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tv   Direct Impact  RT  August 20, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

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the world as an old person to say civilians and to free the country from oppression, but it left the nation in ruins and created instability for the north african region and beyond. the offered in youth council rep a most of the serial number believes that the motivation for western countries was not about too many to and concerns us about oil before 20 live the. let me go back and do so. so we'd be on the government under the most the best see was a significant, clear on the african that's it was a major component of, of the nothing comes to mind even existed in the country. it's such an interesting to me products. so he was a been really, really, is financial information. i'll definitely continue on even for more than that. but yes it is. and that's for sending the community doesn't even uh, the for gleneagles independence. so when you see that and then remove the
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tires, that's kind of the best to use. that is that we can countries and they were very, very sunday. the vision of the media was, i think, largely for the drivers they mean use the cbs. no, they didn't know what else seems to be what's in the they did the you know, the protection of disobedience did you want done? yeah. well the us as the last that was moved to primitive, easy. so you see them in the middle was in the you, montana's menissi as there was some congress keep on. see we own with these tests and there was some thought was when did you guys get in libya? and of course, the mission was up for us as us, as you can see, believe me, i would just not. and that's the update. now you can get for the details of all the stories will follow even r t dot com. i'll be right back with more stories at the top of the by now the
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the okay, here we go. hi everybody, i'm rick sanchez and this is among the things that uh well that we're going to be talking about today. the 1st ever federal ban on proud price gauging on. so i'm a better looking person sent by dear friends around the world. you cannot, even if you try to make this stuff up, that we are watching here in the good old united states of america, we're going to a deep dive into the u. s. presidential elections and you have to here to believe what both sides are saying. number sanchez, hey, let's do this. the
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right. what do you say though, that we start this whole thing instead with what is happening right now, in kursk, right? russia, the world media is fascinated by this, and i got it. i understand why ukraine invades russia. it's getting a lot of attention, right? but, but like the dog who finally catches the car. we have to ask. now what ukraine, even western media are saying that this is a bit of a flash in the pan. impressive. yeah, you can help, but look at it, you know, you through oil and hop pants, a lot of attention, but not much will likely be coming out of this because ukraine simply doesn't have the manpower to back up this incursion. and the fact of the matter is russia does. now here's a real story that the media is purposely ignoring senior snap. that's a, a live you,
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a map. i look at it all the time to kind of do my own research on this stuff. by the way, it's a very thorough ukraine website, completely pro ukraine website. but even it shows just how successful russia's troop movements have been. look at that, look at that eastern front. it's just, it's a, it's a gone for ukraine. and if you go to where you're going to see that the russians are gaining ground every single day, and then fortifying their positions as soon as they take some ground, they make sure it can't be re taken by what they do to it. so that the ukrainian military can't get back in there and they don't, for the most part, you know, are you creating a military that is sadly being extinguished on a daily basis. but western media sources, they just simply, they're not going to show you that math. they're not going to report on that. instead, they're suddenly doing a lot of ukraine, more reporting again and then a god. and they're focusing on curse. where some troops busted through the russian border. it is not a good look for russia screw up on the part of russia, but,
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but some of the images that are coming out of curse square ukraine soldiers are now confronting russian citizens, are also not a good look for ukraine. like this one that we found i want, i want you to watch this. okay. i want you to watch this with me. it's so ukrainian, a soldier is wearing a nazi like uniform. he's got to match the home it on how to good luck. and he bullies a russian citizen who happens to be just a little old man. sophia, who's this this right? yeah. the, the smart it's not the was as you know, bullying
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a little. oh my, i look, i know it's on. it's not trying a big deal out of the it's just a moment in time. things happen. it doesn't mean all ukrainian soldiers are going to be behaving like that. but see that that's the kind of thing that video which is kind of viral. no, it is viral, i mean, it angers a lot of russian citizens who have long felt that ukrainian military leaders have a pension, approve and pension for neil nonsense. and now here's a bbc report. here's something else i found that i wanna share with you. this is a bbc reporter, purportedly inside russia, interviewing russian citizens about the fact that there are now ukrainians on their land on there. so will will, to, is very much part of the national psyche. a now for the 1st time and move it is. you have foreign slices on russian soil, seizing russian territory. that's quite a shock. uses the. what's new to him, you might lose
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a need in the new book. let him run the years and we'll get started watching. you just look what's the, what's the 1st one um, what's the name of the seat lose? know which was the right to do a step is the we would you move the don't the still them nice to have you some of those guys. so glad is this to do with too much disability. like you know, what i know, she says logical, rational look whether western media like it or not, that that's how most russians, according to studies conducted by respect the international posters,
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not russian bolsters. that's how they view their president over there. it's their president. they can like what they want. right. and the attack encouraged is making them more unified and more supportive of the war effort. i mean, bring you in on this manila the way this whole thing is playing out is fascinating . i move your thoughts well, 1st of all rec, so i just kind of look at that lady and go, wow, what's that like to actually like your president? because really, i don't think i've experienced that a while, but her her analysis of vladimir putin is reflected also in all the us presidents from bill clinton all the way up until we got joe biden. everybody said the same thing. their analysis of let them are putting was that he's methodical calm, rational,
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and he thinks things through. it's the same analysis that we heard tucker carlson say of why more prudent either. so i think we're a waiting at this point the, the russian response to this, this incursion into cursed. and because i think everybody seems to agree, you know, if you're not talking, i'm blowing hot air and, and creating a narrative of europe speaking the truth. if we are dealing with a man that is known his reputation known worldwide as a well thought out and rational man, then we'll probably see a rational response to what's happening in the curse co boss. but the point what we saw, but, but here's the old man, that's terrible. yeah, no and, and again, that feeds into it the point being they've done this, it's going to work against them because it's only motivating even more the russian people. but, but the point that i'm seeing and i, and i was monitoring media this weekend as you know,
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you and i have to do. and i was, i was reading some press reports coming out of india. i read some bbc stuff and all of them. and these are not necessarily people or pro russia or anything like that, but they were all saying that this, this incursion is, uh, it is a bit of a one trick pony that okay, you did the incursion, but now what we're can, you know, the, i, i the i'm trying, i'm the listen, i'm the military genius. i'm not a strategist would be on what they've done. what's next? there is no next. there can't be a max, right? it's a possible, i mean, it is impossible because even though we heard the little mirror zalinski gloating last week about getting i don't think she's actually secured any f sixteens in his hands post may at the moment, but the fact that they've been promised to him a number, somewhere about 60 units are promised to him coming from nato allies. i think
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that's kind of what gave the, the ukrainian military brains, whoever they might be at this point, because they keep switching their military leaders. it might have given them a little bit of, you know, a chest something. yeah. moment. so let's do this. let me go and let's, let's do this and there. now that they're there, it is kind of like a what now, what because manpower is low. obviously, on the ukrainian side, the russians have air superior already. they have troops, number superior, all ready, and now you're on russian soil proper. so i think that's something that, that really is not only symbolic as the bbc reporter pointed out, reflecting on world war 2. but i also think this is a really dangerous move for the ukrainians to go in. yeah, no rush or proper. you have to assume worse, you, you have to feel bad for the ukrainian soldiers. you have to,
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it would be in humane to not feel bad for them at this point. in fact, let's talk about the guys harassing the old man though. no, not that, not him, he's a bully. let's talk about what's happening now. on the other side, let's talk about ukraine according to sources. the situation there is, is extremely different. because while western media sources make a lot of error lensky out to be some combination of pat men, i don't know, ramo a mother theresa. all rolled up into one inside the country. that's not at all the case. let me tell you what's going on. beller roost. president alexander looking jenko, says that most ukrainians, quote, hate zalinski bell. i never heard this before so that i find this interesting bellows borders. ukraine as you know, that's what this article writes about, which is why tens of thousands of ukrainians have gone there. lucas shank goes as by here's the measure 70 percent of ukrainians. hate zalinski because the problem is, is one thing and he doesn't other and because there's just too many people die like
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nobody wants to see their neighbors or brothers or fathers die. so. so let me add this now. polls conducted in keep just recently back in june, are showing that more than 40 percent of ukrainians. again, there's a care in polk, not russian poll. say that 40 percent of ukrainian say that democracy is in the climb under so landscape. and of course, some of that, as you know, i'm and the law may have to do with the fact that he is on elected his term expired back in may, back in may, his term expired, and it canceled the election. so he's remaining as an elected president, i can't imagine that if you were to go into a pole tomorrow and keep that, that would be, oh yeah, we love having a guy, we never elected as our president. i can't imagine that, but maybe i'm wrong. you know, i mean i, i think the numbers are continuing to grow. it's a growing chorus. i think among at least the people that i know that are of ukrainian nationality,
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that are all over the world because they obviously do not want to go back to the motherland at this point. especially the males because you know, for fear of getting kidnapped and being thrown into the ukrainian military, a k a, the meat grinder. so a lot of people are obviously unsatisfied. and then you would think about the, the women, the wives, the sisters, the daughters. they are very angry at bologna mirror, zelinski, kidnapping, all the man and, and the boys. i mean, forget, just grown man. what do you? yeah, little boys 1516 years old. kidnapping them to throw them on the front lines after 2 weeks of training with a gun. so all of these women, the women are starting to be very angry. so of course, these polls are starting to grow and showing the descent and the anger towards the loading mirror zalinski saying that democracy is dying. and then you add in how he's closing up media shops that are, you know, flattering to him,
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that are gushing over him and his friendship with like say sean pad. and he's, you know, he's thinking, trying to have gifted him via the ask one of his oscars. you know, other than the jump. um really? yeah. really good. yeah. so i've had mr. red as well on pen loves ukraine. he went, he what took care of and did a documentary, i don't know if it's out yet, but he's, he is doing a documentary, sean penn, and gifted followed him. your zelinski and oscar because that's the only way that zalinski was going to get, remember, has an actor is going well as he was going to get an oscar. but basically all the media that's not friendly to the wednesday has been shut down. so all of the dissenting voices are gone, and as well as many of the orthodox churches, if they even speak, russian remotely has been shut down. so if you have no freedom, religion, you have no freedom of the press. you have no way to elect a new leader, and this guy is just putting himself in office to kind of know t d, but then what,
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what kind of democracy is there? i was just going to say the previous week of the i or any of that are, are we later your tax dollars and mine to the tune of what $200000000000.00 are being spent. and we're being told by our politicians where there because it's a democracy and we have to protect the democracy. but then when we look, you know, down a couple of paragraphs ago, wait a bit, this, this is not a democracy. what happened to the right when we come back here? so we're going to do, we take a quick break now, but when we come back, we're going to be talking about the us presidential elections. we've got some campaign moments that we're going to be sharing with you polls. i'm going to be sharing with you with both couple of harris and donald trump that are well to say the very least consequential. stay right there. the
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after that, nancy sees bower in italy, states foreign policy became extremely aggressive. benito mussolini needed glorious victory. he decided to achieve his ambitions in africa. despite the fact that formally libya had become an italian colony back in 1912. the vast territories of this country were not actually controlled by rome. the nazis decided to put an end to this. but as soon as the religious order of the senate side stood in their way, the arabs did not want to submit to foreign power and put up fierce resistance. dividers against colonialism were led by the sheets of this n, a side order. omar l move star, who was nick named the lion of the desert for his incredible courage. despite the violent, bombardments and voice and gas, you states mass deportations and the imprisonment of the local population in concentration camps. the invaders could not go with the era patriots for
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a decade. in 1931, omar l moves are, was captured and sentenced the hanging at the trial, the hero of the libyan people behaved very bravely and rejected. pardon. pursuing a policy of genocide, italy was only able to temporarily suppress libya, 18th of the entire population, more than 100000 de boats fell victim to their. however, just a few years later, the entail you enroll, collapsed. in 1951, libya became one of the 1st countries in africa to gain independence. the doki. welcome back. here we go. the us, i'm at sanchez. the us presidential election has turned out to be a roller coaster ride in the past month. couple of harris has staked out a surprisingly sizable lead and some polls she continues to play it
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very straight. she's not going off script. in other words, i mean, she's sticking to the script, right. she has not talked about her policies, given no interviews to serious journalist until now. these changed a little bit. i'm not sure there for the better, but they changed. and i'm going to take you through some of that in, in just a moment. but 1st, let's do this. i want to talk about donald trump. you would think, right? common sense that given that his opponent is not laying out her policies and that many of his policies are still very popular with many americans, that he would hammer away at those winning issues. right. you would think that he would be talking about his economy is impressive and of maybe his foreign affairs of the positions and his record there, which was good. right? compared to what's going on now, within the world, when he was president right now, he's not the one that the former president,
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against the advice of his campaign team from what we understand is instead of giving some rambling speeches where he talks about, so feel around, cause or sophia, or something like that. an actress that by the way, nobody under the age of 60 knows. i mean, i'm sure some of you know her, but you know anybody under what 40 forget about it. he used his terms like t, boeing a recording device that is now in museums. and then again, most people under 6 the probably don't even know what he's talking about. and then either the one thing, ma'am, he did the one thing that no smart man forget politician. i don't care if you're running for president or running for dog catcher. you should not do this right. you should not publicly criticize a woman's looks ever just don't do that. we most of us married. gosh, that by the way, drop seems incense that time magazine put a picture of comma la harris on its cover. and he's angry about it so angry. and
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that he's now calling her a, it is mad that they called her a beautiful woman in the article. so when he read that he got incense. so he came out and said this, but i say that i am much better looking than her. i think i'm i'm a better looking person, since that comment goes exactly against what the former president needs to be doing right now. he needs to attract women voters, which he's losing right now in droves. and he also needs to attract independence, where he's also trailing. now, the problem is comments like those, manila, you're a woman who wants to hear a guy call a woman ugly. so those kind of comments are working against him. he's just doing
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the opposite vision. know better. i explained to me this, would you oh, i mean, a part of me, you know, wants to believe that it's trump doing is your trump grandiose. i'm the best look a 100 minus. i'm the whatever. yeah. right. i want to think it's a stick. i'm not sure i can't tell there if that was sarcasm or if he really was serious. hm. it's really hard to tell it that, you know, at that particular moment because it's, you know, it's not too far out from his personality rick, that he jokes about that stuff about himself. but he also does take himself very seriously. so when it comes to that, like you said, any smart man would have to know. yeah. don't criticize a woman, especially if she is your opponent. yeah. because then you get the whole, the whole sexist card played against you. you get all these other cards, the races card, you the just, you don't criticize a woman's looks. you have there. so many things you can criticize. and by the way,
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i see you have a choice of the harris. she is an attractive woman. she is and a russellville, pretty lady. yeah. i mean, she's a pretty, pretty and ahead are but so himself at one point. yeah. trump said so himself during the the, the 3 hour long or whatever it was interview with you on mosque, on x, on the x spaces. he actually compared calmly. harris to his own white well on. yeah, i'm not really not really hold on. let me correct your toner cartridge. no, no, no, no. he said the picture they put top of her is beautiful and sad that the, that the picture that they, that they drew it to make her look beautiful, even though she is. so yes, he did say that the picture she looked as beautiful as his wife. but he wasn't saying she's as beautiful as, as well, just just for wow, why are we talking about this? i thought maybe he was right in the washer trunk thing big. well, because he is creating this conversation, any of that. but my point,
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if i were just looking at it as a, as a political strategist, you would say, mr. president, please start talking about what you plan to do when you become president. i mean, look what has to be driving mr. trump's advisors. crazy is that if the former president focused on his experience as economy and other policy differences with that of the vice president, he could score big, especially with independence because she is giving him huge openings to do so. i'm gonna give you an example of that. let's write one of the openings. she just gave you, mrs. harris, miss harris, because she has refused to do interviews. she's refused to talk about her policies . so the media has a shame her into doing it, right. so finally, she announces that she's going to give a speech on her economic plan. however, it did not go well. this just happened, especially when she spoke about how she would stop corporations from listen to how i pronounce this price gouging the. so believe me as president,
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i will go after the bad actors the and i will work to pass the 1st ever federal ban on proud price gauging on. so yeah, that she said gauge it's gouge. you want to hear it again here. take a listen. ever federal ban on proud price gauging unsuitable manila. and i will tell you cause we do this for a living when somebody does that and there's something we know a lot about what it means is 2 things. it means at worst, she doesn't even know what the word means because she can't pronounce it. obviously, it was weird to her when she saw it on the teleprompter and just kind of made up a word. what it also tells you is somebody else is writing her stuff. those aren't her words. somebody wrote them for her. and both of those reading somebody else's
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stuff. and then not even knowing what the words mean, that's horrible for her because it supports the criticism at the level against her by her own opponents, that she's fake, and that's not good. and again, it gives the opening that mr. trump could been used to talk about his policies, but he's not doing it so your comment on that? the last i don't know for paul for sure. whatever. go ahead to sheila. she looked pretty so didn't stop how you're going to the trouble, but yeah, not that that was to me i that came off as a cold read. yes. you know what that means you and i both are. so, i mean, she never looked at the script beforehand and, and at worst, doesn't even understand the complexity of what she's told me, what it was, the double whammy, what it was you're more than welcome. this is where she was finally gonna stop with the campaigning and just get serious and say, look, when i become president, here's what i'm going to do. and then when she talks, well, it doesn't sound like it's what she's going to do. it was some, some short,
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a year old doing wrote in a speech, but she prepared that was that he was asked to prepare for. mm hm. we know that when it was bite in harris and now it's harris walls that they constantly campaigned and stumped on platitudes without any real plan to follow. just like just like what the ukrainian military is doing and curse their their, it's like a big, big platitude. i didn't say we're going to do this, but now what's the show? okay, that's fine. she says she, she wants to stop price gauging. i don't know what that is. i know what price gouging i know what price gouging is, and we saw certainly a lot of that with p e. materials and stuff during the coven pandemic, when people were charging on, for example, on amazon for a bottle of hands. uh, they were charging like 5060. okay, there's nothing wrong with the policy that probably the problem is i get the idea. the idea is right. but then she doesn't follow up with any actual outline on how to
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get there. because when you live in a live and operate in a capitalistic society, when you try to fix prices and control them, there's a trickle down to where all these different agencies are going to have to do this. and that i agree to control all of that. all over the place, same as tara, continued it, very much tara, so you think terrified, right? cheers. don't work terms. just make it hard for the consumer and then the in the and you increase in price it. i agree. i agree. yeah, that's, that's the libertarian variable. things hey, becomes very materials become scarce. so you know, no real plan here just plan to it's right. we're out of time. the polls right now are saying whether you call them platitudes or, or a porpoise or whatever the hell he decided to call it. it's working, it's working for her. she's that there are polls out right now. in fact, as a brand new pull that just came out that has her winning high 6 points among likely
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voters. that is a very big number. haven't seen anything like that again. now it all depends on what's going to happen during the democratic convention this week. and of course, it also depends on how many protesters go out there because of the whole israel guys. i think we're going to be following it for you. manila and i are, but we're out of time for today. next mental ex partner. appreciate it. thanks. right, that's our show. remember, always look outside your own box truths. don't live in boxes. i'm rick sanchez. we'll see you next time of the 2 and he says, kim does not want to prolong the war and make it last for years. is even suggested using intermediaries to achieve that. and at the same time camp cleans for greater nato involvement. as usual, zalinski is stuck between a rock and
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a hard place. the, the us admits it's involved in the ongoing ukrainian incarcerated into the coast regions. it has the pentagon said that the painting was key at the best prophecy against russia when it comes to what their longer term objectives are here. that's something that we're still discussing. praying for time and the ukranian orthodox church could be confined to history after kids, parliament votes to banish in a row about its size to moscow. i knew ron rejects us, cleaned its be meddling, and the presidential election made reports. he targeted farms can pay the.


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