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tv   Perspective  RT  August 21, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EDT

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can be made compatible browser or less choose such as and that's definitely the uh, but the hard core of towards docs will not accept any kind of compromise. any kind of time is spent away from the study and so is not considered acceptable to them. so no one really knows which direction is heading right now. there's a lot of fighting on the streets to prevent the source that's from being conscripted into the idea of this is robbie been reporting from jerusalem. and i went to the us now web pro policy and protest rotten food on the 2nd night of the democratic national convention in chicago. the, the, the gathered outside is very close to the city wayne being policy and flags and sounding words of support from 1000 a stand off with police to several arrest at the beginning of the day. 10 says what
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high as a us fly was set on fire or lose cause comalla. how does has a physically be named the democratic presidential nominee united states? how of the hub program include the number of pledges, but what is referred to as jo biden's 2nd to, to get more on introducing the democratic campaign. so all the dot com, the china has accused the us of being the world's biggest nuclear for us. from the united states, which has the largest advance nuclear, also installed and leave us to the policy of nuclear deterrence based on the 1st use of nuclear weapons. because it keeps investing large funds in upgrading its nuclear triad and openly adoption nuclear deterrent strategies to apply them to other countries. the u. s. is the largest global creator of strategic risk,
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a nuclear threats. now these comments come off of the new times, so i t a transfer i don't could route reveal with joe by an approved a 6 foot nucleus strategy. really focusing on a so called chinese threats in may. oh, think it was almost done and pulled up as a star. well, it looks like a recent article from the new york times has out of the white house for approving a big classified upgrade to washington's nuclear strategy back in march. apparently, jo biden's worries that china is growing nuclear arsenal could rival that of the united states. something that donald trump and nato have both worn developed in the past. on top of that, jo biden's apparently really worried that beijing might begin to coordinate its nuclear forces with those of russia and the dpr case own growing nuclear arsenal. something that would effectively render the us his ability for nuclear deterrence obsolete. now the senior director of arms control and non proliferation. also
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apparently a reference this document back in june when he said that the united states had to step up its deterrence efforts against exactly that same multi polar trio. after all, according to the new york times, vladimir putin has threatened time and time again to use nuclear weapons and ukraine. even though every thing the russian president has said about russia's nuclear doctrine completely contradicts that means when it comes to nuclear escalation, we never started this rhetoric. we simply said it shouldn't be taken more seriously . and they immediately started talking about us brandishing nuclear weapons. we are not, that's the 1st thing. secondly, on the use and non use of such weapons. russia has a nuclear doctor and everything is written there that uses possible in an exceptional case. in the event of a threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, i do not believe that such a case has arisen. but this doctrine is a living instrument. and we are closely watching what is happening in the world and
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around us. and we do not rule out making some changes to this doctrine was rushed as president has reiterated time and time again, that is countries, nuclear dr. and is purely defensive. so this paranoid about a group of multi polar nuclear power is ganging up on the us is only likely to stoke the very same nuclear confrontation that washington claims to be trying to deter. i'm next door is what i now here's on this thing to but will be back how the top of the out the let us buy for the ideals we hold there. and let us always remember when we buy when well, at the end of this week, vice president of commer harris will be nominated for the highest office in the land by the democratic national committee. the state, not a single vote being cast for her in this selection. now the media might be
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accepting of this, but are the american people i'm sky now. hughes, and this is prospective the just before the democratic national convention began. the pars platform was released to the public. now it begins with a land acknowledgment declaring the convention is being held on land once belonging to native americans. it is critical of companies which they claim are guilty of price gouging, defense, surgery and drug treatment for transgender youth. without specifying the age at which children should be provided, such surgeries and states, we must continue to secure the us southern border now on their national stage. the platform opposes russia, but does not talk about peace talks and either ukraine or the middle east and take
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that credit for the turing. the hands these. and then what i consider to be a very bold move. the platform actually boast that president biden ended america's longest war bringing our troops home from afghanistan. there are several other traditional democratic positions in the platform, but what is surprisingly missing is the mention of the issue of transgender sports . and the question of biological males participating in women sporting act varies as was the support for president biden's recent plans to reform the supreme court by imposing term limits. but the platform is just one part of the parties happening in chicago. as the final goal is to show solidarity behind the newly formed campaign team of commer harris and tim wants. so let's discuss this with event as a debit card and i should mention with our as the the panel. you have steve malls burg, political analyst and talk show host dr van mosley managing partner all the things
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ville landmark, l o. c, and your mile tom? is it political commentator and radio has thank you so much for joining me, gentlemen. i know all of your probably just as tired as i am after staying up until late in the night watching all of the events that are happening at the dnc these past 2 days. but i wanna actually go back to monday and the current president and the one who has been on the ballot for this campaign season. it was a very emotional entrance. and at one point and bite his speech, he lost his train of thoughts and the crowd just beginning cheering. thank you, joe. many times he stumbled over his words. where am i? for an hour, electrical, we're not, not allowed. there's not without electric electoral or political power, the kidney dr. mobile here, the new one to the stage i wrote start off with you. did president biden do the job he was supposed to do? and tell americans make them feel comfortable in their vote for commer harris. know
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what he did is he reminded them that the democratic party had nominated the man who can barely speak to the president. and then um, and then also the, the, the democratic party which cries out for democracy had in fact undermined the democratic process by marching and to against amanda denominated the president and imposing a universally disliked candidate is harris jamal. a lot of the criticism is coming off of president biden speech, while some have said it was a hero's good by. lot of you said it was kind of like he was giving his own eulogy for his own political funeral. do you agree with how the present body did he give a good lasting impression? the final impression, the probably the american people have of him. well, it sounds like 2 things were taking place. um, i radically disagree with the last um,
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with the last guess look to buy and basically gave an affirmation of his agenda. i mean, i'm not a democrat, but it sounded like 2 things were taking place. one, it was a send off for joe biden, and part of it was thank you joe for stepping down because we were going to get crushed. and you did not. i'm also looking very clear. there's no such thing as you're buying voters. there are people who would vote for a job, i do if it was a dead cold body and they would still boat for, they had to be beside it. but i think the price of that is the moment the job i get out the race immediately. it went over to kamala and immediately her numbers went up with a certain amount of momentum. yes, she's voiding talking to the press. but again, when donald trump was in a similar position, donald trump did the exact same thing. if you remember after the donald trump crushed or by the met debate that popped elliptic debate, what's happened? job i started getting medium out in the live, but basically media and trump was nowhere to be found. he basically said,
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if they're going to eat him alive, i would let them eat him alive, but don't need to be a part of this particular process. well, same difference. the media is giving her a glo. um, it was almost like so leaving a body all of a condemnation that they have a job i magically banish the moment the job i dropped out and bothers, took over. she would take credit for everything that is positive and she would try to defer. oh, at the very least, leave behind everything that's not and the media is giving her pass on it. so she's using media and what be giving her to get as far as you can up to the point of the election. well, i think we all present. i agree that the media gives her a lot and that's why we're bring malls we're getting, because steve looks a lot at what's going on in the media and the coverage of it. were you surprised to see comma harris making appearance on the 1st night? it's extremely unusual. i mean, trump came in and went over to the box. he showed that he was still there is had the band aid on his he or do you think it's odd to have she actually grabs a microphone up on stage and she spoke before everybody pretty much out on the
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prime time. she used that moment to think by it, and she said this, i want to kick us off by celebrating our incredible president joe biden. joe's thank you for your historical leadership, for your lifetime of service during nation, and for all you will continue to do. we are forever grateful to you. okay sir. they forever grateful to him. are there more grateful that he got out of the way with enough time for them to get the name change on the ballot. steve, a. well, i think the, the sick irony here is that now she did not get one vote and i loved the less than they say, oh yeah, the people, the primaries voted for the ticket now they invo for the ticket. her name was not on the ballot at all, but that's beside the point. also, reportedly she was instrumental because when they went to joe biden, reportedly and said, joe, you got a go, they implied or said, come a little invoke the 25th amendment. if you don't,
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so there you go. uh so there she is not, i'm not surprised. she came out. i mean, i don't have a problem with that. i have a problem with saying her not doing a press conference or an interview for, you know, 30 days or more is the same. is donald trump, in the immediate aftermath of the debate, backing off for a day or 2. i mean that, that, that's, that i don't get that analogy at all. donald trump wasn't running away. donald trump was letting them still in his own juices, which is smart politics counselor knows she'll get cooperative. she does a fair interview or a fair, a prayer press conference because she doesn't know anything. well, that's everything mentioned fair because now we know that com a harris is backing out of the, the actual debate that was going to happen on fox news from all i want to get you in here. but at the same time, kind of look at dr. dr. mobar, i'm going to ask, you know, big you know, should harris, it's really hard to try to distance herself and take down and say that she's going to create a different ministration when it's still hers. currently. so we're democrats, as,
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as was pointed out by jamal, were democrats project in a party or the person at the top of the ticket, which caused harris replaced by it. and at the top a, well, i think the, what they were doing is they were responding to some very bad numbers that they knew that they were gonna lose. they're still going to lose. um, but what, what do you have there is, uh, and i agree that for democrats it doesn't matter to you, but at the job you can put a dead dog or we used to say in alabama where i grew up the yellow dog. so if you can put a yellow dog up, you can put up whoever you want. but then i would say, why would that be tomorrow? i mean, you know, tomorrow is associated with these. they all policies. if they're not her, she was in the room where they were adopted, they're not working. the american people have rejected them. she's in a very bad position and i think the bundle of contradictions, it is, the modern democratic party will collapse before the elections. i'm looking for donald trump to do very well, and you do things. well, that's the thing jamal,
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because you have to order how much the democrats, you know, they sound raw, they're definitely showing more energy for her. the nation over by didn't even all the way back to 2020, but they didn't even revamp the dnc policy platform for comma. it's still talked about bite and 2nd term. none of commas were a few things we know about her economic policies that she just rolled out are included. so does this make it hard to separate from the high inflation failed by the nomics of a bite in harris tickets when it's still the party platform as stated in voted on just a few days ago? well, got kind of agree with you. i don't think she's trying to do this hard separation from joe biden, per se in for it looks, it doesn't seem like it. um, it seems like what she's basically trying to do to be granted. she gets in, there's only a few months left over and i have to disagree with you gets it is exactly the same thing. the double front that many to you can take a perspective of something that is good for america, which is true, which is, yeah,
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you should have more debates. yes. you be active talking to the media or you can take a perspective of what is in your personal best interest. my point is that either what the debates in the primary, what donald trump decided that is to be lee. i don't need to get into the debates because of math in my personal best interest. i am winning by 40 points. i can only go down so no, i'm not going to debate the status and the healy. and he took the policy all the way through the primaries where he eventually wednesday. personally, i'm pointing out that with donald trump, with the exact same position, which he took something that was his advantage. he took that advantage whether it was after dividing, get eaten alive, or for that matter in the debates. the difference now is again, manifestly like true, which brings guessing, the one that we i live. it's what i'm not a fan to compile hurts, and i agree with all of you that there was a trip of media that took place where up to the point where she got it, and it was well clearly, kamala harris can't be the person. clearly,
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kamala hertz is the worst case scenario, and then she gets in and all of us like, oh my god, she's the greatest thing up. but that's the obama to point out. but that has translated into a certain middle, and you can see it from, with joe bite was what it was part of, what i mean. the reason bennett's pollution got involved is because so many democrats for coming to nashville looks, it says, i'm going to lose. we're going to lose all these levels. we're going to lose their seats. they expect that donald trump to beat joe biden, even winning the popular level, which i don't remember the last time the republican went to popular. okay, but tomorrow, let me apologize. i thought the reason why it was they were worried about his health. i thought that was what we were told the word about you about his mental state in his health was the reason why they took him off the valid couple. and even if i missed the interview, there are the fact basically saying that they were deeply concerned that the loss was going to be a pot to look dick. and that he was gonna basically take down the democratic party with them in which case he gets out tomorrow hes comes in 11 like it's a campaign about julie and of course a $1000000000.00 i guess what,
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what is the just the close at the very end of the day, regardless of what i think about them, all harris at least sweats, that it does see that she is develop a certain momentum that just was not there, which will bite in july, right? you get the african american vote. you have the young vote that was going to trump, like all of these demographics seem to be moving in a particular direction, but it seem to be changed. what color is it? will it last for us? okay, donald trump the, when you go over a glib, well, that's an interesting way of putting on that talking about going over quick. i'm going to take a break because i know that steve is over there, filled with joy right now, and he wants to express his joy. so hold on, we're going to get through the break, dr. rober jamal steve. they're right there because when we come back, well, there are plenty of news where the headlines being produced from inside the united center. the activity outside is also grabbing some of the attention. we're going to continue our discussion with our very joyous panel after the break, the
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welcome back to perspective on your host scouting now he's now the democratic national committee will it kicked off on monday as a gaza protest to threaten to overshadow a week of what the democrats were hoping to be a show of unity for vice president commer harris as a parties nominee for president. now this is similar to other less leaning groups, getting creative in their marketing and incentives to show the part of their support. so discuss all this. i want to bring back in the car and to this
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conversation, our panel, steve mazda, our critical analyst, and talk, show host the joy of self himself. doctor van mobley managing partner, old things. so landmark, l. o. c. and of course, inter mall, thomas political commentator and radio has thank you so much for joining me gentlemen. i mean, it's been an interesting week, obviously, a few weeks ago as the are and see now it's time to put the spotlight on the dnc. oddly enough, i'm hearing a lot of talk about trumpet back. i feel like most the media is still talking about trump because that's what they're hearing on stage. but one of the people, i was actually surprised to be one of the 1st to really bring up his name was hillary clinton, after the assassination attempt on donald trump, there was present or by the he came out and actually called for a lowering of political temperatures. but hillary clinton, monday night at the dnc, said this as a prosecutor, pamela locked up murderers and drug traffickers. she will never rest
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in defense of our freedom and safety. donald trump, fellow sleigh bed is on trial. and when he woke up, he made is the kind of history, the 1st person to run for president, with 34 felony convictions, the her grin. set it all steve mart malls where you know that crowd cheering lock him up was very reminiscent of the trump rallies as well as the r and c in 2016, which one of the famous lines were chanting walker up referencing hillary clinton. so do you think this is lowering the temperature, or is this fair game for all of the democrats? it's fair game and they don't have any desire to lower the temperature. i mean, you said joe biden, you know, said though we should, we should come together as a nation. he says that of one side of his mouth. and then he says, you know, beat the hell out of them and i'd like to take them behind the gym and beat the
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hell out of. i mean that the crazy and they're the ones who promote violent rhetoric yet cory, booker, say, my testosterone makes me want to punch them in the face. yeah, robert de niro, who did ads for joe biden say, i'd like to punch them. uh, yeah. had you know, the maxine waters they get their face don't think give them any rest about trumps cabinets that goes on and on and on. and on. schumer well, you know, you won't know what hit you go aside. you won't know what hit you cannot. uh, i mean they're, they're, they're the ones with the violent rhetoric and the media makes believe it, it never happened. but hillary was getting her little revenge good. she had a little moment this thought you got a good standing ovation. i will say that. but went by and came out, you know, and spoke, you know, all he did, he, we only did was lie and the media lets them line and that's the problem here. they have to fight back on the lies. he doesn't say he's going to ban unfortunately, says the opposite. he doesn't say he's good and social security and medicare. he says the opposite. he didn't say they'd be a blood bath if he loses. he was talking about economically and he never did say
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good people on both sides with references to nazis and white supremacist 50 seconds later on prompted in the same video, same press conference, you said. and of course i'm not talking about the white supremacists in the neo nazis. they should be condemned always. so the whole thing is a fantasy. the whole thing is a force enabled by the media. well, it's a, this is how can i say, i even had a friend today and to me they touched me so there's so much love here compared to the hate. i saw the r and c. and i asked him just to look outside his hotel window because they're in chicago, public safety and security, you know, still a top creation of voters mind. but in chicago, where the d n c is being held, 30 people were shot justice last weekend, 5 were killed. so i gotta ask you, doctor mosley, do democrats address this issue and how i mean, typically they look to the availability of guns as the issue. however, chicago was a city with one of the strictest sets of gun laws. well, well, once again, it's part of the contradictions that they're involved in that they really benefit
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of. i think from the end they attempt to use the violence as an intimidation factor . but in this case, the american people are tired of it. you know, the attacks on drop by the railroading and driven forward system didn't work when brighton was the president. it won't work when tamala, paris is the nominee. they haven't changed anything other than the digital or head of their uh, mob. more so than a party these days and they're going to, they're going to separate the dental, the board. the people are going to vote for drop because they do like as policies use a successful president, and we can't stand anymore. the failures that have been generated by, by been harris whether or not they're good, bad, or indifferent as people here. it's interesting and talked about the protest, everything goes on jamal. i know you want to address this, and i want to give you the opportunity because there are these large protests that are happening outside the tightly secure d n c. and that would be those actually protesting the bite in harris. i think it's
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their wishy washy dual support not sticking to one side of both sides in this cause a conflict should have the protesters, tacoma harris's choice of a running mate, reassigned that she's probably more on the press on the side of the palestinians. therefore, why are they protesting the answers? no, absolutely not. um, look at it. yeah. but let me start a different place now and just to the blank. no, come out of harris is show no distinction between job id and any of the policies that you're buying is done with. then the reality of it is business happening on your bike. i don't really care this idea of what they do in this situation. this is happening under democratic president, and if you're okay with $17000.00 kids being murdered under a democratic president, and then you know, it's like this notion that, well, trump is going to be worse yet, but you've been trying this type of behavior basically saying it is okay, for a democratic president, the paving, the slate. so no, i don't think kamala harris has done anything. they act like she's gone broke book,
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even though she's only articulated a policy of july. but one thing, and it may surprise you and this, hillary clinton is fascinated to give that speech of i would agree with both of you that they did try to real real donald trump in those criminal trials. the idea that they're saying that they don't have to even choose the primary crime that they're trying to convict donald trump with whether it's a pc validation attack validation. basically you choose whatever time you want and then take that and pivot um say that this was a pursuant of something else of that larger crime and want to use a business record hush when he payment. the point stock is what they used to basically go after the president of the united states story clinton. and i'm glad you play that clip. if you remember, hillary clinton, the exact same thing. she ends up getting a dossier she puts on. if the legal expense, she's in new york, when it happens, the f b c gets verified, everything's fine. nobody says anything, nobody can press,
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prosecute hillary clinton with all the top to turn around and say, oh this is a violation that maybe we can put donald trump, the prison that is outside, just that it's a little intervention into the political system. and then basically kind of river of the political opponent by the same token, this notion of violence need for god's sake. um, i would totally agree with you the political, valid solution that people define conflict. they weren't january 6, we shouldn't people put cops in the, in the hospital and everything else. i agree with you on that totally. i don't want to see that any of those protests, whether it is for a democratic calls or what this 4 calls the republicans. grandma was talking about, another kind of process. i don't know, i would just go in something absolutely no. most, you know, i, i live in this, but most of my mini, my neighbors are democrats and they're wonderful people and they're general people when they don't agree with violence or anything along those lines. yeah. which is why com was in familiars, ms. harris is in deep trouble because their party is the party now
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a violent demonstrations. well that there's a valid doing restrictions, you know, i, while i have you on your doctor, mostly planned parenthood actually decided to create a but i wanna get your take on this real quick because free best activities as well as abortion medications at the day and see i mean, they can understand that abortions are winning issue for them, but do you think this is a good marketing strategy? you know, i know because once again i just go back to uh, you know, many democrats, no one is, rejoices at an abortion. and then that's the same for many democrats as well. so that sort of thing is not gonna fly very well. football across the street, you can get a free. i haven't heard of free taco if you've got a stack to me. so i mean, then that's kind of how i feel like they're cheapening not only the health care services being provided in real quick steve before i let you go. last last question for 2025 is being projected by the trump tower. once again, trump is denounced that does that not? once again bring trump into the conversation, shouldn't there be focus on getting the brand of harris being the priority?
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well absolutely, but they're going to attack trump and again it's a lie because like you said, he's disassociated himself from it but they keep bringing it up by the way these protesters pro how mos pro hum us think about that. it's like pro nazi. they're not just protesters, they beat up cops, you have the at the for monday nights they broke down barriers. they're just drawing businesses pro, hob moss, and that right there is i'm going to have to end it because we can do a whole show and exactly, and you know what? you just gave me an idea for and i want to thank you all 3 of you for joining me today on this conversation. we will continue it because there's gonna be a lot more content as this election year continues. your job. i attended as far as the and c in the city of miami and 1972. he was a spectator. his 12th is in 2020 was hardly traditional as horn honked, applauding his acceptance of an invitation. and the country at that point was in the midst of a global pandemic. now at his 13th present body has one job,
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and that was convincingly pass the torch. decala harris, after only serving a single term, is the energy just for show. this is a party that 4 years ago was quick to cut their now nominee as even an option pretty soon into the right, the same party that to try to portray a more moderate party to attract trump the factors. yeah, one of the more progressive members of the senate and now the governor is now going to try to be there to leaders by the end of this week by them will be just a blip in the history books. however, the events, the found him replaced forever hard. any democrats running for office as a possibility that could happen to them. but hey, that's just my perspective on sky now. here's thanks for watching the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the full 1400 you put in the soldiers dead. 300 in the past 24 hours, the bad ring losses and believes immensely. there's incursion into russia. as you, as a mint is being focused, i think the fear when it comes to what they're longer term objectives are here. that's something that we're still discussing to the voice that outlay. the gates you play is several, west african nations submit


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