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tv   News  RT  August 20, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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smart, safe, has it been? let's stop without please. is that spelled out of the breaking news with a dollar? there's a number. you can call victor russell's defense ministry reports on the successful liberation of strategic being pulled in the areas across the front lines and pulls up writing this out. keith, paula lender to the bottom. the example is, adults choosing antelope collaborating with last 5 decade on. and it'd be remembers the of buttons in 2011, we plugged into that 10 feet to k off submitting could remove you from power. i then killed the promo code to the wall. this is all i see. it is good to have your company today.
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we saw it with the training conflicts. russian forces have been gaining glad on the front lines of a liberating strategic being both in areas and almost positively to defend smith as a result of the active actions of the units of the army groups that are one of the largest elements of the rest of the ration and strategically important logistics coming up, garage good of the didn't ask people's republic has been liberated, as well as the read that costs are relative, joins me now in the see do read, i always good to see you got some updates when we believe well so situation in don't bucks for the written you crazy me and me right now. yes. well the situation for the ukrainian army and the don't boss is not looking very good because russian, the forces are continuing to liberate. like you said, the keys should see jake, uh, areas there and really some men sitting there, hold on to don't boss. and in particular, the don't,
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that's the people's republic. now we're getting reports that cross is next. that's where the next key battle will take place. and for cross is one of ukraine's main defensive strongholds and also logistics helps. so liberate inputs across would really allow russian forces if they manage to do that, to liberate the entire republic. so that is where everyone is focusing on and put in their efforts. and it seems that ukrainian officials are starting to panic. the situation is very tense and it is getting worse, while po cross still has 2 weeks according to calculations. myrna grad does not have that time. myrna grad has only a few days left, maybe a day to 3 least across miracle grad cindy. the never going to meet sneed. never grow the sca and everything nearby as soon as possible. yes, i know about the problems with information about the strange rotations of the military. the last villages on the unprepared fortifications. so let me know what
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about the mountain scene bouncing ukrainian losses, like you said, announcing that ukrainian death. so is growing versus administratively defenses. issue and statistics almost on a daily basis. and we're seeing that the death toll for ukrainian soldiers that seem to thousands, almost daily, and actually ukrainian fighters themselves have reported that the situation got worse after their incursion. and so of course they're saying that they're getting less munition, a lot of them are reporting that there are loss, confused and disoriented. no one is really understands what is going on. and also we're seeing, it seems at one stage that everyone agrees on, including in the wes, was that this incursions really backfired for them. russian soldiers are still grinding their way through. ukrainian defense is capturing villages and towns and bringing mosque out closer to the stated goal of complete control of the domestic region in eastern ukraine. well, key of does not comment on casualties. the incursion has already come into material
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cost, so not only has it backfired for them, but it made russian forces, it seems as recurring and soldiers are reporting as well. i'm more determined that really amplified their force. yeah, it's really interesting that is what's happening and don't last until the about different areas that the russian forces are. they bless a little bit, marina, if you don't mind about the coolest clue for that. saw over though, that we've heard that the past of the russian forces have, in fact stopped with home to any more you clean in advisors in the close, garret hasn't been completely liberated. now let's look at it as a whole chorus school supposed to be the game changer for t a, right? that's what they believed in washington as well, but it turned out to be a complete disaster really, because according to russia's, a smart special forces course is totally under control and we can hear from them now. samantha kat since ok mocked forces arrived in this area. we have stopped the enemy completely. we have halted the enemy's advance and are now destroying them.
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within this area we have in circles and it's all cold. and they also claim that the special military operation, according to ross, has a spot special forces will be over and the 2 to 3 months. so let's see. want to watch the show always good. so the marina, thanks so much for joining me in the see that thanks again for the farm out to my coma lucy, the full not seeing a security point suite on those in the office of the us psych, a few defense my goal was good to see you, thanks for joining us here on our international mt. michael ukraine. the guy is included into ross and just a couple of weeks ago now russian of what to say, he should have been completely halted or do think about that and this well, if for, for russia, i think it's a, it's very uh, good news. it probably hopefully has a version of
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a very serious disaster of a tax on the very sensitive uh nuclear facilities on the region. uh, 2 of them in fact uh, i think the ukrainians were desperate to uh, do something uh, unconventional, if you will. and in doing that they, they, they fell flat on their face by, by pulling actually, by pulling the troops out of the nest region, some $10000.00 of them to, to, to do this incursion in the course, which was a little surprising with, with no, uh, strategic goals in mind, actually it really costs that much cost to them now and doing this. they've now been bolted in the, in the course area. so they, they basically it being, being checked, made it, if you will. and it gets um and for it for uh the ukrainians. i think it was that last desperation, particularly for serious either the ukraine, the commander cheat. he was,
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he knew he was on the verge of being fired. so he had to come up with something unusual as a so he pulled this one out for the course k for out of is that and, and as a consequence, it, it, it costing in the head of a very vulnerable area because it's mostly wooded small villages but uh, without any strategic goals in mind, i mean that there is no way of, of taking over that that, that area without a logistical support. and i think it was, it was a, uh, what we call a hail mary, if you will. uh, to uh, to try and gain some modicum of the lab rates for any future negotiation. and i think its mouth failed. yeah, monthly. it took a little bit about so bob, sort of the read, the reason is being leverage for negotiations. but since what happened put in the input, it has come out as an absolutely no way why he wouldn't consider coming to the
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negotiating table. especially because of this incursion, but could things change? is it just was, oh yeah, i reaction from about it and put in just so you know, bit of angle disappointment or, or could things change as well? i think the as like his reaction was to the initial incursion. i think now that he has stopped the forces and he is showing ukraine, that they, they really are not in any position to, to make any gains, any material military gains. uh i think that uh if the ukrainians are prepared to sit down and talk and that's a big if then then i think he would probably do so. but uh, but initially i and i can understand, excuse me, i could understand his view about, uh, not talking at least until the curse can uh, an incursion was taken care of at least now. it now appears that these accomplish
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that right, but by the ukraine is doing that, it actually help, as i said, it helped russia those gains in the don't ask region. so it was a game game, a plus plus for the, for the, for, for rushes discipline. and when it's, it's happened michael, i, i almost thought i wonder if, if the us knew about what was going on in fact this. so this next question kind of these a little bit into that because a fully equipped in presidential adviser have said the us has gone to know most efforts to convince russia to not retaliate against gave over the attack on the course leading. i mean, he hinted that negotiation between mazda and washington, but with all this go on, did it, didn't washington green light to this incursion? what was this the last key on his own? or i think it was
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a combination of the 2. and i think when you talk about any us agreement, i think it had to come from probably more from our intelligence agencies. i don't think this was approved at the, the presidential level. i think it would have uh, and especially the use of any long range missiles and what have you that that were being employed at some point. uh, i think i think we, i think the us government basically is she has showing a is displayed a, uh, a, this unit to you from within the you have elements within the us government that are making these decisions. going ahead and doing them without the approval and or even the acknowledgement from when they come and are chief, that is the president united states. as a consequence. they, they are that which is not forbidden is allowed type of thinking here. and i think
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that as long as they're not given a, an adamant stand down order, they're, they'll continue doing their incursions because they have so much of the state they've, they've use so employed so much capital and, and in life in, into the ukrainian efforts. and that they've all failed and they have nothing to show for their efforts. and it's been very, very costly. it's been costly to the united states and, and on and on. it's been a whole string of disasters route from ukraine to the united states. and i think a people are really tired of it. yeah. michael, you know, i have a really long question left. utils. a little bit about the long range missiles. we know for a fact that the recruitment is low. people who are running away from the lead crane, they don't want to fight this war. a troops inside the files and was lost every day,
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long range weapons. it seems to be the last result, photos of landscape. he's got mix as long as it's front of the us, the united kingdom have said absolutely no way that he'll give them permission in the end. we have no other choice. i don't think he will. i think that no one in europe, no one in the united states, especially in the united states now that we're approaching the election, wants to get more deeply involved in the conflict with impressed, especially with russia. i think we've got a, i think the, and i think the west has got to cut its losses. consider cutting its losses and, and move on. and, and really try to encourage a negotiated settlement on this. given we're already hearing, for example, the president of the czech republic, basically saying that, well, maybe maybe you credit could be admitted into nato, even in, in spite of the loss of territory. reflecting on how west germany was allowed into
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nato until each germany was, was finally a united with, with the west. so you're hearing your hearing from, from the western side, whether it's from the us store and from nato countries. now, from the leadership that things have got to change that negotiations have got to be undertaken. but ultimately that hostilities need to subside. and, and i think a zalesky as it doesn't seem to be, get still doesn't seem to be getting that message. and i think it's, we may have to, we may see efforts from within to take a to take some drastic action. you have an interesting and a definitely want to keep an eye on. as always, a pleasure talking to you my, the full, i've seen your security policy on us in the office of the us, secretary of defense. thank you again for your time. thank you. the wireless that he needs to follow has passed the little bombing the
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queen over the church, off the persecuting input. yeah, is on teams ations that it was collaborating with most partners. so it's a lot of that. and so i'll think on the phone and name a shot for more details or the name of this decision was maybe inevitable concert in keys persecution of the church over the previous days. but right now, what else do we know? now ukraine, past the boat to bend the ukrainian orthodox church and they've been postponing this vote for a while at mid concerns that they wouldn't gather enough boats. but this time the, the law was supported by 265 deputies, while 226 boats are required for the log to pass. 2029 members of parliament voted against the law and one of those deputies had some interesting points to make. i mean, he emphasized that the law will essentially violate the rights and freedoms that are in shrine into ukrainian constitution. one of my main principles in life is not
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to be tray and the prohibition of the ukrainian orthodox church by those who are baptized in this church is a collective betrayal. just as judas be true, jesus knows from other fates or a p us in general through this vote violate the rights and freedoms enshrined in both our constitution and international conventions. i do not know how to characterize it. it is up to the people to the side. i believe that the lord will not leave at all so easily. and the almighty will give everyone what they deserve to. now this law is expected to come into force uh 30 days after its publication, and it was prepared under direct instructions from zalinski. now this move comes in mid a ways desperate efforts to separate itself from russia as much as possible as the claim that the ukranian orthodox church has the red ties to the russian state. it
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is important to note that the acquainted orthodox church is a kennel. nicole church in a country which considers itself mostly uh, orthodox, and historically, it has always been part of the multiple patriarchy as well. hence why. in 2018. at 8 course the band. the church was launched by then president for a shank co and as part of the an n t russian course. under him, orthodox church of ukraine, a was created with the support of the patriarch of constantinople since then, with the help of authorities, they've been forcibly seizing ukrainian orthodox church buildings and attacking its please. now these efforts have resulted to, of course, the persecution of followers of the church and local authorities have been bringing charges of treason as well as other primes to the churches priest. they have imposed sanctions as well. and according to the ukrainian security services, as of november of 202370 criminal cases were opened against the churches clergy,
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no 19, of whom were eventually convicted and even stripped off their citizenship. now this move is also helping is that lens, he control the ukraine, your orthodox churches, buildings which are considered important historical sites in ukraine. but despite all efforts, though, according to a survey in 2021 by the key of international institute of sociology, 73 percent of your players consider themselves to be orthodox. among those 58 percent, consider themselves to be followers of the orthodox church of ukraine. well, 25 percent consider themselves to be a photo worse of the ukrainian or orthodox church. now, just to put it into perspective, that is millions of people that are right now being stripped off their rights to practice their religion. really, the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman marie is a heart of has commented on the issue essentially highlighting that the goal here
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is to this for orthodoxy in ukraine. this is and then i lation the goal. hey, well, so just story true canonical orthodoxy and in its place in state, a false judge understood only in this way degrades a quayside orthodox touch. now it seems that practicing at the freedom of religion uh, is increasingly becoming a limited right in ukraine. and they've started 1st by a band and political parties or even media that they suspected to have some sort of relation to the russian states that now they're moving to churches. so really that's the question as to what next can we expect from them too bad? yeah, very interesting indeed, we appreciate a lot thought cause one other ladies. all that for us. nice. again. what is the cost of doing me now in the city? so i say, i'm a, do i want it done the, the jazz will correspond, and it tell you the needs a, he's
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a political move and lead. i'm found the other ones so much. that's great to have you in the see do here in moscow. a couple of things i'd like to talk about 1st of all, this law story. what are your reactions to this of the, by the putting in government. oh, well, i'm not surprised any time they try to say that they are democrats, that they want to join the european union. i started the international university and the for entered into european union. you have to respect the different sofa regional languages and the human rights ukraine doesn't respect the hang of net present the day for me, the russian language and nowadays will be those. so the, or those, the church pretty much go church. uh for this reason, of course, they would never enter into a hope in union just so the want to enter. it's because americans with things big pressure on the europe for less them. and also if we started the from on the call me call the point of view, you can not support. uh, yeah. okay. and with the money,
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for example, the customer, a phones, uh that secure p. m a gave to henry county adults money for the people that i could cut through. uh, there is not enough money for lets they bring him. so right. so, so it was interesting that 1st little this uh oh, this see, you know, if they do have an aspiration to join the european union, then i'm going to be that it was, as you say, freedom of religion is upside. but well, it's interesting. and then when i that wrote down the sign is what, when you hear news like this coming from, keep coming from you claim. why don't we see in your opinion weston, a news outlets condemning this action? it's very easy because for example, so we don't have a lot of freedom of speech to and the, what's the media there is because he goes to as a whole or the media is it to be deeply contorted by the government for 2 reasons on the agenda of that mainstream media are very,
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very under control of the spectrum service of the west. for this reason, the reason of the freedom of say that's and was each program to know we are in war, us, me and you, it's information warfare and we are losing it. so why we need to put some more effort for give the to what's the width or audience, you know, just to show them the truth. and the, let's is the word within the west and brush will stop now. yeah. and so instead of saying, you know, you're a world correspond the, i guess because you're a little confident. this is my next question. really, i'd like to talk about the rush or your credit or with your now we've recently seen natalia in the world correspondent journalist. she's come out wearing a symbol or not sealed on his, on his hand. so mean he said that he didn't realize it was a nazi symbol off. so this was add on on t v. but what are your thoughts about this? i mean, do you think there is this lack of knowledge? do people just not think about what they're doing?
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i think if we should say tank team because they should for the 1st time that sort of of the opinions here. pervasive poor heel and the we have to put all of our efforts for stuff that is in your brain as we are doing now. so let's say thanks to this new critics for show that to face of their parents, they are coordinates and we will defend them. different goods, i'm professionalism, or negligence on behalf of the this is media, this is a tele media. this is something that many channels, many people watch when they see something like that. how do you think the people of that country feel when they see things like that? oh, well i can give you transfer one from a military point of view. the other from a pretty good point to you from. i mean, is it a point of you? we can say that's a right correspondence. make heads that looks nice because many times they are not trained in training for greenwood, so they feel the meaning 3 targets and the stuff that we can send it's gone that
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are in the heat. ok, now we, that's the, our recreation and the condition of the targets. and the for this reason they, we can see them thanks to, to them for a political point of view of the, not the credit. because, you know, that's, you know, paying sort of nets and your job as a repugnant least of the need to because that i is the, in the hands of the government and always sending people to train. so they have to jump to make propaganda for dental, and the hugh show in the, in the, in live that they are a dressing method. symbols against this means that you're not prepared. so we can, so just say must be angry. it's necessary to be angry with them. we just need to say thanks a lot for your big mistakes because you are helping us. we use a off of them. this really isn't all they shouldn't be a difference between west and media. let's say our to international or east the
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media or whatever known, you know, estimated when, when, when we look at the people that take the news, shouldn't they take the news for more than one side of more than one aspect? to get a more to get a balanced look on news. well, there is enough difference within the rush or media or european with the media. the only difference is with enjoying is that do their job with the profession. they say the truth of the people, or if the need to do like, for example, i do, i mean, if i say i have this b s if disability, so you know, every single mode is but the federal race say that's i'm absolutely fair generally . but in reality, just make putting on the ease of sort of the unfair and the people sooner or less, we'll understand that. and the way not a little more is a fake media like the west house. yeah, this is josie. and the thing that people less and less likely to believe west and media especially now we see these not see symbols. uh, not just was, i mean for the last us, 2 years we've seen these nazi symbols pop up in that fight and sent the look. i am
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pretty sure on what we thought military mind, so i, we can see that there was so for low and checking the data for give a conclusion. if we see the number of sofa. yeah, we can use that instead of going, for example, it's a big increase of that is why people are looking for more news and for a because they don't trust the mainstream media and they are trying to follow the different channels for the mode source use of the information for and discover the truth and make their own opinion is very important. i think that that of them, it would be the fuser of again, the, and the warfare information in the future. some countries, you know, this was before the recently, some countries in europe a 5 and telegraph. is it because they're just afraid of people knowing the truth or did they just want to control more? what they want to be her are actually in spain? yes. i know that they are trying to band instead of them, but for now, thanks to build, they need to not do that because it's gonna be mixed on them. you know, if they,
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by not i'm telling them russian all we have tried to to lead me that to get to. but in my opinion of personal opinion, i think that is not the right. we know needs to be scared of the wisdom program that we need to defeat them on their land and the make better content and say that's what the people, the inconvenience of the people that we are on the right side of these 3. they are not there, and they were there at the what do you say they require that many? i mean, do you think people really care? i mean, you and i, we follow the news every day because this is our job. you know, this is our profession. we're interested to be passionate about it, which is the people every day, the thing they really care about what's going on a lot of people just sit in that little bubble and all they care about is, is the government telling the truth? is that government buying some kind of, do they have food in their mouths? can they feel that car? can they go on holiday? didn't really care about international politics? i think international forwarded because it is the most important thing to flow for a number of people. i will explain you why,
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because of that we put the sanction to that actually present for 40 percent of gasoline in the u. uh your opinion and counts from the russia. now we have, for example, they get caught through brought this and riots in the or the, or because of death for example. and the people are very interested in bringing the food to them to their families and to have a decent and comfortable life. and when they're touched with in the bought in the pocket, they will see the results of the life of the government. so i am sure that you are very, very so in a way to collapse because of the life of the government because of the crazy economic keller choices that the government computer of may have. yeah, it's very interesting. you know, cause we had the, what we'll see in general, ripple just last year talking about last week. i megabyte and doug about who really destroyed the knows fame pipeline fight. so come at the truth as always of the prevails. thank you so much for joining me. here today in the studio with a pleasure talking to somebody like yourself about the subjects. thanks again for
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your time. it's amazing for me to write the teen years ago today. revel flights as a new libya bought heavily by night to seize control the country's capital to put in a bid to out. then lead to mom. i've got the fee over the decade they said leave me . a roommate plays my those kalsich events of 2011. that the time nato countries lloyd massa slides on the nose and mouth and country kidding. hundreds of citizens revel. fighters vows to the outskirts of tripoli. think total pounds depos, admin fee bases 2 months later, duffy was captured and killed and dislike libby. this southern into all but failed states in the off them off of the bonds, less than official seemed to have no regrets. 3 came, we saw, died. the hell is paved with good intentions. that's one
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way to describe data is so cool to match our emission in libya, it was sold into the world as an operation to save civilians. honestly, the country from about him bought it, left libya in ruins, creating insta, the scene for the north african region. i'm beyond and southern just academic and also my tell ya, america. paso says the true goal of the native intervention was cripple libya. i absolutely don't believe that the you money taken grounds wherever, at least on a total for the military action in 2011 the police in the west of the gulf countries and other southern life companies under the guidance of nato, launched me to tell you that from the the, the sky on the monday and that was going was to destroy the national sovereignty, all the country that have been out of somebody that has remain independent. and so, and despite that case, so i'll be down for the rest of the meeting today. and when i get back to the
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morning to the, the needs people last, what do you think of it on? let me pull the military and economic policies. and i need to keep the faxing this blanket on solved. and the, because it cannot be set and all the nathan convention was the data from the top. it's undermining the, solving to leave you. nothing to do. we know you might to and reasons. and one needs to be slightly capable to question the fall of western propaganda to realize that such many patients and nothing whatsoever as to the way that you money paid concerns. when it comes with the economy. it means that the institutions which were previously in place to maybe the interest of the people visa the information on or led by the, with that 6 option of dominance and all these stories of non existence. and this is just the, all of the things that the exploring to complete binds. well, the other thing is i do is going to have your company was here on, on say it's a national lenders to.


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