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tv   News  RT  August 20, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, yeah, democrats on the fire, there's thousands of pro palestinian support has gather outside the democratic national convention venue in chicago. and by didn't find himself in the process of the democrats, the big events as health republicans bure upfront show down, get this releasing a 291 page committee report, a legend corruption and abuse of power of honda. the us president kind of a decade of all libya remembering the events of 2011 which belong to the split country into k or stop fro west and let encourage and remove that for you from power
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the or i, we are live on world wide from most go it area of locally here, i'll guess it's not correspondence rules standing by for a busy hour here or not to you international. so as the democratic national convention kicked off in chicago, thousands of pro palestinian protests was gathered outside the venue and the ongoing war in gaza demonstrate to slam the president biden's policies of support for israel, which come a lot higher as has be a democratic nominee. she's also aligned herself with of
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the what we're seeing, the pictures, right? the chart bringing off ease of deep, sweet, a goodness, gracious to me. i mean, okay, i don't wanna get, i don't wanna make a mountain out of a molehill here, but i mean, there are parallels and there are pundents who was saying this whole b and c convention to remind some people of, of what happened in 1968 massive anti vietnam war protest, there was violence that and the democrats, a calling for unity. are we seeing the unity save? well, that's been pretty much the buzzword of the democratic national convention. so far, many of the speakers have being, as they, they've mentioned this unit see not only within the country but within the democratic policy itself. now of course, these choose a pro palestinian protest taking place outside the convention in chicago, the up 220000 according to the organizes of that taken to the states. now that protesting against what they say is a president, like what im genocide, joe, the nickname they've got food. joseph, i didn't face the pool for as well,
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including all mean 10 of us it carries out. it's on small again, goals and now. cool. so all power that was very old biggest one is between what happened in 1968, also in chicago, when the vietnam approaches the anti vietnam, well protest as they would come down on very heavily by the police. of course, the democratic party itself was, it was ribbon with this, disturb minutes at the time. so it was very just, you know, i to the come to you was, i read this united and the police current lead to one of the 1st political charles in us history. you probably were cold, the chicago 7. so many a drawing those comparisons. we can have a look at what's happening on the street. so chicago, now the people are saying that the democrats are the lesser of 2 evils. but you know, i've been seeing video after video of children's bodies blown to pieces. how is that the lesser of 2 evils that the fight in harris administration doing
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all the b b, b. now, previously we to report was that bricks had been placed in various sites around the science and the protest, this phase of a potential, right. of course, a very heavy police presence that but so fall, this hasn't happened so far. those processed have remained peaceful. yeah. as i sold as are both as well known, the mainstream major of coal to be pallets of brick. so to be strategically positioned outside the convention center on the surrounding streets where they preparing for. well, that's, that's not speculate what about on any reaction,
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steve, coming from the democrats over these pretty aggressive protests. well, the, the, the responsive being uh, some of them being fairly young, surprising. hillary clinton, she was, she received a 2 minute standing of age of ation. as she took to the podium, i'm going to show why i mean, she has a track record of the a woman girl. cool. she st set up right to the demise of that would be a look at that. the yeah. in libya, a couple of harris. well, she took to the uh, the, to the podium, a cool she very famously dismissed, protest as before by standing on the side. fine speaking, well, she didn't acknowledge the protest outside a game. she did speak of a united country looking out at every one see the beauty of our great nation,
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people from every corner of our country and every walk of life are here united by our shared vision for the future of our country. perhaps the most surprising response, however, came from the outgoing president joe biden, who in his speech well, he did with us. the protest is, he said they have a points. he received huge poles when he said, and this was the only thing he didn't acknowledge. what's his own role in the conflicting dogs? a few days ago i put forward a proposal that brought us closer to doing that. then we've done since october 7th . we're working around the clock, my secretary of state, to run a wider war, reuniting hostages with the families and serge, you mandatory health and food assistance. and the guys are now
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the civilian policy people. and finally, finally, finally, deliver a c, sorry in this war when it comes to foreign policy, while i do, it is beautiful. obviously he mentioned ukraine and he said that this was his biggest achievement was brought of united so against previously. and he said the 3 is into the conflict, the ukraine is still free. i mean make about what you will. much of the rest of the speech was pretty much standard. electro fat. he spoke about a lot about his own recording of a 8 office praise to his handling of the economy. again, make about what you, what you will. and he spoke about immigration of course, and he spoke about the war. he took a couple of pump shots at donald trump as you would expect, but he's coming to goes, i would like to pose a bit of a problem for coming on her wrist. she will have that to do when she's expected to formerly ex,
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accepts the democratic nomination for the presidency like to this week, so long as will be on her. she values on her own vision. yeah. meantime, a unconfirmed report sent me a lot of allegations that the counselors campaigns talk to all these crowds. a lot of allegations that these pictures are being photo shops and even trump saying it as well that she didn't have thousands, she had a few 100 or whatever about all day to meet it. but the photoshop shows hundreds of thousands of people that oh, come on a so it's uh, you know, the deep stay is doing whatever it can to maintain its grip. right now. steve sweeney. thank you. well, that's a lot more of course, live shop. we just discussed this with political. i've list a filmmaker in skiing, right screen, right there is a show on starting joining us here with all the international and great to get you on. hey, what do you think just off the top of your head? did you enjoy the dnc convention? i mean it's, it's, it's difficult to enjoy these speakers from my,
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from my personal perspective. um, you know, it's to, it's always so much self congratulation. i think at the end of the day that goes in these type of events, and i don't, i don't necessarily see the, the clear vision for to, for america. there's a, there's certainly a lot of, as we mentioned before, sort of, you know, pot shots and criticisms ridicule of, of donald trump. that's certainly been the rallying cry of the democrats for the last 8 years. but as far as the actual policies and vision that they have, um i, i still don't see it. and i don't know if it's people that are looking beyond the image, right. and the loading of trump that they may have from the image side of things. if they, if they see a clear vision for america going forward. yeah, i mean, it was a very self congratulatory convention and wasn't a lot of a packing each other on the back and saying, well done, they've unified the country. i love it went bite and it says, we save democracy. what does that mean?
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i mean, what the health is that even me, that makes no sense. we save shot up. okay, just stop piping off this nonsense for god's sake. hey, what did you think of showing that strong comments from other republican congressman, a 10 budget? he said quote, the same democrats that have demoralized and defended all brave men and women of law enforcement. now the d and c relying on their protection from the jew hating monsters that policy has created. that's republican accomplishment, tend budget, say that i mean how widely is that take on the situation shed by us? what it does, if at all? sure. well that's always, that's always the, the double standard when it comes to the, the liberal elite right there. the 1st to say we want to get rid of a salt rifles they call, you know, i guess a, any kind of semiotics that machine guns they want to, you know, get rid of. but then when it comes to their personal security, they've got the security detail to the 1st people,
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the pick up and the phone and call the police, right? they have the there to get it fences and whatnot. and so i think this is very much the hypocrisy of the left and in and it's it's, it's fundamental to what the left has become hypocritical to me and it's, and it's hard at one level saying, you know, it's like bite inside the peace. protestors have a point. yeah, they do a point. would it be really done about it, jack, whatever you've really done this more for. yeah, yeah. right. let's stop this word. so i think what we want to show and listen we, we just, we're losing your connection for a 2nd. we're going to take a few moments, it just took divide rebooted but as i've got you on and we're going to get the signal sorted out, i wanted to ask you because on some media have speculated that this a democratic convention will be biden's swans. so i'm going to, i know, you know, that recently the republicans published a massive impeachment inquiry document a basically
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a choosing bite and of corruption. and we're going to talk about this in the very near future shortly. we're going to get you back online. we've just lost the connection, hey, with the show on starting a filmmaker on screen or the and just when a conversation was getting started, you see an interesting show on stand by will join you soon. and i thank you all for your patients as well. but the executive treatment of the newly formed american communist party has all been draws parallels between the crack down on protests against the vietnam war. and today's events on the streets of america. it demonstrates the relationship between the curtailment of domestic us civil liberties. with the united states as foreign commitments in order to carry out a very unpopular vietnam or the us government had to resort to forms of brutality and repression against its own people. and something similar is happening in the case of the gaza genocide today, which is deeply unpopular among many young people in this country who have awakened
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to the crimes of that the, that israel has been committed. well, actually it's a big mis, that the democratic party is a champion of the funding, the police. we can see, for example, in the funding of the so called cops city in atlanta, in georgia. the democrats were fully behind it. and when it comes to protecting the us, as for an interest, not only do the democrats and the liberals like to make use of police force, they also are fans of employing the f, b. i and other intelligence agencies to crack down against the so called the for and so, so versus, so it's no surprise that the democrats are making use of excessive police force and presence in order to defend their deeply unpopular foreign policy agenda and palestine. so it was a job, i didn't know making a speech to kick off the democratic national convention. let's get back now. the show and started with a film, film maker and screen. while the joining got thrown off the show me, we've got the signal back up and running. i hope you can hear me. ok. i wanted to
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just get back to where i was, cuz we were just getting to the really good bits of, of a conversation here. because so media speculating this b and c convention is bite in swan song. you've now seen it. republicans publishing a massive impeachment inquiry document. there are now these allegations that are starting to come out the items. oh my goodness me might be guilty of corruption and lining his pockets. got i couldn't even really lovely. imagine that happening? sure. what are your thoughts please? it's about time or my thoughts mean they've let this guy run, run the country or, or not him really. i think the administration behind him was we know, i mean, he didn't even have to have the courage and his whole speech basically where he's saying, well, i love america so much that i'm stepping down the wires, stepping down. joe, the tell us the truth. you have to venture, you know, be honest right here. if you have some medical elements, you know, you're not going to be honest with us. okay? so as far as the corruption goes, i mean this is kind of been the heart of the allegations, going back to the laptop which saw again,
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we knew was not russian. this information when it was released, the fbi, i had it since i believe a 2019. it was released before the election in 2020 that you know, near post and others picked it up. they were censored visits by them. story. and this obviously proved a lot of the allegations that we had known about joe biden being corrupt through his son hunter. and having essentially, who knows, the whole network of, of, of banks and things that were set up to for, for joe, the big guy to get his profit from his sons dealings. but the point being that this, whoops, not before the 2020 election and for 4 years, you know, this was suppressed. it was light about, they said it was russian. they said it was made up. and then come on. this has been in the guy's hands for 5 years, and now we're finally getting some subtraction. i mean this is, this is the whole point of however, i'm not sure what are you hearing from dr. barton? we're hearing i have democracy. i've saved democracy. here's a guy who was lining his pockets, helping his kid hunter, getting this contract with ukraine's but ridgemont lining his pockets. it was hung
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. so setting his amazing paintings to invest as or i mean, just give me a, i'm so tired of this crap. i mean, honestly, i mean think people are starting to see through the show and i really, really hope they all let me ask you this. maybe people are seeing through this. so maybe i'm, i'm pulling at somebody's lake here, a lot of a democrat of orientated the newspapers a published a new so, but he's new polls saying come a lot higher as is now way ahead of trump. in the poll, your thoughts shown, you know, what is, what is reality? i mean, when it comes to like ability polls, likeability vols, maybe she's a head. i mean, i stop all today that i think it was cbs put out wherever, when it came to inflation economics, the border, trump was crushing her in those categories. yeah. so you know, it comes to a generic, you know, do you like some one more? sure. you know, you know, we don't like trump because he's a brash and he's a and within a very, you know, sexist or whatever you want to say about him. but when it comes to policies, i don't know that anyone would say come,
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all his policies are stronger. and that's the problem right now. you're in the phase of image, you know, they pulled, they pulled the bait and switch. so late in the game the dnc did, they didn't, but they didn't let anyone vote in the primaries. yeah. for for comma law. right. they got by into the primaries. they kicked out bobby kennedy junior. they keep the american layer of williams and everybody. no one could contend with with bite and, but then they pull the bait and switch certain ones in love with this the honeymoon phase, right? this is a bunch one of kamala will, who hasn't really engaged with a debate or a serious interview or serious policy questions. except now pulling out price controls and giving everyone $25000.00 for that 1st house, which is only going to create more inflation and more excess government spending. so, i mean, is it, is this a realistic goal? the agenda for, for america? well, i mean, that means i have these democratic orange and papers of reducing these new polls and campbell those way in the late. but there are so many people that will on these different telegram channels, who are going out with that phones that cameras, speaking to people in wal mart that people speaking to people and even starbucks
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speaking to people on the streets and they're asking them trump well kamala, trump will come out and almost all of the mustang trump, but don't listen to these people. these people are idiots, right? the mainstream media says camera has got to be the next pick, does support camera. then you've lost something in your head. political ad listed filmmaker in screen why the show and started it's always. busy good to get you on. thanks a lot for your time. a good. thank you. so, with that job, i didn't basically, i making a speech to kick off the whole d n. c convention and all that of the house. republicans seem intent on raining. will the democrats parade now, publishing along the way, he'd report on by doing impeachment to inquiry, making some bombshell allegations. joe biden has exhibited contact and taken actions that the founder sought to guard against in drafting the impeachment, provisions in the constitution, abuse of power for an entanglements, corruption and obstruction of investigations into these matters. the actual
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impeachment inquiry was actually only formalized back in december, but since then, it's come to a number of very important conclusions. like the fact that since 2014, the buying families being accused of having received over $27000000.00 from foreign entities. the sources of this money apparently being concealed through a number of shell companies. and the inquiry also accused, as defines of receiving over $8000000.00 worth of loans from rich democrats, which may very well be simply cover ups for outright bribes really. and what terms of the president's son hunter biden joe is being accused of using his political status to essentially give his son hunter and bunny fer business advantage. and it's even being a lives that the justice department had tried to protect hunter, bite him from some sort of criminal prosecution on top of all that, i mean the house republicans are accusing the white house is trying to obstruct this inquiry by withholding documents and witnesses as well now,
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it's also important to understand that this was all released on the opening day of the democratic national convention. and of course, the democrats see this employee as a sort of attempts to get pay back at them for their own impeachment of donald trump. during his presidency, but funny enough, the republicans are using the same measuring sticks that the democrats used in terms of making the call on impeachment, president by the knowingly participated in the conspiracy to monetize his office of public trust to enrich his family. under the standard, articulated by house democrats in 2019 impeachable abuse of power occurs when the president exercises official power to obtain an improper personal benefits. while ignoring or enjoying the national interest. present by does actions are consistent with this standard. so far, the speaker of the house mike johnson has praised this report, but there has not yet been any actual official talk of bringing the articles of impeachment to the house floor. still, it's been quite
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a while since joe biden brushed off the very 1st corruption allegations that were leveled against him in his family. the most notable of which being of course, the 2019 controversy around hunter's appointment to the board of directors of the ukrainian energy company prisma. he had absolutely no experience in the energy industry. and this took place after the 2014 q data and ukraine euro, my dog, which is father, who is vice president at the time, completely supported. and when are you creating a prosecutor actually launched a criminal investigation into hunter's appointment jo by them not only threatens the key of government, but then brag about doing so later on. so i'm telling you, we're not getting a $1000000.00. i said, you're not getting a 1000000000. i'm going to be leaving here. i think it was about 6 hours. i look as i'm leaving, it's 6 hours and the prosecutor is not fired. you're not getting the money. oh, son of a bitch. got fired and they put in place someone who was solid. of course, however,
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millions of dollars the buying family made when joe biden was vice president. they pale in comparison to the billions of dollars of us taxpayer money that's been sent to ukraine under the byte and presidency. and it's anyone's guess really how long it's going to take to investigate and understand just where all that monday actually when the 1st place. so can you imagine it's already been what over a decade has passed now, yet libya remains play by the k or take events of 2011, which of course are shape the future of not only the country but the whole region. or does he go on? where is the code name of the for an in color shipments of the country, the western leaders of the time, hail the fall of could daffy the country's capital, was captured by rebels and libya was engulfed in an okay. from our good, i think as last legitimacy to lead and he must leave
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the there is a conspiracy to control to be an oil, to control the libyan land, and to call nice libya again. this is impossible, impossible. and we will fight into the last man and woman to defend olivia we came, we saw, died, shows the world you would get rid of any types of jews, freedom fees, the southern ugly piece of history, right. the more right now. and of course,
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a lot the most r e c and the former spokes person for the libyan government moves a very good morning to you, but my goodness may want an anniversary to talk about. here. you sold tripoli for all those years ago with your own eyes, and there we have. we just been running the sound bites of nicholas that cozy. and david cameron talking about freedom and democracy and all this the same be yes, you always get from the same health periods. what do you remember from those early days of being coach and when you, sol? triple a full. as we stood told uh for the sake of our country, let's remind your of yours this morning that the vast majority of libyans stood with get duffy against the for an invasion. it was the very small but not in some of the cities then funded that's supported by the might
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of nato, plus of uh, the satellites, governments from around the world floor to floor and join the attack on such a small country. with the pretense to introduce democracy, human rights, and economic development to what was have been the richest country in africa, very happy to what was of been the leading african country and out of the notion of the politics and unifying the african continent. i saw it with my own eyes, of course i wasn't chip with you to present think ability on government. and i saw how young libyan men and women i for to with everything they have to keep the countries say thing. i'm united and we gave up, or we gave more than $50000.00 markets. so most of them civilians. as a matter of fact,
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more than 50000 air rates where executed fi nato from as see them. and yeah, and uh, thousands of tons of rockets on bombs, came and lived in cities and then guys, the tripoli city. so that's based upon the visa bombs of freedom and democracy. right. i mean, hold on, i mean, hold on, you, you nailed it. when you said libya was the most prosperous country in africa so that you have your typical g 7 countries going hey, let's bring freedom of democracy for the most prosperous country in africa. i, let's bomb it back to the stone age to g g thing that we're already she might have terry and grounds for the minute to reaction because that they were saying that could, that is a bad mind. these are dictated. he's a this and he's at that, but meantime, i mean, she might have turned around for the bombing of libya. what, what do you, what do you think? what was the whole point of, as we do not have to speculate its being now at 15 years after the fall
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of chipley and the west and the so called international community have not been able to pull one single shop against, gets out of the, his government or the people who work with him is the crites. uh that we would accuse that which true. i would not be able to be talking to you right now. i would be in prison. uh, but they had more than 15 years old to take control of the 50 to take control of the 5 for the documents, the crime scene, so to speak. and they haven't been able to prove one crime against humanity in any libyan or international court. however, what we see in libya now is a total destruction of the country as everyone who follows the news, even from a 5 knows libya now, is i fav states. we have to governments in the country competing.
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and we can't even agree on the position of the head, the philip young central bank. we have to apply the limits. we have come through the 2, hundreds of munitions that do not belong to the need because by d, as you know, it became a slave market for us because for years then it became the main base for i sense in the whole world for a few years. as well be as board, those are probably related most of the army funding for the rest of the groups and decided to be sure of africa, not even new shit. and just and, but, you know, frazzled actually comes from the south of nivia where nato admitted to me and funding a legitimate to groups. well, that's no, no surprise i think, and that no surprise there at all most are i appreciate you explaining that for us . i mean, you know, that's just don't forget, let's not forget that. we'll knock it out for you that the leader of the most prosperous country in africa, who was, he wanted to irrigate the saw hara, i mean,
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talk about amazing plans, but no capacity was raped. he was sort of mice and he was murdered, a made to europe and nato is campaign for freedom and democracy just very, very quickly. i got very little time had most, i could not the one that said islam will come to europe without raising a sold. you've got 30 seconds to explain that comment for me, please. what good that he always expected from a low but south point of view. we actually was on the sides of the citizens of the global south to controlled that not all natural resources. and they all said that the reason for africans, for example, and many people for most of the country is to go to europe, is because their own the sources of properties. while european corporations, i'm european government. and he said it's a be fitting punishment for europe. that now it's filled up with most of the
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mattress. it's that reminds us of the colonial and history of fuel and what it does to africa and the globe of solving gender. and he said that the only way for africans to stay where they are is if they gain back their resources and control their own destiny, away from the influence of the hedge. and many of you will be in corporations. and he was that i most able to see him as a former spokesman for the libyan government with a very putnam comments or rough uh, conversation has been a pleasure. mussa. thank you very much for your time. thank you, dear. thank you. well, the sticker on his account for an exclusive interview coming up next here on this network, it's a, a close close personal chat with the foreign relations advisor to the palace. opinion president, coming your way in just a moment right here. this is audience. it's been 10 months since the war began and intense daily bombings came to guys up


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