, some cases having pulled it will have been discovered and that goes to strip and that means hundreds of other children mind. also how for you, it is necessarily to be able to provide the box a nation for hundreds of thousands of children who are below the age of 10. and up to this moment as their end, as extend restricting the entry of vaccination along with other medical equipment. gaza as witnessing has a crisis where we have espn an alarming increase in the number of people coding infection with diseases. the current situation where the people are suffering,
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they are overcrowded and shelters and tends lacking access to food to clean water. make infection with these is a tries and such and vitamins plus how things are looking this one day so far, but to stop by later if any updates will check out all to to come there was plenty best to you and have a great week the the well, interestingly enough, that was one of the most valuable things that i wanted to do was question, shall we say these ukrainian prisoners? because i wanted to get inside their minds. i wanted to disentangle the strings that tied them up in knots that enabled and animated their actions. what was their
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decision making process? what were their biases, their prejudices? what was their psychological profile? i wanted to study them in very deep detailed ways. i am an american i see army officer and i've come to ukraine to try and understand and taking the understanding back to americans about what has been happening here. so i'm very glad that you will sit down and talk with me, and i'm very glad that you speak english because my russian is that good. i'm a surgeon to pull the regiment as old. i live combo a girl, a multi girl, or more somebody to me over a joint as of my name is jan. auntie, my son is hunter, and my goal sign was that i had. and what i found with the 1st prisoner who was a very bright historian.


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