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tv   News  RT  August 21, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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the, the russian at defense system shooting down to $45.00 drones overnight. lots of tests believe or pending, p eps paid to penetrate deeper into rushes and photos regions when it comes to what their longer term objectives are here. that's something that we're still discussing . now, the week of denying any involvement of washington admits to consulting p as on the color skin, cogent, that's as a russian intelligence, as the us. thank you. k and stuff award, making your brains that quote, ukraine is a terrorist age. well that's according to modeling means you have an island, but acute of facile file, a complaint to the un security council against a supporting terrorist. the
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thing is right there is a little bit of jews across with police and israel protesting the idea of the plan until the wide and the conscription. that is it seek some more treatments for the wrong console. the live on worldwide, which you would use and filled it as a talk to you international for most of the top story for you this how of 45 drugs shot down and the skies of russia overnight. 11 of them were on route to moscow. the defense system was kicked into gear to repel the the yes, what is your sort of thing on social media? capturing the abutment of one of the aerial intercepts and the most or region emergency services are assessing all of this. they say no damage or injuries reported as of right. now this all comes as ukrainian troops fail to move deeper
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into rushes. kudos region. a key of has some of the huge losses on the battlefield . is there a time saw being repelled by russian forces. so russia is a me $35.00 combat chocolate struck you trading and positions on the weapons. depos russian defense ministry reporting ukraine has lost over 4000 troops and the failed incursion. adding the $350.00 were taken out of action in just the last 24 hours and remaining of the region. and still reporting for us is all corresponded. here's equal to well, she is counts of 5. he has been going on all across the will see it through here in the course region. basically the ukrainians have been trying to expand the presence of the russian soil along the border while the russians in town have been denying them this opportunity. and this chance basically the boys on the ground are telling me that there are 3 major hotspots as of now the town so dropped and uh its vicinity. the town of quoting yvonne and. 3 basically the border section,
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the outside of the town of goose cool, but where we have just returned from now when it comes to the town of quoting you, but for instance, the ukrainians they did fail to take on that place had done so they surveilled the area for a couple of days, and now they have renewed their attempts to claim this down. the boys are telling you that they are indeed working 247 repelling those attacks on the political front . though the united states, they have finally admitted openly or rather they have begun to speak openly and publicly and really just providing details as to how much they are in touch with kids. when it comes that border encouraging operation here, the cost region is the us ready to open. we probably support the craze operation curse if not, why not look again or, or continue to have the discussions with ukrainians in terms of their, their focus. you heard president, so when you say it was to create
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a buffer zone. so we're, we're having those conversations to learn more about what their objectives are. again, if you take a step back from the us perspective, our focus continues to be enabling ukraine to be a free and southern country that can deter russian aggression in the future. and so that means that continues to be our, our focus. but when it comes to what their longer term objectives are here, that's something that we're still discussing with. well, and the rushing for an intelligent service has stepped forward to saying that according to that information, this key is operation in the course. korean is planned out by him day to member states. according to available information, the operation of the armed forces of ukraine and the cursed region was prepared with the involvement of the security agencies of the us. britain in poland. military advisors from nato countries are helping with the coordination of the invading units and with the use of western weapons by the ukrainians. so both the
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united states and kia, if they indeed very much like that, the world's attention on brushes attention when it comes to that to is glued. and that the spotlight is all the events here in the course region. because elsewhere on other parts of the front, it's not that bright for kids at tool, basically outside of the genetic region. now the premium forces have been fully back and they have been losing ground and losing tear sheets at a pace greater than all of the last g as c as well. the latest report coming in right now, confirming that one woman was killed by a ukrainian drug and a dropped explosives on a civilian car in the code region. earlier we were talking with a full my us apple food kind of kind of current crypt cowski. she says, 2nd players and washington, well, well aware of the ukrainian incursion into comes 1st and i don't believe that the us was as surprised by this invasion as they say they are. i don't,
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i don't think that the, i think elements of united states, a different department of defense and intelligence community were aware of it. i think they're trying to push russia into an over reaction or a kind of response in ukraine that would revive nato enthusiasm for supporting ukraine. because we know that enthusiasm is, is a drawing up. the money is drawing up and the willingness to support ukraine in this saddle is, is diminishing. we know from the very beginning, from even before 2014, that the united states has been heavily involved in every aspect of ukraine's politics and it's military and the strategic and tactical decisions that ukraine makes. so we already know the united states is directly involved and has been they, the state sees ukraine is a battering ram with which to beat russia. that's been their goal from the very
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beginning. well, as your crane fails in the quarter of scrooge and off the developing a bulk of resources that the russian army is making, a breakthrough in don't bass. just recently taking the settlement of john roy about as a key logistics hub in a ton of across skills inside and now create new officials, sounding viola. under such circumstances, the occupation of elk grove is a matter of the near future until our roads is living out. it stays, it looks as if we are giving up on the donut screeching the fits of minutes. your operations of the 11th year of the will, the lands on which thousands of ukrainians laid down their lives for ukraine. the situation is very tense and it is getting worse, while po cross still has 2 weeks according to calculations. myrna grad does not have that time. murnet grad has only a few days left. maybe a day to 3. for the 2014 code for cross was called cross the ar may sc,
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named after the sylvia. for the army which defeats it did not sees it as one of the cranes main defensive strongholds as a key logistics help. and the don't that script public it's liberation would compromise. you craze defensive abilities and supply rooms. and it would also allow russia to liberate the ends, higher regions. ukrainian soldiers on now reporting that there are loss, confused and disoriented. they're getting less, i mean, they're shooting them before losing a lot of manpower and the machine are recreating. and fighters have reported that russian of forces have really amplified their minds since that encouraged and leaving many wondering what the points of the incursion walls. and one thing about everyone seems to agree on now. even western mainstream media is that it worked in russia's favor. russian soldiers are still grinding their way through. ukrainian defense is capturing villages and towns and bringing mosque out closer to the stated goal of complete control of the domestic region in eastern ukraine. on monday,
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russian troops appeared to have captured nearly all the town of new york entered nearby tourist and were encroaching on the logistical hub of poke rask. it seems like campbell's bank in a rush or a band and in all of its positions and jumping. so course defense supposedly allowing a break foot for ukraine bought so according to soldiers and military experts. that assumption was once again faulty, despite the successes of defenders in the curse region, the russians have not yet transferred their troops on mass from here said ukraine's 40 seven's mechanized brigade. its main strength force remains. have, on the other hand, did move its troops from don't ask and hide. it goes where the fiercest battles are on the way. and the financial times has reported that ukraine sent over $10000.00 soldiers, including many of its elite airborne forces and to mechanize brigades, to course. and it's all begs the question, was it worth? it certainly doesn't look like it. and so it was
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a great new complet continues to escalate. india is probably minutes, don't know, rangel mode. he is headed to poland and then you crane in hopes of finding a road map to peace. we'll have that report up now to watch the india correspondence is really to ensure in the, especially confirmed prime minister in the range of motives visiting ukraine. a new we've pointed, remember last month from municipal having to move the walls and law school to meet president fulton with this client. i'm a video friend. now, the upcoming visits by the engine to i'm going to store is seen as an ultimate balancing yet by india. this also is a landmark in historic visit since this will be the 1st time that an indian 5 minutes to really be visiting ukraine in more than 30 years. since the diplomatic relations were established between the countries on our part, india continues to engage with all the stakeholders and some of the,
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as i had conversations with leaders of both russia and ukraine, as you know in time to start, also visited our shop. recently the new is willing to provide all possible support and contribution required to help find the solutions to this complex issue. you're saying the manager, this child, when they get an interest by engaging both with the west, so as well as russia, a reflection of its new ones position of neutrality in del sol as the leading voice of the global south, advocating for peace and stability being very well aware, the best spot of the was the most effective by the ravages of the conflicts the west is engaged in. can we altogether ticket positive approach so that the voice of the global south is raised in this back for the future? let us together get recognition for 2 thirds of humanity. body has spoken to this case several times since the war broke off is also met him twice during g 7
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summit's. last day, are the lens scheme wanted to be invited to india for the g 20 summit funding that was hosting india, north and white tim lensky, invited 5 minutes and arrange a movie for the the song. so yeah, this aaron, switzerland prime minister maureen's movie, did not go. now. this has led to some believe the india is the ukraine, while the fact to the mass of remains that's simply true. in new approach, no new delhi has been of the center of march western criticism. why? because india did not condemn russia for the war. new queen also into his continued his in gaithersburg with moscow, the spies west infections. what are they doing? i'm grateful for the attention you paid to the most acute problems, including trying to find ways to resolve the ukrainian crisis a peaceful way. first of all,
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i was happy that we both could share opinions on you green with an open mind and in detail. we respectful listen to each other in days, ready to provide support for the restoration of peace. i was very happy to listen to your opinions on it is i assure you, in the global community that in your favor space, after listening to my friend, president pushing, i'm hopeful for peace. all this to pay is against the backdrop of need to need is meeting in washington. read, came the narrative that russia is isolated when charles war and margie of national leaders meeting with zalesky. he's help it shows the reading from minister having president, poor thing, know soleski labels. this wizard, sliding from minnesota in law school is a she only disappointment to living there mean things, it's a ton of list asking defendants for this policy. you must understand that india has long standing relationship with russia that is based on which other different goods,
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you know, most people are, were all the country that have the freedom of choice. it is essential for everybody to be mindful off a man, a put a shape such realities. this was, it also comes in the bad job of an escalation and the russia ukraine conflict. now remember those who even a few lead also been bolts to must go and give since the beginning of the war or want to was yours ago in the us. foreign policy has reactivated a negotiated statement, which is accepted to both policies as a priority. with this, with it knowing the more the would be hoping to bring that one step closer. a deliberate choice to support terrorism. but there's a charge levied on key if by the alliance officer held states we're talking about molly. but again, a fast low and the chair, they all filed a joint complaint to the un security council. and what comes after you create
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a new official method key as involved when did a recent attack by all kind of link militants on molly and forces on pmc, wagner soldiers, the 3 african states, all stress, the key of activities are threat to peace and the entire reach we are sending you this letter to denounce the open and assume support of the government of the republic of ukraine for international terrorism in particular in the saw how these acts also constitute a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states. a characterized aggression on all countries. we call on the security council to take responsibility for ukraine's deliberate choice to support the scourge of terrorism . the rejection of which is unanimous internationally in all its forms and manifestations. in this list, how does the fall semester with the some of the comments office folks report it citizens who has admitted collaboration with harvard rambles in the northern marty
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. this the house state say that those call is full glass statements, are confirmed by that you created an investigator to cynical as well openly and without the slightest doubt expressed. he's country support to full international tubes, and particularly in this a how these and the mattress is it is even worse that these senior ukraine and officials of publicly announced as the results to come. what do you mean by how you craze? military intelligence recently claim to have had a role in the mass of i'm just killed russian slices, operating along side not in forces in monte. and that so kind of assessing has no spot to be is the parts of africa must become a proxy will. so as a result of the craze, but off to seeing that to me as a touch of different logic ties with friends, became a fossil continued to be violent attack. and of course, expressing itself strong disapproval of the praise attack kills has back track for his own state goods. shuffle the fact that the rebels received the necessary
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information that allowed them to conduct a successful operation against the russian war criminals. the whole world has already seen this and principal, this can be commented on. we certainly will not disclose any details, but let's say there will be a continuation it is due the transitional government, the republic of molly has decided to sell a diplomatic relations with ukraine without conducting the photo study of the facts and circumstances of the incident in northern molly, as well as without providing any evidence of ukraine's involvement in the specified events village. so from orleans in potato, if possible, also comes just a week off the ukraine said russia influenced molly and easy to cut to come out to the ties which you have saved. that's a miss a. and molly's decision a, the older still will not me to by those countries alone is sitting, waiting that russia had had those decisions have a listen to this. and it was the low. so it was the to ukraine,
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has expressed its position on these decisions by molly, in the chair, we decided to cancel all of his actions against the supporters of international terrorism. this is a part of the russian narrative russian propaganda creating this image as if you crane is involved in some kind of terrorism. these 2 countries have made their decisions in a haste and not far sighted manner, and without providing any essential evidence without studying the cause. we all understand perfectly well that these countries, 3rd ties with the russia. how much of these countries depends on russia. of course, we understand that these decisions were made not only by these countries incident, bosco's position has been very clear from the beginning, and it stands firm and its support for all initiators aimed at combating terrorism added, put in such action every form and context. in fact, he has what the far and the phase spoke to me and has said off to his use to cut ties with care of the settling of diplomatic relations with ukraine by the 2nd
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african country already clearly demonstrates the growing understanding by the continent states of the terrorist nature of the key of regime moscow has repeatedly drawing the attention of the international community to the relevant facts. as you can just imagine, what the reaction of the width would have been like, or even the mainstream media, if for things where the other way around and as many a car into saying it is talking about that ukraine, his actions and as the top of ne, strongly even widely condemned by the international community to another stock in case of double standards in the dealings with t of and moscow. indeed. and as these african countries f insane ukraine has violated the sovereignty of african states. and the international community is not doing anything about that very disappointing factor. so you can see that try so hard just to get support from africa was supporting terrorism at the same time over to 11 on now where one person is reportedly being killed in
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a targeted adf. drones drive in southern lebanon, according to lebanese officials, are the drone hit a car and set it on file. several people have been wounded in the strike. it comes off earlier, wednesday, the militant wing of his blah launched a by roger of rock is towards northern israel. to the idea of size, overall costs were intercepted by the nation's iron. doug, while folding debris damaged civilian homes or israel and has bought have traded near daily strikes hold in 10 months. exchanges have killed more than 500 people and 11 on an over 40 people in israel. meanwhile, antony blinking has wrapped up a to original states while in egypt and cut out of the us. secretary of state reiterated the washington supports is where you for its part cut out of re if of this commitment to mediate the gaza pace towards. and we have some side side to the professor of peace studies and human rights of egypt, japan and university. he said america seems to proceed with geo political goals in
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the middle east through israel the us. and so i agree on one thing. they want the story, thomas, we want the story, the earring, and look you program. you want to the story also has belong. so all the spoke about the fees and the discussion, but i was just, you know, kind of the pipe dreams and book. it shouldn't be sure that american diplomacy is doing something actually american diplomacy. so enough is they just want to book the area and also send the message to the public opinion. then i can speak to a general side. joe is video working for peace and the use box for a buyer does. and just the glancing on the policy that make it easy is just take all money all towards the middle east. so that imperialist, the themes are utilized. meantime, protests breaking out in israel as orthodox jews,
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squared off with the police. the demonstrations were organized at the idea of seeking more con scripts for the war on gaza. this report now filed from the said without a contributor, roby, but on the, to jerusalem. on the induction center, they also want to ask, choose from. so you saw me to is added to the blocking traffic. the trying to store the election center where against this database really i would rather live under a possibly a government law against induction into the army. even on the authorized service centers. they say they'd rather dive and go into the army the
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over the past year. there's been a lot of conflict between the different branches of government. did you additional, the legislative executive and the traditional courts have ruled that also have like shoes, do have to be conscripted into the army. so there was lost or decided and the court has now been stored on the streets of jerusalem, television to various and other cities throughout the country. they have in the army units that can be made compatible products or orthodox jews such as met you the uh, but the hard core of towards docs will not accept any kind of compromise. any kind of time is spent away from the study. and so is not considered acceptable to them. so no one really knows which direction is heading right now. there's a lot of fighting on the streets to prevent the, as your facts from being conscripted into the idea of this is robbie been reporting
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from jerusalem. stay side now with pro palestinian protest erupt on the 2nd 9 to the democratic national convention in chicago on the demonstration is gathering outside the is really comfortable in the city, waving public opinion, flags and accounting was difficult because naturally established with police led to several arrest now at the beginning of the day, the heat was turning off as a us flag, right, that was sent on by the oldest comes doesn't come of ours is officially become the us democratic presidential nominee. however, a platform includes a host of promises, but what's written as quote, job items. second time you're going to read and course how that mix up on our website. because the china has a choose the united states of being the world's biggest nuclear stress. from the
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united states, which has the largest advance nuclear office install permission to use the policy of nuclear deterrence based on the 1st use of nuclear weapons she to as it keeps invested in large quantities in upgrading its nuclear fly out and open the adapting nuclear deterrent strategies to apply them to other countries meet us is the largest global creator of strategic risk in a nucleus, right? so these comments are coming off of the new york times, citing a classified document revealed joe biden approved a secret nuclear strategy, re focusing on a so called china, right. this was back in may, over now to our correspond donald quarter, picking up the story a well looks like a recent article from the new york times has out of the white house for approving a big classified upgrade to washington's nuclear strategy. back in march. apparently, jo biden's worries that china is growing nuclear arsenal could rival that of the united states. something that donald trump and nato have both worn devout in the past. on top of that,
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jo biden's apparently really worried that beijing might begin to coordinate its nuclear forces with those of russia and the dpr case own growing nuclear arsenal. something that would effectively render the us as ability for nuclear deterrence obsolete. now the senior director of arms control and non proliferation. also apparently a reference this document back in june when he said that the united states had to step up its deterrence efforts against exactly that same multi polar trio. after all, according to the new york times, vladimir putin has threatened time and time again to use nuclear weapons and ukraine. even though every thing the russian president has said about russia's nuclear doctrine, completely contradicts that. when it comes to nuclear escalation, we never started this rhetoric, we simply said it shouldn't be taken more seriously. and they immediately started talking about us brandishing nuclear weapons. we are not, that's the 1st thing. secondly, on the use and non use of such weapons. russia has
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a nuclear doctor and everything is written there now uses possible in an exceptional case, in the event of a threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. i do not believe that such a case has arisen, but this doctrine is a living instrument and we are closely watching what is happening in the world and around us. and we do not rule out making some changes to this doctrine. what was the rest as president has reiterated time and time again, that is countries, nuclear dr. and is purely defensive. so this paranoid about a group of multi polar nuclear power is ganging up on the us is only likely to stoke the very same nuclear confrontation that washington claims to be trying to deter. and i've been talking about this with the optic contributor call jar, and he says it's quite interesting. he says that might be a hidden reason for leaking this highly classified document. first of all, why is this news being beat to the fast?
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this is supposed to be a top secret classified documents, but yet these are the pinnacle officials were once it arrives to talk to the past. i mean, this a nuclear intimidation, a new cable blackmail. china actually has a public policy of no 1st ride policy, which means china will be not, not be the 1st country to use nuclear weapon war. united states, on the other hand, do not have a never committed to a new 1st strike. no 1st strike policy. what's really happening is pentagon currently just propose a trillion dollar budget for updating us nuclear weapons and delivery system. you heard that right? trillion dollar was a t t. so they're already preparing the public to accept this march increase in the us military budget. i mean it's, this is always a file chris and finally continued to fund the money to the us military. industrial complex. oh, i don't have to contribute college are wrapping up this. how has program here in
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the us international life? probably most of the entire odds. he needs to be, it's thanks for sharing assigned with us. i quoted canada, how about me here at the desk at home and i was talking, i hope you'll be around to join him, the, to take a fresh look around as a life kaleidoscopic. isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures, design to simplify all confused. really once a better wills and is it just as a chosen for you, fractured images, present it is. but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the
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hello and welcome to cross ok. we're all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle. zalinski says kemp does not want to prolong the war and make it last for years. is even suggested using intermediaries to achieve that and at the same time camp please. for greater nato involvement. as usual, zalinski is steps between a rock and a hard place, the cross knocking ukraine. i'm joined by my guest, den cabal, looking pits.


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