tv Going Underground RT August 19, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT
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what's to finance his election campaign? even he refused to go to switzerland today, hosting a bizarre ukraine peace conference where russia is banned from attending. so then ski who is out to a democracy in u. k. p. m, or she. so an academic elected by the popular vote to be pm in britain will be there though, apparently, and these dangerous times when nuclear war is arguably never be nearer. i'm drawing from new york by a forward visor to successive un secretary general. professor jeffrey sachs is director of the center for sustainable development at columbia university and president of the you and sustainable development solutions network. yes of is a special advisor to you and x rays. general clicking on ben key moon and antonio gutierrez, thank you so much for business expo. coming on you being tyler's in your work, trying to alert the weld the need for negotiations on ukraine and gaza. i suppose i have to ask you to give them your former advisor to so many governments. why your not more on circle mainstream media, you want some kind of blacklist. you're not needed. your voice these dr. unless
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think as well as in the united states. so the word negotiation became a dirty word, so they don't want to hear much about this and they don't want to admit that it's the united states, a utter failure of diplomacy. that is the real story of the continuation of the crime war. so it's, it's a little bit hard to get through, and these are essentially a government mediated media in, in the us. they're not owned by the us government, but they seem to depend on the official narrative as their guide post. and i, most of the american people don't trust this, so they are not in favor of the foreign policy that bite and has been pursuing i, they want to change. and so they're hearing it even if it's not the main screen, but channels. yeah, i mean we to named drop i was, i saw on the phones, is he more hush the other day and actually side came on this show off to his base
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about the node stream pipelines, applying energy to germany, which is boned and going on to go and produces a track down your own bloomberg. on october the to the 2022 and the presented to them came interrupted. you see me outrage thing jeff. we've got to stop there when you suggested that the united states could have been involved. and that was before i see much as a piece, and you said, i know this runs counter to on narrative and you're not allowed to say these things in the west. i was that interestingly, you know what, when i post spoken to some leading journal, as of course they agree with me. i privately but publicly their, their papers or the media say just the opposite of so the narrative is it is a game, but a very deadly one and a very stupid one in a lot of ways. so much of what we hear day today is just lies. it's just
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manipulations i. it doesn't even really pass for the truth. but in the past, this time, i saw that a, our government officials have something to say, even when they're doing outragious things. i mean, in terms of scale, even higher than guys in ukraine cove, it was a huge store. you were on the lawn said cove. it commissioned the launch at the pre eminence scholarly journal in britain and medical journal. i you maintain that coverage and bio warfare were related as regards to the, the warranty. they're obviously a story that we can't even talk about. yeah. if we want to be a, well, a g, the, a, it's a very, it's a very strange thing. the, the pandemic, a claim to around 20 millions lives. i. there are very good reasons to believe that the virus came out of a laboratory work paid for funded brainstorm by the us. and
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actually having a serious discussion about it has been extraordinarily difficult. you can imagine why the us government does have won an open investigation. but what is surprising to me is how few a, supposedly i independent the investigators and journalists, if i cared to, to look into this. and even the scientists have done a miserable job. scientific community policing its own community because this was a scientific venture. i'll be a one led by the us government. and the scientific community has not asked her questions. let me just say the origins of cyrus code to the virus, the causes cove, it is still unknown. i would put it at most likely. i would say over whelming, lead likely that it came out of the laboratory research rather than out of nature
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as has been told to us. but we still don't know for sure. but what i can tell you is that there's been a lot of the fate news about this, that it surely came out of the marketplace and so forth. and this is deception, not an honest inquiries the marketplace in china because there was a us guides that, well, let's get on then to this final day of the g 7 in purely a 7 countries as corporations, of literally making a killing of what is going on in gaza, i mean, do you think it's there's a case of saying that g stands for genocide after what do you mean watching and saying these last 8 months and the latest round of violence that's been happening for decades in west asia in palestine. so the g 7 countries, but mainly the united states, which is the, the leader of the g 7. i grew into
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a lot of arrogance over the years of believing they could do what they want, say what they want when, where they would want to win. and so on. i. this is gotten the world into a 3 massive i geo, political crises of right now. of course ukraine complete disaster for ukraine itself, 1st and foremost. but also for europe, the rest of the world. the devastating no more a genocidal war by israel in gaza and tensions that are at the edge of exploding into open war in east asia. and especially over taiwan. the us is, to my mind irresponsible actor and all 3 of these events when it comes to ukraine. your responsibility is that this war
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could easily have been avoided, that i really mean easily by nato. that means the u. s. declaring clearly, nato will not expand to ukraine. this was a promise given to the soviet and russian leaders back in the early 19 ninety's that made a wonderful one, each east ford and that day to has moved or tried to move relentlessly eastward and sorry to interrupt you for positive. you know that the circle john list, some would say external group is repeating, this would unprovoked when it comes to russia. moving to save the ethic questions and these, what do you, do you just flinch? every time you hear this phrase unprovoked, which is used by, i don't flinch. i, i, last, i, and i guess do crazy just a little bit because 1st of all, this is a provoked war. second,
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the word unprovoked is proof out in the sense this is part of the talking points of all of these reporters. they wouldn't even come up with the same word, same exact word, repeated endlessly, word not so following. so this is a war that had many provocations. it was a war that could easily have been avoided when i say many prop occasions, it goes back to the us plan to expand nato, to ukraine, to georgia. back to the 19 ninety's does big brzezinski. contrary to promises that were made at the end of what we thought was the end of the cold war, i should say, i the unilateral us withdrawal from the abm treaty in 2000 to the 78 days of the bombing of bell grade by the united states and its allies in 1999 to break that country apart and install
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a nato military base in cost of old carved out from serbia, the overthrow of victory on a cold which in february 2014 i where i victoria newland, the assistant secretary of state for a european affairs at the time was point person for this and absolutely and collaboration on regime change in the absolute failure of the us, germany and france to abide by defend. and i insist on the implementation of the bids. 2 agreements per vote of the car, so it was proven tor still come out of nowhere. i and do any one watching the history of this is seen these prob occasions all along. and the point that i keep making is that at the end of 2021 i. this is already 9 years
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into conflict which started with the over trogie article, which i by the united states and right wing forces in ukraine. 9 years later, the big war could have been avoided and they fight and could have stopped when russia put on the table, a revised us russia security arrangement based on ukraine's neutrality on the non enlargement of data. when i told the white house, then take it negotiate, of course there you find them off, agree but negotiate. i mean, did you speak to the state department as i spoke to the white house? and i said don't ever more over this, this is obviously avoidable. you see, i know you're saying it's all v as in banking moon, as being on this, you'll be able to watch our interview with him. and he certainly said things that he might not have said when he was secretary general. but you were advised that the secretary general's secretaries general about of these the graphic. are you correct
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way to talk about them? if you, if you say this is so will be as does antonio gutierrez, they'll know that it's that obvious because i think he may have used the word. i'm provoked at one stage or other. i think that leaders around the world know that a, this is a proxy war. i'm not going to put words in anybody's mouth. least of all the secretary general. but i speak to a leaders all over the world. and i can tell you, there is a wide spread feeling very wide spread that this is a proxy war between the us and russia, that the nato enlargement is a key part of it, and that it should stop now with negotiations. and that ukraine is the 1st and foremost victim of all of this refusal on the western side to negotiate. and this was conference, so it's a no longer neutral lawgiver went out. this was conference was
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a shambolic to begin with. and it's shut bolick all the way through. it is meaningless. i. it was a show. it's sad. it's sad to see switzerland be used this way. it really, really is sad to me to see switzerland used this way by the sax on spring allow itself to be used this way, professor sax, i'll stop you there or from columbia university direction of the center for sustainable development after the spring, the or there was the time when i started to was abused to obtain flowers divided the continental langford amongst themselves. it was divided as a hunting ground. if we do not unite the corner knives as we come out again,
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we know that they are those who want the mazda continent to step and 8, but the mazda clinton, and never be stopped, because the mazda of continents must be great. she will only be great on the shore, does all of us sons and daughters on by the sweat all day. so now click on the good news done for us, and let us confess about underground east, the mazda upon the beautiful sun soaked vineyards, and nestled among some rest, taking rolling hills. as a gentle breeze comes off of the surrounding sea comic imagery of french one country. but this has not france. we are in a coupon at russia on the black sea, where recently they've got the serious about making some world class one.
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the welcome back to going underground. i'm still here with professor jeffrey sachs, president with the united nation sustainable development solutions network or press the you to hear about how the switch conference today doesn't mean much. obviously brush has not invited in. ringback to it's you're uh, supporting deal stein. i understand how for the us presidency, presidential elections. and it looks like trump, many of the polls are saying, will there be any difference when it comes to gaza, specifically, or will they definitely be some change on ukraine or very difficult to tell. based on the pronouncements on trump and back as we should say, that there are prominent is riley lobbyist backing at the backend for biden. and for trump, look my advice to the rest of the world, which is 95.9 percent of
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the world because the us is 4 point one percent that the world population is be serious. the consequent insist on truth hanging together and don't expect to any miracles, even stability, necessarily from the united states. the u. s. is going to be stable and unpredictable. i after november, no matter what happens i. neither of the 2 lead candidates is a, is a candidate for peace. they each have their own different a modes of behavior. but neither is going to bring that kind of a reason. i a peaceful approach to the world that we urgently need. it's going to have to come from the rest of the world that says, look, you're a big and powerful country, but you cannot run roughshod over the world. and the us
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bluster and say, will lead the way. we'll leave this agency, we'll leave this and we'll walk out of this pre to yet it may do many things. but the rest of the world is much, much bigger part of humanity. i ended by acting wisely, judiciously operating under the un charter abiding by treaties being patient with the us. please give it time to get back to normal. i think that this is the best approach because for all the optimism it breaks conferences, the recent one, that's the one coming up in uh, cuz on, if you are a world leader and you do advise some of them i to present when you give that advice to them, what do you suppose to do when you were threatened by people from the state department or some of the other agencies of the united states. when you refuse to of a u. s. policy, whether it be a threat to your car and see whether it be to media attacks on your country. we've
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seen that growing during the gaza conflict when some gcc countries oppose us policy on what's happening and does it, what are they supposed to do? but a bank i think what they are seeing is that the, these us sanctions and arm twisting approaches are just not as decisive as was generally considered even a year or 2 or 3 ago. after all, i was going to quote, defeat russia. this was a taking rush out of the swift banking system. this was the western sanctions that were going to be put on it. of course it failed, utterly and completely i. this is part of the point of the break. so the breaks countries are now 36 percent of world output compared to 29 percent of the g 7 were in a different age a. so yes, threats can be made,
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but i don't think that they can be decisive. i. i think if the rest of the world is calm and cool and not divided relentlessly, as the us tries to do because that after all is the basic strategy of the empire is a given day at enter, a divide and conquer. if the rest of the world is it's stable, i careful. i, i would say very prudent and professional in it, state craft and diplomacy. these threats are just not so powerful. they're illegal in international law. they are really twist international institutions out of shape and which don't want to be twisted out of shape. and so i think that there's actually real opportunity here for progress even with the united states
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not does not cooperating. or, you know, one of the things that will move the 2 state solution to really being implemented use the unity of the european countries. they've been very, very clear in re i last november in the in box frame. in may, the bach rain declaration to support it lays out what needs to be done. the king about rain has a further consultative course with president putin, with president children paying. this is what the way watch it wants diplomacy. it wants a systematic approach. it does want the united states saying to one year of country, our side will give you some goodies, but break with the rest. it doesn't want that. and this kind of unity will prevail. it because we all mean that the one state solution is more talk about
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amongst the palestinian resistance groups. it has to be said and you really saying to me that, but let me say let, let, let me just say word about that. if i may, there is an over whelming world wide consensus that we need to states for 2 people right now. and there is absolutely a one state solution top of mind among got both sides of this conflict and a, that is the unfortunately i the path to continued war and the world, whether it's china or russia or brazil, or india, or even it's mumbling way, the united states, but the details all practical approaches so far. i says look, we've got to settle this on the basis of the international law dating back to 1947 actually and 1967 analysts and was
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a discussions. so that's the, the world wide to view the united states has blocked it repeatedly on israel's behalf. it'd be, as rarely government definitely wants a one state solution. they call it greater israel. i don't disagree with the one states. i just mean that the guys went from a to display who to prove a has, i know i, but i'm telling you that if we're going to have peace, it's going to be peace on the basis of what the world says. we need to stop the debts, the killing, the suffering, which is horrendous, which is genocide. it needs to stop. yeah. you remark recently on the fact that the m, your bahrain went to moscow and the badging, and we know that the kingdom is ad your a beer is refusing to come while production on the orders of the united states ahead of november election. so what happens as the united states really run out of
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threats them against these dcc countries that are clearly uh for very different policies as regards gaza. b u a of course has been holding a rotating pan. have you in security council kept on trying to put forward resolutions, the united states is gonna just give up on threatening gcc countries that can rest easy, or we, in this region going to expect for other threats. and i mean, not sanctions, it can be reputational damage. and media, a lot of my my own view with this is that since 1915 the europe world has been manipulated repeatedly. i it is the name be manipulated by the big man letters of the britain promising i an error state after the end of world war one. it was manipulated in the sites.
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the code treaty was manipulated in a, in the balfour declaration which was contradictory to those 1st 2 initiatives. in other words, britain was what an empire is. it was utterly deceitful and arrogant and imposed together with france and america's acquiescence. a verse size settlement. that meant a 100 years plus of manipulation of the world. everybody knows this. this is a long, sad story of outside manipulation. my own view for whatever it's worth is that this era of manipulation can come to an end. it comes to an end by unity. because the yes the us, uh, if it's dealing with one particular country, you don't have a lot of power. if it's dealing with the $22.00 members of the or
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a league of much less if it's dealing with the $57.00 countries of the organization of this while the cooperation. virtually not, these threats don't count in less those or threatened to allow themselves to be divided and manipulated by an outside threat. i think the world's changing, i think good. the idea that one country weather was britain, it's up to was 1945 for the united states. afterwards, i can make it so me so threatening the others manipulate international organizations, manipulate the international payment system. i think that this era is really at an end and the we are entering the multi polar world. but it's very dangerous this moment. let's just find the look at the danger. so this is without an i n f treaty is we know, what did you make then of, uh, the united states abide administration,
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changing policies saying that the weapons at the same thing like britain did a while back. and france and germany, they can target russia directly. and the united states now saying the as of batavia and you might have to describe whether they are not seeing klein because you're banned from saying not seeing, find if you're in brit uh, what do you make of these announcement of being able to target russia directly of arming the as of italian, as russian worship talks in nevada with hypersonic miss us. next, 1st of all, by the loser of all of this is the ukranian people, perhaps 500000 debts of ukrainians. a to this point, to the devastation of so much of ukraine i. this is largely at the behest
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of the united states. because when an agreement between russia and ukraine was tentatively breached in ankara, in march 2022, based on one principle that will end this war ukraine's neutrality. the us swooped in, boris johnson swooped and said, don't take it. you don't win. well, this was a, a, a terrible, terrible advice, but a piece of advice, but it was also a dreadful awful miscalculation. i'm sorry you would just pay for your 600000, go hundreds of thousands killed because of us. several 100000 more debts in ukraine of ukrainians because of that decision without question. of course, it's a auto tragedy. ukraine is often losing more than a 1000 people to get a wounded every day right now on the battlefield. i rushes a military superiority of the air and artillery is very clear. it's,
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it's the us that keeps pushing them to, to fight to the last few cranium. is that a dreadful ironic, good phrase puts it, but there's accuracy to it. it's the us now take arms can't fight and keep fighting, keep dying. instead of negotiating a basic point neutrality, a space between the us led military alliance and russia justice space. this is a good rocket science. this is a basic idea of state crap that goes back more than 2000 years. leave a little space in between the major powers and there can be peace. and so as regards this talk, you think of russia as well. everything is an installation right now because i think among other things we know in american history, i don't lose before an election. so by now it has an election coming up in november
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. i and they don't want to see something like we saw in afghanistan in 2021. another. doomed us a misadventure the day to 40 yours by the way, long story, different one. but in any event i, they don't want to see that before november. so they say keep the go toward path, which is extraordinarily dangerous and extraordinarily reckless and good. we should be pretty peeved about it because it's putting the whole world at risk for has a jeffries ex thank you. great to be with you. thank you. that's over the show, i'll continue condolences to those re by u. k. u s. u, i'm genocide, will be back on monday with the electronic intifada is aaliyah of nema, to breakdown false narratives about israel's genocide in nature, mainstream media. and you'll then keep in touch by social media, if it's so expensive, your country and i to a general feeling under warranty, the normal don't come to watch new and old episodes. i'm going underground. see monday, the
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what is part of the visit that the employee would posted. isn't the deepest you of us entered in the word part? is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without collision is less competitive or hello and welcome to the cost of full horses. here we discuss the wheel in the
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the well joe biden. faith be impeachment music, house republicans gear up for a showdown. pretty thing of the 291 page committee before alleging corruption out of these all power. all said, i had the president by den, as on the fly from demonstrate to is that a pro palestinian march in chicago as, as the democratic national convention takes all the in the city sizes. charles k i v y judges restraints in j escalation. the idea strikes.
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