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tv   News  RT  August 20, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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right, we have to get rid of everything. the the it is breaking, use this all alive with all the international. paula with n t of votes behind the ukranian, a little chuck to get over the quote, collaborating with most of the thousands of pro palestinian projectors gather outside the democratic national convention in chicago. ultimately defying the parties the board of israel's war on gaza. and over a decade on libya, remembers the events of 2011, which plunged the country to k o soft row western let encourage removed from power and have him give the
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with so much talk about this hour and august and corresponding standing by its so good of you to join us here for this hour on, on the international and we do started all now with breaking news. as the ukranian parliament has passed a law banning ukrainian orthodox church shop the months of persecution and accusations of, quote, collaborating with moscow. well, that's what i'm all right now with this breaking news story with autism on the east drawing out. joining us here in the studio this, i guess it was perhaps predictable in a sense, given the persecution of the church as being facing so much from keith over the last 2 years. especially. what else can you tell you cause problem into voted to buy the ukranian orthodox church and as well was supported by 265 deputies with 226 votes required for it to pass. now this was also expected to come into force after 30 days of its publication. and it was prepared under direct instruction is from
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president 0 as the now the quite in council of a religious organizations which consists of fries, rabbis, a moms of fully supported this decision. this is also an organization that is under government control as well. now this move comes a mid plains as far as to separate itself from russia, as they claim, as the ukranian orthodox church has direct links to the russian states. but these efforts have also resulted uh, 2 of the forensic persecution of followers of the church. and the move is also helping presidents landscape over and take full control of all these sites as well as for the folks at sites and places in ukraine. local authorities are bringing charges of prison as well as other crimes against the churches freeze has they have imposed sanctions against the police and the churches. but this whole situation, of course, did not go unnoticed by the older churches listed. we are very set and
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that to unprecedented persecution against the canonical orthodox church in ukraine, continues in full force. they accomplish this. m conspirators of these terrible acts against the canonical orthodox church and ukraine are the western political forces that are making every possible effort to destroy put an end to its existence and find an alternative to it. it is regrettable and said that given the car and persecution, there is destruction and looting of churches, theft of donations, arrests of bishops and priests, their persecution, and that of believers who did not want to change their church affiliation. unfortunately, today, all this is happening before our eyes. the whole world is watching, but no one is doing anything. you know, it seems that practiced in sweet and most of religion in ukraine is a little bit limited. i mean, in ukraine, it started, it 1st started with bad and political parties that they see as having some sort of relation to the russian state. now it has moved to churches. it begs the question
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that as to what next, do they expect to bad? yes, a very, very good point and then i think you're absolutely right to mentioned your last my, me the, you know, they, that, that is, it is great. g shutting down opposition policies. so let's be ranging him shutting down opposition media. now it wants to shut down to ukrainian orthodox church. the latest on this break and use of the mind that you sure. thank you. the meantime mowbray can use for you here on out. see where across the border to russia, the ukrainian forces, which of course invaded the course region 2 weeks ago. as we understand they've been completely stopped by russia's armed forces. that is, according to the ok mark. but tally and special forces come on to add. the army is now pushing tips troops out of the occupied settlements. while i'm at the fighting along the border more than 120000 citizens happy in iraq. from the area i relocated to a temporary accommodations in other russian cities. for now though, here was the story of
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a family of many who had to flee their ha. it was then that i had to take everyone and evacuated. and i think we thought we'd hide somewhere for the night and come back. we took the documents and drove away. if we have 9 children, my 3 children and my mother in law's children, we have one big common yard and that's all. that's why we were all together and literally somehow i just threw package of documents into the car, took all the children and drove off. we thought we'd be back in the evening. everyone and no one saw that it would turn out the evening would drag on for 2 weeks. the top still should have started
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a long time ago. i don't remember how long. and then one day at 3 o'clock in the morning, they started shooting. but we thought it would, and soon it would go back to sleep. but adverse and intensified became scary then the drollest of its line, they attacked without stopping. no, breaks the little one. yes. okay. what i was shocked at the ukrainians. joyful inside the ordinary people who stayed using the ordinary because they just these guys themselves as for the rest of this question, but then when they would reach the places where they were most of the city that cause they would open the windows and started shooting them directly with those hats for chip, give us a father and daughter were evacuating with us. they walked 40 kilometers as soon as
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they walk to buried in this along the way. there was someone was out ahead already the child suffered, saw too much at all, but they made it out the last time you said i am. so they tried to organize something ourselves to entertain the children so that they get away from mental if there are people who need help, our doors are always open for them and we will always help. we're well aware that these people have suffered deluxe. it's very scary, so we're trying in doing everything to ensure that they get away from it all the fortune sooner doing i would really like to go back home. it's my home. i told most of which we have in here. maybe we'll come back some day. we believe in our army
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that our homes will be returned to us. meanwhile, while you kind of of thousands of troops for its failed attack on the corner of the region, russian forces continue there offensive in the don't bottles taking multiple supplements over the last 2 weeks as they approach the case. it is of pretty ask and for crow, i must goes defense ministry. i provided this but here just giving a glimpse behind the scenes that how come on those and calculate kind of last come on post positions coordinate action on the ground, the troops using drones to take control of your trade in funds. so as the democratic national convention kicked off in chicago, thousands of pro palestinian protests. so it's gathered outside the venue and made the ongoing will run gaza demonstrate as slam president biden's policies of support for israel, which come on a higher risk. of course, the democratic nominee has also apparently aligned herself with of the
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not speaking the buzzwords so far of the democratic national convention. this talk of units that you seemingly ignoring what's going on just outside, where the convention is being held. we've seen the files in his old pro palestinian protest is up to 20000 according to organizes and of course that i'm good over biden's support for as well. they've given him the nickname genocide, joe, for his support for the coming on slots in dollars. and now course. 3 the power that was helping draw on with the democratic national convention in 1968 also taking place in chicago, xt in the history of the united states. this was,
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of course, with thousands of on the vietnam war. protests has descended on the convention and that they were met with a very hostile response from the police. that was a huge, violent protest of the political trial, the chicago 7 to cool, so eventually acquitted. so this came a very turbulent time in the united states and also for the democratic policies. and the power levels are very clear and very obvious. we can hear from some of those who are on the ground about protest. now, the people are saying that the democrats are the lesser of 2 evils. but you know, i've been seeing video after video of children's bodies blown to pieces the lesser of 2 evils that fight in harris and ministration. doing the
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the the the, the, the huge, very angry protest secuity has been incredibly tied to on to the patient. all these demonstrations perhaps favoring the kind of riots that was seen back in 1968. now those protests, so the phone had been launch the piece was low, as we have seen that were attempts to break that secure, which event that what these allegations of the pallets of bricks being strategically positioned outside the convention center. i'm not going to even speculate who may have been behind that reminds me of via them and then from past events and similar as well. let me, let me ask you what we drove by and you know, you see the, the violence outside the convention center. you,
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you see all these protest, joe biden hits the stage, he says, we've saved democracy. i don't even know where he's getting his ideas anymore. anyway, actually from the democrats to, well, of course as the opening of the, of the d and c, as you'd expect the big cases of taken to the podium. one of those are being hillary clinton. she received a 2 minute standing evaluation coming to how much the game she took to the podium. she very famously became a name of a recent comment saying, i'm speaking of. she refused to listen to those types of this lovely young princess is now 5. when she took her to the podium again, she came back to that was where she spoke of the united country looking out at everyone to see the beauty of our great nation. people from every corner of our country and every walk of life are here united by our shared vision for the future of our country. perhaps surprising
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the outgoing president joe biden, when he took to the podium to make his uh, outgoing speech, where he did not use the product testers. and he even said, well, they have a point. he receives huge pools when to have a top thumping speech coding to end the war. the one thing he didn't acknowledge, however, was his role in the old building on stores in gauze a few days ago. i put forward a proposal that brought us closer to doing that. we've done since october 7th. we're working around the clock. my secretary of state run a wider were reunited hostages with the families. and sir, are you mandatory health and food assistance? and the guys are now the civilian policy people. and finally, finally, finally, deliver a c,
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sorry, this or well, i mean, the protest as outside did, they will accuse by doing all of hypocrisy. his administration has, of course, recently agreed i an extra bottom put $20000000000.00 us dollars a military aid to as well. this includes 5 to gets an add to this house and the cost of bonding the administration again, as opposed to the international criminal court pro into potential war crimes. and these arrests weren't sole video guidance and benjamin netanyahu a biden for his possible he refuses to acknowledge that as well is coming out to genocide. and there's no indication that congress is set to break with biden's. pull this up cost on this one question. i've just, i'm dying to ask you this because joe biden on the podium, one of his biggest things that he said we saved democracy by 20, i thought even what that means anymore. well, let's break this down
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a little bit of a democracy, undefined in his seeing a clump down on protests, a clump down on press freedom of course, at least 12 during this for the rest of last year. like many of those were covering probably palestine. demonstrations, of course the attempt to expedite duty and as long as the wiki leaks co founder, the binding of some forward media organizations. and again, the into a new process is the election process is inside america itself, but being highly criticized the job, i didn't really, we and in 2020, of course, that was the big question that led to be capital hill rise when it comes to the democrats so, of course, come on the harris who she's been appointed, no elected 40000000 people across america, voted for joe biden, in those primary elections. now they're saying that those folks count for nothing. now when it comes to overseas, of course, the united states, huge backers of ukraine, a country which well couldn't be described as democratic and under any new kind of
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uh, description also would of course, well position policies have been shut down. opposition media has been banned and of course, rolled him. is lensky. what his term of office has ended on elections have been scrapped and we can talk about the us interventions across the welding companies, including a rock, the libya, syria, of course, just recently in venezuela, the united states administration. well, they decided that they were going to recognize the opposition kind of the window gonzalez as the real winner of that's election just like they, they did before with one glide. so we've seen the scene of these, this approach functions on countries where that it doesn't approve of the latest to try and for many, some kind of internal defense. and of course, we recently sold the threats made against georgia. so, you know,
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for old body is woods. well, so much for saving democracy. so it's he years ago today, rebel 5 years in libya back, hopefully by nato sees control of the countries capital triple the in a bit to house. then lead of all of our capacity over a decade later, libya remains played by the k also 2011. at the time, nato countries, lowest mass as strikes on libya, killing hundreds of civilians. revel, sizes of bones to the outskirts of tripoli, taking control of arms depots and military bases. 2 months later, we'll knock it off. he was kept captured and killed. despite libya to setting it to an old buck, failed state in the optim of western officials seemed to have no regrets. the 3 came, we saw died. and while nato countries turn the tide and libya civil war and play the crucial role and bring it down, the leader, then the government spokes person the most an equal to he in describing data. it
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was a force of ego. earlier today he joined me on the program, he told me that was no justification for the aggression against his country. it's been now at 15 years after the full of tripoli and the west and the so called international community have not been able to pull one single shot against get down to see his government. or the people who worked with him is the crimes that we were accused of. which true, i would not be able to be talking to you right now. i would be in prison. but they had more than 15 years of to take control of the 50 to take control of the 5 documents, the crime scene, so to speak. and they haven't been able to prove one crime against you. mind that the any libyans, international court, we stood told for the sake of our country,
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vast majority of libyans stood with get duffy against the for an invasion. it was the very small minority in some of the cities that funded supported by the mice of nato's plus of uh, the lights governments from around the world for, for i joined the tax on such a smooth country with the pretense to introduce democracy human rights. and economic development to what was to been the richest country in africa, big kathy, to what was in the lead, the african country in english. and that he politics and unifying the african continent. and so the road to hell is paved with good intentions. one way to describe nato's so called she might have harry and mission
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in libya. it was sold for the world as an operation to save civilians and free the country from oppression. the left libya and ruined creating instability for the region and beyond. most the able to him, i got, and he told me through the repercussions of nathan's attack, and that's what you see in libya now is a total destruction of the country as everyone who follows the news, even from a 5 knows libya now is i fav states we have 2 governments in the country competing. we can't even agree on the position of the head. the philippians central bank. we have to part of limits. we have come through it showed you hundreds of munitions that do not belong to believe you can fuzzy, as you know, did be i became a slave markets for us weekends for years. then it became the main base for ices in the whole world. for a few years as well,
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maybe as well. those are probably related. i'm most of the art of being on funding for gutter as the groups and decided to be sure of africa, not in the sheer chest. and but the, the price of actually comes from the south of libya where nato admitted to on being and funding uh, is it that mr. greens and, or that to say good that. yeah, well let's get on the story now of course, and go out to lot of our international consultant research and joining us at live on, on the international mr. boss. thank you for coming on the program during what, what is a, i guess, a wretched tragic tragedy going back to 2011 nato's incursion against the baby? of course, the western media, the political establishment, they will describe it as freeing the country from could not freeze rule. do you think the bombing campaign attempting to bomb olivia back to the stone age? do you think the plumbing campaign was based on humanitarian grounds?
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thank you for you all in addition, i think that it's a new addition rhetoric of, uh, not to those and list and states that it's dictation of this to compare and bumping the was a deals in it justified about according to this audition in 1973 of the 19th they should have separate debussy, but to this resolution, the deductible tri, okay, of bumping, it's a dry simply the notes i. so it's have a great the is they between the 2 concept is the 1st the cost today. and the 2nd one is the, the dissolution of libya. is the for me, is it a, a for with defense because it's school today do, do, do,
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do this face state and is have a cut of people with defects. and they've got to detect this type of a this, i have reasons, i've said my colleague and bustle to, to constitute a really great impact of insecurity. used to be a country. it's an interesting point. i think that and who might, if i could, if i can jump here for a 2nd, i really appreciate you saying that because more market daffy, he was known for keeping like an iron fist on the north african border. he actually prevented a lot of illegal migration from heading into europe. he was, in a sense, a shield against illegal migration to europe. but why would your opinion leaders be so keen to remove him from power, given the predictable consequences move? i cannot, if he did say, is law and will come to europe without raising a sold. yes,
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i think that it says that it mistake for me to give you, give him because he was a repo. let me go show me the ration from optics. i think on so southern country to europe, but also he was, he did off to division of this thing, attending integration, the clinic integration for africa. and there's plenty of time even was the cost you did to didn't really we, we've become an e money into hard for her to pick up 2012, the price by the keys up to the key of to kind of the stuff. this is kind of the of the, of the conventions because the conditions and just have it because it comes up to date to the position. yeah. oh yeah. i think, i think is a fair statement. the g thing lot is it possible,
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but libya was too successful under the rule of code on the market for you. the reason i ask you that is because it was the most prosperous nation in africa. it had the best infrastructure that had the free housing for new families, the government would pay families to have children. and then of course, we'll look at that the one of the era gate, the saw hara desert. i'm chick counsel us petro donna, to be replaced by a pine african goal being, are it's an idea that saddam hussein also had, did you think his id is more like at offering? do you think they were a problem for his uh, western cohorts a good. exactly. but i think that to the government of the economic devin, that of the moment of cut out the was based on because doing he's a is there any team each? yeah. had around the $11000.00 back about a year. mm hm. okay. so successful,
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it couldn't be much economic to policies in his country and also is that the same as the country. but he has also some of the, some of the contradictions. and he's a foreign policy. because the what he was the bond by the width once and after that the time to, to come back and to have some deed with them. and it's was, it was very set time for him. well, you're a member soc cosy, the former french president nicholas tacos, the he welcome to move, mock it down for you out from the cold and embraced. and why? because could that fee gave the french president soccer was a $5000000.00 euros for his re election campaign. and what happened then, nato invades libby, a palms that have out of it, and little mcafee is not just mowed, and he was sort of my eyes raped and killed lamar. any last comments on this conversation? yes, it's a kind of superstition,
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but i have to defend the just the decision for that. yeah, i'm waiting for that and to see if it's real or not because if they could defend issue for me. thank you back. yeah, it's been, it's been so good having you on the program who lot of buys an international consultative research, a joining us live from powers. thank you very much for your time. thank you very much. just to thank you. what is the ability does continue to hold libya of the countries central bank, briefly suspended operations off the one of its key employees was kidnapped by unknown assailant. official was like a returned on the incident came shortly after the bank was perceived by um, minutes or so ago. quick uh, sign up for you here. you know, during nato as bombing of libya, a 170 tons of libby and gold simply disappeared. the same thing happened during the us sponsored might, on coo and t,
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as in 2014 ukraine's gold. just opt and vanished. meantime, counselors countries want big gold back and i'll repatriated from america and the u . k. but who are these countries? well poland, hungary, romania, germany, nigeria, south africa, gonna send a gold, come around algeria, egypt, saudi arabia, they all want that gold back and get this. it all comes is $159.00 countries have signed onto the bridge new payment system, which is expected to be paid to go. so it is a pace of $55.00, and then hello, multi polar new welding. the a beautiful sun soaked, the vineyards nestled among some rest, taking the rolling hills as
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a gentle breeze comes off of the surrounding sea comic imagery of french wine country. but this is not france. we are in a coupon at russia on the black sea, where recently they've got a serious about making some world class one. we are, which are ours, that makes you know, i'm not gonna let you care about me. if you care about the play. i wish somebody could just tell me why this is their hair patriot lynching beating poverty. why supremacy is just the disgusting campbell, the people of mississippi voted on a flyer, and 65 percent of the people voted to keep the car why our purposes to defend a good name and it's a better. so,
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because of these monuments that you see everywhere are not, they're not monuments to the considered government. they're monuments to the, to the soldiers, to the veterans. you know, if we're going to be offended by everything, every negative part of our history, we have to get rid of everything the, the of wanting to come here since i was 121 my grandfather told me his mom came from russia of iraq. i was part russian. i didn't plan on staying this long and i was gonna look around, i was gonna see if it was for me that like it, maybe i'll look at some properties come back in a few more years after i'm retired and then just finish out life in russia but then i came and then i was like, i don't remember when i go home, that's how i felt about rush. i love it. i love it so much here that i don't even want to leave. i just want to travel around.


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