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tv   Documentary  RT  August 20, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT

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steve help with that prosperity, which is why, especially then has been held to moxie occasion of a sub african embassy in moscow. the embassy baset of murray shows the case why john keep outlined. the organizations hopes the objective of the subject. these basic id to promo, just in line with the african union you of subject, which is a, a, a regional grouping. the objective is to promote growth, to promote a critique to 5 to 30 and try to have, i mean, to link between the different countries within set. that being said, because we need for the region of group on the continuum and including murder shows to be a part of cedric. and we have our chief quite a lot in terms of institution building in terms of giving advice regarding development and trying to provide solutions is a big cuz the secretary of providing you lots of solutions and see about the
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policies regarding the drilling program. as you know, which is affecting the growth in africa, which is the main objective. and then as a group, we have the big fall as you know, into an auction or the, even even, you know, we use russia. so we're trying to see how ratio the russian foundation can come and invest in this. i think countries and thing grow shy is very welcome. and that is the update, dallas, you would get with more stories that some of the by now the on the line, scott bennett, i'm a former united states army psychological warfare officer. really served in the state department counterterrorism office under investor del daily. so i wanted to
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come here to russia in the dawn bass area and gather the facts to take back to the american people. for the course or the
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hold on bass of the front lines and the square, the bombs and the bullets are raging. this is where people are dying, this is where the buildings are exploding. so i wanted to see 1st hand the scars of war, the wounds in the street. the level of the building was being collapse. i wanted to see the soldiers that were fighting and hear from them why they were fighting. how this fighting started in their opinion. and ultimately, where it was heading. the bradley, the 1st american army officer who's been here since then, snowden saw i want to see with my own eyes, what the american tax fair dollars have done. the . i think this is a privilege and a duty to come in. the most important thing that we can do is show that america
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has americans that do not have conflict, resentment, possibility, or prejudice towards the russia. so it's sad that america is turned into war, but i think that's why american military officers can come and be a be show that america is not about war. and this, this is, this is an opportunity to see firsthand what's happened and what the truth is. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the russian special forces training, these guys are ready for action, which are very, very impressive, highly proficient in their weapons and their magazine changes. course the kalashnikov has the best rifle on the planet. and that becomes very, very apparent in the simplicity of their changes. and their maneuverability and their use of this weapon system. so the classic off is not only the most rugged rifle, but it is the most simple for high combat, high stress situations. what's impressive is the maneuverability of the soldiers, the these guys are remarkably tight. remarkable is the fact.
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okay, tom, it's been a long time since i had a collection of go. the good, good weapon. that the best weapons, the truck truck.
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the well the thank you. well trained. will train man tell them. these will a good trainer. his memo live. yeah, it takes me back to infantry training, drill, drill, drill, drill, drills. this is sort of operations are things like ballet hours and
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hours and hours and hours and hours of drilling. so it comes muscle memory. when it comes matthew pretty quick. you're holding a weapon, the proper pos, your magazine, flipping it's so it's a great weapon though. the collection of cough is without a doubt, one of the most lethal weapon systems. simplicity, 762 round. so that's something that it will be him for the am 16 of these weapon systems of ever
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the i enjoyed being with the tank crews in the russian military officials that were showing us the the use of these vehicles that were nice to go out in the money get dirty and enjoying the rain of the vehicle. what zip, what i'll do is fits to pick up some of that. do you have some thoughts to leave a seat on those? and then we would watch any mamma, papa, but i don't see any t. so you go to the extent vehicles to the city mothers go to see what documents you'd be going on. that seems to be a monthly scale model. instead of the serbian gentleman i spoke with extensively in spanish, we have that in common. so we had a conversation in spanish, he had
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a patch pro putting on his new shirt. he was very positive towards president putin as all the soldiers were. but they were again, volunteers fighting for level of country fighting against fascism village shows a deal so that i did see on a more stable lot of noise the most often more when it's on the right that is that this is oh my god. all right, uh one of the 33 on the boards. the land as us to get us. yes. are you sure? sure. sure. sure. sure. sure. awesome. we will need to get them. i need to close that off. sort of hello. oh yes. just fuck. oh, so you might need to put united which of course especially of, of what are busy with the most of the most let me fix that on the phone. all right, so it was, it was done by serial at the boys don't know the answer. oh, so you know, so data who quoted me for ben hixson lived there,
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day of majority of racing as low as one of the forest. let's give that to let's clear. so if you to ok, sounds like this one is out of the way, but there was no way of switching the button. okay. what's your mind? i think so. so by the bank is the only registration or land very well constructed, a staff and had a massive part of bosch soup that we shared. and i think that's extraordinary. important to keep the motivation of the troops i is to maintain a, a connection to civilized and fraternal living. and they were jocular, they were happy, they were motivated. there was a joyful enthusiasm in the hearts of the russian soldiers where i think the ukrainian soldiers are full of dread fear and the eventual ality of defeat.
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and perhaps absolute destruction can win. and so for, for what i was going to be on the point, the same post in the the, the model. well, when we're out in the field, i enjoyed the meeting, the young japanese gentleman who had joined the troops and was finding in the front lines. he was fighting is a independent volunteer because he was an anti globalist. he did not want to see the george soros and global his tyranny spread. and russia was the only country that uh, was uh, fighting back against that high stage. yeah. okay. i got a lot of online one month. yes. from japan. yes. okay. and have you seen any action? have you been fighting the enemy?
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uh no. oh i yeah. i uh just uh so the rankings and, oh yes, i love watching is a here. uh i don't the go fight yet. not yet. yes. not yet. but you you want to. oh yes, yes. okay. so are you officer or enlisted me since that restaurant is sergeant sergeant. okay. i was a lieutenant in the us aren't. oh yeah, good. yeah it's, it's good to see so many people from around the world coming to fight for russia. yeah. against nazis against global as against george soros and all of this wickedness. yes. and, and i think the russia will win very, very soon. oh yes, i believe a go shop. we do
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a b this will. yeah. yes. the children's case as cube does not want to prolong the war and make it last for years, is even suggested using intermediaries to achieve that. and at the same time, kemp queens for greater nato involvement. as usual, zalinski is stuck between a rock and a hard place. the
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here we see. and you can hear explosions in the background. high mars or, or some ukrainian web us weapon the the route we have to break into that right now. i'm bringing you what's going on right now. uh, arriving in charge of the public be. 1 president vladimir putting his address in the press right now, the check of a public less ticket listed, or had to think about whether we have to build a new capital projectionists or to restore, rebuild the girl's name. and there was a decision to rebuild the girl's name. it was a decision taken by the elder and his son is making these plans to carry yellow to mister bush in re here often to the mystic a date of thing that they you,
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they are the touching of forms of infantry over the president have they lived up to your expectations. well, we want more people of this kind more circle infantry with this kind as you call them. but even one person like this count. so thank you so much. you had many meetings and the you planned many of things and now your visitors have 20 years later and to what extent have you success as well when manage the just a little bit and that is he has a lot to be done as i've already said, when you look at these plans or without knowing what has already been done, it's hard to imagine that it was even possible was been it then you must correct no . and the mistake of the roof and i,
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we tried to remember what was here before the there was only or who are in here. and i've said this many times before, mister car, the elder and i, we had this discussion whether to rebuild the drawers and they ought to have a new capital build in the new place. it was he who took this decision to, to build, draws me. it was his decision, and his son is the one who's making this idea the reality. and he is succeeding in these efforts. thank you so much mr. ports in on tom is going to come on because literally we hear from mr. could they do that? he and his team are, was the infantry of the president, the country is now facing, challenging times, but have has this in frontier who lived up to your expectations. we need more of them and this would bid we, this is all we need. in fact, to this,
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but even one more year of this kind is a huge assets for us. all right, that was so let me put in the president of russia back the he had visited a church the way he was met with the republics had rums on cathy rob, along with volunteer, is about to go to the front lines against ukraine. stuff like that. putting singled out the out in the cottage of those heading to the war. recall that day he had met with some young officers there in chechnya. and he was told that the about more than 47000, a young officer, i've had graduated from training and the volunteer has, you know, ready for the front lines. and that he was taking round as some of the equipment that were, you know, brought home us trophies from ukraine,
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from the conflict in ukraine. we certainly will bring you up to speed with what is what is going on there as, as he gets along. and we'll be reporting that the letting you know the updates at different times, even the most difficult. there were people like you who did not spare themselves for the sake of their homeland. and for the sake of the future of our people, you make difficult decisions for yourself. it's one thing to shoot at a shooting range here. but it's another thing to put your life and health in danger . but you have an inner need to defend the motherland. and the courage to make such a decision. if you have made such a decision, then you have already won. i want to thank you for a decision of this kind. and from the bottom of my heart, i want to wish you good luck. and as long as we have men like you, we are definitely absolutely invincible. now the president who were speaking to
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a military university was also known off show with a range of weapons, a captive from the korean forces. during the war that they had all the chechen republic said that more than $47000.00 men had graduated from the academy before going in to a bottle of visit comes after the russian had visited the city of best in laying the flowers in memory of the victims of the 2004 school attack this year was month 20 o 2 decades, right? all right. he has finished the deadliest terrorist atrocity in the country. now, more than 300 people, the majority of them children were killed when heavily on many tons targeted to school in that city. the condition, of course, this tragedy will certainly leave permanent wounds in the historical memory of the entirety of russia. but for those who suffered for you, for your families, for those who lost the most precious thing,
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a person has their children. these wounds will linger for the rest of your lives. first of all, i want to express my condolences. our people sometimes say you wouldn't wish that on your enemies, but our enemies, he's different. he's not like us. we know very well that from abroad they have tried not only to justify such a despicable crime, but they have also provided all kinds of moral political, informational, financial, and military assistance to terrorists. these people of course, have no morals or ethics. they only have their interests. we basically know this already, even of the decades in centuries, it is impossible to get used to it. on the side of the tragedy draws thousands of people each year tend to reflect and pay their respects to the victims. the oddities, your good piece cannot pass this story now. and i'm sure in the car because it was
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for public office not to say it here were president 14 came for it on and now is to visit it. had of the 20th anniversary of one of the most brutal terror attacks english history. the siege of school number one in the town of guess one in which over 330 people lost their lives, most of whom were children. now this place is called the city of angels. it's a collaboration site and it's also the same as the where the victim itself, that attacks are buried. the siege began on september, 1st, 2004, the beginning of the school year during the school assembly where most of the students and their families and teachers are all present. then suddenly they were attacked by a large, heavily armed terrace, gang, including suicide bombers. we ended up taking hostage around 1200 people. this each last for around 3 days. most of the hostages were cramped into a small full gymnasium without food and water and held at gunpoint. here's how one of the witnesses who is now a local official describes those horrific events. we're seeing the compass peaceful
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. my family was there at the time. that's my mother, my brother and our nanny. i was late to the event. my brother was the 1st to die. he was also the very 1st person who resisted it. they purposefully came here to kill and they kept children, women, everybody for 3 days without water and without food. the men who could resist, they were shot 1st. i was waiting for an agreement for everyone to be released, but these were. * sters throughout a note that for every wounded person, they would kill $25.00 children for anybody killed. they would shoot 50 children naturally a tied our hands former hostages. there already have their own families, their own children. and we all marvel at their courage and heroism, because they never say a single word about the terrorist attack, and they never show any weaknesses at all. this trouble, of course, has united everyone special forces, police and even the local med is ended up shortening the schools,
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ending the siege and killing most of the terrorist. only one of them survive, who is now serving a life sentence in jail. the schools amazing was heavily damaged by explosions and fire. and so it became a memorial sites. i preserved almost exactly the same as it was right after the siege ended throughout all these years. people from all across the russia had been coming there being their respects. and leaving signs of support and to be on its walls, this tragedy truly shots the entire country. and this one became a living reminder of the horrific nature of terror, which unfortunately still hasn't been defeated. and the attacks on rushes south and republics are merely the latest examples. surely you can change faces and names, but the inhumane nature of their always remains the same. the guards cut off our t reporting from islam. i'd like to bring you some other information away from my chechnya now,
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washington's holding discussions with key of over the ongoing ukrainian raid into the russian region of course. and that's according to a pentagon spokesman who revealed and they've been sharing plans with you. great. it is us ready to open. we probably support the craze operation curse if not, why not look again or or continue to have the discussions with ukrainians in terms of their, their focus. you heard president, so once you say it was to create a buffer zone, so we're, we're having those conversations to learn more about what their objectives are. again, if you take a step back from the us perspective, our focus continues to be enabling ukraine to be a free and southern country that can deter russian aggression in the future. and so that means that continues to be our, our focus. but when it comes to what they're longer term objectives are here, that's something that we're still discussing with by ross and forces have been gaining grounds on the front lines against ukraine, taking control of strategically important areas of the dumbass. and that's
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according to the defense ministry. as a result of the active factions of the units of the army groups that are one of the largest elements of the rest of the ration and strategically important logistics. coming up, girl, it's kind of the didn't ask people's republic has been liberated the situation for the ukrainian army and the don't boss is not looking very good because russian, the forces are continuing to liberate g strategic areas there and really cement saying there, hold on, boston in particular, this on that people's republic. now we're getting reports, thoughts for cross is next. that's where the next key battle will take place. as the cross is one of ukraine's main defensive strongholds and also logistics help so liberating, put cross would really allow russian forces if they manage to do that, to liberate the entire republic. so that is where everyone is focusing on and put in their efforts. and it seems that ukrainian officials are starting to panic. the
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situation is very tense and it is getting worse. while po crossteck still has 2 weeks, according to calculations. myrna grad does not have that time. monday grad has only a few days left, maybe a day to 3 lease, but cross miracle grad cynita, the never going to meet sneed. never grow the go and everything. the boy as soon as possible. yes, i know about the problems with information about the strange rotations of the military. the last villages on the unprepared fortifications in the po, cross the direction, the situation remains difficult. therefore, i appeal to the residence of settlements in the vicinity of the front line. first of all, these are po crosscut, myrna grad and toledo. i ask you to evacuate. what about the mounts in a mounting ukrainian losses? like you said, announcing that ukrainian vessel is growing bushes. administrative defense is issuing statistics almost on a daily basis. and we're seeing that the death toll for ukrainian soldiers that seem to thousands, almost daily,
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and actually ukrainian fighters themselves have reported that the situation got worse after their incursion. and so of course they're saying that they're getting less munitions. a lot of them are reporting that there are loss, confused and disoriented. no one is really understands what is going on. and also we're seeing it seems at one thing that everyone agrees on including in the west, was that this incursion, will it backfired for them? russian soldiers are still grinding their way through. ukrainian defense is capturing villages and towns and bringing mosque out closer to the stated goal of complete control of the domestic region in eastern new green. while key of does not comment on casualties, the incursion has already come into material cost. so not only has backfired for them, but it made russian forces. it seems as recurring and soldiers are reporting as well. a more determined that really amplified their force, and it's really interesting that is what's happening and done by simply about different areas that the russian forces are less of a little bit. marina,
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if you don't mind about the coolest clue for that, saw over though that we've heard that perhaps a little the russian forces have in fact stopped well home to any more cleaning vases in the cruise gallery hasn't been completely liberated. now. let's look at it as a whole. kara school supposed to be the game changer for t of right. that's what they believed in washington as well, but it turned out to be a complete disaster, really, because according to russia's a smart, special forces course, it's totally under control. and we can hear from them now. samantha, since ok mocked forces arrived in this area. we have stopped the enemy completely. we have halted the enemy's advance and are now destroying them within this area we have in circled. and they also claim that the special military operation, according to ross, has a flat special forces will be over and the 2 to 3 months that pull that's a good risk analyst and veteran walker responding to elijah magneer, believes that the ukraine ending crushing into russia is about key of trying to


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