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tv   News  RT  August 20, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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so we have to get rid of everything the the thousands of pro palestinian protesters gathering outside the democratic national convention in chicago, ultimately defined the policy support of israel as war on the gospel ball. but since october, the 7th, it has been extremely challenging to receive news from my family because that's a long make a phone call, especially since they're not at home anymore, violence and gaza showing no sign of of a college student students who found a new home in indonesia continue living in fear of a while read to bed and loved ones back at home. we hear that story is bit later in the program. and over a decade on libya remembers the events of 2011,
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which plunged the country the tale. sa, pro western let incursion to remove capacity from power and had him again the from washington to chicago, tripoli and jakarta. love to talk about an hour during this live hour from most going out to you international. so as the democratic national convention kicked off in, chicago's thousands of pro palestinian protests is gathered outside the venue, admit the ongoing war on gaza. demonstrate as from president biden's policies of support for israel, which come a lot higher as of course, the democratic know many as also apparently aligned herself of the
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boss being the boss was so far of the democratic national convention this talk of units that you seemingly ignoring what's going on just outside, where the convention is being held. we've seen the files in his old pro palestinian protests is up to 20000 according to organizes. and of course that i'm good over biden's support for as well. they've given him the nickname genocide, joe, for his support for the coming on slaughter in dollars. and now course the power that was helping draw on with the democratic national convention in 1968 also taking place in chicago. xt in the history of the united states. this was, of course with thousands of on the vietnam war protesters decided on the convention and that they were met with a very hostile response from the police. that was
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a huge, violent protest of the political trial. the chicago 7 to cool, so eventually acquitted. so this came a very turbulent time in the united states and also for the democratic parties of the power. and it was a very clever and very obvious. we can hear from some of those who are on the ground about protest. now, the people are saying that the democrats are the lesser of 2 evils. but, you know, i have been seeing video after video of children's bodies blown to pieces the lesser of 2 evils. that fight in harris administration during the year b b,
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b, the for these huge, very angry protest. secuity has been incredibly tied to anticipate action of these demonstrations, perhaps favoring the kind of riots that was seen back in 1968. now those protests, so fall, had been lost, the piece was low as we have seen that were attempts to break that security fence. and there were these allegations of a pallets of bricks being strategically positioned outside the convention center. i'm not gonna even speculate who may have been behind that reminds me of via them and, and been past events and similar as well. let me, let me ask you what we drove by and, you know, you see the violence outside the conventions and you, you see all these protest, joe biden hits the stage. he says, we've saved democracy. i don't even know where he's getting his ideas anymore. anyway, actually, from the democrats, say, well of course, as the opening of the,
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of the d and c, as you'd expect the big cases of taken to the podium, one of those of a being hilary clinton, that she receives a 2 minute standing evaluation. come with the harness again. she took to the podium team. very exciting mistake became a name of a recent comment saying, i'm speaking of. she refused to listen to those probably politically and protests as now. when she took her to the podium again, she came back to that was where she spoke of the united country. looking out at every one see the beauty of our great nation, people from every corner of our country and every loss of life are here. united by our shared vision for the future of our country. perhaps surprising be the outgoing president joe biden, when he took to the podium to make his outgoing speech well,
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he did as nobody's to protest. and he even said, well, they have a point. he was seeing huge pools when to have a top thumping speech coding to end the war. the one thing he didn't acknowledge, however, was his role in the own going on stories and goals. a few days ago i put forward a proposal that brought us closer to doing that. we've done since october 7th. we're working around the clock. my secretary of state run a wider were reunited hostages with the families. and sir, do you manage your health and food assistance and the gods are now city people? and finally, finally, finally deliver a c, sorry this for well, i mean, the protest as outside did,
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they will accuse by didn't all of hypocrisy. his administration has, of course, recently agreed i an extra bottom put $20000000000.00 us dollars a military aid to as well. this includes 5 to gets an add to this house and the cost of binding the administration again as opposed to the international criminal court pro, into potential war crimes. and these arrests weren't sold for your guidance and benjamin netanyahu, a biden, for his portal. he refuses to acknowledge that as well is coming out to genocide and there's no indication that congress is set to break with biden's policy. of course, no, there's one question of just i'm dying to ask you this because i drove by and on the podium, one of his biggest things that he said we saved democracy. attorney, i don't even know what that means anymore. well, let's break this down a little bit of a democracy, undefined in his seeing a clump down on protests, a clump down on press freedom. of course, at least 12 during this well rested last year. were like many of those were
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covering probably pa, this time demonstrations. of course the attempt to expedite judy and this onto the weekend weeks, co founder, the binding of some forward media organizations. and again, the into a new process is the election process is inside america itself. and being holly, be criticized. did joe biden ready with in, in 2020 pulls? that was the big question that led to be capitol hill, right, is when it comes to the democrats, that, of course, come with the harris who she's been appointed. know elected 14000000 people across america, voted for joe biden in those primary elections. now that's saying that those folks count for nothing. now, when it comes to overseas, of course, the united states, huge boxes of ukraine, a country which well couldn't be described as democratic getting under any news kind of that description of the would of course, well, position policies have been shut down. all position media has been banned and of
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course, rolled him is lensky. what his term of office has ended on elections, humphrey and scraps. now we can talk about the u. s. interventions across the welding countries, including the rock, the libya, syria, of course, just recently in venezuela versus the united states administration. well, they decided that they were going to recognize the opposition tons of the window, gonzalez as the wheel when a hell of out election, just like they, they did before with one glide. so we've seen the see how these, this approach functions on countries where that it doesn't approve of the latest to try and for many, some kind of internal distance. and of course, we recently sold the threats made against georgia, so hopefully by doing this woods well. so much for saving democracy, executive chapman of the newly formed american communist party has been draws
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parallels between the crack down on protests against the vietnam war. and today's events in chicago. and it demonstrates the relationship between the could settlement of domestic us civil liberties with the united states as foreign commitments in order to carry out a very unpopular vietnam or the us government had to resort to forms of brutality and repression against its own people. and something similar is happening in the case of the gaza genocide today, which is deeply unpopular among many young people in this country who have awakened to the crimes of that the, that israel has been committed. well, actually it's a big mis, that the democratic party is a champion of the funding, the police. we can see, for example, in the funding of the so called cops city in atlanta, in georgia. the democrats were fully behind it. and when it comes to protecting the us, as for an interest,
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not only do the democrats and the liberals like to make use of police force, they also are fans of employing the f, b. i and other intelligence agencies to crack down against the so called the for and so, so versus, so it's no surprise that the democrats are making use of excessive police force in presence in order to defend their deeply unpopular foreign policy agenda and palestine. russian, the forces continue their offensive and the bone bass taking multiple settlements of just the last 2 weeks as they approach the key cities of the party that's kind of across most of those defense ministry provided the following footage, giving i believe, was behind the scenes that how come on isn't a catholic? i'm a flash. c'mon, pose. coordinate action on the ground. the troops using drones to take control of your crazy and bunkers with minimal losses. let's do the meanwhile, ukraine has developed his thousands of his troops to attack rushers, quarter region. when more than 120000 citizens have been evacuated from the area, a relocated to temporary housing facilities and other russian cities. so for now,
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here's a story of a family of many who had to flee there from i was in, but i had to take everyone in evacuated and i, we thought we'd hide somewhere for the night and come back. we took the documents and drove away. is we have 9 children, my 3 children and my mother in law's children. we have one big common yard. that's all, that's why we were all together. somehow i just threw package of documents into the car, took all the children and drove off. we thought we'd be back in the evening. everyone talked that no one thought that it would turn out the evening would dry gone for 2 weeks. the
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missionary sufficient and started a long time ago. i don't remember how long. and then one day at 3 o'clock in the morning, they started shooting, but we thought it would and soon, and it would go back to sleep. but ever since intensified, it became scary. then the drones started flying. they attacked without stopping. no breaks. the good one. yes, i killed, i was shocked at the ukrainians. joyful inside the ordinary people who stayed using ordinary because they just these guys themselves as ordinary citizens. but then when they would reach the places where they were most disobedient, cause they would open the windows and started shooting them directly at people's hatch or chill us to pick up
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a father and daughter were evacuating with us. they walked 40 kilometers as soon as they walk, she buried seville in this along the way. there was someone without a head already. the child suffered, saw too much at all, but they made it out. the last time you said i am sorry, we tried to organize something ourselves to introducing the children so that they get away from mental it. there are people who need help. our doors are always open for them. we will always help. we're well aware that these people have suffered deluxe. it's very scary. so we're trying in doing everything to ensure that the get away from it all the watching. so, you know, for doing, i would really like to go back home. it's my home,
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off tools. most of which we have in your maybe we'll come back some day. we believe in our army that our homes will be returned to us. palestinian students abroad. he'll be living in fear for the safety of their families ever since the thought of the war on guns all day correspondent rebecca end up with a blue mete to palestinian students who basically found a new home. we need an easier while the loved ones remain stuck in the was on and gaza. is the story? for many students studying abroad is a type of growth opportunity and hope for the future. but for our group of policy, the of students here in indonesia, this experience is mark by a deep and over whelming uncertainty media. right. and who's seen they are both from cause and currently pursuing their education in indonesia. right? is a master student at one of emissions fast for the 1st cities, study, electrical engineering and october 7th hit. everything changed for him. oh,
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by hon. yeah. i used to call my family every day. i would have a video called with my family and loan, what's going on since october the 7th. it has been extremely challenging to receiving news from my family. that's a long make a phone call, especially since they're not at home anymore. they are in the evaluation center, so i have to contact them user to know that. but the service is really poor. who's seen guard is currently working on his bachelor's degree, is womach business and beloved in in then state as lubbock university in lungful, he moved to the new media in december of 2022. not knowing that he may not be able to return home. no, all of his thoughts are with his family, but i'm doing that. but whenever i have extra money, praise be to god. i share it with my family for them to buy food drinks and medicine so they can live because their conditions are much more difficult than mine. here i can live, i can eat and i can drink in gaza. i don't know how they can survive it or who's
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seen was his family's designated chef. his favorite thing to cope for them was smoke. lu, bought a rice dish, which side tables and meat. but now it breaks his heart to think that his family has limited access to whose angels powerless as he is forced to watch their situation unfold from a distance to the center. there isn't even so they need soap and supplies to wash themselves and they don't have anything but the aid. and some of the aid that came in was of poor quality broken. they asked me to keep praying for them to be able to return to the north west. so we can meet again. don't forget to pray for us both right? and who's saying are trying to focus on their education to secure a brighter future for themselves and their families. but while the situation in guys are remain so unpredictable, they cannot deny that they find it difficult to concentrate on school. since october 7th,
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the conflict has escalated to new heights homes. this troy families torn apart and the future that more uncertain then ever. this is the news that so many nations much about their policy and do use a lawyer in jakarta. in march, he attended an event for the international league of people struggle in qual, alone for the air he met, had deal shatara, a policy me an educator and a graduate program administrator at the z university. but when he got back home, he received heartbreaking news. shatara had been arrested by is really forces on her way to the west bank and taken to the mc miss damon prison. no one has heard from her since to be honest uh, information about her. uh, it's not really clear and now it's very difficult for her lawyer as even to, to reach her. i think the for the prisoners including her in dublin prison there right now the father struggling for rights to cook their own food for themselves,
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even even that is difficult. so the, the condition and that one present is horrible. now do you and the nation palestine, a lions have been sharing her story on social media with help from somebody doing a palestinian prisoners solidarity network, jewish calling for an justly detain prisoners to be released. what happened to just shatara could happen to any palestinian. this is another fear ring has the on dry it and we'll see we will be be able to go back home even if they have to stay in asia. what will they do with the ongoing conflict? they're stuck feeling helpless, but they are trying to keep faith a life. i mean, he said, god bless you, move on this want to end with one of the people that should be able to breeze to be able to return to the homes, which i most likely destroyed. but at least the slaughter has stopped. i want to go back home after graduation. i really want to go home. however,
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if things continue as they are, it may be some time before that happens. if this continues until i graduate, i will surely be unable to return home and outside the the one thing is sure. the media will always be a 2nd home for right. and who's seen the country will give standing up for human rights and calling for the freedom of palestine. just like you and millions of other indonesians because nothing can break. these types of support that transcend borders over a decade has passed, yet libya remains plague by the chaos of 2011 odyssey dawn was the name of nato's attack on that country. western leaders of a time hailed the full and killing of bull america daffy but libya swiftly became intrenched in i'm a case of an economic and political collapse, thousands killed and the migration crisis fabi on his own borders being just a few of the consequences. well, margaret has lost legitimacy to lead and he must leave
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the model. there is a conspiracy to control the an oil, to control the libyan land, and to colonize, this is impossible, impossible. we will fight until the last man and woman to defend olivia, the freedom. the
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tripoli spokes person for the association of nato and was victims and libya. most off to are you says hundreds of civilians were killed by nato as bombing campaign in that country. the need to is there aggressive, to limit it to you, to use a new ways of trying to call alliance. other countries simply stated, whatever they call it, the front of the more expensive. it doesn't really matter. what matters is what does it need to do? what it has been do with the last 20 years or so, or at least in last 30 years in the world war ended and now was being used against a small countries just like libyan serbia and many of the other. so whatever didn't quite a big doesn't really make any difference. pat lease between $220.00. and one of
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them truly assumed with used word buying a to a raise. so would we be over at least 5 to 6 cities, especially in the western region of those victims. most of them were choose actually from lot of sleeping in their homes. they clued into women and children and their needs. and the we have the list of those symptoms including the kids as young as a few days in the 70 years old. the crack down on alternative voice is, continues messer has permanently bind the west asia and media outlet the cradle from both its facebook and instagram platforms. the news often stands accused of violating macros, rules by quote, praising terrorist organizations and inciting violence. if indeed your buying that
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according to the notice receive from the social media company. oh, pray, little profiles which gathered millions of views on instagram alone will be deleted . method claims, posts which are pro palestine or discussed as riley invasion plants for 11 on those . some of the reasons behind that decision i spoke earlier to see if i am the head of the social media and content creator at the cradle. she says she has little doubt the offload is being deliberately targeted. the hey, came after us for our wonder on nuanced reporting that amplifies these perspectives from our part of the world. and made us simply prevents that it's likely only allows for one side conversations to take place. the other side, which we have left by, involves naturally these regional political institutions and movements and the respective armed ways. and these are all, whether they like it or not, part of the social fabric of west asia and main players. and this ongoing unfolding story. whether it's how modest or the as long as he had,
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or humans on sort of law or has below or the higher g c in our region, these are legitimate entities and not terrorist. and we were for the most part, being very neutral in our coverage. we are new to our biases and what we choose to come or not how we cover things that got taken down were quotes. you know, the videos that actually bigger outlets were posting about and nothing happened to them. and this is one of the things that led us to believe that this was a deliberate decision from high up, which was what i had heard when talking with colleagues who knows some people in metro. this was not like an a i thing. this was a, you know, this was a deliberate decision taken by individuals from high up or wrapping up the program here at all to the international, all of us towards continuing on line. as you know at oxy, on the
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there was a time when i started to was abused to obtain power. steve divided the continental block for the amounts themselves. it was divided as a hunting ground. if we do not unite the corner knives as we come out again, we know that they are those who want the mazda continent to step and age, but the mazda clinton, and can never be stopped, because the mazda continent must be great. she will only be great on the shoulders of our sons and daughters on by the set. all right, so now click on the goodwill time full on let us confess about underground east to mazda upon the, the,
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the, because they already had a cps, because they kept the scroll. so i did that and then use their email fuel. just great if in to the urls, the nazi theory of racial superiority, finished style for years of creating an ssl all the place and 14 concentration comes. so the full prisoner of war labor comes 10 prisons. the you know,
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simpler deal is going on with. she's going to be in the venue, so i'm assuming you need even the chest is really to get all the fields. goodness people's going to be approximately 25000 people went through the occupied of go finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff suddenly level, it's shifted utility and i give you an idea. i'm not sure it's just the smallest of silver youngest. i mean, you know what the firm in disease forced labor to achieve by the world. so formulas. what was the last it also need, you know, blood certificate to you that, that it's a tier almost human off with those who put in his name, push these things up to give you what you want to do it because he doesn't do those thousands of test a massive crimes and the impunity of criminals. so when you look on here, you know, wanted to do to speed on the, on the did i tell you? yeah, for the good, i see it are really stuff on me. they decided to do. just got to do, please don't keep it, but this is danielle. i was booked at the law,
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the it's been 10 months since the war began and intense daily bombings came to guys up . despite the world calling for a ceasefire, the reality is civilian casualties continue to mount. in your opinion, why have calls for a true has fallen on deaf ears you know, uh the problem is the multi layered 1st you know, you have uh and is really government that, that uh does not. uh here does not this in government
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uh, composed of uh, extreme extreme uh right, fascist, even service. convinced that it was like these are the, the courts who see things from different perspective that you know the, them, either of them go to us. there is no the space or the place for all of us in the same place. and that's why they are working to expel us to replace us by destroying our presence in terms of the human lives, by destroying our future in terms of infrastructure construction. every think that stays where the government, those are the government feels immune.


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